staad project

Determination of Stress Range for DE Bridge #771 Using Staad Pro 2004 Greg Callahan University of Missouri-Columbia Advisor: Prof. Mertz Submitted to: NSF-REU, University of Delaware Civil Engineering Dept. August 12, 2005

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Determination of Stress Range for DE Bridge #771 Using Staad Pro 2004

Greg Callahan University of Missouri-Columbia

Advisor: Prof. Mertz

Submitted to: NSF-REU, University of Delaware Civil Engineering


August 12, 2005

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................. 2 Abstract ....................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction................................................................................................................. 5 Background................................................................................................................. 6 Methods and Procedures ........................................................................................... 15 Data Analysis and Discussion................................................................................... 22 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 24 Acknowledgements................................................................................................... 25 References................................................................................................................. 26

Appendix A....................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................... 29 Load Case 1....................................................................................................................... 30 Load Case 2....................................................................................................................... 31 Load Case 3....................................................................................................................... 32 Load Case 4....................................................................................................................... 33 Load Case 5....................................................................................................................... 34 Load Case 6....................................................................................................................... 35 Load Case 7....................................................................................................................... 36 Load Case 8....................................................................................................................... 37 Load Case 9....................................................................................................................... 38 Load Case 10..................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix C ....................................................................................................................... 40 Overpass at Shipley Road Plan and Elevation.................................................................. 41 Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. Framing Plan ............................................................ 42 Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. Deck and Approach Slabs Plan and Bar Schedule ... 43 Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. and S. B. L. Sections and Details ............................. 44 Appendix D....................................................................................................................... 45 Load Definition................................................................................................................. 46 Moving Load Generation.................................................................................................. 48 Final Generated load ......................................................................................................... 51 Appendix E ....................................................................................................................... 52 Transverse Welds.............................................................................................................. 53

Northern Side ............................................................................................................ 53 Southern Side ............................................................................................................ 54

Longitudinal Welds........................................................................................................... 55 Girder One ................................................................................................................ 55 Girder 2 ..................................................................................................................... 56 Girder 3 ..................................................................................................................... 57 Girder 4 ..................................................................................................................... 58 Girder 5 ..................................................................................................................... 59 Girder 6 ..................................................................................................................... 60

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Abstract The goal of this study is to determine stress ranges felt on Delaware Bridge #771.

This bridge contains two fatigue-sensitive details experiencing different stress ranges.

The determination of these stress ranges will be done using the structural analysis

computer program Staad.Pro 2004. In order to apply Staad, a model of DE Bridge #771

is generated and analyzed within the computer program. Ultimately, this study

determines if the fatigue-sensitive details are exposed to high enough stress levels to

cause fatigue failure and if so what the remaining fatigue life of each detail would be.

The concepts and methods used in analysis of the bridge come from studies conducted by

Dr. John Fisher of Lehigh University, AASHTO, and the NCHRP. Hopefully this study

will set forth a methodology that is easily understood and reproducible so that others can

apply similar methods of analysis to other bridges.

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Introduction Bridge fatigue can be a serious problem. If ignored, fatigue can cause sudden and

total failure of a bridge. Fatigue failure of a detail can occur at stress levels far below the

ultimate strengths of that material. Fatigue failure is dependent on time and frequency of

loading; moreover, failure occurs due to the repeated cyclic loading of a structure.

Fatigue failure is an important consideration in older bridges that have experienced a

larger number of loads cycles and are more susceptible to failure at lower stress ranges

than newer bridges that have not been exposed to as many cycles. The time it takes for a

structure to fail due to fatigue is called the fatigue life. Fatigue life can be calculated

throughout the life of a structure. Remaining fatigue life is the time remaining until

fatigue failure is

Bridge plans provide the necessary details for modeling in the computer program

Staad. Pro 2004. This program can determine the maximum and minimum stresses each

girder experiences. From these values a stress range can be determined and this can be

used to determine the remaining fatigue life of that detail. There are approximately

thirty-six bridges in the span of I-95 from Newark, Delaware to Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania if both directions are considered. The majority of these bridges are

relatively new so there is no immediate risk of fatigue failure, but determining the stress

ranges of the bridges would allow the remaining fatigue life to be calculated providing

the Delaware Department of Transportation with a predicted time of failure so the

appropriate precautions could be taken in the future.

Due to the relatively short time I spent at the University of Delaware, stress-

range calculations for all thirty-six bridges were not possible. Instead, Delaware Bridge #

771 was chosen for analysis. Bridge # 771 is a simply supported three span bridge that

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runs over Shipley Rd in the direction of Philadelphia from Wilmington. This bridge was

chosen because it has fatigue sensitive cover plates, and is very similar to a number of

highways overpass bridges. Hopefully, it will be able to act as a case study for future

analysis of similar bridges on I-95 and other highways as well as aid in further studies on

the stretch of I-95 being analyzed.

Fig 1- Delaware Bridge #771 to Philadelphia on I-95 North Bound

Background In order to understand why fatigue analysis is important, the nature and behavior

of fatigue failure must first be addressed. Fatigue is the process of cumulative damage in

a benign environment that is caused by repeated fluctuating loads and, in the presence of

an aggressive environment, is known as corrosion fatigue (Barson & Rolfe 1999).

Fatigue is a property that can be affected by a number of factors. The state of stress

carried by the structure, the geometric properties of the design, and the environment all

can influence the fatigue resistance of a structure (Barson & Rolfe, 1999). For this study

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of Delaware Bridge #771, the geometric properties of the bridge design proved to be the

largest factor for fatigue. Fatigue is an issue for fracture-critical details such as the

welded cover plates found on Bridge #771.

As set forth by the AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspection of Bridges, the

details on bridges like bridge #771 are inspected at two-year intervals for fatigue analysis.

However, neither the AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspection of Bridges, nor

Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges yielded accurate or realistic fatigue life

approximations (NCHRP 299, p 5). Due to the need to have a standard, accurate, and

reproducible method to determine the remaining fatigue life in bridges, the National

Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP, produced report 299. This report

covers procedures for fatigue evaluation of existing steel bridges, and how to design for

acceptable fatigue lives in new steel bridges.

The remaining fatigue life of a bridge is determined by analysis of bridge details.

A table of these details and classifications can be found in Appendix A. These details

create points of stress concentrations that can, and often do, result in large stress ranges

ultimately causing fatigue failure. The type of stress these details are subjected to also

influences the degree of fatigue failure. In order for a bridge detail to be considered a

fatigue detail, it must be exposed to applied tensile stresses (Mertz). This is an extremely

important concept to address before any fatigue analysis takes place. The fatigue details

on Delaware Bridge #771 consist of longitudinal welds and transverse welds that attach

cover plates to the bottom flange of the girders in the middle portion of each span.

Because these details are located on the bottom flange of a simply supported beam, they

experience tensile stress. This can be assumed because of how stresses are distributed in

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an I-Beam girder. The top flange will support compressive stresses while the bottom

flange will support the tensile forces.

Fig 2 - Cross-Section of a sample W36X135 beam found in Delaware Bridge #771. These beams have cover plates,

however, in this rendering the plate in exaggerated for viewing purposes.

As seen in Fig 2, the cover plate clearly falls below the neutral axis of the I – Beam. The

added mass to the beam increases the moment of inertia of the beam and allows the girder

to support larger moments.

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Fig 3- Moment diagram generated from the structural analysis program Staad.Pro 2004.

Figure two illustrates the moment diagram for one W36X135 girder with a bottom cover

plate. The load on the girder is a HS-15 truck, a standard fatigue truck as set forth by the

AASHTO Guide Specifications for Fatigue Evaluation of Existing Steel Bridges (1990).

The model was created in the structural analysis program Staad. Pro 2004. The sign

convention in Staad is opposite for moment diagrams, so according to the structural

analysis sign convention the maximum moment for figure two is a positive 3906 kip-in.

Another interesting property of Staad is that while the moment diagrams produced are off

by a factor of negative one, the diagrams do accurately reflect the deformed shape of the

beam under the set loading conditions. So, from figure 2 it can be concluded the bottom

flange of the beam is indeed subjected to tensile stress and therefore, the bottom flange

cover plate welds are fatigue - sensitive details. This means that Delaware Bridge #771 is

in danger of experiencing fatigue failure.

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Fatigue failure was first seen around 120 years ago by Wohler who noticed stress

concentrations and sharp angles in axle configuration of railway rolling stock that led to

failure well below the ultimate strength of the material (Barsom 16). Studies for weld

examinations in the 1930’s and later in WWII laid the initial groundwork for fatigue

design in the North America and led to the fatigue test program sponsored by the

National Cooperative Highway Research Program at Lehigh University ( Barsom 16).

Before the establishment of the NCHRP fatigue analysis was very limited based only on

small specimens and on a limited quantity of test data, this is why many existing bridges

built before 1970 have large amounts of fatigue cracking (Barsom 16). Since the

establishment of a fatigue analysis program by the NCHRP, fatigue failure has become

less and less of a problem due to standardized testing methods and continual research

yielding new information on how to predict remaining fatigue life.

This study deals with the stress ranges experienced by girders due to loading. The

stress range a girder is subjected to is a key factor in the remaining fatigue life of that

girder. The equation below is the equation used to determine remaining fatigue life as

given in NCHRP 299.

The variables above are given in the table on the next page.

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Variable Represents

Yf Finite remaining Fatigue Life

f Factor to account for difference betweallowable S-N curves: f = 1 for safe limean life

K Detail constant determined by the category of the fatigue detail

Ta Estimated lifetime average daily truck volume

C Cycles per truck passage: assumed C = 1 unless specified otherwise

Rs Reliability value associated with calculation of stress range: to determine remaining mean life Rs = 1

Sr Stress range, values determined in this study

a Age of bridge in years

Table 1 – explanation of the variables found in NCHRP 299 remaining fatigue life equation

In order to determine if the equation above is needed to find the remaining fatigue

life, it is it must be determined if the details are exposed to stresses larger than their stress

threshold values. These detail classifications and threshold stresses were determined by

Dr. John Fisher of Lehigh University in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Fisher

recognized that different types of connections, geometries, and materials used in

construction would fail at different stresses for the same amount of cyclic loading. In

response to this discovery, he developed a standardized characterization of eight fatigue

details. These details were each developed using a 95 % confidence limit (Fisher). This

means that many trials were conducted, and the failing points were analyzed. After the

analysis of the data was conducted, the line that 95 % of the failures occurred at or above

was found to be the stress threshold. The dashed line in Fig 4 illustrates this limit

because almost all of the failures occur above or on this line.

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Fig 4 - Example of the 95 % confidence limit method used by Dr. John Fisher of Lehigh.

If the details were subjected to stresses below this confidence limit it can be assumed that

they have an infinite theoretical fatigue life, meaning they will not fail due to fatigue. If

they are exposed to stresses above the threshold limit, the detail will have a finite fatigue

life and once the appropriate number of cycles has been applied fatigue failure will occur.

The details Dr. Fisher established ranged from the least fracture - critical detail (A), to the

most fracture-critical (F) (Fisher). An interesting aspect of Fisher’s study is that even

though his work was conducted over thirty year ago, his detail classification system is

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still used today. AASHTO adopted the system and made one rather sizeable change.

The category F was not easy to understand and some problems occurred with accurately

recognizing and analyzing the details. To remedy this, AASHTO renamed the category

E’ and set forth parameters that were easier to understand and apply. These details along

with the corresponding stress ranges can be seen in table 2 below. The table clearly

shows that class A details can be exposed to much more stress on a consistent basis than

details in the E or E’ classification.

Detail Classification Stress Threshold (Ksi)

A 24

B 16

B’ 12

C 10

C’ 12

D 7

E 4.5

E’ 2.6

Table 2 – AASHTO stress thresholds for fatigue sensitive details.

The particular classifications of details this study will examine are Class B and Class E

with stress thresholds of 16 ksi and 4.5 ksi respectively.

The reason that this study is interested in details B and E is they are the fatigue

sensitive details found on DE Bridge #771. The Bridge is composed steel girders with

cover plates on the bottom flange. On top of these girders sits an 8 in. concrete deck.

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The deck and the girders act compositely. For a more detailed description of DE Bridge

#771 look in Appendix C. Class B and E details can be found on the welds which attach

the cover plate to the bottom flange. The transverse welds are class E details and the

longitudinal welds are class B details. Figure 5 shows the actual welds on bridge #771.

Fig 5 – Shows Class E and Class B fatigue sensitive details on DE Bridge #771

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Methods and Procedures The main task of this study was to correctly model DE Bridge # 771 in the Staad.

Pro 2004 computer program, Staad, so the stress ranges found would be correct.

Initially, the entire bridge was modeled in Staad. However, this did not seem to be a

practical process to determine the stresses felt by the girders. Each span of the bridge is

simply supported so, essentially the bridge can be considered as three individual spans.

It was assumed each span acts independently of the other two spans. In accordance with

this observation, a single span was chosen for modeling and analysis. This single span

was the longest span on the bridge. It was selected because it will carry the largest

moment, and thus be exposed to the highest levels of stresses. The modeled span had a

length of sixty – six feet and was composed of six W36X150 rolled girders, ten

MC18X42 steel channel diaphragms, an 8-inch concrete deck, and W40X655 steel

members. The 40X655 members acted as rigid connectors between the steel girders and

the concrete deck.

Fig 7 – Initial span model with truckload applied

Fig 6 – Initial model of entire bridge

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Fig 8 – Axle load and spacing of an HS-15 truck

Once the span was selected and modeled the loading needed to be applied. In

order to do this AASHTO procedures were followed. AASHTO calls for an HS-15 truck

to be used in fatigue design and evaluation. Figure 7 shows the initial position of the

truck loading (the red outline) on the span model. It should be noted that the truck is

placed on the right side of the bridge. The placement represents the most likely truck

traffic. On actual highway bridges, the outer lanes undergo a much higher frequency of

truck loading than the inner lanes. This placement acts to simulate real – world traffic

conditions. Figure eight shows the axle loads and spacing of the HS-15 truck used. The

truck needed to be applied at multiple longitudinal positions on the span to simulate an

actual test. This could be done in Staad using the load generation options. For a detailed

description of the application and definition of the HS – 15 truck loading consult

Appendix D.

Simulating a moving load across the modeled span was not the only problem

encountered during the modeling process. Instability issues became quite frustrating as

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analysis of the model was conducted. Originally, the girders were modeled in three

pieces. Two smaller sections of ten feet and one forty-six foot section. The girders were

modeled this way because Staad was not able to model one member with a cover plate

covering only a portion of the member. Figure nine shows how the members were


Fig 9- Initial modeling of cover plate girders

However, once the diaphragms were attached instabilities were recorded at the

joints where the diaphragms met the girders. While investigating the instability issue, a

discovery took place. The problem was not one of stability, rather a nodal problem with

the connections of the members. Staad uses defined points called nodes to serve as data

points for defining members, plates, different structures, etc. Members that composed the

girder sections of the span did not terminate and begin at the nodes the where the

diaphragms were connected. Because of this, Staad was not able to register the two

components were even connected. Once the problem was realized the original forty-six

girder section was broken down into five smaller sections shown in figure ten.

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Fig 10 – Final modeling of girders with cover plates

This new method of producing the same girders fixes the instability problems seen in

earlier trials of modeling.

The girder – diaphragm connections were not the only place instability issues

arose during modeling. Once the steel configuration was modeled and stable under

loading, the concrete deck had to be added to the model. This was done using plate

geometry in Staad. The first attempt to model the deck simply consisted of making one

large plate to sit on top of the steel sections. This method did not work and instability

problems as well as a non-composite action resulted under loading. The next attempt

proved to be quite successful. It entailed utilizing a larger number of nodes to serve as

data points in Staad. The deck was modeled as a synthesis of twenty smaller plates that

act together to simulate on large plate that covers the entire modeled span. The plate

elements were then given the thickness of eight inches and assigned concrete properties.

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Figure eleven shows how the twenty smaller plates were configured to produce the

concrete deck.

Fig 11- Final configuration of modeled concrete deck

Once the deck and the steel components of the bridge were modeled correctly, the

two sections needed to be connected in a manner that would result in composite action of

the girders and deck. The real DE Bridge #771 acts compositely so the generated model

needed to illustrate the trait as well. Many attempts were made to create a composite

model. The first was simply placing the deck on top of the steel without node

connections. This resulted in non-composite action and in the deck passing through the

webs of the steel girders. To remedy this mistake, the concrete deck was offset 1.495 ft,

which translates to the distance from the centroid of the girder’s cross section to the

centroid of the deck’s cross section. This attempt saw the deck placed correctly on the

beam, but composite action still did not occur when the model was loaded. Finally,

robust steel members were placed at 16.5 ft along each girder to act as rigid connectors

between the steel and the deck. The members used were W40X655 beams running in the

vertical direction. These beams benefited the model in two ways; first, they proved a

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means to connect the deck to the steel and second, they created many nodes along the

girders to serve as more data points for analysis. Figure twelve shows a three-

dimensional rendering of how the connectors were used.

Fig 12 – W40X655 beams used as rigid connectors in model

As the figure above shows the connectors were very large beams. This was extremely

important because deformation of the connectors would throw off the stress ranges

determined from the model. Stiff members were selected due to the large values of

stiffness they posses. Once the rigid connectors were added, the model reflected

composite action. For in depth illustrations of stress distribution experienced by the deck

during each of the ten different load cases please refer to Appendix B.

With the model completed and simulating the actual DE Bridge #771, analysis of

the model needed to take place. However, the bridge was composed of six longitudinal

girders only one of which was loaded directly by the simulated HS- 15 truck. Originally,

it was thought that distribution factors would have to be calculated for analysis of all the

girders in the deck. On the first analysis run of the completed model, an interesting

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discovery took place. Staad distributed the truckload over the girders for each generated

load case. At each of the ten different positions of the truckload green arrows signified

where the load was being distributed.

Fig 13- The load distribution of the HS-15 truck by Staad for the first and fifth load case

As figure thirteen illustrates the initial position of the truck stays consistently outlined as

red axle loads while the actual position and distribution of the generated load is shown by

the green arrows. For detailed positioning distribution of each generated load please

consult appendix B.

At this point of the project the loads were correctly defined and placed on the

structure, and the model correctly simulated DE Bridge #771 Stress analysis of the

simulation could finally take place.

Fig 14 – Three-dimensional renderings of the model used for stress range analysis

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Data Analysis and Discussion With the model completed the stresses felt in the steel girders that contained the

fatigue sensitive details needed to be determined. Staad proved to be quite helpful in

completing this task. After running an analysis, the “beams” tab was selected and from

that menu, the “stresses” option was chosen. In the “stresses” analysis screen any point

along any girder in the model could be selected and the stress felt by that girder during

any of the ten load cases could be accessed. This option made data collection very easy.

For the transverse welds along the ends of the cover plates the stresses were

recorded at the point the plate and bottom flange are welded together. This point was the

obvious choice since the weld itself is the fatigue-sensitive detail. Staad allowed exact

positioning of this point on the cross-section of the girders. Figure 15 shows form where

on the girder the stresses were recorded.

Fig 15- Location the transverse weld stresses were taken

Stresses were taken from both ends of all the girders that had cover plates so twelve

readings in all.

The stresses at each end of the six girders that had cover plates were collected

from the model and placed into the Microsoft Excel program. From there graphs were

generated to find the stress ranges and see if the stresses felt exceed the threshold stress

of the detail. These graphs can be seen in Appendix E. The stresses felt by the Class E

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details in the bridge simulation did not exceed the threshold stress of 4.5 Ksi. All other

trends displayed by the graphs were to be expected. The details located on the right side

of the bridge experience much greater stresses than those on the left. This was due to the

placement of the load on the right hand side of the bridge to simulate truck traffic.

Fig 16 – Placement of largest stresses felt in transverse welds

In addition to the stresses felt by the class E transverse weld, the stresses in the

longitudinal welds were also determined. The longitudinal welds on the girders are a

class B fatigue sensitive detail so it has a higher stress threshold of 16 Ksi. Stress

readings were taken along the six beams containing the cover plates at 0, 11.5, 23, 43.5,

and 46 ft using Staad.

Fig 17- Girders that were analyzed for stresses felt in longitudinal welds

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Once the data was colleted it was again exported to Excel and graphs were generated to

determine the stress ranges. These graphs can be seen in Appendix E. According to the

graphs, girders one and two experience the largest stress from the generated loads.

Because of the truck placement, this is expected. The maximum stress felt by any girder

does not come close to the threshold stress of 16 Ksi. Therefore, the results of the study

show that the threshold stress of both class B and class E details is not exceeded.

Conclusion This study showed that DE Bridge #771 has a theoretical infinite fatigue life.

Both fatigue-sensitive details are not exposed to stresses exceeding their respective stress

thresholds. The equation outlined in NCHRP 299 does not need to be applied to either of

the details in this study because the fatigue life of the bridge is in theory infinite. All

calculations and analysis was done using the structural analysis program Staad.Pro 2004.

In this report the methods of modeling and analysis have been laid out so hopefully, they

will be useful for individuals who wish to study stress ranges in other bridges. This study

has proven insightful and very helpful as that it covered an area of immense personal

interest and taught the method and application of computer simulation using the Staad


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• Prof. Dennis Mertz

• Dr. Michael Chajes and Diane Kukich

• Doug Finney of DelDot

• Elliot Fink

• Mark Guzda

• Tim Stuffle

• Michelle Bensi

This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation

under Grant No. EEC 0139017, “Research Experiences for Undergraduates in

Bridge Engineering,” at the University of Delaware.

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• Barsom, John M. & Rolfe, Stanley T. Fracture and Fatigue Control in

Structures. 3rd ed. West Conshohocken: ASTM, 1999. • Fisher, John W. "Bridge Fatigue Guide Design and Details." American Institute

of Steel Construction, New York, N.Y., 1977 p. 17-20. • Hertzberg, Richard W. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering

Materials. 4th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1996. • • "LRFD Bridge Design Specifications." AASHTO Customary U.S. Units 2nd

Edition, 1998 (1998): 6.61-6.62. • Mertz, Dennis R. "Bridge Fatigue Myths." Bridge Crossings. 4 Febuary 1997.

AISC. 10 Aug. 2005 <>.

• Moses, F., C.G. Schilling, and K.S. Raju. "Fatigue Evaluation Procedures for

Steel Bridges." National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report November 1987: 11-16, 70-74, 74-77, 59-67.

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Appendix A

Fatigue Detail Pictures and Ilustrations

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Appendix B

Case Loadings & Deck Stress Distributions

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Load Case 1

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Load Case 2

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Load Case 3

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Load Case 4

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Load Case 5

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Load Case 6

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Load Case 7

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Load Case 8

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Load Case 9

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Load Case 10

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Appendix C

Delaware Department of Transportation Plans

For Delaware Bridge #771

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Overpass at Shipley Road Plan and Elevation

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Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. Framing Plan

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Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. Deck and Approach Slabs Plan and Bar Schedule

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Overpass at Shipley Road N. B. L. and S. B. L. Sections and Details

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Appendix D

Procedure for Defining and Generating Moving Truck Loads Using Staad. Pro 2004

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Load Definition The first step in applying a moving truck load to a model is to define the load.

Figure1- D shows how to define the loadings option by selecting the command tab on the

main toolbar. From there, highlight the definitions option and ultimately select the

vehicle option.

Fig 1-D How to define a vehicle load

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After the load is defined as a vehicle, the actual weight of the load needs to be

entered into the program. This can be done in one of two ways; the axle spacing and weight

of the vehicle can be entered manually, or the vehicle can be selected from a number of pre-

defined trucks in Staad. Fortunately, the HS – 15 truck is already defined and can be selected

from the AASHTO Spec menu seen in Figure 2 -D

Fig 2-D Menu of pre-defined AASHTO trucks

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Moving Load Generation Defining the load as a vehicle and assigning the properties of an HS-15 truck are

necessary steps, but in order to simulate a moving truck the load must be placed at a number

of positions on the bridge. In order to do this a moving load must be generated using Staad.

From the Commands tab select the loading option and highlight the moving load generation

option. From there a pop-up box will appear and want to know the number of load

generations desired. For the study a 10 generated loads were used. After the number of

truck loads generated has been determined a box will show on the right side of the screen.

Within this box highlight the load case with the generated loads. Select the add button at the

bottom of the box and this will cause a pop-up menu to appear. Inside the initial position of

the vehicle can be determined in the x, y, and z directions. In addition to the initial position,

the spacing interval can be entered for the distance between each generated load in the x, y,

and z directions. Finally, an outline of the load will become visible on the applied structure.

Figures 3-D through 6-D will illustrate the outlined steps.

Fig 3-D Selection of the moving load generation option

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Fig 4-D Selection of number of generated loads

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Fig 5-D Determination of initial position and intervals of generated loads

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Final Generated load

Fig 6-D Final generated applied moving truck load

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Appendix E

Stress Range Graphs for Transverse and Longitudinal Welds

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Transverse Welds Northern Side

Max Stress = 2.15 KSI in Beam 99

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Southern Side

Max Stress = 1.2 KSI in Beam 103

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Longitudinal Welds Girder One

Max Stress = 2.2 KSI

Girder One Stress Range








0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)


ss (p


Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10

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Girder 2

Max Stress = 3.2 KSI

Girder Two Stress Range











0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)


ss (p


Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10

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Girder 3

Max Stress = 1.53 KSI

Girder Three Stress Range












0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)


ss (p


Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10

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Girder 4

Max Stress = .36 KSI

Girder Four Stress Range








0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)


ss (p


Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10

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Girder 5

Max Stress = .6 KSI

Girder Five Stress Range











0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)


ss (p


Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10

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Girder 6

Max Stress = .11 KSI

Girder Six Stress Range







0 10 20 30 40 50

Span (ft)





Load Case 1Load Case 2Load Case 3Load Case 4Load Case 5Load Case 6Load Case 7Load Case 8Load Case 9Load Case 10