sta - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · i i'l ixit1 li mawa11aju sta iii i , m t...

I I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU ST A I II I , I I M t Ins I II i Mil i 1 1 MMI , I .1111 V 1 . . HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER SIX I vol OFFICI l DIRECTORl tIIVltnN AI I iimii M l1 II Vt I I A vl. 1 Mis K I ii i: i i, I'i1 will nl "I il"- PTnlvs :il i'" .rnawel "i Hi' Hawaiian I sine!, ami Mlni-- l. r nl Ifafetffll Affair! ,. Kinu. Minister of the Interior, s. Mi Iik ti. MIn liter of Ftnsace, W. 1. Smilli. ltinni' liiiM-rul- Anvisnuv 'iiI'M II.. K M. Hatch. M IM rMVM- - Iniiiiliiiivcriiiii. nl i.l il,.- Hawaiian Islands. ( i i II llrnv. n. B. i). Tonal . ( John Noil. O. Halt.'. I tV. Mi 'lii' . W K. Allen .hum- - Man im Henri Woklm d. Bnhr, un0(r .1. I'. Mclliliilli'll. W . WlhW , John iMimii'liitli. i'. T. Rogers, SseenttA-- a . loan OoonoflH. Seen, mk ,r in Man. A F.Judd, Chief .Tnsttee, Ilim. II. K. Hli ki'iti'li. AiwH'iu't- Justice. Hun. w. B. Fisei1. Rscond Associate Justice, Henri fcuilth, (Jhlef Clerk. Krod Wnndiinbunt, Deputy Clerk. Iteorge I. mas. Hsoond li,iiii Clerk. Wall, .linn"-- . Stenographer Circuit Jtmosa. Klrel niroull i. K. Cooper, W. A'. whiting. (Hum. Neoond Clreull : A, n. KepolkAf. Third nml fourth Circuits s. 1.. Aimtln 1'lf-ll- ilMtnll .1 offlceii ami Conrt-mni- n in Government Hullrilng, Kin" Bireet Sitting In HonolMm Plref Monday in Pebroary, May. Ansnef and November. DisTttUT fnnr. PnlliM Station BltlldlnC Mtn hunt Street. Mi RobeiMeotii Mttfftcitiate itiMfiei Thompenn. nRPARVMRNT t' V'onr.UiS AfPAOts. Ofllee tn Hovemtnetil Rittldlng. Klnff BttfUt lli Rxceltetie) Kunford R. Dole, Mltittter nf Pnrelifti Affelm lim. i Potter, llhtef Olerk. w Flonu Wi iu'i.i , Rd, Stiles. Clerkei III I'VltTMUNT OK 'I'll 'l Mil II Ut. Dfflre in Hovernminl Building'. King Street. anfj ()xlte. Cola Oil and Stock-Hi-- . Kxcelleiic .1. A. Kinu. MlniKli-- r of t.tie interior. tic l 111 all came by, "Isen- - i.i.-i- a. iiawinger. ftflWTejfJWII ; li''K rfMnVK ft. IM)J1, .1 . I . KMhfiknlo1 a hnln. Stephen Mn.ha tiin. Heonie '. Rumi, ICd ward B. Bord. I 'IIICI'S i'l I'M: II . DtPAUTMJUIT I in rl.iiirill. Ktirye '. D. Alexander. Bupt. Poblio Works, W, B. Bowell. rtupt. Water Worko. Andrew Rrwn. nuppctor Bleotrlc Lights, John Oaaaidy. RrgfAtnir of Conveyanoea. T, n. Thrum, Kiunl MupervlRor, Hnnolnln, v. 11. Cum-ntlng- a. Li. r Engineer Kin- Dept., .1. II. Bnnt. Siiit. Inmiii Asylum. Dr. a. MoWayne, OHloe, Dnvernroonl Building, Kinu si. HllHRAU iik AOHICPUrVRK, President II Ih Bxoallenoy .1. A. King, m Inister of the Interior. Mumbura! w. B, Irwin. A. Jaeger, A. Her lu l l ami Jul. ii Klin, i 'ommiNstniiHr nl' Agriculture ami ex officio Secretary of the Hoar): Joseph Marsden. ItiiPAitTanaT ur Pihanub. Minister "i Klnsnoe, lll Bxoellenc) s. m. I lamon, AuditoisBaneral, Goorao 8, Huhb. lieglstrarof Accounts, Geo, B. imitbiea. Clerk nl' Finance Office, Carl Wldemann, Colleotor-Uener- al of Customs, J, H. Caatle, Tax Assessor, Oabu, Jonathan Bhaw, lleput) Assessor, W. ( , Weedon. PiHitmaster-Gensra- l, J. M, Out, Customs Bitmap. Office, Outturn House, Esplanade, PortBt, lollector-Qenera- li .1. 11. 'ksi le. Ueputy-- t Collector, . B. MoBtooksr. Barbor Master, Captain a. Puller, for, Hurveyor, M. N, Handera. Storekeeper, Geo. Htratanwyer, ligiAKTMgaT ui ATTORggY-OgggRA- U Offioe In BovernsoMl Building, Kinu 1st. At toraey-Benera- l, w o. Bmlth. Deputy Attomsv-Gonera-l. G. R. Wilder. Ulerk.J. M. Kea. Marshal. K. O, Bltohoook. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Jailor Oabu Prison, James Low. Prison Physician, Dr. c. 11. Cooper, Board of Immiouai ioml mill'. Depart meal of Interior, Governaent Building, KIngBtreet, President, lli Kxcellency, .1. a. King. Members of the Board of Immigration Hon. .1. if. A'therion, J as, n. Castle, Hon, A, a, Oiaghora, James 11. Bpancar, Murk p. Boblnson. aw reiaili Wssy Taylor. Board op Hramh, office in grounds "i Govermnenl Building, our tier of Militant ami Queen Streets. Members! Dr. Day. Dr. Miner, Dr. Aadiows, T. P. Lansing, J. r. Waterhouse, Jr., Jobs Knit, ami Atlllliel OnnelSl Sinilli. President, Boa. W. O. Rmtth. i Iihh. aUooX. KaeeuUve tagiwr.C. B. Beynolde. Agenl Board nf Healtk, J. B. McVeigh, I aspect is ami Manager or Harbxajs Bsrvtat, 1.. I.. I.a Insssoiur, H. w. 1, Jones. Port Pltyaleian, Dr. tiiflsaaa, Diananasrr, in. 11. UcOrew. Usgsr asMtsg Dr. B. K. uiltor, Hlllflll III I'Llll'I ATlllN. 11. 1..' rtnrsrnwani BlHIg King street. I'luakUat 11.01. H BlabocA Meoretsry, W. Jaasst nssBih, Inspectorol Kcbools. A. 'I'. Atklggne, Board 111 timiwM Lard eoMMatsionggs. A. KlRgi MiniMi'i nl llie W II. agsBli. AMnsney tssneegl and D. H. lank. a. uiiii in Jndlentri Bui kilns Tons &.Tons & Tons of NEW GOODS have been pouring into our Strive nnd Warehouses the pus' lew weeks Ks. liaiks "Paul Isvn bei r. Mini ( PHugn " Irotn Tar. the .hiTitcs Europe, nml the niffereiil steam en ami sailing vessels limn Sun Francisco. Our stocks nl heavy goods, such as Black and (al-vanize- d Chain, Galvanised Sheel Iron, Sheet Zinc, Pig Lead, s. , , .,. . p- , i, ,,,,,, "U " r Ii ilk. Mini. Mar Iron. BtC, IWJ naVei been sii larjfe ami com- plete aa it is to-da- y. Fence' Wire - ( )ur sti'i k "ii 4 j 6 black and 4 ,s 9 2 alv:iiiized is ' very large, ami we ciaini ii is as, fine a lnt il win- as ever came in the country. However, we don't ask you to take our word fo it il you don't wish to, just come in and We will let you cut .1 piece olf ot any coil and put it in our biy vise upstairs and von ran t 1st it, bend it . tie knos in it. and test it to your heart's content, and alter you have done this and asked the price ol it you will he pretty sure to buy some. Galvanized Buckets and Tub-- . Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Ball Blueing, Crown Soft Soap. Fine Clay and Day & Martin's Shoe Blacking we have plenty ol now, and our stock ol Galvanized Flexible 'Steel and Iron Wire Rope is complete frotn s4 to 4 inches llubbuek Moiled and Raw Linseed and Castor Oil, White Lead and Zinc Red Lead bere" in line onier anil are Ottered at low prices. .Now is the time to have your Coffin trimmed; the hundred sets ol "Coffin Furniture" just received arc goiug olf like "hot cakes.'' The new "Pumping Plai works well and you can get all the water you want, so you want one ol our new Lawn Sprinklers. It is the best Sprinkler ever sold here, no parts to wear out, as it does not revolve, and is good lor cither light or heavy pressure ol water. Electrical Goods. Our stock is more complete than ever, and we have five men hard at work wiring houses lor Elec- tric Lights. We can furnish won the fixtures, shades and lamps in any style, and il we wire vour house vou can leel surell is done according to the latest Underwriters' rules. Lrame is said to be plenty. We have I he right kind of Schultze, Wood, or Black Pow- der Cartridges to get big bas with. E. 0. Hall & Son, Li m 11 ED, Cor. Fori and Kim. St.s. W. W. AHANA Merchant Tailor, No. sag Mauauu St., Hoaolnlu. Pine Suits from M up. Linen and Craps suits, 88,60 up ALL sl'ITS QUAJUkNTBKD TO PPT AND IN THK LATEST STYLK. OIaMTHRS CLXAXBP ami RKPAIRRDi Mutual Tvlepbous Ma gdll, P. 0 Bog U4 HHMbn HONOLULU IRON WORKS. STKAM Ka'OINKS, Sl'IIAH Mil. IS, Hi 1.KItS, Cool. K1IS. I lloN, Hi I SS AMI 1,1 AO I 'ASTISOh. Maohlaat) oi Brsrj DsasaipMun Made to order. Particular attention iaid lo Ships1 Bkvksmlthtng Jobsrork assented al Hborl sMm . K. I VSTI.K. ATTORNEY at law inii '. i irtn right irliiu. .1. ALFRED MAGOON. ATTul'.NKY ami hi OTIHLOrl at law imii.-m- . i' Hon law! stiii'i. II lull!. II J. M. MONSAlf K AT. ATTUHNKY AT t . AND NOTARY rrm.ii . OarVwrtgM Block, Merchant St., Honolulu, K. M. WAKEFIELD. vttohntbv -- b,i fvii;ssni.ilt Ai LAW ThMlslllAlli oFI'll K: w.ti. 0. W. Aslifniil. Merriianl SU Honotntn, 11. . PHILLH'S CO. Wbuli'sal liiiK.rtAi uii.l Juldieraof AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. Ci.ini'i Knrl 11. l,ui'ii Sl .lulu. H7lf ('. I!. IMI'LKV. Areli ittot . NoO Hepoalf B11IMI1 . It. I. I'liin-.- . tii; tiin- - .iii'i Hniierlnteiideiice K(tii ffireVeT) UeM?Hllori of Kutldltitt. Itiiiiill ifr Htin i "illy rt'itioi'i ImI hih) eolArtede neefftiH NttMttterlor teoirtlotie Mapeor M' limiii Dmwlti , Traoltm MM lUiiPprintiiiK. hnivVniL'- l"i Itrioli or Ni tjmper lllns. trutiun. M. II. LOHEIDE, SKIN and ORNASIENTAL PAINTER. BKLli TKLKPqoNR lot. 1AII Oiil,'i I r nit.ll-- Atl.'iiili'il to. on H. MAY & CO. Wholesale anJ Retail GROCERS tS Korl Htri el. Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 470 rters at mos. G. Thrum's Ui 1 Presents an urrav r HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS in NEW ami si:.s-ONABL- PRESENTATION BOOKS, 111 Art, Portry, Tkavkl ami Brixbb Lbttkr. ALBUMS, all Sl.,s. Kll.-- anil1 Bimliuge. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS HYMNALS The finest aaaortment of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR CARDS -- The choice of several leadiug; An Publishers offerings, at prices lower even thajii former acknowledged bargains. REMEMBER I Not a last year's card '"' "'sl"" '" u"' itlier An Noveltie CALENDARS for 1804 ami BOOK- LET S tiiiit an- gents of the printers art. Finest LEATHER, SILVER I'll.A-QRB- and CELLULOID Artiolea for Beadoir, Library, Parlor, or Office in INKSTANDS, PAPER WEIGHTS, FOLDERS PORTFOLIOS, DESK PADS, CARD casks. WALLETS, PURSES, MUSIC ROLLS, Etc, TOILET SKI'S. BORN HOODS, Nl T pick BETS. A now Inn- of Austrian Vases in class ami Poroelain, French Brisqoe Figure Pieoes and Brie 11 Brao, Work Boxes, Work-Bag- s, Beticules, ami Baskets, II ASK KTS THAT A IIK HAS- - It KTS. Novel ami attractive in styles nml vani ty. Mad by the beat Btukei Mttkimj trios 0 American IiuMmu) from a Bon Bon sixe to a Baiuper i said 1,1 ba the first li t exported by their Agent Mvst nr. BUM to iik APFRB- - !ATsU. PARLOR ami OUTDOOU ca.MI-.- for Did and VoUUgi ami TOYS in altundanre and variety for ail the good little Qirls ami Boys from nou nil i ihristmas. of LAOLLS exoeeds thai of liny previous season not onl) iii iian- - tlty but also iii quality, variety nml price. In the line of HULLS' SUNDRIES we are also no no complete than ever: to ull of whiob inspection - bit Bed. TOY books m variet) for ail grndsa mi ngslrrs ismtplli ! sjp in, mid get i sis I'm' .ii 11 SjfsM fl4 vi ills l in e SANTA CLAUS' HEAOOUARTERS, M. S, 1. 1! I MIA I l A HI. Limits', lb is n.t "ML M Commission Merchant nml Importer of font ml At.T. handtae, Sail FnUlcf DOO OfttM, Ml SWll H. r. . sen a ri.i: & ro, IMI'i'lUT.I.'S AND 'UMMISMHiN K.I IIAM-s- . H.imh.i i i Hawaii a Im im II. W. iv IIMIW & SUNS. mi IMI'iiRTERS AND OiMMISSION M Kl: II AN l'ort Htm't, Ui'imliilu. P. O. Bnx Wfl. Titi'.liii.- MIL I.KWIS A CO. iMWtTKItK. Nnvnl Kniiiiis. WhdlMftta and Retail Denim in Qrogtticti ProetototiA, etc. at 111 fori st Honolulu, 11. 1. CHR. HERSKIND & J. McMEEKIN, PIAItO Ti'NKKs si TMAORBIUI. PonhaUow u.. Borotaaia ftreet, fr" Mnlual li l. plicmi- ill!. lHHHiins given mi Plana for Beglnnerw ami Practloal Playovn. Tuning i.nli'i - w ill la. piomptls nllendwl I". 17.1 ' t !! .. PliTHHStlN. TYPFWRITER. CONVEYANCER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. I HBoo over UiRtuip s Hank. LEWFRS & COOKE, Li m BER, BUILDERS' I lARDWARE, ikiuks, SASH, ll.INDS, I'AINTs, oll.s, ill Ass. A 1. PABKR, WAITING, CORRUC.ATED IRON 1.1 ME, EM EN ETC The Central Market. Always have im luatl thuitc Itrt-t- Mutton, Veal Mid Poultry. We make Saiisat s a Sk--' ialty, dee US trial and he convinced. We liave the best. Our Corned Beat is the last. Westbuook Gakes, l'r'ipriettirs. iiiiih Telephones 104 M, W, McCHESNEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, HONOLULU, H I. A FULL LINE GROCERIES Always on Hand, FRESH GOODS Per livery Steamer ami Sail. SPECIALTIES: Cheese, Lard, Hams, Butter, Codfish, Milk, Onions, Craekers, Potatoes, Salmon, Macaroni, Corn Meal, Pickled Skipjack, Alvlcore, Herrings, Flour, ( .rain anil Beans. AND ALL KINDS III- Leather and Nails FOR SHOEMAKERS. JAS. F. MORGAN. No. 45 Queen Street. Auctioneer and Stock Broker. special attention given to the handling of Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds. Pacific Mail S. S, Co, AN n tin Occidental Oriental S. S.Co. For YOKOHAMA BR. KteaiiM'i ..1 ila BboVfi mil 1hi ai HotHdnln on ihetr nni in iln or alanif Mn- followlna datei Stmr "CHIrtA" Nov. !7, isici sour "OCKAXIC Dm, A, iHim sum- "CHINA" 5, ISM stmr "OCBAN1C Man Ii 0, 1111 sin-- i "CHINA". April Hi. ISM For SAN FRANCISCO, Steanon of the above Cottpnntai will oall Honolulu mi tboif way from Hongkong and Yokohama In the above port on or about the fiiilio, Inn datm Stmr IEAN1C". Dee I. 1 888 Sinn ( ITV I IF PEKING". .Ian. . IS!) I Sinn- "OCEANN Feb. ISM Slim "CHINA" March .'ii. ItNH si mi "OAEI.IC" Mat 11. ism RATES OP PASSAGE ME US FOILOWS i n rogu- - i n nonn- 11 a ma gona 1M HI $17.", tw I - M OO Jic! U IS HI im iOQ no caom Cabin, round in,. Btontha Cabin, round uir month. Buronean Htaeraga, l i Freight ami Pannage apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 4-- tl iBeitla. C aiiaflian Australian Steamship Line TIME TABLE. For Vancouver, B. C. From Sydney . Brisbane, .Irn'iv Uimahllu S. S. "WARRIMOO" Auk- 81, 1898 s. s. "MIOWERA" Oct. i. 1898 8. 8. "WARRIMOO". . Nov. 1,1898 s. S. "AltAWA" Dec. 1898 s. s. "WARRIMOO" Ian. 1894 And Monthly Thereafter, Fop Sydney and Brisbane. From Vancouver, IJ. C. Ai t in Bbfioluht. s. "MIOWERA" Oct. 81, 1898 8. S. "WARRIMOO" Nov. 81, 1898 s. s. "A RAW A" Deo, 81, 1898 S. S "WARRIMOO" Jan. 31, lslll Ami Monthly Thereafter. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES 10li'..U i'l' It. ('., ul'e tin- sum as fa San Prancisoo. !aL Through Tickets (ail points iii t'anaiiit tir iht United BtAtO) Uf r Onnndhin riwWo EiiiUwAy. I f For Kii'inht or PtUnge, Apply to THEO. II. DAVIESS CO., l.ti (ifiicial Agento. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY POUNOBO !. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets. - - $9,000,000 Having biseii Appointed imtPAUa ul iln Above CQMfM) Vfl aa- BOW ii'inlj tti t ill t MMW ut Ihf rOWWM rait of ir'iiiinn, ii. v. x .HM1DT a hiss. HYMAN BROS. bssjawtsfs ni aad WTkalssals Dsalars in DRV coons. BOOTS, snoKS, CLOTHING, Notions and OOODS 38 Qui-t-- Street, Honolulu. i iillfi.rlll:. -- I Sun KlHIli IN n I'sl. BISHOP & CO.. 111 ISafl BANKERS. iliiNni 11 . Haw tit ts Ism w I ll( I. XI II Nt i K IN THE BAIK K CHLIFORNH, SAN FWIDJCI, AM 1 II M It a I NTH IN Nrw York, CMcAfOi Huston, Pans Messrs. 1 1 immiifS ioniioii. I'K tNK-FO- I' ' IN THE MAIN 'h.- nton Nntlonnl Hani, ..i hk Iln- r mprriaJ Ranking Itu "i Hyilhej km. The ConinMivial Banking Do id Hytfney.J Syilntn. Tin- Hank "I Ni- Real ami, Attokland, nml it-- brannooH in ChrM cknpch, Oiitii'iliti an. I IVellingt'in. 'I'd.' Hunk of Hi iti-- li Columbia, Portland Ir. Tin- ' ,'iml Madedni Htorkholin, Sm-ili-- Tin- Chartered Hank "f tndia, Auetralia ami China. Boaskoiigi Vokobajna, Japan. Andtrnao ai-- i u Uauoml Bankltujc Hu-1- 1 OAl CASTLE ,v COOK E, LIFE AND FIDE Insurance Asents. MIKNTM lull MM I.M.I Ml AI I Life Insurance Co. ol- HOST11N. Fire Insurance, Alliance Assurance Co Of UUNDOH :tna insurance co. OF HARTPORD, conn IISTSUFdH in THK German-Americ- an Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. $5,879,906 no Ni t Surplus 9,9Bn,889 00 When Km. Equal- ,- Oei lie- - BEST ECURITY. WILDER .V en . Agents. THE MUTUAL Life Insurance Go. OF NEW YORK. S. B. ROSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian Wine Co. PRANK BROWN, Mok. 88 ami an Men-hau- l sr. Honolulu, H. i LIME AND CEMENT IALB AT J. T. WATERHOUSE'S Queen Street Stores. Criterjon SalOOn AQRNT8 Wieland Brewing; Co, EXTRA Pale Lager Beer Per Australia. A l' Ki'.sii I w i in i i ii Cm in L) s i i ks. Oyster Cocktails a Specialty I.. H. Dk I'i-.ii- i COLUMB At EVDLEM. Hlnrnn ( 'oIiim Me' Bit N R TIm if 'ihU ke i'i f hi Bom iia f ill- aft AhJ tii- Joy t,r t n iK.rn. Prom !"i! ertor! i"r tn From il.t- o. it nf (in" M Nregt, ltd iih bant a at itrw -- liren. it I'tatik' .i t ivai And brdati aadehowet from - natal i.oor with boaey mh! wtae IWM IWI Till i- vrera fal i .liari. a ill. BOMI TIm uprtWt feaei uo1 .nl. for Um para4 n to tin' land thai w ai t in- 'i 1. it mm inn. Soratai aoi brei m faarus a rmn t nnd it iik.- i 1.. 1. in tfooti botti i laaitli 1 IIm lnean Offl It 'I tl lii rlVfll -- t hi lit Uraiofl RMWht nf k;tii in h H m I'.iii fjf ma nne enraptured naa Ati'l Hk lmr t raroe to the waadV rtan iriU- - Ai t in i own Lift aad aaali Ami Monteatuna! f be mi Wan tnadi f it- red n enL Narrow their rhiTNIit fl hut run Ar hroDfi 1- tin t oattnent! t'r-,t- Aini in b i ft Howaretaa fhi'iivt Bring plenty and My and For !) htejW 1'. f!ti'i nH1 rrrmd thW- - uiit Wht'tt th' ri apt-r- m t at morn. Till MJOh if ore Hi nod hi tu unN Mug A mmi: for the gaMared ooen. The r!r inny blootll Kntflnnd. Tna lily fir Krain anfohl, Ireland niay bonor be thaairaako Beotland bar thtetle bold, But tna ihlaM "f tht great Thf Klnry of the "t, hall bear -- talk of the I fled inrn. tf nil mr Health tin- . The arbntna anil thf go Ulan rod The hrart of the DOtth ma la rr, Aial the mountain laurel for Mai land ltn royal elnatera renr. Anti laainlne and magnolia The araal ot the eottth adorn, Hut the aide n anbllo! enblett I the hountt'ons gotdan t orn! -- Edna Dean Proctor In Oeutavy. Disrobed in in.- - Street, Than is .m'ur colored dainwil in Waabington who 0 soul is at present SIM witli wrath bocaosc of tin- - sum-mar- action taken by u society womati to whom she liinl been oand maiden. With ways that an dark and ktioka thai are vain the youug woman proved bar-sel- f nmn wieiiit by making away with articles of value. Among kiieae was a silk dross of which hot' niistross Bud Is-o- especially fond. Though accused t the theft, Hi" woman stoutly di raied it ami took herdismiasal, vehemently protestiag berim ence. Not long afterward, m the daughter of Ham waa saiHug down the street in nil the glory of garment, she oame upon bar iniatwai rapidly walking toward In r with the look of a gnat pnrj i ber eye. Retn ii was Imp. orf . aa waa a fail-or- e to comply with the n itorriahing de- mand thai she than ami then ilivest berself of the gown. As the alternative was to is- - Immediately banded over to the police, the perturbed young woman lid as she was bid with all speed possi- ble, and in us brief ;i time as it t:il:cs to tell the lalo slio stood with ber eboujf perfectioua exposed to public while in an opposite direction her former mis-tri--- s walked away, hearing in trin-mn- the stolen property. Kate Field's Wash- ington. n,,v Not tn tSstertnluets tn.- Indiana, Let us not vigorously crowd the Indi- ans to abandon tribal organisation. If this is done before they an ready for it, they will surely lapse Into degradation, L.-- t them remain in con pact bodies on reservations to help one another over the change ami do not compel them to com- mingle and compete with tin- white race in a ruggls in whiob bey must be bona lessly doomed. Slowly by law and by instruction teach them the value of our property laws. Do not force citiaenahlp upon them, but let them sue for it. We should hold ourselves ever ready to grant it, but Let them Bnt discover Its benefits. If inch n policy is maintained for two gene rations mon, the problem will iw solved tin- - remnant of iln- Indiana grill is saved nnd absorbed in modern Major .1. w. Powell in Forum. M i ins Mslodlss. What on tin- lips of the "inti Uectuul doubter" would have been only profane sarcasm was Irresistibly funny because of iis innocence, when Lewis, bis Im- agination Bred by the Brat opera ho had ever witnessed, inextricably mixed up M ly and Bankey and "The Itikado us follows: The day following his ut- - teiidaiu-- at the latter he hurst upon thu maternal vision attired m imitation of his admired Ko-K- in a patchwork crib quilt ami a feather duster hi bis hand waving an- - Co ntuatioii toeach syllable SS ho , ,i.-re.- l about ehanttngi Tliu ill ! lbs Lord as dona. is. umiu. Ami to ou bad bettor Moouaib. cun.u - Waalilngton News just Like Man. Mrs. Stucks--l- f wo luovo tuto that aberp house, we'll lose caste. Mr. stocks- - Don't oars if wo do. It's the beat we can afford without running hopelessly ip dt Ut,and beaidea it's a oom-- fortable place aiiybow. Mrs. Stocks Huhl Just tike a man. only 10 you can be comfortable and pay every little bill as inncU as it DOOMS tu, you don't Dan what the world thinks. New York Weekly. The Dominion of OaMda baa an ana uf 1,407,000 Iquan Utiles and comprises of the tend surfaes of the globe, it is the largest . f all the Britteb OMeasionS, Australia, the next in sixe, rTUtainlTTg ,M4.888 sguan inllita The boy who la vt hacked, cuffed, sicked, half starved, umwiglssil and otherwis,' Mgtect. t. geasjnUjr, if h k.-- ; out of prison ami dis s not die, makes tho best muii Lxchuno. Ki'KK has His'iit Hindu up bjl liiuid that life is bardl) wurtk tin Uving in thes.- - lays WttM a ni in km to k- p poSMt on iu uiuiiy things that unnot worth know- ing. Tho old. t staMie ol the world 1 of tin rissik of au Cgyptiaa village it is believed to bo Hot less thuU 0.000 Muls Jld. The Ii rent HaStefn was the largest gite ever built HO fast long, 81 broad, si deep iuid HyW tons burden.

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Page 1: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER

I I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA I II I , I I M t Ins I IIi Mil i 1 1 MMI

,I .1111 V

1 . .



tIIVltnN AI I iimii M l1

II Vt I I A vl. 1 Mis

K I ii

i: i i, I'i1 will nl "I il"- PTnlvs :il i'".rnawel "i Hi' Hawaiian Isine!, amiMlni-- l. r nl Ifafetffll Affair!

,. Kinu. Minister of the Interior,s. Mi Iik ti. MIn liter of Ftnsace,W. 1. Smilli. ltinni' liiiM-rul-

Anvisnuv 'iiI'M II..

K M. Hatch. M IM rMVM- -Iniiiiliiiivcriiiii. nl i.l il,.- Hawaiian Islands.

( i i II llrnv. n. B. i). Tonal . (John Noil. O. Halt.'.I tV. Mi 'lii' . W K. Allen.hum- - Man im Henri Woklm

d. Bnhr, un0(r.1. I'. Mclliliilli'll. W . WlhW ,

John iMimii'liitli.i'. T. Rogers, SseenttA-- a

. loan OoonoflH.

Seen, mk ,r in

Man. A F.Judd, Chief .Tnsttee,

Ilim. II. K. Hli ki'iti'li. AiwH'iu't- Justice.Hun. w. B. Fisei1. Rscond Associate Justice,Henri fcuilth, (Jhlef Clerk.Krod Wnndiinbunt, Deputy Clerk.Iteorge I. mas. Hsoond li,iiii Clerk.

Wall, .linn"-- . Stenographer

Circuit Jtmosa.

Klrel niroull i. K. Cooper, W. A'. whiting.(Hum.

Neoond Clreull : A, n. KepolkAf.

Third nml fourth Circuits s. 1.. Aimtln1'lf-ll- ilMtnll .1

offlceii ami Conrt-mni- n in GovernmentHullrilng, Kin" Bireet Sitting In HonolMmPlref Monday in Pebroary, May. Ansnef andNovember.

DisTttUT fnnr.PnlliM Station BltlldlnC Mtn hunt Street.

Mi RobeiMeotii MttfftcitiateitiMfiei Thompenn.

nRPARVMRNT t' V'onr.UiS AfPAOts.

Ofllee tn Hovemtnetil Rittldlng. Klnff BttfUtlli Rxceltetie) Kunford R. Dole, Mltittter nf

Pnrelifti Affelmlim. i Potter, llhtef Olerk.w Flonu Wi iu'i.i , Rd, Stiles. Clerkei

III I'VltTMUNT OK 'I'll 'l Mil II Ut.

Dfflre in Hovernminl Building'. King Street. anfj ()xlte. Cola Oil and Stock-Hi-- .Kxcelleiic .1. A. Kinu. MlniKli-- r of t.tie

interior. tic l 111 all came by, "Isen- -

i.i.-i- a. iiawinger.ftflWTejfJWII ; li''K rfMnVK ft. IM)J1, .1 . I .

KMhfiknlo1 a hnln. Stephen Mn.hatiin. Heonie '. Rumi, ICd ward B. Bord.


in rl.iiirill.

Ktirye '. D. Alexander.Bupt. Poblio Works, W, B. Bowell.rtupt. Water Worko. Andrew Rrwn.

nuppctor Bleotrlc Lights, John Oaaaidy.RrgfAtnir of Conveyanoea. T, n. Thrum,Kiunl MupervlRor, Hnnolnln, v. 11. Cum-ntlng- a.

Li. r Engineer Kin- Dept., .1. II. Bnnt.Siiit. Inmiii Asylum. Dr. a. MoWayne,

OHloe, Dnvernroonl Building, Kinu si.HllHRAU iik AOHICPUrVRK,

President II Ih Bxoallenoy .1. A.King, m Inister of the Interior.

Mumbura! w. B, Irwin. A. Jaeger, A. Herlu l l ami Jul. ii Klin,

i 'ommiNstniiHr nl' Agriculture ami ex officioSecretary of the Hoar): Joseph Marsden.

ItiiPAitTanaT ur Pihanub.

Minister "i Klnsnoe, lll Bxoellenc) s. m.I lamon,

AuditoisBaneral, Goorao 8, Huhb.lieglstrarof Accounts, Geo, B. imitbiea.Clerk nl' Finance Office, Carl Wldemann,Colleotor-Uener- al of Customs, J, H. Caatle,Tax Assessor, Oabu, Jonathan Bhaw,lleput) Assessor, W. ( , Weedon.PiHitmaster-Gensra- l, J. M, Out,

Customs Bitmap.

Office, Outturn House, Esplanade, PortBt,lollector-Qenera- li .1. 11. 'ksi le.

Ueputy-- t Collector, . B. MoBtooksr.Barbor Master, Captain a. Puller,for, Hurveyor, M. N, Handera.Storekeeper, Geo. Htratanwyer,

ligiAKTMgaT ui ATTORggY-OgggRA- U

Offioe In BovernsoMl Building, Kinu 1st.A t toraey-Benera- l, w o. Bmlth.Deputy Attomsv-Gonera-l. G. R. Wilder.Ulerk.J. M. Kea.Marshal. K. O, Bltohoook.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oabu Prison, James Low.Prison Physician, Dr. c. 11. Cooper,

Board of Immiouai ioml

mill'. Depart meal of Interior, GovernaentBuilding, KIngBtreet,

President, lli Kxcellency, .1. a. King.Members of the Board of Immigration Hon.

.1. if. A'therion, Jas, n. Castle, Hon, A, a,Oiaghora, James 11. Bpancar, Murk p.Boblnson.

aw reiaili Wssy Taylor.

Board op Hramh,office in grounds "i Govermnenl Building,

our tier of Militant ami Queen Streets.Members! Dr. Day. Dr. Miner, Dr. Aadiows,

T. P. Lansing, J. r. Waterhouse, Jr., JobsKnit, ami Atlllliel OnnelSl Sinilli.

President, Boa. W. O. Rmtth.i Iihh. aUooX.

KaeeuUve tagiwr.C. B. Beynolde.Agenl Board nf Healtk, J. B. McVeigh,I aspectis ami Manager or Harbxajs Bsrvtat,

1.. I.. I.aInsssoiur, H. w. 1, Jones.Port Pltyaleian, Dr. tiiflsaaa,Diananasrr, in. 11. UcOrew.Usgsr asMtsg Dr. B. K. uiltor,

Hlllflll III I'Llll'I ATlllN.

11. 1..' rtnrsrnwani BlHIg King street.I'luakUat 11.01. H BlabocAMeoretsry, W. Jaasst nssBih,Inspectorol Kcbools. A. 'I'. Atklggne,

Board 111 timiwM Lard eoMMatsionggs.

A. KlRgi MiniMi'i nl llie W II.agsBli. AMnsney tssneegl and D. H. lank. a.uiiii in Jndlentri Bui kilns

Tons &.Tons & Tons of


have been pouring into ourStrive nnd Warehouses the pus'lew weeks Ks. liaiks "Paul Isvnbei r. Mini ( PHugn " Irotn

Tar. the


Europe, nml the niffereiil steamen ami sailing vessels limn SunFrancisco. Our stocks nl heavygoods, such as Black and (al-vanize-


Chain, Galvanised SheelIron, Sheet Zinc, Pig Lead,s. , , .,. . p- , i, ,,,,,,

"U " rIi ilk. Mini. Mar Iron. BtC, IWJ

naVei been sii larjfe ami com-

plete aa it is to-da- y. Fence'Wire - ( )ur sti'i k "ii 4 j 6 blackand 4 ,s 9 2 alv:iiiized is '

very large, ami we ciaini ii is as,fine a lnt il win- as ever camein the country. However, we

don't ask you to take our wordfo it il you don't wish to, just

come in and We will let you cut.1 piece olf ot any coil and put it

in our biy vise upstairs and vonran t 1st it, bend it . tie knos in

it. and test it to your heart'scontent, and alter you have donethis and asked the price ol it

you will he pretty sure to buy

some.Galvanized Buckets and Tub-- .

Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, BallBlueing, Crown Soft Soap. FineClay and Day & Martin's ShoeBlacking we have plenty ol

now, and our stock ol GalvanizedFlexible 'Steel and Iron WireRope is complete frotn s4 to 4inches llubbuek Moiled andRaw Linseed and Castor Oil,White Lead and Zinc Red Lead

bere" in line onier anil areOttered at low prices. .Now is

the time to have your Coffintrimmed; the hundred sets ol

"Coffin Furniture" just receivedarc goiug olf like "hot cakes.''

The new "Pumping Plaiworks well and you can get all

the water you want, so youwant one ol our new LawnSprinklers. It is the bestSprinkler ever sold here, noparts to wear out, as it does notrevolve, and is good lor citherlight or heavy pressure ol


Electrical Goods. Ourstock is more complete thanever, and we have five men hardat work wiring houses lor Elec-tric Lights. We can furnishwon the fixtures, shades andlamps in any style, and il wewire vour house vou can leelsurell is done according to thelatest Underwriters' rules.

Lrame is said to be plenty.We have I he right kind ofSchultze, Wood, or Black Pow-der Cartridges to get big baswith.

E. 0. Hall & Son,Li m 11 ED,

Cor. Fori and Kim. St.s.


Merchant Tailor,No. sag Mauauu St., Hoaolnlu.

Pine Suits from M up. Linen and Crapssuits, 88,60 up




Mutual Tvlepbous Ma gdll, P. 0 Bog U4HHMbn



Cool. K1IS. I lloN, Hi I SS AMI 1,1 AO


Maohlaat) oi Brsrj DsasaipMun Made to

order. Particular attention iaid lo Ships1

Bkvksmlthtng Jobsrork assented al Hborl


. K. I VSTI.K.

ATTORNEY at lawinii '. i irtn right irliiu.


ATTul'.NKY ami hi OTIHLOrl at lawimii.-m- . i' Hon law! stiii'i.

II lull!. II



rrm.ii .

OarVwrtgM Block, Merchant St., Honolulu,

K. M. WAKEFIELD.vttohntbv --b,i fvii;ssni.ilt Ai LAW

ThMlslllAlli oFI'll K:

w.ti. 0. W. Aslifniil. Merriianl SUHonotntn, 11.

. PHILLH'S CO.Wbuli'sal liiiK.rtAi uii.l Juldieraof


Ci.ini'i Knrl 11. l,ui'ii Sl .lulu.H7lf

('. I!. IMI'LKV.

Areli ittot .NoO Hepoalf B11IMI1

. It. I.

I'liin-.- . tii; tiin- - .iii'i HniierlnteiideiiceK(tii ffireVeT) UeM?Hllori of Kutldltitt.

Itiiiiill ifr Htin i "illy rt'itioi'i ImI hih)eolArtede

neefftiH NttMttterlor teoirtlotieMapeor M' limiii Dmwlti , Traoltm MM

lUiiPprintiiiK.hnivVniL'- l"i Itrioli or Ni tjmper lllns.




1AII Oiil,'i I r nit.ll-- Atl.'iiili'il to.on

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale anJ Retail

GROCERStS Korl Htri el.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 470



mos. G. Thrum's

Ui 1

Presents an urrav r HOLIDAYATTRACTIONS in NEW ami si:.s-ONABL-

PRESENTATION BOOKS,111 Art, Portry, Tkavkl ami BrixbbLbttkr.

ALBUMS, all Sl.,s. Kll.-- anil1


BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKSHYMNALS The finest aaaortment ofCHRISTMAS and NEW YEARCARDS -- The choice of several leadiug;An Publishers offerings, at priceslower even thajii former acknowledgedbargains.

REMEMBER I Not a last year's card'"' "'sl"" '" u"'itlier An Noveltie

CALENDARS for 1804 ami BOOK-LET S tiiiit an- gents of the printersart.


and CELLULOID Artiolea forBeadoir, Library, Parlor, or Office in




A now Inn- of Austrian Vases in classami Poroelain,

French Brisqoe Figure Pieoes andBrie 11 Brao, Work Boxes, Work-Bag- s,

Beticules, ami Baskets,



Novel ami attractive in styles nmlvani ty. Mad by the beat BtukeiMttkimj trios 0 American IiuMmu)from a Bon Bon sixe to a Baiuper i said1,1 ba the first li t exported by theirAgent Mvst nr. BUM to iik APFRB- -



for Did and VoUUgi ami TOYS in

altundanre and variety for ail the goodlittle Qirls ami Boys from nou nili ihristmas.

of LAOLLS exoeeds thai ofliny previous season not onl) iii iian- -

tlty but also iii quality, variety nmlprice.

In the line of HULLS' SUNDRIESwe are also no no complete than ever:to ull of whiob inspection - bit Bed.

TOY books m variet) for ailgrndsa

mi ngslrrs ismtplli ! sjpin, mid get i sis I'm' .ii 11

SjfsM fl4 vi ills l in e


M. S, 1. 1! I MIA I l A HI.Limits',

lb is n.t "ML M

Commission Merchant nml Importerof font ml At.T. handtae,

Sail FnUlcf DOO OfttM, Ml SWll H.

r. . sen a ri.i: & ro,


H.imh.i i i Hawaii a Im im

II. W. iv IIMIW & SUNS. mi


l'ort Htm't, Ui'imliilu.

P. O. Bnx Wfl. Titi'.liii.- MIL


Nnvnl Kniiiiis. WhdlMftta and RetailDenim in Qrogtticti ProetototiA, etc.

at111 fori st Honolulu, 11. 1.



PonhaUow u.. Borotaaia ftreet,

f r" Mnlual li l. plicmi- ill!.

lHHHiins given mi Plana for Beglnnerw amiPractloal Playovn.

Tuning i.nli'i - w ill la. piomptls nllendwl I".17.1 '


!! .. PliTHHStlN.



I HBoo over UiRtuip s Hank.



ikiuks, SASH, ll.INDS,

I'AINTs, oll.s, ill Ass.




The Central Market.

Always have im luatl thuitc Itrt-t- Mutton, Veal

Mid Poultry. We make Saiisat s a Sk--' ialty,

dee US trial and he convinced. We liave the

best. Our Corned Beat is the last.

Westbuook Gakes,l'r'ipriettirs.

iiiiih Telephones 104


Wholesale Grocers,



GROCERIESAlways on Hand,

FRESH GOODSPer livery Steamer ami Sail.


Cheese, Lard, Hams,

Butter, Codfish, Milk, Onions,

Craekers, Potatoes, Salmon,

Macaroni, Corn Meal,

Pickled Skipjack, Alvlcore,


Flour, ( .rain anil Beans.


Leather and NailsFOR SHOEMAKERS.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street.

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

Pacific Mail S. S, Co,

AN n tinOccidental Oriental S. S.Co.


KteaiiM'i ..1 ila BboVfi mil 1hi

ai HotHdnln on ihetr nni in ilnor alanif Mn- followlna datei

Stmr "CHIrtA" Nov. !7, isicisour "OCKAXIC Dm, A, iHim

sum- "CHINA" 5, ISM

stmr "OCBAN1C Man Ii 0, 1111

sin-- i "CHINA". April Hi. ISM


Steanon of the above Cottpnntai will oallHonolulu mi tboif way from Hongkong and

Yokohama In the above port on or about thefiiilio, Inn datm

Stmr IEAN1C". Dee I. 1888Sinn ( ITV I IF PEKING".

.Ian. . IS!) I

Sinn- "OCEANN Feb. ISMSlim "CHINA" March .'ii. ItNH

si mi "OAEI.IC" Mat 11. ism


i n rogu- - i n nonn-11 a ma gona1M HI $17.", tw


- M OO Jic! UIS

HI im iOQ no

caomCabin, round in,.

BtonthaCabin, round uir

month.Buronean Htaeraga,

l i Freight ami Pannage apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,4-- tl iBeitla.

C aiiaflian Australian

Steamship Line


For Vancouver, B. C.

From Sydney . Brisbane,.Irn'iv Uimahllu

S. S. "WARRIMOO" Auk- 81, 1898

s. s. "MIOWERA" Oct. i. 18988. 8. "WARRIMOO". . Nov. 1,1898s. S. "AltAWA" Dec. 1898

s. s. "WARRIMOO" Ian. 1894

And Monthly Thereafter,

Fop Sydney and Brisbane.From Vancouver, IJ. C.

Ai t in Bbfioluht.s. "MIOWERA" Oct. 81, 1898

8. S. "WARRIMOO" Nov. 81, 1898

s. s. "A RAW A" Deo, 81, 1898

S. S "WARRIMOO" Jan. 31, lslll

Ami Monthly Thereafter.


10li'..U i'l' It. ('., ul'e tin- sum as fa SanPrancisoo. !aL

Through Tickets(ail points iii t'anaiiit tir iht United BtAtO)

Ufr Onnndhin riwWo EiiiUwAy.

I f For Kii'inht or PtUnge, Apply to

THEO. II. DAVIESS CO.,l.ti (ifiicial Agento.


POUNOBO !.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets. - - $9,000,000

Having biseii Appointed imtPAUa ul iln Above

CQMfM) Vfl aa- BOW ii'inlj tti t ill t

MMW ut Ihf rOWWM rait of ir'iiiinn,ii. v. x .HM1DT a hiss.


bssjawtsfs ni aad WTkalssals Dsalars in

DRV coons. BOOTS, snoKS,CLOTHING, Notions and


38 Qui-t-- Street, Honolulu.

i iillfi.rlll:. -- I Sun KlHIli IN n I'sl.

BISHOP & CO..111 ISafl

BANKERS.iliiNni 11 . Haw tit ts Ism w

I ll( I. XI II N t i K IN



Nrw York, CMcAfOi Huston, PansMessrs. 1 1 immiifS ioniioii.

I'K tNK-FO- I' ' IN THE MAIN'h.- nton Nntlonnl Hani, ..i hk

Iln- r mprriaJ Ranking Itu "i Hyilhejkm.

The ConinMivial Banking Do id Hytfney.JSyilntn. Tin- Hank "I Ni- Realami,Attokland, nml it-- brannooH in ChrMcknpch, Oiitii'iliti an. I IVellingt'in.

'I'd.' Hunk of Hi iti-- li Columbia, Portland Ir.Tin- ' ,'iml MadedniHtorkholin, Sm-ili--

Tin- Chartered Hank "f tndia, Auetralia amiChina.

Boaskoiigi Vokobajna, Japan. Andtrnaoai-- i u Uauoml Bankltujc Hu-1- 1 OAl


Insurance Asents.



Life Insurance Co.ol- HOST11N.

Fire Insurance,Alliance Assurance Co


:tna insurance co.OF HARTPORD, conn


German-Americ- an

Insurance Co.


$5,879,906 noNi t Surplus 9,9Bn,889 00

When Km. Equal- ,- Oei lie- - BESTECURITY.

WILDER .V en .



Life Insurance Go.OF NEW YORK.

S. B. ROSE,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands

Hawaiian Wine Co.


88 ami an Men-hau- l sr. Honolulu, H. i



J. T. WATERHOUSE'SQueen Street Stores.

Criterjon SalOOnAQRNT8

Wieland Brewing; Co,


Pale Lager BeerPer Australia.

A l' Ki'.sii I w i in i i ii Cm inL) s i i ks.

Oyster Cocktails a SpecialtyI.. H. Dk I'i-.ii- i


Hlnrnn ( 'oIiim Me' Bit N R

TIm if 'ihU ke i'i f hiBom iia f ill- aft

AhJ tii- Joy t,r t n iK.rn.Prom !"i! ertor! i"r tn

From il.t- o. it nf (in" M Nregt,ltd iih bant a at itrw -- liren.

it I'tatik' .i t ivaiAnd brdati aadehowet from - natal i.oor

with boaey mh! wtae IWM IWI

Till i- vrera fal i .liari. a ill. BOMI

TIm uprtWt feaei uo1 .nl.for Um para4 n to tin' land thai

w ai t in- 'i 1. it mm inn.Soratai aoi brei m faarus a rmn

t nnd it iik.- i 1.. 1.

in tfooti botti i laaitli 1 IIm lneanOffl It 'I tl lii rlVfll -- t hi lit

Uraiofl RMWht nf k;tii in h H m I'.iiifjf ma nne enraptured naa

Ati'l Hk lmr t raroe to the waadV rtan iriU- -

Ai t in i own Lift aad aaaliAmi Monteatuna! f be mi

Wan tnadi f it- red n enLNarrow their rhiTNIit fl hut run

Ar hroDfi 1- tin t oattnent! t'r-,t-

Aini in b i ft Howaretaa fhi'iivtBring plenty and My and

For !) htejW 1'. f!ti'i nH1 rrrmd thW- -

uiitWht'tt th' ri apt-r- m t at morn.

Till MJOh if ore Hi nod hi t u unN MugA mmi: for the gaMared ooen.

The r!r inny blootll Kntflnnd.Tna lily fir Krain anfohl,

Ireland niay bonor be thaairaakoBeotland bar thtetle bold,

But tna ihlaM "f tht greatThf Klnry of the "t,hall bear -- talk of the I fled nil mr Health tin- .

The arbntna anil thf go Ulan rodThe hrart of the DOtth ma la rr,

Aial the mountain laurel for Mai landltn royal elnatera renr.

Anti laainlne and magnoliaThe araal ot the eottth adorn,

Hut the aide n anbllo! enblettI the hountt'ons gotdan t orn!

--Edna Dean Proctor In Oeutavy.

Disrobed in in.- - Street,Than is .m'ur colored dainwil in

Waabington who 0 soul is at presentSIM witli wrath bocaosc of tin- - sum-mar-

action taken by u society womatito whom she liinl been oand maiden.With ways that an dark and ktioka thaiare vain the youug woman proved bar-sel- f

nmn wieiiit by making away witharticles of value. Among kiieae was asilk dross of which hot' niistross Bud Is-o-

especially fond. Though accused t thetheft, Hi" woman stoutly di raied it amitook herdismiasal, vehemently protestiagberim ence. Not long afterward, mthe daughter of Ham waa saiHug downthe street in nil the glory ofgarment, she oame upon bar iniatwairapidly walking toward In r with thelook of a gnat pnrj i ber eye.

Retn ii was Imp. orf . aa waa a fail-or- e

to comply with the n itorriahing de-mand thai she than ami then ilivestberself of the gown. As the alternativewas to is- - Immediately banded over tothe police, the perturbed young womanlid as she was bid with all speed possi-ble, and in us brief ;i time as it t:il:cs totell the lalo slio stood with ber eboujfperfectioua exposed to public whilein an opposite direction her former mis-tri--- s

walked away, hearing in trin-mn-

the stolen property. Kate Field's Wash-ington.

n,,v Not tn tSstertnluets tn.- Indiana,Let us not vigorously crowd the Indi-

ans to abandon tribal organisation. Ifthis is done before they an ready for it,they will surely lapse Into degradation,L.-- t them remain in conpact bodies onreservations to help one another over thechange ami do not compel them to com-mingle and compete with tin- white racein a ruggls in whiob bey must be bonalessly doomed. Slowly by law and byinstruction teach them the value of ourproperty laws. Do not force citiaenahlpupon them, but let them sue for it. Weshould hold ourselves ever ready tograntit, but Let them Bnt discover Its benefits.If inch n policy is maintained for twogenerations mon, the problem will iwsolved tin- - remnant of iln- Indiana grillis saved nnd absorbed in modern

Major .1. w. Powell inForum.

M i ins Mslodlss.What on tin- lips of the "inti Uectuul

doubter" would have been only profanesarcasm was Irresistibly funny becauseof iis innocence, when Lewis, bis Im-

agination Bred by the Brat opera ho hadever witnessed, inextricably mixed upM ly and Bankey and "The Itikadous follows: The day following his ut- -

teiidaiu-- at the latter hehurst upon thu maternalvision attired m imitation of his admiredKo-K- in a patchwork crib quilt ami afeather duster hi bis hand waving an--

Co ntuatioii toeach syllable SS ho , ,i.-re.- l

about ehanttngiTliu ill ! lbs Lord as dona. is. umiu.Ami to ou bad bettor Moouaib. cun.u

- Waalilngton News

just Like Man.Mrs. Stucks--l- f wo luovo tuto that

aberp house, we'll lose caste.Mr. stocks- - Don't oars if wo do. It's

the beat we can afford without runninghopelessly ip dt Ut,and beaidea it's a oom--

fortable place aiiybow.Mrs. Stocks Huhl Just tike a man.

only 10 you can be comfortable and payevery little bill as inncU as it DOOMS tu,you don't Dan what the world thinks.New York Weekly.

The Dominion of OaMda baa an anauf 1,407,000 Iquan Utiles and comprises

of the tend surfaes of theglobe, it is the largest . f all the Britteb

OMeasionS, Australia, the next in sixe,rTUtainlTTg ,M4.888 sguan inllita

The boy who la vt hacked, cuffed,sicked, half starved, umwiglssil andotherwis,' Mgtect. t. geasjnUjr, if hk.-- ; out of prison ami dis s not die,makes tho best muii Lxchuno.

Ki'KK has His'iit Hindu up bjl liiuid thatlife is bardl) wurtk tin Uving in thes.- -

lays WttM a ni in km to k- p poSMt oniu uiuiiy things that unnot worth know-ing.

Tho old. t staMie ol the world 1 oftin rissik of au Cgyptiaa village it isbelieved to bo Hot less thuU 0.000 MulsJld.

The I i rent HaStefn was the largestgite ever built HO fast long, 81 broad,si deep iuid HyW tons burden.

Page 2: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER

2 H M V II U bl AH ?.ltfKl v N V H M H b K

1 1 sw MIAN STAM

' Mniilli in .ilvmn Vi

" frn. h r Wur in AitMHi.' 1M IN

Mi I ill in it I Miirt lot trutwtofil fttill fmtfiilm Rdvorttiitniihi bfe ObtatHtd til the Uitli ;i(im OfAc.

viuiuhi Tttoptoone Rttmbw MMi MlI Ml.

FKiN M v V In If In- A iml h an pUOplfli.i m lil I'M' r Ha) n iiH'int'i'f with m it IMiittikwtvlnv ih- ili.ltie ifimtlin ,iimI im i'i'hH'hnnve roiltiwvd tttcvtti Mmf ihelrwitlp- -

ii ilimi, II i lllltll Tl, ,i lf (lav III

inli i a t ,i hi t bo uili. M tl tnlllftnl'llltlii'i n 1tn Wr hlW 'f

nd fiinn thi in ml of Wort him to thv Bret''ii k4.'kiiowlwI(tfion1 ni' tn- - (ojritii Rlnuticreiiltfrtfon ' H rover lowlands President of thoi iati-s- ilo herab) iii iutuiu- uml t

..l art Thondftft the 'Mi tliiy nf llir prMvnimonth Novetnwi aaa dy ol LhankMtvIngami prnlte, i bV kepi mil observed b) nil peo-ple in par luml,

OntliatUa) let u foteno otir ordlnmr) workii nd etnplo) mnte ami m etuble in out usualplacM ol hiii. wbew m) roMtUftlllod dm done ftir us. And where from grateful

hearts onr qnlted irlbnteof pmtoc ina songhi.i reach tin- thfunc of urmr. Lot tin- reutiloti "i kindred and noctal meeting withFriend lend I'htor and enjoytneni to dtttyntiil lei generoUH gifts ol charlti for the reliefnf the poor and need) prove the sincerity ofi.uri Imnkagivlng. Gltovan CtHVRLAHth


ii w n w issi k

i hi it UtVICKS LOOK I'M in .i


. .i.-i.i i levalend I , i" Willi

N I'li luiit ill National PatrioticI nil ii;ii;it Ion.

Hie Intent news by mail shows haa been called in the policy nf thevinei i i i Csasar. President Cleveland

timls that In' make peaceablerestoration here and thai be hai no

power to declare war with-n- ut

the aasenl of Congress, Qe alsoI'm. Is that he must bend or break beforethe storm of popular hatred and furywhich hin conducl hasnrotiaed, Well-inform- men in theUnited States now think that tin'American marines " ill npl he landed on

lhalf ni in- mongrel "Queen," bnt

tbal Cleveland will seek maid her by

diplomacy. We may he sun-- , however'i bat without theneeof force, nti resto-

ration a ill be brought about.Ii'iillowiug are further extracts trout

and editorlnls:I II! atNlHTBK's INSTB1 i Til iNS.

u amiimitun. Nov. 18.. The close,.-- iii msintai I bj the State De- -

inirtmeni on Hawaiian matters uutkeall

difficult tu judge how much that is

in in ted as fni! Is true and how much is,.... ni. .nun. Ni. word has been gi venhi up to this time as to w hat

1,., actual Instructions to illis are.It is sometimes possible to corroboratemuch ni surmise as happens to be

accurate! v made. The readers olPress dispatohes ran reasonably

rely .m the accuracy of the statementlhal Willis is Instructed to use all hispowers of persuasion to Induce the Pro-

visional tlovemmenl tn con sen I tort-lir- e

in favor '! the Queen.Mi. w ill try t" induce the Queen to

.rant amnesty toall the revolutionista.aud will seek to induce the uieuibersofthe preaenl tiovernnient to accept otneeunder the Queen, bul he will not useforce i" secure the attainment ol

without further InstructionsIroni this tJoveruroent.

ii i s learned that the forces ol theProvisional Uoverniaent of Hawaii,ihougli sinali. are well organised and

aud that must of them areslmriHihooters. It is said that 8000 pickedmen are provided with arms In Hono-

lulu and unrolled in drilled oompauies.Ti ev have been trained for two monthsimstasa safeguard agaiust any Roy&lutt

uprising in the Islands. These oom-

pauies are made Up of white menlargely. Eighteen rapid-tir- e guns areincluded In the militia equipment, the-- mall arms being Wiiiehester lilies.'I'bls force wonld be superior to whatihe men-of-w- a) Honolulu could putuu shore, but ne seems to belle yethat any resistance will be made should

' marines actually be lauded.The liosslbUlt) of Minister Vi illis no)

iielug able to carry out his program tnrhe peaceable restoration "I the Queen

mid ihe amalgamation "t the Provis- -

,, ti.ivi rnmeiit with her a.lmimstia- -

linn makes all interested III the t iiivern- -

ment ill ai ease, ami consequently news,1 Hawaii' is awaited with more

pnrnentness by the Administration eveni ,:. i bj Hie general public,

i pon liemg asked by an rusooiatedPrass reporter for his opinion upon theattitude of the present Administrationtoward Hawaii, senator Dolph said bedid not wish to be quotetl as criuoisingthe Administration because o hu mem-iiersbl- p

of the Committee on ForeignItelatioua. He called attention to thefaol II. ai he had full) outlined his msi- -

i i.m upon the subject in a speech in theSenate o ward the iluse ot tln l'llt.V- -

secoud Congress, soon after the receipt..I the news ol the revolution ill which he advocated annexation amiMlid la- - would again, at the lirsl oppor-tunity after the assembling of Congressm December, take ocoaaion to expresslii vlnws upon that question.

Tin present Oo varmmmt ol Hawaii,"I,,- - i United, "is an existing Oovern- -

maul reooguuied by foreign powers, amiii would appear a though an attempti,. nvartbrow it would an art ofhostility on the part Ol ihe Administra-tion toward a friendly Uovernment

in nur liistory ami unwar-ranted by ihe Constitution, f thep.. li. v ,.i this Administration shouldgive tin- control nf these Island ui aEuropean tiower it would i. loaroel)less Injurious to our eoniniereutl Interestlltau tlte action ol President Cleveland

mhi ream ago in withdrawing fromi in-- Rsttata tin- Nicaragua canal treats ."

Ijotph Is id ih" iMpiniou that tin- II

wsiiaa qusatiun will demand consider--able attention from Congress a) the aw-- j

ion,, - -- ' and ihinUs ii w .11

. in Ihe of a resolution ufi 'i i i u up shapeiuuuii) Congress uould, be ssys, passan .ni directing the Prosidetil pen... . ..n in. .n lor snnexatiou,

s iUiani ll. Aini-- i it "i llamplou,V's I.'iinerh Allorin-- l ol' I heHawaiian lalands, in the city,

the in,. ii. U i ..i ih, I n Mini I . i i l

m. ni and it- - loiiovIn. ill tn ah l

iii .mi . Hon m.i mNl:w S i ik . NoveBlbM It In ii let-

ter . the rVfnwm discuntins Hawaiiansffalrs, llenn N, yii-ti,- -. a native ol theIslanda, nayi Ihe proposition of the

leveland administration t.. reetore the. Queen b) lorce It ven itartilns kiHawsllana who know ihe facts ol tlnlist ii n years, What startles thetumore than anything else, however, Isthe queer story which (Ires ham has sol-emnly uohllsned as the accurate iln.iinL'ol the fact of the late revolution.Ever) ss of the real eveni willbelieve thai Ureshaiu has Ui-- sadlyled astray. Kit her there ware a urealmany tact which Mount forgot to putin his report or there ale a grail m anythings m ihai i. pon whlcn llreshamin el liNikeil. I ealoiol leaVC this SUbjeel Withnut evpre ing my reproliat ionoi the attempt now making to im-- I

peach the credit ol the dead captain ofthe Boston and ol Stevens,MteveM was a man w ho understood thetrue nature of the forces which war 'contending for suuretnacj in Hawaii.ami the diplomatic i onise w hleh he pur-sued was In harmony with the principlesWhich have been laid down by Anieri- -

oan statesmen m regard to Hawaii torforty years. Bad the Cevelattd ailministration brought hut half aa muchknowleuge ami Intelligence to bear uponthe situation they would not now lieattempting to plain a heathen monarchyupon the ruins ol a nourishing Ameri-can civilisation."

NAt A I. UBS DI8OC8TIO.San Kuan, tsi ii. Nov. 16. Naval offi-

cers are not Insensible to patriotism, hutunder the present administration theyhave got to pretend they are or inn therisk ..I a court-marita- l. They remem-ber the case of Lieutenant Sullivan,w hen it was proven that the officersspoke of an policy andsuffered thereby. The writer could re-late some Interesting expressions usedby certain of the officers, hut it wouldonly serve to get them into trouble.Tin- - truth is that a general feeling of

-t pervades the entire navy becauseot Mr. Cleveland's weak-knee- d Hawaii-an policy, ami there are Mil) two orthree men serving on this coast who donot show- it. The Huston's men wereSick at heart when they had to obey Com- -

mitsioner Blountami lower the slurs and Stripes. TheMohican's men did not lake liberty thenay the incident occurred in Honolulu,preferring to remain on hoard ship togoing ashore ami witnessing the de-

grading sight. And now t he news ofIhe Philadelphia ami Adams have got toaid in boosting a fa) dark-feature- d idolatress back on a throne where she willdisregard all laws as she once did

ami. -- o far as that lair laud - con- -

cernerl, turn the hand of time haok ward."Eatighl" exclaimed a man who ha- -

sailed the world round ill Ihe employ ofITuclc Sam. The hole thing disgustsme.'1

Knun naval officers ii is learned thaitin- whites at Honolulu an- well suppliedi. ill, arm-- , ami ihHl the) could placeliearl) a tllOUSSnd men in theever) niir supplied with a rltlu amiplenty of ammunition. On the otherhand the Royalists have practicallynothing w ith Which lo wage war. Thetroops of the Annexationists have I

drilling steadily for nine months, midare not only well advanced in in antrvtactics, hut in artillery, and could usewith the three rapid-lir- e

uns in their posses-io- n.


Washington, Nov. 14. The Hawaiianincident is attracting much attention incommercial circles, ami Congressmenstill in the city evince a lively interestin it. it is already accepted as inevi-table that the matter will come up inCougress as soon as the session opens.All indications point loa division onstriol party lines. Republicans willtake i 'leveland's position to beareileo--

ti ai on Harrison's action in the premisesami will doubtless attack him therefor.I iemocrats expect this and are preparinglo tie put on the defensive.

Congressman Hitt, Secre-tary ol State, has roine out in condem-nation of the movement to restore thedeposed Queen. Congressman Springerof Illinois, however, says be is in thor-ough accord with the Administration onthe question, and believes, as he says.that as the Queen could not have been

without tin- aid of theI nited Stales marines, she hoiil.l he r.

stored.Democrats believe that at the open-lu- g

of Congress I 'lev, land w ill seud ina message In a h oh he shall make publie many facts hitherto unknown tothis country, which may put the ease inai. entirely new light. This la expected,estieoially hi view ol the fact thai Com-

missioner Blount's report has never beengiven out. Springer opposes annexation,but says it is the duty ol the Unitedstates to assure the Independence ofHawaii and to make it a cause of WatI n- any other nation t. attempt annexe-o- f

tion,i longreseniau I leary i lallfornla, a

member ot tin foreignAffairs, said : All the facts arem.i before the peonh v et, and I wouldprefer to say nothing until later. Asamember of the committee ii would beindiscreet in me to express an opinion..ii matters that may come before us forconsideration,"

Congressman Storerof Ohio, a mem-ber of the ' oniinitlee on Foreign Allans.declared y he would never voteudollar to sustain the Administration'sHawaiian policy, "I have seen none ofihe members of the Foreign affairsCommittee," he continued, "hut 1 forone w ill mil aid the Auwlulstratioll inUs attempt to restore the Queen to theHaw aiian t liri me."


Nkw Yokk. Nov. I A, The Huh ofto morrow will sgy:

If .Mr. Cleveland believes that be canprove the statement of tacts on whichSir. Harrison ai led lo have been a

.1 li. s: if he thinks he ran demononstrate thai i roiled states marines andsoldiers overthrew Queen Liiiuuksiani,who had been recognised by us as theruler of the Hawaiian Islands, then lethim lay his evidence before Congress,and sak its consent ami approval tomake war upon the present Hawaii in(tovernntenl for the avowed puipuse ofoverthrowing ll ami restoring the rulerM'hom, ii is alleged, the Hutted Stateswrougfiilly assisted to depose Thusdoing, Mr, Cleveland wilt he actingtrlouy in auourdasce srith the dictates

of the i Hut if. without se-

curing in advance the consent ol Oon-g- iess, he ventures to oommii an an uf

war against the present Hawaiian Gov-ernment he will liave pro. reded on the

lhal w o w nUIKS make oneright, and he will ban- doue that furU'hioh he, hi his turn, will doanrvs Imp. arlnneiii b) the House o I ReureaeuUllives. (toveniuieul ..m-,- rei'iaruied

oi l id ai I mim ins mi .. to ihe,., ,,i, t itna cannot b law fj siUk1sail in i foreign IViwvt up .u thetik l hat recognition was given mi l, i

tat- - pi.-t'- e "i s ml omi.. i ii ending oft.iii n attack m.i. a MnvsfMsrtil

. ... ....... .1 . ,i ,i ..I e , nmli. ..ih iq . at,. n on h u i snftjet ' in Ihecsaa- ..i tin I nlteaj Ntsjti toill. rs t n I. Us ..I our t 'oust u ,,t n m up. nim- p. ,w of t in Knecitth a

rhai in. preaenl Hawaiian Hoversment has undergone such a change noi.idv disputes. It ha-- , been formallyr, gnUSM imt only hv the I lutedStates but bj almost ail the nthef

foreign powers: ami. m pm nai .1 its., .,, status, ii has enteredinto contracts with some ,,i them, as,foi saample, with Japan, This tmhtgihe situation at Honolulu, it - mnnilest thai I he wrong im puled lo Mr. I larrison cannol now he redressed by Mr.i levoland through a wrong of the samecharacter. Mr. Cleveland, no more thanMr. Harrison, has been Invested withthr right oi violating the Constitutionthrough ihe perpetration of an set ofwar. Nothing call he more Hew, how-ever, than ihai ii Minister Willis or Ad-

miral Irwin lifts I finger lor upsettingthe recognised Hawaiian itovemment

nave committed an actof war,ami if that aet has been saw Honed bjPresident Clevelanil he will have tW

v broken I he oat h which on I henh of March be umk to nbej ihe t !otisi nil i. in.

Ail this is but ihe alphabet of Interna-tional and constitutional law. Tinnotion thai thr Haw aiian ( lovernim-n- .

once converted from a its facto to a dt"i status, can, under our I '. instil lit ion.

i.e lawfully demolished by PresidentCleveland, because he subsequentlyRnds himself unable to approve of thecircumstai s under which the de facto(lovernment Arose, is too puerile to hepul forward b) lawyers who value theirreputation. It is as silly as the assertionthat tWO wrongs make a right,

The . ron.-- says: "Paramount"Blount's report s being held back b)the Administration. Not until Congressrails for it by resolution will the Ameri-can people, whom it chiefly concerns,he allowed to read it. This is a mostextraordinary attitude lor Mr. Cleve- -

land lo lake up tOWard the people. Wethink it is without any parallel in ourprevious history. Here is a grave mat-ter of foreign policy, It Involves themaintenance of the Monroe doctrineand the reaffirmation of the Americansupremacy in American seas. It In-

volves stiil mole than all that, ll com-prehends in Its settlement the questionof the right and authority of an Ameri-can President to repudiate the acts ofhis Immediate predecessor in dealing '

w ith foreign powers, ami without eventhe knowledge, murh less the consent.of i '. ingress to plan ami cany out byforce of arms the overthrow of a repub-- !

licau government formally recognizedby his own t lovernment and to whichhe himself has sent an accredited mill '

irter. More than that even, it raises thevital question of the authority of anAmerican President to use the armedforces of this republic without eitherthe knowledge ,.r assent of Congress, tort stoic a monarchical government overa foreign people by whom ll had beenoverthrown,

"There are grave questions that touchfhe Constitution in vital parts, and thedecision w hereof has lar reaching Oon-- 1

sequences. Commissioner Blounvs re- -

t it is thr acknowledged basis of thePresident's astounding policy in Hawai',Ami )el ii Is withheld from the A mencan pie. who have the liesl moralrighl to see it. Congress, the body represent a rive of the people, is not fusessiolij the people art alvva.vs in session,ami I he Executi ve power ought nol to I atttsed in Hawaii in the Uovi i and Id hhanded wai Indicated hv Sccretari i

ir. sham's repot ! without iii I layingbefore the Mnrricaii peopli the basis oflucts on which the President Is proceed- -bur. Mr 111. .ii mi 's i ni. ii i oiml.t loluivebeen published in advance and not afterthe restoration of the fallen monarchyai Honolulu. The withholding of itgiven tl.,- whole transaction a dark-Itinter- n

Savor, This is t in way auto-cratic rulers conduct their foreign.olicv by secrel measures, carried out

under sealed orders, It is not the wayan American President should conductHie foreign affairs of this couutry."

Tin- - prrss: "Since Juab saluted Aniaw iiii a kiss ami then ulew him with atreacherous blow there haa not I uiknown io mankind i more Infamouspiece of treachery ml diasiuiulatioullian the course of (liovel ( levelamlami his State Department toward theProvisional Government of Hawaii. AMinister has been sent, accredited to.tin- k'overiiiiient of a friendly ami In-

dependent stale with which the Unitedsuites is at peace, bearing secret instruc-lion- s

to destroy thai (lovernment andio make war if necessary for its destruc-tion. No warning has been given toti.e rriendly government whose over-- ithrow has been thus treacherouslyplanned. No notice has beeit extendedto its recognised Minister al Washing-ton, International law has lieeii ignoredami tin- American Constllulion over-ridden ami defied. The ProvisionalGovernment of Hawaii is. or arepublic in the lull American sense.The Government is in the hands of theenlightened ami tutelligenl cltisens olHavvaii, ami nnli the Ignorant ami bar-barous an excluded from a voice in Hieaffairs of State, an exclusion which isnot repugnant to the American Consti-tution,

"Even if Hawaii were not a republic(Cleveland would have no right to makewar upon the Hawaiian Governmentwithout the authority of Congress,That without such authority 'he Presi-dent of the United States should under-take io crush the Infant commonwealthfar olf in the PdciBo ocean, an, lookingfor friendship, succor ami for sympa-thy to the very band thai has beenraised ti destroy it. is Indeed an Infatnvl..i which history would in vain hesearched for a parallel."

Morninii Advertiser: "The Presidentis m.i w iiiioiu support in ins unpatrioticHawaiian policy, it comes from menwho do not love their country. Therein nowhere on earth an object so

ntemptible as a man who is In-

telligent, fairly educated ami wellplace. I, lull w ho iloes not love bis coun-try, To such a creature life is a sceneot useless ami Inconsequential monejmaking. He res is the story of the rev-olution with the feeling thai the fore-fathers were a pugnacious lot of old'cocks iv h., w ere vary much wrought up1over s small mallei, ami he thinks thaiin the war of the rebellion Hie peopleof the Soul Ii vv ere pretty harshly Ileal- -

ed. To-da- y h. says that it is ii matterof ndlifers arliether the Kanakascure a free Government or are handed j

over iii hotels t,, ., pagan Queen who iscontrolled b uni-c- i upulons a.lventur- -

era from all parts of the world, Mr.(level ml has the unanimous support oiall ihe members of this class, ann belslvv , h olm- - lo it."

mi MTU It's passport.W AMllMiTiiN. Nov. la, Minister

Thurston oi Hawaii has no) demaudedI.i- - passports, ami his ft lations w ill, thiscoiiiilrv are still, lo all ai, ar.inces. atleast most friendly, The tw4 thai UiiaIs so after tin . ..i.i. i . nr.. he had withUreahani yeaterdai is siHuill

.'lilt as It ntettftS lioil the lelillloll- - Ih-

I a ei n the II . w nl in I. vin mi d theStale 1, pm t mi ni remiiVii niidkSurbed,in- Hawaiian Unveri ment, however.

a. u.. I on Its right' i in imh pcml. .i .. , ,. pole v ,v ill uI.. mgOtd a . an .cl nl .vsr SUt SMI VI

im ui I. . kin-- ' P. Hi, i. lornlion ol lb,t, i, en legal ion line ma ina.oiiniiv lhat haa declared wat sgslnalu I lovernment it iriitmai comnoul.i In- - lo demand ItalMaapnrtSMMlget without the hmil id ihe hostilecountry as soon as p,,- - ink.

Minister nimntnH, in li ed, has no offlmi Information thai this coumrihaa declared war on in- - Hoverninetni o, sh im s public lettei aildn ssed to thePreaiilent i"ontalna mm h Informatkm, itis tine, bui under the punotllhitni

of diplom . v il is not asufficient basis for Minister Thurston tom i upon, because ii has mil been offi-cially sddreesed to him It is. however.a Ufficient basis for hint I" make a

on the Seerelai lor int.. i matioiias to the United Stales I ho erionent'sIntentions toward ins ttovernment,

h n was umiouhleiilv the purpose ofIds v isit to tlrsnnnut and thisv isii was satisfactory a assuring for i hepreaenl the friendly alaltis of the depart men! ami ihe Hawaiian legation,it is scarcely possible ibal oislet canhave been given to reslure ih.- Queen hforce while the llepol 1,1 ol Stale isseeming to maintain rriendly relationsw uh ihe legation her.


rim Aim. November 15th. In an in-

terview tO-d- Jell I handler of Mis-

souri, aii eminent lawyer, said : "Cleve-land had no more Mgi.t to Inquire intothe methods by which the ProvisionalQovernmenl was established in Hawaiiand overthrow that ( iov eminent thanhe has to Inquire into the means b)which FrattCti WHS established, and touse the mililai v forces of the UnitedStales lo overthrow that republic.When t 'level uu i rode down Pennsyl-vania avenue to take the oath of officeon March llhla-- i the Provisional ( iov -

eminent of Hawaii had been recognisedby the United States, and iis Ministerswere in our capital, Cleveland hasno more constitutional right to usethe military powef of the Unitedstates to overthrow that Provisional(1 (Vernim-ii- than he has to directthe military and naval forces oftin. United Slates p. destroy any otherQovernmenl whose Minister he foundaccredited lo tic United States ami rec-ognised by this Government when hetook the oath of office. The spectacls..I a President overthrowing by military

'force the established Government of aforeign country, on e affidavits,taken in secret, Is a novel ami maywell he a perilous precedent In Ihevicissitude ol political life were Harrisi nto return to power he could enter Upu.,

'anew Inquiry touching the validity olthe evidence on which Cleveland over-th-n

w the republic ol Hawaii, ami And-- I

ing il Insufficient in iiis opinion couldorder the republic restored by the oneof the same naval force which overthri w it under the orders of I 'lev eland.

I.Y AITIIOlilTY.GEO. W. s.MI I H. Esq., In this day

been appointed member of il Board oli ommissioners l or City of

Honolulu, v ice W, A. l l.l.i ll i, hiirued,

Interior llflce, Nov. 80, 1888,

J. K N. i.Minister ol the llll.

808 :li


rhe regniar Ohriatltuts vacation of nilPublic Schools in tin- Cottulrj will extend from Friday, DKCBMnitn 88d. toMonday, the 8th of January next.

") order of the Board oi Education,V. JA8, SMITH. Secy

'rut: r 1... ,.i oi..,,November 83d, 1808,



ill lie recciveil III the o Mice of i heMiniates of the Intet . .r till l'.' o'clocknoon, on Thursday, November 80, 1888,

for the erection of the Hteel Bridoe alWailua, Kauai.

Plana ami specifications at the offlciof the Superintendent .( l'uhlic Works

Kadi tender must he indorsed "Tenderfor Wailua Bridge."

The Minister of the Interior tines notbind himself to accept Hie h st or inyhill.

Interior I Mlice. Nov. 80, 1888,

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior,

808 :tt


Notice is hereby given that the TaxAppeal Hoard for the District of Hono-

lulu will sit at the District Court Roomon Thursday the 23d day of November,lSy.i, at 3 o'clock 1". M. , to hear such ap-

peals as may he brought before it,

A. G, M KOBBRTSON,District Magistrate Of lion .lulu, Island

of Oauu, soa-- jt


Will received al the office of theMinisti ihe Interior, until 18 ..'clocknoun, Mim. lay, Dawetula-- r I, 1808, lorthe construction of u jail al North Ko--hula. Hawaii.

Plans ami specidcutlons at the officenf the Superinlei.iii in of Public Works.also at the office ni r. . Pulaa, DefiutySheriff, North Knbala,

ESaoh tender muai be endoraed "Tenderfor Kohalu Jail.'

The Ministet il the Interior does notbind himself tu accept the low est or anyhid.

llltel I Hh. Nov. IH. I H88,

J. A. KING,M In ter of t lu Interior.

Jul :;i


Uu Wi;iksiiv. DnQWUUn s'7, IHIKI,

at 18 o'clock noon, al the front entranceof the Executive Buildiafi w in he soldat public auction Mnj, oi ioveruinentKami on the inouica side of I'roNpect

lic-t. South Blope I'uiK'hhovvl Hill,Honolulu, Oahu, containinR an area ot

Miiare feel, a huh- - more or less.I psei price. ;7,Y

Inleriol llllice, Nov. 88, MM,.1 A. KIM;.

Minisier of llu- - buarisstun m

i. o. 0. I

II MIMUW 1,1 ,. I, I.O.ttd Millin Herman n-- u Wat' steel knaj

f rv Mt m visiting bmthsci... .'.op4iiv invttsd attend

I' r UttNtVel ,.i ii i,xllisinl . ! I "


. DEE,i hUBRn i n -

Wines, Spifils and Beers.

HOTEL STREET,Bel i en u i Httd Bel hel Sis


CIGARSThai we ;nc Belling ai

such low prices tire

km ii ns

La Constantin,La Insularand.

La Isabella.These i iiiiis nrc ol ournu n importation and di-

rect from the


Holm, Rewisn & Co.



ThisIs one w ay of getting the Miovvcraolf the reef, hut thai it is not ihebest way Captain Metcalfe hasalready proven.

Now that the excitement is ov er,suppose you get one of those reallyan, I truly

CMt'lllll Itoalthat we have just gotten iii for IheChristmas trade, to -- how- your littlehoy (or some 01 Ise's), how itwas done, you know.

Besides Steam Boats we havehosts of other things suitable forpresents which must he seen lo I e

uppreclati d,

fall early ami take first choice.


Sir. It. II. ChurchillMi Vernou, Wash.

An Honest Medicine

Rheumatism Cured Health Hullt Up.Mr. Chtirohlll, formarlT M Churehlli & Taylor,lurreyuri and civil sngbieers, ML veraou,

waslilactoB, wines: "Uoulheru Californiasrss my bonis for many yean. Wlies I earuina i begaa tn bs sniotsd uii ovst wltb

RheumatismAnrl also pahiH la my bark sad a Roui-ni- l feelingof being used up, Mr buslnais takes ms nut la

tUe element i all flie tUUS, uuii I fuunJ iny-- ,self until fur work. K, 'tilling an SdVSrUSS- -meat of Unci's usrssparillC sad lasruiagalso that the msdjelua w in ciiinniimleil Intpy nwn state ,,1 MsnnaehuMtU, i ooocludsathis III iv htnril medieiuf-- . 1 toukIt aud am so much improved that 1 um out

Hood's Curesin ail we.iiii - ui i travel mi sag srtth nofuiitue titi.l in,-- feeling, 'in unv one thatfeels ba.l all over I s.,v take II s .s.,, Hus- -HPS. II has, .me. in,-.- IL U. Ch cat ILL,

Hoods Pills .me Uvsg tils. ,iuMlleusttsas, Siok auu tcoiuupuuwt.lloliion NW8kUUI iV Co.

llllll-Mlll- - t'l'lll

NEW GOODS!Aii rStSi - - V

Sf) fOKTo roc r f

Mlltfel NrvrUift. ill iJrcsi. IjihhI

UTOUI M lUlt.tih, III lllr NrWsNH 11 li. Millie-

.imt Siilid 'oltifs ;ii t i low r t vs.

Ai i Worn C Ai r in f"i IW 'ii clcunt itwirtmi lit if

Kin. y PtfWVd amt MM Silk-v- . Shut Silks(thr iHtn, in all MMMlM Kn.tin l ImHa Slk- n,

ilrcss tsHtlrrtiH. Silks, Imh.i Silkv I in i hMtah A lull line uf Stilts in 1l colnr

At Fifty (fitti Yard


N. $. SACHS,

Thorn ; In Hit' 9fttfot6ri pmnmilly iy Mit BAom tn Ni Nm-krii- Mid utiuf the Vrv Lhi hI. and will lie offorvd ;it piii s

to uiit tin' tinrn.

A Evenl in the Retail Dry Goods Bnsi ties.BUSY TIMB Willi is nd PLEASAN


(if )l

Now isWhite FlannelTO BUY

12.2C we mean

per yard, These are only

DresS Shields ... $.18Ladies' llos,- Supporters with Belts .80Mism-- ' ,18All Sill; Binding, in .'ill colors ,18Covered Dress Steels, 8dusen for .'.'"i

t Children's ( iolored llos. ini"

.'.''iI. m lies' I, isle Thread Hose ,40

Silk Slum I lose .7"i83 yards carpeting. .. .... .

678 It ( lorsei .88Pignred ndis silk ,88i children's lluliiici simes .'.'ii

This n BONA FIDE SALE and our entire stock may GO. OUB COUNTERSCROWDED Willi BARGAINS.


Pairs of Ladles' Slippers, small sine,

W in Sell at 88 ots. a pair,

Large Fat Gobblers.Pi H



IVnnint 18 ro ssi t.aa,

LEAVE OHIlKKa I lia 1 in -- I I I III



505 Port Strbkt.

The New


HOTEL BTBERT,(Oppotiie Shootlns Gsllsry near Kuuanu Street.


FOWLS Times u Week

Meals by the Week --

Single54 50

Meal --

Beefsteak- 25c

and i 23cHam and EggsFish, Chops and Eggs - 35c

Tea, ('..ffec. Caocolata ami Giagcrsls witsevery SMS),

CHOW SiNG,1 'roii-leto- r


Are OfferedFor Sale.

They are situate.! between

Maiiaink ashPltOiraOT SlTtKK.Ts.

tin the eastern slope of Punchbowl,

That this location is a choiceami desirable one is evidencedby the many attractive homeswhich have been built thereduring the nasi few years.More would have been built, hut

available building sites havebeen exhausted.

These si. lots arc nil, divisions

of a tract which ha- - beenouegted up by making itxaulthrough from Magssine tu fVue-pe-

streets. The pries rangefrom to . ,o p, i..i.

A map shovvini; si.e andlocation ..I these lots can he

seen at my oflice.



I - ' ISj-- . .'I n-



( )






.p itiinn I'm "iinniitWhite iiid Cnl.irett I uttnn Kre'

I tie-,- I'iiurrns. mN Materi.ils. Nt

le. N Mucins Nt l'i.invA tinr assurimrnt M

CsHWjhtlHi, PtftalM and Plunitf letter. FancvHtriprit Lnttnn Crinkle.

Knan t li'tant .iirrtinrnt uf

!ren. Trintmins to nintth nil Materials

the Time Gents'CHEAP.


bess' 20cSample items.

Qents' Nenkwear .80millinery reoari ;ss i if i 1' IT.

Ladles' Linen Collars ,IMQents' Standing Linen Collars ,06Richelieu Ribbed Vests .in

i Collar Buttons, per dos tiuSleeve Buttons, per pair . .. .. ,08Marking Cotton, I bslla lor . ,08Silver Match BafeiSilver I 'ni, 'uses, with cardsI.m. lies' Sill,-- MiltsMisses' " ' ...Pine Dress Buttons, 8 dos, for ,86Xmas & Plush, half origins co, I.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Oornsr Foil and Hotel Streets.

Thanksgiving Services

xiNI iiKMINii Til AN AMliltltCANitllatmn, hi the Preal

den I of I he United Si al, b, TH ANKBHIVLNU

Srhvicrh will he h,i,i THURSDAY.Nov. 801 h, at Central tTnion Chnwh. hi

a III. alld at SI An, hen's I ' hours I., he iitinniiuced lull r.

ALBEItl' s WILLIS,I '. S. I ion.

Nov. IS. 1808. '.'HI hi

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kim; Strkkt,

Bel ween Port and Alakea sis.


Groceries and Provisions.

J Fresh Califuruia Roll Butter auvl IslandButter always on hand.

Fresh Goods received by every Steaittnnun San PmUiSCO.




Candy Factory.,

""VX Cake Bakery.nnn i at



ISLAND CURIOS.Our Establishment is the Kincat Kehutt tu the

City. Cull una scl'us, O pen til) 11 p. m,


Complete Assoutment ok

"Si :i ERIOR"




set in Brick,AGATE Ikox WARE,

ami TIN WARE,Oi l Mill S' vv Kill OHT s'lTil l. sinks.

uaivanisea saditi misi ,

I' A l.. LA 11 H SPRIM ivl.i

W t Metal ilouds la 11n. icninsir nritol- -

vsalsad Iran on aand or paads tn uraer,"ii f "sultan 'fmaln. Hallt TWat,

LtiVBlories. Water ( l,,els, l'i- - mi, I , il l Inif-.- .

We Hie nalBPSd lor work of all kimls in ihesl, i Metal ami MajuMng ru.l.-- . ami canIHarantas tbormigb arorkuanahig sadclass nmlnrlals la thus,- lines

We s,, licit gear gateaasfls,

J. EMMELUTH & CO.No. Ni, ........ bl ul.J 104 Mcichulll at

Page 3: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER

l TOBIOURAPHICAL, ipvmwow otoni cm minouni

-- AR( iv, or r.ONCRF.SRMfN A'; r.ivrNBV TMrM-.- n

nil.. I I. Ilifc fflMNI !! Inlir Irl. Ii II II slniu . I hnl ThrrrIn N. A.r.mntlii-- I'm Tn.lf An Inter.".tltiit Work.

lr.-riu- I .rri'siMiiiflf.iii-i-

WAMINOTOX, Aii. 81. -- The r.inim-s- -

ttoml IMrvotory, in wnlnti ti m ami MnyniiiiK slut. -- nun writ tlii lr mvii lilojtrn

rteb mid Intonating Mils mm.RoMM UlUHIVntiii'ii hit priiuil Ih'i'iiiim. tlicy

i ri' In tin- - war. mill MM mssil,v IMMMtln v wiTl' lint; ROtM pnilll Willi plidi. Intheir sarly strngglasdownon tin. farm, amimmr fiw in t heir rdMrtlon.

toc nambrr of mam ban wkvnrftd inihr wrmy In large. HmmuMi b Mpiatallyprnllflo in soldier of nil dagnw, fromMajor Ueneral Oordoti, senator from QeorkI, down in Private John Attn f MMiKippi, Mtd tin' north MtM from QtMnilsirkii s in Sergeant Miijnr i InrncnlnaK

rtopresentatlre Catotnettl of Californiamake known bin distinction aw "taa fhitnative ir ( talKornii after it bmm a statulooted tn nagfam," mn! RopmMtMlTi

Marlon iannon ban equally m nuota pridein tin fad tbal In In nut ii native, imt,"dimraM oi team overland" at Ibrftgoof,18 and baa panned through all the degreesnf Maaonr up tn Knlghl IVtnptar,

senator Joe Hawley of Conneottoat batbeen distinguished in nmiij innwnile, andgirts equal weight to his editorial connee-lio- n

with tin. Hartford Courant, ble general's cnni in i ssii m in the ariiiy, his FreeBoll and Etepublioan party' nffiflattom, MiDottneetton with the United states Centen-nial ootnmlselon ae its preeldent ami hismembership in the Conneottoul rltatorioalwdetj in. i trusteeship in Hamilton ool-Ia-

Iteprexetitat ive Moses unit Livingston "f( liiii'uiii call special alt cut inn tn t lieinselvtsas fanners.

Hiclmnl-n- n of Tennessee regard inseieration in Masonry as a landmark in his

for he writes! "Was grand master ofMasons in Tennessee. 18T8-- 4J grand highpriest of grand chapter Royal ArohMasoniof the state, 1883, and Inspector general Ancienl ami Accepted Scottish Kite, thirty-thir- d

degree, in Tennessee.'! Londenslagerof New Jersey notes that, he is "ureal keep-s-i

warn pom. 1. O, 1!. M. of New Jersey, amember of Florence lodge, No, r, V. anilA. M., ami a thirty-secon- d degree Mason."From ItiDO tn Kepi'eNt-iitiMiv- denoteIt. Bhaw "f Kau Claire, Wis., says he wassupreme chancellor Knights of Pythias ofthe world.

Senator Palmer of Illinois has the longestbiography in the official publication amigives a complete epitome of his long amivaried career.

Representative Andrew .1. Hunter, one othe two Illinois members at large, pinnieshimself as a leader of forlorn hopes on eachnocasion by a hot campaign, greatly reduc-ing. In writes, the Republican majority,

Senator Voorhees, next tn being in thesenate, thinks one of his greatest honorsthe f.u thai he was Immediately assignedtn the finance oommlttee and has oontlnuedon its membership. As he Is its chairmannow, tlie full. .wing announcement is worthquoting: "Soon alter entering the senatehe addressed thai body in favor of freeCoinage of sliver anil the preservation ofthe greenback currency as full legal tendermoney."

Thomas Hammond, a new Indiana mem-ber, glories in two thingsvia, the build-ingo- f

a town and of the dressed beef in-dustry, saying, "Moved to Hammond, bid.,to assist, in the establishment of t he greatilresseil beef Industry, for which his nameanil tow ii are noted."

The Kansas delegation, as is becoming,gives great prominence to its fanning pro-pensities. Senator Peffer, besides statingthat be was born on a lat in, noting in threeseparate places periods when he had fannedand another time when be ran a farmers'paper; Representative at Large Harris describing himself as a farmer and breeder ofpure bud Shorthorn cattle; John Davis,farming and editing farmers' journals, andall the others following suit save Hudsonand lurtis.

Senator Hale of Maine lias the unusualdistinction of having twice set aside thecabinet crown, and states that "be was ap-pointed postmaster general by President

rant in )s.T4, but declined, and was ten- -

dered a cabinet appointment by PresidentHaves and declined."

Mr, Dlugley is w illing to be held respon-sible as editor Mini proprietor of the Lewis- -

ton (Me.) Journal, staling that he stillmaintains thai connect inn, and Mr. Hon- -

telle, another Mainegives half his space tn bis life as a brave,bnii i tar.

Massachusetts biographers are justly'

proud to let it. be know n with what educa--tional Institutions they are connected,w hat, if any, mercantile pursuits they en- -


SONRY.gage in and what town or state offices theyhave held. Senator Hoar Is vice presidentof the American Antiquarian society, trus-tee of the Peabody Museum of Arclneoiogy,trustee of Leicester academy, member ofthe .Massachusetts Historical society, of theAmerican Historical society and the His-toric Genealogical society, and a doctor oflaws from William and Man. Amherst,Vale and Harvard Colleges. Senator I.isige'sprofession Is "that of literature." Themanufacturers are Walker, Apsley, Stev-ens, Draper and Moise. Michael JosephMoKttrlolc's biography says. "Hissymiuetrical and splendid physique Is partly dueto his taste lor athletics, which he develop-ed early in life. Hv the lime he had reach-ed his majority he had won a national rep-utation inr powers oi strength, activityami su durance, aud a record for wrestling,leaping anil which for a louglime reuialned unbroken. He won thelong distance padestriau championship ofAmerica in lsxiy, and during his long athletic career mi l with a defeat."

TIM floating dock and tho tyjiewriterare among many important inven-tions that were hit upon by men whohavo mado no attempt to (latent theirideas. A photographer conceived theidea of the flouting dock Isd ire the de-vice was perfeOtM and put to practicaluse, and a nav al otlicer thought out apractical typewriter, but was persuadedhy friends to abandon Ids invention as athing that iiuliinly could lie induced touse, New York Sun.

llr Think Hi. VI . .1 s , n, ,,I ruin KaStertl lln-li- i. M I ' ..

i ws" ttM6viabl nntorietj thai Qmmor Btnos of Missouri recently bad o.rtisf

spon kin, when bs wm neewttd of "ireon snd alhMjsd to favor tbe treesetag of

the western anil .nut hern slit, from theUnion. It was all pnthiT, Inn. and hail un(Inner foiimliit Ion In fun than thai certainpetitions to I he governor had lieeu sent inthe Missouri capital during Iris sbesoosona tnur In some MlgfcboHug si ati. and thatcertain other pet It io'is had been presentedto him by the cltlaens. of iome of the townsthrough which he passed. Then petitionsthe governor oooid souoely be held responsible for. though he frankly admittedbe WM In favor of the objet t fur which theyurged him In call a ennvent Ion of the gov

oovekmh. ITOHX.

emors and rppresontativf mn of the westand south tor "the Mtabllflhineot of Hiichcomriifrcial pollotM anil trade relations asmay render tli is section free from depend-ence upon the eastern section of the Unionin business affairs, "

Governor Stone luis great faith in thewest. It is quite natural that he should,for the west has honored him. TheTuelflhconKressionnl district of Missouri sent himto the national house of representatives forthree successive terms, in 1884. 18H and1888, and the people of the state elected himgovernor in ISM, But the governor thinkseastern influences and interests dominatethe western business world too largely, andthat the east itself is too much swayed byEuropean policies and methods. He alsothinks that bet ween the westami the south will put an end to this stateof CUlngR and therefore favors t he proposedconvention.

Governor Stoim is a Kennickian hy birthand atypical Kentuokiac in appearance. Heis tall, broad shouldered and erect uf carriaiie, and his thick hair is an st raiffht as anIndian's. He has lived in Missouri sincehis youth and was educated at the stateuniversity. He is a lawyer by profession,and the first public office he ever held whsthat of prosecut attorney of Vernon1County, to Whtoh he was elected in 1n7. Hebas a gift Of fluent HpteOhand has been verysuccessful in his profession.

The governor's home is in the town ofNevada, and he has a larKe slock farm nearthere in which he takes great interest. HisShorthorn cattle are his especial pride.They "re of the bluest of Shorthorn Mood,and every one of them has a pedigree and isduly registered in the Shorthorn herdbook.The governor has for years made a st udy ofthe Shorthorn family and has infused thebest strains of their blood in his stuck.


Tiip Beeord otfrnth Aiiunm as Soldier sadCivilian.

Tim new oormnander In chief of tlisGraiidArmy of the Republic, John G. B, Adamsof Massachusetts, or Jack Adams as he ismore generally called, bad the rare distincnun of being sleeted by acclamation with-out any previous balloting at the recent

encampment in Indianapolis, Com-mander Adams lias long lieeu one of themOSt lintllllltr V.'ttTMIIW ill V.. If It' ii. In.,.

has for been the Ju"ki"at her gentle face;,livesArmv,.. wit

iiiuueuiiai memners oi tne iieiiart ment ollassachusett and the marked ainirecia

tlon of his merits shown by his significantelevation has evoked OODSlderable enthiisiasm among Ids fellow veterans at home.

He is a member of Lander post of Lynn,and the fact hat his post ranks second inmembership among tns posts of the wholecountry is due, In no smull degree, to hisenthusiastic endeavors. His popularityhas received frequent recognition from thepeople of the old Bay Slate and his com-rades of the Grand Army, among whomthe saying is current that "nothing isgood for .lack." He has been

Lynn and deputy superintendent of theConeonl reformatory and is now ser- -

.lolls u. u. AliAMs.geant-at-arm- s of the legislature of Massa-chusetts. Last year of his more ar-dent friends, without any previous avnOUnOemsnt, canvass or organization ofany kind, presented his name to the Hepublican state convention for nominationfor the lieutenant governorship, and thoughDC tailed to secure the nomination themagnitude of the vote he received was, un-- I

der the circumstances, highly eomplimen-- :

tary.Commander Adams' war record is an

excellent one. In 1S01, before he was Litof age, he enlisted In the battalion

which afterward became the nucleus of theMassachusetts li niment of vol

' unteers. He served throughout the war,participating iu every march aud everybattle of the Army of the l'oiomac inwhich his regiment took part except arbeuhe was disabled by wounds, aud during thenine months when he was a prisoner of aiHe was mustered out with the rauk ofcaptain. He will be H years old in October.

There is no other work in the world ofWhich so many copies are printed annu-ally as of the Chiuese aluiaiiac. Thenumber is at several millions.It is printed at Peking and is a mon.MKilyif the in ii

There are differences in te-it- Somesre of a nature eapal of withstandingrery rough usage, while others are frailsnd need constant attention.


GEMS IN VcRSE.i se H mi Cf iiHit.

Whit r. .( the pmiti t t)i .in .ti snsjgtKwith Hinn-- lasjaii in- teatKnvROW pi MPSd ti I iir- (0 ''"is

"Tl.1 t r w nt t. i1 ..I ten or 'linneM '

AfWWeri-'- l tl. rtuvr Int.-- mm .rnger wtlhgrlefi

"Iter wnni nor ith leestitaaos sfeve4lie pAKil hi if to ii- - ,e h.vt-il-

Nri oelgfaed the sroetli uf doe el ot bsHefi

"TbreagaUie Aari pertais wMshnM faith orfear,

I'rncrfnl, llncsrs Shd calm, he imimmI.Ap sues fnun eMstef doaM uVrcimi,

ta foetS he WHiiiK red. boMlasj nit h .oler." Tl" lielter." salil the vvhitt. raeml iNdillff,

mild;"I'ternni Miss n aufds dseMeiAil seartl liaeeti with ahitie;

Tlui" me itj on ium! banian reeondleds1snsses Silan.

Deaeoa Lewes' OHevaneaeToalt saeesa me. Mr. Pajiena

Jf 1 SSSn a UttlS wire.Hilt l'e Hllltu the miii n' ir

r nr t hree-ettr- e years an more.An it Nrl n' hurts my Itelln!

i'wt tosss 'eiu i.i swajKur these hannn soaram ditties

'At Ii oaOtaiiS the day

Therai nmither Uttls bapp,niflAt rii mention whits I'm hefe

Just tashow 'at m ebisetloaiAH In ofTeretl SBSjad nail StsaT

It wee one day they was ilng lagAn was (loin well SOoagh

Blngttl kh.mI aw fywf h- i ould winnHah an awfal msss stutT

Whso the caetf give a hollarAn the eegaa uive a groaa

An they left OOS weak Voteed fellerthere alotip!

Itut he Mtuck riu'ht tn the music,Though 'twas tr in as OOOJd le.

An when I tried tn help him,wiiy. t ho hull Dharch scowled nt nit

Ynu say that! StagfttiWell, i pralss tbs Lord that i

Grou t d up when WgS wiUinTn sing their hymns Bahlgh

Oh, we never had such doin'sIn the good Bethel ilays.

When the fnlks wan all OOOtentSdWith the simple onjrs ti praise.

Now , i tnas bars enoae too odssuHut 't was ton harrl to keep ill.

An I hope you'U tell the MiiKeraAt J hear 'em Do ill will.t they ull may l n tn gloryIs my Wish an my desire.

Hut they'll need soma extry treJamTore hey jnin the heav enly choir.

aul Dunbar.I lie Tart itij; II mn .

There! somethiug In tin- parting hourWill hill the wannest heart-Y- et

kindred, oomrades lovers, friends,Are fated all tn part;

Hut thla I've seen and many a pangHas pressed it on tn mind

The one w ho sees is happierThan thOM he leaves behind,

No matter what the jniirney tmAdvent unnif, datinemus, far,

Tn the w ild deep or blaoh frontier,To Holltude nr wur- -

IStill somethintf cheers the heart that(hires

in all of bamaaklnd,Ami they who go are happier

Than those they leave behind.

The bride goes t bar hash id! bosasWith doubting! and with teats.

Rut does not hope her rainbow spreadAcross her cloudy fearsf

Alas! the mother w bo remains.What com fori can she find

Hut thi the gone Is happierThan one she leaves behind!

Have you a friend a cmnrade deariUl old and valued friend?

Be sure y nur term of weel concourseAt length will have an end:

And when ynu part as part you willOh, take it not unkind

If he who goes i happierThan yon he leaves behind!

God wills- ii no, and mi it is;Tliu pilgrim! n their way.

Though w eak and wnrn, more cheerful arfThan all tin rust whostay,

And wheti at Uu poor man, wbtluedLies down tn death, resigned,

May he not still he happier farThan those be leave! behind?

Edward Pollock.

Her -.

She has no dnzzliiiK cliurms, uoclasslc Kraee,Nothing, ynu think, to win men's hearts

alsiut her.He years Identified with Xfil. sweet sndrjin.,.1 r .1 ... 1 ni ir what our would bs








In. mi

She has mi wish In tin- great wnrlil to Rhine,For work outside a womans sphere no yearn

lag,Bui mi the altar nr home's sacred shrine

she keeps thu firs of purs affection burningWe tell our artefS into her patlaoi ear;

She whispers "HopsP when ways are darkanil dreary.

The Uttls children like tn have her nearAnd run hit i her open srins when weary.

Her step falls lightly by the sufferer's lied;Where poverty mid care Rbiniliil she lliujers.

And many a weary heart anil aching headFind iritis of healing in her tender lingers.

she holds a helping band to those who fail,Which gently guides them hack to paths of

duty.Her kindly eye, with kindly looks Inr all.

See In uaooraeuest souls soras hidden In nut y.

Her charily would every need embrace;The shy and timid fear not In address her.

With loving tact she rightly tills her place,While all who know her pray that hfaven

may bless her.

Sliull I Complain?Shall 1 complain the feast is o'erAnd all the banquet lights have ceased loshlna?For Joy that was and Is uu longer mine;For love that cams anil went and mines no

more;For hopes ami dreams that left my open door-Sh- all

1, who hold the past in tec, repine?Nuyl there are those who never iiualfed life's

wine-T- hat

were the nn Blest tale one might deplore.

To sit alone and dream at set of sun.When all the world is vague with

nlgh- t-coming

To hear old voices whisper, svv eol and low.And see dear fares steal hack one by oneAnd thrill anew to each Lona cast delightShall I ooranlain, WbOStil) this bliss may know?

Iiuise Chandler Moulton.

Henplte.Drowsing, the other afternoon I lay

la that sweet Interlude that falls betweenWaking and .lei ping when all being la

Of one complexion, and the venue dreams playAmong l he I hung his, and the thoughts go asl ray

Among the dreams. My mother, who hasbeen

Ilead almost half my life, appealed to IranAliovc me, a boy In a house tar aw ayThat QMS was Inline, and all the troubled

yearsThat have been since were as If the) were

not.The mloes thai ale hushed were in my e.ars:

The looks and mntinns that J had forgotWere In inv eve-- , and they disowned tin. tears

That imw igaln beneath their ltd! scs hot-- w. D. Bowelis,

Heart s, like tpptss, are hard and sourTill erushed hy pain's resist Ises powerAnd yield llnlr Juices, rich and bland.To none but Knrrnw 's heavy band.

Dr. J. II. Holland.

The application of animals and animallubslaiiccs to the cure of disease lias pre-vailed from the eurliest times, thoughtho greater part of such remedied, untilrecent times, have Imn founded onMtlw.'r fantastic or superstitious tuitions.

The uso of (IraiH'i v in idi .i art is aspurely for artintir n asous M la its itlencu uiul luui inrtliiii)r to do with theurotiriftv of clothing.





is- -



every person in ihc cutnmunitv man,

an. ... L. i , . . .vviim.iii 111 Linni who is ;il)lf to re;nl iiiid

who detires to keep in touch with the spirit ol tins

progressive age and wishes to lie posted as to events

ol interesi which are continually happening at home

and abroad, on land and sea. "

I he STAR is a new paper and has introduced

California methods ol journalism into Hawaii, where

before its advent, the Massachusetts newspaper tradi-

tions ol 1824 held sway. It has three prime objects:

To Support the cause ot annexation ot Hawaii to

the United States and assisi :ill other movements, politi-

cal, social or religious, which are ol benefit to these

Islands and their people;

To print all the news ol its parish without (ear or

favor, telling what goes on with Ireshness and accuracy,

suppressing nothing which the public has the right

to know.

To make itself indispensable to the lamilv circle bv

a wise selection of miscellaneous reading matter.

As a commentator the Star has never been accused

ot unworthy motives.

As a reporter the STAR has lei l no held ol local

interest ungleaned.

As a friend oi good government the Star Ivas

been instant in service and quick to reach results.

As an advertising medium the STAR, Irom the week

ol its birth, has been able to reach the best classes l

people on all the Islands.

- Compare the daily table ol content! with that

ol any other evening journal in Honolulu

I hc --STAR" Is

50 Cents

A Month

In Advance.





HARDWARE. Builder a General,Ua; ii. to thi Tiii.. in Mtialitv uvl and Price,

Plantation Supplies,lull Amu mns 111 tn am virion- - item mi- -

Steel Plow.-- .

Made .'pri--l- v ..I Island work, ttitiiivn patts.

( I I in WORM' Wl. KM VIS.

Ag ric ulturul Imp I ementstforn, show u, Mattnt'ks Mtcetc,


JJ Srri-- Plates. Taps anil Dr.1 wist Drills. Haints anil Oils,

Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Feltand Felt Mixture

hums si wi roils, vv is 1, in- - CMNTH is


t Lllliricsit illl' ( )ils in,lMlit5 and efficlencj surpasse"

5 O by norui,

GeneraJ Merchandise,It is not poaaible to show avMything trahavi if tlrara toanythinn

you want. Dome ami ask for it. vmi will bfl poliUl trmtnl.No trouble to show poods

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,S L,K At V1-- : Ms



Excels any Toilet Soap on theMarket.


For the VolcanoNatures Grandest Wonder.

The Popular and Scenic Route- HY THE

Wilder's Steamship Company's

A STEAMER KIN A U.Fitted with Electric Lights .ml Bells, Courteous and Attentive Service,


The Kinau Leaves Honolulu very 10 Days

TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS,Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings.

From Hilo to the Volcano-3- 0 Miles

Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages,Over a So. km. 11. Macadamizko Road, running mot) ..I the

way ihrnuoii ;, ihuv Tropical Forest a ride aloneforth tin- trip.



For the Round Trip, Fifty Dollars.

For Furtbei luiormatlon, Cam m in hhmCornei Imt ami Queen Street!

Page 4: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER

' ll HI

Tur r 1 1 r ". ANt) AOVUNTlfRt!I wo ni Ni h now r n

burl in Ti II.1 ii rtl,l-- I I. .I.l' La I nil I' I III

nil l it IMI.I I. It 1 nr Hi II il11. bat,

fi i ritthl. Is! h Ameru an Tit a "'t'lR.Hull. ok Itch 4 rwr ed.

UlH - the ' .

ft '' I 111'

r " i') hi- i tr) imp- KHd Mf mm locks

I'fiinii-- e it ii iik mntxl i'i L'artni ntsmtn, IndtetlnclIn tin' twilight,

otand like drains ofoMa witli VOf CM

himI prophetlr.

Blond hi IwrMftIi on r . w I hKanW if t KwM

nit their htniiHUiLoad ProtB lti km ky oftv PTtw he deep voiced

iifixhlnr1tiu'SjuMiks, Hint In accent dinennolate MMWfJfl

the wuil of tb fnrt'M.Thin the forest primtmtl.

Primitive, like their forest home, wasthe lif of the pioneers whoeeleoted AcadiaOS a field tot Miht'iiturt' and proth Whilethe Puritans were t reel lug a Wooden townfound the bojiril meeting hofise on "Trl- -

niou i it" hill in tost on tin handful of whitedenltene In New Prntoe roamed the woodslike Indi me and subsisted on v ild fruitend game. Rtnfssortes from the luxuriouscourts ol Prance to the settletnents m t liemonth of the St. IsMvrenu were lodfd nnder boug h sheItem nod banqueted off bef-rte- e

nod forest birds and fish on nature'scarpets if h avcH and mosses One of theAoadian feudal lords who se up to he theDeer of the good Puritan governore, Win-thra-

end Ktidioott, wee Charles Saint.Btienne de In Tour, a settler on the St.John, l.a Tour at one time held the rightto be called lleutenonl general oft lie Trenchking end com mender for the company ofNew France, The right woa disputed, endhis den ire to make it good and perpetrate itgave the whole body of Kufopean Botontstiin North America no end of trouble andcertain people closely interesteil no end oftlli' Ing and excitement.

For more than years in the early pertof t he seventeen! b cent ury France and Bug'html alternately held sway in the NorthAmerican oettletneuta, and in IGttl the ad-

herents of .lames I bad sei.i-- all of Acadiaexcepting a little kingdom of rocks, break-e-

and IsletaonCepe Sable point That wasI,u Tour's n i real. With him were n hand-ful of French ami t he braves of 100 IroquoisIndian families, whose wild life be hadshared from boyhood. Alter several attempts to oust the Acadian squatter byforce, Kim; .lames' viceroy. Sir WilliamAlexander, brought diplomacy to bear. LaTouri father, Claude de la Tour, was,,prisoner t the Bnglish, having beef, cap-tured while on a Voyage to France. TheISugliftli court conferred on btm t be I Itle ofbaronet ami sent him forth from Englandwith wo warships (Hied with soldiers toseduce his sou from French allegiance byHal i cry ami honors or bring Id in. to termsby force. The two La Poors 'Acre to in-

liaii met of Nova Scotia wit h cession of allrights and titles in Acadia, providing thesou would Join the father m fealty to KingJames. Tlte ships anchored off the fortwhich guarded the shores of CapeSable,aud the father made know n his errand tohis SOU. "No," replied young La Tour. '

.shall remain true to my own country andm ow kbsjg, and under these present con-ditions you must allow me to give ordersthat neither you nor your lady ma) enterthe fort."

The old gallant had brought out fromLondon a new young bride, an BngUonwoman Who was deep in the, plot to winover the susceptible Frenchman, The baf-fled embassador then w rote an affectionateletter begging his eon to reconsider. Thisappeal also felt llat, and the lord of CapeSable declared that be would hold btt do-main against the world. At this the Bug"liah commander opened a furious attack onsea and land. After tWO days fighting LaTour held the fort, and t he RngTish sailedaway to their own port.

The next move affecting Acadia was thecession by Knglam! of alt its Canadian ter-ritory to France by the treaty of St. Uer- -




main. A real, true knight, one ClaudeKailly. took possession in t he name ofKing Louis in UMft. Uailly was lieuten-ant general of the king, ami two Iteuten-ant- -

or subordinates were named to abaret he emoluments and honors of Acadia w it hhim. Thene were one D'Aullnty amiCharles de la Tour. La Tour meanwhilebad abandoned Cane Sable and built afort at the mouth of the river St. John,where extensive grants had been given inreward for his forlorn defense of Acadia"again! all the world." D'Aulnay's -- eatwhs at Port Itoyal. across the bay of Fnn- -

dy, tbe oldest European settlement in theregion. D Aulnay was blessed with friendsat the Parle court, and a bitter rivalry soontook place between the two cbieV. Bothof them made war upon the PnnTan trail-ing poatS of Maine, and as a result tbePlymouth colonists were drawn into thedispute. D'AulnajT wanted La Tour's helpin a raid ou the English, boJ hi- - w ily rivalrefused ill the hope hat D'Alllnaj wouldgO in alone and get worsted and quit thecountry fOrgOod. Instead of that, D'Aul-ua-y

sailed for France and shortly returnedwith a bride an evtdenee to La Tour thatbis rival Intended to stick to Acadia, LaTour ulso took a wife from among t'bedaughters o La llclh France Her namewas Marie .la ipicliu-- , and she proved tobe an lutrauld aoiaaon, almost as strongan alljr as tke eourt mvoritinw and armedNalnaand Isittalions that supsrtad D'Anlna .

I)' A ulna) s foia - into t he Puritan eottUtry leii u a royal battle between the h'td-- . La Tour, with tWO armedpUaaaeea, attacked i wo of D'Aulnay's veeaaWtnat were headed for the Maine toast ,

one of them and was oh thepoint of winning ben bis chief oAeav was

allied. U'Aulnay najma off vicner and cur-

ried La Tour, his wlfo od all hi- party toPort lioyal as pieoneea of war. Tlte diepate was pjianj bud beeore the FrenchCuurt. and La Tour was set at Lbeity. lieeeturned t Hit. John and next appeared

the world aa an active and proscribedrei.ei against the king. Louis XtlJ had re-

voked ais commission and Dfoafad D'Anl-gg-fl

to his i'"'1 and possessions and tosand ktan to Prance In tains. Three armedsonarls and red oil Bt. John t ssjajanathe sane I, and hkree rnt v - weal ashore toannounce the king's decree. La Tour suan

fal pflfPWm (1 miIna n ship hovered

I milt, OlOPkAtlltig the port, but 141 Totifran the blockade one night Inaamafl hoaland rt orbed well amted vesael that hadu eg ism him mm ret iv by hu agent inrr.uice. tnthatahtp be sailed loooetonto enlfst the I'm nam In piittittu dnwnaeominoii enemj

iter entering Boston harbor an Incidentid t he o auc i h ik .11 Tour nslioi t UponOMot the island- - which Imopcned to be thecoum r home ot t.o ernof bron Thegovernor and his family were OH t he beachw hen the teodlon cnl t appeared. Learnlag who the 1" sgi r was, be extended theusual civilities, and lot Imp dismay of all t heDenser at Ive and right ksh souls In Bostonaslled up the ttarbor to to wn on board IvtTour's skip. In point of fact, as Witii hrojsoon made known, Hostoti harlsw was de-fenseless and at the mercy of tbe "idol-etrotts'-

r bel and if courtesy wouldn't dhHim 9jRf hostile Peeling he might nourishthere was nothing else to fall back uponAfter duly praylnM ami arguing over theknotty problem he ennny Puritansdecidedthat ainoa D' Aulnay and La Tour wereboth In open enmity to the Plrmontb

and n Is easier to put down one foethan two. it would be a good scheme toaet


2?mabtv la toch dbfkhding the fort.

them to fighting, and whichever was Usedup t he Plymout h folk would In the gainers.La Tour, being on band, received the benefitof t he decision and otic April morningsailed aw ay to Si. John With Ids own shipand four thoroughly armed and equippedallies. At the sight of the new fleet DAnl-nay'- s

blockadcrs hurried from Bt. John toPort Royal, La Tour was for attackingD'Anlnaj s post, but the Puritans wen1 for-bidden by their permit from Plymouthcouncil to light except in self defense, midthey returned home.

DfAulnay checked the dangerous alli- -

anceof his rival and the Puritans by aban-doning his seiaures in Maine, also flourish-ing before the Plymouth council a DOW

royal prescript declaring La Tour a rebelami a traitor and ordering him O'Aulnayjto live on terms of good fellowship withthe Knglisb. Meanwhile the ama.oniauMarie la Tour haunted the footsteps ofIT Aulnay. fat homed every move t hatt hreatened her husband and used all meanstoopposeit. She followed him to France,where she w as charged with crimes at id for-bidden to return to Acadia under penaltyor death. While tVAulnny's envoy was inBoston negotiating the l.udicou-D- ' Aulnaytreaty the amaxon appeared there to putin a plea for her hunted husband. She hadescaped from France and sailed to Americaon an English ship, The Puritan fatherswere m Impressed by tbe Indomitable con-sort of Acadia's arch rebel that tle-- al-

lowed her to charter three armed vesselsand sail for the St. John with cargoes ofsupplies and war material. When shereached Port la Tour, she outvied her re-

bellious husband in warlike seal, Tin-Ca- t

hollo friars w ere driven from t he settle--incut by her fierce deUUUOiat ions of churchand king.

La Tour was advised to placate t be Purl--tans by going to Boston and asking thatProtestant ministers be sent to preach inAcadia, lie took I he BagUClOUB counseland started for BuSton, leaving his w ife incommand. When La Tour was well out ofthe way, D'Aulnay Bailed across to St. Johnwith three armed vessels bent on puttingan end to his rival's pow er, lie plantedcannon on the land side of the fort to butter its log ami earth, the ships werehauled up to w ithin pistol range, and th.garrison, consisting of u handful of menled by a woman, was hailed to surrender.A volley of shot and the display of the redMag of defiance was the answer. The battlelasted four days. At tbe end of the thirdday D'Aulnay withdrew Ids ships. Ou thefourth a Swiss guard of tbe garrison playedtraitor aud allowed D'Aulnay's scouts toenter. Mine, la Tour saw the danger intime to rally her soldier-- . At their headshe defended the breach until D'Aulnay.aghast at the slaughter of his men, offeredhonorable terms of surrender. As soon,however, as he saw the meager band Op-posed to him be hanged all the male pris-oners, gave the place up to pillage and shutthe friendless .Marie in a cell. Three weeksof solitude and the rage and shame thatconsumed her broke her proud spirit, andshe tlied in t he hands of enemies hie had sovaliant iy opposed.

La Tour staid away from Acadia afterthe loss of his possessions and his aithful.Marie until D'Aulnay died, leaving thecolony Without ahead. Than he let urned,married I Aulnay's widow and nihil nu-ll ist orbed for n decade or more. D'Auinaj 'schildren went to France, and his name wasobliterated in Acadia. La Touree)eseend-ant- e

may be traced through all the annalsof that tragic country, ami from his bloodand that of his compatriots came the sadpn.ct ision of exiles driven forth with Long-fellow's Gabriel and ESvaugellne.

Gborgs I Kii.m eh.

Devil' Luke.Tangago, the Chippen SB, came from the

uori h and pitched their tepees 00 t he noi hshore of the lake. They pad reason to

that the Sioux were encamped on thesouthern shore, and they planned to crossto the south before daylight and surprisetheir traditional enemies. The Sioux hada similar thought and design, and eachtribe proceeded to exterminate the other.They met in about the middle of the lakeand fought, and all were lost. The tunc isnot fixed except thai the incident marksan epoch in the history of boi h trihes.

Another battle was fought afterward onthe south shore between otiier COOtlngentSof those respective tribes. The Chlppewascame in canoes from the north a- - before.This was in leHf. The Chippewa warriorewere all slain but one man. w ho returnedbadly wounded and fiddled. The fatalitiesConnected With the lake and I he apparitionsgave rise to the name M iuuewaukan. orspirit water, mysterious water, haunt edwater, fated water, and finally to Devil'slake as the only English equivalent for theIndian's idea an expressed la M Innewaukan

The ( hipped Bfl came here La canoes. TheSioux also used canoes With but fewportage-- , the former could easily at thaitime, while the lake was so far above itspresent level, come from Lake Suerior toDevil's lake. Since the fatalities relatedthose Indians hi i a superstitious dread ofcanoes. Young p. oplc are getting over thedread, but old Indians will wade to theirwaist fishing while boats are within reach,but won't lare enter - Minneapolis Trib-une

Monkeys, as la well known are like onesIn their dread oi gettlug wet On shjpUmtdyou may have often laughed to see themscampering f rum a li :, ;, Hpra) Si it dashedover the deck OT buddlfllg together underthe lee of the ham Istat ilurlUg a pa iuL-Mil



in. iMnfT dm Variant tfert VHsem nkiPrewea ceeentp ffeeaee)

Drs ot Iba French warshlpa wktch tookpart in he t OtURlbtafl Daval review at New

.rk WOt named the Jean llnH. An theAh ip was one o( tlw Brat staaa, and attracted consequett$l) a great denial attention,no 'i iosit v w - a rouse. lw it name,

blob lo most people seemed a strongsone In booits ot reference people weretold that ban Dart woaa Prenak admiralwho nourished at tbe etoac of the evenleentb centory, and who, beginning Ufa nnh i. iherman, rose to high rank and besjoaniu pop ilar In io. but none tif the currentbiograpbleecontainaany of the curious andamusing aneodotes about him width kaveBOfDS down from the time When he lived.

One of tinea it tries will serve lo akowwhat sort pf man Jean Bart was. When hohad made ft brilliant record as a kind ofbm e Hirer ai d nhoWC that licwasainucUn bier sea warTiot than afiy of the offioara ofnoble birth who commanded the navy.King Louis XIV made him flr-- t a lieuten-ant and then the captain of a frigate, inwhich posit ion he ureatly diet Ingnlsbedhimself.

One day, while several elegant cottrtictiwere waiting in the great monarch's r

for an interview with the king, arather rough looking sailor came in. Tbecourtiers and attendants were greatlynhorked, but the sailor announced that hewas Jean Bart and that ho ned come tosee the kl&g. Cue of his men. Keyser, hadbeen condemned to death for killing a manIn a duel, and he was oing to ask t linkingto pardon him.

"But, M. le Capital ne," said loa attiardant, "nave yon a royal Invitation entitlingyou to an audience?"

'A royal invitation!" exclaimed tha OOp-tai- n.

"What do! want of that! The kinga&d I are good friends. No need of all thatnoncensc between its! You just tell himthat Jean Hart wants to talk to him, andthat'll be enough!"

"But 1 can't announce any one whohasn't an invitation," said the attetidaut.

"All right' said Jean Hart "I'llnouncn mjself!"

lie bounded toward the door of the king'sapartment, very much as if hewereMart- -

ingto run up a mainmast. The attendant,with pale face, placed himself before him,exclaiming:

"But the king's ordersl Don't you obeythe king orders?1

"Oh, well," said thu sailor, "if it comesto that, Fll wait. I won't go against theklngS orders."

lie sat down among the astonished courtiers, took out a pip' and some tobucco,struck a light with bis flint and tinder andbegan to smoke. The attendant protestedthat no one smoked in the king's ante-chamber, but Jean I tart insist ed that w henho w as w ailing he always smoked.

"Put him oUt," some one whispered, butno one ventured to do more than whisperit. Soon the king learned w hat was goingon and ordered Jean Hart Ushered in assoon as he should have finished his pipe.The interview, in which Jean Hart con-ducted himself with all due respeot to theking, ended in the granting of Keyoer'spardon, and Jean Hart came back into thecourtiers' presence triumphant.

They all crowded the bluff captain,very oueequioi (to him now, and completelyblocking his exit. Be was in great baste tocan y the pardon to Keyacr,

"Oh, tell us, M. Jean Hart," the conn ierabegan to exclaim, 'tell us how you got outot tbe harbor of Dunkirk when you wereblockaded there by the Publish fleet!"

"You want to know, eh!'' asked the captain, pausing.

"Certainly!" they exclaimed, crowdingstill more closely about him.

"All right i ll show you just how 'twasdone. Look here. I'm Jean Hart, ain't JWell, this room is the harbor of Dunkirk,and ou fellows are the Kngliab fleet block-ading inc. And now"

Wnackl bang! Whack! .lean Hart laidabout him, now administering a cuff, now;i hick, and very forcibly clearing a way to-

ward the, door. As he reached it bo ex-

claimed:"And that's the way, gentlemen, that I

got out. of Dunkirk harbor when 1 wasblockaded there ly the English fleet! Goodby!"

Thewantlilu that bean the name ot thisredoubtable seadog should beftformidableautjiiiii-t- . Youth's Companion

The sloth1 ( t.The shah oi Persia has a yreat eJfeotion

for cats and is so fond of t hem t bat he hassome r'; feline favorites which are genenUljto hf found In his apart menu, aud to whichhe has assigned officials ami attendants oftheir own They also have their own qaciul room wluTe they iih.-i'-in bl e at curtainhours to have their meals, u bis summerexcursions they all accompany him, beingcarried by special men on borsebaok Incages lined with velvet, The favorite ofthe lot need tube n large gray oat calledBabr Khan, which may bfl translated asPrince Tiger.

Wbeo the shah lunched or dined. &obrKhan was always always let into the room,ami sometimes his m.iji-st- fed the CSt withlii.--. own exalted hands, Once, while incamp, Babr Khan disappeared uud was

' searched for in vain. A servant who hadmade fun of the cat and been heard to re-mark that it was better out of the waywas arrested on suspicion f having causedthe animal's disappearance. He was car-ried to Teheran In chains, flung into a dun-geo-

and woi never heard of again. NorWas the eat. New York Tribune.

How Porta 1 tllises itut.Almost everywhere in the world, except

In Paris rats are considered as a trouhle-- I

some nuisance to be gotten rid of by anymeans possible. The Parisians, on the con-trary, convert this nuisance into a usefulmember of society and a source of revenue.In Paris rats are collected from every pooBible source and placed in a great pound,where t he carcasses of all animals dying inthe city are thrown. These remain areHpeedily disposed of hy the rats, whichleave behind nothing hut the cleanly pickedhones. There are no such scavengersrats. Four times a year these rats arerounded up and killed, ami their skins areutilized iu the every where admired form ofKant lie Paris, to decorate the hands ofloveliness the world over. PhiladelphiaPros.

The 1 irrit planaNo one can tell exact ly w ho made the first

piano for the reason t hat it has gradually"evolved" from an instrument OS much un-- I

like itself asouecouhl well imagine, inthe i Wflift h ceii ury it appears to have beena gigantic dulcimer, wuioh was merelyoblong bOX holding a series ot btfingS OT

rOjOgeQ iu triangular form ucrossitH centerIn the thirteenth ami fOUTtBSnth eenturiethe "clavichord, " another musieul inotihtrosity, had devehiH-- from it ami wasHied well up in the eighteenth century.Abonl IT11 CnristolaU of Padnainvsoted ari al piano, hut it is said to ivmind om of acoal bag when compared with the eh'antand porfflOt toned iui runieiit of tolay. StLouis Heoublic

I .al tut; ailgwi.In southern Bnvutiallui paaaantaalwaflv

nil fniil iii BNMnl UiaM uml MVWthink ni' iMatinglt to iIiisi k of ngaf, aaltor otbar aaawoulag, jLrouud Naplaaand laMalaga Uia paopla nttaa aola in tbaoraan,anek om 0m ittiaa and iImmu Muw

Bwiall Atnafioaa iH'opieoticndo il,- aana, but of asiuaa mi AflMriaajiin ity his band hi Inipaoving uatuva, aob BUtN a luaip af aliajat in II AnoruneulauWr (bluka auafa a thing iIbm-it-



Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled IronCooking"



Plbing,Tinn Copper and Sheet


Just Received by Last SteamerKin Oi.uvi- in s lii rox, Uni)Ressi n Fans, Drabs anii Gkav!

i' Button Mi'squetaire Eveninc; Shaiiks

20 Button Evening Shades


White and Colored Dimity s. Muslins,Swisses and Percales.

Tta arc the CHOICEST LINE of DRESS MUSLIN Have Ever Shown,


White and Cream Point de Ireiaode Laces

Suitable for Trimming V;iMi Dresses,

All Widths, from

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New Furniture StoreROBINSON BLOCK.






Bbewer Block.





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Uoraar Ratal Alafcaa Bipaata,

0wloc Hwm: m..

Tki.khi.i.nkk MutualMutual


In opei tor buslnesSi has in stock the linesl of

Antique Oak Bed Room Sets,

Chiffoniers, Sideboards,Extension Tables, Ktc.

a Assortment of

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illows. BpeWnl at:.-- to our latest style of V : M ATTKKSSKS.anoT oheapesl evor brought t oounuv. Pine Lounge Sofa

Beds, at San bVauoittco prioes. Complete Assortment of babyL'ai'riages, Ciihs, Cradles High Chairs,


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Cabinet Making liranches


OR D WAYRowaaoa




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PETER MICH, Proprietor.Okfick n i M11.1. Alakea and Richarda, near Queen St., Honolulu,



Prompt Attention to Orders

BEAYERFort St.eet. - Opposite & Co.

II. NOLTE, l'rop'r.

Wrat l nhw mmi ! CbdNa,

Wilier, liinuci Ah' or Milk.

Smokers' Requisite a SpecialtyOpen from H a.m. till l P tr.

95 97

3 to 12

k, Hiitki. " Bit


andU to U at., .' lo4 a

ni. Kr.MM vh: H;:m to 10m u. in.

WKen W

DOW iil and assort meat

Also Ptnfl

Fine and straw and Silkfor lion called

tbe heel and



V7e andlass

in all its


SO. IWift.

a mi





j EQUIT BLEI Ife Assurance Society of the United States

Offftkfl I i u i i ii nn I'lH ii AU PLAN8vtal

Ordinary LlfePtoiii Tmittoa InataliMtit Plan (Ntw, CMcapEndowment Plan, and Atth.m ti i i,

Hunil Tnntln Plan. Jidnl Ufa i;i i.

irir Tontine Plana, Partnerahlp rnanranee.Indemnity Hiind Plan (Omiuan lioini Children' Hndawmenta,

ii maturity, Ifdealred), Annultiea,Rndnwnieni Bond Plan (B percent. Rtiaranteed), Terra Inan ranee, etc., rto, etc,

It hHi rust you nolhina to rail al tbe office of the undersigned andmake further Inquiries, Hhuuld jrou conclude to will he money inyonr pocket,

Bruce S: A. J. Cartwright,for the Hawaiian talandi BQCITABLB Life Aamranoe Bodety of TJ. s.



Full and Complete Assortment of


BimiNKaa aciTa ti urdkh rttoM mo vp, nraiNKaa pantn touitin k prom an up.




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Easi Corner Fort

New Qoods received by every Packet from the ISasteni staus ojk! tfiuntpePresfa California l?rolufe by evorj Btea r. All onlem fafthfull) attended to,mill goods delivered any part of tbe city free of charge.

Mauri oi- - wilielted, Hatiaf action iruaranteed. Telephone No 02Post OftiVe Box No. 145.


23 Nuuanu,



and King Streets


Honolulu, H. I.



Lemonade Soda, Water,

Ginger Ale, Hop Ale,


Plain Soda,

Sarsaparilla andIron Water,

Seltzer Water,etc., etc., etc.

A Trial Order Solicited


Page 5: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER



.'iiiii w :: t.. ::.c . nSS st--

I't'i.r, iMn "'nilI. Ill milt sISMIi

Vmiin.ihv Sic. III. l IivmIiiiiii at

i ..mi ll nt i Inn the (jtteM has bssn n --

turtd i" Hi'' ttifonc nMkmii the doomslt9 ol :i display i.t rtnfli whiM MlntstofThurston Is squall) .. iinn ituM no soot)uIhmws iins ncotirred nntan H has i n

tofoed iiy tlir threat of bnyotmtsiBsorstsrj Urnshain is plainly nraoh

annoysd at the advene and Mven oHU-la-

directed toward hinatll mmi Ii'm IihmI their Hawaiian policy,(ttvshsni In initially very afiabfa aodmnsttterale In dealing a Ith tneniuere ofii- dtssh, hnl iii temper has beenriiHIed ami In- - is now tmappleli wheniipproaohed bj tin in. Brer since thewitton i tin President ami Oreehainrsiied such a storm f in.liiiiiiinii t

and nsnrscj at the Ntate Ih..:) ii Ban h thick iHHWffh to ml

witii a knife, and they are aooompanledlij a display ni iri'liiiK whloh ahowah.iw muoh pohllc. hostility is reaeoteiliThe ilaya when Blaine was 11 the headni tlic department were as ranliffhl oom-pare- d

with thel limtnsrlaii darkness withwhich ever) act of the administrationla shrouded from public Inspection. It

was Mirmiaed yesterday that thli feelingni Irritation wai doe to the fact that theplane of tho President and uresham Inregard to Hawaii had n lecsrried, andcurtain it la the Secretary liu heardMime very iiinin oommetita from menwho an- - a in i in l' with Itlmuit Whiohnil' not latlculatted to make him thor-oughly sat tailed with tin- - position hehas astumedf A story area printed yes-trnla-

to the efferl that a DemocraticHenator exclaimed when Informed byllresham that tin- - administration oaserested solely upon the report of Blounti

"My Hod I is that all you have nut."This remark i which is attributed to

Henator Voorhees Rpsftkf volumes inItself, it Is considered unfortunate forthe Administration that the r portsreport upon which it has reared Its tuttaring fabric, is signed by the man. who,

to criticism, la now stts as in wrathof the of

ignorant t

iiro'l, people was llie siiojeci 01 niui ii.....,. I .s i U ;.s ll ...1 I ii. ' '

nurrow every irrespectiveproposed l'an- - are Cleveland andrailroad

comma uoionousaipiomaiic ,appropriationlifter weeks

presented I



snowed suou a woetut oi Knowl-edge of ordinary geography that it liadto He taken in lor repairs. When

. w ii i in ii in I i mi les im ill Ciiiiltcss.,.s ii lo'M Special Commissioner

styled On President, will come inas

vci'; sharp comment.A representative of Fott called

u; Secretarj Qreaham the .state-ment that lllformatlou hid reachedotUce thai litis' instructionsauthorise him to use force.

W ould justified in iisine;that :' tl the representa

"I do stsome Irritationtake troubhWiH llIM' hi


Oreeham"why i he pout houldto make such imiuiry.

n publishing sorts ofreckless uml youhn l ..I them on editorial pagei ins morning."

Wailing until the Secretarj hadIn. I'd. ftlst siiggei that

in- - iiieslion was unanswered,"What the question V1 usked the

Se, and it was repeated."i have no information to give out,"

i iresham concluded.Minister Thurston said that

:,l interview which lie withSecretary tin.sham last Thursday after-noon he w as given impression thatMinister Willis empowered touse force.

I he fuel that Minister Willis went tosee (jueeil in B sui'icpt t ions manneraim,. si as as he Landed, ami


OS ol




or at



laivov stealing up tilent Clevi



in orderthat to is hutone ol acts the

comic.Star says "There is

untiling lutheextra-oriiiuar- ioi administration in

llie ii. et oiiiuiiil in l. Amciicaii interestsin in.' n. in e u 11 i is- -

ll I,. .Ul Ol Cil .

government, goodsame lime that

( given oold shoulder








to have SeUOnt State, York

in behalf of hilt-s- t sensationalfad. PeStoHng


saidto that

to understood from an inin


i, i in t

t i to mi

state lUt i..vci

d shunt'sletter published had ounttdeui'sin

in shouldto

o n thin In- Mlevra

Mix' hIkhiI'I .ii-.-

ithi tspmltats Uw sots Mm HarrisonuiiniKtrHti'iii if i.Iim It itrsi n






tlon ootmtltutlonal ipls and ihtlnv Since .!

w. Mr. Miii.u. inBOCBS rcvined ofBlount si a statesman an I dlplotnst

l, not NVMI1('Ml Hxl'llis. Iowa. Nov. HI.

nighl William Wat. i house this oil)a bum bar

large commercial lainthe IslandK. a letterfrotn Smith. Atlornev I leiieiiil

Provisional in whichall waiting and a

of the supporters the ProvisionalOovernment restless, is aand abidinn retnrnim;

monarchy and determinationa " ': ' will

suppressed will showan I resistance whenever

for it. timeportion the Intelligent

element of mntunity nianifestHanil more it BUhmll

to return old order things."

ISfTKNnK M iimiii i.iiim.

III le i i. Stall



Bpeaking feeling in the Unitedstates over Hawaiian question, H.I

Wiohman to a nhtumo ,,t sld Hv rmithis morning;

"No one here adequate A

concept ion StHtflW frompublic in America on followingHtfairn. Since (iresham letter "Minister Thurstonmhliahmt ..ii.sii.m work message Presidenticsoiveo iiauoiiai

only that,nation The excitement over

question nothingpared with That affectedonly States: matteraffects the honor citi-zens United regard

only Padcoast, the Busl South.

matter the Unitedwhloh nation has arisen

lies sides. episode and condemned position Cleveoonatiion land and fJreaham. The

luken him people where, party,survey denouncing t'uhi- -

Aioertcan particularlv ti,i, present course.tirousnt


Information ask



that hadbeen when news

thatfulness that national

dissraced willofficial career general

.. ,, ... he w ill ininioa (I

on tinis


so it


the I itsall I'he his

true oi tne

lev, in ofw ith the the

and not for Iheinu




sure do. of

the for

greatir w I w iu- -

it a

I with sortspeople, business men and people


thedid not

the 'os7 be



sno things,the

eon-- .tin- - man ted

wasn-iu- i



thesoon had

and the I'll


huuffe gives





oaaion panes




1 on s. at hotels andelsewhere, feeling samewitli if anything,being most about



.' si' V.


"Star,"This iciuerfiser said that

Si Ait liad reduced usual,in envious on

The Stakno ctiange except, to t lie

of its contents.In another column .4dt.vtrf.jser said

that a

ni rnao Iigot Examiner, down

yesterday, advance the special representaAdeerffser, gave

small Later Adver-tiser in large type aprocess padding which makeslook Then STAK, at

hefore had presented 19:80, a second extra withto President is regarded in Wash- - the news a feat morning paper hadIllgtOII most eMraonlmnry attempted lo perlorm. .Nearly a

performed a Minister sent of solid hrevier resultlis an accredited from enough to have made page and a halfthis country another, and is of morningthe surprise more genuine than tomembers of mission ill

city. Minister Thurston is positivethat President aware that SteMs a BuntW Had held u conference with

1 lungs in ('. I.. CurlersQueen, thai lime cer-tainly been mentioned In the dispatches burglar secured to - received ago. Charles L. Carter's barn lasl night hvsumcliiuc that the tearing the and padlock fro.i.Iiemd tin iiii.d Suites Minister.

visit M.ii.sU must, one doors, after tying and muf- -

therefore, have been made secrecy, flinga terrier kenneled in yard. personpicture of si. land'i

olVueen, undercover, to ten

was regain throne,many make


morepolicy the








a hridle,

saddle started awayalarmed

groom, wiio. althoughshouted and

a gallop, dropped fewsupport ol rotten iiioiiai'i in things he pic-e- d up in t n

attitude of hostility to ,, , t tlt, trt. The still

li iihri.lled afterwards

si. elemeut that up these found and to I'oliceinterests nil there Is The groom could distinguish the

ICllglOU, IIClll IOI1. 111(11

good good laws andsociety. At the ourlovernmeul the











tlie missionary party ft artiliatedthe ailiouSi gaub iron I sm "ardent Ameri-lers- ,

lobbyists, lottery-promoter- coolie-- 1 and residentrunners, opium-smuggler- s, dame country twenty

to tocrowd, of volution of January

gathered at Honolulu, always a supporterluissiouar. dependent Hawaiian Oovernment.

because the missionaries of aborigine moretin

luiiuoral mon"Paramount"

appliedlinn 111 regardtluc of tlie most

way schemesthis

MinisterHonolulu lufnruia--




missionary pears thenils t'f Ciesar Moreno,

red Of Secretaryand the New fSKsM, in

its seal its"f the deposed opera- -

Queen, use of Itsool--to lo.- the most atrocious

ililicut ion of missionaries."Hepresehtaiive Hssulre to

cori ulged benot wi-- h it heterview him laihlished IheeJtaron Tuesdai hl that he favorsre t tie to

t Americansthe sell intent sc. pressed ireslta in's

i Cleveland, baaed the supposition Blount's representedthe affairs Hawaii at

in, Provisional wasestablish, At .1.

was heBlnuut's judgment, and basing

.minion Blount's believedaffairs Hawaii

allowed th. agisting

tin- ofIn Hint

MmtnwtMitiofi sun"i idwen





of priiof his

however. Ii.i- -


wilAM To

ofof rarally

which IntenHawaiian reieiveilW. Oi of

the Oovernment,hesaMi "While aretew of

are there deepsentiment

to the to bodjimimtain gotxl ir" tliatnot be and whichItself in oo

calls As anoverwhelming of

tinmore that will not

t he of


In Mil'



can form any

mind Hawaiian



Hawaiiannational the

Slateseverywhere, not the

andput the plainly,


done, andStates

and thankbeen

the hitter


the III!




of of

wasthe to

iisen one. aim henot one

was com





rd ontne

imlIn coi

of his


hen actthe

has not. of

lias nothe all

be was


met the cmhut was the



lis, umlTalk Ibn

its size. As

comments Ids paper,ihe lrrrlisi'r hasmane increaseslim

theits "extra" eight mid


extras wai

was" ihe

like Inuch. thelie his out all

theOUe the not

ever hy age was the


the in! AT WORK.this

was not andillis

Itiu-ii-for tact

dul two the;State Off hasp

The her rovalfox



secured and eomestook 'artel's

horse and frombut

only hoy,followed num. who

hi intohe

Hawaii than on

built Station.






Ihe hy baiIts

notnationalitysays that



containedquarter columns







of Individual,was man wearing

dark and a white straw

with gsa Kn stak:can" have been of tliis

hala more than years.piUlDC, and whole unw hole Prior causes led the e

17, 1H03, 1 haveihe been loyal d

w ho Nohave loyal to the

the situation

who sonortitle Celao

tie SW the



tlieCtotV cspon. lent did

theration I' the

thaitrue of the

the nmcntthe time

upon resortihe

resume sunns






the hashsa










left the





whioh paper.






herthe Mr.

by the


had and

mars lias

the hut


the thethe


aimQawslisn flag and Oovernmsnt than 1,

Hut the act of Lilluofcalsui inller attempt to force upon this peoplenew Constitution that Would have madeller despot and would have robbed

of the and the majority of Americanin this country ot the rlgul oi rranonise,has tilled and every right-minde- d

man in islands with ileteriuina-tio- n

to stand by tlie present (iovern-men- t

until the United States or someother civilized Cinvernincnl shall takeus up and give us tlie of

stability prosperity. I havepeaceable ami abiding Oitisen

in this always and have ac-

quired property and arqpsrtt rilitsunder the guarantee of the HawaiianConstitution, which liasnow hsoomenecessary for QSS to slitiul by and pro-tect. If Mr. Cleveland has forgotten

an throne. hat he approved the spirit of 1711 many K01..I









here have and amstand t.y our Uod-give- n

basnrds, Qod forbid thatto do so in opposition tohere from the eounlry ofif iifi'i ssarv am icnl

Mils did uiy forefatherforgotten IT7H.

Itass masting atdull sh, ,1

one wiio11, al all

haveforces landedmy birth, hut

die forin tile net ci



i 1 i


niu m sKiiii

iiii 1


itta sad IMN


11 if

The IttfteMtkmlsts and friends of theI'ro visional will hold a

ma-- s tiiei k niht it he she. I

eons li the situation if Hawaiian

luifaiis. The rally Is oalled hy Mm Ptea

Ident BeoteMr) of the AnmurMkin


in. ,n al

to to

Club, under the auspices of thatI'he alfair will short, as

it begin at

hold until BiHO to

who want to attend ihHi.- tpertl bioilne. All

limited iii ten minutes,isMrhHh unporti

v isional tlovernmenl ami it



ill idi i


Ml amiimmodate hose

lierformance at

iiee. lies ill he


lahoul Honolulu la eapected ti



said stak reporter in

special to FruneisiI Washington contains

been atupon a Dole.

, , , dispatch t inn






l l











of the I'ro



Here.the San

state the







catchsteamer hich Is expected sail

from San h'raiicisco Honolulu to-morrow, is of encouragementfor t he Provisional Oovernment, and un-less Liliuokalanl is restored lie- -

fore it readies Preeidenl Dole, mayprove stumbling block in SecretaryQteshi in's path. Mini terThurston willsay in his dispatch that up lo datehe has been recognised aathe HawaiianMinister ni Washington and hasassured by llresham that theProvisional Uoverntnenl is accepted bythe United States as the real Qovern-mentofth- e

Hawaiian Islands. He willlirne President to stand firm, as-l-s

suriu him that Minister Willis' insti uc- -



lions will not permit him to use foicein earning out his policy, and thai ifthe possessessufficient backbone the xta'ti i canbe maintained lor few weeks, whenthe whole matter is likely to he referredto Congress action.

Minister Willis wlllsdd thai thenver-- i

whelming sentiment of the Americanfavor of the Pro- -

visional Oovernment, and willptit stress Iseuberg willthat many riti Y. ii a.

Icised ihe manner thedeposed last

that not to disturb the will lead praispresent rnmenti




II. i Wichman, the popular jeweler,is

Survev. li




'turnedtrip to tile Coast.

Miss Litu h is returnther trip to th" World s Fair.

Comma tider W hiting', S. N.among the Monowai's passengers.

The wife limit of ,1. ituolani



arrived from

I from

di ofEng- -

of reading matter, as , jj, irviue. who gained oon- -u ul ii si :i ml ii 1. in i. , i : i i- - 'I.I oil' I'l'lliuiiou in null i ,is InIn fad. Stak two retxirter tor

one in of on the Mono as ait the most five that

Important new s. This extra settype





Dole Several




premises, wasa



established in


tolawlww al an






a metaxpayers



a law.'..unity




nsi.c An







i i. Ho










tow to

forit full





Provisional Oovernment







mid f V

. ai

Snsutetul unit HumiliatingThe follow ing is frotn a letter received

by a large buiiness house iii HonoluluIhe lasl mail:"I must stop on statements long

houffh to drop a line' of thedeep sympathy feel toward your people your present political struggles.That an President shouldwork up such an i.c parte case againstyou shameful and humiliating. Hutsta. by it, gentlemen. You will win inthe end. The present administrationburying the party beyond hope, etc."

An Kmlnunl MuslelauThe steamer Warritnoo brought quite

an addition to our musical circles in theof Miss X. ii. Burhans, who

direct from the Conservatory ofMusic at Hosioii. Hhe is highly reoom-inende- d

as a pianist, and organist of

in, n.' than ordinar) skill. At presentMiss is stopping at the Port-

land Hotel, where the guests have beenwith her play ingi

This Afternuou's U set,i. Overture- - "Knight of Brenton"


'2. Fantasia 'Sounds PromHeart' Albert!

;t. Wait. "Bird of Passage r'sustI. Overture "Nabuooo", VerdiB, litiet "Two Beautiful Eyes"

Millockorli. Medley -- Midnight Halfour

"lla wail Ponoi.

The Waiklki 'Has im .

Ill another columii is published thetime table the busline to be inaugu-

rated next Monday ween Ihccoi m l ol

Foil and King streets and Mi Simpson s

place at Hans Kouof Trw fare will be S

cents to the ranae, in cents to Wal--

ktki, "i cents to Sans Bouoi and DiamondHead. Return tickets, c uts; chil-

dren under li years nt line, half price.

Ilsttsrjt "i."Tlie ineinhers of Hattery 1) held a

htisiiiuss Sleeting last nigbl ami adopteda constitution s. new

memheis were eleiSeii.

ol the curious leattires of thetill pl'ecedelll.'1 rise ill the South Cullll- -

diss river Is the formation of uumeeontlakes nltmg ti of that slreatii.The sand has blown out of tlie bed ol

the river ill tunes pusi until a hih em-

bankment is formed along the shores ulriver, an, behind this hank are left

liu lakes upon the subsidence of Ihestream. They give ever) Indicationpel nianenc) . and some id ikeSI nrlitany sUIMWe Utiles in . leni. he 0SSol valuable farm land- - is very ureal, ill

man) cases tlie sstUsrs being drivsnir .iu their homes Improvements.

III M iri.mi. M.i!i w i OAtlfMMAI Phe wt

i ni si Vndn w Mhedrsl fm to

mori "" ill Ih as follow Holy com-B-

itn ai st rt.S1) a. m statins at lla. m..t'.. oi. ii. Hawaiian at

vet' NMMJ Itk ermoii at T Mj ..,

The services of the Second ' ongrngandiew Cathedral to mm low

(Buitrhty will he its foHnetw M i m

morn lug prayet with miwii V'enlte,

Langdou in f Te Beumi Jack in Ti

li, tntns MorniiiKton in K Mat:

Imntis mid W sntbem,"What Are ThMi thai AieftlUBgllll." by St liner. '' p, n t . .

Kvenecag with sermoni Msgnlflcat,Maunder, in It Mat I Nunc liimittis.Vouiik. iii Di hymM M, K and 887,

l!c. Alssander Mackintosh, nutor, All

ar dlallj Invited,t'KMtiM. Union omvuch

S l.ool at '.:l'i a. m.Public worship at a. m


Nubjecl oi evening dbasuirsew old a lamp to mil feel ,'

The oiinn People's gonrety oi

nan BndenVOT meet ill 6tHl i

Allure sordlall invited to

vices.'. M. I. A. skhvh ks. Sunday, 11

a. in., at Oalin Jail m. at theBarracks Bi80 m.,M. 0, A. 6tW p. m

Htn atpen tee set

A-- ! vice at Y. M. 0. A.

the Tueeday ttHOp, m., prayer meetingM. t '. A.



lunchSainls:House,day as


Klder .1


Dai Saints.


of JesUS ChliSl ul Latter DayMililanl Hail, n of Onera

will i. held on Bunfollows: a. m Bible class:n. and ?t80 presetting


smtlOK, Herr Pastor IsenbtrgwirdSonntag Bovember 86, VorralttagsUhr deutschen Oottesdienst, In der Y,M. 0. A. Hall abbalten Kalserlldideuteches (Consulate.


sunar. 8 gnmulated, 4.A6.

The Warritnoo hadhoard.

Concert at Emma squannoon, by the siring band, at

onsul Glade isiled th.

yesterday and was accordesalute.

after-4tlft- .


people is in sustainingPartot preach In

upon the statement man at M. C. A, Hallwhich Queen I morrow,

was January are now eon- -

Ifldent it wise W. il. Csstle ihe







in of




















vice at the Y. M.

at 0t80 o'clock.

J Si I, r inisi o spoint the came















t lute















i hns

ie -

I 1:1a p.







Inp. in.

( (




"i i I


at i





Uer- -

i. to

lie curtain at the Opera house to-

night will not rise until BiHO p. Ul.

Honrs w ill open al 8,

The American League had largelyattended meeting lasl nignt. li willmeet again on Monday

H, K. Wichman hasbrought with him j

a display ..1 Buropssn and Amen

;.ui jewelry fm Christmas presents.

Lack of space prevents He

tion of the program .i theentertainment









inn, sir.Curtain rises

There are at present sixteen UnitedStales naval vessels in Sun Franciscobay, ami LOS merchantmen laid up amirepairing.

On account of the Mass Meeting to-

night, Santa clans' Headquarters will

close at 7 o'clock.Titos. j. Thrum.

a strip of Oovernment land on tlieMauka side of Prospect streel is offeredfor sale. See notice in the "By Au-

thority" column.

All Masons, together with their fam-

ilies, arc Invited t'. attend the dedicationceremonies of the new Masonic Hall onMonday evening.

Four of the Hawaiian singers and thehula girls have left Chicago for NewVoi under engagement with a Mr.

Foster of that city.

James Judd, son of the Chiel Justice,is playing as substitute in tl"' Vale i ni- -

versity football team. This - a greathonor for a freshman in thai seat oflearning.

S' i'

heavy windstorm on tile moiningoi ii..- 7 til blew down tlie shell of thepartially completed structure ul theHawaiian building at the MidwinterFair.

His Preference.oorner

irirlsohildreil in the vicinity. Both wereonartuing little maiaena one a piump,heavy little blonde damsel, and tin






Other a slim, thin i Witohy, dark-eye- d

ell. It was soon apparent to the youngman's mother thai he exhibttsd a de-

cided nartiality Kthel, tlic stoutlittle pi.,, mule, always giving Imt thelargest piece of cake, lb.- lion's shareOf ihe caramels and theeitce ill all OMttnri Of I'lav. So

llie mother remarked one day, witliwise desire to cipjali.e her sou's at-

tentions: "Bam, you ought not toBthel more than you do Isabel:should treat just alike: IhuU-- I Ik

just as nice as Klhcl It is easilyimagined that Ihe 's motherwas somewhat staggered when that dls- -

criminating'em tut.

I'll E


i until answered

VI I . i i:

Ml. II I

i L


''In- - t in nun wilt nol riftftin- - fT mlwii i Hi 4 1 i i

Hoik milil MMpB1l Rlfftll.Iiiim - 4'll III I i;;lu

SSMHWW J ' ill llll I ii i

III I.. .1. I. ')'.m

ni u imi t- -t i

ill., ..I iuli

The rtearnet I

ii i .

takes 100

torn. .': .

Ther WMV seven MonWWtyaOD boardtin Mnnnwal

h' le.iun'i I i a on I

.1... I. i In linn iiiinTh Ifenlarn will u- - Inker


I..M lOW SIS In Vl W e. ki

The k until was delayed three hoursyesterday smiting for the foreign mail

The rlobefl I, ewers will complete herCargo Mom lay and leave theThursda)

The American hark c. i. Bryantsailed from San for Honoluluon the isth instant.

The Duke of Argyle, Captain'

( leo. llotlghtly, arrived from Newcastlethis morning after ftfty-ttv- e daysal sea.The Dul i Argyle bmughl 1800 tonsof coal consigned to Irwin .v Co.

'I'he sl.'.iiiici Iwahtnl came in thismorning with i;o hags of nignronn

to ii. Hackfeld a c. rhesteamer hauled alongside the Boberii.ewers soon after landing and d

her cargo Into that vessel.The steamer Hawaii came in this

morning with 1000 ims of sugar and108 head of cattle. Which Is said to hethe largest csnslgnuieni ..t Uvs cattleever received here. 'I'he Hawaii willdisohsrge her MOO iuk of Intotlic bark Alden Hesse.

The bsrkentlne Wrestler was olf Dhvmond Head curly this morning arid w he iii during the day. TheWrest hi left Newcastle six days beforethe Dttke of Argyle and is. therefore,sixty-on- e days out. she put in at LordHowe's island to procure medical treatlie nt lor her captain, who met With an


accident a few days aid rcastle, whereby several oibroken,


I'O- -

lest inn New- -

rilis w

Milttv BD,I nun San Frsncisoo, p. r stmr Mom.

Wat, Nov if Hihhurd andMessrs Vmi S Wind. Hopp, Hitchcock,Wichman, McDonald, Hart. Bev and-Mr- s

Aim. I. Messrs Sbaw and I'anerson.Miss Wilder. Mr Wann, Mr WeinitS,Com Whiting, Mr and Mrs Williams,Mr l ollcr. Mr Wight, Mr and Mrs Cooke.Mrs Weriicb, child and nurse. MessrsPumess, Hihhs. Kimdseti. Waliin. Bobertson( Bolsseller, MoVoy, MisCaupsch, Mr Hetsheler ami 48steerage

Si iiiiPranclsi


StmrSt inr


Wart inn

111: l M s



Friday,i ret


v. 84.m

from Van


Friday, Nov. .m

Mouowai. Carey, lor Sydney.Warritnoo. Perry, for Sydney.


Per Mon, iw ui :l hints stout. hoilooks. ICR psts mdse Hyman Qros; ls"7

cgs do W OTrwiu Oot tcsdoHollhlet & t o: ti do N P Wichman; 48 pgsdu II HaokfeM A- On; I oSdo Wateihouse: III pgs do II May A Co: 1 pgsdo Hall A Son: lapgs do & Co; Uooils ropeCapi Wann, 4pgs mdse Orinbaum & Co; ih pgs doPhillips A i'o: N.'i pgs mdse MoChesnej,V pgs do Lewis & Co; 888 pgssundries various.

; ssi:i.s i PORT.

navai. ii bssii a.t' S S Adams, Nelson, Sim Francis.'...V S S Philuilelpliiii. I lark. r, Cnlla..


Am bk 'li Itesse, Sun Francisco.Am hkt bngaardj Bobnildt, Francisco,Qerman bk .1 C rflugsr, Bremen.Baw hk It Pl'ltliet. .Morrison. Sun FranAm bgf 19 0 Irwin, Nelson, SunAm hk Mat! Hll i Stevenson, Nunaiiuo, It. C.Am i.u s 0 Ulen, Thompson, Ban Fran.Am hk Albert, GtrlfHth. Sun rVancisoo,Am lik K ih Talbot, Rice, Pugel SoundAm hkt Amelia. Port Blakely.Am sch Translti Jorgsnsen, Ban Prsnclsco,Am sell Robert Lowers, ; luum. Gl'bitVachf T.i'.nu, Tolua, Sun Francisco,


Am l.k Murllitt iesBr sh Villata, LiverpoolAm brut Consuelo, s F.

la .




Host. .n

KanAm l.k Wrestler, NSWBaw schr ,1 G North, s F, ktahAm schr Allen A. EurekaAm dlendale. Bureks,in ohr Anna( s F, Kuhi;,'i hk Nautilus, LiveifAm hrgt Lurline, s F, Ilil,.

hkt .1. H. Bpreckela. s F, KahHr hk fluke of Argyle, NswAn hk c H Bryant, s Ftier l.k Oalvsaton. HongkongAm Planter, S FAm hkt Dlsoovery, B FQer hk ll Haoktsld, LiverpoolAm schr Alice Cooks Port Blakel










let :.'7




Hawaiian Lodge No. SI P. .v A. M,

Masons are fruiernnlly invited.together with their families, to attendtin- - i ledication t lersmony of Masonic

Bight-year-o- ld Ssm spent a winter TemplSi of Alali a Hotel

Florida, was there limited UI Streets, mi Monday evening, November

little lor plavmates ..nlv -- ith- ,:.up in.


prefer- -



small hot




for Coast











and tWO



Hard Times Mean Close Prices to


II you arc need of any New orSecond Hand PURNITURE, RITG8,BTOVR8, BBWING MACHINES, Etc.,cult at







.iii,l Kinn Slrettl.

JAS. F. MORGAN.( hii'i'ii St i t i l , '.'tclinaixllinu ol

t -


( let1


(let SHI





I., tin

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

CMtatrj Hill Bsl

oiiiu women name M forlinn k and SmSfd IheMSeKl at a tHhlrwhere tin- - opp .sili SS I Si iHendii

1 kit kodfly ents. The girls Ofdsw i

their te(!V.t and work. their Anythrough it and then tool ..utthel punasto obtain tin needful before gain 'i.the cseh desk. One id them geesi ms)hsrl shnul He- - face mid s In pered to thershsi I'll' Jennie, I Uave unit 80

cents ami I hevs quarter's buslss We nos ..hiworth: lend me a ni. still you I tock as we Import bj tin

Why. I tosnt ovei tre priceof my own dinner," returned hei oom

pinion. And the cheek- - of tic tir-- tgirl grew merer. But the fl ".i Ssmat'itali who BSf opposite scent.. whatwbk Wrong and deftly Changed hischeck for that of the Mushing dinerThen quhtkly rising he reached t"i hi- -

hal ali i made i is exit before she hadtime to sn ii word.

'I'he on v t i me a man is Willing to sta v

at home and lake care of the hoiISi Is

when he. wile wants him to go In

pi in l meet lug w it h ller.

Ihe rial of ,1. I'. Bnwen hil the fourth degree has ended Indiet of acquittal.

H. c. shaw. O. Wallin, J, c. t

and Mrs, Cook, and Arthur Til. I.

late arrivals at the Arlington.

FOR SALE.'pill-- : msiNKss KNOWN

Hon. lulu I'vclerv as a whol


18U In


sddlSSi Hon Hi. lulu


"Star'' iii take passsngera t.. veHSltiin the barbor SUNDAYS si 'M cuts torthe round trip Bsettrsluns i,l llsliiugnarfelss t.y the day rsaemi t

Pilot's boat lauding. M'.i

Election of Officers.AT I III. VNNUAL M EE I Nt i

the Kahuku Plantation Company, heldOctolier 88d, the following officers wereelected to serve during t he ensuing year

Alexander Young. .PresidentB, l. TennyC. Holt,.W Ml. WW in. V.





W M.


i riSecretary


AN NT'. 'VI. KKTI Nt i UKWilder's Rteamshin Company (Limited)held lllis day. the following officers were y

serve during the ensiling j ivear :

W C. Wilder.1. F. HackfeldS. . .

S.W. I Allen



c;. .i







and II ON Ll

t.eaveSons SeUCl.

a. 111.

10:00 111.

:isi noon

2:x 111.








etarv K.



to Rifle

IOr Sans

insurer. .

President.Vice President.

. ... .Secretary.Treasurer.


Metropolitan Meat Co.KlN STREET.

Wholesale Retail Butchers

Navy Contractors.

WALLER, Manager







Time Table:

Fares Range,Boucl

lead. Ac Round TrlChildren under twelvi

Mi- -

THBit in


I'. C

TH1-- : .M



ROSE,Secretan .




1. T .




I I i

LtSVS CornelPort and King.y: si a.

: a.

:oii p.

3:10 p,

S I ' 1.







.": Waikiki,and Diamond

JAM-- .

hall fare.F. SMITH Prop


Haiti Deposit I IcmlmeitOi AI 1 A Y.

Hns iuperlor (ut ilities for buying muHell ng Block! nd iiimI mid ii ina poMuoa to hftodlfl iiit't Mocfci ot

tooJssif paying omIi fot mmhoi of willsell upon !omniiMioii

I 'Inn liil inn Block Qg beliiomM'tl t v us In lar tuiatl IgU

al Ian DfiOMs

Halt I t l nt a IH

si.t's ftir the atr taepillg ol all lOTtfl rj

rihuMai, pgntod M roMongblfl rglcaMIVV II art .ml a I ii al

t.iUi-- n -- t um foi long

Of short pgHodily (Off purtirular


4uh PugH Stukki. I It n kU "i.i

h: if

Auctioneer and Stock Broker. Old Kona Cofteel uK SAI.I- AT

t III. . II Mlci-- Stun



The California

Feed Company

'.ii rum I ... in 7 huh mi a

Qui t i eets in tin s srehMtcentlj ncru I by .1 i dkssrnbnvs been to make thi. limn " on a. . ..iint of last incrpnMt...1

ordered a



and do our own bVJ tti?. W

keep . .ill old place at I sdeO,


'Ih. Ha

liaik Manna Ma will ih- - Hereahotit December 1st, 1888, with anotherfull carno of SSMOtSd Hay and Hrslfl forus. We thank our friends for their

' liberal patronage In tbepasl threeweaiWe Hope by strict attention to the wantsof our patrons to merit a continuance

I of the istmr We will keep in stock theH MMT to he had in our line, ami at

rattm s k a i as imi. iitKM i

We do not want tl onlj a -- millem s ill do ii flive u a trial and

we w ill treat you right, If fOII m.lgood fresh Haj ami drain ring up 101

on lelephonea,i OrA rs .c. ,,. hrompttg.


king v tt right, i"i o- -IHK-- ll


Tl M B: TAI il -


Krttm .in. i titer Jnae Isf, IINNI

iinlsPO I w mm. i

ll. s. S, n.I i. M. e. m. e. i l' N,

Moaolnln lisj i t'. UH HtmI fleave I'eiirl t'it.. StflD hM . '

Arrive Rws Mill v ". ::.f, aegi

I.. RONOLI l.t .

I'. II. II. A.

I.M. A.M. CM I'.M.

Lsava Hill Ml Kfett tM Mheme Psarl City Ml Udt tteta s inAlTlVS ROQolulS . ...T::ill ll:.Vi l;.Vi 11:1.,

a Batnrday's only. 0 8ttndays asessted.H Hafh p Saturday's ssonpted

Mi l I KOI IM.M I l:l i iirk,I n iin- Oovernmant Survey, Published

i , ei HonUa)

llAlu.M. THStt. I'm

Sun. tv Bn.OS 30.01Mull IS l.l' 30.ICITne. ti XM ."..

", 1'.!TU M vl SO.00Kn 17 an.; lsn'i.(m'

ltan.iu,.er curtelevstlon imt not

77 llI)

ll7" ll


s ft ft;:. ass- -

ll swIII

fw si.

tl sifor

Sun uml

. B In Si ''Si I I -III ffl si sf p i p

r I r F :

nan. ..iii. p.m. nan.Mon ....ISO t ; n iu T ?. a U 14 .'. 17 :i lTue ... 47 80 7 : 8 I" I 17 I 1

Weil --".' 2 K 2 80 H M ." ll S 17 .r V

Thur., ffl :i :m a i s in ml a in 17 t n;l 14 I :m 4 iu ti 90 II OlS-l- J t7

Sal X Sg '. HI 411 ll S01 ii is u 17

sun ( 80 &M II m t H

Full .in l 9U, st Ith, BTm. nan.Time Whittle Blows el lb., ISm.,Ms, pan. nlui. ii u t lute, which is t in- s. us , um .

.. tlreens loh tlms.tot ever) 1000 feel nf itUts ..t tin ...1'

server tfroin ths astom Housel silos oneseen ml lur nuillul, ur ,1 tfeeoDOll

ii statole mile.

I OKI. K.N MillHti nwhlni will - a i

.San ErAnouoo on t bfl U

0)0H "l VW

Akki R BONLULCirog Sax F AXt isi i..

w S'liui... '

t h t'linit NM 4

nil nil lit I M'cMstriixMii Dm 14

Wni'i Itnon Vmi Jm 3

City Hvkjng .Jm --

tUW r it lut .InnUoqoH ui. Iani tOfMMtlu .... I' t'lAuitrttlia Feb 8Aliuni'ila Fh IlUalraIU Mai 8UftHpoca .Mar B

l hiii'i Mar NAiiattnUla Mm :ilalonowaJ ... ... am- ft

Australia Anr 88hiiniila Mav

HmUC Miix 14

AiiKlraliu Mi. J-

MitriMia MaAUfttnufii JuncihtonoWat JunuAn-- . a t in ( nly lAiHlni'ila JQl --

AiiHtruli.t Auu IH

MariH!-i- i ig :.

Aatrali.t. Hpl 1"



III.. .1

7- 3D







S'l --' 1,

7W I s ,ii7 s


tMnpsrstiir Im iiu.l.'.



80ill U


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1. in .iin- lannf






tin- ami arriveUowtng Amtm- - nil tin-

AUIllVK Ai M' I.i 1.1

FROM San KVism.Monowitl Nov tWart tSDOO V'ni Niv'J;tItuna Ho

On- 2A laini ilii tor 81A t am V Ml I U t 'I( U faiiicAiihlritliuWai riiniKiMa rlpONIMiiralia

i 'hintMoliiivvaiAuatnilta



iiMraliaMonoWsili 'btnnAusl ra laA UiiittlaAlls aliaMarlMitaA OAl raliaMonoaiAllsl rail. lAltlinttlaA ual l aliaM.tril.- .- t

n nt i ktlipMotum. ii


First Appearance



Saturday, Nov. 25.

will QMS)

.1 I.i

I 111 I lilt




J. T. WATHKHOUSh S Uon't Forget the

refjkip loud,will





iVm.lan tl.Ian l

.Ihii IS

fb :,fb W

fit aMar 4

Mar Hi

Mar NAnr ISipr 'iIh 1"Apr i.

Mai W.( niti

JllH li.hilt b

Jnl). lag 8.Aufl 11

.Aim 8tHa p s

Kal '


Kum ni


Page 6: STA - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · I I'l Ixit1 li MAWA11AJU STA III I , M t Ins II i Mil i 1 MMI I.1111 V, 1.. HONOl,ULt 11 w ii.w ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER

A rolossAl. HCHEME.

M. talk, i HKK OM I in i tt.NATIONAL CM HIS MAN JUt U H .

t tt II tnul i til h IttMlfrffMt) i CKtlttIt I r I It I" I ulimti;" iiii'lnt

T t l llrniiMy it Tnhn im l.nt: Khi v Brpi. -- j At tin Brooklyn

TfttartiActft tblt forwoon Rtf. Pi main beH MUihvd a W immi "f uiiu-iia- l lhtt-rr- to n It

UN umIU m-- . tlic Nbjcct toitlg "Vn Nitip-- t w(l

u H iiiit! mil It Aiitiivt i WM y A PtOMttinii Conon ruins h." Hw nxt wu tAkmffon Nitiah i, . 'To di n child - boftt,'

Ttiftl is ji i rami ndoui hour In t In btotoryof any family hrn mi BptHt i inoiriMMA t f a ftrj dark cloud there

ii nii ti i r bright morning, Otic liftsMrd nnH Rttfitlici' gtvcf), Ail i in- list In l

glndMw riiif ovnr the eCMtta l knownniwfnny on nncmld don N t hat of old a -- tar Inpatlltail dow ti t ht- r.ivt'.nr hilhrv.fofittfof jms point down iucmtv hmiim blv until u v to

A iitv dfttffl I mm that hour, minute. Beautiful nnd nppriipHnttthe custom of cfflffbrntinn the nnniwrMrynf mnb an t'Vftit, ami on into thecitrlit ics ami iiini'tii" thf CCCUffCtlOt "f tliat.!ay of tin- yi :ir in an old (VHUl'l lilt OftUMO

reoogntttou nnd morn or Urn oongmtnlntion. So, al-- mo: iuiiH are il tocelebrate the nnniTcrmrf of thttr birthmnt tht aniiivi'vary of the liirth of tluir

rtat hero " or deliverers or benefactor.TlmflMoJ IVbrnary ami the 4th of .Inlyart' tu'vcr alluweil to in our land withoni hanqn' t nnd orntton nod boll ringlnnnnd cannonade. Hut all 01 her bill Inlay

are tann eotupareil with l!nf 'hrist nm fi'stivity, wliii-- celebrate thebirthday described in my text.

A nTlN I'.NTAI. ( HOKI'S.Protcstdbt nod Cnl bolte nnd Greek

churches, with ail the power of music amigarland nnd ptowwlnn and doxology, put

he wordn of way tejtt into national amicontinental and hemispheric ohorttft, "Toii. a child is horn.' On the BBtfa of Decern-be- r

each year that Is the theme in st. Paul'snnd St. Peters nnd St. Mark's and St.Isaac's nod all tbe dtdionted ontbedmUvohapetoi meeting boueea nnd churches wurld. We shall soon reach Ibenineteen humlrcdth nuniversary ot t bathappiest event of nl! time. This century isdying. tul teren mote pulsation- - andits heart will eeaae to bent. Tbe Anger ofmany of you will write at t he bead of you?letten and tin foot of your Importantdocuments, IVX)."

It will he a physical and moral tnaatlottunlike anything elee you have before ex-

perienced. Not one hand that wrote "1801"at the Induction of thin century will bavecunning left to write 1901" at the induetfoU of another. Thf death of cue centuryand the birth of another century will lie

sublime and Ruggeetleeand m upendouieetimate. To stand by the grave

nl eel ury and by the cradle of anotherwill h an opportunity aucb an whole genaffrationaof thff world's inhabitants neverexperienced

pray tbttl there may be no sickuessor casualty to binder your arrival at thatgoal, opto binder your takiug port in thevaledictory oi the departing century audthe ttalutatioii r i he new. Uut an that ueaoUwill be i i ineteentb hundredth an

nlverearyof Savioi r's birth now nomi-

nate that a great international jubilee orexposition be opened in this clueterol citiesby the aeacoast on Chrbnmai day, the 35thof December. 1V00, to le continued for atleast one month into the year Hud.

This century, closiuu Dec. 81, 1000, andtbe new century beginning Jan. 1, 1901,

will it not be time for all nations to turnaside for a few weeks or months fromeverything elee and amphaidae tbe birth ofthe greatest beitm who ever touched ourplanet, and could there be a more approprinte time for such commemoration thanthis culmination of the centuries which aredated from his nativity? You know thatall history dates either from before Christoi after Christ, from 11. C. or A. I). t willbe the year of our jord 1000 paaaing intothe year 1001, We have had the Centen-nial at Philadelphia, celebratlve of tbe onehundredth anniversary of our nut ion'sbirth. We have bad t he inauniiieent expo-

sitions al New Orleans and Atlanta andAtujttata and St. Louie,

We have l lie present World's expositionat Chicago, celebratlve of the four hun-

dred t h anniversary of t hiscont incut's emer-gence, aiui there are at least two otber greateele brut ions promised for t his country, andother countries will have their historicevents to commemorate, but the one eventthat has most to do wil h t he welfare of allnationi in the arrival of Jesus Christ onthis planet, and all the enthusiasm everwitnessed at London or Vienna or Paris orany of our American oil tee would be eclipsedby the enthusiasm that would celebrate theransom of all nations, the first step towardthe accomplishing of it being t aken by aninfantile foot one winter's night about fivemiles from Jerusalem when t lie cloudsdropped the angelic cant. "tllory toGodin the highest, and on earth peace, good willto men."


The three or four questions that would beasked DM concerning this nomination oftime and place I proceed to answer. Whatpractical use would come ot such interim- -

tlonal celebration? Answer The biggestStride the world ever took toward the evan- - '

geliaatioo of all nations. Thai is a grandand wonderful convocation, tbe religiousoongress al Chicago. It will put intelli- -

gently before the world the nature of falsereligions wbicfa have been bfUtalixiDg theluitiuub, trampling womanhood into thedust, enactipg tbe horntrs of infanticide,kindling funeral pyres for shrieking vietime and rolling juggernauts across themangled bodies of t heir worshipers.

Hut no one supposes t bat any one will beconverted to (ijirist by hearing Confucianism or Buddhism OT any form of heat hen-Is-

SUlogiaed. That is to be done after-ward. And how can it so well be done asby a eelebration of many weeks of the birthand character and achievements of thewondrous and unprecedented Christ? Tosuch an exposition the kiuus and cjueeus ofthe earth would not send their represent-ativesthey would come themselves Thestory of a Saviour's advent could not bemill wu limn leiauu tin' Kury 01 awniwion, au lie irorld rould say. Why tnta

U4in, ihi- - uimt'i'sai iU'iiiiinsi.aiiiiii.'VVbat a vivid pnwutstion it woald b

when, at Mich a 00&vocal Lun, bv pbyalulaoa,,1 tin. world siiinilil tell wliat Carta) baddona tot boapltala ami la aaauaifenieatbnnaa pain! and wbeii Cbriatiau l&wyaradfladaru Waal 'Ii 'I i Uaa doaa for tha aatajb.Uabioena ot axaxJ iawa, atld Cbriatian oouquaroaa aluiahl leil bat! briat bad aa iniia oi naUonai ana 1 liaurulaca of tba earth woald tell what Chriathud doaala tba ipavanuiiaai of earthly donatnloaa Thirty day "i anoh eatabratloiiajtoubi do nora to tali i la world who I 'hriaiI. baa any t Ln ty yaara, Notalaa 1 00 aarthbut w ould bi-a- of il ami (UaOUa. ii .Vol

au ara aa uiuiun-i- i by tba aiipefBMtwBaaawtail would aaatba UlaaanutkM.

Tba dUtarauoa of Cbrtat'a lalltrion frostall otfaara i I bat its on,, way aiaaanilna.tioa ' bf u niuiiile not ar;u

tant, not aktllfal axagaaUi pnlaailaa or thawdeooa of tbeolofieaJ Batlomffa, bM "taU-ba-

Pail yatha daMlrta of Ziuu.bhy ItioK uaaaathl" "Oo qalofcly and

1,11 id diaoldaa bal i'- - haa rtaaa from tha.i,.., " ,,, uobm to tby triaada ami telliiii, boa naaai Atafatha Uad bath aottclor tba " Wlifii ba la osflta, ha will tall

ruch afi fnternatloonl mpimuu,ns! of hisnativity! K India wmld err nut aboutmm h an o' fim know I In bSVffI trail rnilroadr Rial telegraphs, What Is

gntna nn In m mi Nina vronMiv it, W nii i. ib n ri t ffxcttnmffnt

tn ViMt nr i Ml the Isbtftd of I he M il

wonM rmie down to the gangplanks ofthe arrivlna -- lops nod ask. Whet int hm i bej or Iff brat Ing In Amei leal " itwouhl be the mightiest mlsaesnafff move- -

ment the aoild h is evef seen M wouldt be tOIti point ill the worlds destinywould en the MMlbwIog nntiotnh one UMcb.

Qoestlon tbe Becond How would yogline such an international jubilee eon- -

teted Answer All ntta should bnxnafshalffd, and an in Its most attraotive andImprffSsWe sbSOe, Kirst, architect u re.

Winle all aeademies of music and allOburohes mnt all groat balll would beneeded, there should be one tfreat audi- -

torium erected to bold such mi aodience anbas never been seen on any saored occasion

America. II Bcribonltni Curio at theoost oi a kingdom could ImiW the Href two

ast aniphltheatei placing them backitai k. balding great andlenoss tor

dramatic rapm ntal ion, ami t ban bywooderfiU maehuwi could turn themround with all their audiuices inthem, miikitiK the two auditoriums oneamphitheater, to witness k gladiatorialcontest, and Vespasian eotild construct the--

Collsenm with Its SO columns and its tri-

umphs in three orders of Break architec-ture a capacity to hold M .'"Ki peopioseated and 15,000 Standing, and all for pur-

poses (tf t malty and sin, cannot our nloi--

oils hrist lanlty rear in honor of our glori-

ous l 'hri-- t a -- ruei nre to bald10,01 f its worahlpeTs?

a CO0KOATIO ok R0,000 I'Kopt.K.

If We k groping now among the ruinedamphitheaters of Verona and Pompeii and

iapue and I uxsuol! and Tarraco, and t hentand transfixed with amaaement at their

Immense sweep that held from &0000 to100,000 speetators gathOTl d for caroii-a- i andmoral degradation, could not Christianityafford one architectural achievement thatwould hold and inihrull Its 80,000 Chris-tian disciples? Do you say no humanvoice OOUwl be hard throughout such abuthliii;'" Aii! then you were not present

henai the Boston peace jubileo Parepaeasily With her voice euchanted .Vijkju au-- t

dit or- -.

And the lime is near at hand when mtheological seminaries, where out youngmen are being trained for the ministry, theVoice will be developed, and instead of themumbling ministers, who speak with solow u tone you cannot bear unless you leanforward and hold VOUr hand behind yourear, and t lien are able to guess the generaldrift of the subject and decide quite wellwhethei It Is about Moses or Paul or someone else instead of that you will haveDoming from the theological seminaries allover the land yottUg miuistor With VoiOS

enough to command the attention of anaudience of r 1,000 people.

Thai i1- tiie reason that the Lord nivcs ustWO lungs Instead of one. It is the divineway of sa lag physiologically, "'He heard!"Thai is the reason that the New Testament,in beginning the account of Christ's ser-tno-

on the mount, desorilws our Lord'splain art icuuu ion and resound of ul teranceby sa Ing, "Heopeoed bis mouth." in thatmighty concert hail and preaching placewhich 1 surest for till uineteeu bundredth anniversary let music crown ourLord. Bring all the orchestras, ail tne ora-

torios, ail the Philharmonic ami tlandeland Uaydn societies.

Then give tt- - Haydnaoi atorloof the "Cre-atton,- "

for our Lord took pan in uutvi raebuilding, ami "without blui," says John,kwas not anything made that was made,"

nnd Handel's "Messiah, n and Beethoven's"Symphonies'1 and Meodelssohn's Elvjah." the prop in I . that t ypifled our 'hrist,and the grandest losltions of Germanand Bnglish and American masters, livingor dead. All lustrumentsCuhl can bum orroll or whisper or harp or time or clap ortrumpet or t bunder t he praises of i lie Lord,joined to all voices that can chant or war--ble or precentor mult ii udlnous worshiperaWhat an arousing when 00,000 join in "An-- I

tioch" or "Corouation" or "Ariel," risinginto halleluiah or subsiding Into an almostsupernatural amen!

Yea, h t sculpture stand on pedestals allaround t iiat building, the forms of apostlesami martyrs, men and Women, who spokeor wrought or suffered by the headsman'sax or lire. Where is my favorite of all arts,this art ot sculpture, t hat is not busier forChrist, or that its work is not better ap-preciated! Let it coma forth at thatworld's jubilee of the nativity. We wanta second Phidias to do lor that new templewhat tbe first Phidias did for the Parthenon. Let the marble of Carrara cometo resurrection to celebrate our Lord' res-- Iurreotlou. Let sculptors set up in thatauditorium of Clii -t celebration f

ami intaglio descriptive of the battles wonfor our holy religion,

Where are t be CilUOVaS of the nineteenthcentury'' When are tht American Thor- -

waldsen and lhantreys Hidden some-

where. I warrant you, Let sculpture tornthat place Into another Acropolis, but mureglorious by as much as our Christ isstronger than their Hercules, and has moreIn do with the sea than their Xepfcyne, andraises greater harvests than their Ceres,ami rouses more muslo in the heart of theworld than their Apollo. "The gods of theheathen are not bing but duml idols, hutour I jord made the heavens In marblepure as snow celebrate him, who came tomake us "whiter than snow.'' Let thechisel as well as pencil and pen he put downat t he feet ot Jesus.

PAIM1NU AND H.uWKUS.Yea, at painting do Ita beat. The foreign

galleries will loan fur such a jubilee theirMadonna, their Angeloa, their Rubens,their Raphaels, their "Christ at the Jordan," or "Christ at the Last Supper," or I

Christ Coining to Judgment," or "Christon the Throne of Universal Dominion,"mid our own Moratis w ill put their pencilsinto the nineteen hundredth anniversary,and OUT liierstadts from sketching "TheDomes of the Vosemite' will come to pre- -

geUl the domes of the world compa red form manual.

Added to this i would haw a floraldecorat ion on a scale never equaled. Thefield-an- d open gardens could not furUjishIt, for it will be winter, and that season ap-propriately ohosen. tor if intothe frostsand desolations Of winter that Christ lut--

nlgmtad when ha hum to oar world lmtwhile the fisldS Will be bare, tbe couserva- -

lories and hothouses within OU mileWOUlO K'a,ty Keep i ne se.crea COUSSUm raoi- -

ant and aromatic during the convocations,Added to all, lei there be banquets, not

tike the drunken bout at theldetropolitanopi ra House, New fork, oclehrnUng the

nieniiial of Washiugtoo 's Inauguration,where the rivers of wine drowned thesobriety ot so many son at Oil god governor- - ami general s, but a hannnsi for thepMr, the fending of somes of thousand! nlpeople of a world in which the majorityOf t lie inhabitants have m v, f et hadenough to eat. Not a banquet at which alew favored men and women of social orboUtioaJ fortune abali sit, but such a hasSjtiet a- - Christ Bjsjarssj ehSSJ he told Insservauts to "go out Into the highways midhedges and Ot BSpal them to come in." Letthe mayors at cities, and the governors ofstaler, and i iie president of the UnitedfltaUs proclaim a vhols week of legal hoitda, at least trorn Christmas day to NewVear - day.

Added to this let there be at that iulernational moral and religion exposition smam mot h i -- l ribul iou of sacred literal ore.Let the leading noni-tci- s of I rum

id til t M it pulpit' f allth ' tl.f it I tell what tby krarwof himwheuetHrtfa rale. At those coo foaUons a iftrnybe raiaed foroho rein in 'i wnools, for UM

leges, all itl a litstl nUofis won humin the hr tfi hi 1st. On H at rift) and In

that - i aheti Christ pravr bin to( he oi Id, It t I he World lee Itself n him

wnv am- IttCAfw do i p nposff nu ring as the uuujh

tfl lot t h s ci in vim r. ' lieeaiise nutstothel lands have a state roll) ion, ami whileall fnrmi of religion maj be totefOOou inman) laudsAmerica is the only eonntryon earth where ail evangelical do omlnutftoua Stand on an even footing, ggSJ allw ould have equal hearing in such an international eajsjeitlon, why do t salact thisnluaterof sffaofsuitcltleaf Answer By thattime Dee - I0nt) these four cities ot NewVork, Brooklyn, Jerse) City ami rtoboken,by bridges and tunnels, will be practicallyone. aid with an a . r ite population ofabout. 5,000,000. Consequently no otherpart ot America will bavesnch Immenaltyof population.

h do now make this nonrlnuttoo oftune and place f Answer Beoauae such astupendous movement cannot be externporined, it will take seven years to getread tor SUch an overtoweruig celebrai io.i. ami the work ought to begin Speedilyin Dint robes, in collages, in legislatures. Incongn in parliaments, in all style ofnational assemblages, ami we have ivtime to lose. It would take three years tomake a programme worthy of such a comIng together.

Why do I take it upon myself to makesuch a nomination of time ami place? Au- -

swer --Because it so happens that in themysterious providence of God, horn in afarmhouse and of no royal or princely descent, the doors of communication an opentome every week by the secular and rell- -

gious printing presses and have been opento me every week for many years, with allthe cities and towns and neiuhborhootls ofChristendom, and indeed in lands outsideOf Christendom, where printing presseshave been established, and I feel that ifthere is anything worthy in this proposi-

tion it wiii be beaded and adopted.On t lie oj her hand, if it be too sanguine

or too hopeful or too impractical, I amsure it wiii do no harm that have ex-

pressed my wish for such au internationaljubilee, celebratlve of tbe birth of our Immanual, Mi friends, snobs birthday 0010- -

oration at the oloss of one century amioaohlng into a new century would bo

eomcthing in which heaven ami earthcould join, tt WOUld not (inly be interna-tional, but Interplanetary, interstellar,

If you re ui ember whatoccurred 011 the first Christmas night, youknow t hat it was not n joy confined to ourworld.

The choir above Bethlehem was import- -

ed from another world, and whan the starleft its USUal sphere tt) de ligUate the birth- -

place all astronomy felt the brill, Jf there beanyt hing true about our rcl (lott, it is thatother worlds are sympathetic with thisworld and in communication with it. Theglorified of begven kVOUld join in such a cele-

bration. Tile general Ions that toiled t o havethe world fort 'hrist would take part in suchjubilation and prolonged assemblage. Theupper galleries of God'a universe would up- -

plaud these tie, whether we beard the clapof their wings ami the shout of their voicesor did not bear t hem.

Prophets who rcdloted the Messiah, andapostles who talked with him, and martyrswho died for him would lake part in thescene, though to our pour eyesight theyniiht be Invisible, The old missionarieswho died m the malarial swamps of Africa,or were struck dowu by Egyptian typhus,or were butchered at Luckuow, or wereslain by Bornealau cannita!s, would comedowu from their thrones to rejoice that atlast Christ had been heard of, and so speed- -

Ely in all nations. At the first roll of thefirst overture of the first day of that meet-ing all heaven would er : "Hear: Hear:"


Ayel ay,-- bethink myself such a vastprocedure as that might hasten our Lord'sooming, and that the expectation of manymillions of Christians, Who believe in thesecond advent, might realize then at thatconjunction of the nineteenth andtwentieth centuries, I do not say it wouldbe, yet who knows but that OUT blessedand adored Mdster, pleased with such aplan of worldwide observance, might sayconcerning t his wandering and rebelliousplanet, "That world at last shows a dispo-sition to appreciate w hat 1 have done forit, and with one wave of my scarred hand I

w ill bless and reclaim ami save it."That sm h a celebration of our Lord's

birth, kept up for days ami months, wouldplease ali be go.pd of the cart h and mightly speed on the gospel chariot ami please

all the heaven-- , saintly, cherubic, seraphic,arehangt lie and divine, is beyond question,oh, get ready for the world's greatest feetlvityl Tune your voices for the world'sgreatest anthem I Lift the arches for iheworld s mightiest procession) Let tueuuvancing standard of the army of years.which has Inscribed OU one side of it " 1000''

and on the other side "1001," have also in--

sotibed 01) if the most charming name ofall I he universe t he name of JesUS,

Whether this suggestion n a world'scelebration of the nativity betaken or not,it has allowed me au opportunity in asomewhat unusual way of expres-in- g mylove for ihe great central character of alltime mid all eternity, lie is the infinitenonesuch. The armies of heaven drop ontheir knees before him. After Itounlaloue,before overwhelmed audieuoes,has preachedhim, and Bailton in immortal blank ver. elias sung bim, and Michael Angelo hasglorfied the ceiling of the Vatican withhis second ruining, and martyrs whilegirdled ami canopied with the flumes ofthe stake have with burning lips d

and foar thoaaaad" oi benveai wlthfaatoasi-- of pla- - intarnliol with hiiiiriHi', havewith uplifted and down IWttUa batOO, uudoaadiiiif aoraeta, ami waving aanni a, and

beavea captaring doxologiaa, oalabratadhiin, tba atory of bia lovalUuiaa, and his

laiarbt, and hi. taiauty, and hu Krundfur,uud his araoa. and his iuterooarioa, and hisUorifloa, and of Ills blrt Ii and hisduath, willremain untold. Ba l;is name on our li;iswhlla wa live, and wbeo we die, after wahave sjioki-i- farewell to father and motherand Wlfa and bhild, lei aaapeah llmt namewhich is the luliaby of aart l ami t he t ranap. irl of baaven,

Before tba oroaalnaj of timaoatba nldnltflil between Dee. ill, ltrno, ami ihe 1stof January, 1001 , oiauy of us will he gone.Soote of you will bear the elook strikeVI of one OOOtUry, and au hour after itliear ii atrlka 1 of another century, hutaiany of you will not that midnight heari it her I lie si roll e of i he elt f olook or of theold tiinepleaa in tba hallway oi the home- -

lead. Seven years rut a wide swaththrotigh obufohaa and communities andtint ions.

in ,vr w HX wiiNtss it.Hut thoae who croaa from world to world

before Old iime in this world crosses thatmidnight from century lucent ury will talkaaaoag tha throuea of Lha ooatlng earthlyjiiln ee, and on the river hank, and in IheaiTTitt if tnnwy mnartmii. until all heavenwill know of the OOBliag of that Ol lei. lalion thai will Oil tha earthly nations withJoy and help auumi ul t lie u:U ions of I.eHven.Bui whether here or tie re. we will takepan in i he Rtuabj and i ne banaueting itwe have auala tba Lord our portion.

Oh, how would lii.e to atonal at mytrout door aome morning or noon or nihiand aaa ' ba sky part and the blaaaad Larddaaoaod in person, not as he will come inthe last JuflgtaaUt, With lire Hill! ball Hluleanlnptuke, Ian in swcei ieu,l i topuolou ull sin. and beaj all woomiv ami

ami ri'.'hi 'di rv u iMeinl Ml dhfkam,.: sj break ail bOTniafi '" sirMiMsli dh etd

luOir thtflk will thus collie, I it that loin, k 1 make no pTOpuOCj

lor I ana got ggougk hstruod in the Scriptun s, as some of my It lends hit, to anuotinee a verv positive opinion. Hill thi--

do know thai it would Iw well fOT US tohave mi inteimitioinil mid an Inierworldcelebration of ti e etmlvcregry of ins birthday alMHit the nn f the birth of the BOW

rent ury, sml that n wtllbewiw lcyond allother wivioui nu us to take him aa ourpre-ei- u and everlsstinu coadjut 01 , and if

.hat darling of earth and heaven will onlyneeept you ami me, after all OUT lifetime ofuuwort hiness and sin, we can nevei pahim what we OWe, though through all theeter nity to come we had every hour a newsnug and every moment a new ascriptionol homage ami praise, for yon see we weretar OUl among the lost sheep t hat t he gopel hymn so pal bet ically describes:

( nit in theOSJSBrt lie heard Itsery,Mek uud helpletaand ready to die,hut aii through tbs moaatalns, thunder

riven,And up frees tie- oh k) sns s,There ri-- 's a or 10 the inu 0 heaven,"U'joiee, I havi fouad Bt) si.eep!"And theangalsei ho naiad the throne,"Uejoiee, fur the Urfd bruits hueL lusowii'"

Aim at the Drakeini IIHHI to lilt

luckfl This ptri ictlv th. . witli




Cod Liver Oil.

It aims u cure Consumption,

tills the Mark, too, and it musteffectually breaks u CoUls,

Coughs, Hoarseness and all

Throat and Ittag troubles thatcause this disease.

It is natural loie to conclude

that if WAMPotE's PreparationOF Con UIVBM On. has poweTI

to prevent Consumption, it surelyis able to cure these lesser emer-


This vigor-tnakin- g,

preparation is AbsolutelyTasteless, in so lar as Cod I.iverOil is concerned, All you noticeis a lelightful flavor of WildCherry and Anise.

But the purest Norwegian C'"d

I.iver Oil is there all the Same.

It is a great blood eiiricher. bestof all it is a natural food that in itsstomachic effects actually assistsits own asaimilasion.

In Plumonaty or bronchiatroubles it is unequalled. Noone doubts the value of Cod LiverOil, but not every one is able totake it.


Removes tin nauseous objectionand actually makes Cod I.iverOil palatable.




Club Stables Co.s. k. ORAHAM, Uanaokr.

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.

Port Street, Between Hon!

and Beretania,

Both Telephonus No. 477.


'or. KiiiK ftntl Bethel Sis.

HOT! I TTptl' HONES NO. 113

(i ) () THE




Table Board .. .. tr i lay.Board ami LodgingBoard and Lodging. '.' pel w k.

. Speoial Monthly Pripaa,

T. E. KROUSK, - Proprietor.


Carriage and WagonMANUFACTURER.

Repairing,Painting,y Trimming,N vtlv DOMB.

aii w,,rk puTeaftoaS nf the iH.t. udnaMl anil tie eonvlln-eil-

No. 44 King Streot.M nt no Taaiii ,, : l'. i. Maa iw.

A.k .wAtf hAUmhammmm-'-

I. C. Puacouk iv 1



The American

Brewing Co.


The A I! B iheitiian Bi

brewed the above C

);inv is uncioubtedlj' ilic lllK'St


in irtcil Mill I thif count rv.

Pabst Brewing Co.,

Milwaukee, 1 . s. a.I


Stock Brewery,


CvniH Noble liis- -


Packed in Screw Sti pH- -


Hiram Walker

Son's "Canadian

Club" Whiskey.

bottle ui Iiiili bean

rtilicate l Ag theixcise Seal the

I )i iminii in


J, J. Melchers

"Elephant" Gin,


Vaughan Jones,

C. I. G. Scotch


A. (ii. Thompson's

-- Roval Blond"

Scotch Whiskey.

Jno. Jameson Son s

X ami XXX

Irish Whiskey.

Mitchell & Co.'s

"Cmiskccn Lawn"

Irish Whiskey.

U( Kills Id ;ti bed-roc- k

SgureB) and ;t lil I8C1 unit

allowed iin Cash.

no in 11 .KI'MOMKN

11. Baa MM,

ivolbtliir. UtHitJ:

A l

i.vsoNvm.i Pan

A well known Rltgincei incharge ;i targ Binpit Mill

WritM us this wi-i-- " w. MM

nn other but V icwi 01 i s, the)nre the lust "

(tannine Slxwt Palnlii, madeol puff Colors and pun. oils. TheMAKKKS name on each can a,guarantee al quality, I Hiring thepast yeai a large ijuantilj ui ibispaint bas been used with the mostsatisfactory restilts.

Fence Wire, Oalvauirad orplain Black annealed four PointGalvanised Black Wire. So muchcomplaint has been made of thequality of fence Wire brought

!into this market, that, after testscovering the past live years, weka t..l....i...l MiV. nf HhmWire pecuHarly adapted to thisclimate, and which has provedsuperior to any other. I'sers ofthis make of wire endorse itsvalue.

Water Filters. Do not tryexperiments With articles made

"to sell" and then buy a "Slack &

Brownlow" after paying for yourexperience, as so many havedone, .Slack & Brownlow 'a Waterfilters are made on scientific prin-

ciples, and arc known and usedeverywhere, They are accessiblein all parts and can be cleaned by

the user.

Terra Cotta flower l'ots andWater Mottles, Huston Bean Pots.

New ( ioods constantly arriving.


402 KM FoBT HTUKRT Honoi.ui.l

J. T. WaferhouseQueen Street Stores,


Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery


FA ft C Y GOODS'.f all dwcrlptloiiH.

Fort Street StoreNo. lO.





India Linen and Peralnn Lawns,

Embroiderv, in'.' yard pieces,

Roman and (impure Embroidery.Oriental, Platte, ami other laces, in

white, ream and black,

Chiffon Lace, all colnta,45-i- Lace Net, cream tnul blank,

Striped and C heck Dimity,

Wide Japanese Crepe, white and cnlr'U,

White, ('ream and Black Sarah Silk,

White and Cream silk Crepe,

Navy nnd t'ream Seine.Suez ami Teams Flannel,

The Jfnuesa Miller "Equipoise" waist.

Prima Donna and I'. D. Cornets,

Ladiea' Black Hose,


11 lu

0 JAIl'.VY.Has superior facilities for buying and

sell ul' M-.- and Itontln and is in

a poastiou In handle Itirj;,. blocks ofstocks, paying cash for same; or willsell upon t 'ollllUISSIoll.

BWII I'liiiiliiiioii KMMh can bedisposed ol bv "K in tarjre or small lotsat fair prices,

Malt' O. im.ii BOX of vni ionssizes for Ihe sale keeping of nil soi ls ofviiiuablea, renti d al reaaonalde ratea.

iur Ware ami Vuluttblt'Ai'lii-l- c taken on storage for a lout;

or short period.Apply for particulars to


and INVEMTMENT 'o.411s PottT BnUUtTi lloMu.i 1.1

in; 11

01(1 K.0na CofteeI'.ik BALI

J. T. WATERHOUSE'SUueeu Sin-c- t Stun- -.

- .Man .

1ft &

HiiiKiliilii Kiuji Wiiii:. i:ui!iii!ii

1 i 1 iv 1;

Laundry Soap

.1- -'. ; mil fi? bars i

liic I I iiinlrci minis.






O 3

Ul "6c

w OX



Uo to-1u



WILDER & CO.(Bttabllsbcd in 18;

Estane S, G, WILDER -i- - W, C, WILDER.


Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSt'Cll AS


Builders' Hardware,Point, Oil, (llass.


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets,


Pacific Brass Foundry


STEAM COCKS, and all oilier littinKsfor pipe on hand.

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

ITreati mil lad Kloafuraala iuquaniltiaa I

J. A. HOPPER. PropKurt M 11 I. Mi. if, ImI