ssmc dg-6-dgc-in endtimes


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DGL Retreat Session 6


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I. We are living in the End-


II. We must continue to get

ourselves ready for the

Lord’s Coming for us.

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I. We are living in the


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Matthew 24:12 And

because lawlessness

will abound, the love of

many will grow cold.

1. We are living in a time of


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1. We are living in a time of

lawlessness.A. Terrorism.

B. Perversion [Romans 1:18-32].

C. Moral Breakdown

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil

good, and good evil; who put darkness for

light, and light for darkness; who put for

sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel,

shut up the words, and seal the

book until the time of the end;

many shall run to and fro, and

knowledge shall increase.

2. We are living in a time of

explosion of knowledge,

information and connectivity.

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II. We must continue to

get ourselves ready

for the Lord’s Coming

for us.

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Revelation 3:16 So then, because

you are lukewarm, and neither cold

nor hot, I will vomit you

out of My mouth.

1. We must not be lukewarm

but hot for God.


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Revelation 3:20 Behold, I

stand at the door and

knock. If anyone hears

My voice and opens the

door, I will come in to him

and dine with him, and he

with Me.

1. We must not be

lukewarm but hot

for God.

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2. We must not be foolish but be wise.

Ephesians 5:15-18 Daniel 12:3

Matthew 25:1-13 Matthew 7:24-25

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3. We must not be conformed to

the world but be overcomers.

Revelation 2-3

To Him Who overcomes …


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II. We must continue to get

ourselves ready for the

Lord’s Coming for us.

Discipleship and Evangelism

Mission of a Discipleship Group

Church - DGC:

To Share Christ as

we Mature in Him

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YOU - the believer


SERVEvia 3 Vehicles :

(1) The DG

(2) Equipping


(3) Mentoring





Disciple Another


Intentional DISCIPLESHIP in a DGC

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A. We must grow strong spiritually.

Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have

received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk

in Him, rooted and built up in Him and

established in the faith, as you have

been taught, abounding in it with


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A. We must grow strong spiritually.

i. Loving God as a true worshipper.

ii. Loving People.

iii. Continually connecting to God in


iv. Regularly feeding on the Word of God.

v. Application, application,


vi. Obedience, obedience,


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Wise and Foolish Virgins

1. Maturing Believers are those

who struggle and struggle in

this life but will make progress.

2. Immature Believers will also

struggle and struggle but

remain immature, foolish and

worse off.

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Wise and Foolish Virgins

3. The fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom

(Proverbs 9:10).

4. Disobedience and

Rebellion are the

beginning of foolishness

(Romans 1).

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Wise and Foolish Virgins

5. Godliness is to factor God in

all our thinking and feeling,

plans and ideas, responses

and decisions in our living.

6. Ungodliness is mere

disregard for God, His Word,

the fellowship and counsel of

His people.

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1. Apply and do the Word vs

head-knowledge only.

2. Experience the reality of God.

3. Spiritually alert.

4. Grateful.

5. True worshippers.

6. Wise.

7. Deal with Baggages in life.

8. Not easily shaken.

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B. We must strengthen key-

relationships in our lives [life

impacting lives].

It is time to evaluate every relationship in our lives.

Strengthen those “God-ordained” relationships - those who “build” you up.

Intentionally and wisely minister to those you can be a blessing to.

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B. We must strengthen key-

relationships in our lives [life

impacting lives].

Be in a covenant community of


Discipleship Group (DG) and

Mentoring Relationship (MR)


Accountability & Covering

(A & C) and

Praying & Communicating

(P & C)

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C. We must continually share Christ

with pre-believers.

Luke 10:5-7a, 9

Jesus’ Methodology

But whatever house you enter, first

say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a

son of peace is there, your peace will

rest on it; if not, it will return to you.

And remain in the same house,

eating and drinking such things as

they give … And heal the sick there,

and say to them, ‘The kingdom of

God has come near to you.’

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C. We must continually share Christ

with pre-believers.

Luke 10:5-7a, 9 - Jesus’


i. Bless the pre-believers with the

Peace of God.

ii. Fellowship with them - eat and


iii. Minister to their felt needs -

heal the sick.

iv. Share the Gospel of the

Kingdom of God.

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D. We must totally depend on the

anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the LORD

is upon Me, because He has

anointed Me to preach the gospel to

the poor; He has sent Me to heal the

brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to

the captives and recovery of sight to

the blind, to set at liberty those who

are oppressed. Zechariah 4:6

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D. We must totally depend on the

anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus

of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and

with power, who went about doing

good and healing all who were

oppressed by the devil, for God was

with Him.1 Corinthians




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E. Get our personal life, family and

finances in order.

John 16:33 In the world

you will have tribulation …

John 10:10a The thief

does not come except

to steal, and to kill, and

to destroy …WHY

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E. Get our personal life, family and

finances in order.

Evaluate how we live and spend

our resources:

Time Money

ResourcesEfforts Focus


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The Lord’s Coming is SOON!

Olympics take years to prepare

but the day it arrives,

it happens very very quickly!

SOON means NO time to reflect anymore!

Revelation 22:17 the Spirit and

the Bride says: COME!