springcamp 2016 - apache geode 와 spring data gemfire


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Apache Geode 와Spring

이창재 ([email protected]) | Pivotal | Advanced Platform ArchitectsApril, 2016

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� Apache Geode 소개

� Spring Data Gemfire

� Spring Session

� Demo

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Apache Geode 는?

open source distributed, in-memory database for scale-out


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Geode 는?

� 온라인으로수평확장이가능한고가용성및 Low latency in-memory Data Grid

� Key/Value (Map) Store (+ ααααααααα)

� Open Source– 2015년 4월 Pivotal Gemfire 를Apache 재단에기증– Project Geode– 2016년 4월현재 1.0.0-M2

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Geode - In Memory

� Data 를메모리에분산해서저장– JVM Heap– Off Heap 사용가능(defragmentation)

� Disk 에도저장가능– Persistent

� Eviction 과 Expiration 지원– Least Recently Used 기반 Eviction– Time To Live 기반 Expiration

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Geode In-Memory 데이타 분산

VM 1

VM 2 VM 3

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Server 3Server 2

Bucket 3*primary*

Bucket 1secondary

Bucket 3secondary

Bucket 2*primary*

Server 1

Bucket 2secondary

Bucket 1*primary*

Geode In-Memory 데이타 분산 (Redundant = 1)

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Server 3Server 2

Bucket 3*primary*

Bucket 1secondary

Bucket 3secondary

Bucket 2*primary*

Server 1

Bucket 2secondary

Bucket 1*primary*

Geode In-Memory 데이타 분산 (Redundant = 1)

Server 가죽으면?

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Server 1 Server 3Server 2

Bucket 2secondary

Bucket 1*primary*

Bucket 3*primary*

Bucket 1*primary*

Bucket 3secondary

Bucket 2*primary*

Bucket 2secondary

Primary Failover


Bucket 1secondary

Geode In-Memory 데이타 분산 (Redundant = 1)

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� REGION– Database 의 Table– 메모리에분산되서저장되는 java.util.Map


� Consistent Hashing– 기본 113 개의 Bucket

� Map API 뿐만아니라 SQL Query 도지원

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Geode – Key/Value (Map) Store (+ ααααααααα)

� In Memory Data Grid

� Data Colocation– Master / Detail 형태의 data graph

� Data Serialization (PDX)

� FuctionService

� JTA 호환 Transaction

출처 : http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/grid-computing-1.gif

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Geode – Key/Value (Map) Store (+ ααααααααα)

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Geode – Key/Value (Map) Store (+ ααααααααα)

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Gemfire vs Geode

� Open Source

� 상용 Support

� 기능상의차이– WAN 상의클러스터복제 (M2 에이미포함)– Continuous Query (M2 에이미포함)– C++, C# 지원

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Demo Repo



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Spring Data Gemfire

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Spring Data GemFire (SDG)

Spring Data 의강력하고단순한 프로그래밍모델을이용하여Apache Geode 이용가능.

Spring Ecosystem Integration…– Spring Cache Abstraction / Transaction Management– Spring Data Commons + REST– Spring Integration (Inbound/Outbound Channel Adapters)– Spring Data Flow (Input Source and Sinks)

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Apache Geode combined with Spring Data GemFirecan be used as JSR-107 (JCache) caching provider

+ +

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Full-stack, Web

Data Flow

Stream, Taps, Jobs


Bootable, Minimal, Ops-Ready

Big, Fast,

FlexibleData Web,



Controllers, REST,WebSocket


Channels, Adapters,Filters, Transformers


Jobs, Steps,Readers, Writers


Ingestion, Export,Orchestration, Hadoop





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Server 설정

Spring XML 기반설정

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Client 설정

Spring XML 기반설정

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with Spring

Geode 서버 시작

@SpringBootApplication@ImportResource("/spring-data-gemfire-cache.xml")@EnableGemfireRepositories@EnableTransactionManagementpublic class SampleDataGemFireApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {SpringApplication.run(SampleDataGemFireApplication.class, args);


혹은…gfsh>start server –name=Example … --spring-xml-location=“spring-data-gemfire-cache.xml”

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Repository 를 이용한 data 접근

public interface CustomerRepository extends GemfireRepository<Customer, Long> {}

// Spring context.xml<gfe-data:repositories base-package="io.pivotal.springcamp.geode.repository" />

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GemfireTemplate 을이용한 data 접근

� 가장단순한 data 접근방법

� Gemfire/Geode API 변경으로부터자유로움

� Exception 이 Spring DAO Exception 으로변경

� Transaction<bean id="customerTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.GemfireTemplate" p:region-ref="Customer" />

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ImplementationAnnotation-based Function Implementation/Execution

package org.example.app.functions;

import …

@Componentpublic class ExampleFunctions {

@GemfireFunctionpublic Customer update(…) {…





<bean class=“org.example….ExampleFunctions”/>

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ExecutionAnnotation-based Function Implementation/Execution

package org.example.app.function.executions;

import …

@OnRegion(“Example”)public interface ExampleFunctionExecution {

Customer update(…);}


<gfe-data:function-executions base-package="org.example.app.function.executions">

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JSR-107 (JCache), Spring Cache AbstractionGeode Caching Provider

� With @Cacheable� And @CachePut, @CacheEvict(allEntries=[true|false]), @CacheConfig– http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#cache-jsr-107

� Or with JSR-107 using…– @CacheResult, @CachePut, @CacheRemove, @CacheRemoveAll,


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Spring Session 과 Geode

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12factor App Manifesto - VI. Processes

Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing.

Some web systems rely on “sticky sessions” – that is, caching user session data in memory of the app’s process and expecting future requests from the same visitor to be routed to the same process. Sticky sessions are a violation of twelve-factor and should never be used or relied upon.

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Spring Session

� 일반적인 WAS 의 Clustering– SESSION Replication-> Overhead– 구성의 복잡

� HTTPSession 과 User 의 Object 들이공존– Session 이 차지하는공간으로 인한

Heap 부족

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Spring Session

� 플랫폼에독립적인세션관리

� Annotation 기반에쉬운설정

� Persistence

� WebSocket 지원

� 지원하는기술– Redis– Geode– Hazelcast

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Spring Session - @EnableGemFireHttpSession

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Spring Session – Servlet Filter

출처 : http://www.slideshare.net/dgomezg/managing-users-data-with-spring-session

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