spillage procedure

Document Type: PROCEDURE Unique Identifier: CORP/PROC/468 Version Number: 1 Title: Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Status: Ratified Scope: Trust Wide Classification: Organisational Author/Originator and Title: Johanne Lickiss Clinical Infection Control Nurse Responsibility: Control of Infection Clinical Governance Directorate Replaces: All previous Blood Spillage Policies Description of amendments: Throughout the Document comply with Trust format Name of Committee/Directorate/ Working Group: Decontamination Date of Meeting: Risk Assessment: Not Applicable Validated by: Clinical Governance Management Team Meeting Validation Date: 23/02/2007 Ratified by: Clinical Effectiveness Committee Ratified Date: 05/03/2007 Date of Issue: 05/03/2007 Review Date: 01/09/2009 Review Dates: Review dates may alter if any significant changes are mad 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Does this document meet with the Race Relation Amendment Act (2000) Age Discrimination Act , Disability Discrimination Act and Gender Equality Regulations? Not Applicable

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spillage protocol for any chemicals


  • Document Type: PROCEDURE

    Unique Identifier: CORP/PROC/468

    Version Number: 1

    Title: Blood and Body Fluid Spillage

    Status: Ratified

    Scope: Trust Wide

    Classification: Organisational

    Author/Originator and Title: Johanne Lickiss Clinical Infection Control Nurse

    Responsibility: Control of Infection Clinical Governance Directorate

    Replaces: All previous Blood Spillage Policies

    Description of amendments: Throughout the Document comply with Trust format

    Name of Committee/Directorate/ Working Group: Decontamination

    Date of Meeting:

    Risk Assessment: Not Applicable

    Validated by: Clinical Governance Management Team Meeting

    Validation Date: 23/02/2007

    Ratified by: Clinical Effectiveness Committee

    Ratified Date: 05/03/2007

    Date of Issue: 05/03/2007 Review Date: 01/09/2009

    Review Dates: Review dates may alter if any significant changes are mad











    Does this document meet with the Race Relation Amendment Act (2000) Age Discrimination Act , Disability Discrimination Act and Gender Equality Regulations? Not Applicable

  • Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust

    Revision No: 1 Review Date: 01/10/2009

    I.D. No: CORP/PROC/468

    Title: Blood and Body Spillage Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version

    Page 2 of 5

    1 PURPOSE.

    The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all staff groups follow the Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Procedure in conjunction with the Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Policy. (See Section 7)

    2 SCOPE.

    This procedure applies to all staff employed by Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust the Trust (BFWH).


    3.1 Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage

    When dealing with Blood and Body Fluid Spillage all staff must wear personal protective clothing (gloves and aprons) at all times. All Personal Protective Clothing must be disposed of into Clinical Waste bags. Further Personal Protective Equipment must be used appropriately when there is a risk of extensive splashing of blood and body fluids e.g. body fluid repellent gowns, face visors and footwear. Never use mops to clear up body fluid spillages. All body fluid spillage must be cleaned up immediately and effectively. Hypochlorite releasing agents can be a hazard especially if used in large volumes in

    confined spaces, or mixed with other chemicals or urine. A risk assessment and Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment must be carried out if using these chemicals.

    Wear disposable gloves and aprons. Glove choice must be Nitral or Latex gloves please refer to Guideline on Non-Sterile

    Examination Glove (Corp/Guid/052). Vinyl gloves are not suitable for use when dealing with blood and or body fluids.

    Wounds and lesions on exposed skin should be covered with a waterproof dressing. Ensure adequate ventilation is required when using Hypochlorite to clean areas.

    (Ensure windows and doors are open) By following instructions Hypochlorite solution must be prepared and used within

    24 hours any remaining fluid must be discarded into the drainage system.

    Spills on the body Splashes of blood or body fluid on to the skin must be washed off immediately with

    soap and water. Please Note A warning sign must be displayed and clearly visible at all times around the affected area.

  • Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust

    Revision No: 1 Review Date: 01/10/2009

    I.D. No: CORP/PROC/468

    Title: Blood and Body Spillage Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version

    Page 3 of 5

    Strong Hypochlorite Solution 1% (10,000) for use when dealing with blood and other blood stained body fluids. - Dissolve 4 (four) Haz-tabs in Cold Tap Water in a One Litre Dilutor - Screw the cap firmly onto the dilutor - Agitate the dilutor gently to dissolve the Haz-Tabs. - Discard any excess solution immediately after use. Small Spills Must be wiped up with a paper towel soaked in Hypochlorite (10,000 ppm available

    chlorine) Wash area with general-purpose detergent and warm water. Gloves, aprons and paper towels must be disposed in Clinical Waste. Wash hands as per Hand Hygiene Policy. Large Spills Cover the spill with disposable paper towels. Pour Hypochlorite (10,000 ppm available chlorine) over the towels. Leave for 2 minutes. Remove towels and discard into yellow waste bag. Wash area with general-purpose detergent and warm water. Gloves, aprons and paper towels must be disposed of in Clinical Waste. Wash hands as per Hand Hygiene Policy.

    Extensive Large Spills It may be impractical to treat large spills of blood or body fluid with Hypochlorite. In

    this instance the spill must be soaked up with disposable paper towels and discarded into Clinical Waste bags.

    The area must then be cleaned with Hypochlorite 10,000ppm followed by general-purpose detergent and warm water.

    Gloves and Aprons must be disposed into Clinical Waste. Wash hands as per Hand Hygiene Policy.

    Please Note: Do not use Hypochlorite on large spillages of Urine

    4 ATTACHMENTS. Appendix 1 References

    5 ELECTRONIC AND MANUAL RECORDING OF INFORMATION. Held By: Clinical Governance Held in format: Electronic and/or hard copy Database for Policies, Procedures, Protocols and Guidelines

    Archive/Policy Co-ordinators office

  • Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust

    Revision No: 1 Review Date: 01/10/2009

    I.D. No: CORP/PROC/468

    Title: Blood and Body Spillage Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version

    Page 4 of 5


    Copy No Location Date Issued 1 Intranet 05/03/2007 Wards and Departments 05/03/2007


    Procedure No.


    Corp/Pol/ 149 Management of the Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations

    Corp/Proc/ 006 Carrying out a Risk Assessment and developing a Risk Register

    Corp/Proc/ 421 Implementation of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regulations 1992

    Corp/Pol/ 056 Hand Hygiene Policy

    Corp/Proc/ 418 Hand Hygiene Procedure

    Corp/Pol/186 Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Policy


    Issued By Mrs J Lickiss Checked By M Aubrey

    Job Title Clinical Nurse Specialist In

    Job Title Head of Clinical Governance

    Signature Signature

    Date January 2007 Date March 2007

  • Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust

    Revision No: 1 Review Date: 01/10/2009

    I.D. No: CORP/PROC/468

    Title: Blood and Body Spillage Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version

    Page 5 of 5

    Appendix 1 References: Good Practice Guidelines for Renal Dialysis/transplantation Units Prevention and control of Blood-Borne Virus infection Public Health Laboratory Service on behalf of Department of Health. 2002. Page 33 8.25 8.26 Wilson J (2006) 3rd Edition. Infection Control in Clinical Practice. Bailliere Tindall Elsevier. Royal College of Nursing (2005) Good practice in Infection Prevention and Control. Cavendish Square. London.

    Unique Identifier:VersionNumber:Scope:Classification:Name of Committee/Directorate/Working Group:Validation Date:Please Note A warning sign must be displayed and clearly visSmall SpillsLarge SpillsExtensive Large Spills

    Issued By