speeding up spectrum analyzer measurements...introduction 1ef90_2e rohde & schwarz speeding up...

Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements Application Note Products: ı R&S ® FPS ı R&S ® FSW ı R&S ® FSV ı R&S ® SGT100A ı R&S ® SMW200A ı R&S ® SMBV100A Test time is a critical parameter when it comes to evaluating the cost of test. This application note describes typical spectrum analyzer measurements in production environments and discusses different approaches to speed them up. Dr. Florian Ramian 11.2014 - 1EF90_2E Application Note

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  • Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements Application Note


    ı R&S®FPS

    ı R&S®FSW

    ı R&S®FSV

    ı R&S®SGT100A

    ı R&S®SMW200A

    ı R&S®SMBV100A

    Test time is a critical parameter when it comes to

    evaluating the cost of test.

    This application note describes typical spectrum

    analyzer measurements in production environments

    and discusses different approaches to speed them









    4 -









  • Table of Contents

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 2

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 3

    2 Measurement Scenarios ..................................................................... 4

    2.1 Production Scenarios .................................................................................................. 4

    2.2 Design Verification Scenarios .................................................................................... 4

    3 Speeding up Measurements .............................................................. 6

    3.1 General Considerations .............................................................................................. 6

    3.2 Spectral Measurements .............................................................................................. 9

    3.3 Using Trigger Events .................................................................................................15

    3.4 Demodulation and other I/Q-Data Based Measurements ......................................18

    3.5 Switching Between Measurements ..........................................................................21

    3.6 Considerations on the Vector Signal Generator ....................................................22

    4 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 24

  • Introduction

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 3

    1 Introduction

    This application note focuses on measurement speed, especially for RF tests involving

    signal and spectrum analyzers.

    Test time is a critical parameter. In some applications more than in others, but

    generally, there is no argument against a faster measurement, as long as it provides

    the same result. There are of course plenty of arguments for faster measurements,

    cost of test being the most important one.

    Depending on who you talk to, various numbers are being discussed when it comes to

    quantifying cost of test. In RF testing, 100 ms in test time reduction can save several

    million US dollars per year.

    Test time is at first given by the amount of tests specified for a certain product. This

    application note does not focus on reducing the number of tests, since this approach

    requires in depth knowledge of device under test (DUT).

    Test time reduction for a given amount of tests has limitations as well: a production test

    environment must make sure that all produced parts are equal to within a certain

    tolerance. This imposes the requirement of repeatability on test instruments. A good

    repeatability ensures that the test results from two identical DUTs are equal to within a

    given value.

    Repeatability imposes a natural limit in test time reduction. As a consequence, test

    time numbers do not make sense without specifying the corresponding repeatability.

  • Measurement Scenarios

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 4

    2 Measurement Scenarios

    2.1 Production Scenarios

    The production test team typically selects a subset of the characterization tests based

    on the detailed knowledge of critical parameters to guarantee that all parts fulfill a

    given specification. Product and test engineers must interact closely to define the

    optimum test coverage.

    A main contributor for the total cost of the production test is the achievable test

    throughput or the test cost per second. Equipment that is more expensive may lead to

    significantly lower test time and thus lower cost of test. In addition, aspects like stability

    over time, calibration intervals, accuracy, and MTBF (down times) strongly affect the

    total cost. Finally, the index time of the available handlers has to be carefully

    considered to optimize the overall solution.

    As each second of test time directly adds to the production cost of the DUT, test time

    directly influences the margin and therefore your profit.

    So in short, the target is to cut down the test plan to an acceptable minimum. Once the

    test plan is defined, the remaining tests are optimized in order to reach the shortest

    test time possible.

    As an example, let us look into testing a power amplifier for mobile devices (PA). RF

    measurements are typically performed on a number of frequencies (often 3 per band),

    different power levels and if applicable with different test signals (i.e. different

    standards like LTE and WCDMA).

    The most important boundary condition for the production test is repeatability. So

    almost anything that saves test time may be considered as long as repeatability stays

    within the given limit. A typical measure is shortening the test signal. In this case the

    signal is no longer a standard signal (e.g. LTE), but it can still be used for certain

    measurements, e.g. ACLR measurements.

    Absolute accuracy on a production test system is usually reached through golden

    samples and correlation with the known values of these golden samples. These golden

    samples, are also used to verify a production tester's performance on a regular basis,

    e.g. once a day.

    2.2 Design Verification Scenarios

    The test approach for design verification tests (DVT) is somewhat different from

    production test. Instead of testing as many DUTs as possible in a given time, only a

    few samples are tested very extensively. The test coverage is by far larger than in

    production and results are typically tested not only versus frequency, power, and

    waveform, but also versus any parameter that might affect the test results. These

    typically include temperature, load match, and specific configuration parameters of the

    DUT, e.g. supply voltage.

  • Measurement Scenarios

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 5

    During design verification, the design engineers have to verify that the product fulfills

    all required specification under all applicable boundary conditions. In addition, the

    worst-case conditions have to be identified.

    Characterization test must be performed over a larger number of samples and over

    several production lots to obtain statistically valid data. Ideally, the production test

    capabilities are established in parallel with the product development and in close

    cooperation between test and product engineers. This includes design-for-test

    concepts where testing needs are taken into account from the very beginning of the

    development cycle.

    DVT also requires a test system to be highly accurate, since there are no reference

    test results, which could be used for focused calibration or correction.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 6

    3 Speeding up Measurements

    3.1 General Considerations

    Before addressing specific measurements, we will address general considerations for

    best practice on remote control in this section.


    In remote control, it is important to use single sweep mode. Single sweep mode

    performs a single measurement only, whereas in continuous mode the instrument is

    continuously measuring and updating results. In single sweep mode, it is essential to

    make sure that the current measurement has finished and results are valid. This

    process (making sure the previous action, e.g. the measurement, was completed) is

    called synchronization. In order to synchronize a result query to the end of a

    measurement, the command *WAI is recommended. Metacode for such a query with

    synchronization looks like the following sequence:

    ActivateSingleSweep (INIT:CONT OFF)

    TransmitSettings() 'Send all measurement settings

    MakeMeasurementAndSync (INIT:IMM;*WAI)

    QueryResult (CALC:MARK:Y?)

    For more information on how the different synchronization methods work in detail, the

    application note 1EF62 is recommended.

    Result Displays

    Another general hint for remote control is to switch off the displays of the instruments.

    Switching off the display saves processing time, since there is no processing power

    needed for the display and its update. The advantage of the display update off mode

    compared to the display update on mode can be a factor of 4 or even higher. Note that

    even instruments without a physical display (like the R&S FPS) may perform the

    display update computation, since they can feed external displays.

    The default configuration of all R&S instruments is display update off. When in remote

    control mode, the display can be switched on or off using a softkey on the instrument

    or the following command:


  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 7

    Physical Connection of Instruments

    The physical connection between the control PC and the instruments can make a

    significant difference. The GPIB bus used to be an industry standard with a low latency

    time. Since the GPIB bus is more than 30 years old, it can no longer compete with

    modern LAN connections, especially when it comes to transmission throughput.

    However, LAN connections are not primarily designed for instrument control so a few

    rules can make the difference between a fast and a slow connection.

    Protocol: A protocol is basically something like a language, so it defines the rules on

    how commands are physically transferred. The standard protocol for LAN connections

    is still VXI-11, even though newer protocols are much faster. If your instrument

    supports the so called HiSLIP (High Speed LAN Instrumentation Protocol) protocol,

    choose HiSLIP. Both protocols, VXI-11 and HiSLIP are easy to use and emulate most

    features of the GPIB bus.

    If you know exactly on how to set up so called socket connections, you might even go

    for raw socket connections, since they are slightly faster than HiSLIP. As a drawback,

    raw socket connections lack all the comfort features, such as timeouts, attributes that

    come with VXI-11 or HiSLIP.

    Physical Architecture: Decisions on the physical architecture of your remote control

    network are straight forward. Make sure you are using the highest standard supported

    by PC and instrument (e.g. Gigabit components for cables and switches instead of

    Megabit components). In addition, avoid all traffic on the network that is not needed for

    instrument control, i.e. have only PC and the required instruments connected to the

    network switch.

    Data Reduction: When it comes to transferring large amounts of data, such as I/Q

    data, make sure you are using a binary format instead of ASCII format. This easily

    speeds up data transfer by more than a factor of five, since one pair of I/Q data

    corresponds to 8 bytes in binary transfer mode, but more than 40 bytes in ASCII mode.

    In addition, most instruments provide commands to extract only the required samples

    instead of the full capture buffer. The metacode below explicitly sets binary transfer

    mode and queries only a subset of all available I/Q samples, here samples 100 to 299,

    i.e. 200 samples starting from sample 100, instead of the full capture buffer:

    FORM REAL,32

    TRAC:IQ:DATA:MEM? 100,200

    In order to minimize the amount of data, it is also essential, to reduce the sampling rate

    to the acceptable minimum. All resampling is handled in real-time internally on

    dedicated hardware, so it does not affect the measurement time. All measurement

    personalities within the instrument firmware calculate results (e.g. an EVM value) using

    optimized signal processing algorithms. As a result, data transfer from a measurement

    personality can be reduced to a few values instead of large amounts of unprocessed

    I/Q data.

    Avoid Firmware Interrupts: Each single command that reaches the instrument

    causes an interrupt to the measurement firmware and starts a process to "digest" the

    remote control command. The number of these interrupts can be significantly reduced

    if consecutive commands are packaged and transferred in one single string.

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    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 8

    So instead of sending "INIT:IMM;*WAI" and "CALC:MARK:Y?" to start a

    measurement, synchronize, and query the marker value, transmit

    "INIT:IMM;*WAI;:CALC:MARK:Y?" in a single string. A semicolon separates

    commands. Note that a colon is required for all but the first command. The colon forces

    the command parser to restart its search at the beginning of the command tree. The

    colon can be omitted if a command shares the same command tree with its

    predecessor. The following examples are equivalent and make use of 3 commands,

    two of them with identical command trees:

    Example 1 uses colons and the full command tree for each command.


    Example 2 uses colons only where necessary and abbreviates the command tree

    where possible.

    SENS:SWE:TIME 1ms;POIN 2001;:BAND:VID 100kHz

    Use Instruments in Parallel

    Most test setups consist of more than one measurement instrument. Let us assume a

    PA test setup consisting of a spectrum analyzer, a signal generator, and a source

    measurement unit SMU, i.e. DC supply with current measurement capabilities.

    The easy approach now is to set up each instrument individually and sequentially, i.e.

    configure DC voltage first, then set frequency, power level, and waveform on the

    generator, and finally tune the analyzer's frequency and reference level. This process

    can easily take 10 ms. A faster approach is to parallelize these three processes, since

    there is no interaction required. As a result, the configuration only takes as long as the

    longest process takes. The cost for this parallelization is a little bit of one-time

    programming effort.

    Parallelization can also be used for measurements. A single measurement channel

    can only measure one signal at a time, but in the previous example we have a

    spectrum analyzer that performs RF measurements, and a DC supply that measures

    current flow into the DUT. These two measurements are independent and can

    therefore be parallelized.

    Fig. 3-1 and Fig. 3-2 compare sequential and parallel configuration and measurement

    using exemplary durations. In the example below, a total test time reduction of more

    than 50% can be realized by using parallelization.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 9

    DC Supply


    (4 ms)

    Sig Gen


    (3 ms)Spec An


    (3 ms) Total: 19 ms



    (5 ms)



    (4 ms)

    Fig. 3-1: Sequential configuration and measurement. No additional effort required to synchronize.

    Long total duration.

    Total: 9 ms



    Make sure all

    processes are done

    before continuing

    DC Supply


    (4 ms)

    Sig Gen


    (3 ms)

    Spec An


    (3 ms)



    (5 ms)



    (4 ms)

    Fig. 3-2: Parallel configuration, all configurations are parallelized. Parallelization of measurements

    where applicable. Synchronization of configuration processes required before measurement start.

    Test time saving >50%

    3.2 Spectral Measurements

    Typical spectral measurements are harmonics and ACLR measurements. Moreover,

    modern spectrum analyzer can perform power measurements faster than a power

    sensor. Therefore, it makes sense to perform power measurements (e.g. the initial

    power servoing) on the spectrum analyzer. For all these measurements we typically

    need to do some sort of averaging, in order to obtain the required repeatability.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 10

    FFT and Sweep Mode on Spectrum Analyzers

    Modern signal and spectrum analyzers provide the traditional sweep mode, as well as

    a so called FFT mode. In sweep mode, the LO is swept over the desired input

    frequency span. In FFT mode, the instrument captures multiple FFTs and

    concatenates them until the selected frequency span is covered. Clearly, the number

    of captures depends on the capture width, i.e. bandwidth of the instrument.

    In sweep mode, the minimum sweep time is proportional to SPAN

    𝑅𝐵𝑊2, whereas in FFT

    mode, the computing time is proportional to ln (𝑆𝑃𝐴𝑁

    𝑅𝐵𝑊) ∙


    𝑅𝐵𝑊. Therefore, the FFT mode

    shows a significant speed advantage for large span - RBW ratios.

    Modern instruments decide on their own whether FFT or Sweep mode is faster, based

    on the selected span and RBW. This mode is called Auto. The display will show either

    "Auto Sweep" or "Auto FFT", depending on what the instrument is currently using.

    Fig. 3-3: Instrument title bar with "Auto Sweep" mode indication

    As a general rule of thumb, the default sweep mode Auto is the ideal choice, as long

    as the sweep time setting has not been changed manually.

    As soon as you increase the sweep time manually, e.g. to average a measurement

    using the RMS detector (see also next section), Auto mode may no longer be the

    fastest mode.

    In sweep mode, an increasing sweep time slows down the sweep speed of the LO,

    thus enabling the analyzer to collect more data points per frequency range. The

    increased number of data points is averaged, but does not cause any significant

    computation overhead.

    In FFT mode, an increasing sweep time also results in more data being captured. In

    opposite to sweep mode, the additional data in FFT mode results in more FFTs to be

    computed, i.e. a significant amount of additional computational load.

    FFTs provide the advantage of a better averaging effect since there are more

    uncorrelated samples per trace point compared to the same scenario in sweep mode.

    As an example, let's take a setting with 10 trace points (any span). Let us select the

    sweep time as 20 time units. This results in a measurement time per trace point of 2

    time units per trace point in sweep mode, so you can average over 2 time units. In FFT

    mode that covers the entire span with one FFT, the capture consists of 20 time units

    and the information of the 20 time units is available for each resulting trace point and

    thus allowing better averaging.

    As a consequence, the instrument may switch from "Auto FFT" to "Auto Sweep" if

    you're increasing the sweep time beyond a certain limit. This switch over minimizes the

    measurement time for a given sweep time, however it may not align with your intention

    to smoothen the trace as fast as possible.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 11

    Here is why: as an example, we will look at a 10 MHz span with a 100 kHz RBW. The

    sweep mode selected by the instrument is FFT, and the minimum sweep time is

    approx. 42 µs, resulting in 7 ms of measurement time. Increasing the sweep time to

    2 ms (along with RMS detector to get a good averaging result), will change the sweep

    type to Sweep. Note that in Sweep mode the selected sweep time corresponds roughly

    to the measurement time. However, the swept trace with 2 ms does not show

    significant averaging. When the instrument is forced back into FFT mode (see Fig.

    3-4), the sweep time is still 2 ms, but the measurement time is approx. 18 ms

    (computational effort for FFTs). Fig. 3-5 shows clearly the advantage of the FFT mode

    - the trace is a lot smoother. Even if the sweep time in Sweep mode is increased to

    18 ms (the measurement time of the FFT mode for 2 ms of sweep time), the FFT trace

    is still a lot smoother.

    Fig. 3-4: Sweep configuration dialog of the R&S FSW and R&S FPS. Sweep type as well as

    optimization may be selected.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 12

    Fig. 3-5: Comparison of a 2 ms sweep with RMS detector in FFT mode (yellow) and Sweep mode

    (blue). The Sweep mode measurement was repeated with 18 ms sweep time (green).

    So in summary, when manually adjusting the sweep time, make sure the Auto mode is

    still appropriate or change manually into FFT mode.

    In addition, the FFT mode provides an optimization setting that can be set towards

    speed or towards dynamic range. In optimization Speed, the instrument does not

    perform automatic reference levelling and uses maximum FFT bandwidth. Dynamic

    mode on the other hand focuses on reaching maximum dynamic range at the cost of

    measurement speed. Smaller FFT widths for example allow for smaller analog filters,

    minimizing inherent intermodulation. The default Auto setting is a trade-off between

    speed and dynamic range. For DUTs coming close to the instrument's specifications

    (e.g. for intermodulation), the Dynamic Range setting is ideal, whereas for other DUTs,

    Auto or Speed are the recommended settings.

    ACLR Measurements (Trace Average vs. Detectors)

    The traditional method of averaging on a spectrum analyzer was using a small video

    filter (VBW) and using trace averaging. Both methods work well, however there is a

    faster way of doing the averaging.

    Spectrum analyzers use so called detectors. A detector combines multiple

    measurement points into a single trace point. The trace, i.e. the graph that is displayed,

    consists of a fixed number of points, e.g. 1001. Depending on the measurement setup,

    especially the sweep time setting, the analyzer acquires a lot more measurement

    points. If the analyzer provides an averaging detector that averages power levels, this

    detector along with a higher sweep time has a significant speed advantage over trace

    averaging or VBW averaging. The required detector is called RMS detector on all R&S

    analyzers. RMS stands for Root Mean Square, since the squares of the sampled

    voltage values are averaged.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 13

    The RMS detector provides speed advantages, as all necessary data is collected

    during one sweep, i.e. there is no need to tune the spectrum analyzer back to start

    frequency, once the stop frequency is reached.

    If you want to achieve the equivalent of two trace averages with RMS detector, the

    sweep time should be set to two times the original sweep time.

    The results in Table 3-1 show a WCDMA uplink ACLR measurement on an R&S FPS

    (see Fig. 3-6). They clearly show a significant speed advantage (up to a factor of

    almost 3) for the RMS detector method at comparable or even better repeatability


    Comparison of Trace Averaging and RMS Detector

    Sweep Time Measurement Time Std. Dev. TX Channel Std. Dev. Lower 1 Adj.


    1 ms 2 x 0.5 ms 6.3 ms 9.4 ms 0.087 dB 0.099 dB 0.159 dB 0.169 dB

    2.5 ms 5 x 0.5 ms 9.8 ms 22.1 ms 0.065 dB 0.065 dB 0.093 dB 0.101 dB

    5 ms 10 x 0.5 ms 15.7 ms 43.5 ms 0.043 dB 0.050 dB 0.060 dB 0.071 dB

    Table 3-1: Comparison of different averaging methods: RMS detector is faster than trace averaging.

    Fig. 3-6:Test scenario for results in Table 3-1

    Power Measurements

    Power measurements result in a single value: the total power within a certain

    bandwidth, averaged over a certain amount of time.

    Modern spectrum analyzers have time domain power measurement functionality that is

    a fast alternative to a power sensor, if the absolute accuracy of a power sensor is not

    needed or transferred to the analyzer by a reference measurement.

    For a power measurement, the spectrum analyzer does not only use the averaging

    effect of the RMS detector, but averages the entire time domain trace into a single

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 14

    value. By adjusting the sweep time, the total averaging interval is configured. The

    resolution bandwidth setting (RBW) determines the bandwidth for the power

    measurement. Spectrum analyzers use Gaussian filters as RBW filters as defaults, but

    can be configured to other filter types as well. A channel filter for example allows a

    power measurement on a clearly defined channel only, similar to the channel power

    measurements in the frequency domain.

    So if your absolute accuracy requirements are met by the spectrum analyzer, e.g.

    because you're correlating to a golden sample, the spectrum analyzer provides a fast

    and highly repeatable method to measure power.

    Signal and spectrum analyzers in general often provide a power measurement along

    with e.g. demodulation measurements, such as e.g. in the WiFi or LTE personalities.

    These power measurements come along free (no additional test time needed),

    however the test time of a demodulation measurement is at least an order of

    magnitude higher than a pure power measurement.

    So in a scenario where only the power measurement result is needed, e.g. when

    servoing the output power of a PA, the time domain power functionality might be the

    fastest way for the power measurement. In other scenarios with e.g. demodulation

    measurements going on, the power measurement result coming along with the

    demodulation results can be used.

    Finally, if the absolute accuracy of a power sensors is required and cannot be

    transferred to the spectrum analyzer, keep in mind that the power sensor

    measurement can often be parallelized with the spectrum analyzer measurement (see

    section 3.1) to save test time.

    Fig. 3-7:Zero span measurement of a WCDMA signal with activated time domain power function

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 15

    Zero Span Power Measurements

    Sweep Time Measurement Time Std. Dev. Result

    50 µs 1.1 ms 0.0056 dB

    100 µs 1.3 ms 0.0032 dB

    500 µs 2.2 ms 0.0015 dB

    1 ms 3.3 ms 0.0010 dB

    3.3 Using Trigger Events

    All of the above numbers, i.e. repeatability and measurement time, apply to an

    instrument in Free Run mode, i.e. it starts at an arbitrary point of a given signal and

    lasts for a given sweep time. In Free Run mode, repeatability compares measurements

    of different portions of the signal, since each measurement starts at a different point in

    the signal. As a result, the repeatability for a given sweep time is by far lower in free

    run mode compared to triggered mode. To reach comparable standard deviation

    (repeatability) in free run mode, significantly more averaging, i.e. sweep time, must be


    In a production setup, the test system engineer generally has full control over the

    signal generation, be it a signal generator or the DUT itself. Therefore, we can make

    sure that consecutive measurements use the same signal, i.e. start at the same point

    in time of the signal.

    The external trigger functionality of a spectrum analyzer accomplishes exactly this

    requirement. However, there are often concerns in using external triggers for speed

    optimized applications, especially when users are not aware of methods to shorten or

    adapt the period between two consecutive trigger events.


    Signal and Trigger

    Period (P)



    Fig. 3-8: Signal and trigger with static period

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    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 16

    In a static scenario, as shown in Fig. 3-8, a trigger occurs for every period P. So given

    the case that a measurement lasts significantly shorter than P, waiting for the next

    trigger wastes an enormous amount of time.

    There are two approaches to avoid waiting for the next trigger.

    1. Shorten the signal to match the measurement time

    2. Dynamically shorten the period so that e.g. the spectrum analyzer determines the

    start of the next signal / trigger period

    We will focus on method 2, as the static approach in method 1 cannot handle

    measurements with different duration, e.g. a full standard consistent demodulation and

    an ACLR measurement. Method 2 requires two trigger lines between the signal

    generator and the spectrum analyzer as shown in Fig. 3-9.






    Marker 1






    Fig. 3-9: General setup with a spectrum analyzer signaling "Trigger Armed" and a signal generator

    triggering the spectrum analyzer with its marker signal

    The R&S FPS as well as the R&S FSW provide so called trigger output ports. A

    number of instrument states can be signaled on this port, e.g. "Trigger Armed" or

    "Device Triggered". For this application we will use "Trigger Armed" to signal the

    generator to start the next waveform segment. "Trigger Armed" is signaled if the

    spectrum analyzer is ready to start the next measurement and is configured to external

    trigger. So as soon as the spectrum analyzer signals "Trigger Armed" it is ready to

    receive the next trigger. This signal is ideal to restart the current waveform on the

    signal generator.

    Fig. 3-10 is a timing graph showing the adaptive signal duration concept for different

    measurement durations. So no matter if a measurement takes 1 or 5 ms, there is no

    dead time with instruments waiting for the next trigger event. The reaction time of R&S

    signal generators between receiving the signal "Trigger Armed" and restarting the

    waveform is about 2 µs (see Fig. 3-11), so it can be neglected.

    In order to use this configuration, the spectrum analyzer needs to be configured as


  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 17

    ı Single Sweep (INIT:CONT OFF)

    ı External Trigger (TRIG:SOUR EXT)

    ı Trigger 2 configured as Output (OUTP:TRIG2:DIR OUTP)

    ı Trigger Output configured as Type Trigger Armed (OUTP:TRIG2:OTYP TARM)

    On the signal generator side, it is essential to generate the marker signal. It can either

    be integrated in the waveform (e.g. for bursted signals), or generated every time the

    waveform starts.

    ı Single or multiple repetitions on trigger (BB:ARB:TRIG:SEQ SING | RETR)

    ı Restart waveform on external trigger (BB:ARB:TRIG:SOUR EXT)




    Meas 1 M 2




    Fig. 3-10: Adaptive signal duration. The spectrum analyzer performs a longer measurement Meas 1

    and a measurement with shorter duration M 2.

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    Fig. 3-11: "Trigger Armed" signal of the R&S FPS (yellow) and Marker 1 signal of an R&S SGT 100A

    (green) indicating the time needed by the generator to restart the waveform.

    3.4 Demodulation and other I/Q-Data Based Measurements

    As the variety of I/Q-data based measurements is even larger than the variety of

    cellular standards, this section focuses on general hints and recommendations that are

    valid for all I/Q based measurements, be it GSM, WCDMA, WLAN, or analog


    The general signal flow in all I/Q based applications is always identical (see Fig. 3-12).







    Fig. 3-12: Signal flow for I/Q-data based measurements, e.g. in GSM, WCDMA, or WLAN personalities.

    Minimize Capture Length

    Based on this diagram, savings in the first block, will affect all other blocks. Therefore,

    as a first measure, we will reduce the number of captured I/Q samples as much as

    possible. The number of samples results from the selected sampling rate (i.e.

    bandwidth) and the selected capture length (i.e. sweep time). While most standards

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    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 19

    need a fixed sampling rate for demodulation, the sweep time can often be reduced. For

    standards, such as LTE or WCDMA, the measurement personalities offer so called

    sub-frame or slot modes, i.e. demodulation is based only on a subsection (often 1/10)

    instead of the full frame (often 10 ms). In addition, many measurement personalities

    configure the default sweep times to make sure they are capturing a full contiguous

    frame even in free run mode, i.e. assuming a 10 ms frame, a 20 ms capture is required

    to account for the worst case (see Fig. 3-13). Again, in a controlled environment, such

    as production or verification environments, an external trigger signaling the beginning

    of a frame saves significant amount of time, since the sweep time can be reduced to

    one frame length.

    Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3

    SWT: 2x Frame Length

    Fig. 3-13: Required sweep time setting is two times the frame length to guarantee at least one full


    For some standards, such as most WiFi standards, even the signal itself can be

    adapted to reach shorter test times. With WiFi signals, test engineers typically have

    some degree of freedom to select e.g. the number of symbols per burst, or the idle

    time between two consecutive bursts. Looking only at the measurement time - the

    general rule is: the shorter the signal capture (in samples) the shorter the

    measurement time.

    However - measurement time itself is only one side. Most results are worthless, if they

    are not stable across DUTs. Once it comes to balancing speed and repeatability, a

    general rule is no longer adequate. As an example, we will look at an 802.11ac signal.

    As discussed before, the number of symbols per burst can be set to "1" and we could

    look at only a single burst, but at the cost of a low repeatability. In an attempt to

    increase repeatability, a test engineer could either increase the number of symbols per

    burst, or the number of bursts in the capture buffer to average EVM. For the K91

    measurement application on the R&S FPS, it proves ideal to set the number of

    symbols to 6 and from there on increase the number of bursts being analyzed until the

    desired repeatability is reached. The R&S FPS has a significant speed advantage

    when analyzing multiple bursts as it utilizes a multi core processor and multiple bursts

    can be analyzed in parallel.

    Configure Required Results as Precise as Possible

    Most measurement applications start up in a default state that is optimized for users

    operating the instrument in a lab. For example, the default sweep time allows

    measurements in free run mode. In addition, most default demodulation parameters

    are set to "Auto", allowing demodulation of all variants of a certain standard, e.g.

    different LTE resource block allocations.

    However this comfortable approach is not the fastest one. Imagine that for an LTE

    signal, the application determines the resource block allocation setting first, before it

    can start the demodulation. Obviously this takes time.

    So regarding the result computation block in Fig. 3-12, a first rule of thumb is:

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 20

    Specify the signal as precise as possible.

    In detail, this specification may consist of bandwidth setting, modulation type, and more

    standard specific settings.

    In the same manner, the result configuration may affect the measurement time. In

    GSM for example, the application can come up with results of a spectral measurement

    along with the EVM setting, but additional measurements are equivalent to longer test

    time. Note that measurement personalities automatically deactivate measurements if

    the corresponding result display is removed. In addition, consider if certain signal

    enhancement functions, such as phase or frequency tracking are essential for your

    measurement. In general these functions can be turned on or off as needed. Make

    sure, you are using the minimum configuration the instrument or measurement

    application provides, so only the required parameters are calculated. On the R&S FPS,

    a GSM measurement may save more than a millisecond, if modulation spectrum

    parameters are disabled. Disabling results is equivalent with not configuring the

    respective result display.

    So the second rule of thumb here is:

    Activate only results and / or result displays which are needed.

    As an example, we will look at a 20 MHz LTE (FDD) downlink signal, with 100 resource

    blocks allocated. By preconfiguring the resource block allocation, the modulation type,

    and switching off the subframe configuration detection (see Fig. 3-14), the application

    can be sped up easily by a factor of two.

    Fig. 3-14: Manual configuration of an LTE signal to speed up the demodulation

    Deactivate Auto-Levelling

    Many measurement applications provide an auto-levelling function. This function

    automatically adjusts reference level and input attenuation to the signal analyzer.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 21

    Levelling can make a significant difference to your measurement results - since bad

    levelling wastes dynamic range of the instrument.

    Auto-levelling is perfect for manual measurements, since you don't have to care about

    the optimum level settings. The drawback of auto-levelling is its time consumption. In a

    production setup, all DUT levels are typically known, so there is no need to level for

    each DUT. Levelling once and remembering the settings saves precious test time.

    Note that some applications such as the WiFi personality have auto-levelling activated

    as a default setting.

    3.5 Switching Between Measurements

    In a production environment, the variety of measurements is typically limited. Most

    measurements are typically spectrum analyzer based measurements. In a verification

    scenario, we can find demodulation measurements or advanced spectral

    measurements, such as phase noise or noise figure measurements, in addition to

    spectral measurements.

    Switching between different measurements can take a significant amount of time. In

    this section, a "different measurement" does not only refer to measurements in

    different personalities - but it also includes measurements in the same personality, but

    using a totally different instrument configuration, such as e.g. a zero span

    measurement and an ACLR measurement.

    Traditionally, switching was not an issue, since each measurement had to be

    configured, before it would deliver results. Today, measurements can still be

    configured manually, the entire instrument state can be saved, or the instruments allow

    different configurations to be present on the instrument at the same time. The

    R&S FSW and R&S FPS introduce a so called channel concept. Each channel,

    represented by a tab in the measurement GUI (see Fig. 3-15) is directly accessible,

    either by touching the tab or by sending the corresponding remote control command

    (e.g. INST:SEL SAN, where SAN stands for spectrum analyzer).

    Fig. 3-15: Different channels allow different measurement configurations to coexist on the

    instrument. Tabs allow for quick changes between measurements.

    It is in general much faster to configure each measurement in a separate channel,

    instead of reconfiguring a single channel to the next measurement. This automatically

    leads to dramatically faster switching times between personalities, but it also offers

    new ways to configure the instrument.

    Assume that a time domain power measurement (power servoing) and ACLR

    measurement are to be measured on the spectrum analyzer. Reconfiguring a single

    channel for these two measurements takes quite a few remote commands and some

    milliseconds. Setting up these two measurements in different channels speeds up the

    switching between both dramatically.

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 22

    3.6 Considerations on the Vector Signal Generator

    In production as well as design verification scenarios, there are three major settings on

    the generator side that change frequently: frequency, level, and waveform.

    Whereas frequency can be set directly or by using a predefined list, today's generators

    offer new ways to change waveform and level.

    Changing the Waveform

    The range of waveforms for a certain test platform is in general limited to a few tens. A

    typical set for a mobile PA consists of maybe one WCDMA signal, 6-7 LTE waveforms,

    including different bandwidths, different resource block allocations, as well as TDD and

    FDD waveforms. In addition, other standards, such as TD-SCDMA, or GSM may be

    included. Typically, a waveform is loaded from hard disk into the generator's waveform

    RAM. As on any PC, hard disk access is slow. Rohde & Schwarz signal generators are

    able to handle multi-segment waveform files. Multi-segment waveform files consist of

    multiple single waveforms that are combined into a single file. The generator loads the

    file once (e.g. at test system boot up) from hard disk. Once the multi-segment file is in

    the RAM, the individual file (segment) can be quickly accessed without any hard disk

    operations. The R&S WinIQSIM2 software (available from the Rohde & Schwarz

    website free of charge) creates multi-segment waveform files using standard

    waveform-files as input (see Fig. 3-16).

    With multi-segment waveform files, changing the waveform (i.e. segment of the multi-

    segment file) is easy: BB:ARB:WSEG:NEXT n instructs the generator to jump to

    segment n.

    In order to achieve minimum switching time between segments, it is recommended to

    resample all waveforms to the same clock rate (i.e. common multiples sampling rate).

  • Speeding up Measurements

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 23

    Fig. 3-16: WinIQSIM2 may be used to create multi-segment waveform files

    To further reduce the switching time an external NEXT segment trigger signal can be

    applied to the vector signal generator. However, external triggers allow changes of the

    waveform only in the given order by increments of 1.

    Fine-Adjusting Signal Level

    In a typical test plan, there are multiple changes to the signal generator level. Coarse

    ones covering 10, 20 or more dB, but also small steps covering only fractions of a dB.

    Especially for mobile PA testing, a large number of small level changes are needed. A

    test plan typically defines a measurement point by the DUT output level. Since the

    DUT is operated in its non-linear region, the corresponding input level, i.e. signal

    generator level, can be found only in an iterative approach, often called servoing. A

    typical servoing consists of 3-5 iterations steps, each changing the signal generator

    level by a few tenth of a dB or 2-3 dB at maximum.

    Changing the signal generator level on the analog side involves settling times for the

    analog components. Since the generator replays waveforms, i.e. digital data, for most

    tests, vector signal generators provide a digital attenuation. Setting the digital

    attenuation to e.g. 3 dB corresponds to downscaling the I/Q-values by a factor of √2.

    Note that I and Q are amplitudes in Volts, rather than power levels, resulting in a factor

    of √2 instead of 2.

    Digital attenuation may have a speed advantage of more than a factor of 10, compared

    to setting the analog level of a signal generator.

  • Conclusion

    1EF90_2E Rohde & Schwarz Speeding up Spectrum Analyzer Measurements 24

    4 Conclusion

    This application note discussed a variety of measures to improve measurement time.

    Some of them are significant and easy to use, even in everyday use, such as using the

    RMS detector for averaging. Others may require additional signals, e.g. external

    triggers, which may only make sense in production or verification scenarios.

    In general it is important to keep in mind that measurement speed is a parameter that

    only makes sense to evaluate in the presence of a clear specification of the

    measurement and the desired repeatability.

    Once it comes down to hunting the last milliseconds, an application note cannot cover

    all issues any more. There are a lot of dependencies and tradeoffs that need to be

    weighted for a certain scenario. At this point, please contact your local

    Rohde & Schwarz support team or application engineer.

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    Rohde & Schwarz is an independent group of

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