speech (what i think)

Term Two, 2009, DBIS

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Page 1: Speech (What I Think)

Term Two, 2009, DBIS

Page 2: Speech (What I Think)

Target Mark Comment

Write with appropriate structure and organisation.

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I had organisation but my speech didn’t really flow that well.

Use quality openings

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I think I could have done really better in my opening because I should have asked some questions.

Use paragraphs effectively

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I think I really used paragraphs well but I think I could have done a bit more.

Write with detail 1 2 3 4 5

I think I wrote really in detail but I think I could compare it to something.

Set out arguments and draw them to a conclusion effectively

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I think I could do better in the arguments because I should have backed up my information with facts.

Page 3: Speech (What I Think)
Page 4: Speech (What I Think)

1. In what way(s) do you think you could have improved the delivery of your speech?

I think I could have slowed down a little because I went to fast. Also try and be a bit louder. One last thing is to try and stand still and stop rocking.

2. After watching everyone’s speech, what were some things that stood out in your mind?

I think my speech came out a little worse that everyone else’s in the start because I didn’t ask any questions. I should have thought about it more better.

3. How did you prepare for the speech?I prepared my speech by practicing it over and over again trying not to rock. I did it in front of my Mum and

the mirror.

Page 5: Speech (What I Think)

4. What were two things that you think were ‘fantastic’ about your speech?

I think that the one thing that was the best bit was when I said the Refuting part. I think that I made other people think that more PE was a good idea

5. How do you feel about giving speeches?I really don’t like giving speeches because I get so weird. My legs were really shaking

when I was delivering my speech.

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