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HighHolyDays at Beth El Congregation 5780 / 2019 Special Edition Inside: REFLECT RECONSIDER REINSPIRE #Reflect4Rosh

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Page 1: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a

HighHolyDaysat Beth El Congregation

5780 / 2019

Special Edition



REINSPIRE #Reflect4Rosh

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A High Holy Day Reflection

Every summer, I inevitably have the same bad dream about the High Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah has arrived, and I realize, just as the sun is setting - when it's too late to do any more work - that I'm one sermon short. I'll have to stand before our Beth El community of thousands without anything to say.

You may not have sermons to write, but I suspect you might have similar fears: that the High Holy Days have arrived without having done the requisite soul searching.

So how do I get ready for the High Holy Days, and how would I suggest others prepare? Alone time is beneficial; a cocooning process that helps block out the daily distractions to focus on ideas that brought me inspiration throughout the past year. I start globally and gradually get closer to home, trying to get to the heart of the issues affecting us all: what is ailing our world, society, and immediate community? What are people yearning for, in need of, or trying to figure out?

But these questions inevitably lead to others: what can Judaism offer in response? How might our traditions provide wisdom that can get us "unstuck" or help us find clarity, recalibration, and direction? Where do we need to change to become our better selves - personally and collectively?

That's when the hard work truly begins.

I've found that the more effort I invest in teshuva (personal transformation), the more powerful the High Holy Days feel and the more likely I am to change my behavioral patterns, relationships, and life for the better!

I do the majority of my soul work during Elul, the month before the High Holy Days. I focus on who I am, and who I aspire to become. I reflect on my relationships with God, with others, and with myself. I ask myself where I need to recalibrate how I am living, loving, and spending the precious time called "my life." I challenge old truths that I have outgrown but am holding onto even though they no longer serve me. Then I make resolutions - but not the "lose five pounds" type. I resolve to improve my character.

By: Rabbi Dana Saroken

The precious 10-day stretch between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur gives us the space to focus on the implementation of our resolutions. It's also a time to be the person that you aspire to be: more generous, more appreciative, more kind, more fill-in-the-blank. The point here isn't to trick God during the intermediary Days of Judgment. Rather, we should use this time to prove to ourselves that we are capable of becoming the best versions of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential.

Every day throughout the month of Elul, the shofar blasts at the end of services; a reminder to create time to explore, to reflect, to aspire, and to work on recreating yourself and, through that process, recreating our world. However you decide to prepare, I hope you'll greet this sacred time with intention and purpose.

On behalf of the clergy, board of trustees, and staff of Beth El Congregation, we wish you all K’tiva VaHatima Tova - May you all be

inscribed for a good and sweet year.Rabbi Steve SchwartzCantor Thom King

Rabbi Dana Saroken

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1. Is there something you wish you had done differently

this past year?

2. Where in your life have you used your energy and

time in ways that were unworthy?

3. How have your priorities changed in this past year?



4. When do you take a stand? What is it in your life or in our

world that matters enough for you to take a stand?

5. What piece of advice or counsel did you receive in the past

year that could guide you into next year?

6. What is one thing you’d like to achieve by this time next year?



7. God gives us one life to live. How are you going

to spend it?

8. When do you feel most fulfilled? What does your

soul yearn for?

9. What do you need that money cannot buy?

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UninhibitedJoyHow to Recreate Yourself During the High Holy Days

By: Brandon Chiat, Digital Media Strategist

A fundamental principle of Judaism is that every person has the opportunity to create themselves. In that sense, the High Holy Days are touchstone moments when a person should take stock of their growth.

“Rabbi Soloveitchik says we recreate ourselves on the High Holy Days, severing the cosmic eyes on the person we used to be, and focusing on the person we could become in the upcoming year: the recreation of the self,” Rabbi Dana Saroken explained.

Perhaps the theme most commonly associated with the High Holy Days is repentance. In the Jewish tradition, repentance is called teshuva, a Hebrew word translated as “returning.” Comparatively, one of the Hebrew words for sin is chet, which means “to go astray.” Thus the idea of repentance in Jewish thought is a return to the path of righteousness.

“Woven into teshuva is the idea of returning, of going back to something,” Rabbi Steve Schwartz said. “Throughout the year, we can become disconnected from God, our faith, the truest version of ourselves or from our relationships with friends and family. Teshuva means to return to that which brings meaning into our lives.”

Through teshuva, a person can liberate themselves from past mistakes, challenge old behaviors that no longer serve their purpose, and embrace a new identity. Repentance, then, is an act of self-creation.

With that in mind, Beth El proudly announces the 5780/2019 High Holy Days campaign. #Reflect4Rosh is a series of provocative questions, designed to help guide teshuva. In the coming weeks, Beth El will present these questions to the congregation through email, social media, and in-person. Members are invited to respond to these prompts. Whether congregants respond privately or publicly, Beth El’s clergy and staff hope the campaign inspires each member to become the best version of themselves as we all #Reflect4Rosh.

But the campaign begins here, with four Beth El members of varying ages and at different life stages who courageously agreed to search their souls. Here’s what these paragons of teshuva found out about themselves.

REFLECT Examining where we succeeded last year and where we can improve.

When asked what, if anything, they wished they had done differently in the past year, Beth El's soul searchers responded with themes of positivity and patience.

"I wish I had stayed more optimistic," said Naomi Lebowitz, a student in the Berman-Lipavsky Religious School. "I believe optimism is the key to success because even in the worst situations, being optimistic gives a person hope.”

“We may not always control the circumstances of our lives, but we do control the choices we make, the actions we take, and the words we speak,” Rabbi Schwartz said.

Rebecca Giller agrees that positivity is a matter of choice, not circumstance. "There were times in the past year when I dwelled on the negative aspects of my life," said the first-time mother, who enrolled her son Jacob in Beth El's Infant and Toddler program. "I complained more than necessary, which never fixed anything."

Mrs. Giller will use the High Holy Days to transition into a more positive outlook, which she said begins with getting out of her comfort zone.

"I want to live my life from a place of yes! It's difficult with a newborn; I found myself avoiding activities that might be scary or make me anxious," Mrs. Giller said. "I could learn a lot about myself by expanding horizons."

For Sheryl Title, a regular fixture at Morning Minyan and The Soul Center, positive thinking is a lifelong process, and she has learned to be more patient with herself in that pursuit. "Practicing mindfulness allows me to be more patient in my day-to-day life, which gives me the mental space to embrace the truest version of myself," she said.

When asked how she might have used her time in unworthy ways, Mrs. Title reflected on a propensity for multitasking, which can distract her from appreciating life's most meaningful moments.

Bruce Supovitz understands the demands of daily life; splitting time between his role as Senior Vice President of National Audio Services for Nielsen Media Research and serving on Beth El's Board of Directors taught him the importance of self-care.

"As we age, our mind and body naturally change," he said. "I really would like to stay young in both body and mind, so health takes on greater importance."

As Mrs. Title put it: "If I feel good, I can do good."

RECONSIDER Recalibrating our goals and setting our intentions for the new year.

"There are many versions of every person, but I learned that focusing on the best version of myself is so important," Ms. Lebowitz said. "You can always strive to be better in all aspects of your life, and you can always improve."

The soul searchers found that self-creation is an incremental, never-ending process, and in doing so, accepted their fluid identities. No matter where they are on life's path, each of the soul searchers learned to trust the process. "My goal for the new year is to get just a little bit better every day," Mrs. Title said.

"My wife Lisa urges me to enjoy the journey," Mr. Supovitz said. "It's been a lifelong challenge to stay in the moment and enjoy the present, rather than rushing through life."

However, certain milestones will inevitably occur that forever change a person's life. Ms. Lebowitz lost a friend when a gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Mrs. Giller celebrated the birth of her first child. Mrs. Title transitioned out of the professional world, while Mr. Supovitz reached new heights in his career. But each of the soul searchers embraced adversity as an opportunity for growth.

"In the new year I intend to stop dwelling on the people and situations over which I have no control," Mrs. Giller said. "It's important for me to set goals oriented around who I want to become as a person."

Naomi Lebowitz

Bruce Supovitz

High Holy Day Guide

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While some expressed a need to make the most of each moment by freeing themselves from past regrets or future fears, others focused on nurturing the passions that provide meaning and purpose to life.

"My spirituality is a hugely important part of my life," Mrs. Title said. "I need to be mindful in creating space for the things that bring meaning into my life."

"My priorities have shifted towards a better work-life balance," Mr. Supovtiz said. "While I'm still highly involved with my work, especially my new focus on podcasting, I have developed interests outside of work - such as reading, taking up art again, exercising, traveling and greater involvement with Beth El's executive team, board and committees - that contribute to a full and rich life."

REINSPIRE Exploring what inspires us and gives us purpose.

Jewish psychologist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl argued that a person does not create life's meaning, but rather, they discover it. Each person has a unique reason for living, which can and should be adjusted or transformed many times throughout their lifetime. Fulfillment comes from a purpose; having something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for is essential.

"Earlier this summer, I traveled to Cano Azul, a small and isolated community deep in the Dominican Republic, where I built 16 latrines for families in need," Ms. Lebowitz said. "It was so rewarding, and I felt just as joyful as the families we were there to help."

Like Ms. Lebowitz, Mrs. Giller actualizes herself by serving a greater cause. As a teacher in a high-poverty Title I school, she works with immigrant students whose education and personal development may otherwise be marginalized.

"My purpose is to ensure every child, no matter their socioeconomic needs, receives the proper treatment they deserve, in terms of academic, social, and personal well-being," Mrs. Giller said. "The greater goal is to create a community in which these children can develop a sense of self and learn the importance of kindness and caring relationships."

Importantly, one's purpose ripens when their passion integrally connects to the well-being of others.

"I have always had a deep and strong connection to my Jewish identity and the important traditions that carry on from generation to generation," Mr. Supovtiz said. "With anti-Semitism and every kind of prejudice on the rise again, I feel it's vital that we stand up against unacceptable actions or words."

As Frankl said: "Man is ultimately self-determining. Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become in the next moment. Every human being has the freedom to change at any instant."

Frankl’s message resonated with Sherly Title, who carries the lessons of the High Holy Days with her throughout the year: "My spirituality is heightened and enlightened during this sacred time but I never wait for the High Holy Days to check-in with myself. Instead, I consider Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur opportunities to refocus my priorities and solidify all the ways I've grown as a person.”

“That is the power of teshuva,” Rabbi Schwartz said. “We have the power to

choose who we will be in the new year - or the next moment - the power of changing for the better.”

REJOICE Welcoming uninhibited joy through our most meaningful relationships.

"As we move from Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to Sukkot and Simchat Torah, our emotions transition from introspection and vulnerability to absolute joy," Rabbi Saroken said. "Towards the end of the High Holy Days, after we've reimagined who we have the potential and desire to be, after we've sought forgiveness and refocused our lives, we clean our slates to welcome uninhibited joy!"

All of Beth El's soul searchers expressed the desire to obtain happiness.

"My soul yearns for pure happiness, which I believe comes from appreciating life and living every moment to the fullest," Ms. Lebowitz said.

Though Rabbi Saroken explained that, from a Jewish perspective, joy is a worthier goal than happiness.

"Happiness can be found on our own. Eating a delicious steak makes me happy, as does finding a comfortable new black dress or listening to my favorite song," Rabbi Saroken said. "But joy (or "simcha" in Hebrew) can only be experienced through connection to another - spouses or lovers, with children, with friends or even with God. It is through that intimacy we come to experience joy – a much more profound emotion."

From that perspective, each soul searcher concluded that love is the highest goal to which a person can aspire.

"The most I could ever hope for is the well-being of my family," Mr. Supovitz said. "Knowing that my wife, children, mother, and brother are safe, feel good, and are enjoying life is all I need to be content and at peace."

"The most important goal I've set for myself this year is to invest my energy into the people I love," Mrs. Giller said. "I plan to cultivate the meaningful relationships that bring laughter and joy into my life.”

"I am so grateful for the amazing people I have in my life today," Mrs. Title said. "The beauty I see in the world comes from the loving relationships I have with my family and friends."

There is no epoch in human life where one's character stops evolving. Over time, individuals adapt themselves, eventually developing new ways of acting, relating, and thinking. Ultimately, these new behaviors become habitual until there comes a day when that person can hardly remember their former self. Their identity evolved. They have recreated themselves.

“Each year the High Holy Days remind us that we have a hand in shaping our own lives and destinies,” Rabbi Schwartz said. “If we are going in the wrong direction, we can turn. If we have made poor choices, we can make better ones. If we have spoken words we regret, we can acknowledge that, and work to make it right.”

Perhaps this is the most joyous blessing of The High Holy Days: that no matter where a person might be on their life's journey, it is never too late to reflect, reconsider, reinspire, and rejoice.

Sheryl Title

Rebecca Giller

High Holy Day Guide

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HiddurMitzvahThe Proops Machzor (c.1750)By: Ben Kreshtool, Ritual Director

There are few texts more moving in Jewish ritual practice than the liturgy of the High Holy Days. Year after year, the familiar melodies and beautiful, ancient words inscribed within the machzor inspire feelings of awe and humility.

Perhaps more than any other ritual object in a synagogue’s collection, machzorim - especially older editions - embody the idea of l’dor v'dor, used by generations of Jews to guide their teshuva (repentance). There is something very special about old books; the way they feel when their pages are turned, as they have been turned thousands of times before, is a tactile connection to our Jewish heritage.

Beth El has just such a machzor in its collection. Everyday, people walk by its display case where it sits, unassuming, ready to remind us of the meaning of the High Holy Days with the word HaMelech, the King, emblazoned on its page. While its cover is slightly warped and the leather has begun to fade, its binding is still strong. All in all, this book is in remarkably good condition for being almost 300 years old.

According to its title page, the Proops Printing House published this machzor in 1750 in Amsterdam. Rabbi Shlomo Proops began printing books in 1690, and his family continued to print machzorim and other ritual books until 1849. The Proops machzor in Beth El’s collection was printed in the Ashkenazic tradition and features on its title page the Hebrew words Kavanat HaPaytan, which is a Yiddish commentary on the prayers within. The Proops Printing House intended this machzor to guide readers through a personal transformation. Also inscribed in beautiful calligraphy on its title page is the name of its one-time owner, Lipman Rintel, as well as as an endorsement from Rabbi Aryeh Leib, the Av Beit Din (“Chief Justice”) and spiritual leader of the Ashkenazi Jewish Congregation.

Flipping through the pages of this machzor is a glimpse into the past, but also a striking parallel to the present. The pages are ancient, and the commentary is in Yiddish, but the prayers themselves are the same prayers we say today. From the austerity of the Unetaneh Tokef, to the stirring and uplifting language of the Musaf Amidah, and the beautiful sentiments of many liturgical poems, the prayers in Proops machzor are the exact same as those in the machzor we use during High Holy Day services at Beth El. Indeed, this machzor connects us to generations of Jews who have come before us, like its former owner Lipman Rintel, for surely, he too was a man with dreams, feelings, and the hope for blessings and sweetness for a new year.

By: Cantor Thom King

Preparing ourselves for the Days of Awe can be a daunting task. Like most Jewish celebrations, the High Holy Days never seem to come at the right time. They always seem to sneak up on us, and we’re never quite ready when they arrive. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we’re not only expected to prepare large family meals but also are obligated to prepare ourselves spiritually through teshuva: self-examination and repentance. Teshuva is not a task that we can accomplish hastily, or by ticking off items on a checklist. Rather, teshuva requires a degree of quiet contemplation, of looking back on our thoughts and deeds, of really looking at the face in the mirror and saying: “You could do better, you know.”

Selichot, which takes place in the days preceding the High Holy Days, is the perfect opportunity to jump-start the process of teshuva. We come together as a congregation to reflect, ponder, and to view our lives side by side against the image of the person we would like to become. Surrounded by our fellow Jews, we acknowledge our imperfections. But selichot is also a reminder that within each of us is a spark of the Divine which we can nurture into a flame that illuminates our lives and the lives of those around us.

The rituals and traditions of the High Holy Days can sometimes seem strange and other-worldly to us. They come from a time and place that seems to have no relevance in our modern lives. At this year’s selichot service, Beth El will employ not only the traditional texts and music but also a page from our American culture: Rod Serling’s classic television series The Twilight Zone. When viewed through the lens of our High Holy Day preparations, the two episodes that we will watch during selichot will help us all to see ourselves and those around us a little more clearly.

Our selichot service contains texts and melodies that reflect our desire to redirect our life’s path toward God. Some of the prayers and melodies are ancient, drawing us back into our history. Some are more recent, reflecting our people’s desire to renew and reinvent our faith. As has become our custom, Rabbi Schwartz, Rabbi Saroken, and I will be accompanied by our member, internationally known cellist, Evan Drachman, and the mighty men of the Beth El Choir.

We invite you to join us for the selichot service on Saturday, September 21st At 9:00 P.M.

SelichotGetting into the “Zone” for the High Holy Days

High Holy Day Guide

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TakeABowBruce Eicher Retires After 56 Years As Beth El’s Organist

By: Brandon Chiat, Digital Media Strategist

High Holy Day services at Beth El would be incomplete without the synagogue’s organ resounding throughout the vaulted walls of the Berman-Rubin Sanctuary.

Though uncharacteristic of a conservative synagogue, organ music has been a signature part of Beth El’s worship since the congregation’s inception. For the past 56 years, Bruce Eicher created those evocative soundscapes. As he nears his well-deserved retirement, Mr. Eicher reflects on his storied legacy as Beth El’s principal organist.

“One of the great joys of my career has been playing synagogue music at Beth El,” Mr. Eicher said. “The organ awakens certain feelings during worship, creating a unifying atmosphere that brings you closer to each other and God.”

Mr. Eicher first evoked those sacred sounds in 1963, when he filled in for a colleague during High Holy Day services in the Offit Auditorium. He became Beth El’s principal organist in January of 1964.

“Beth El’s liturgical music relies on improvisation,” Mr. Eicher said. “Cantor Hammerman rarely wrote down the music. Instead, he would ask for an introduction in a particular key or mode, and we would improvise together - mostly I followed him, but on occasion I would change the key, and he would follow. With Cantor King we more often used his beautiful settings of the traditional liturgy.”

Mr. Eicher said the congregation’s groundbreaking approach to music also applied to other areas of synagogue life. “I have always been impressed by the congregation’s generosity and willingness to accept me, a non-Jew,” he said.

Beth El’s collaboration with a non-Jewish organist demonstrates that chesed has always been a guiding value for the congregation. Mr. Eicher himself embodies chesed, helping Beth El build relationships with Grace United Methodist Church, where, since 1958, he has served as Director of Music and Organist.

“I had the pleasure of conducting the Grace Methodist Choir at Beth El,” Mr. Eicher said. “Rabbis Agus, Loeb, and Schwartz each spoke several times at Grace Methodist’s service and Cantors Hammerman and King have performed at the church as well.”

“One of the true joys of being Beth El's cantor is having Bruce Eicher as my musical partner, mentor, and friend,” Cantor Thom King said. “His musicality, sensitivity, genuine kindness, and menschlichkeit bring unique meaning to everything he does.”

When Thom King auditioned to become Beth El’s cantor in 1997, he had the privilege of being accompanied by Mr. Eicher.

“Bruce considered retiring with Cantor Hammerman because it might prove too difficult to break in a troublesome new cantor,” Cantor King recalled. “We immediately developed a musical rapport and a collaborative instinct that has remained between us to this day.”

Beth El’s liturgical music has evolved with reverence for tradition and an eye toward the future, something Cantor King credits in part to Mr. Eicher’s musical sensibilities. Importantly, Mr. Eicher’s successor and protege, Michael Britt, possesses similar qualities.

“I can imagine no one more fitting to continue the tradition of magnificent music in our congregation than Michael,” Cantor King said. “Had we done a nationwide search for Bruce’s ideal replacement, we could not have found a better fit for Beth El’s musical future.”

Michael Britt first performed at Beth El in 1981, at the invitation of Mr. Eicher, his teacher at the prestigious Peabody Institute.

“Bruce taught me sight-singing and ear-training at Peabody, which are the skills required for musical improvisation during liturgical services,” Mr. Britt said. “It’s a great challenge for an organist to support the cantor musically without overshadowing; that’s only something I could have learned from watching Bruce play with Beth El’s cantors for many years.”

Mr. Britt attended countless Shabbat morning and High Holy Day services at Beth El, observing how Mr. Eicher complimented Cantors Hammerman and King.

“Bruce’s playing is incredibly illustrative,” Mr. Britt said. “The liturgy itself is emotional, but Bruce instinctively communicates the text through music, which creates the appropriate mood.”

Mr. Britt hopes to foster a seamless transition and to support Cantor King’s musical innovations for years to come.

“Cantor King has done a remarkable job at elevating the creative style of liturgical music,” Mr. Britt said. “It’s an honor to carry on Beth El’s musical legacy, and I look forward to serving this wonderful congregation, which I consider my second home.”

“Our congregation, choir, and I have been truly blessed to have Bruce Eicher’s beautiful and gifted soul as a part of the musical life at Beth El,” Cantor King said. “Bruce brought spiritual enrichment to our congregation for more than half-a-century, so he richly deserves being brought from behind the organ for some long-overdue recognition.”

“I’ve always held a tender place in my heart for Judaism and Beth El Congregation,” Mr. Eicher said. “As a church organist tasked with the awesome responsibility of performing Jewish liturgical music, I hope that I have exemplified the feeling that we’re all in this together.”

High Holy Day Guide

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH PRE-PRAY AT BETH EL’S NEW PAVILION (ALL AGES) Sunday, September 29 5:00 PM • Apple dipping and honey treats for kids • Make a L’chayim with Mead (honey wine) and delicious Appletinis • Get your New Year’s Photo taken with our clergy in our “clergy photo-booth” • Live music to bring in the joy and sweetness of 5780!

High Holy Day Guide

Thoughts onSounding theShofar“When the shofar sounds, we hear the voices of our

ancestors reminding us to be loyal to our people.

When the shofar sounds we hear a voice deep inside us urging us to improve.

When the shofar sounds, we hear the voice of God.

‘Wake up!’ cries the shofar and we are sad. We remember our wrong doing this past year.

‘Wake up!” cries the shofar and we are glad. There’s time to change; we need not fear.

Teshuva: turn, change our ways.

Torah: learn all of our days.”

-Tiku Shofar Makzor, Page 63

By: Amy Goldberg, Religious School Director, and Andy Shankman, Religious School Manager

Have you ever woken up to the sound of your alarm clock and were relieved that it interrupted a nightmare that you were having? Hearing the blasts of the shofar is a type of wakeup call. The shofar blasts encourage us to freeze at this moment and reflect on our actions. Did we spend enough time being our best selves? Are there ways that we can improve?

Each of us is responsible for our own actions and when we reflect on the ways we may have missed the mark, we can, at the same time, recommit to becoming better versions of ourselves. Each year, we have the opportunity to practice teshuva or returning to a place of goodness. This year at the Berman-Lipavsky Religious School, we are looking forward to helping bring out the best in all of us. Introduce yourself to a new family at the Back-to-School Shabbat, participate in one of our many chesed project opportunities, or even just commit to spending five minutes a day to review Hebrew prayers at home.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the many children’s and family service options during the High Holy Days to hear that shofar blast. Shanah Tovah U’metukah - A sweet and happy new year to you and your families.

BETH EL Rosh Hashanah Day 1—Monday, September 30 & Yom Kippur – Wednesday, October 9 9:45 AM Babysitting (Preschool Classrooms 12 & 13) 10 & 11:30 AM Early Childhood Family Service (Myers Auditorium) 10:45AM Preschool Activities (213-214) 10 & 11:30 AM Family Service* (Gorn Chapel and Schuster Library) 11:15 AM Teen Service (Agus Library)

For children of parents who attend adult services: 10:00 AM Before Care (Schapiro Auditorium) 11:15 AM 1st-3rd Grade Service (Kolker Room) 11:15 AM 4th-6th Grade Service (Schapiro Auditorium) 12:00 PM After Care (Schapiro Auditorium)

Monday, September 30 -Tashlich Druid Ridge, 4:45PM Rosh Hashanah Day 2-Tuesday, October 1 9:45 AM Babysitting (Preschool Classrooms 12 & 13) 10:00 AM Early Childhood Family Service (Myers Auditorium) 10:00 AM Family Service (Gorn Chapel)


DOWNTOWN Salem Lutheran Church: 1530 Battery Ave Rosh Hashanah Family Service - Monday, September 30 4:00 PM

Yom Kippur Family Service - Wednesday, October 9

4:00 PM Led by Cantor Blatt *Reservations are required for family services due to limited seating. Beth El Congregation Members have priority. If you plan to join us, please go to: www.bethelbalto.com/worship/high-holy-days to complete our survey. For questions, call Andy Shankman at 410-484-4543

Descriptions of the High Holy Days Youth & Family Services Early Childhood Service ( Myers Auditorium) Preschool through 1st grade

10 & 11:30 AM* Morah Becky brings an engaging and interactive high holiday singalong for preschool through 1st grade families Preschool activities to follow. Family Service (Gorn Chapel) 2nd grade and above

10 & 11:30 AM** High Holy Day Family services will be full music and storytelling. Cantor Blatt and Abby Woloff lead an interactive service

welcoming the joyous light of the new year to our families. We unite the old and the new for a refreshing service. *The same service will be offered at two times. **Please complete this survey to reserve your Family Service time and seating. www.bethelbalto.com/worship/high-holy-days

1st-3rd Grade & 4th-6th Grade Services (Kolker & Schapiro Auditorium)

11:00 AM These services are for children of parents who attend the adult service in the sanctuary. Led by a teacher with age appropriate prayers and activities. Before and after care is provided.

Teen Service (Rooms 213-214)

11:15 AM An insightful experience with a lively and relevant discussion.

Babysitting (Preschool Classrooms 12 & 13)

9:45 AM – 1:30 PM Available for ages 2-5 on both days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and at 6:00 PM Kol Nidre. Please bring all supplies—diaper changing will not be provided. Pre-Registration is required to Mandy Barish at 410-602-2245 or [email protected].

Tashlich (Monday, September 30th) Druid Ridge

4:45p PM This family friendly ceremony allows us to express our desire to be free from sin. We toss crumbs into the waters and symbolically cleanse ourselves of misdeeds. Bring your shofar!

A WEEKEND OF CELEBRATION & DEDICATION OF GENERATIONS PARK Friday, October 18 5:15-5:45 PM Family Sukkot Shabbat Service in the Pavilion 5:45-6:30 PM Dinner for School Families in the Big Sukkah 6:00- 6:45 PM Regularly Scheduled Congregational Shabbat Service in the Gorn Chapel 7:00 PM Soul Center Sponsored Shir Joy Service in the Pavilion 8:15 PM Shir Joy Dinner in the Big Sukkah Sunday, October 20 9:15-10:30 AM Congregational Sukkot Hoshana Rabbah Service in the Pavilion 11:00-11:30 AM Formal Dedication of Generations Park (Shehechianu Moment) 11:00-1:00 AM Sukkot Fall Festival

• Hayrides • Corn maze

• Face painting • Lulav and etrog scavenger hunt

• Musical programming • Story-tellling

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7High Holy Day Guide

Saturday, September 21, Selichot Services 9:00 PM

Sunday, September 29 Erev Rosh Hashanah 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:34 PM

Monday, September 30, Rosh Hashanah (First Day) 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM

10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM

10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM

11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 1, Rosh Hashanah (Second Day) 9:30 AM 9:45 AM

10:00 AM 10:00 AM

6:45 PM Saturday, October 5, Shabbat Shuvah

10:00 AM 6:30 PM

Sunday, October 6 10:30 AM

Tuesday, October 8, Erev Yom Kippur 6:00 PM

Wednesday, October 9, Yom Kippur 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM

10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM

11:15 AM 11:15 AM

11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:15 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:45 PM 5:15 PM

6:00 PM 7:05 PM 7:20 PM


NEW Erev Rosh Hashanah Musical Pre Pray in the Pavilion Service in Berman-Rubin Sanctuary (Open Seating) Home Candle Lighting Individual Worship Shacharit Service Babysitting (for children ages 2-5) Early Childhood Family Service (Preschool-1st grade) Family Service Option #1 (2nd grade and above) Torah Service Preschool Activities Shofar Blowing Teen Service Early Childhood Family Service (Preschool-1st grade) Family Service Option #2 (2nd grade and above) Sermon Hineni, Musaf Service Tashlich Service, Druid Ridge Cemetery Mincha / Maariv Service (Gorn Chapel) Service in Berman-Rubin Sanctuary; Open seating at 10:30 AM Babysitting (for children ages 2-5) Early Childhood Family Service (Preschool-1st Grade) Family Service (2nd grade and above) Evening Service (Gorn Chapel) Morning Service (Gorn Chapel) Mincha/ Maariv/ Havdalah Services (Gorn Chapel) Annual Service of Remembrance at Beth El Memorial Park Kol Nidre Service Individual Worship Shacharit Service Babysitting (for children ages 2-5) Early Childhood Family Service (Preschool-1st grade) Family Service Option #1 (2nd grade and above) Torah Service Preschool Activities Teen Service Yizkor (Memorial) Service Early Childhood Family Service (Preschool-1st grade) Family Service Option #2 (2nd grade and above) Sermon Hineni, Musaf Service Intermission (The Berman- Rubin Sanctuary Ark open for personal prayer) Open Forum with Rabbi Steven Schwartz (Rubin Sanctuary, Open Seating) Martyrology Service (Berman-Rubin Sanctuary, Open Seating) Mincha Service (Berman-Rubin Sanctuary, Open Seating) Neilah Service (Berman-Rubin Sanctuary, Open Seating) Maariv / Havdalah Service (Berman-Rubin Sanctuary, Open Seating) Blowing of the Shofar


*Schedule continued on next page.


This year, the High Holy Day Family Service led by Cantor Blatt and Abby Woloff will once again feature the High Holy Day Children's Choir. Rehearsals begin directly after the first day of school on September 8th at 11:30 AM sharp (location TBD). Children in Second Grade and up are encouraged to join the choir as well as their families (including parents)!

To sign up and for more information, please contact Cantor Blatt at [email protected] or call 410-484-0411 x1101.

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IMPORTANT INFORMATIONCALLING ALL DOCTORS & NURSES If you are a medical doctor or nurse and would like to be placed on a list of available medical professionals in the event of an emergency, please email Josh Bender at [email protected]. We will have an EMT available to provide first aid during all High Holy Day services. The first aid station is located in the main office, off of the Weil-Mandel Lobby.

PARKING If the main parking lot is full, you may park at Hooks Lane (where allowed), Greene Tree Road (off of Hooks Lane), Brooks Robinson Drive, and Park Heights Avenue (where allowed). Please remember that illegally parked cars are subject to ticketing by the Baltimore County Police. If you park in a fire lane, you will be towed or ticketed. These county regulations will be enforced and Beth El is not liable for cars ticketed or towed.

SHUTTLE BUSES Shuttle buses, provided by Len Stoler, will operate along the locations posted above. No unaccompanied child under the age of 16 can be transported.

GOLF CART There will be a driver in a golf cart in the parking lot before and during services who will drive those who need special assistance. Children are not allowed on the golf cart.

SECURITY During Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur there will be three ways to enter the building, and all three entrances will be monitored by security personnel. Both entrances in the main synagogue lobby will be open (the parking lot side and the Park Heights side), and the Main Synagogue Plaza doors that lead to the Berman-Rubin Sanctuary. All other doors around the facility will be locked on the outside and can only be used as fire exits. Tickets are required to get into the building.

BABYSITTING – Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur Babysitting will be available for children 2-5 years old. Please bring all supplies – diaper changing will not be provided. Snacks will be provided on Rosh Hashanah but not on Yom Kippur. To register contact Mandy Barish at [email protected] or 410-602-2245. RSVP required by September 20.

HIGH HOLY DAY RESERVED SEATING FOR ROSH HASHANAH An open seating policy will be in effect on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah day two. Those who have seats in the Berman-Rubin Sanctuary and wish to sit in their seats for these two services may reserve them by filling out the card that will arrive with your High Holy Day tickets. Your seats will be tagged and will not be released for open seating until 6:15 PM on Erev Rosh Hashanah and 10:30 AM on Rosh Hashanah day two. For more information and to reserve seats, contact Randy Arndts at [email protected] or 410-484-0411.

LIVESTREAMING We are excited to announce that Beth El will implement livestreaming in the Berman-Rubin Sanctuary, Offit Auditorium, and Gorn Chapel this High Holy Day season. Livestreaming will be available to members of the congregation who are not physically able to attend services at Beth El or who are living out of town. To register for livestreaming, please contact Josh Powell at [email protected] or 410-484-0411.

ALIYAH REQUEST FORM Are you interested in receiving an aliyah during the High Holy Days? Please contact Ben Kreshtool at [email protected] or 410-484-0411 by September 3.

ORDER YOUR LULAV & ETROG! Please submit your payment to Ben Kreshtool no later than September 20. Lulav & Etrog are $60.

High Holy Day Guide

Sunday, October 13, Erev Sukkot 9:15 AM

6:00 PM Monday, October 14, Sukkot (First Day)

10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 15, Sukkot (Second Day) 10:00 AM

6:45 PM Wednesday, October 16, Chol HaMoed Sukkot

7:45 AM 6:45 PM

Thursday, October 17, Chol HaMoed Sukkot 7:45 AM 6:45 PM

Friday, October 18, Chol HaMoed Sukkot 7:45 AM 6:00 PM 6:36 PM

Saturday, October 19, Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot 10:00 AM

6:15 PM Sunday, October 20, Erev Shemini Atzeret/Hoshanah Rabbah

9:15 AM 6:00 PM

Monday, October 21, Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah 10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 22, Simchat Torah 10:00 AM

6:45 PM

Morning Service Sukkot Service Morning Sukkot Service (Gorn Chapel) Evening Sukkot Service Morning Sukkot Service Evening Service (Gorn Chapel) Morning Service Mincha/ Maariv Service Morning Service Mincha / Maariv Service Morning Service Kabbalat Shabbat Home Candle Lighting Morning Service Mincha / Maariv Service Morning Service Evening Service Morning Service (Yizkor) Evening Service Morning Service Evening Service

HIGH HOLY DAY SCHEDULE 5780/2019*Continued

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9The Voice of Beth El Congregation



Amy and Scott Garfield on the marriage of their daughter, Erin to Alec Ridgeway. Grandparents are Eunice and Sidney Friedman and Joan and David Uhlfelder.

Kevin and Tracee Fruman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jacob. Grandparents are Arnold and Joyce Fruman.

Judi and Howard Snyder on the birth of their grandson, Walter Robert Farley.

Cantor Thom and Shazy King on the engagement of their daughter, Rachel to Harry Rudo, son of Drs. Arthur and Katherine Rudo.

Leslie Borenstein on the birth of her granddaughter, Harper Eloise Latham.

Lisa Jolson on the marriage of her daughter Sara Kirshner to Elliot Marcille.

Dr. Neil and Stephanie Friedman on the birth of their granddaughter, Lucy Grace Friedman. Great-grandparents are Sidney and Eunice Friedman.

Dr. Rivka Olley on the birth of her grandson, Grey Locke Rohan

Debbie and Robert Schwartzman on the birth of their grandson, Jack Lane Schwartzman

Sandy and Peter Engelman on the marriage of their granddaughter, Jillian Shur to Jimmy Walsh

JACOB DAHNE FRUMAN, son of Kevin and Tracee Fruman, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 21, 2019.


Erica and Jay Hobby on their 15th

Eve and Aaron Wachhaus on their 15th

Jennifer and Edward Goldmeier on their 30th

Rosa and Jeffrey Scharf on their 30th

Nan and Isaac Waranch on their 30th

Ellen and Edward Gold on their 35th

Faith and Benjamin Gershowitz on their 35th

Janet and Dr. Roger Levin on their 35th

Robin and Rory Dechowitz on their 40th

Terrye and Robert Grosshandler on their 40th

Sheila and Ivan Goldberg on their 45th

Phyllis and Robert Shocket on their 45th

Saralynn and Dr. Sheldon Glass on their 60th

Deanna and Peter Hirsch on their 60th

Helaine and Harvey Kasoff on their 60th

Susie and Dr. Phillip Weiner on their 60th

Jimmy and Alan Katz on their 65th

Sharon Solof on the loss of her beloved mother, Julie Lando.Dr. Joshua Forman and Keith Forman on the loss of their beloved

father, Victor Orin Forman.Karen Wilner on the loss of her beloved mother, Charlotte Libby Gordon.Louise Weinberg and Emily Goren on the loss of their beloved

mother, Hilda S. Amster.Sandra Minch Guthorn and Dr. Robert Minch on the loss of their

beloved mother, June Nancy Minch.Dr. Paul Sheitel on the loss of his beloved mother, Shirley

Sheitel Tannenbaum.Sheila Kramer on the loss of her beloved mother, Elaine Cooper-Cutler.Howard Kleinman on the loss of his beloved mother, Shirley Kleinman.Barry Steelman on the loss of his beloved mother, Beatrice Steelman.Jodi Keehn on the loss of her beloved mother, Ann Goodman.Rebecca and Rabbi Steven Schwartz on the loss of their beloved

sister-in-law, Pamela Geller.Risa Offit and Richard Eventoff on the loss of their beloved father and

brother, Morris Louis Eventoff.Stuart Joffe on the loss of his beloved brother, Malcolm Joffe.Ilene Gordon (Gellar) on the loss of her beloved mother,

Ruth Summers.Gloryann Snyder on the loss of her beloved sister, Marsha Schwartz.Gary Siegel on the loss of his beloved mother, Ruth Siegel.Tom Bishow on the loss of his beloved brother, Joseph Jesse Bishow.Sherry Berlin and Terri Akman on the loss of their beloved mother,

Emily Rauch.Julie and Josh Bender on the loss of their beloved father and

father-in-law, Shabtay Eskenazi.Edward Lichtenberg on the loss of his beloved sister, Betty CoplinJeffrey Nesson on the loss of his beloved father, Jacob Nesson.Sonia Lansman on the loss of her beloved sister, Rhona Lee Tabor,


In Memoriam

Stuart RenbaumEdmund GlaserAlbert AuslanderVictor CohenStanley ScherrAnita PotemkenArnold FleischmannDr. Barbara ZirkinDavid H. KaplanDaniel SagelAdam JanetShirley SheerAnnette Snyder

Rochelle Bartenes Lipavsky

Frances Mary MahrLena ‘Lee’ Morrison

RubinRichard David

Plotkin Manny SteinbergEdith DorenfeldJack RubinWilliam SchapiroIrene DavidMiriam Smelkinson

We mourn the passing of our members and extend sincere condolences to

their families.

FamilyBeth El

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SISTERHOOD FALL CULTURAL TRIPS To obtain a full description of each trip, go to the Beth El website (bethelbalto.com) or obtain a flyer located on the Sisterhood stand in the Offit Lobby.

Glenstone Museum Thursday, September 19 COST: $65 for Beth El members; $75 for non-members of Beth El. *Wait List Only.

If you have questions, contact Linda Mondell 410-486-1542 ([email protected]) or Marlene Siegel 410-484-1844 ([email protected]

National Museum of Women in the Arts in the National Portrait Gallery Wednesday, October 30 COST: $85 for members of Beth El; $95 for non-members of Beth El.*Wait List Only.

If you have questions, contact Sima Abarbanel at 410-356-3873 ([email protected]) or Helen Friedman at 410-486-1380 ([email protected]).

Arena Stage - "Right To Be Forgotten" Sunday, November 10 Cost: $135: for members of Beth El; $145 for non-members of Beth El

If you have questions, contact Linda Mondell at 410-484-1542 ([email protected]) or Ellen Wiesenberger at 410-484-6411 ([email protected]).

SisterhoodBeth El

“FALL FASHION FEST” Sunday, September 8 from 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM in the Myers Auditorium

Beth El Sisterhood is having a very exciting event the day of the opening meeting. Our “Fall Fashion Fest” will feature your favorite vendors as you shop for clothing, accessories and jewelry. This event will be held on Sunday, September 8 from 1:30 – 4:00 pm in the Myers Auditorium. “Fall Fashion Fest” is open to all members of Beth El as well as family, relatives, neighbors, and people in the community. The vendors are Essentials by Iris, Funky Gypsy, Glam Girls, Ibhana Creations, Lena Long Jewelry, Octavia, Sababa Israeli Jewelry, Something Else, Swirl Gifts and The Fashionique.

SISTERHOOD’S OPENING MEETING AND LUNCHEON Sunday, September 8 at 11:00 AM Our guest speaker is Dan Rodricks, an award-winning columnist for the Baltimore Sun newspapers.

This event is available to Sisterhood members who have paid their dues and the fee of $20 for the luncheon. For more information, contact Marcia Boonshaft at 410-484-3112 or Myra Coonin at 410-653-9435.

LUNCHEON SUBSCRIPTIONS November 4, December 2, January 6, February 3, March 2 and May 18 COST: $120 will guarantee your reservation for all six luncheons.

Do you forget to make reservations for monthly Sisterhood luncheons? As a convenience, you may purchase a luncheon subscription. The dates are November 4 (Maria Broom), December 2 (Denise Koch), January 6 (Patricia Wirth), February 3 (Amy David), March 2 (Jeff Korman) and May 18 (TBD).

For a subscription, please send your check for $120, payable to Beth El Sisterhood, to Phyllis Cutler, 2407 Sugarcone Rd, Baltimore, MD, 21209 by OCTOBER 18. Write "Luncheon Subscription" on the memo line of the check.

GENERAL MEETING, LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM Monday, November 4 at 11:30 AM in the Auditorium. Presenter: Maria Broom "With Dignity and Grace”

A nationally recognized actress for her roles in HBO’s “The Wire” and “The Corner,” Maria Broom is also a storyteller and dancer. She is a Fulbright Scholar, an Open Society Institute Fellow, a former TV news reporter, and an author. Miss Broom is currently a theater faculty member at the Baltimore School for The Arts, a guest instructor at Peabody Preparatory and Center Stage and host of the BSO’s Music Box Family Concert Series. She is in high demand as a speaker and workshop presenter, with a special focus on helping people to feel at peace and relieve stress.

Miss Broom’s presentation, entitled “With Dignity and Grace,” is based on a book written by her mother as she turned 90. Our presenter describes the book as “offering 10 tips for those of us who would eventually follow in her footsteps.”

If you are NOT a subscription holder, please send a check in the amount of $20 payable to: Beth El Sisterhood (Luncheons); Attn: Marcia Boonshaft or Myra Coonin 8101 Park Heights Avenue, Pikesville, MD 21208 Subscription holders who will not attend should notify: Marcia Boonshaft ([email protected]) 410-484-3112, Myra Coonin ([email protected]) 410-653-9435.

RSVP by Friday, October 25.

The Voice of Beth El Congregation

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MITZVAH CARDS Sisterhood sells contribution cards designed by Esti Showell, Beth El’s Graphic Designer. You can purchase the cards for $3 each or four for $10 at all meetings, the Beth El office or the Judaica Shop.

KNITZVAH PROJECT We knit and crochet lap afghans in individual squares, then join them into an Afghan of Love for those who are homebound or in a facility. Sisterhood welcomes knitters, people who crochet, and people who wish to learn. Donations of yarn are welcomed. We meet each Tuesday at 10:30AM in the Schuster Library. If you are interested in joining us to spread the warmth or want to learn how to knit or crochet, please contact Susan Himmel at 410-484-7521 ([email protected]). Please let us know of someone’s need for an afghan.

JUDAICA SHOP We have wonderful merchandise for the home and gifts for today and forever.

Sun 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Mon, Wed, Thu 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Tue 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Check out our sale merchandise for a great bargain!

To contact the Judaica Shop directly, call 410-484-2185 or email [email protected].

A GIFT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Sisterhood presents “Living a Jewish Life” by Anita Diamant to Beth El Congregation or Sisterhood members and their children when they marry. This book discusses Jewish traditions, customs and values for today’s families. Since it covers every aspect of life, it is a wonderful reference book for a couple beginning married life.

If you have a new bride or groom who is eligible for this gift, please contact Marta Braverman 410-358-6509 ([email protected]). It is also available for purchase in the Judaica Shop.

SAVE THE DATE November 30 at 12:00 PM Rabbi Steven Schwarts’ Book Review and Luncheon (Book TBD) JEWISH

THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYTo honor the 40 benefactors who donated $180 in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary, a lovely tea was held on June 5. After thanking everyone for their contributions to this year’s campaign, Jane Krosin described the new benefactor’s pin and the theme for the 2019 - 2020 campaign. The theme for the Torah Fund is Chesed, “Acts of Loving Kindness”, conveying the Jewish attribute of altruistic love. This was followed by Rabbi Steven Schwartz’s informal talk about the many new and exciting times ahead for our Congregation.

BIBLIO Welcome to Biblio, Beth El Sisterhood's Book Club. We hold monthly gatherings at noon in the Myers Auditorium. Biblio is open to the entire community and is tuition-free. Bring a dairy lunch; Beth El provides tea and coffee and hostesses provide dessert.

For information contact Frida Fraiman 410-363-6464 ([email protected]) or Barbara Levenson 410-484-8566 ([email protected]).

The book review dates are as follows:

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 David Golaner, presenter – book TBD

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Sheila Derman, presenter, book TBD

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 Gail Lipsitz, presenter, “Three Floors Up” by Eshkl Nevo

WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 19 Sonia Obstler, presenter, “Educated” by Tara Westover

MONDAY, APRIL 20 Jane Krosin, Presenter, book TBD

MONDAY, JUNE 8 Closing Luncheon

The Voice of Beth El Congregation


Available Kugels are: Sweet Kugel ($23), Potato ($23), Raisin Kugel ($23) Apple Kugel (sweet bread pudding) ($30), Peach Kugel ($23). Gefilte Fish loaves are also available ($30/pan). All of the above come in a 9x13 pan, are pareve and will serve 24 small pieces.

Reservation forms are available at Beth El. Submit them to the congregation office with payment by Tuesday, September 17. All orders must be picked up on Friday, September 27, between 2:00 - 3:30 PM. All kugels must be paid for when ordering.

Your check is your confirmation and receipt. Make checks out to: Beth El Sisterhood and send to Beth El, Attn: Tali Adelstein.

For more information, contact Tali Adelstein, Senior Events Manager, at 410-484-0411 or [email protected].

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CommitteeSocial Action

It’s hard to believe that summer is over and the HIGH HOLIDAYS are just around the corner. We are looking forward to a great 2019-2020 year.

We will continue to serve Beth El as well as our community by going to MOVEABLE FEAST to package food, help CHANA and SINAI’S WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S COALITION during the winter holidays, delivering Shaloch Manot bags to homebound members and giving food and gift cards to the mothers of CHANA, just to name a few of our Mitzvot.

The SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE would love to have you join us. Whether you are interested in helping with the events we have on our calendar, or have some ideas of your own, we would love to hear from you. Please contact either Myra Katz at [email protected] or Marci Elkin at [email protected].

PLEASE HELP OUR CONGREGANTS AND DO A MITZVAH. We have members who need rides to and from medical appointments, physical therapy, dialysis, etc. as well as to Saturday morning Shabbat Services. You do not need to stay with the individual at their medical appointment. One volunteer can drop off and another can do the pick-up. Please contact Paul Sheitel if you are willing to help. His contact information is 443-604-3178 or [email protected].

The summer is over and hopefully everyone had a good time. The Seniors are working on putting together wonderful entertainment and tasty food for the upcoming 2019-2020 year.

MEMBERSHIP The Seniors will, again, be hosting our monthly events. It is a time for our members and their guests to enjoy a wonderful meal and a variety of entertainment. We are hopeful that more of the congregation will join us. The only requirement to be a part of the Seniors is that you are 50 years young or older. Some of us may be up in age, but we are a vibrant group of men and women who just want to have fun. Our dues are very reasonable - $18.00 per person/$36.00 per couple. We meet monthly on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and entertainment. During the winter months, some of our events are in the afternoon. We have secured Shannon Wollman for September 8th. Shannon has been with us over the years and is back to entertain us with her lovely voice. Although not all of our entertainment has been booked, we do know we will be having an afternoon movie, Bingo, and music. Stay tuned as we continue to advise you of our upcoming events.

TRANSPORTATION It is important that we keep reiterating that some of our Seniors are unable to attend our events because they either don’t drive or don’t drive at night. How would you feel if you wanted to attend a Beth El event and had no transportation! Please do a mitzvah by helping our members stay connected. If you need transportation, please let either Ruthye at 410-655-8242 or Ellen at 443-857-7499 know and we will TRY to assist you.

TORAH MAINTENANCE FUND Check out our redesigned Torah Maintenance Fund cards which are now in color. They may be purchased from either the Beth El front office or by contacting Ellen Davis at (410) 602-4444. These all-purpose cards are six for $10.00 or $2.00 each. Checks should be made payable to the Beth El Torah Maintenance Fund.

SeniorsBeth El

Askin, SanfordBlumenfeld, Lloyd Boonshaft, JackDaniel, ReneDavis, SonnyDorenfeld, AlanElkin, AlanGordon, Dr. LouisKontoff, RobertKravet, Dr. StevenKreitzer, Albert

Levin, SteveMerenbloom, AlanMerenbloom, ElliotPerloff, JerryRosenberg, JonathanRubenstein, MichaelSeidman, GaryShapiro, AlbertSteinberg, MelvinWeiss, Dr. Larry


The Beth El Men’s Club plans a very active year beginning in September. Our first event will be held on Sunday, September 22, with an opening breakfast at 10:00 am and will feature a talk by Cantor King, entitled “Reflections on the Beth El trip to Eastern Europe.” Our Sukkah event is scheduled for Thursday evening, October 17. “Steak/Salmon in the Sukkah” features Rabbi Schwartz and sports personality, Scott Garceau, with a delicious dinner, Scotch-tasting and sports analysis.

Other planned events include an outing to Princeton Sports, a physical conditioning program with a sports kinesiologist, a Havdalah event with entertainment for families, as well as support for a congregational Purim event. We also have a plan for a community service activity.

We recently expanded the Steering Committee to offer additional opportunities for leadership and service. We hope all men in the Beth El community will become members of the Men’s Club and participate in our activities.

The Voice of Beth El Congregation

CHESED (LOVING-KINDNESS) GROUP Music is a source of comfort and connection for all. For thousands of years, people have sat alongside their sick family and friends, and often music is brought into the space. In an effort to extend an open hand to those members in need of support, Cantor Blatt has assembled a group of volunteers who regularly participate in this holy work. Come explore the power of music and learn how you can become a part of our chesed outreach efforts at Beth El. We meet on Sunday afternoons and visit congregants in their homes or wherever they may be. For more information, contact Cantor Blatt at [email protected].

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For more information on all events at the Alvin and Lois Lapidus Center for Healing & Spirituality, visit soulcenterbaltimore.org or call 410-484-0411 ext. 1103.

Are you or someone you love experiencing a life challenge or transition? Do you want some guidance and support? Sarah Shapiro, LCSW-C, our in-house social worker, is available to provide short-term counseling free of charge to congregants, school families and Soul Center participants, in person or over the phone. She is usually at Beth El on Tuesdays from 12:00-2:00 PM and on Thursdays from 1:00-5:00 PM. Sarah also co-facilitates our monthly Caregiver Café (on the third Thursday of the month from 2:00-3:30 PM) with Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos of Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital. Sarah can be reached via phone at 410-484-0411 ext. 1111 or email at [email protected].

SPIRITUAL CHECK-INS: Individual clergy check-ins & personalized plans for a year of spiritual growth Throughout the month of September We visit our doctors each year for our annual physical - an opportunity to check in with the doctor about the state of affairs in your body. Why not do the same for our “souls”? Sign up for an annual “spiritual check in” - a ½ hour session with a clergy member where you can check in on your spiritual life and create a plan for how to grow in your Judaism this year. You’ll leave feeling affirmed and inspired for the year to come. www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/spiritualcheckin

THE PADDLE: YOGA ON THE WATER (with a paddle board, of course!) Sunday, September 1 at 8:30 AM The Paddle is a new and exciting joint production of The Soul Center and B'More SUP. Join us for 90 minutes as we paddle to a beautiful cove of the river for an hour-long yoga-flow class on our boards. And, of course, there’s always a Jewish twist with soulful ideas to inspire! No experience necessary but limited spaces are available, so register quickly as we anticipate a full class. www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/thepaddle

THE PATH Sunday, September 8 at 8:30-10:00 AM Hiking + a few mindfulness stops + reflection = more inspired, more aspiring you! This special hike will give participants the opportunity to be out in nature for a 90 minute vigorous hike and to prepare emotionally for the upcoming Holy Days; re-envisioning our lives and relationships as we set off into a new year. A joint production of The Soul Center & YOGAhikes. $20/person. Space is limited. www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/thepath

NIA: AN EXPERIENCE IN MOVEMENT Sunday, September 15 at 7:00 PM Join us at the Movement Lab in Remington as our Wisdom Leader Andrea Lieber uses mindful movement and rhythm to let go of the past and set intentions for the new year. Nia is a holistic fitness practice addressing the whole self- body, mind and soul. This is a little out of the box so bring an open mind, a playful spirit, soulful depth and a willingness to try something new. $15/person. www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/nia

ALAN LEW WORKSHOP Wednesday, September 18 at 7:00 PM This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation. Join our Wisdom Leader Rabbi Ben Shalva as we workshop this seminal book on the meaning of the high holidays. It will transform the way you think about the holidays. Read the chapters on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in advance and then join us for this impactful “one time only” book club. $10/person. www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/thisisreal

MIDNIGHT SELICHOT DRUMMING CIRCLE Saturday, September 21 at 11:30 PM Come at 11:30 (yep, at night!) for special drinks and treats and we’ll begin our drumming circle at midnight. Led by Rabbi Saroken and Jordan Goodman of Beatwell, this service, traditionally undertaken at midnight on the Saturday night leading up to Rosh Hashana, is our wake-up call to start the High Holiday season. No prior drumming experience required. Drums and other instruments will be provided. For all of the details go to www.soulcenterbaltimore.org/drumcircle.

And, of course, here are our on-going programs which are always worthy of showing up for:

HEALING SERVICE with Rabbi Saroken Wednesday, September 11 at 9:15 AM With so many people in our community in need of healing, Rabbi Saroken will be leading a prayer circle/healing service. Anyone in need of healing or praying for your loved ones is welcome.

CHAIR YOGA Thursday, September 5, 12, 19, 26 at 10:00 AM Improve strength, flexibility, and coordination and add in our signature Jewish twist. Join Robyn Katz, certified Iyengar teacher, for an hour long class. No prior experience necessary. Email us at [email protected] to let us know you're coming or just drop-in, there’s always room.

CAREGIVER CAFE Thursday, September 19 at 2:00 PM This program supports people who are caring for loved ones. Each session begins with an expert who presents for 20 minutes on a topic related to caregiving. Following Q&A with the presenter, our in-house social worker, Sarah Shapiro, and a Hopkins physician facilitate group conversation around the shared experience of caregiving.The topic this month, led by Sarah Shapiro, will be “Handling the Holidays”.

ZENTANGLING Sundays beginning September 15 at 3:00 PM Zentangling is a fun and easy approach to creativity that anyone can enjoy. It’s guided doodling with step by step instructions. Pretty quickly, your repetitive lines will become elegant works of art right before your eyes and you’ll find yourself relaxing and enjoying the process. Drop-in to The Soul Center on Sundays, you’ll be glad you did.


13The Voice of Beth El Congregation

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UNDERSTANDING AND PREPARING A JEWISH ETHICAL WILL with Barry Smith Tuesday, September 10, 17 7:00-8:00 PM IN THE AGUS LIBRARY Creating a Jewish Ethical Will is a part of our rich Jewish heritage. Usually we envision a will as leaving property to our relatives and special people. The Jewish Ethical Will is leaving future generations what you have learned about life and what values and ideas you want to convey to them. Participants in this two-part course will explore the roots of the Jewish Ethical Will. We will study a variety of models for an ethical will. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own ethical will. FEE: $30 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $40 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.

CURRENT TRENDS IN ISRAELI FILMS with Uta Larkey Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25 10:30-11:45 AM IN THE AGUS LIBRARY Why have Israeli documentary and feature films become international success stories in recent years? This course looks at the Israeli film production, film aesthetics, and human interactions in the vibrant, multicultural, and continually changing Israeli society. We will approach each film from different perspectives and examine the multiple ways in which Israeli cinema contributes to narrating the nation. We will discuss topics such as Memory and Trauma, National Identities, Kibbutzim, Gender, and Religion in Israeli Film. FEE: $50 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $60 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.

JEWISH SHORT STORIES with Gail Lipsitz Tuesday, September 3, December 3, January 7, February 4, May 5, June 2 7:00-8:00 PM IN THE AGUS LIBRARY Enjoy reading short fiction by outstanding Jewish writers and share your reactions and insights in lively group discussions. Copies of the stories will be distributed several weeks before each class. FEE: $55 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $65 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.

A MONTH FOR MEN ONLY with Lee J. Richmond, PhD Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25 4:30-6:15 PM IN THE KOLKER ROOM This group offers an experience for men who wish to harvest their life experiences and approach their later years with expanded consciousness, wisdom, and vitality. Rooted in the Jewish spirituality movement, this four-week journey jettisons men toward an exploration of their relationships with self and others. We will utilize centuries of wisdom, literature from Jewish and other religious sources, coupled with the best of present-day psychology and sociology of aging, A Month For Men Only offers the tools with which to seed the future into a period of growth and joy. Topics: Our Bodies, Our Selves (with Rabbi Schwartz), Present and Past Relationships, Forgiveness of Self and Others, Cultivating Spiritual Qualities For Growth. FEE: $50 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $60 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.

BALTIMORE HEBREW INSTITUTE ULPAN HEBREW CLASSES with Baltimore Hebrew Institute & Beth El staff Fall: September 18, 25, October 2, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20, December 4, 11

Spring: February 26, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 22, 29, May 6, 13 7:00-8:30 PM IN ROOMS 201, 203, 204, 205, LOCATED IN THE BERMAN-LIPAVSKY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLASSROOMS Baltimore Hebrew Institute offers Modern Hebrew classes at Beth El. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a seasoned Hebrew speaker, our professional educators work with you to read, write, and speak the language. Advanced levels engage in dynamic conversations about movies, literature, and current events. This is a non-credit adult education program designed for you to progress in your abilities with the language. FEE: $200 PER FALL AND SPRING, 10 CLASSES EACH Submit your payment for each session directly to BHI with your registration form. Online registration is available at www.towson.edu/bhievents. Beth El Congregation members receive a 10% discount. There are no refunds for missed classes. Contact Jill Max at 410-704-7120 or [email protected] for information.

LIVING YOUR LIFE WITH JOY, RESILIENCE, AND SPIRIT with Lee J. Richmond, PhD Thursday, September 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THE KOLKER ROOM We will explore the concept of Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit. This Wise Aging program features a facilitated peer group meeting. Lee Richmond will guide you through this meaningful experience designed for you to live your best life now. Each group session centers on a different topic, such as Exploring This Stage of Life, I Am My Body, I Am Not My Body, Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Cultivating Spiritual Qualities for Wellbeing, Living with Loss and Finding Light: Conscious Dying; Legacy and Stewardship, and Cultivating Nourishing Relationships. We will use the contemplative practices of the Wise Aging Program to explore and deepen the inner and outer journeys of participants. FEE: $65 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $75 FOR NON-MEMBERS Fee includes the book, Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit by Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Linda Thal.

MAH JONGG FOR BEGINNERS with Geri Willen Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, December 4, Janury 8, 15, 22, 29, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3, 10 10:00-11:00 AM in the Meyers Auditorium Mah Jongg For Beginners will now be offered monthly. Check the dates to see which session is best for you. Participants are welcome to register for this class as many times as desired and pay for each four-week session chosen. Each class will take place with a minimum of four players. In the event the class doesn’t take place, registrants are welcome to join a class another month upon availability of space. This class is designed for beginners. Geri will teach you everything you need to know to play and enjoy the game. FEE: $50 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $60 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.

CANASTA FOR BEGINNERS with Geri Willen Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, December 4, Janury 8, 15, 22, 29, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3, 10 4:00-5:00 PM IN THE MEYERS AUDITORIUM Canasta is offered monthly. Select the desired session. Participants can register for as many Canasta classes as desired and pay for each group of four classes. Classes will take place with a minimum of four players. Join Geri Willen as she shares her love of the game with you. FEE: $50 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $60 FOR NON-MEMBERS Registration is required for all participants.


The Voice of Beth El Congregation

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1ST WEDNESDAYS @ BETH EL September 4: Meet Baltimore Chamber Encounters 7:30 PM IN THE OFFIT AUDITORIUM The 1st Wednesday of the month brings you an evening of music, entertainment, and learning in the Offit Auditorium. The evening includes a delicious dessert. THERE IS NO FEE FOR THESE PROGRAMS AND NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To show your support for the learning opportunities provided for you by the Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center and the First Wednesdays and Cultural Programs Fund, please consider making a contribution to this Fund. Contact Lisa Silverstein at 410-484-0411 or at [email protected]. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available in the Adult Education brochure. Please consider sending a sponsorship along with your registration for classes. The Baltimore Chamber Encounters is an innovative chamber concert initiative bringing classical music vividly alive and redefining the concert experience. It uses various media to explain the musical compositions and use of other art forms.

THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN/JEWISH COMPONENT OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN 3 SESSIONS with Dr. Wali Gill, Dr. Warren C. Hayman, and Imam Earl S. El-Ami These three classes will culminate with the screening of Voices of Baltimore: Life Under Segregation on September 26 FEE: $50 FOR BETH EL MEMBERS; $60 FOR NON-MEMBERS, FOR 3 SESSIONS Registration is required for all participants.

SESSION 1: Mid 1950’s to Mid 1960’s with Dr. Wali Gill September 5 from 7:00-8:15 PM in the Kolker Room The African-American/Jewish component of the Civil Rights Movement from the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's will be discussed. Topics will include successful efforts in Baltimore during the early stages of the Movement, various leaders and events in the Movement, the desegregation of Gwynn Oak Park, The March on Washington, and the signing of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

SESSION 2: The Help and the Helper. Black and Jewish Relationships, 1940’s -1950’s with Dr. Warren C. Haymanversity September 12 from 7:00-8:15 PM in the Kolker Room Dr. Warren C. Hayman will discuss the relationship that developed between members of the Jewish community and African-Americans in the Sandtown-Winchester community during the late 1940’s and the 1950’s. The discussion will be based on his personal experiences and those shared with him by family and friends.

SESSION 3: Mid 1970’s to 1990’s with Imam Earl S. El-Amin September 19 from 7:00-8:15 PM in the Kolker Room This session will focus of the pertinent relationships that evolved in the African-American and Jewish communities between the mid-1970's and 1990's. This will be a participatory session designed to engage the audience.


6:45 PM, LOCATION TBD Join us as we screen this important film that captures and preserves the rich oral histories of seven African-Americans who grew up in the Mason/Dixon border area of Baltimore, Maryland during the Jim Crow Era. The screening event will include a discussion facilitated by Dr. Hana Bor, The Peggy Meyerhoff Pearstone Professor and Director, MA Leadership in Jewish Education and Communal Service at Towson University and Dr. Patricia Welch, the former Dean of Education at Morgan State University. You will also meet others who are featured in this documentary. This program is dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Mark G. Loeb for his 10th Yahrzeit Anniversary. THERE IS NO FEE FOR THIS EVENT.


The 2019-2020 school year is about to start at Beth El’s Berman Lipavsky Religious School. We are eager to begin 5780 as a community of wonderful families, enthusiastic and engaged students, passionate and knowledgeable teachers and faculty.

The first day of Hebrew school is Sunday, September 8th from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Please enter through the main preschool entrance under the white awning. You’ll enter your family code and everyone can come up through the stairs to the Religious School to find their classrooms. As always, parents are welcome to schmooze and eat a bagel in the parent café.

At the end of the day, teachers will bring the classes down to the preschool sidewalk. Parents will park and walk up again to the awning to meet. Hopefully everyone will have a few minutes to get to know their teachers and fellow parents. Every moment we can share with each other will ensure a wonderful time here at Beth El.

September 2019• Saturday, September 7 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Friday, September 13 - Preschool and Hebrew School: Back to School Shabbat• Saturday, September 21 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.

October 2019• Saturday, October 12 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Friday, October 18 - Preschool and Hebrew School: Shabbat in the Sukkah• Saturday, October 26 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.

November 2019• Saturday, November 2 - Family Shabbat: Vav led @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, November 9 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, November 23 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m. December 2019• Saturday, December 7 - Family Shabbat: Hay led @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, December 14 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m. January 2020• Saturday, January 11 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, January 25 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m. February 2020• Saturday, February 1 - Family Shabbat: Dalet led @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, February 8 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, February 22 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.

March 2020• Saturday, March 7 - Family Shabbat: Aleph led @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, March 14 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, March 28 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m. April 2020• Saturday, April 18 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, April 25 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m. May 2020• Friday, May 1 - Bet Misibat Siddur @ 6:00 p.m.• Saturday, May 2 - Family Shabbat: Gan led @ 11:15 a.m.• Saturday, May 9 - Or Shabbat @ 10:15 a.m. & Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.• Friday, May 15 - Gimel led Shabbat @ 6:00 p.m.• Saturday, May 16 - Prayground Shabbat @ 11:15 a.m.

Shabbat Family Services2019-2020

BACK TO SCHOOL SHABBAT For Preschool and Religious School families Friday, September 13 5:30 PM AT THE OUTDOOR PAVILLION (RAIN LOCATION: MYERS AUDITORIUM) Join us for a musical Shabbat service, led by Cantor Melanie Blatt. Dinner and activities to follow. Please register at: bethelbalto.com/BTS-shabbat Questions? please contact Andy Shankman, Religious School Manager, at [email protected]

The Voice of Beth El Congregation

Page 18: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a

Beth El Memorial Park

The Jewish Funeral & Advance PlanningSunday, September 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the Soul Center

Introduction by: Rabbi Steven SchwartzPresenters: Eliza Feller, Director of Advance Planning at Sol Levinson & BROS., Inc.

Lisa Silverstein, Beth El Memorial Park ManagerJoin us for an educational presentation on The Jewish Funeral and Advance Planning, which will cover funeral traditions both ancient and modern. Ask any questions you want about this

surprisingly detailed topic. A representative of Beth El’s cemetery will also be on hand to provide information on purchasing burial plots. Light beverages and nosh will be served.

Please RSVP to [email protected] by September 9th.

Beth El Memorial Park Open HouseSunday, September 22, 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

9700 Liberty Road, Randallstown, 21133 • Take a tour of our beautiful cemetery and view lots and family estates available for purchase

• Visit our newly-opened section • A representative from Sol Levinson’s will be there to answer your questions

about a Jewish funeral

Annual Service of RemembranceSunday, October 6 at 10:30 a.m.

Beth El Memorial Park, 9700 Liberty Road, Randallstown, 21133It is tradition to visit the graves of our loved ones who are no longer with us during the

High Holiday season. Join Rabbi Steven Schwartz, Rabbi Dana Saroken and Cantor Thom King for Beth El’s Annual Service of Remebrance at the Beth El Memorial Park.

For further information, please contact Lisa Silverstein at [email protected] or 410-484-0411 x 1113

The Voice of Beth El Congregation16

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8:30 AM The Paddle

9:15 AM Morning Service

5:30 PM Evening Service

Labor Day9:15 AM

Morning Service5:30 PM

Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM Jewish Short Stories

8:00 AM Morning Service

12:00 PM Biblio

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:30 PM 1st Wednesday - An Evening with Baltimore Chamber Encounters

8:00 AM Morning Service

10:00 AM Chair Yoga

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM The African American-Jewsish Component of the Civil Rights Movement

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:00 PM Evening Service

9:00 AM Torah Study Class

10:00 AM Morning Service

11:15 AM Tot Shabbat

7:15 PM Evening Service

8:30 AM The Patch

9:15 AM Morning Service

11:00 AM Sisterhood Opening Luncheon

5:30 PM Evening Service

6:00 PM Beth El Seniors Dinner

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM Understanding and Preparing a Personal Jewsish Ethical Will

8:00 AM Morning Service

9:15 AM Healing Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

10:00 AM Chair Yoga

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM The African American-Jewsish Component of the Civil Rights Movement

8:00 AM Morning Service

5:30 PM Back to School Shabbat

6:00 PM Evening Service

9:00 AM Torah Study Class

10:00 AM Morning Service

7:00 PM Evening Service

9:15 AM Morning Service

3:00 PM Zentangling

5:30 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM NIA

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM Understanding and Preparing a Personal Jewsish Ethical Will

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM Baltimore Hebrew Institute Ulpan Hebrew Classes

7:00 PM Alan Lew Workshop

8:00 AM Morning Service

10:00 AM Chair Yoga

2:00 PM Caregiver Café

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

9:00 AM Torah Study Class

10:00 AM Morning Service - Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Fruman

11:15 AM Tot Shabbat

6:45 Evening Service

9:00 PM Selichot Service

11:30 PM Selichot Drum Circle

9:15 AM Morning Service

10:00 AM Memorial Park Open House

5:30 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

7:00 PM Baltimore Hebrew Institute Ulpan Hebrew Classes

8:00 AM Morning Service

10:00 AM Living Your Life with Joy, Resilience, & Spirit

10:00 AM Chair Yoga

6:45 PM Evening Service

6:45 PM Voices of Baltimore

8:00 AM Morning Service

6:00 PM Evening Service

9:00 AM Torah Study Class

10:00 AM Morning Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

Erev Rosh Hashanah9:15 AM

Morning Service5:15 PM

Erev Rosh Hashana Family Pre-Party

6:00 PM Erev Rosh Hashana Family Service

Erev Rosh Hashanah (1st Day)

8:00 AM Rosh Hashanah Service

6:45 PM Evening Service

8 9 10 11

15 16 17 18

22 23 24 25

29 30


12 13 14

19 20 21

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61 6 Elul 7 Elul

8 Elul 9 Elul 10 Elul 11 Elul 12 Elul 13 Elul 14 Elul

15 Elul 16 Elul 17 Elul 18 Elul 19 Elul 20 Elul 21 Elul

22 Elul 23 Elul 24 Elul 25 Elul 26 Elul 27 Elul 28 Elul

29 Elul 1 Tishrei

2 3 4

51 Elul 2 Elul 3 Elul 4 Elul 5 Elul


September 7 & 21 at 11:15 AM

for childrenPrayground ShabbatEVERY WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER:10:00 AM

Mah Jongg for Beginners10:30 AM

Current Trends in Israeli Films4:00 PM

Learn to Play Canasta for Beginners4:30 PM

A Month for Men Only

Page 20: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a


PROVIDERS $2,000 TO $3,999Debra and Joseph Weinberg

SUPPORTERS $1,000 TO $1,999Gail and Michael Brooks Freddy and Steve Silverman Diana and Marc Terrill

SPONSORS $500 TO $999Elissa and Matt Kohel

CONTRIBUTORS $300 TO $499Sandra and Dr. David Seff

GUARANTORS $150 TO $299Roberta and Dr. Robert Kodeck

ANNUAL APPEAL | 2019-2020This gift is tax deductible to the extent provided by law. These contributions were made between June 1, 2019 and July 31,2019.

Thank you to our generous donors who have already made their gifts!

CAN WE COUNT ON YOU? Each year the High Holy Days come to remind us of how important it is to be connected to a synagogue community. The warmth and fellowship we experience when we gather together to celebrate our most sacred days is genuine. It comes from a shared history, and also from the sense that Beth El is a special place. We understand the idea of “kol Yisrael areivim zeh b’zeh” - that all Jews are responsible for one another. And although we have a beautiful campus, wonderful

staff, meaningful services, fabulous learning opportunities and top notch schools, at the end of the day, there is one thing and one thing alone that makes Beth El truly special: the members of our congregation. Without you and your gift to the Annual Appeal, we wouldn’t have the strength, the support, the energy, and the feeling that we need to make Beth El the kind of place we all want it to be.

We want you to know that we are grateful - truly and deeply grateful - for your gift to Beth El each year. We are a 365-day-a-year operation. On any given day in our preschool you will hear the voices of children joyfully singing Jewish songs and prayers, and you will see members saying kaddish for loved ones at our weekday services. On Friday nights, the Gorn Chapel is overflowing as our community welcomes in Shabbat with song and prayer. Saturday mornings are filled with wonderful life cycle celebrations, as we share in the joy of some of the most significant moments of our members’ lives, the birthdays and baby namings, the anniversaries and aufrufs. But today’s Beth El is more than a place for prayer and ritual. There are music programs and meditation sessions, yoga classes and book clubs. There are classes taught on subjects as varied as art history and politics, Churchill and Israel. Your gift enables us to think big, to dream, and to meet our members where they are. Every service, every class, every program is an opportunity for our members to connect Jewishly, to grow Jewishly, and to celebrate Jewishly. Each and every year your gift makes a difference in someone’s life, in the life of a family, and in the quality of our community.

Make that difference again this year. Perhaps the most important values in all of Judaism are tikkun olam (the fixing of the world) and tzedakah (charitable giving). When you give to the Annual Appeal, you fulfill both of these values at the same time. In doing so, you are sharing your own good fortune and setting an example for your children and grandchildren, and for friends as well. With your help, we can reach the ambitious goals we have set for this year’s Appeal, and, much more importantly, we can continue to create the kind of vibrant, caring, and sacred community that we all want Beth El to be. So help us today. Give. Give generously. Give from the heart to a place that you care about and love. Please.

Your gift does much more than help with our infrastructure: sustaining the roof over our heads, keeping our lights on and the air conditioner running. Your gift ensures that we have the human resources in place to support and care for our members each and every day. Your gift, this year, will also enable us to dream bigger and loftier dreams to create a more engaged community, that celebrates holidays, marks the highs and lows of day-to-day life together and extends itself generously to one another, to those in need and to the greater Jewish people and world.








Rabbi Steven P. Schwartz Senior Rabbi


No family was turned away when financial strains were a barrier to a Jewish

spiritual home or education.

Encouraged lifelong learning through our Rabbi Mark G. Loeb Center and The Alvin & Lois

Lapidus Center for Healing & Spirituality.

Nurtured our community’s wellbeing by providing confidential, free counseling through our in-house social worker, Healing Services and Caregiver Café.

Satellite Hebrew schools were established for our families living outside of our immediate neighborhoods, so no matter how busy their

lives or how far away they live, they can receive a Jewish education.


Amanda Beitman Director of Development

If you have questions about different ways to give to Beth El, please contact me. I would love to speak with you and to get to know you. Call: 410-484-0411 x1115 Email: [email protected]


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Your dollars do much more than just keep the roof over our heads, the lights on and our air conditioner running. We must keep our synagogue doors open for when a member loses a loved one to have a place to say kaddish, for the bride who comes to our mikveh before her wedding. For the unaffiliated Jew who is looking to reconnect with their Judaism. These moments take place here in our synagogue every day.










Rabbi Steven P. Schwartz


Never turning away a family when financial means are a barrier to a Jewish spiritual

home or education

Encouraged lifelong learning through our adult

education classes

Providing our community members who are homebound and/or enable

to join us in person through live streaming services

Nurtured our community’s wellbeing by providing

confidential free counseling

Established Satellite Hebrew schools for our families living outside of our immediate neighborhoods so no matter how busy their

lives are or how far away they can receive a Jewish education


Amanda Beitman Director of Development

If you have questions about different ways to give to Beth El, please contact me. I would love to speak with you and to get to know you. Call: 410-484-0411 x1115 Email: [email protected]

Amanda Beitman, Director of Development

If you have questions about different ways to give to Beth El, please contact me. I would love to speak with you and to get to know you.

Call: 410-484-0411 x1115 Email: [email protected]

The Voice of Beth El Congregation

Arnold Fruman and Robert Slatkin, Co-chairs 2019-2020 Annual Appeal

Page 21: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a



IN MEMORY OF:Dr. Gabriel Pinter by Dr. Vera Pinter

THE ADULT CHOIR FUNDIN HONOR OF:The rabbinical ordination of Cantor Thom King by Marilyn and Jim

Dickman, Rita Lehr, Ronnie Glaser, Howard and Emily Goren, Lisa and Bruce Supovitz, Sonia Obstler, Audrey and Greg Sperr, Gail Lipsitz, Yvonne and Eddie Epstein, Ellen and Robert Rosen, Marcia Friedlander, Glenda Chernoff, Debbie, Michael, Taylor and Kendall Kuntz, Stella Gold and Family

The birth of Piper Sloane Zweig, granddaughter of Dr. Robert and Shelley Shemer by Dr. Joseph and Linda Napora

Bruce Eicher on his retirement by Sonia ObstlerThe 99th birthday of Lucille Goldberg by Marsha Pinson and FamilyThe special birthday of Sonia Obstler by Marcia Daniel, Sheila Rosenfeld,

Lore and Mark Singerman, Suzanne and Hank Horowitz, Veronica Kestenberg, Janet and Fred Schutzman, Harriet and Morton Silverstein, Carolyn Gelblum, Simone and Larry Rosenbloom, Hulane Zolet, Esta Lee Lesser, Judy and Lee Rosenberg, Marsha Golob

The birth of Walter Robert Farley, grandson of Judi and Howard Snyder by Steve and Freddye Silverman, Phyllis and Dr. Richard Kline, Denise and Keith Franz

The 90th birthday of June Sacks by Hulane ZoletIN MEMORY OF:Dr. Barbara Zirkin by Joseph and Deborah Loveland, Michael Raderman,

Dr. Frona Brown and Dr. Beryl Rosenstein, Emelie Schwab, Marcy Schwab and Andrew Doane and Dr. Debby Schwab and Dr. Jay Weiner, Sonia Obstler, Rebecca and Neal Fruman, Allison and Asher Rubin, Michele and Herb Better and Family, Betsy and Lou Narrow and Family, Phyllis and Dr. Richard Kline, Dr. Ed and Barbara Berkowitz, Michael Bruner, Michelle Gordon, Beverly and Stuart Sagal, Delores Kelley, Scott and Lisa London, Joel and Debbie James, Rachel, Josh, Sam and Ben Abrams, Dr. Jill Baldinger and Steven Levin and Family, Karen and Joshua Gould, Val Culotta, Ilene and Jack Cohen, Fran Ludman and Sheldon Laskin, Vassilios Papadopoulos, Peggy Gracy, Linda Boteach, June Sacks and Family, Senator Kathy Klausmeier, Joyce and Richard Becker, Sally and Kirwin Darney, Carol Matz, The Fraternal Order of Police – Baltimore County – Lodge 4, Rachel and Won Chung, David P. Gould, Jeffrey B. Gould and American Claims Management Service, Howard S. Brown, Karen and Alan Berkowitz, Drs. Michael and Erika Matunis, Sandra Popp, Dr. Joseph and Linda Napora, Karen and Josh Podlipsky Gould, Barbara Hales and Bernard Robaire

Emily Rauch by Steve and Freddye SilvermanShabtay Eskenazi by Steve and Freddye SilvermanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Herman Sobel by Ronnie Glaser


IN HONOR OF:The 70th birthday of Susan Allen by Dr. Deborah Ford, Izzy Goldscher,

Evelyn MorrisonThe 75th birthday of Jerry Schnydman by Renee and Burt KingThe 50th wedding anniversary of Pearl and Barry Gendason by Renee

and Burt King

THE BETH EL ART FUNDIN HONOR OF:The special birthday of David Yumkas by Bernice and Harvey Fineman


IN HONOR OF:The birth of Meyer James Siegel, grandson of Michelle and Barton

Azwalinsky by Carolyn and Stanley SilvermanIN MEMORY OF:Pamela Geller by Michelle and Bart Azwalinsky


IN HONOR OF:The 80th birthday of David Yumkas by Dr. Sidney and Rebecca SeidmanIN MEMORY OF:David Kaplan by Dr. Sidney and Rebecca SeidmanMorris Eventoff by Roz and Howard KurmanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Rose Cohen Mazer and Henry Cohen by Linda Baer, John Rudesill and

Alexander Baer


IN HONOR OF:The Bat Mitzvah of Brooke Baylin, daughter of Lori and Dr. Scott Baylin by

Cyd Wolf and Germano Fabiani


A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Marc Lipchin by Carole Becker and FamilyIN MEMORY OF:Anita Potemken by Dr. Malcolm Renbaum

Arnold Fleischmann by Dr. Malcolm RenbaumArlene Glaser by Susan and Ron MaytinIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Stanley L. Becker and Minerva Baider Reicher by Carole BeckerAnna Szilagyi Pinter by Dr. Vera Pinter

THE BERLIN-NORWITZ CHILDREN’S CHOIR FUNDIN HONOR OF:The rabbinical ordination of Cantor Thom King by Sherry and Steve BerlinIN MEMORY OF:Emily Rauch by Nancy and Lenny Sacks, Dr. Paul and Marci Turer, Susan

and Barry Belle, Betsy and David Katz, Barbara Roth, Roz and Howard Kurman, Wendie and Keith Berenson, Glenda Chernoff, Drs. Arlene and Sheldon Bearman, Dr. Ed and Ann Mishner, Barbara and Jeff Tapper

Adam Janet by Sherry and Steve Berlin

THE DANIEL W. CAPLAN AND NORMA F. CAPLAN PRE-SCHOOL MEDIA RESOURCE FUNDA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:David Katz by Drs. Arlene and Sheldon BearmanJack Epstein by Rich and Liz CaplanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Carl Friedler by Dr. Stanley and Gail FriedlerNorma F. Caplan by Ann and Ira Robinson

THE JACK B. COONIN MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF:Sara Coonin completing her intense leadership program at work by Dr.

Ed and Gail ShermanIN MEMORY OF:Ann Goodman by Eli, Margie and Jamie NeumannIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Laurence Stappler by Michael and Jodi Stappler


A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Brenda Mandel by Susan and Richard Grilli


IN MEMORY OF:Adam Janet by Michael DopkinMark Richmond by Michael DopkinIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Harvey Dopkin by Michael Dopkin, Roslyn and Albert Katz


IN MEMORY OF:Adam Janet by Sharon and Alan Dorenfeld

THE DR. LARRY D. EPSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIN HONOR OF:The graduation of Brooke Gottlieb, daughter of Laurie and Richard

Gottlieb, granddaughter of Simone and Larry Rosenbloom by Ettadean Epstein

Larry and Simone Rosenbloom and Jamie and Kenny Bernstein by Ettadean Epstein


IN MEMORY OF:Saundra Morstein by Nancy Gordon


IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Phillip Vodenos by Stella Vodenos Gold, Arna Vodenos and Debra


THE LAURA B. FLEISCHMANN MEMORIAL FUNDIN MEMORY OF:Arnold Fleischmann by Renee Negin, Lore Koppel, Lois Wolf and Dr.

Marty Taubenfeld, Robin, John, Ruth and Ted Denick, Myra and Burt Gold, Helene Penn Dorf, Elizabeth Moser, Kevin Bohn, The Bolssen Family, Alberta Cooperman, Judy and Lee Rosenberg, Marjorie Massing, Annette and Joe Cooper, Sue and Arnold Kohn, Judy Salerno, The Fischman Family, Ben and Peggy Schapiro, Jane Goodall and the Jane Goodall Institute Family, Natalie and Bernie Fish, Diann and Tom Mann, Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner, Jonathan and Kelly Oliner, David Ginsburg – Oxford Risk Management Group, Jonathan Doochin – Soligent Distribution, Nicholas and Jacqueline Perrins, Susan and Pete Liebeskind and Family, Janet and Richard Livingston, Cindy and Howard Cummins, Donna Kemper and Ron Zlotoff


IN HONOR OF:The 85th birthday of Sonia Obstler by Frida and Dr. Moises FraimanIN MEMORY OF:Marsha Schwartz by Frida and Dr. Moises Fraiman

Rochelle Lipavsky by Frida and Dr. Moises FraimanArnold Fleischmann by Frida and Dr. Moises Fraiman


IN MEMORY OF:Ann Goodman by Elliot and Susan DackmanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Sylvia Dackman by Elliot and Susan Dackman


IN HONOR OF:The marriage of Sara Kirshner, daughter of Lisa Jolson, to Elliot Marcille

by Jeanette and Dr. Alan DavisIN MEMORY OF:Barbara Zirkin by The Fruman FamilyJeannette Goldman by The Fruman FamilyLee Derkay by Barbara and Hy ShapiroIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Mia Silberman by Gail and Dr. Illan Silberman


IN APPRECIATION OF:Rabbi Steven Schwartz by Irene Gordon GellarCantor Thom King by Irene Gordon GellarIN MEMORY OF:Ruth Kahn Summers by Connie and Brian Leach, Jenn and Eddie

Goldmeier, Steven Caplan, Rebecca and Matthew GellarAustin Schlecker by Steven CaplanRay Grollman by Larry and Irene Gellar


IN MEMORY OF:Pamela Geller by Saralynn and Dr. Sheldon GlassRochelle Lipavsky by Saralynn and Dr. Sheldon Glass


IN MEMORY OF:Barbara Zirkin by Shelly and Jeff Hettleman


IN HONOR OF:Michael Dopkin and his wonderful reading of Torah by Sonya and Jerry

GoodmanThe Bar Mitzvah of Jack Uhlfelder, son of Jayme and Michael Uhlfelder

by Sonya and Jerry GoodmanThe birthday of Sonya Goodman by Phyllis and Dr. Richard KlineIN MEMORY OF:Pamela Geller by Sonya and Jerry GoodmanAdam Janet by Steve SilberShabtay Eskenazi by Sonya and Jerry GoodmanMarlene Leonard by Sonya and Jerry Goodman


IN HONOR OF:The birthday of Benjy Green by Irene “Green” SnyderThe birthday of Barbara Green by Irene “Green” SnyderThe Bat Mitzvah of Lindsay Normington, granddaughter of Lisa Hirsh by

Barbara and Benjy GreenA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Neil Lipschitz by Benjy and Barbara GreenAnita Steinberg by Benjy and Barbara GreenRuth Siegel by Benjy and Barbara GreenMarcia Raksin Benesh by Benjy and Barbara Green


IN HONOR OF:The marriage of Richard Friedler, son of Gail and Dr. Stanley Friedler to

Laura by Aileen HammermanThe 90th birthday of Elaine Kuntz by Aileen HammermanIN MEMORY OF:Arnold Fleischmann by Aileen HammermanMalcolm Joffe by Natalie FeinblumAdam Janet by Aileen Hammerman

THE HARK – UHLFELDER FAMILY FUNDIN HONOR OF:The marriage of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Conn by David and Joan

UhlfelderA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Marc Terrill by David and Joan Uhlfelder


These contributions were made between June 1, 2019 and July 31, 2019.

The Voice of Beth El Congregation

Page 22: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a


The new home of Dr. Ivan and Rhona Rosengarden by Beverly and Charles Freeland

IN MEMORY OF:Rochelle Lipavsky by Beverly and Charles FreelandBeatrice Steelman by Beverly and Charles FreelandLouis Kaplan by Beverly and Charles FreelandMorris Eventoff by Linda and Jerry MondellShirley Sheer by Linda and Jerry Mondell

THE ADAM KRONTHAL SPECIAL NEEDS FUNDIN HONOR OF:The special birthday of Jerry Schnydman by Dr. Frona Brown and Dr.

Beryl RosensteinIN MEMORY OF:Adam Kronthal by Alan KronthalIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Herbert Kronthal by Dr. Alan and Jennie Kronthal


THE HARRY LICHTER CHESED FUNDIN HONOR OF:The graduation of Brooke Gottlieb, granddaughter of Simone and Larry

Rosenbloom by Hulane ZoletThe 30th wedding anniversary of Sheryl and Stuart Title by Hulane ZoletRandy Arndts and his many years of service at Beth El by Hulane ZoletThe special birthday of Austin Title by Sheryl and Stuart TitleA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Dave Katz by Mindy and Ronnie FishkindIN MEMORY OF:Melvin Greenwald by Jeff and Saralyn Elkin, Bobbie Lichter, Sheryl and

Stuart TitleDr. Barbara Zirkin by Maria and Eddie LichterIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Leo Bloom by Pamela and Robby Bloom

THE JOSEPH LIPAVSKY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIN HONOR OF:The 70th wedding anniversary of Bunny and Mike Roseman by Norman

and Sharon SteinIN MEMORY OF:Rochelle Lipavsky by Dr. Joseph and Linda Napora, Janet and David

Ring, June Sacks and Family, Alexander Baer, Rene and Yvonne Daniel, Phyllis and Stuart Cutler, Donald and Beverly Wilson and Family, Betsy and Lou Narrow, Shelly and Bobby Shemer, Mark and Nancy Ring, Silverman Boguslaw Family, Sonia Obstler, Renee and Burt King, Roz and Howard Kurman, Adelaide, Dan and Richard Habel, Phyllis and Dr. Richard Kline, Judy and Lee Rosenberg, Mike and Dr. Karen Norman, Bonnie Burrier, Vardi Family, Isabelle Horon and Andrew Feinberg, Jeffrey and Keri Riegler, Brenda Davis and Michael Jacobs, Gail Lipsitz, Jennifer and Richard Berman

Beatrice Steelman by Nancy and Kenneth Niman


IN HONOR OF:The special birthday of Dr. Ed Berkowitz by Dr. Joseph and Linda

Napora, Sonia ObstlerThe 80th birthday of Elliot Merenbloom by Ann and Henry Shofer IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Gordon L. Greenspun by Frona Greenspun and Family


IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Sophie Glick by Dr. Deborah Ford

RABBI MARK G. LOEB MEMORIAL FUNDIN HONOR OF:The 70th birthday of Elliot Merenbloom by Sandy and Ken Kantor,

Marian Scurnick, Ileen and Alvin Bard, Harriet and Stan KatzDr. Michael Cohen receiving the Ellis Island Congressional Gold Medal

by Kay Levitt, Eileen Peregoff, Ronnie Plotkin, Ellen Sue Gochnawer and Faye Trippe

IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Sidney Shuman by Janet and Arnold Mazor

THE HERMAN LUBCHER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIN HONOR OF:The 90th birthday of Melvin Goodweather by Dr. Kenneth and Judy

MargolisIN MEMORY OF:Arnold Fleischmann by Dr. Kenneth and Judy Margolis


IN MEMORY OF:David Kaplan by Debbie and Stephen HandelmanShabtay Eskenazi by Malca Friedman and Hasia Cohen


IN MEMORY OF:Rochelle Lipavsky by Barbara MendelsohnPamela Geller by Barbara MendelsohnShabtay Eskenazi by Barbara Mendesohn

THE MITZVAH FUNDIN HONOR OF:The marriage of Brad Yaffe, son of Eileen and Rick Yaffe by Lana and

Hal DeutschThe 70th wedding anniversary of Bunny and Mike Roseman by Linda

and Leonard RosenThe 75th birthday of Joseph Eisenberg by Judy and Bernie CataldoThe 50th wedding anniversary of Barry and Pearl Gendason by Herbert

GendasonIN APPRECIATION OF:The support and welcome feeling provided to me from the Beth El

Family by Marshall GoldIN MEMORY OF:Harriet Shevitz by Helene and Randy Lutz

THE MORNING MINYAN FUNDIN MEMORY OF:Beatrice Steelman by Roz and Howard KurmanPamela Geller by Dale and Ray KahnDavid Kaplan by Dale and Ray KahnMarsha Schwartz by Naomi and Harold WalpertDaniel Sagel by Dale and Ray KahnAdam Janet by Dale and Ray Kahn, Beverly PennShabtay Eskenazi by Marcia FriedlanderIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld by Michael Blumenfeld and Carol BinzenJoseph Struletz by Cheryl WeinsteinHarold Gellis by Marcia Gellis


IN HONOR OF:The installation of Dr. Ed Mishner as President of Beth El by Harriet and

Harvey Nusbaum

THE PRAYER BOOK FUNDIN HONOR OF:The marriage of Debbie and Stephen Handelman by Harold and Gilda

ResnickThe birthday of Robert Smelkinson by Barbara SmelkinsonThe 65th wedding anniversary of Marion and Alvin Akman by Suzanne

and Sheldon DagurtThe 55th wedding anniversary of Marilyn and Dr. Alfred Rosenstein by

Sharon and Irvin CaplanThe rabbinical ordination of Cantor Thom King by Dr. Joseph and Linda

Napora, Betsy and Lou Narrow and FamilyThe special birthday of Sonia Obstler by Gilda and Harold ResnickIN MEMORY OF:Stuart Renbaum by Ruth and Jerry KobernickVictor Cohen by Ellie SpindPamela Geller by Nina Cardin and Avram ReisnerLouis Kaplan by Leslie and Edward GutmanAnn Goodman by The Fruman FamilyJoseph Bishow by Sharon R. Krieger and Paul Day, Julie and Henry

CaldarazzoAdam Janet by Marilyn and Dr. Karl Pick, Ann and Dr. Ed Mishner, Drs.

Myles and Rosemarie Brager, Irv and Marlene SchwartzRuth Siegel by Sharon and Lloyd, The Cummins and Brodinsky FamiliesRichard David Plotkin by Marcia and Harvey LipmanFreda Goldman by Dr. Marshall Goldman and FamilyIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Sunny Sonia Baum by Susan and Steve BaumHarry Nechamkin by Rhona Reamer

THE RABBI STEVEN SCHWARTZ TRIBUTE FUNDIN HONOR OF:The marriage of Lauren Cassel, daughter of Lois and Gary Cassel, to

Brian Kracoff by Lisa and Bruce SupovitzThe 85th birthday of Saul Offit by Ann KatzThe installation of Dr. Ed Mishner as President of Beth El by Ilene and

Dennis Brave, Debbi and Michael KuntzThe rabbinical ordination of Cantor Thom King by Ryan Chodak, Mark

Chodak and Carole GouldThe 75th birthday of Lana Greenberg by Beverly and Sam BlibaumThe 55th wedding anniversary of Marilyn and Dr. Alfred Rosenstein by

Judy and Marty WoolfsonRabbi Schwartz and the kindness he extended to Bunny and Mike

Roseman on their 70th wedding anniversary by Ellen and Robert Rosen

The special birthdays of Bea and Ron Shapiro by Joyce and Bobby BakerThe 90th birthday of Shirley Bond by Annette and Joe CooperThe 60th wedding anniversary of Dr. Irving and Barbara Donick by

Arnold and Judy ZerwitzThe 60th wedding anniversary of Suzanne and Sheldon Dagurt by Ellen

and Eddie FrankThe 30th wedding anniversary of Rebecca and Rabbi Steven Schwartz

by Hulane Zolet, Dr. Richard and Phyllis Kline, Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner

The 50th wedding anniversary of Pearl and Barry Gendason by Hulane Zolet

The 85th birthday of Irv Schwartz by Sue and Arnold Kohn, Lisa and Jerry Sopher, Marcy and Buzz Kolodny

The 55th wedding anniversary of Rita and Bob Fellerman by Lisa Pintzuk

The milestone birthday of Henry Horowitz by Sonia ObstlerThe special birthday of Sonia Obstler by Donna Goldman, Sandy Wise

and Fay Greenbaum, Esta and Marvin ScheinRandy Arndts and his new title as Director of Finance and his years of

service to Beth El by Susie and Dr. Charles MannBruce Friedman’s appointment to District Court Judge by Sarah RohanThe 90th birthday of Dr. Ed Berkowitz by Dr. Ed and Barbara BerkowitzIN APPRECIATION OF:Rabbi Schwartz and his guidance during my conversion by Emily

Herring and Brett GetlanRabbi Schwartz and his kindness during the loss of our father, Stuart

Renbaum by Judi and Bruce KletzOf my health and the many friends and family who prayed for my

recovery by Herb BerkowRabbi Schwartz officiating at the unveiling of Vivian Mishner by Dr. Ed

and Ann MishnerRabbi Steven Schwartz, Cantor Thom Kind and Dr. Eyal Bor for their

guidance and leadership during the Eastern European trip by Elaine and Danny Liebfeld

For the opportunity to travel to Eastern Europe with the members of Beth El by Myra and Michael Gershen

Rabbi Steven Schwartz by Revanne AronoffDr. Charles Fine for his kindness in helping with my dental practice

while I was in Eastern Europe by Dr. Joanne RiefDr. Ed Mishner by Susan AronoffMarshall Rief and his assistance during the Eastern European trip by

Susan AronoffSonia Obstler’s beautiful chanting of the Haftorah on her 85th birthday

by Renee and Burt KingA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:David Katz by Dr. Ed, Ann and Lauren MishnerMartha Siegel by Abe and Merle EissIN MEMORY OF:Pamela Geller by Dr. Ed and Ann Mishner, Hedy From and Michael

Rubenstein, Gail Lipsitz, Sonia Obstler, Robert and Ellen Samet, Margie and Ron Rubin, Taliya Adelstein, Judy Pachino, Dr. Patti and Ira Friedman, Pearl Imber, Sidney and Eunice Friedman, Steve and Freddye Silverman, Denise and Keith Franz, Jeff, Saralyn, Jesse, Evan and Adam Elkin, Dr. Joanne and Marshall Rief and Family, Yvonne and Eddie Epstein, Marcia Friedlander, Glenda Chernoff, Phyllis and Dr. Richard Kline, Stan and Carolyn Silverman, Gloria and Ira Luchinsky, Renee and Burt King, Hulane Zolet, Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner, Dara and Dr. Charles Schnee, Merle and Frank Setren, Bruce and Lisa Supovitz

Ann Goodman by Dr. Ed and Ann MishnerMelvin Greenwald by Fred and Phyllis LondonBeatrice Steelman by Denise and Keith FranzEdmund Glaser by Dr. Joseph and Linda NaporaHarold Sussman by Myra and Steve KatzIrv Meyers by John O’HaraDavid Kaplan by Alan Davidson, Hedy From and Michael Rubenstein,

Denise and Keith Franz, Hon. Charles and Lisa ShubowLeslie Gold by Susan BaumJeannette Goldman by Phyllis and Fred LondonAdam Janet by Denise and Keith Franz, John and Robin Denick, Jeff

and Saralyn Elkin and Family, Phyllis and Fred London, Dr. Mayer and Alice Schwartz, Jayne Klein, Dr. Joanne and Marshall Rief, Alan Davidson, Natalie and John Spector, Annette and Joseph Cooper, Edward and Diane Steinberg, Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner, Judy and Lee Rosenberg

Marsha Schwartz by Eunice and Sidney FriedmanJean Schreibman by Shirley Bond, Phyllis and Fred LondonDaniel David Sagel by Andrew SandlerEmily Rauch by Marilyn and Jim Dickman, Ronnie and Stanley

Amernick, Dr. Martin KannerShabtay Eskenazi by Denise and Keith Franz, Hal and Susan Hackerman,

Eva and Robert Slatkin, Dale and Ray Kahn

IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Mildred Pasarew and William Kleinman by Alan and Marcia PasarewFrieda Scherr by Allan and Janice ScherrWalter Kleinman and Henrietta Kleinman by Alan and Marcia PasarewMildred Katz by Steve and Myra KatzSigmund Snyder and Elsie Snyder by Faye and Harry AdlerDorothy Liss by Madge Reamer Kolman and FamilyMarvin Kurlander by Ann KurlanderNaum P. Eisenstadt by Gregory and Donna EisenstadtBessie Rubenstein by Michael Rubenstein and Hedy FromSolis James and Rhoda Michaelson by Bertha JamesElinor G. Levin and Morris Bond by Shirley Bond

THE AILENE SHER SOUL CENTER FUNDIN HONOR OF:The Aliyah received during our granddaughter Kylie’s Bat Mitzvah by

Annette and Bruce IngermanDenise Franz and her amazing work as President of Beth El by Saralyn


The Voice of Beth El Congregation

Page 23: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a


and Jeff ElkinBunny and Mike Roseman on their 70th wedding anniversary by Ellen

and Robert RosenThe Bat Mitzvah of Sienna Talles, granddaughter of Susan and Gary

Talles by Patsy and Robert SchulmanRandy Arndts and his promotion to Director of Finance by Jeff and

Saralyn Elkin and FamilyThe 30th wedding anniversary of Sheryl and Stuart Title by Debbie and

Michael KuntzThe birth of Walter Robert Farley, grandson of Judi and Howard Snyder

by Jeff, Saralyn, Jesse, Evan and Adam ElkinJudi Snyder being honored by The Federation of Jewish Women of

Maryland and receiving the Women Who Empower award by Saralyn, Jeff, Jesse, Evan and Adam Elkin

The 60th wedding anniversary of Rhona and Dr. Ivan Rosengarden by Elizabeth and Charles Jacobs

IN APPRECIATION OF:Fran Davis and her dedication to the Beth El Religious School by Jeff and

Saralyn Elkin and FamilyIN MEMORY OF:Hilda Amster by Ava and Marc Lenet, The Krieger FamilyGary Kaplan by The MSDE State Speech Language Pathologists Steering

CommitteeAnn Goodman by Marilyn and Jim Dickman, Lauren, Bradd, Noah and

Asher Caplan, Nancy and Dr. Marc Gertner, Donna and Jimmy SmithLouis Kaplan by Esther, Andy and Jodi LaytonMyron Rose by Selma and Gerald LeanMarsha Schwartz by Suzanne and Hank HorowitzAdam Janet by Karen and Alan BerkowitzMorris Eventoff by Nancy and Dr. Marc GertnerCharlotte Gordon by Ellen and Carol LoveJulie Lando by Betsy and Lou NarrowJoseph Bishow by Jon, Jen, Jared and Alison KriegerShabtay Eskenazi by Jon, Jen, Jared and Alison KriegerIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Ailene Sher by Michael Sher, Saralyn and Jeff ElkinDavid Rodman Cohan by Kim and Robert GlickMichael Lawrence Barnstein by Dr. Andrew Barnstein and Marci GordonBurton Jay Shapiro by Kathy and Sandy Shapiro


IN HONOR OF:The marriage of Mark Lewis, son of Fraeda and Elliot Lewis by Sherri and

Paul Weinblatt and familyThe 55th wedding anniversary of Rita and Robert Fellerman by Hulane



IN HONOR OF:The birth of Walter Robert Farley, grandson of Judi and Howard Snyder

by Gloria and Ira LuchinskyIN MEMORY OF:Rochelle Lipavsky by Honey and Jeff Litman


IN HONOR OF:The 90th birthday of Bob Smelkinson by Irwin Npoarstak


IN HONOR OF:The 75th birthday of Ellie Spind by Sandy and David Gordon


IN HONOR OF:Randy Arndts on becoming the Director of Finance and his 27 years of

service by Anita and Mickey SteinbergA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Anita Steinberg by Ellie SpindIN MEMORY OF:Victor Cohen by Anita and Mickey SteinbergAdam Janet by Anita and Mickey SteinbergMorris Eventoff by Anita and Mickey SteinbergShabtay Eskenazi by Anita and Mickey SteinbergEmily Rauch by Anita and Mickey SteinbergIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Irvin Steinberg by Melvin and Anita Steinberg


IN HONOR OF:Judi Snyder being honored by The Federation of Jewish Women of

Maryland by Diane and Jeff Lieberman


IN HONOR OF:The Bat Mitzvah of Brooke Baylin, granddaughter of Fern and Paul

Sheitel by Marilyn and Jim DickmanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Dennis Weiner by Rona Weiner


IN HONOR OF:The special birthday of Susan Weinstein by Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf and

Dr. Perry RobbinsThe special birthday of Sandra Berman by Susan and Elliot WeinsteinA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Susan and Elliot Weinstein by Carole and Gilbert Schecter


IN HONOR OF:The special birthday of Shirley Bond by Susie and Steve WeintraubA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Benjamin Kuntz by Susie and Steve WeintraubDt. Stephen Levin by Susie and Steve WeintraubIN MEMORY OF:Barbara Zirkin by Susie and Steve WeintraubAdam Janet by Susie and Steve Weintraub

THE YAHRZEIT FUNDIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Bessie Salkin by Jay and Janet SalkinStanley D. Bond by Shirley BondStacy Pass by Arlyn PassGertrude Simons by Dee and Harold SimonsMaurice “Maury” Rudo by Barbara and Harry KellmanHannah Tannebaum and Stanley Bernard Tannebaum by Marilyn

Weisman and FamilyRuth Hartman by Barry and Barbara FriedRobert Jay Pintzuk by Lisa PintzukSara Uhlfelder by David and Joan UhlfelderLeon Kuryk by David and Alice KurykEmanuel Freeman by Sharon CaplanCyrel Gottesman by Steve and Aliza GottesmanGilbert Miller by Rebecca and Dr. Sidney SeidmanSylvia Fox by Edith and Stephen WinegradSusan J. Goldberg by Martha J. SiegelRose Glazer by Cookie and Moses GlazerRuben Orman by Dr. Edward and Norma OrmanBlossom Friedman and Jeff Franz by Denise and Keith FranzJerome Franklin by Phyllis FranklinAvram Kalderon by Flora FriedmanSidney Rudman by Don and Eileen HimelfarbWalter McIntosh by Dr. Roger McIntoshHannah Wolfe Schnitzer by Jerry and Lynn SchnitzerEdith V. Singer by Arthur and Joan JanofskyRalph Rosenfield by Linda and Burton HalpertLois Schein by Phyllis and Fred LondonAdolph Snyder by Bruce and Arlene SnyderGussie Kaplan by Marsye KaplanIsrael Morrison and all my loved ones by Evelyn MorrisonCarolyn Greenberg by Jeff Greenberg and FamilyDr. Irving Lowitz by Susan Silberman SugarmanAnne Chernick by Sidney and Rosalie ChernickStanley Bernard Tannebaum by Linda OraveczHerman M. Kling by Suzanne and Dr. Lyndell SchwartzGrace Hoffman Sinsky by Ellwood and Thelma Sinsky and FamilyEdward F. Baumel by Bonnie and Neale DeutschElizabeth Barcun Berleant by Helene AgeloffPearl Zerolnick by Lawrence and Barbara ZerolnickScott Mazer by Jerald MazerJonas Grosshandler by Dawn GrosshandlerHelene Janice Darling by Steven A. HaffnerSidney Poland by Stacey and Edward HamburgSonia Rascusin Hirshfeld by Ellwood and Thelma Sinsky and FamilyDavid Mellits by Janet Mellits MazorHannah F. Kurland by Dr. Alfred and Marilyn RosensteinPhilip Mann by Dr. Michael MannHannah Tannebaum, Stanley Tannebaum, Katie Pass by Arlyn PassMarvin Stanford by Ann Kurlander Courtney Leigh Siegel by Gary Siegel and FamilyAnna Esther Smith and Harry Smith by Dr. Charles and Susie MannLinda Susan Lebowitz by Donna and Edwin LebowitzJulius Bondroff by Joyce, Brad, Courtney, Jonathan, Emily, Stanley and

Reita BondroffLeo Jekel by Solomon JekelSara Pelta by Judy and Mike PeltaStephen Peter Cohen, M.D. by The Cline FamilyBerta Kalderon by Flora K. FriedmanHerbert A. Kaplan by Roslyn Caplan

Morris Kessler by Marilyn HolzmanMorris katz by Jeffrey and Eunice KatzOlga Sommer by Dr. Vera PinterRosadean Askin by Sandy AskinIsadore Schnapper by Elaine GoodmanHerman Kimmelman by Jackie and Marvin ShumanMarsha Sarital by Stephen and Aliza GottesmanBertha Klein by Susan KleinJacob Marks by Marvin and Dee MarksShirley Polakoff and Bernard Polakoff by Renee and Burt KingCelia Sucoff and Joesph Shapiro by Marsha LevinePauline Levine by Gail and Dr. Stanley FriedlerDorothy Allex by Lenora TallesJack Glick by Billy and Carole GlickBlossom K. Friedman by Marcia KatzKalman Rosoff by Robert and Harriet RosoffArnold Finkelstein by Roy and Benita FinkelsteinLaura Fiderer by Charles and Elizabeth JacobsEllis Fader and Ben Fader by Esther BerelowitzCourtney Siegel by Faye and Harry AdlerBlossom Friedman by Denise and Keith FranzMorris Sweren by Herbert SwerenRifat Kambi by Rozi KambiDavid Saiontz by Sara, Allison and Danny HayesSamuel Singer by Elliott and Eileen SingerLloyd Green by Harvey GorenDennis Gordon by Marci Gordon and Dr. Andrew BarnsteinDaniel Tannebaum by The Weisman FamilyLeo Jekel by Jeanette Davis and Dr. Solomon JekelSophie Glick by Irving I. GlickAlice Hovan by Marcia GellisNaomi Prince by Amy and Mark BondLena Better by Herb and Michele BetterIrene Deitchman by Judy and Mayer PeltaElsie Fogel by Leon and Shirley CohenRoberta “Bobbie” Asher by Marsye KaplanZena Ginsberg by Jeannie and Ed Ginsberg

THE YOUTH EDUCATION FUNDIN HONOR OF:The birth of Walter Robert Farley, grandson of Judi and Howard Snyder

by Dr. Ed and Ann MishnerA SPEEDY RECOVERY TO:Dr. Sheldon Bearman by Lee and Alfred WhitemanIN MEMORY OF:Marilyn Cohen by Judy and Lee RosenbergAnn Goodman by Marci Gordon, Andrew Barnstein, David and

SamanthaBarbara Zirkin by Christine MueheBarry Wasserman by Ann KurlanderShirley Sheer by Denise and Keith Franz, Eileen and Elliott SingerMitchell Young by Bev and Shel ForchheimerRichard Plotkin by Karen, Mike, Stephen and Rachel NormanIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Jozsef Dallos by Dr. Vera PinterAnna Blaustein by Lee and Alfred WhitemanLinda Lebowitz by Amy and Jack LebowitzSamuel Blaustein and Paul Harry Blaustein by Alfred and Lee Whiteman


IN HONOR OF:The 25th wedding anniversary of Howard and Mary Zlotowitz by The

Asher Family, Linda and David LevineThe birth of a great-grandson to Lois Balser by Phyllis IsaacsonIN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF:Jesse Hurwitz by Phyllis Isaacson


The Voice of Beth El Congregation


In loving memory of Herbert ReamerBy Rona K. Schultz, Jennifer, Ira, Jordyn & Alexa

Cohen,Lauren, Craig & Claudia Colton

Page 24: Special Edition HighHolyDays - ShulCloud...of ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. Every day throughout the month of . Elul, the . shofar. blasts at the end of services; a

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We are a progressive, egalitarian, and inclusive congregation affiliated with the Conservative Movement. We embrace the interplay between innovation and tradition. We strive to create a community in which Judaism feels central, indispensable, and relevant to 21st century life. We believe that Torah (exploring the accumulated wisdom of our tradition),

Chesed (extending kindness, hospitality, and generosity to others) and Kedusha (bringing God and holiness into life’s every day and sacred moments) can provide us with direction, meaning, and connection in an evolving world.

Phone: 410-484-0411 • School Phone: 410-484-4543 • www.bethelbalto.com

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Owings Mills, MD


Rabbi Jacob B. Agus, z”l (1911-1986) Founding Rabbi

Rabbi Mark G. Loeb, z”l (1944-2009)Cantor Saul Z. Hammerman, z”l (1926-2008)


Sunday, September 29 at 5:00 p.m.at Beth El’s New Pavilion

Apple dipping and honey treats for kids

Make a L’chayim with mead (honey wine)and delicious Appletinis

Get your New Year’s photo taken with our clergy in our “clergy photo-booth”

Live music to bring in the joyand sweetness of 5780!

for all ages


Senior StaffSenior Rabbi Steven P. SchwartzRabbi Dana SarokenCantor Thom D. KingCantor Educator Melanie BlattExecutive Director Joshua BenderDirector of Education Eyal Bor, Ph.D.Ritual Director Ben KreshtoolDirector of Development Amanda Beitman

Beth El OfficersPresident Edward Mishner, M.D.1st Vice President David Harrison2nd Vice President Bruce FriedmanSecretary Rebecca FrumanTreasurer Bruce SupovitzComptroller Hal Hackerman

Board MembersJill BaldingerHerbert BetterMargery DanielsJeanette DavisWendy EloverKevin FrumanKenneth GoldbergEdward GoldmeierRichard GrilliEden HimelfarbJerry JanofskyMyra KatzRobin KleimanElissa KohelSusan Kolker

Jeffrey KreshtoolJennifer KriegerRegan La TestaJennifer MillmanIra OringJoanne RiefA. Ronald RubinIlene SchwartzJoshua SheinDebra ShoreMindy SilvermanMichael UhlfelderSteven WeinsteinMitchell WhitemanGail Willoughby

Past Presidents*Reuben H. Levenson*Melvin H. Chernoff*Samuel J. Keiser*Dr. William Raffel*Julius Offit*Milton Roseman*Milton Snyder*Ira AskinRobert N. SmelkinsonCharles Yumkas*Klaus Buchdahl*Mildred MillerSidney Friedman*Max MendelsohnLouis GlickElliot Merenbloom

David YumkasAlbert M. KatzAlan S. DorenfeldJohn P. AboschMargot GilisonDr. Robert D. KeehnBeverly S. PennRichard S. HollanderMichael D. SteinhardtRaphael KahnSteven D. SilvermanJerome D. SchnydmanMichael S. RubensteinDenise Franz
