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The verb 'to be'

I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not

I'm Mondy and this is Alice. We are friends. Alice is from Mexico, but I am from Canada.

I am we are I'm

you are you are you' re

he is he's

she is they are she's it is it's


I'm not Am I ... ? you aren't Are you ... ? he isn 't he ... ? she isn 't Is she ... ? it isn 't it ... ? we aren't we ... ? you aren't Are you ... ? they aren't they ... 1

we' re you're


Yes, I am. Yes, you are . Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

Are they al school? No, they aren't.

They're al the park.

No, I'm not. No, you aren 't. No, he isn't. No, she isn 't. No, it isn 't . No, we aren't. No, you aren't. No, they aren't.

• We normally use the long form of the verb to be (am, is, are) when we write. Helena ;s from Sweden She is seventeen years old.

• We normally use the short form of the verb to be ('m, '5, 're) when we speak. John! It's so nice 10 see you again!

• In short answers we do not repeat the whole question. We use Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the verb form am/'m not, is/isn't, are/a ren't . Is ~he your fflend? Yes, she is. (NOT: Yes, sRe is FR )' fFiend.)

• We use the long form of the verb to be in positive short answers. Are you tired1 Yes, I am. (NOT: Yes, J!R:J.)

• We use the short form of the verb to be in negative short answers. Is he your teacher? No, he isn 't. (NOT: No, Re is not.)


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1 2

3 4


6 7


, ,.

Fill In the correct form of the verb to


l ong fo rm Short form

He I clever. He clever.

They ....... young. They ....... young.

I ....... Clare. 1 ....... Clare.

You ....... not a You ....... a student. student.

We ...... from Paris. We ....... f rom Paris.

I ....... not happy. I ....... happy.

She ....... a teacher. She ....... a teache r.

It ....... not a It ....... a laptop. laptop.

2 Look at the table and answer the

questions .


Country Age Job

(arIa Brazi l 20 unive rsity student

Alex Russia 30

Gui\\ermo Spain 40

I1jranda the USA 40

1 Is (aria Russian?

No, hE: isn't. She's Brazilian.

2 Is (aria thi rty years old?




3 Are Alex and Mira nda doctors?

4 Is Gui llermo a university student?

5 Are Gui llermo and Miranda twenty years


6 Is Alex from Spain?

7 Is Carla a teacher?


Look at the pictures and fill in is/ isn't, are/aren't and he, she, it or they.

A: Gary a fireman. B: he old?

A: No, . H,


2 A: Lucy ...... .... a teacher. B: .......... at school now? A: Yes, ... .... ..... ............. .

3 A: This .............. my cat! B: ....................... a boy? A: No, ......................... .

........................ a gi rl.

4 A: Michael ... .......... ....... . a tennis player.

B: .......................... tall?

A: Yes, ......................... .

5 A: Sarah and Vicky ..... .


sisters. B: ............... at school? A: No, ....................... .

................. at home.

Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verb to be.

Hi. my name 1) Alice. I 2) .. ..... ... a music student and

3) ....... ... seventeen years old My favourite instrument 4)

the violin. ThIS 5) best Iflend Ka'e :lI

6J ~

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5 1







Fill in the gaps with om/'m/'m not, ;s/,s/isn't, ore/'re/aren't.

A: Are you a footballer?

B: No, I .................... I ................... a

basketball player.

A: ................... that a DVD player? B: No, it ................. It ................ a laptop.

A: ................... they sunglasses?

B: No, they ................... They ................. .


A: ................... that a mirror?

B: Yes, it ................... .

A: ................... Frank from Germany?

B: No, he ................... He ................. from


A: ... ................ your skateboards new? B: Yes, they ................... .

A: ................... she a doctor?

B: No, she ................ She ............ a nurse.

S A: ................... you from Portugal?

B: Yes, I ............. ... I ............... Portuguese.

6 Fill in the gaps with the correct form

of the verb to be.

Martin: Hi! I 1) 'm Martin and I 2) .......... from


Louise: Hello! I 3) .......... Louise and I 4) ..... .... .

from England. Pleased to meet you.

This 5) .......... my friend, Fiona.

Martin: Hi, Fiona! 6) ..... ..... you from the USA?

Fiona: No, I 7) .......... not. I 8) .......... from

England, too. We 9) .......... both


(ouise: 10) .......... you from Paris, Martin ?

Martin: Yes, I 11 ) ........... 12) ... ... .... you and

Fiona from London?

Looise: No, we 13) .......... . We 14) ......... .

from Liverpool.



Fill In the gaps with the correct form

of the verb to be.

I 1) 'm Juan, your new pen-friend. I 2) .. ........... .

eleven years old and I 3) ............. . from Spain. My

brother Pedro 4) .............. thirteen years old and he

5) .......... .... really good at football! David Beckham

6) .............. his favourite player. My parents

7) .............. Carlos and Maria and they 8) ............ ..

both forty-five years old. They 9) ..... ......... primary

school teachers . My best friend 10) .... .... ..... .

Melinda. We 11 ) .............. in the same school, but

we 12) .............. in the same class. What about you?

Write soon!


8 Speaking look at the prompts. In pa irs, ask and

answer questions, as in the example.

• What/your/name?

• How old/you?

• When/your/birthday?

• Where/you/from?

• What/your/ favourite colour?

A: What your name?

B: My name is George. What '§ your name? ete



Write an emall to yo ur new e- pa l

talking about you a nd your family. Use

Ex. 7 as a mod el.

• Hi,

I'm Mary and I'm fourteen yeof5 old ..



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The verb 'have got'

A: Hove they got a A. Has Meg got fair He's got two J've got a

1100 hair? children. headache. B· No, they haven ' l, B: Yes, she has. She's

They've got a got fair hair and house blue eyes.

You } have got You } 've got

You } have not got You } haven 't got


} He } He

} He

} She has got She '5 got She has not got She hasn 't got It It It It


} We

} We

} We

} You have got You ' ye got You have not got You haven 't got They They They They

Have I/you/we/they got' {Yes, I{you/we/they have.

No, I/you/we/they haven 't .

Has he/she/ it got? (Yes, he/she/it has .

No, he/she/it hasn't .


We use the verb have got: • to show that something belongs to someone.

Wc ve got two goJdfHI" 01 :I a cat.

• to describe people, an imals or things. Eoc .) have got big Wifly

• to talk about relationships. Have you got 0 tWin brother?

• with the following expressions: I've gol a headache/stomachache/toothache, erc, f've got a temperature, f've got a cough I've got Q

cold, I ''le got a problem.


• In short answers we do not use got. Hove got a t have, (NOT: Yes, f RO.", got.)

• /.f a 1 (He is) He broth . (He has)

• We use got more in the present and not so often in the past tense.

(NOT Sh less common)

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a) Fill In: '5, hasn't, 've, haven't.

1 David got a laptop.

2 Emma ................... got a guitar.

3 They ................... got a DVD player. 4 David ................... got a mobile phone.

S Emma ................... got an MP3 player. 6 They ................... got a TV.





MP3 player



b) In pairs, tell your partner what each person has got.

c) Which of these have you got? Which of these things haven ' t you got? Write


11 Ask and answer, as In the example.

1 Amy/blue eyes? h,


2 Jack and Paulal bicycles?

3 (indy/a camera?

4 they/schoolbags?

5 Mr Kennedy/a beard?

12 Fill In: have, haven't, has or hasn't.

1 A: -10\ Barry and Vicky got a TV?

B: Yes, they ................... .

2 A: ................... you got a big garden?

B: No, I ................... .

3 A: .............. " ... Sarah got an evening dress?

B: Yes, she ................... .

4 A: ............... .... your mum got a laptop?

B: No, she ................. . .

5 A: . .................. Mr and Mrs little got


B: Yes, they ................... .

6 A: ................... you got a cold?

B: Yes, I ................... I feel terrible.

7 A: . b , ................... your sIster got rown eyes.

B: No, she ..... ..............

8 A: ................... your dad got a red car?

B: No, he ................... . His car is blue.

9 A: .................. Andrew got a big bedroom?

B: Yes, he ...................

lO A: ................... your brothers got mobile


B: No, they ................... .



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a) look at the table and write

sentences, as In the example.

_ • .f-

: DVD player ",f, ,f '. .~---.-..... ;. --------<---·-,-··-i

TV ~ i ~ : ~ ~ ~ guitar I ~ --r- X -,' ·--,f_·,----ii---, -. ....... --- -.~- .- .~--





/OJ hI,.. "Jot a TV and a gwtar. He hmn', gOl a

DVDp'yr. ............................ ,., .................................. . ..................................................................





b) look at the table again . In pairs, ask

and answer questions, as in the example.

A. H05 e JI a DVD plaYI:. ?

B: Ne h hasn f. et

Complete the dialogue with the correct

form of the verbs be or have (got).

Julia: Hi! 1) -m Julia. What 2) ................ your name?

Ted: My name 3) ................ Ted. Julio: Where 4) ................ you from?

Ted: I 5) ................ from Rome.

Julia: I 6) .. ..... ......... from Pari s.

7) ................ you ............ .. any brothers or sisters?

Ted: Yes, I 8) ................ .

I 9) ................ two brothers.

What about you?

Julia: No, 110) ................ , but

''---I 11 ) ................ lots of pets'

5 Fill In the gaps using the correct form

of the verbs be or have got.

lI i~ I I) ~ I clissa.

2) ................. fiftccn years o ld

and 13) ................ from r-. lexico.

f\h mum 4) ............ Hclell and :-he 5) .............. [hin,-ninc ,can,

old. She 6) ..................... " secretary. )''1r dad. Pablo.

7) ..................... fOr1 }'-fi\c and he 8) .

an English [each(,l. He 9) ................. 100S of

book~! Tr<lcy 10) .............. my sister and she J I) ................. ten YC<lrs old. She: 12) tall and she 13) .................... n:ry long hlonde hair! We 14) ..................... a cat.. lOO! We call it Tina. Tina 15) ..................... brown fur and she

16) ..................... really cute:

16 Write true sentences about you .

1 I/from Italy ................................................ .. ~ ............. .

2 I/two brothers

............................... .. .. ............. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. ...

3 My mum/a teacher

4 My dad/a car . .. , ............. ,.,., .. .. .................. .. .. ... . .. ........... .

5 We/a big house

........ ,., ............... ,.,.,., ............... ,., ... , ........ .. .

Speaking 17 Ask each other about your personal


A. Have VOu got 0 camera?

B: 5, I hOVE et

Writing 18 Use your partner's answers to write

about what he/ she has/ ha£n 't got.

~asn'l gOl ..

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Subject/ Object pronouns

me rh, q Ba,..,.. loak at you you he him

him .1 '" he ee' He IS big,

'he her but he s only 'wo We lov him

it it and he (oves 115 very much

we u, you you they them

We use personal subject pronouns before verbs:

• instead of nouns. hi hi e al big . It 1'0 t five

bed, 'J( (It = the house) • instead of names.

Belh s,u~ st fr end.

(She = Beth)

Look at the pictures and fill In the gaps

with the correct subject or object

pronouns. as In the example.

1 Look at him.

HE is a doctor.

2 l ook at ................ . ........... is a hummingbird.

3 Look at ................ .

................ is a teacher.


4 look at ... ........ ..... . ................ are singers.

We use object pronouns after: • verbs.

We 'VE gal four de g5 We take them for a .va k evef'\ day.

• prepositions. a me!

Fill In the gaps with the correct lubjectj

object pronoum.

1 Look at me! I can ride a bike.

2 This is Jim ........... is my cousin.

3 Jessica is beautiful today. Look at .......... !

4 I've got a problem. Can .......... help .......... ?

S Look at ........... They can play tennis so well!

6 This is my skateboard ........... is red.

Read the dialogue. Then write what the

underlined pronoum mean.

Becky: Have 1) you got a dress for the party?

Sandy: Yes, 2) ! have but 3) i!'s really old! What

about 4) you?

Becky: No, I haven't. l et's go shopping then!

Sandy: Great idea! Alice can join S) us too!

Becky: Perfect! 6) She's got good ta'te!

Sandy: Here's the phone. Call 7) her!

1 Sandy 4 ............ 6 2 ............ 5 . ........... 7 . .... _--_ ... 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . ............

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Plural, • Most nouns take -s to form the plural.

two kittens

• Nouns ending in -5, -ss, As h, -ch, -x, -0 take -es to form the plural.

903 • gases. gla~ • glasses, brush • brushes, match , matches, fox • foxes, tomato • tomatoes

a torch two torches

BUT Some nouns ending in -0 take only -5.

)hOl0 .. phoros, deo • videos,

P/o • ippos, (J m~ • rhinos,

d, • radios

• Nouns ending in a vowel + y take -s in the


two boys

• Nouns ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and take -ies in the plural.

ab "y two but terflies

22 Write the plural.

r "I'!! m 1 window windows

2 woman I " 3 wife I

I 4 baby

5 mouse



• Nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the -f or the

-fe and take -ves in the plural.

th, • rI ' ves, wife , wives

'1 km P rhftl knives

BUT Some nouns ending in -f or -fe take

only -5.






girafft: • giraffes, cMf --. cliffs,

., • roofs

deer deer

fish fi sh

sheep sheep

foot feet

tooth teeth

goose geese

man men

woman women

chi ld children

mouse mice

ox oxen

person people

~ tooth





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3 Complete the table.

• sock • shelf • potato • foot • roof

• mouse • knife • city • tomato • man

• cherry • country • watch • sheep

• hat • pillow • cliff • grape • curtain

• child • stravvberry • dress • photo • goose

socks, ............................................. .

........................................................ ~"+

........................................................ c---i-

........................................................ ~~- I--

_ _ ..t...= .................................................... ···· 1

4 Circle the correct Item.

1 Jack's got two ...... and a cat.

A goldfishs B goldfish

C goldfishes

2 ...... have gOl really long necks.

A Giraffes B Giraves C Giraffe

3 My grandfather has got lots of ...... on his


A gomes B goose C geese

4 The ...... in the photo are very cute!

A babys B babies C baby

5 Mary's got two ...... and a girL

A boys B boy C boyes

6 Give me five ...... and four bananas, please.

A tomatos B tomato

C tomatoes

25 Rewrite the sentenc:es in the plural.

1 It is a fox. h

2 He is a man .

3 It is a chair.

4 It is a deer.

26 Circle the odd one out. Explain why.

1 city - baby - lady - boy

boy - a(d to r ral

2 cliff - thief - knife - wife

3 child - deer - cat - foot

4 class - radio - watch - box

5 sheep - deer - fish - mouse

Speaking 27 Use the plural form of the drcled

words from Ex.26 to make sentences.

The boys Ir nJy J rei



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There is/There are

There is There are

Is there ... ?

Are there ... ?

There is not

There are not

(Yes, there is.

No, there isn't.

There isn't

There aren't

[Yes, there are.

No, there aren't.

• We use there is to list things in the Singular.

There is (I ,., If the I

There's 01 I t'ploct alld 0 coffee table. Is there '1 TV' No there isn't There aren 't any armchair but there Ofe two sofas. There ore somf' u mons on th f1l Are there am P 'ople j f1

11 there aren f

Then 's (of, ld a peno cm (NOT: TRe~ fiFe a book, Q laptop and ... ) • We use there are to list things in the plural. The re are hasn't got a short form.

Then nv :;ha;r< and t", WI 5 if ,0

• We use there + be to mention something for the first time or to say that something or someone exists . We use it + be to give more details about something or someone that has already been mentioned. The, is



not any/no


abi It is


not any/no


• We use some in affirmative sentences with: a) plural countable nouos .

TIle some ~ra l berre.~ in the

b) uncounta ble nouns. ,ere some )UP m ('" pat

• We use any in negative and interrogative sentences with: a) plu ral countable nouns.

the ~ any t b) uncounta ble nouos.

T ~t any sugc In the Q.

There re some e -1 s " the basK there any 0" JP /u ne u 7 No here, 1 '( but th p som,. mlrk Inert IS no bre'1Q but

some nd some 0

Note: We can use no instead of not any in negative sentences. There is no milk in the bottle. (= Therf isn 't any 11

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look at the picture and fill in there is/ isn't, there ore/aren't and some/any.

-I I

1 There isn a washing machine in the kitchen,

bu t ............................ a fridge.

2 ......... ................... a cooker in the kitchen,

but ..... ... .................... a microwave oven.

3 ............................ chairs in the kitchen, bu t

............................ cupboards.

4 ............................ flowers in the kitchen,

but ............................ a plant.

5 ............................ food on the table.

6 .......... ..... ............. people in the kitchen.

29 Use the Ideas to ask and answer questions

as in the example. Use there Is/ are In their correct form and some or any.

1 flowers I in the vase? - No

A: Ar. rher any flowers In th

B: No, thelt or 'n am flo" e

2 people I room? - Yes

A: ............................................ ................•

B: ....................................................... ..... .

3 cheese / in the fridge? - No

k ......................................................... ... .

B: ............................................................ .

4 plates / in the cupboard? - No

A: .......................... ... ....... ........................ .

B: ..................... ....................................... .

5 milk I in the bottle? - Yes

k ............................................................ .

B: ............................................................ .

o Look at the pictures and the nouns In the list. Write the differences, as In the example .

• curtains • firep lace • sofa • clock • photos • chairs • lamp • books • television

::r ...,......11-

There are mfR. CUf{\.-Ir: n {hI.. N;11dow n picture A. b:Jf there ren any C Jrt ns n tile wmd... n p


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Underline the correct word, as in the


1 There is any/ some juice in the fridge.

2 There aren't any/ some clothes in the

wardrobe. 3 Are there any/some chairs in the living

room? 4 There are any/some cherries in the bowl.

5 Are there any/some glasses on the table?

6 There is any/some garlic in the salad.

Rewrite the sentences changing them

from singular to plural or vice versa .

1 There is a flower in the vase.


2 There aren't any books on the tables.

3 Is there a cushion on the sofa?

4 There aren't any trees in the parks.

5 Are there any plates in the cupboards?

6 There is a pen on the desk.

3 Complete the dialogue with there is (n't)/ are or is/are there.

A: Hello, I wonder if you can help me. 1) ,..,re any good sports clothes shops near here?

B: Yes, 2) .......................... 3) ....................... ..

a Nike store on Oxford Street . 4) ..................... .

also a Puma shop on the next street. They sell

trainers, shorts and much more.

A: Thank you. One last question, 5) .................... ..

an Indian restaurant near here, too?

B: No, 6) ....................... , but 7) .................... ..

an Italian restaurant that serves great

spaghetti and salad.

A: Thank you.

B: You're welcome.

Fill In the gaps with there or it.

1 is a letter fo r you. is probably from

your cousin. 2 Alice! Come here! .............. is someone here to

see you. I think .............. is your friend, Darren.

3 A: Is .............. a pa rk near here?

B: Yes, .............. is ............... is only five·

minutes walk away.

4 .............. is a jacket on the sofa ............... is

Usa's, isn't it?

5 Look! .............. is a rainbow in the sky .

.............. is really beautiful.

35 Complete the emall with the correct

form of there Is and there are.

Hi J ohn. I h)\1 are rOil ? Wc're in our new hOllse now. It 's

great. I'm so happ)"! In the garden, I) a s\\'imming pool. The

hOll se has two flool"s. On the ground floor 2) ......................... a kitchen. a dining room, a sUldy and a living room, In the living room, 3) ................... . a lon;l)' old ~replace. 4) ........ . ...... any bedrooms downstairs.

011 the first Huur, 5) ........................ three bedruoms and two bathroo ms. III onc or the bedrooms, 6) ......................... a computer, so I have a quiet place 1.0 play all my computer games. 7) ............................. it computer in your bedroom?

I hope you can visit llle this summer and see the hOllsc for yourselr. Take care, J amcs

Speaking In pairs, ask each other questions

about what there is/ are in your house.

Writing Write a short em a ll to your fr iend

describing yo ur house. Use Ex. 35 as a

mode l.

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This/These - That/Those

this "'~ these u:w~~

that u:w )J those KW

psI These photm

fantastl I

L I\ .... m That 5 andad

no£/se Orlu those ole his cows.J

We use this/ these: We use that/ those: • for people, animals or things near us.

This t Thf le • for people, animals or things far away from us.

That h ,.. Thou • to introduce people. if( th; L

• to introduce oneself on the phone. Thi.s

We can also use this/ these and that/those in wh-questions. We answer these questions with it or they. this rhat It (NOT: This/That ;s an insect.)

or these those They (NOT: Tl:lcselTRose are insects.)

Fill in the blanks with this, these, that or


1 n is a skateboard and is a bike.

2 .. .......... are trainers and ............ are gloves.

3 •... ........ is a guitar and ............ is a camera .

9 Write the sentences In the plural .

1 This is a DVD player. Thes are DVD playef5.

2 That is a laptop ..................................... ... .

3 This is a skirt. ................................... .... .... .

4 That is a foot. ........................................... .

5 This is a TV ...................................... ......... .

6 That is a cupboard ................................... .

Complete with this, that, these, those.

1 Hello? t is Penny Elberton speaking.

2 look at ............ colourful birds in the sky!

Aren't they lovely?

3 Mum, ............ is my new friend Monica.

4 My feet are killing me ............. shoes are too small.

5 Mmm! ............ cake is delicious!

6 Who's ............ boy over there? Is he a new




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Possessive adjectives - Possessive pronouns

• Possess ive adjectives show: a) that something belongs to someone.

This is his new car. b) the relationship between two or more people.

rll~y or our grandparents.

• We put possessive adjectives before nouns .

This IS your sUitcase.

• Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. Compare: That is our cor. (possessive adjective)

That car is ours. (possessive pronoun)

• Possessive pronouns are not followed by nouns.

Notes: a) There is no possessive pronoun for the personal pronoun it .

b) We use the patterns a friend of mine/yours/ his, etc to mean one

of a number of friends. Julie is a friend of mine. (NOT: a friend eI-me)

Are Paul and LOUlse friends of yours ! (NOT: friends ~) Jason is out with a friend of his. (NOT: a friend ef-him)

my mine

your yours

his his

her hers


our ours

your yours

their theirs

its = possessive adjective Look at thal -or! Its rod very


it's = it is or it has

11~)"ve your new dress! It's (i t is)

fantastic! Our new house is huge! ft 's (it

hQ~) got six bedrooms and a


41 Choose the correct item, as in the example.

1 This is Helen She is our/ us friend

42 Complete the table with the correct

possessive adjectives and pronouns. - r . "f· 2 A: Whose is this camera?

B: It is my/ mine. 'i" Luey h" her~

3 Hi! I'm left and this is Fred. We/ Our are 2 Phil brothers.

~ David &: Maria 4 This is Andrew and Sophie. Look at them/

~ Tom and I their . S the cat

S Luey and Steve are cousins. This is their/ 6 Sam and you theirs dog. 7 I

6 Look at Emma. Her/Hers hair is so nice today.



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Fill In the appropriate poueulve

adjectives/ pronouns, as In the example.

1 A: Wow! look at hel (she) new dress!

8: Yes, it's very pretty.

2 A: Where is Mary?

8: She's out with a friend of ............. (she).

3 A: Is this ............. (he) I'ptop? 8: No, it's ............. (I).

4 A: This is ............. (we) new house.

B: It's very nice. Where is ............. (you) bedroom?

5 A: Does your dad know Mr Cl ark?

B: Yes! He's a friend of ............. (he) .

6 A: Is this your mum? What's ............. (she)


8: Stephanie.

Underline the correct pOSleuive

odjective or pOSlesslve pronoun.

A: Hi, Emilyl How are you?

B: Hi, Dean! I'm fine. I'm home alone today.

A. Where are 1) yo ur/yo urs parents?

B: Oh! They're staying at 2) o ur/ours house by

the sea.

A: That's nice! Do you want to hang out then?

B: Sure! We can listen to 3) my/ mine new COs.

4.; That's a great idea . I've got some COs of

4) yo ur/ yours, too.

B: OK. Bring them with you, please.

A Is the Alicia Keys CD 5) my/ mine or

6) your/yo urs?

8.' It's 7) my/ mine dad's! Can you bring it as

well, please?

A OK. I'm eating 8) my/ mine breakfast now.

can be at 9) your/yo urs place in an hour.

S: That's perfect! See you then.

,.; Bye!

. I I I

45 Fill In the gaps with its or it's.

1 look at that dog! ears are very long!

2 This isn' t her book ............ his.

3 Th is is a great house! ......... huge.

4 let's go outside ............ a nice, sunny day.

S I've got a Persian ca t. ........... fur is thick and


6 "Is that their house?" "No, ........... ours."

46 Read the text, then use subject/ object pronouns,

or poueulve adjectlves/

pronouns to fill In the


HI, 1)

2) ........ .

name is ()alre

am fourteen years

old. Here is a picture of me With two

friends of 3) ........... .

4) .. ............ names are Beth and Erin . Beth is

from London. (an you see 5) .............. on the left?

6) ..... ....... .. looks so happy! Enn IS from Ireland, but

7) .. .. .. ........ lives In Manchester. 8) ..... .. .. .. all go to

school together and 9) .... ... .. ... favourite hobby IS

dancing! I love 10) .............. very much!

Speaking 47 In pairs, ask each other about your

friends. Ask about:

• name • age • favourite food

• favourite subject

Wo nlme

B: MOrlo t )w d hp plc

Writing 48 Write a short paragraph about your

friend . Use Ex. 46 as a model.



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S 6



Poue.ssive Case

This /( Roberta s iaptop.

To show possession:

Look at the birds '


• we add an's after names and singular nouns. Jack' t 1~

irl bag re • we add' to plural nouns ending in -5.

Itl Uie )'1d r.

• with an irregular plural noun we add '5.

~" • when the same thing belongs to two or

more people, we add ' 5 to the last noun.

T{ al I red and Notasha 's new hous4 (The house belongs to Ted and Natasha.)

• when two or more things belong to two or more people and we want to show that

each person has his/her own thing, we add 's to each noun.

Those If Christine 's and Jenny 's coat (Christine has a coat and Jenny has a coat, too.)

Underline the correct word(s) .

My brother's/ brothers' name is Martin .

Toms'/Tom's trainers are white.

Our rabbi t 's/rabbits ' names are Shadow

and Flopsy.

These are Kate's and John 's/Kate and John


Those are the men 's/mens' sweaters.

Is this the childrens' /children's room?

Th!!. IJ Rick and Alan 's {;)g.

These are Sandro 's and fmma 's children.

Other Possessive Forms

1 We use of to talk about things or parts of things.

r 11 of the house } lrjen

(NOT: '/:le /:I9IcJSe 'S 009F because 'house' is a thing)

2 To refer to a place (shop/business/house, etc) we add an apostrophe + s. Iv Ann 's. (= Ann's house) Nick is butcher 's. (= the shop)

3 We also use the possessive to refer to time. Ovr hotel five minutes walk frf)m th l beach.

I,., 'd Q year's work to finish this pmject

Note: We can use the possess ive without a noun after it. TI )1) le P Jrr /} not mm Steve's. (Steve's mobile phone)

7 I can see the tower of the castle/ the castle's


8 That is Tom's and Ted/ Tom and Ted 's dog.

9 Julias'/Julia 's mobile phone is pink.

10 My mothers' / mother's car is small.

11 Sens'/Ben's ball is red.

12 Their dog's/dogs' names are Max and Barry.

13 We can't visit Sue. She's at Marys/ Mary's.

Page 18: spark 2 grammar.pdf

look at the family tree below. Then, fill in t he g a ps, as In the example.

1 Alice is Philip's wife . She's hi!. wife.

2 Philip is ............. .. ... and .................. father. He's

.......... . fath er.

3 Katie is .... .............. and .................. sister. She's

........ ... sister.

4 Kylie is ........ ..... ..... mo ther. She's


S left and Amanda are ... .... ........ . , ........ .... ... .. and

.................. pa rents. They' re ........... pa rents.

Put the nouns In brackets Into the

correct possessive form .

.!_- Where is this photo from?

8. This one? It's from my 1} (cousin)

birthday party.

A Who are those boys?

B. They' re my 2) ................... ........ (sister) sons.

A: They' re your nephews?

B. That's right! And that man is 3} ........... ..

... ............. .. ...... (Steve and Brian) dad.

A What's your 4} ..... ... ................ . (siste r) name?

B. Kathleen. And her 5) .......................... .. .... .

(husband) name is Ray.

-l Whose are those dogs?

B, They' re my 6) .. .......... .................... (cousins) .

A: We ll, everyone looks hap py.

8' They are. You can meet them all next time.

2 Rewrite the phrases, as In the example .

1 She needs a rest for ten minutes.

a ten ,JUrI \ res r

2 It's a d rive of th ree hours from my house.

3 The sales thi s year are really good.

4 It's a walk of five minutes to the school.

5 The prize for thi s week is a brand new car.

Philip Alice - , ---r-" 1 ___________ ,

, , , , , , Amo,ndo) ~ Kr~e

i"-----I----.J-, 1----1----' , I I I

B;od) Kdtie) M~cy) M~

53 Circle the correct word, as in the example.

1 These are the ....... penci ls .

A boys' B boys

2 Is there a ...... . near here?

A butchers

C butchers'

B butcher's

3 This is the ....... DVD player.

A mens B man's

C boy

C man

4 "Is this you r coat?" "No, it's ........ "

A ja kes' B jake's C jake

5 These are ....... mobile phones.

A Zack and Jennifer's

B Zack's and jennife r

C Zack's and Jennife r's

6 This is ....... kitchen.

A Tom and (lares

B Tom and ( lares'

C Tom and Cla re's

Writing 54 Draw your family tree and write

sentences about It. Use Ex. 50 as a



Page 19: spark 2 grammar.pdf

:jJ.'-.,' ----'



Prepositions of Time

We huvl' brpokfast at 9 o'clock every day.

They go ice-skating in

winter. He has piano lessons on Saturday mornings.

We use prepositions of time (on, in, at) to say when something happened, happens or will happen.


the time:


in the expressions:






in the expressions:


at 2 o' lock

at Christmas, at faster

at the moment ot present, at dawn, ot noon, at nigh t, at TIIdm:jht at luncr,tlme

at tht> weekend

in May

in (the) winter/spring/summer; aUlUmn

in 2008, in the J 9905,

in the 20th century

in the morning/afternoon/evening,

in an hour, in a minute, in Q week

few days/month/year, in the pas/, in the future

days: on lUesday, on New Years Eve

dates: on 131h May (2009)

specific part of a on ~aturdoy morning

certain day:

adjective + day: on a cold day

Notes: • We use from ". to, during to show

duration. During goes before a noun. S~e t 5:J f('f!n.h lesson (ram 6 to 8.

w d time It the bea

during 'I; day

• We do not me prepositions of time: a) with the words today, tomorrow,

tonight and yesterday. They have a German lesson today.

b) before the words this, last, next, every, all, some, each, one and any. I get up at 9 o'clock every day.

• in time /on time: a) in time = early enough

We must hurry if we want to arrive in time for the concert.

b) on time = at the right time DOl 't worry! The bU5 is always on t ime.

Page 20: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 Fill in: at, in, on, from, during.

1 A: What time do you leave for school?

8: I usually leave at 8 o'clock.

2 A. When is your guitar lesson?

S: It's ................ Saturday afternoon.

3 A: What hours do you go to school?

B: I go to school in the morning .............. ..

8 to 2, then I go to school again in the

afternoon ................ 6pm.

4 A: John's late. Where is he?

B: Don't worry. He'll be here ................ a


5 A: What month is your sister's birthday?

B: It's ................ June.

6 A: When do you work?

B: I work ................ the evemngs, but I

don't work ................ the day.

7 A: What time is your French lesson?

s: ................ an hour.

8 A: Where's John? It's 9 o'clock.

B: Don't worry! He's always ................ time.

Fill In the gaps with the correct

preposition, then answer the questions.

1 What are you doing at the moment?

I am listening 10 1nl MP.) pJaYfl

2 What time do you get up ......... the morning?

3 What time do you eat dinner ........... night?

4 Do you go swimming ........... a hot summer


5 What do you do ........... the weekends?

6 What do you usually do ........... Sundays?

7 Is your birthday .......... the spring?

8 What sports do you do ........... the summer?

9 Do you go to bed ........... midnight?

10 Do you get up ........... 7 every day?

, ,

57 Circle the c:orrect Item.

1 My birthday is ...... May.

A on B in C at

2 I have to leave ...... a minute.

Aat Bin ( on

3 I've got a meeting ...... 20th June.

A on B during (from

4 Is John busy ...... present?

A on B in C at

5 I work at a summer camp ...... the holidays.

A during B all ( last

58 Underline the correc:t preposition.

Andy: Hi, Claire! What time is your Science lesson?

Claire: Hi, Andy! It's 1) at/ on nine and after that I

have PE 2) from/ in eleven 3) to/ at twelve.

What about you?

Andy: Cool! I'm not that lUCky. I've got a Maths

lesson early 4) in / on the morning and a

French lesson after that.

Cfaire: It doesn't sound that bad.

Andy: The problem is I haven't got a break. We

only stop 5) on/ at noon for lunch.

Cfaire: What time do you finish?

Andy: 6) At/ In four. And you?

Claire: I finish 7) at/ in half past four. See you after


Andy: OK! See you!

5 Speaking In pairs, a sk each other about your

school timetable.

A. What tlnl' .s yaur Maths lesson!

8: At eight in the morning. Whe­

EnglIsh IfJiSon? ete

Writing 60 Use your answers from the Spe.~

activity to write a dialogue- WriU

about your school time""" Ua b.... 5iiI

as a model .

Page 21: spark 2 grammar.pdf


Prepositions of Place

Brad in the (ee

Brad / among Ihf In

Brad h at the tre

Brad is next to; beside rhe tlf.:

Brad ;s in fron t of th tf'e

Bra .s near

Bror:. I opposite the Ire

Brad on bran n It free

81 )J i~ between [WO trt '~

Br d behind tI


We use prepositions of place to say where somebody or something is. These include: on, under, in front of, behind, beside/ next to, near, at, in, between, among and opposite.

Note: We use between to say that somebody or something is in the middle of two other things or people. We use among to say that somebody or something is in the middle of th ree or more things or people.

We use at : , in the pvpressiom' or srhaol/ffnivf?nity/rnllegf?, nf wor", Of hom" nt thp fnr of Of t hp hnttnm

of ... , af the station. at the airport, ot Mary's (house), at a party/concert/football match, at the bus stop, at the door, at one's desk

• with add resses when we mention the house number. at 18, Br(j 01 Stre BUT in 81 rtj Stre.t

We use in: • in the expressions: in the middle, in the ai" in the sk~ in bed, in hospital, in prison in a newspaper/

magazine/book, in a street, in the world, in a photograph/picture, in a ca" in a taxi • with the names of ci ties, countries and continents.

in in F or -f in 4'10

We use on: • in the expressions: on the left/right, on the first/second, etc floor, on a bus/train/pfane/ship, on a

horse/ bicycle/motorbike, on a chair BUT in an armchair

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Complete the se ntences with: in, in front

of, oPPOsite, among, behind o r between.

The fruit salad is 2 Karen is ..............

the bowl. Jack.

Eddie is .............. 4 They are .............

len and Claudia. each other.

5 Sandra is .......... .. 6 Sam is .............. ..

Chri s. his friends.

Underline the correct item.

1 Maths is my favourite subject at/on school.

2 The dog is sleeping under/ among the table.

3 My dad's car is the one beside/in yours.

4 My new camera is in/ on the table.

S There is a party at/on lake's house ton ight.

6 John is standing next to/between his uncle.

7 The museum is in High Street, opposite/

under the art gallery.

8 My bookcase is between/ under the wardrobe

and the bed.

9 Clare is hiding in front of/ behind the tree.

10 My dad loves sitting on/ in the armchair

next to the fireplace.

63 Circle the correct answ er.

1 We're spending the weekend ...... the beacto


A in B on C at

2 Is that Adam standing ...... the newsagent's')

A under B between C in front of

3 Look at this photo! Mary is the one sitting

...... lohn and Liz.

A at B between C under

4 "Where is Sue?"

"She's ...... the back garden."

A on B next to C in

5 "Where are my shoes, Mum?"

"They're ...... the bed."

A under B at C in

6 Is that my MP3 player ...... your desk?

A in B among C on

7 Were there a lot of people ...... the party?

A at B on C in

8 "Is your house far from the school?"


"No, it's ...... it."

A between B near C in front

Underline the correct Item. Then,

describe your bedroom to your partner .

• Hi Diane, I want to tell you about my bedroom 1) in/on our new house. It's reatly nice! The room is qui te big. My bed is 2) next to/ between the window. There is a bookcase 3) opposite/under my bed and a warm rug 4) on/at the floor 5) between/ behind the bed and the bookcase. My desk is 6) near/ under the door. I 've got a computer and a big TV 7) in/on it. There is also a poster 8) on/at the wait 9) above/on my desk. I realty like my new bedroom. The rest of the house is great, too! I can't wait for you to come and see It! Write soon . Jim

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Co mplete with at, on, in.

1 A: There is a photo of my home town this


B: Wow! It's amazing!

2 A: Where's your mum?

B: She's ... ..... work.

3 A: Excuse me, where's the library?

B: It's ........ the seventh floor.

4 A: Do you want to go ........ your car?

B: I don't think so. It's still in the garage.



A: Is Georgia ........ the doctor's?

B: Yes. She's got a really bad cold.

A: Where's room 2e?

B: ...... .. the right, opposite the library.

Fill In the gaps with at or in and one of

the words from the list .

• bed • the park • the cinema • home

• the airport • Sweden

1 There is a nice film on at the cinema.

2 Don't call Jack now. He isn't ................... .

3 The weather's great! We can go for a picnic

.................................. today.

4 My aunt's sick. She's ............................... ..

right now.

S What time does your flight arrive? I can

meet you ................................ .

6 We are from Italy but we live .................. .

67 Complete with the right preposition and

answer about yourself.

1 Do you live the USA? Yes, I do. INo, I don

2 Is there a table ........... the middle of your living room?

3 Are you ........... school right now?

4 Are your parents ........... home now?

S Are you ........ your desk?

Look at the picture, read the text and

find the correct preposition.

• between

• on (x2)

• opposite

• under • next to

There i:-. a correc

t:lb1c in (he li ving

room. I( i:-. 1) ............ ... .

the fi replace. There b also a

sm:l li rug 2) .................. it 3) . ................ the t\\'o

windo\\'<; there is a \:imp ~md :l tall pbnt. TIle

la mp i<; 4) .................. a :.m:l1l tahle . 5) ................ ..

lile lamp tlwre b a hig. pink armchair. Tht.·

cun:lin!'! 6) .................. the windows are pink. [00.

Speaking 69 Describe to each other your favourite

room in your house. Use prepositions of

place. Then, guess which room your

partner has described.

In my favouritf' room the'e's 0 big bed with

lots of pillows 1)0 it. There's Q desk next ra the bed. On the de$k

Writing 70 Now, write the description of your

favourite room. You can use Ex. 64 as a


Page 24: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Question Words A Who ore they! B: Beery and Chm.

A How old are they? B. They are tweflly. A: Where are they?

B: At a cafe A: How many bags are there under the tab e

B: Two. A: What colour are the bags? B: B/ue and brawn.

We use question words to ask about someone or something.

• who/ whose (people) Who ;5 your besl friend? "A/ice. Whose dog i~ this_] or 'Whose is this dog?"

It's Pam s. (possession)

• which/ what (things) Which is used to ask about a limited choice

of things. Which SI 1ge" do you like best Iwkira or

Beyonce] (You have to choose between these two singers, so the choice is limited.)

What is more general. It is usually used to ask about an unlimited choice of things. What food do you like?" (There are many

kinds of food such as Chinese, Ita lian, Mexican, etc, so the choice is unlimited.)

• where (place) Where is my new T·shlfl! On YI)Ur bed.

• when/ how long (ogo)/ how ohen/ what time (time) ·When IS your party! Next Saturday. "How long IS the film? 3 hours. " "How ohen do you go la the gym?" " Three

times a week. "'What time is It?' "It s 9 o'clock .

• how long/ how toff (size) 'How long is a blue whale?" 'About 30

metres . " 'How toff is ~h". She 's 1.65 m.

• how much (quantity) How much are th 'SI bo( ] E65

• how many (number) How many bedrooms are there in your

house? "Three.

• how (manner) "How do you make a cake?"

• why (reason) "Why are you happy?" 'It 's my birthday today!"

(Answers sometimes begin with becau5e.)

Because It" my birthday today.

• how old (age) "How old IS he? Nint

• how far (distance) 'How far is your hOo.1sl minute walk.

About a ten·

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71 Fill In the gaps with whose, how far, how much, how tall, where or who. Then match the

questions (1-6) to the answers (a-f).

Wti is this belt?

......................... milk is there?

......................... is you r siste r?

......................... is it to the bus stop?

.................. ... .... is that man?

......................... is your coat?

72 Choose the correct word.

1 A: What/ Which is this under the bed?

B: It's a skateboard.

2 A: Who/ Whose gloves are those?

B: They're Susan's.

3 A: Where/What is your bike?

B: It's in the garden.

4 A: What/How does this computer work?

B: You should turn it on first!

5 A: Which/ What jacket is you rs?

B: The green one.

6 A: Who's/Whose Peter Smith?

B: I think he's John 's cousin.

7 A: Why/ How is Bill so happy?

B: Because it's his birthday today.

8 A: Who's/Whose purse is this?

B: It's Katie's.

9 A: When/ Where does your cat sleep?

B: In the living room.

10 A: How/What is the weather like in Spain?

B: It's really hot!

11 A: When/Why are you going on holiday? B: Next weekend.

12 A: Where/What time is it?

B: It 's quarter past two.

a It 's Paul's.

b She's 1.65 metres .

elt's Mr Jackson, our English teacher .

d It's in my wardrobe at home .

e About ten minutes' walk .

f About one litre.

73 Complete the sentences with mony,

much, far, toll, often, long or old.

1 A: How fOI is it to the train station?

B: It's only ten minutes' walk.

2 A: How ........................... is the blue dress?

B: It costs £35.

3 A: How ........................... are you?

B: I'm 14.

4 A: How ................... do you go swimming?

B: Three or four times a week.

5 A: How ........................... are you?

B: About 1.7 metres.

6 A: How .................. brothers have you got?

B: Two.

74 Fill In the correct question word.

George: Hello?








Hi, George. It's Jason.

Jason! 1) How are you? I'm fine thanks.

2) ................... is your new house? It's great!

3) ................... is your bedroom like?

It's really big!

George: 4) ....... ............ are you now?

loson: In our living room, watching TV.

George: 5) ................... is there with you?

J05on: Greg. Would you like to talk to him?

George: 6) ................... not? Thanks!

Page 26: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Matt and Vlcky have lust met. Complete

the d ialogue using the questions below.

t.Aatt: 7dcy:


id<y: ~att:






l."ott: icky:

• What's your teacher's name?

• How many students are in your class?

• How do you get to school?

• Who's your best friend there?

• When do your summer holidays begin?

• Where is your school?

1) When I' yOtlr sch(lo/?

In leeds.

2) ......................................... .... ...... ... . .


3) ........................................................ .

Mr Johnson.

4) ........................................................ .


5) ........................... ................ ............. .

I walk.

6) ........................................................ .

14th July.

6 Use the information on the card and

the prompts to write questions and

answers, as In the example.

1 Where/be/Cafe Venice?

Where ( I f VenICe.

2 How many/types of/drinks/be/there?

3 How much/be/a fresh coffee?

4 How much/be/cakes?

5 Who/be/the owner?

7 Write questions to which the won:ls in

bold are the answers.

This is Susan Star. She is from SeattJe, the US~ '2'S

years old and her birthday is on 15th December S-i: S a hairdresser and she owns a hairdressing salon caAeO ~

Edge. Three other people work with Susan: Mary. R4a a'"C

Sally. Susan's favourite clothes are skirts and dresses and '"e:'

favourite clothes designer is Ralph Lauren.






6 7


Who is thl

78 a) How well do you know yo ur partner?

Ask him / her the following questions

and write down his/ her answers,

1 Where. are you from?

I'm from Madrid, Spain.

2 ................................ old are you?

3 ................................ is your birthday?

4 ................................ is your favourite sport?

5 ................................ is your best friend?

6 ................................ are your hobbies?

b) Now, tell the class about your partner.


Writing 79 Write a short paragraph about your

partner using the Information from E.x...78.

~1al ia from Madrid in


Page 27: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Exploring Grammar (Unit 1)

• a) Read the text below and underline

two possessive adjectives. Where do we

use possessive adJectives: before or after


A: Hi. I'm M:lrlin . What 's yo ur n:ul1t!?

H: Hi~ .My n:101l" S Ruth. Are you new here?

A: YC::>, I am.

B: Your dog is t't!:I!1y beautiful.

A: Oh! He's not mine. He's my cousin's .

6: Oh. J sel'! So. ho\\ old are yOll . Marlin?

A: I'm sixteen. And you?

B: I'm fifteen.

A: \~'herc ;l rc you from?

B: rill from BrblOl. And you?

A: I'm from f>. lanche:;(er, bUl rill in Bristol

no\\ with my family. B: I !;Is your family got a house here?

A: Yes. but it's not ours. It's my unde·s.

B: Why Jrc you in BrbwJ?

A: ~Iy dad gOl :l new job here.

S: ThaCs great! ;.lice 10 meet you then . . \lartin .

/I.: Thanks! Nice to meet you. too!

b) Read the text again and circle two

pouessive pronouns. Where do we use

pOSleSl/ve pronouns: before or after the


c) Highlight the examples of the

pOSleSllve case In the text. How do we

form the ponen/ve with singular and

plural nouns?

• a) Read the text . Find all forms of the

verbs to be and have got. What are

their equivalent negative forms?

b) Fill In: am/ is/ ore or have/ has. Then

answer the questions.

1 ;c Ruth got a dog? ~( ,he Q5n

2 .... ... ...... Martin 16 years old? .................. .

3 ........... Martin's dad got a job? .. ... .... ...... .

4 .... .. ....... Mart in and Ruth in Manchester?



.... ....... Martin from Bristol? .......... ..

• a) Read the dialogue again and

highlight all the subject pronouns. What

are their equivalent object pronouns?

b) Look at the text again and fill In

the table.

a We use ................. p ronouns before verbs.

b We use ................. pronouns after a verb


, 2 3 4


or preposition.

• a) Find all the question words In the

text. Which question word Is used to

ask about:

people? ................... .. age? ....... ............ .. p lace? .... ..... .. ..... ..... reason? ............... ... ... th ings? ......... ...... ......

b) Complete with question words. Then,

In pairs ask and answer the questions.

1 .............. is your best friend? .. .... ............. .

2 ............. is your favouri te colour? ............... .

3 ................... rooms are there in your house?

4 ........... ....... are you from? .... ..... .............. .

5 ............. old are you? ............................. .. .

6 ............. water do you drink every day?

Page 28: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Revision (Unit

Circle the correc:t Item.

1 My sister Judy and I ...... fjfteen. 13 Matt lives ...... 25, Apple Street.

A is 8 am e are A on 8 at e In

2 ...... Peter got a big family? 14 How ...... is your school?

A Has 8 Have e Is A far 8 long e man

3 listen to ...... ! He can speak Chinese! 15 My friends and I love extreme sports .•.

A her 8 he e him favourite is skydiving.

4 There are a lot of ...... and two cows on my A We 8 Our e Ours

grandad's farm. 16 .. .... Steve and Allan cousins? A sheeps 8 sheep e sheep's A Are they 8 Is C Are

5 " ...... car is that?" 17 Don't talk ...... the lesson!

"It's lane's." A from 8 during e on

A Whose 8 Who's e Which 18 That's not my DVD. It's .......

6 My birthday is ...... May 29th. A David 8 Davids' e Oavid's A in 8 at e on

19 He ...... got a large N in his bedroom.

7 "What ...... your names?" A is 8 's e have "We're Christine and Stacy."

20 I've got a new goldfish ....... bowl is in my A is 8 are e has

room .

8 What's ...... in the sky? Is it a helicopte r or a A Its 8 It's e It

plane? 21 Vicky and her family are ...... Rome.

A th is 8 that e these A at 8 on e in

9 I need ...... eggs fo r the cake. 22 "Has Pamela got a house by the sea?"

A any 8 some e an "Yes, she ...... . "

10 "What's this?" A has got 8 has e have

" ...... my new mobile phone." 23 ...... name is Erin. She's sixteen years old.

A This is 8 Is e It's A Hers 8 She e Her

11 Tracy is a friend of ....... 24 " ...... is he happy?"

A me 8 mine e I "Because it's his birthday today."

12 My house is ...... from the gym. A Why 8 Who e When

A ten minutes' walk 25 In this photo, Patrick is ...... Paul and Mark.

8 ten·minute walk

ten minute's walk A among 8 between e at e

l Porrw: 25



Page 29: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Present Simple vs Present Continuous


Present Simple

Amy brushes t t/1]ft

ev ry meal A ' Ja/ v. he s

brushing r r If 1· r.

I sing. He/She/ It sings. We/You/They sing.

I don't sing. He/ She/ It doesn't sing. We/You{They don't sing.

Do I sing? Does he/she/it sing? Do we/you/they sing?

Yes, I do . Yes, he/she/it does. Yes, we/you/they do. No, I don 't . No, he/she/ it doesn't. No, we/you/they don 't.

Spelling: 3rd person singular

• Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. j (le ads I dance an es • Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -0, take -es. ,es brush he brUll1es

,es ~es lfS

• Verbs ending in a·consonant + y, drop the -y and take -ies. Jy h ~tudjes t- he lr es

• Verbs ending in a vowel + y take -s only. iJ


-s/-es in the third person singular is pronounced: • /5/ with verbs ending in /f/, /k/, / p/ or It! sounds. • / IZ/ with verbs ending in /s/, Ill, It/I, /dJl or /z/ sounds. w nes

• /l / with verbs ending in all other sounds. y , s

Present Continuous

I'm reading. He's/She's/ It's reading. We'reIYou' re/They' re reading.

I'm not reading. He/ She/It isn't reading. WeIYou/They aren 't reading.

Am I reading? Is he/she/it reading? Are we/you/they reading?

Yes, I am . Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we/you/they are .

No, I'm not. No, he/she/it isn't . No, we/you/ they aren't.


• Most verbs add -ing after the base form of the main verb. I/t[ ning, f) k king, m w hing

• Verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and add-ing . - l ing, ling

• Verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant double the consonant and add -ing. rn;ng \. ' ling

• Verbs ending in -ie change the -ie to

-y and add -ing. " ring

Page 30: spark 2 grammar.pdf


e use the present simple for:

• daily routines, habits, repeated actions usually with adverbs of frequency (usually, always, etc).

/loran goes horse-riding

ery Sunday (habit)

• permanent states.

110nlco lives If

teaches H/~ Dry

If 5i

• timetables or programmes (buses, trains, ete).

r le pial e leaves ., clork.

• general truths or laws of nature .

he sun sets ill the West (law of nature)

TIme expressions used with the present simple: every hour/day/week/month/summerl yea r, etc, usua lly, always, every morningl afternoon/evening/night, in the morni ng/ afternoon/evening, at midday, at night, etc

Stative Verbs

We use the present (ontinuous for:

• actions happening at the time of speaking. #-I is doing Of t fJ Im m 1/ man It

• temporary actions happening around the time of speaking. D(ly,d is staying Of' r/(

fall fa rh

• fixed arrangements in the near future .

Hm '1;

ore flying

You 're always Interrupltin!l-"me, Brad!

• with always to express our annoyance at actions happening too often.

Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at the moment, at present, these days, tomorrow, etc

Some verbs don't have continuous fo rms because they describe a state not an action, Some of these

are: like, love, hate, want, know, need, believe, understand, remember, forget , sound, cost . ant an IC£ I n, (NOT: I'm weRtiR§ eR ... )

rm 't understand tilt qu S/IIl'l , (NOT: "R=/ Ret blRfkrsteRfJiny ... )

ove my dog \ler~ much. (NOT: I'R=/ 19\Iiny my dog ... ) you remember .~am(ml ha (NOT: Ar:e )'BbI r:eR':JeR'lBet=iR§ ... )



Page 31: spark 2 grammar.pdf

1 Write the third-pe rson singular of the

verbs In the correct box, as In the

e xa mple. Then read the verbs aloud.

• shout • match • read • say • trick

• wish • kiss • trip • catch • climb

• finish • try • sing • rush • save

shouts, Isl

11z/ matches, ................ ·.························· ·······1 .......................................... ......................

IZ/ feads, ..................................................... .

2 Add -Ing to the verbs below and put

them In the correct box: watch, have, tie chat, run, eat, lie, catch, put, do, hang, ploy, surf, get, go, celebrate, ride, cook,

speak, sing, use, swim, draw, fly.

+ -ing ,watching, .......................... .

-.e - + -ing lving, ............................. .

-~ - +y + -ing tying, ................. ............... .

double consonant chatting, ........................... . + -i ng

Underline the correct item.

1 Does your dad d rive/drives a car?

2 Does/Do Mary and Paul live in London?

3 Does your mum ma kes/make your bed?

4 Linda has/have a shower every day.

S Jackie and Steve goes/go to the cinema at

the weekends.

6 My sister and I does n't/don 't get up early

on Sundays.



Charlotte Is at home with her family.

Look at the picture and complete the

questions . Then, answer them ,

1 DOtS Charlotte surf the Net?

Yes, she do 2 ............. Charlotte have a dog?


3 ............. Charlotte's parents have grey hair?

................................................................. 4 ............. Charlotte's grandad wear glasses?

, ............................................................... .

s Charlotte's mum chat on the


6 ............. Charlotte's dad read newspapers?

S Fill In with the present continuous .

1 Look! They are ~wimming (swim) in the sea.

2 Danny and Mandy ...................... .. .......... ..

(fly) a kite in the park. 3 I .............................................. (not/ ride)

my bike at the moment.

4 My mum ....................................... (cook)

dinner in the kitchen now.

S Melanie and I ................................. (play)

computer games. We ............................... .

(no t/d raw) pictures. 11]

6 My brother .............................................. i. (not / use) the computer right now.


(your dad/fix) your bike in the garden?

8 (you/ meet) John and Mary tonight?

Page 32: spark 2 grammar.pdf

~rbs of Frequency

• erbs of frequency show us how often someth ing happens. They are the following:

ays (100%)

wually (75%)

often (50%)

sometimes (25%)

rarely/seldom (10%)

never (0%)

IJse adverbs of frequency:

We always cL experiment n ch sello I (Clene lab

_ before the main verb. Wf- often order piua on Ff/day nights .

= after the verb to be. ~h never

le: The adverbs rare ly/se ldom and never have a negative meaning and they are never used with the word not . They rarely go lit .n UP Jy (I'ght

HI never has egqs 'Jnd bacon for breakfast.

Use adverbs of frequency and the

phrases below to write about yourself.

go to bed at 10 o'clock

n 9 ( I 0 lod

1 have cereal for breakfast

3 talk to friends on the phone

.. visit my grandparents

5 tidy my roo m

6 go to the cinema with my friends

7 walk to school

8 eat at fast-food restaurants

9 cook lunch

10 get up early on weekdays

II have a shower in the evenings

12 watch TV on Saturday mornings


Put the words In the (arred order to

make sentences.

by bus/school/always/he/goes/to -I a/ways gOE seho by bus.

2 on/park/the/sometimes/he/goes/to/Sundays

3 never /pool /goes/she/swi m mi ng/in/the

4 always/eat/they / the/ in/breakf ast/morn ing

5 watch/often/wenv/dinner/after

6 always/Tom/for work/is/late

8 In pairs, ask each other how often yo u:

• surf the Net • chat on the phone

• play sports • hang out with friends

• watch TV • eat out

4 f-Iow ften do you surf tf Ne

B" I sometimes surf the N

A: How often do you ,



Page 33: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the verbs In brackets Into the

present simple or present continuous .

1 Stephanie plo} 9 (play) computer games

in her room right now.

2 Tessie .................................. (have) dance

classes on Tuesdays. 3 The child ren .............................. (walk) to

school today. 4 Lauren ........................... (go) to bed early

every night. 5 She ...................... (live) in New York City.

6 Helen .................................. (not/ talk) on

the phone at the moment. 7 Sally usually .................. .......... (watch) TV

in the evening. Slim ..................................... (surf) the Net

at the weekends. 9 The boys ................................... (not/ eat)

breakfast every morning.

Complete the exchanges with the

present dmple or present continuous.

1 A: (you/ like) your new job?

B: Yes, a lot. Ac tual ly, I (have) my

first big meeting tomorrow.

2 A: ...................................... (you / believe)

in ghosts? B: Well, I ............. .............. .... (not/ know)

if they are real, but I .......... ................. ..

(not/ want) to see any!

3 A: ............................. .......... (Dave /cycle)

in the park right now? B: Yes, he ................... He ..................... .

(ride) his bike every weekend.

4 A- Jason ............................ (be) very busy.

B: I know. He ........................................... .

(work) very hard these days.

5 A: Where ................................. . (be) Tom 10 What time ............................. (you/ leave) and Luke now? I ....................... (need)



for work on Fridays?

11 ........................... ......... (they/study) hard

for the exams these days? 12 I .................. .............................. (visit) my

grandmother tomorrow.

to talk to them.

B: They ................ ... ............... ..... (watch)

a film in Tom's room.

Ann has got a dally routine, but she Is changing It for today. Look at the pictures and

the prompts to say what she usually does and what she Is doing today.

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

• go swimming • watch TV • talk on the phone

• go jogging • play computer games • go out with her friends

A Ann usually goes sWimming in the mornmg, but today sne IS going 'oggina

Page 34: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Look at the pictures and write

sentences, as In the example.

play tennis every

afternoon play basketball now

1 They plo) term 'v ofte noon. They oren '/

playing tennis now. Tfu'y re pwymq basketball.

.(1-1001 every morning wa lk to school today

2 .... ............................................................. .

3 ................................................................. .

play football

on Tuesdays swim now

4 ................................................................. .

13 Complete with om/is/are o r do/don't' does/doesn't.

1 A: Where O( John and Usa live?

B: In London.

2 A: Is Peter a good football player?

B: Yes, but he .................. play very often.

3 A: Why .................. you crying?

B: I .................. watching a really sad film.

4 A: Where .................. Brenda going?

B: To the supermarket.

5 A: I .................. want to go out tonight.

B: Why? Is everything OK?

6 A: How much .................. this jacket cost?

B: Il's not very expensive.

14 Complete the dialogue with the present simple or the present continuous.

Meg: Hi, Unda! 1) Art you (10i, q (you/ do)

anything this Saturday?

Undo: Not really, why?

Meg: 2) .......... ....... ....................... (you /want)

to go shopping in the morning?

Undo: That 3) ..................................... (sound)

great! I 4) ................................... (want)

to buy a new dress for julie's wedding!

Meg: When 5) ......... ................ ...................... .

(she/ get ) married?

Undo: In July!

Meg: Wow! So soon? Well, then you 6) .......... .

.................................. (need) to buy a

dress before it's too late. What time

7) ................................... (be) good for


Undo: Let's meet at the bus stop at 10.

Meg: Greatl See you on Saturday!



Page 35: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Underline the correct item.

1 Angela is sleeping now/ often.

2 Tom gets up late at present/ on Sundays.

3 I'm taking swimming lessons these

days/ every summer.

4 Does Karen now/ usua lly wake up early?

5 George isn't playing volleyball now/every


Complete with the present simple or the

present continuous.

Dear .\Iaria,

1 I) 11 (write) /i'om Ihe beaUliful island of Sicil", The \\cmhcr 2) .. ..... .............. (be) hot and

sunn y so 'le 3) ........................... (spend) most of the da~ relaxing on Llle beath.

r-. I ~ t~lllIil r and I 4) ........................... (stay) in a hotel b} the sea. Rig ht 110\\', I 5) ...... .. ................. .

(Si l) on the bakom and I 6) ........................ .. (drink) fru it juice. ~ I )' parent<; 7) .......................... , (be) at lhe market The}' 8) ........................ . (look) /01' fresh fru it and \ cgclables.

On Tucsda). wc 9) ........ ............................ (leave) fo r Sardinia, anoilu:!1' beautiful Italian island. We

10) ........................................ (plan) lO \'isit all i l~

ancient sites and lake lots or photos.

[ JUSl 11 ) .......................... (lo"e) it here and 12) ... ...................... .. ....... .. (noc}want) to lea\"e .

Sce yo u soon. Lisa

1 2

3 4


Write sentences about yourself. Use the

following time expressions .

• usually • always • now

• these days • on Mondays

I usually go to the beach in July.

Speaking Look at the pictures and the prompts.

In pairs, ask and answer questions, as

In the example.

• doctor

• work now?

• take a break

A: What doe she dol

B: She's a doctor.

A: Is she working now?

B: No, she's taking Q break.

• secreta ry

• type a letter now?

• talk on the phone

• farmer

• teacher • teach at the moment?

• correct students' homework

• milk the cows now?

• feed the chickens

Writing 19 Choose one of the pictures f rom the

Speaking activity and describe it. Say

where the people are, what they are

doing , what they are wearing, etc.

~l For Further Practice 5~ p. 146)

Page 36: spark 2 grammar.pdf

The infinitive

The infinitive is the basic form of a ll verbs.

There are two types of infinitives:

a) to-infinitive l a 'mit

b) bare infinitive (infinitive without to) '


We use to-infinitive:

• after the fo llowing verbs: advise, agree, ask, decide, expect, forget , hope, manage, need , offer, prefer, promise, refuse, seem, want, etc. She s.eems. to be really happy.

• after be + adjective (like: happy, nice, s.orry,

etc). It's. nice to you again!

• afte r ve rbs like know, learn, remember, ask, want to know, when they' re fo ll owed by the question words who, what, where and how.

She knows. how to make a ch! ie-ake.

• with the adverbs too and enough . She 's too sad to go to a party.

You aren't old enough to go oul alone . • to exp ress purpose.

I'm going re th SUP! r IQrKe to buy some

orangl '11 f

• with would love, would like, would prefer. I'd love lo go to lhe cinema tonight.

This is Mar/ey! )


Of cOlme.! Do you want to

come for a walk With us'

Bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

We use infinitive without to :

• after modal verbs (can, may, s.hould, etc). / can play the guitar:

• after the ve rbs le t and make. My parent5 never let me go out after 9.

My mum a/way( makes. me tidy my room .

The subject of the infinitive

• When the subject of the main verb and the subject of the infinitive is the same, then the

subject of the infinitive is omitted.

They want to buy a new house, (The subject

of the main verb (want) and the subject of the infinitive (to buy) is the same: 'They'.)

• When the subject of the infinitive is different from the subject of the main ve rb, then the subject of the infinitive is not omitted. The subject of the infinitive can be a name (Tony), a noun (the g irls), or an

object pronoun (me, yo u, them, etc) and goes before the infinitive. / want Susan la help me with my homework .

Or I want her to help me with my homew

(The subject of the verb (want) is 'I'. The

subject of the infinitive (to help) is Susan/her.)

Write what the following words / phrases are followed by: to-Infinitive (TI) or bore infinitive


1 can + BI 4 want + 7 let + 10 I'm sorry +

2 advise + 5 seem + 8 hope + 11 make sb +

3 should + 6 may + 9 promise + 12 refuse +



Page 37: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Put the verbs in brackets Into the

correct Infinitive form.

1 This book is too long d (read) in a week.

2 My brother always makes me .................... .

(take) the dog for a walk.

3 I know where ....................... (find) the

cheapest COs in town.

4 Mum is going to the bakery .................. ..

(buy) some bread.

5 You should ....................... (te ll) your

teacher about this problem.

6 We want ....................... (travel) to Vienna

in the spring.

7 I can ....................... (understand) how

happy she is from the look on her face.

8 Ella would like ........... ............ (become) a

famous singer. 9 My brother doesn't let me ..................... ..

(use) his laptop.

10 We don't have enough money

(stay) in an expensive hotel.

Fill in the gaps with the correct forms

of the verbs below.

• make • buy • come • do • drive

• hear • go • run • speak • take

1 I promise fa come home before 10 o'clock.

2 Do you know how . .................. .. a

chocolate cake? 3 It's too cold .................... for a walk outside.

4 She's not old enough ....................... a car.

S Matt and Amy can ....................... German.

6 I'd like ....................... a new pair of jeans.

7 He hopes ....................... his first marathon

this year.

S Jack knows how ....................... his Maths


9 I'm happy ....... ................ you're doing well

at school.

10 You should ...................... . an umbrella with

you today.

Use either the bore or the to-infinitive to

form sentences. Make any other

necessary changes.

1 it/be/too late/call /them/now r, n}w.

2 let/me/ tell /you/what/ this/be

3 the children/seem/like/their/new teacher

4 an artist/can/remember/ people's faces/ in


5 you/be/old enough/g%n holiday/with/your


6 it/be/nice/be/back/home

7 I/not know/how/answer/ th is/question

8 she/manage/finish/project/on time/ the

5 ,

Rephrase the following, as in the

example .

My mum says I must go home now.

My mum wants me to go home now. 2 You must do your homework now.

I want ..................................................... .

3 You must leave now.

I want ....... .............................................. .

4 You mustn't call me again.

I don't want ............................................ .

S My uncle Pete says I must visit him tomorrow.

My uncle Pete wan ts ............................... .

6 My mum says I mustn't go to bed late

tonight. Mum doesn't want ............... .................. . .

7 She must tidy her room.

I want ..................................................... .

8 Dad says I must study more. Dad wants ................... ................... ........ .

Page 38: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the verbs In brackets into the

correct infinitive form.

1 A: Do you want eat (eat) lunch now?

B: Not just yet. I'd like to q( (go) to the

gym first.

2 A: Do you know how ....................... (use)

this computer?

B: Yes. Here, let me ....................... (show)

you how.

3 A: Can you ....................... (stop) talking,

please? Our teacher asked us ............. .

(hand) in the project tomorrow.

B: Sorry! I promise .................... (be) quiet.

4 A: Do you expect ....................... (find) a

job this summer?

B: Yes, I hope .......... ............. (work) on

my uncle's farm.

S A: Did you ask Dave

(come) to the party?

B: Yes, but his mum says he's too young

....................... (go) to parties.

6 A: How do you manage ...................... .

(exercise) with such a busy schedule?

B: Well, it seems ...................... (be)

difficult, but it's easy if you organise your

time well.

7 A: Can you (make)


B: No, I don't know how ...................... .

(took) yet.

8 A: Do you know what ...................... .

(study) for the test tomorrow?

B: Yes, we must ....................... (learn) all

the new vocabulary.

9 A: John promised ....................... (visit) us

at the weekend.

B: I'm really happy ....................... (hear)


7 Complete the emall using the verbs in

brackets In the correct Infinitiye fonn .

Hi Lindsey,

Thanks for your .s great 1) (hear) from you again.

I hope I can 2) ......................... (come) to your party next week. l\'ly parents don't let m~ 3) ................... (go) to parties often, so I need 4) ......................... (ask) them first. Howewl". they like you, so they shou ld 5) ........................ . (say) 'yes' .

Do you expect 6) ......................... (have) many guests at the PMty? I want 7) .................... .. . .. (buy) you a present. Is tllcre anytlling you need?

Another thing - I don't remember how 8) .................. ( find) your house. Can you 9) ......................... (send) me the directions? Don't forget 10) ......................... ( teU) me which !-Jus 11) ......................... ( take) from my house.

I hope 12) ......................... (sce) yOll at your party!

Lots of love, Tina

8 Speaking In pairs, take turns to tell your partner

what your teacher lets/ doesn ' t let you

do or makes/ doesn 't make you do. Use

your own Ideas as well as the ideas

below to help you .

• play games • tidy the classroom • talk

• have parties • use a dictionary

• play music • eat • work in pa irs

• listen to music • wri te on the board

• correct each other's homework

• use the school library

'" DUI leacher doesn' the classroom.

us ,..Iay 'lames In

B: Our teacher makes us tidy the classroom every day. ele



Page 39: spark 2 grammar.pdf




The ' -ing form'

The -;n9 form is the form of the verb that ends in

-i ng .

ming. ing, ing


We use the -;ng form:

• as a noun.

Swimming is good lor your body. • with the following verbs: like, love, di slike,

hate, enjoy, prefer.

r hates getting up early. • after the verb go when we talk about activities.

Ne go ice· skating r V mlrl

• after the verbs: start, begin, finish, stop,


It stopped raining holf an hour ogo.


41 and Vlcky playing

dl qumes

• after phrases like be busy, it's no use, it's no

good, it's (not) worth, there's no point (in),

what's the use of ' .. , can't help, can't stand.

I can t stand listening • after prepositions.

I'n 0000 at building model a oplanes. • after the following verbs: avoid, admit,

confess, deny, look forward to, mind, regret,

ri sk, spend, suggest, ete.

I suggest going for a wall

• We use the to-infinitive and not the -in9 form after the expressions would love, would like, would prefer. I would love to meet your new friend. BUT I love reading books.

• We can use the bare infinitive or the -in9 form after the verbs see, hear, feel and watch . Notice the

difference in meaning, however: 1 law Ht' park h 01 (l saw the whole action - Helen finished

parking the car.)

I saw Heler parking her -ar (I only saw part of the action - Helen was in the process of parking the car.)

Match column A to column B to make correct sentences, as In the example.

Steve enjoys

I decided

It's no use

The Simpsons are looking forward to


The magician can

Bill and Vicky hope


Can you

Would you like

a trying to fix the TV. We need a new one.

b make rabbits disappear.

c is my favourite sport.

d to become doctors one day.

e going on their family holiday.

f playing computer games. It's his favourite pastime.

g help me with my Maths homework?

h to meet my parents?

to buy a new laptop.

eating fast food because she believes it's unhealthy.

Page 40: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Choose the correct Item.

saw Tom ...... the letter and read it.

A. opening B to open C open

don't like ...... tennis.

A play B 10 play C playing

~ She seems ...... really sad.

A being B to be C be

- '.1ax is tired of ...... late nights.

A work ing B to work C work

5 stopped ...... an hour ago.

A snow B snowing C to snow

would love ...... on a cruise next summer.

A to go B go C going

- Are you looking forward to ...... to Rome?

A fly B 10 fly C flying

let's go ...... in the afternoon.

A jogging B jog C 10 jog

.. The Smiths decided ...... their house.

A selling B to sell C sell

.:: .. .. is my favourite extreme sport!

A To skydive B Skydiving C Skydive

Complete the sentences about yourself.

Use the Infinitive or -ing form.

like helpiru} m a d 1f1 , gorrl 11

can't stand ...................................... ...... . .

J must ..................................................... ..

.J. don't mind ............................................ ..

.s love ....................................................... ..

wan t ................ ........ ........ ..... ................ ..

ha~ .......................... ............................. .

E know how ................. .. .......................... ..

~ My parents make me ................................ .

I would like .............................................. .


Put the verbs In brackets Into the

correct Infinitive or ·Ing form .

Chris wants 1) to become (become) an actor one day. He loves 2) ............ ............. (acl) and he can 3) ........................ . (dance) very well, too. He enjoys 4) .................... ..... (watch) films and he hopes 5) ...................... .. . (perform) in action films when he's older.

o Susan expects 1) (pass) her exams next week. She's also looking forward 10 2) . .... ...... . (relax)

in the summer. Her parents want her 3) .............................. (have) a

holiday In the mountains, but she prefers 4) .... .. ....................... . (spend) lhe time on the beach. She wants to learn how ~ .. . .... . . . ..... . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .

(windsurf) , loo .

Speaking 13 Find out how your partner likes/ doesn ' t

like spending his/ her summer holidays.

Use the verbs and phrases below.

• love • hate • don't mind • like

go swimming sunbathe stay up late

read books meet friends eat ice cream

A What ,j( I e my dUri 19 yow lUmmer h /ldays'


Writing 4 Write a short paragraph about how

your partner likes/ doesn ' t like

spending his/ her summer holidays.

Page 41: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Exploring Grammar (Units 2-3)

• np ent

a) Read the text. Circle all the verbs In

the present simple and underline all the

verbs In the present continuous. Then,

look at the highlighted verb forms and

match them to their uses:

• daily routines/habits/repeated actions

• permanent states • actions happening at the time of speaking

• temporary actions happening around

the time of speaking

• fixed arrangements in the near future

Blog da atwork!

My job is quite different. You see I'm a zookeeper. I work in the local zoo. It's

hard, but I like looking after wild animals. ./ Let me describe my typical day. ~

I get up early every day. I always help feed the animals in the morning. r

sometimes forget to eat breakfast myself because I think about the animals first. I

usually spend the rest of the day washing the animals and cleaning their enclosures, too.

We often have educational days at the zoo. Schools organise trips to see our wildlife and we teach children some facts about the animals live and what they eat. This

week is special because we're taking groups of students and scouts for evening walks around the zoo! It's a thrilling expenence and I hope they like It! Right now I'm preparing the pandas' lunch. I'm feeding them at 2 o'clock this aftemoon, as I have to prepare for the evening walk.

So what do you think? Isn't my job different?

b) How do we form the negative and

the interrogative of the present simple

and the present continuous? What are

the spelling rules for each tense?








1 2





What Is a statlve verb? Find an example

In the text .

Underline all the adverbs of frequency In

the text. Where do we use adverbs of

frequency In a sentence?

Fill In with the present simple or the

present continuous.


B: A:



B: A:

B: A: B:

What time .................... .... .... (you /eat)

breakfast in the morning?

At 7:30.

............................... (your sister/ want)

to come with us?

I don't think so. She ............................ .

(do) her homework right now.

.................................. ......... (they/ like)

hanging out with friends?

Yes, they do.

Please be quiet. Kylie ......................... ..

(study) for her Maths test.

Oh, I ..................... (be) so sorry!

........................... ............ (Max/slee p)?

No, he ............................... (watch) TV

in his bedroom.


When do we use the ·;n9 form? the to· Infinitive? and the infinitive without to?

Find examples In the text.

Write -/ng form, to · infinitive or infinitive

without to next to each word/ phrase.

Make sentences using them.

like -1'19 form




would like


Page 42: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the correct Item.

1 She never ...... dinner after 9 o'clock.

A eat B have C has

2 My parents are sleeping ........

A never B at the moment

C always

] "Does Melissa like travelling?"

"No, she ........ "

A hasn't B isn't C doesn't

4 She can ...... five foreign languages!

A to speak B speaking C speak

5 ...... he remember lisa?

A Does B Is C Has

6 My dad doesn't let me ...... TV at night.

A watching B watch C to wa tch

7 " Is John having lunch right now?"

"Yes, he ....... "

A has B does C is

8 These are my notebooks ....... are on the

teacher's desk.

A Yours B Your C You

9 Kate is .... .. sister.

A Stacy's B Stacy C Stacys'

10 Matt's party is ...... Sa turday.

A on B at C in

11 "" .. " is the dog?"

"It's under the table."

A What B Where C Which

12 I'm too tired ...... a film right now.

A watching B to watch C watch

13 What time ...... your mum get up every


A does B are C do

Revision (Units 1-3)

14 Do you ...... the question?

A understanding 8 understand

C understands

15 It's hot and sunny today. I suggest ...... for a


A going B to go C go

16 He ...... in Leeds.

A live B li ving C lives

17 This is ...... and Jim's dog. They call it Rudy.

A Nicole B Nico le's C Nicoles'

18 Dean and Paul are out with some friends of

A theirs B their C them

19 lane ...... to buy this book. It 's really


A is wanting B wants C want

20 They must hurry if they want to arrive ......

time for the film.

A at B in C for

21 1 love your new laptop! ...... fantastic!

A It's Bits C It

22 There isn't ...... apple juice in the fridge.

A not any B some C any

23 Jack ...... got two dogs and a cat.

A is B has C have

24 T I ' h I lom ....... IS someone ere to see you.

A There B It C Where

25 Hello ....... is Rose Butler speaking.

A That B This C These

I Points:

\ " ) MODUlll


Page 43: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Past Simple (regular &: irregular verbs)

J= I was Q be' utltu/ summer

Jay. T fI Aids woke up at 9 o'c xx 1et feft really

K( Itro about rhe ( 'no

Mr and M rs Smith Half an lIour fater, they Suddenly, Mr' Smith

made breakfast and set off on their journey, froze. "Oh, no! shi'

put the'r suitcmes In said. We left the rhe cor. Doby I)ehind! "


Form (Regular/Irregular verbs)

I/You/He/She/lt/We/You/They fin ished/ ran.

I/You/ He/She/lt/We/You/Th ey didn't finish / run.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they finish / run?

Yes, I/you/he/she/itlwe/you/they did .

No, I/you/he/she/ it/we/you/they didn't .

Spelling Rules (regular &: irregular verbs)

• Verbs ending in -e take only -d. like - r ed

• Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and take -ied . fry fried

• Verbs ending in a vowel + y, take -ed. . d

• Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant before the -ed. mned BUT

• Verbs ending in -I, double the I before they take -ed.

lied, ~! larr ' lIed

• Irregular verbs do not form the past simple by adding -ed.

t.lW bre7k t e

(See fist of irregular verbs at the back of the



The suffix -ed is pronounced:

• Ildl when the verbs end in It I or Id/ sound. r )s ted, needed

• I t I when the verbs end in a I kl, Isl, 11//, 1/1, I f I or I pl sound . b( Jkfd, missed, matchpd, I (I/Shfd,

IlJghf'd, stopped

• Id! when the verb ends in any other sound. b lwed arriv, J, :wbbed, opened

Page 44: spark 2 grammar.pdf


We use the past simple to talk about:

• actions which happened at a particular time in the past. The time is either mentioned or implied. They went camping fast

summer. (When? Last

summer. The time is

mentioned). They did lots of lhinq~.

(When? Last summer.

The time is impl ied.)

• past habits. In this case we use adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually,

every day/month, ete). My family and I olway~ went camping e~ ~r

summer when I wm younf (But we don't go any more.)

I' . t

• actions that happened immediately one after the other in the past.

First she read the book and then she 1howed

it to her friends.

• people who are no longer alive.

Princess Diana helped people in need. (Princess Diana is dead.)

Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/month/year, two hours/days/weeks/ months!years ago, when, then, in 2008, etc

Complete the table with the following verbs .

• act • chat • close • fry • enjoy • tidy • like • look • open • play • quarrel • race

• stop • study • surf • travel • try • use • watch • plan • happen • learn • miss

act acted,



Page 45: spark 2 grammar.pdf

'-'ODUlt: 1







6 7

Write the past simple form of the verbs

be low. The n put them Into the correct

category In the table.

paint - d 8 finish - ............... watch - .............. 9 cook - . ............... open - ............... 10 need - . ............... arrive - ............... " drop - . ........... .... dance - .............. 12 laugh - . .. ............ visit - ................. 13 play - .. ............... climb - ............... 14 race - .. .............. .

mle J wakhed opened

................................................................ .....

....................... ....................... ............... ....... .

................................................................ .....

....................... ....................... ...................... .


....................... ....................... ...................... .


a) Complete the tables with the past simple of the following verbs.

• swim • dance • ride • fly • cook

• draw • do • wa lk • see • wear

• arrive • tidy • celebrate • leave

• come • break • talk • lie • go

swam ................................... . ................................. . ................................... ................................. .. ................................... .................................. . ................................... .................................. . ................................... . ................................. . ................................... . ................................. . ................................... . ................................. . ....•.............................. . ................................. .


b) Now complete the sentences with

verbs from Ex. la In the post simple.

in the sea every day last summer.

2 Sarah ................................... dinner for her

family last Sunday.

:3 Mark's room was a mess, so he .................. ..

it last night.

4 NeU usually takes the bus to school, but she

.............................. .... there yesterday.

S Sue .................................. to her best friend

on the phone an hour ago.

6 David .................................. a picture of his

house at school today.

7 The girls ................................ their bicycles

around the park yesterday morning .

S His parents .............................. to Rome last

Friday evening. The flight lasted one hour .

9 Alex ............................. his homework and

.. .......................... for a walk .

10 I ............................... a very good comedy

at the cinema.

11 lane ...................... at the party at 8 o'clock.

12 Mary ............................... a funny costume

at yesterday's street parade.

4 Write what you did ...







• yesterday afternoon • three days ago

• last week • last year • in 2007

• last summer

" .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .. ........................................................... ... .. ..................... ..................... ........................ .. .......................................................... ..... . .................................................... .............. . .................................................. .............. . ........................................... .... ................... ..., ............................................................. .

Page 46: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Look at what Sandra did/ didn 't do last

Sunday and make sentences.

• get up early X • eat breakfast ./

• go to school X • do her homework ./

• meet her friends ./

• check her emails X ' -

last Sunday ... 1 JT'/dra didn't gl t .Jp e;r/y.

2 ................................................................. . 3 .................................................................. 4


6 .............................................................. .

a) Put the verbs In brackets Into the

past simple.

-..,.lIa Earhart. Ihe legendary woman pllol, 1) (be) tn Kansas. USA in 1897. After her fltst plane

~ in 1920 she 2) .. . (lake) flYing ssoos and Ihen In 1921 she 3) ~ her own plane. Her big momenl 4)

wne) in 1932 when she was the first woman pilot to :::ss the AtlantiC Ocean In a single flight But Amelia

(noVstop) Ihere Next. she

"'7) >er 8) ..

.. ane myslenously 9)

(decide) 10 fly around Ihe world I (set) off In March t 937 bul

. (reach) her destination. Her

(disappear) ~ the Pacific Ocean. Rescue teams 10)

>peod) weeks searching bul 11)

od) nothing. Wha1 12) . .. (happen) -melia on her last flight? Nobody knows for sure.

b) Write questions about Amelia

Earhart. The n write short answers.

1 Amelia Earhart/buy/her own plane/in 1921? rr, t ly 921


2 she/cross/the Atlantic/in 1932?

3 she/decide/to/fly/around the world?


4 she/set off/in March 1937? .. ............................................................... . .................................................................•

5 she/reach/her destination?

. ................................................................ .

6 rescue teams/find/her?

. .......•.........................................................

Put the verbs Into the past simple. Then

match the questions to the answers.

IJIIl What film did you wotch (you/watch)

yesterday evening?

[ID Whaltime .......................................... ..

.................. (you/go) to bed last night?

[I[J Whallime .......................................... ..

.............. (you/ wake up) this morning?

[!D What ................................................... .

(you/ eat) for breakfast?

[ID Who ................................................... ..

(you/ meet) this afternoon?

~ Where ................................................. .

(you/go) la si weekend?

a 8:00 am.

b fred. c Spiderman 3.

d To the cinema.

e At midnight.

f An egg on toast.

"lOool! 2


Page 47: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Put the verbs In brackets into the post


1 A: What did you ( J( (you/ cook) for dinner?

B: I mode (make) a pizza.

2 A: (you/see)

any films last weekend?

B: No, but I ................................ (read) a

nice book.

3 A: (they/ go)

to the gym last night?

B: No, they ............................... ... .. (stay)

at home and

(surf) the Net.

4 A:

(Matt/meet) his cousin yesterday?

B: Yes, they .................................. (go) to

the footba ll match together.

5 A: How ............................ (be) the party?

B: Fantastic! Everyone .............................. .

(dance) to the music and ................... .

(sing) along to their favourite songs.

6 A: When ....................... .......... ..... ... ....... .. .


(you/fly) to the Bahamas?

B: Last summer. We ................................. .

(have) a wonde rful t ime!

Put the words In the correct order to

make sentences.

1 didn't/to/ Emma/go/school/ today Emma ~idn' fJ0')j t.Jaoy.

2 james/did/dishes/ the/wash/yesterday?

3 play/last/ the boys/didn't/night/football

4 Caroline/a/pair/wore/of/boots/red/last Sunday

5 hol iday /Iast/went/we/on/yea r/S pain/to

6 you/the/d id /news/ listen/the/to/rad i%n?

1 0 Put the verbs In brackets into the past simple.

A: What 1) did YOv do (you/ do) last summer?

B: I 2) .................... (go) to an island and I

3) .................... (work) in a restaurant.

A: What kind of work 4) .............................. ..


B: I 5) ...................... (be) a wa iter.

A: 6) ........................ .... ..... ......... (you /work)

long hours?

B: Yes, but I 7) .... .. ............ (sleep) a lot, too.

I also 8) .................... (save) some money.

A: How long 9) ............................ (you/ stay)


B: 110) .......................... (a rrive) in June and

11 ) ............. (leave) in August. I 12) ........ .

(be) there for two months.

A: 13) ..................... (you/ have) a nice time?

B: Yes, 114) .................... (en joy) it a lot!

11 Speaking a) In pairs, ask and answer questions,

as In the example. Use the phrases

below and your own Ideas.

• eat breakfast this morning

• do your homework last night • hang out with friends la st weekend

• go swimming last Friday

• buy new clothes la st week

A. Did y:w .at t. eakfast rnis morning?

B: Yi -I NI I Jidn ete

b) Now tell the clan what your

partner did/ didn ' t do.

Mark ate takfaH 01

Writing 12 Write a short paragraph about things

you did / didn't do yesterday morning.

Use the Speaking activity to help you.

Page 48: spark 2 grammar.pdf

., 3

!led to

ioed to is a past fo rm. We cannot use it in the present tense. s the same form in all persons singu lar and plural.

to 11 E ,jdn w e tf Did u~ to a

I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They used to speak Italian.

I/You/He/She/lt/We!You/They didn 't use to speak Italian.

Did I/yo u/he/she/it/we/you/they use to speak Italian?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did .

No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they didn 't .

• Used to is used to talk about past habits or things that happened 1'egularly in the past but no longer happen.

ed to read (He doesn't do -hat any more.)

e also use used to for th ings tha t were true but are not true any more.

used to hav oJonde hair.)

(Now she has

• e can use the past simple instead of used to with no difference in "1eaning when we talk about past habits.

ed to live /, lived Par'

BUT Sht bought Q r, cJ 'ay. (NOT: I:Jsefi le BblY - single past action)

, -, ,

Did 1nl' to play

/ghl Ye did H

Jsed to play ''''.1 ut now he play~ Qske t . ./

Match the verbs 1-6 with the words/ phrases a -f . Then write sentences about what

Sharon used to/ didn 't use to do when she was younger.

play a books not eat b a lot of television draw c pictures with crayons walk d computer games

S- not read e vegetables

watch f to school

I1sd (J uy

3 -........................................................ ... ... .

Page 49: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Six years ago, Mlchael was at high

school. Now, he goes to university. Use

the phrases to ask and answer

questions about him, as In the example.


• live in a flat

• have a driving licence

• eat fast food

• go to the gym

THEN • live at home with his


• ride a bicycle

• eat home made food

• play basketball with friends

se t

Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps

with the correct form of used to and

the verbs In brackets.

A: Grandad! 1) Old you u t 0 (you/ play) computer games when

you were young?

8: No, I didn't. We 2) ........... .

................................... (not/ have) computer

games back then.

A: So, what 3) .................................. .......... .

(yo u/ do) in your tree time?

8: I 4) ..................................... ........ (meet) my friends after school and we 5) ................... ..

........................... (play) games in the street.

A: 6) .............................. ............ (you/ watch)

films when you were young?

8: Yes, I did. I 7) ...................................... (go)

to the cinema, but I 8) ................................. .

(not/see) as many films as I do now. It was

like watching magic at that time. Now,

child ren watch TV and films all the time.




2 3



Use used to/ didn 't use to to write

sentences about your past habits.

91 .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ...................................................... ... . ........

Put a tick (..') next to the sentences

where 'used to + main verb ' can replace

the past simple.

1 Martin watched a lot of cartoons when he

was younger. ..' 1 t« at,--h l

2 Sandra met her friends last night.

3 William Wallace lived in Scotland in the 13th

century ................................. .

4 Nita read that book last year.

5 The Smiths drove a small car ten years ago.

6 Lucy went to bed ea rly last Saturday.

Speaking In pairs, ask and answer questions

about things you used to/ didn 't use to

do when you were eight years old. Use

the Ideas below and / or your own Ideas.

• send emails • draw pictu res

• play sports • listen to music

• make your bed • ride a bike

• play the guitar • watch cartoons

Writing Use your partner's answers from the

Speaking activity to write a short

paragraph about what he/ she used tol

dIdn 't use to do.

Page 50: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Six years ago, Mlchael was at high

school. Now, he goes to university. Use

the phrases to ask and answer

questions about him, as In the example.


• live in a flat

• have a driving licence

• eat fast food

• go to the gym

THEN • live at home with his


• ride a bicycle

• eat home made food

• play basketball with friends

se t

Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps

with the correct form of used to and

the verbs In brackets.

A: Grandad! 1) Old you u t 0 (you/ play) computer games when

you were young?

8: No, I didn't. We 2) ........... .

................................... (not/ have) computer

games back then.

A: So, what 3) .................................. .......... .

(yo u/ do) in your tree time?

8: I 4) ..................................... ........ (meet) my friends after school and we 5) ................... ..

........................... (play) games in the street.

A: 6) .............................. ............ (you/ watch)

films when you were young?

8: Yes, I did. I 7) ...................................... (go)

to the cinema, but I 8) ................................. .

(not/see) as many films as I do now. It was

like watching magic at that time. Now,

child ren watch TV and films all the time.




2 3



Use used to/ didn 't use to to write

sentences about your past habits.

91 .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ...................................................... ... . ........

Put a tick (..') next to the sentences

where 'used to + main verb ' can replace

the past simple.

1 Martin watched a lot of cartoons when he

was younger. ..' 1 t« at,--h l

2 Sandra met her friends last night.

3 William Wallace lived in Scotland in the 13th

century ................................. .

4 Nita read that book last year.

5 The Smiths drove a small car ten years ago.

6 Lucy went to bed ea rly last Saturday.

Speaking In pairs, ask and answer questions

about things you used to/ didn 't use to

do when you were eight years old. Use

the Ideas below and / or your own Ideas.

• send emails • draw pictu res

• play sports • listen to music

• make your bed • ride a bike

• play the guitar • watch cartoons

Writing Use your partner's answers from the

Speaking activity to write a short

paragraph about what he/ she used tol

dIdn 't use to do.

Page 51: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Prepositions of movement

ad il wolkmg

:JcrOSl Ihe road.

Brad i~ divmg

into the poof

Brad s runnmg along the (oad.

Brad mo

out of the tunne

•• I I

Brad i~ gOing up thl tret

~~ ~

,I!" =

Brad Jumpil ~

over e rt

./: Cl

8rad I~ coming down the tree.

Brad IS rl I ling around. round

the 're

Brad a running fram

one !rh to Ih~ fIller. Brad is jumping

onto the Iree. Brad is going through

the tunnel,

Brad I runnino

pas t 'hi Ir Brad is running

towards thi rt-I:. Brad falling off

We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in which someone or something is moving.

These include: along, across, up, down, into, out of, over, from .. . to, around / round, onto, through, past, towards, off.

ate; by + car/ bus/ train/ taxi/ plane/ boat BUT on foot

When there is an article (a/an, the), a possessive adjective (my, your, elc) or the possessive case before the means of transport, we don't use by.

f' the train (NOT: P;' iRe Ufli/'J) ill my car (NOT: 1,))' 1'fI;' E9f)

.he 5 o'clock bus, in Bill's CO! in a to) 0 11 thl bus, on the plane



Page 52: spark 2 grammar.pdf




Fill In the correct preposition of


He is skiing I\.',

the slope.

3 She is going ...... .

........... the stairs.

5 He's getting ...... .

............. the taxi.

2 They are walking

. ........ the beach.

4 The train is going

the bridge.

6 They are walking

............ the road.

Unde.rline the correct preposition of


A: What's that helicopter for? B: It flies over/ up the city to see the traffic.

2 A: Look! The leaves are falling off/out of

the trees! B: Autumn is here at last!

3 A: Why did you hang up the phone?

B: I didn't. I lost the signal when I passed

through/towards a tunnel.

4 A: Where does this train go?

B: It goes from /off Paris to/in Lyon.

5 A: We missed the bus. How can we get to

the airport now?

B: We can go by/in my car.

6 A: Does your dad drive you to school?

B: No, I go by/on foot.

7 A: I saw you get past /out of a taxi last

night. Where did you go?

B: I went to the cinema.

8 A: I can't climb ont%ver the boat! It's too


B: Of course you can! Give me your hand!

lake moved to a new house and he Invited his friend Sam to see it. Here's part of Jake's

em ail to his friend. Read it, look at the map and complete with: along, across, past, over,

through, round, out of .

. ..

When you come 1) 11 01 the train station, turn right

Walk 2) .... .. ... .......... .. King Street until you see River

Road. Turn left on River Road and go 3) .. .. .. .............. .

the bridge. Keep walking and go 4) ..................... the

cinema. Then walk 5) .. ..... .............. the tunnel and go

6) ..................... the comer. Walk 7) ..................... to

the other side of Pine Lane and my house is just on the

left. You can't miss it

See you soon,


--- --- ---

Page 53: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Underline the correct item.

, Your shoes are under/ bet ween the table.

1 The girl is cycling across/ t h rough the


3 Our house is next to/ in the hospital.

4' The train leaves in / at ten minutes.

S I go to school on/ by bus every day.

6 I like walking in/at the park on warm

summer days.

7 David is my best friend on /a t school.

8 You should be careful when you walk across/

past the street.

9 I am very tired on / at the moment.

o We can go to the cinema in/ on Friday night.

Underline the correct preposition.

1 A: Excuse me! How can I get to the


B: You have to go up/~ the bridge to

get there.

2 A: Where is David?

B: Over there! He's getting ont% ut of a


3 A: I can't find my glasses.

B: I saw them in/ on the kitchen table this


4 A: Where do you li ve?

B: In ( lark Street, near / between the


S A: Do you know where my (Os are?

B: Yes, I put them in/ at a box, through/

under your bed.

6 A: Do you walk to work?

B: No, I go by/on bus.

6 Underline the corre ct prepositions.

Alison is sitting 1) in/at

her desk 2) aUon the

moment. She IS

3) across/next to her

best friend, Meg.

They're taking notes for

the ir history project

now. They have to give it to their teacher 4) on/at

Friday. 5) In/On the afternoon, the girls are meeting

their friend, Alex. They usually take a walk

6) over/through the park 7) from/during the

afternoon, but today they're gOlOg 8) aUto the library

together so they can finish the history proJect.



Speaking • Look a t the map In Ex . 3. In pairs, ask

and give directions from and to the

following places:

• railway station - supermarket

• park - cinema

• jake's house - park

• cinema - railway station

• railway station - park

• supermarket - lake's house

A: How can I go from thE railway ltatiofl to the supermarket?

B: When you come out of the rDJlway station,

turn right Walk %ng King Street. When

YOll reach River Road. go O((05S the street

and the supermarket is on your right ele

Writing You are organising a party at your new

house. Write a paragraph giving

directions from the nearest train or

bus station to your house. Draw a

simple map. Use Ex . 3 as a model .



Page 54: spark 2 grammar.pdf


Exploring Grammar (Units 4-6)

• a) Rea d the text below. Circle all the

ve rbs In the past simple. Which are

regular? Which are irregular? List

the m under the headings .


b) Look at the h ighlighted verb forms

in the t e xt and match them to their


• actions which happened at a specific

time in the past

• actions which took place one after the

other in the past

Did you always believe that Wait Disney created the story of Cinderella? Well, then, you are wrong. Do you know who really wrote some of the most

famous fairy tales like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood? It was a french writer

called Charles Perrault who lived during the 17th


Charles was born in Paris. He was the son of a

wealthy family. He went to the best schools and

studied law at university. He spent most of his life in jobs with the govemment in France. His life as a writer began later on, though, as he used to write children's stories in his free time and only published his first collection when he was 55 under the name of one of his sons. Charles lost his job when he was 67 and then decided to only write fairy tales for his children. After he died, Charles became famous as the writer who made fairy tales the way we know them tOday.

a) How do we form the

interrogative/ negative forms of the

post limple1 Find examples in the text.

b ) How do w e form short answers in

the post simple?

, Write the post simple of the following

verbs. What are the spelling rules?

Which of these can you find in the text?

, li ve .... ........ ..... 4 study .................

2 tra vel ................. 5 play . .. .... .... ... .. . 3 walk ..... ... .... .. ... 6 create . ................


• Loo k through the text and find a past

ha bit of Charles Perrault's. What is the

negative and lnerrogative form of th is

structure ?

• Re ad the text and circle all the

prepoJltlons of movement. Why do we

use them? What other prepositiqns of

movement do you know?

Little Red Riding Hood is about a little girl who walks from her own house to her grandma's. She sk ips through Ihe woods 10 get there. A bad wolf sees her as she comes along the forest path. He runs quickly towards her grandma's house. The wolf goes into the house, eats grandma, and then waits for the girl to arrive to eat her as well. To their luck, a hunter is near the house and comes to thei r rescue. He cuts the wolf open and pulls out Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma. Isn't this happy ending?

Page 55: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circ:le the correct Item.

1 Did you ...... to wear glasses when you were


A used B use C using

2 Amelia Earhart ...... born in Kansas, USA in

1897. A was B is C were

3 I always go to work ... ". car.

A on 8 in C by

4 I finished my homework two hours .......

A then 8 ago C now

5 He seems to ...... really sad.

A is 8 being C be

6 Natalie ...... a new motorbike last week.

A used to buy B bought

C is buying

7 Slow down! There's a dog walking ...... the


A through 8 across C round

8 ...... Andrew go to the cinema yesterday


A Does B Is C Did

9 He ...... €200 for his new bike.

A pay B paid C payed

10 My grandma always gets up ...... dawn.

A at B from C in

11 The train ...... in half an hour. let's go!

A arrived B arrives C arrive

12 We ...... Sightseeing tomorrow. Would you

like to join us?

A go 8 went

C are going

13 What time " ..... your dad leave the office


A is B did C does

Revision (Units 1-6)

14 Do you mind ...... down please?

A sitting 8 to sit C sit

15 "Are you from India?"

"Yes, ....... "

A I'm B I am C am

16 Max is diving ...... the pool.

A into B past C towards

17 I used ...... jogging every morning, but now

I go to the gym. A go B going C to go

18 ...... is Mary speaking. Is lane there please? A This 8 That C Those

19 look at those colourful ...... !

A butterfly, B butterfly

C butterflies

20 This is Becky's house. It ...... got six


A is 8 was C has

21 This car isn't mine. It's .......

A they B theirs C them

22 "Whose room is this?"

''It's ...... room."

A Max and Tom's

C Max's and Tom

B Max's and Tom's

23 "How ...... is the film?"

"2 hours."

A often B much C long

24 Peter is a teacher. He ...... English at a

primary school.

A taught B is teaching C teaches

25 I... ...... a French test at school the day

before yesterday,

A sat B sit

C am sitting

( Points: \ 25 )



Page 56: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Past Continuous

Form was/ were + verb -ing

I/He/ She/ lt was sleeping. We/You /They were sleeping.

I/ He/ She/ lt wasn' t sleeping. We/You /They weren 't sleeping.


Was I/ he/she/ it sleeping?

Yes, I/ he/she/it was .

No, I/ he/she/it wasn't.

We use the past continuous:

• for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not know when the action started or finished . Kef! was shopping at 5

( d yE a~ 01 Ernoon (We do not know when she started or when she finished.)

• for two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past . (simultaneous actions). Linda was drawIng

while her mum was cooking at 5 o'clock.



Were we/you/ they sleeping?

Yes, we/you/ they were.

No, we/you/they weren 't.

• for a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress (longer action) and the simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter action). They were talk ing

when hi~ mobile rang .

• to give the background information in a story. The sun was shining

and the wind was

blowing. It was a perfecr day for


Time expressions used with the past continuous: whi le, as, when, all day/ night/morning, etc

When/While/ As + past continuous (longer action in prog ress) When, While /As e wos cooking dinner, the

phone rang. (was cooking \'!. a \onger '3o(t\on than rang)

When + past simple (shorter action which interrupts the action in progress) The ~hildren were playing when their mother

coiled them. (coUed is a snOtter ac.t\Qn tnan were playing)

Page 57: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Debble Is a student who works in a clothes shop on Saturdays. This Is a page from

Debbie's diary with a list of the things she did last Saturday. Complete the

sentences about what Debbie was doing at the stated times, as In the example .

1 Debbie at 7:20.

2 Debbie .......... ......................... at 7:35.

3 Debbie .......................... ......... at 8: 1 O.

4 Debbie ............................. .... .. at 8:55 .

5 Debbie ... ..... ... ................. ....... at 11 :15.

6 Debbie ... ... ... ........ .. ..... ... ........ at 1 :40.

7 Debbie ................ .. .......... ....... at 3:15.

8 Debbie .............................. ..... at 6:35.

9 Debbie ................................... at 7:10.

10 Debbie .......................... ......... at 8 :45.

Use the past continuous to say what you

were doing ...

1 at 9 o'clock last night.

I wm I .... k 0 9 0 clock losl


2 at 8:30 yesterd ay morning.

3 three hours ago.

4 last Sa turday afternoon .

5 last summer.

6 this ti me last year.

7 at noon last Sunday.

8 at 6 o'clock yesterday afte rnoon.

9 at midnight yesterday. .. .... ................................................. .... .. .....

10 in Ju ly two yea rs ago.

7:00 - 7:30 ~at breakfa~t

7:30 - 7:45 hav~ a 6howu 8:00 - 8:30 walk to work

8:45 - 9:00 p'"par. th •• hop 9:00 - 1:00 h~lp customers

1:10 - 1:50 have lunch with JuNe

2:00 - 6:00 work

6:15 - 6:45 go home

7:00 - 7:20 mak~ dinner

7:45 - 9:30 watch a fflm

What were they doing at 5 o 'clock

yesterday? Write sentences in the past


1 David I jog

David was loygi, 1 at

S.) I t rdrJy

2 Bill and Susan I shop

. ............. .................. . .

3 Mary and Brian I wash

their car

4 Vicky I talk on the




Page 58: spark 2 grammar.pdf

4 Look at a picture of the Browns' house last Sunday evening. What was each person

dolng1 look at the picture and use the phrases below to correct the sentenc:es .



• sleep on the sofa • p lay computer games • read a book • iron the clothes

• watch TV • talk on the phone

1 Mr Brown was writing an email.

MI Br " )0 't Wf g or em , dm at :)

2 Mrs Brown was washing the clothes.

3 Sam and Peter were doing their homework.

5 1

Fo rm questions and then answer them

us ing the past continuous.

you/study/London/ last year? - No/Paris

A: Were you Hudying in London last year?

B: No, I wasn't . I wO! tudying in Paris.

2 your mum/cook/dinnerlsix o'clock/yesterday

evening? - Yes

k ......................... ..

B: ............................................................ .

3 you/have/d inner/seven o'clock/ last night? -


A: ..................................... ....... ..... ... ...... . B: ................................. ........... ... ........ .... .

4 it/rain/all day/last Sunday? - Yes

A .. ... .................................. ..................... . B .. ... .................................. .... ................. .

4 Amy was sending a text message.

5 Grandma was surfing the Net.

6 Grandad was listening to music.

6 1

Join the sentences using al, while or

when, as in the example.

Neil was listening to the radio. The doorbell


Nt ~ :) li.temng to the radio wht I the

,J( ort rang or A Wfl lE Whe N€ I WQI I,steni 19 to 'he radio,

the 100rbell (' '1g.

2 Tom was chopping carrots. He cut his finger.

3 I was cycling to school. It started to rain.

4 She was watching a film. She fell asleep.

Page 59: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Fill in with the POlt cont;nuoul.

"!en I came home from Bchool yeBterday my "'1ole f.:lmily waB there. Mum 1)

'cook) lunch as she 2) ......................................... (talk) -' the phone. Dad waB in the garde'1 and he

3) ........................................... (water) the plants while ""' dog Max 4) ................................................. (splash)

B pawB in the water. My brotherB. fet e and

~II. 5) ................................................... (surf) the Net 'l'",d my BiBt er, Brenda. 6) ............ " ......... .................... .

'hale) a Bhower. Everyone 'NaB very bus}

s--Yesterday afternoon, Judy and Meg went for a walk along the beach. There were other people there, too. Some children 1) ............................. .

(swim) in the sea while a group of teenagers 21 ............................... (dive) off some cliffs. An elderly couple 3) ............................. (sit) on the sand. They 4) ............................ (eat) ice cream while their grandson 5) ................................. ..

(build) sandcastles. In the distance, a family 6) ..................................... (try) to J1y a kite. It was a lovely June afternoon!

Complete with the post simple or the

POlt continuous. Then underline.

1 Dad was sleepin9 (sleep) when / while I wa_ doing (do) my homework.

2 My brother and I ............................ (play)

in the park as/ when it

(start) to rain .

3 While/ When Mum ................................. ..

(wash) the dishes, she ............................. .

(break) a glass.

4 As/When Kathy ....................................... .

(go) to school, she ................................... . (bump into) her old friend Sam.

5 We .......................................... (sit) a test,

as /when our teacher ............................... . (correct) our homework.


Complete with the palt l;mple or the

past continuoul.

A: What 1) Wt \l'l,.!l do (you/ do) when the

fi reworks display 2) ....................... (begin)?

I 3) ..................................... (look) for you


B: I 4) ................................... (buy) some hot

dogs from a street vendor. When I 5) .......... .

... ........................ (come back) to find you,

you were gone.

A: Tha t's because I 6) ................................. .... .

(try) to find you.

B: I'm sorry! I 7) .................................... (get)

you a hot dog, too. Here you go!

A: That's OK! Thanks for the hot dog.

B: 8) ........................................ (you/ see) the

fireworks display in the end?

A: Yes, I did. When it 9) ................................ .

(start), I just 10) ................................. ..

(stand) and 11 ) .............................. (stare)

up at the sky.

B: That's great! I 12) ...... .. ...................... ..

(eat) my hot dog during the fireworks, so I 13) .......................... (not/ see) much at all!

A: Ha! You're so si lly!


Speaking In pain, ask and answer questions

about what you were doing yesterday


• 7:45 am • 10:30 am . 12:00 pm

• 3:30 pm • 6:00 pm • 9:30 pm

A: What we YOI u( 9 at B: I WQ(

Writing Write what your family was doing

yesterday at:

• 8:00 am • 5:00 pm • 9:00 pm

\t ) For Further Practice see p. 147) "'OOUU 1


Page 60: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

We use the past simple for: • an action which was completed at a stated

time in the past. - y bought

SI.J 'nir ~ rei 01

(When? Yesterday afte rnoon.)

• actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past.

We use the past continuous fo r: • an action which was in progress at a

stated time in the past. We do not know when the action started or finished. rr, y were having 5 , :1 ' Olrt roan.

(We do not know when they started or when they fin ished.)

• two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past. (simultaneous actions)

Sh wos talking wh! her leacher was writing on

thl' board.

• a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it .

wriling ,

• a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it.

writing 0'

• a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it.

writing on the boara.

Page 61: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the verbs in the b rackets into the

post simple or the post continuous.

1 Cathy was .Sf 'nJ 9 (listen) to music when

the doorbell [( (ring) .

2 We ................................ (eat) lunch when

my brothe r .. ...................... (come) home.

3 Greg ...................................... (go) home,

....................................... . (have) a shower

and then ......... .... .............. ..... (watch) TV.

4 Mary ... .. ................................ (s ing) wh il e

Peter .............................. (play) the piano.

5 Pau l .................................... (read) a book

when his frie nd .. .............. ........ (ca ll ) hi m.

6 Ma rk .......................... (fee l) disappoi nted

when he ...................... (hear) his foo tba ll

team lost the match.

Make sentences, as in the e xa mple. Use

the post simple and the past continuous.

1 Aaron/write/an email - computer/crash

Aoron was writing all email when hI!> computer


2 Mum/cook - burn herself

3 we/watch/the news - li ghts/go out

4 Jerry/ run - spra in/his ankle

5 they/ have/a picnic - it/start/ rain

6 Alex/d rive - get/a flat tyre

7 Josh/sleep - hi s phone/ ring

Complete the dialogues with the past

s;mple or the past continuous.

A A: Wha t 1) no 'p, d (happen) to Philip?

B: He 2) .......................... . (ski) when he

3) ........................... (fa ll ) and

4) ........................... (break) his leg.

A: 5) .... .................................. (you/ take)

him to hospita l?

8: Yes! Straight away!

B A: When 1) ................................. ........... ..

(you/ meet) Luke?

B: Last yea r, while we 2) ..... ............. .

. ................. (take) music lessons .

C A: I 1) ........................... (ca ll ) you last

night, but you 2) .................................. .

(not / answer). Wha t were you doing?

B: I 3) ......................................... (have) a


o A: 1) ....................................................... .

(you/ work) at 8 o'clock last night?

B: No. We 2) ................................ (have)

di nner at a French resta uran t.

A: Really? 3) ............................................ .

(the food / taste) good?

B: Yes ! It 4) ............................... .. ..... (be)


4 Underline the co rrect item .

1 Sop hie was wrapping /wrapped a birthday

present when the doorbell was ringing/ rang.

2 last year, we trave ll ed/ was travelling to

Italy to see some friends.

3 The plane landed / was la nding at the

ai rport at 6 o'clock yeste rday afternoon .

4 steve was trying / tried traditiona l Greek

food on holiday in Greece last year.

5 Justi n carri ed /was carrying some boxes

when he tripped/ was trip ping over a ca ble .

.oou". 63

Page 62: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Clrc:le the mistake (A or B) then correct


1 Gregory was sleeping when the alarm A

was starting ringing. o

2 Bill and Sarah played in the garden when A

Sarah's mum called them in to have dinner. o

3 (Iaire was at her friend's house when the A

earthquake was striking ............................ . o

4 Wanda was watching a street parade when a A

man was grabbing her bag and ran off. o

5 While we were getting ready for the party, A

6 1

we were hearing a knock at the door. o

Complete the sentences with your own


We were watching a fireworks display when

o 2 My sister was listening to music when ...... .

3 I was talking on the phone while .............. .

4 As my dad was watching the news, .......... .

5 I was sleeping when ................................. .

6 While Mum was cooking dinner, ............... .

Fill In: did/didn't, was/wasn't, were/weren't.

1 A: What di Ann and Mary do at the

weekend? ........... they go swimming?

B: No, they ............ Ann ........... feeling

very wel l.

2 A: ........... your parents working all day


B: No, they ........... .

3 A: What ........... you doing at 10 o'clock

yesterday evening?

B: I ........... watching a film on TV.

4 A: ........... you remember to pay the rent?

B: No, I ........... I was so busy I .......... . have time to go to the bank.

S A: ........... you visit Helen yesterday?

B: No, I ............ She ........... out of town.

Maybe next week.

Put the verbs in brackets Into the past

DcaI' Gar)"

You won', belie\(:: what I) (happen) to me yesterday Illorning whi le I 2) ............. . ................................. (shop) at the supermarket. I 3) ................................ (buy) some cheese 1\ hCIl lWO lall mcn suddenly 4) ............................ .

(appear) at the door. They 5) ............................. .. . (threaten) (0 hurt the cashier if she didn't give them the 1ll01le~ they 6) ............... ....... ... . (want). Everyone 7) ..................................... (start) screamingl An old lad) who 8) ........................... . . ............. (stand) in the queue 9) ........................... . (fain. ). I 10) ......................................... (nol/know) 1\ ha t to do. f\ rCI\ minutes later. the cash ier 11 ) ..................................... (give) thl..'llIlhe llIone~

and they 12) .............................. .. .. .... ... (run away). Luckily. nohody 13) .............. . (get) hun t What a day! I don't think I'll go shopping ror a while. Well. what about you?

Write soon TelT}"

Page 63: spark 2 grammar.pdf

a) Put the verbs in brackets into the

POlt limple or the pOlt continuOU1.

~ My uncle Bob 1) d, d (decide) 10 go on holiday ID Rome lasl month and he 2) ............................ ..... (ask) me to look after his dog, Aex, while he was away. One day, while I 3) ...... .. ..... ............ ... ... ... .. .... .. . (walk) Rex, the strangest thing 4) ........ .. ................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... (happen).

~ It was a beautiful summer morning. The sun 5) .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. ......... (shine) and the birds 6) .......... .................................... (sing). The Park 7) ...... .. .... .. .... .... .. ...... .. .............. (be) almost empty as it was snll very early. Rex and I 8) ..... .. ... ... ... ........... (walk) beside the pond when, suddenly, I 9) ...................... .... . (slip) and 10) .......................................... (tall) into the water. I can 't swim, so I got really scared. Aex 11 ) ........ ........................................ (bark) loudly while I 12) ............................................... (shout) tor help.

~I don 't remember much after that. When I 13) .................................... ..... (open) my eyes, I 14) .... .... .... .. .. ................ .. ...... (lie) on the ground next to the pond and a man 15) ........ .. .. .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. . (stand) over me. I said, ~Thank you for saving me, sir!" But, he replied, "116) .. .. .......... .. .... .. .......... ........... (noVsave) you. I 17) .............................. .. .. .. ... (arrive) just as your dog 18) ............ .. .. .. .... .... .... .. .. .... (pull) you out of the water." So, I 19) .. .. ...... ...... ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... (turn) to Rex and 20) ... .. .......... .. .... .. .... .. ........ ..... (give) him a big hug.

b) Ask and answer questions, using

the prompts, as In the example.

1 Where/Uncle Bob/go/ last month? A WI,~rt j B~ IS! 11

8: Hl rI ,:J} r I'n

2 What/be/ the weather/ like?

3 What/ the writer/do/when/he/slip? 4 What/Rex/do/while/the writer/shout?

5 How/the writer/get out of /the water?

6 What/the writer/give/Rex/at the end?


Speaking 1 0 look at the pictures. In pairs, prepare

a short story using the prompts. Use

the past limple or the POlt continuous. Tell the class.


• Saturday night/Sally and Rachellbe at fancy dress party

• they/dance to the music/have a great time

• while/dance/ Rachel/meet woman/ be dressed as a ghost

• Rachelltalk to woman/all night

• end of partyf Rachel tell Sally/about interesting woman

• Sally/say to Rachel/not see/woman/ dressed as ghost

• Rachel/ be surprised/shocked

• At that time/both/ realise that/woman/be/ real ghost

A: Last Saturday n;9"', Sally and Ruchel we.e

... a fan.:y dre~s party.

B: They Y'frt dancing fa the mUSIC ele

Writing Use your answers from the Speaking

activity to write the story. Give the

story a different ending.

@)or Fu~~~~ Practice see pp. 147-149) MOOUl~ J


Page 64: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Exploring Grammar (Units 7-8)

MODUli 1


• Past Simple &: Past

a) Read the text below. Underline the

verbs In the past simple and clrc:le the

verbs In the past continuous. Which palt

simple verbs are regular? Which are


1) In 1977, Mlchlhlko Vane was working on board a Japanese fishing boat called the Zuiyo-maru. The boat was fishing in waters close to New Zealand when a large creature got caught in the nets. As the fishermen were dragging the nets back into the boat, they saw an animal that they thought was a whale. However, when they finally pulled the creature out of the waler, everyone was really astonished. The dead sea creature looked more like a dinosaur than any kind of whale. Eventually, the captain decided to throw the body back into the ocean because of its terrible smell. 2) While his crew was lifting the creature out of the boat, it slipped out of the ropes and onto the deck. Just then. Michihiko

Yano saw his chance. 3) He grabbed his camera, took some photos of the creature and

then, he took some samples of the

creature's skin . 4) When Vano returned to Japan on 10th June 1977, the television started running stories of their 'dinosaur discovery' . In the end, however,

tests of Michihiko's samples showed that the creature was nothing more than the rotting body of a basking shark.

b) How do we

form the negative and interrogative of

the POlt l /mple and the POlt continuoUl?

c) Read the text again . Match the

phrases In bold (1-4) with their uses

below (A-D). Which other uses of the

past simple and past continuous do

you know?

an action which was completed at a

stated time in the past actions which happened immediately

one after the other in the past

an action which was in progress at a

stated time in the past

a past action which was in progress

when anothe r action interrupted it

Fill In the gaps with when, while/as.

1 I was fishing by the lake ......................... ..

it started to ra in.

2 My brother was reading a book ................ .

I was watching television. 3 I was driving to work ............................... .

I had a flat tyre.

4 He was sailing his boat ............................ .

he saw a dolphin in the sea.

S They were eating ice cream .................... ..

they were wa lking along the beach.

3 Put the verbs In brackets into the past

simple or the past continuous.

1 Who ................................... (you/ talk) to

when I ........ " .............. " ....... (see) you on

the bus this afternoon?

2 Mum ........... "" .... (iron) the clothes wh ile

my dad ....................... (wash) the dishes.

3 The ch ildren ........... .................... (watch)

TV when the power ................... (go) out.

4 The sun .......................... (shine) through

my window when I ................................. ..

(wake up) this morning.

5 She .............................. (pull) the camera

out of her bag, then she ......................... ..

(take) photos of the animals.

Page 65: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the corred Item.

1 What ...... your friend doing yesterday


A were B is C was

2 ...... bag do you like? The green or the black


A What B Which C How

3 Bill was wa lking to work when he .......

A fell B falls

C was fa ll ing

4 Look at that man! He is skiing ...... the slope

very fast!

A th rough B past C down

5 I didn't ...... watch cartoons when I was your


A used to 8 use to C used

6 What time did she ...... to work yesterday?

A went B go C goes

7 I am tired of ...... early every day.

A getting up B get up C to get up

8 Does she ...... some apple pie and ice cream?

A want B wants C wanted

9 My fri ends and I ...... travell ing to Berlin next


A are B am C we are

10 Sam and Paul ...... late for work.

A always are 8 is always

C are always

11 "Do Ann and Steve live in New York?"

"No, ....... "

A he doesn't

C they don't

12 " ...... are these jeans?"

"€ 100."

B they do

A How many B How much

C How ta ll

Revision (Units 1-8)

13 loan had an accident and is ...... hospital


A at B on C in

14 This is ...... house. We bought it a year ago.

A our B ours

15 "What are ...... in the sky?"

"They're helicopters."

A these B this

C us

C those

16 Are there ...... armchairs in the li ving room?

A some B any C no any

17 Did you take many ...... on your holiday?

A photoes B photos C photo

18 John is from Sweden ....... my best friend.

A He's B His C He

19 ...... your grandparents got a house in the


A Has B Did C Have

20 Let 's meet ...... 5 o'clock outs ide the

shopping centre.

A at B on C in

21 " ...... is the girl on the left?"

"That's Shelley."

A Whose B Which C Who

22 Why is she ...... ?

A laugh B laughing C laughs

23 Your brother isn't old enough ..... out on his


A going B to go C go

24 Marsha got up and ...... a shower.

A had B was having C has

25 While my sisters


A was playing

C were playing

I was listening to

B played

( Poinu:


Page 66: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Can/ Can't - Could/ Couldn' t

We use can/ can' t to: • express abi lity in the present. ~p (on ever\- (She is able to.)

can 't ,:, a~ f r (I am not able to.) • ask for permission. Can fUI f.' (Is it OK jf I borrow ... ?)

• give permission. II can u m, fJe le. (You are allowed to.) • refuse permission. YI can 't worct fI (You aren't allowed to.)

• express possibility. He can ami' with ~ Idnijhl h inHr work t' rfy.

(It's possible.)

We use could/couldn't to express general ability in the past. I could plo) fe"n;} when I ~ 05 four. (I was able to; I had the ability.) Undo couldn't fide 0 bll whl she was (She wasn't able to; she didn't have the ability.)

Must/M ustn 't

We use must/mustn'l to: • express obligation or duty.

must Tl .rk (It's my duty.)

• express very strong advice. (j must (I strongly advise you to ... )

~ J mustn 't brat 0 (I (I strongly advise you not to ... )

• express prohibition. Y( mustn 't at '1J Ink here. (It's against the rules.)

Have to / Don't have to - Needn' t

• We use ha ve to to express obligation and necessity. hal to 1rn a ChODI (It's necessary.)

to th DC< Ident ,Q he has to

(He is obliged to.) • We use don't/doesn' t have to, needn ' t to express lack of obligation

and necessity.

d( sn 't have to go don ' have to/ needn 't bu a

.!'}Qa}.. Sun tJag. Tok

(She isn't obliged to.)

(It isn't necessary.)

Mat t can play baseball, bur he can 't play tennis.

I must study harder

far m)' exams.

Fir , nhters have to

m arm at Wr 1rk

Note: Both must and have to express necessity, but we use them differently.

• We use must when the speaker decides that something is necessary. I must e m re uit d qetabl '5. (I believe it is necessary for me to eat more fruit and vegetables. This is my opinion.)

• We use have to when somebody else other than the speaker makes the decision. He has to Near a wit at work (Somebody else has decided that.)

Page 67: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Should/ Shouldn' t - Ought to/Oughtn't to

We use should/ought to to give advice.

I I . "

should ought to :15 t' (I advise you to ... ) shouldn 't/oughtn t I (I advise you not to ... )

""'::""...JlpI dicine every 6 h lur< May/ Might/Could

We use may/ might/could to: • ask for permission.

May/Might ,Could be ro\o\. y .. mobile ~ 1Of} (Do you mind if ... 71

Would you mind if ... ?) • express possibility.

"Wh' BI maYI might I could yt;..ur "Wit as 7

(Perhaps she's at the gym. We're not sure.)

Note the difference in the following questions. May I ,pi (Iarmal) Can I (. (informal) Could I 10 or (more polite than 'can')

We also use may to give permission. You may make ~ pht;.. le call

I t may fit you.

:1'& ..

Fill In the gaps with con, can't, could or


1 I'm so rry, but I'm still writing an email. You can't use the computer until I'm finished.

2 Craig is only three years old. He .................. . read or write yet.

3 Jenny ................... ride a bike last yea r, but now she can.

4 ................... you speak Spanish when you were ten?

5 They ................... go to the beach yesterday as their car broke down.

6 The boys are only fourteen, so they ................... drive yet.

7 Mr lanes is in a meeting now .................... I take a message?

8 I ............. ...... run quite fast when I was young, but now I'm quite slow.

2 Use must or musto 't to c:omplete the

sentenc:es about the life of a doc:tor.

r;-study f;;-any years (I)

• be late for work (X) • work long hours (I) • wash his/her hands regularly (I)

• be rude to patients (X) st well each night (I)

• re k hen he/she is ill (X) • war w . t (I)

b ut his/her patlen s • care a 0 --1

2 4 3







,or nu tn t e I te t w k

..... u.


Page 68: spark 2 grammar.pdf

JD,--'-' '-' , Fill in the gaps with the correct form

of have to or don 't have to/ needn 't.

1 You don't have to /needn 't go to the

supermarket. I went yesterday.

2 Mark can't come to the concert. He ......... .

............................ work tonight.

3 We .................. leave now! We're going to

be late!

4 You ....................................... study hard if

you want to pass the test.

5 The boys ....................................... help in

the garden if they don 't want to.

Make sentences using must or have to,

as In the example.

1 I believe it is good for me to eat more fruiL

I rn r ot IT

2 My parents want me to study more.


3 Our teacher bel ieves it is necessary for us to

tidy our classroom every day. We ........................................................... .

4 Penny believes it is necessary to work

ove rtime.

Penny ................. ...................... ....... ........ o.

5 In my opinion it is necessary for you to learn

a} Mlchael has to help with the a foreign language.

household chores every Sunday. Write

what Michael ha.s to do or 't have

to do.

I . take out the rubbish ./

MOOUli. 4


• tidy his room ./ • iron his clothes 1-• wash the car ./ • do the shopping j.

\ . cook dinner 1-l ---


2 3 4

5 6

Michaelllas to take oul th~e~%t~~

b) Think of other household chores.

Write sentences about what you have

to/ don 't have to do at home. Compare

with your partner.

fuu .......................................................... . 6 I think it is necessary for me to exercise


I ................................. ......... ....... .............. .

Look at the library rules. Write

sentences using can, must or mustn 't.


• speak quietly ./

• talk on mobile phones 10

I. send text messages ./

• return all books before

you leave ./

• use an MP3 player ./ • listen to loud music 10 • ask the librarian fo r help ./

• eat or drink 10

1 2

3 4


6 7


YOll must speak ,/{J/etly.

Page 69: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Read the poster. Then c:hoose the

c:orred advlc:e .

• • •


• .. ~ Drink plenty of waterl

Don't run at the poolside!

Wear a swimming cap.

Stay in the swimmin


1 You must/ mustn ' t shower before you swim.

2 You should /shouldn 't drink plenty of water.

3 You should / mustn ' t run at the pool side.

4 You must/ shouldn 't always wear a swimming cap.

S You mustn 't/should stay in the swimming lanes.

6 You must/ mustn 't dive at any time.

Complete the sentenc:es with modalJ.

Make the sentenc:es true for you.

1 At school, r 11 react

2 In an hour I ............................................. .

3 At home, I ...... ......................................... .

4 My best friend ......................................... .

S When I was young, I ............................... .

6 Tonight, I ... ............................................ . .

7 Th is week, I ..................................... ........ .

8 In the library, r ........................................ .

, ,

) Underline the c:orrec:t Item.

A: Good morning, sir. 1) May/ Must I help you7

8: Well, you 2) might/ can't be able to. I need

an MP3 player to use when I'm jogging.

don't like these.

A: I 3) may/ can have some more out the back..

4) Must/Could you wait while I check?

8: Of course! The MP3 player S) might/ must






be quite small. 6) Might/ Could you also look for one in blue, please?

No problem! Ah, I found one! It's exactly what you asked for.

7) Must / May I ask how much it costs?

Let me see ... it's E30.

That's perfect! 8) Have to/ Can I pay by ca rd?

Yes, of course you 9) might/ can.

Underline the c:orrect item.

1 A: Can/ Must I watch lV, Mum?

B: Of course. But first you must/ have to

help me with the chores.

2 A: When's Mary's birthday party?

B: Next Saturday, but you don't have to

mustn 't come if you're busy.

3 A: Must/Co uld I borrow your pen?

B: Of course. Here you are.

4 A: Where's Patricia?

B: I' m not sure. She has to/ might be at Kelly's.

5 A: I've got a terrible backache!

B: Really? Well, then you ought to/ needn 't

stop lifting heavy things.

6 A: Jake couldn't/ may not drive a car when

he was twenty. B: I know, but he's an excellent driver now!

7 A: The living room is a mess.

B: You're right. We should/ oughtn 't to

tidy it today. _. ~ 1 I.

Page 70: spark 2 grammar.pdf

• Match the Items In column A to their

synonyms In column B.

I:I:El It', my duty ...

[1IJ Do you mind if ...

[lIJ It isn't necessary for her ...

r:±D I advise you not to .. .

[IT] She wasn't able to .. . ~ It', possible that they ...

a You shouldn't/oughtn 't to .. .

b She couldn 't .. .

c They might .. .

d May I ...

e I must

f She needn't ...

Use the appropriate modal verb to complete the second sentence so that

it has the same meaning as the first.

1 It wasn't necessary for Tina to come so early.

Tina did" hm to come so early. 2 Would you mind if I opened the window?

................................... I open the window?

3 I advice you to sleep eight hours every night.

You ..................................... sleep eight

hours every night.

4 I didn't have the ability to ride a bike when I

was seven.

I .................................... ride a bike when I

was seven.

S Perhaps mum is at aunt Usa's.

Mum ................... ............. be at aunt Usa's.

6 I strongly advice you not to eat in class.

You .................................... eat in the class.

7 Is it OK if I use your phone?

....................................... I use your phone?

8 She is able to speak English fluently.

She .......................... speak Engl ish fluently.



13 Replace the words In bold with one of

the modals In the list.

• might • can • can't • couldn't

• mustn't • don't have to

1 She is able to sing very well. --. She can 2 I was so tired that I w asn't able t o wake up.

-~ I ................ .. 3 It isn't necessary to iron my socks. • You

4 It's against the rules to eat in the library.

• You ................ ..

5 He isn ' t allowed to go to the party. --. He

6 It's possible that I' ll go to the beach next

week. --. I ................. .

14 Choose the correct answer.

1 You offer to help your mum with the

housework, but she says it isn't necessary.

A You don't have to help me.

B You mustn't help me.

C You may not help me.

2 You are looking for you r schoolbag. You

think it's in the kitchen, but you're not sure.

A It mustn't be in the kitchen.

B It may be in the kitchen.

C It doesn't have to be in the kitchen.

3 Your teacher asked you to study for a History test.

A I must study for a History test.

S I can study for a history test.

C I have to study for a History test.

4 You weren't able to play tennis when you

were young.

A I didn't have to play tennis when I was


B I might not play tennis when I was young.

C I couldn't play tennis when I was young.

Page 71: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 Rewrite the sentences using the correct

form of the modab In the brackets.

1 You are allowed to go out with your friends

tonight. (can) You COil go out with your frit'nds tonight.

2 You have my permission to go out. (may)

............................. , ................................... .

3 You are not allowed to use his laptop. (can)

........................................ , ........................ .

4 I strongly advise you to apologise to your

brother. (must) ..................................................................

5 It's possible that John will be late for the

party. (mig ht) ..................................................................

6 You needn't take the dog for a walk.

(have to) .... ..............................................................

7 It's against the rules to take photos in the

museum. (must ) .. .......................•........................................

8 Is it OK if I borrow your mobile phone,

please? (may) ... ............................... ............. ....... ..... .......

9 I advise you to eat more fruit and

vegetables. (should) ..................................................................

10 It isn't necessary to go to the party. (need)


11 It's my duty to tidy my room. (must )



............••......••............ ................... .............

I'm not able to play badminton. (can)

...... ,.,.,., ... ,.,.,., ... ,.,., ......... ,., ................... , .. . He is obliged to wear a helmet at work,

(have to) ..... , ......... ,., ........... , ....... ,., ....... ' ... ,., ..... ,.,., ..

14 I wasn't able to swim very fast when I was

eight. (could)


.......................................... , ....... ,.,., .......... . I advise you to be polite to older people,

(ought to) ................................. , .............. , .. ,.,., . .... .... .

Speaking 16 Your school Is teaching students about

fire safety. Imagine you are a fire fighter.

Look at the phrases below and talk to

the students about what they lhould/

lhouldn 't do If there Is a fire .

• follow the teacher's instructions .I

• all leave the classroom at once X

• run down the stairs X

• take your books and bags X

• panic X • stay calm .I

• go to a safe place outside .I

If there I' a (irf n the :hool, you should

f('II')W your tl"ocher's instructIOns,

Writing 17 Make a small poster for your classroom

saying what you lhould/shouldn" do in

case of fire . Use the Information f rom

the Speaking activ ity a nd your own

Ideas .

In case of fire:

What to do • You should folfow the teacher's instructions .

• ................................................................................ • ................................................................................

• ................................................................................

• ..... ............... , .. , .......... , ... " ............. , ......... , ... , ...... , ... .

What not to do

• ...... , .............. , .............. , .... . • • .... ............................... . .............. .

• ........... .. .......................... ... . ............. .

• ............................................. . ...................... .

Page 72: spark 2 grammar.pdf

,",OOUt( 4


Relative Pronouns

An ufchl ct is a pers( '1 who,

tha t designs new bUildings. Steve IS feadlng a book which

that is about World War I

This is Chm whose

fa ourite sport IS tennis.

Relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that) introduce relative clauses.

people who/that

objects/ animals wh ich/that

possession whose

Use Relative pronouns as subject or object

• We use w ho / that instead of subject pronouns (/, you, he, she, we, you, they) to refer to people.

'11 • a girl. She is 'mm 0 /fIO .

'" J girl who 'that I from Chma.

• We use which / that instead of the subject pronouns it, they to refer: a) to objects.

Kate was watching a film. It was very funny.

" Kate was watching a film which was very


b) to animals. L xJiles arf reptiles. Th~an run very fast

Crocodiles are reptlle~ which /that can run

very fast.

• We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, OUf, YOUf,

their) to refer to people, objects or animals in order to show possession. That Mr Clark. His fih 0 teo( 'r.

"-That') Mr Clark whose wife is a teacher.

• We do not omit who/which/that when it is the subject of a relative clause, that is, when there is not a noun or subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb. I t go 0 new nd. He is Ir( lapan .

'" e 9( 0 new Fm nd who/ thot IS frofT' Japan.

Note: We do not use any other pronoun like he/she or it afte r the rel ative pronoun.

a new friend who Hta is from Japan

• We can omit who/which/ that when it is the object of a relative clause, that is, when there is a noun or a subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb. That 's the house. They bought it In November.

~ That 's the house (which/ that) they bought In


Note: We do not use any other pronoun like he/s he or it after the verb that follows the relative pronoun. . which they bought #, in November.

Page 73: spark 2 grammar.pdf

, , ,

Relative Adverbs

200 w, thl y 'or when

thpy qot their degree.

Lo k! This I~ rh h use where your grandad and I

lived thllry yeors ago.

We use relative adverbs to: • refer to time. )0 J8 wo ~ ar when we went to Austral a.

She had 0 fight with her

best '"e"ld, chat 'e why

she '5 sad. • refer to place. C1t where I mee' my fflends every Sunday.

• give reason . Cl h 'dache that why he IS m moody.

1 Underline the (orrect relative pronoun.

1 f This is the dress that/ who I bought last


2 This is the man's dog who /which saved my


3 This is the hotel when/ where we stayed last

yea r.

4 I was very young when / why I vi sited

London with my family.

5 The pasta who/ which your mum made was


6 I'm sending an email to my sister whose/

who lives in New Zealand.

7 Jack missed the bus, that's why/ when he's


8 This is the hospital which/ where I was born.

9 Is this the film that/ who your parents saw

last night?

10 That's the girl who's/ whose dad is a


11 What colour was the cat which/whose

scratched you?

12 That's the house when /where my cousins

used to live.

Use who, which, whose, where, when or why

to Join the sentences .

1 That is Mr Brown. He s a police ot:JCE!

2 She is the girl Her mother IS Scar

3 I was sixteen years ~d. I f I'1t Yf'-et:'lt to Paris..

4 That's the bike. My uncle bought it for me

5 That is the hospital. My mum works there_

6 Ben is the boy. He plays the guitar 10 the

school band.

7 I was tired . I didn ' t go to the party.

8 This is the cake. I got it for my birthday.

9 The Wilsons bought a house in the country.

They go there every summer.

10 It was last summer. We flew to Dubai.



Page 74: spark 2 grammar.pdf



3 Choose the correct Item .

, This is the magazine ...... I read last week.

A who B whose C which

2 Susan is

teacher. A who

the girl ...... mum is my English

B which C whose

3 This is the park ...... my friends and I often

go in the afternoons.

A which B who C whe re

4 The Smiths were on hOliday ...... their house

was burgled. A when B where C that

5 Tina is the girl A whose

I go swimming with. B which C that

6 Tim is the boy ...... won the race.

A whose B who C which

7 That's the pool ...... 1 learnt to swim.

A when B which C where

8 The girl ...... is coming into the room is my

sister. A whose B who C which

4 Filii" who's or whose.

, That's the man who's going to seJl me his


2 I am the person ................ brother ran

three marathons last year!

3 Do you know the woman

wearing the pink hat?

4 Tell me the name of the singer ............... .

songs are your favourite.

S Jack is the one ................ having a beach

party tomorrow.

6 I met a boy ................ from Iceland.

7 Do you remember my uncle George

................ daughter is a famous writer?

8 Can you show me the person .............. ..

Julian's father?


, 2



5 6 7


Look at the pictures and phrases and

make sentences, as in the example.

• something/take pictures

• place/go swimming in the summer

• something/surf the Net

• something/send text messages

• place/do our shopping

• something/wash clothes 1 • someone/teach child ren ' " .....

• someone/fly aerop lanes

6 5


A :amero;\

sllmething Whll IIlar we Uk to tokl? picture!

Page 75: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Fill In the correct relative pronoun.

Then, write S (for subject) or 0 (for

object). Finally, state If the relatives

can be omitted or not, as In the


1 The skirt which/that you bought yesterday is fantastic. (0 Jmitred,

2 I met a boy .. ...... ....... .... . is from Japan.

3 Do you know anyone .................... can

speak Ital ian? .......................... .

4 Is this the book .................... you borrowed

from the library? ......................... ..

5 I know someone .................... can speak

eight foreign languages .......................... ..

6 The wedding .................... I went to last

week was my cousin 's . .......................... .

7 Is that the song .................... we listened to

last night? ......................... ..

8 I have a friend .................... is from Japan.

9 The restaurant .................... 1 like the most

is the Mexican one .......................... ..

10 The man .................... teaches me tennis is

standing over there .......................... ..

11 Do you like the MP3 player ................... .

Peter gave me as a birthday present?

12 That's Mrs Preston .................... husband is


my boss ........................... .

Complete the sentences about yourself

by using the correct relative pronoun.

1 I like clothes whlct Ithat aft ,sual and

( orrablt>.

2 I don't like films ...................................... .

3 I like people ............................................ .

4 I hate places ............................................ .

5 I love books ............................................ .

8 Fill In the gaps with who, whose, which,

where, when and why.

A: Hi, Tom! Where are you going?

8: I'm going round to Mr Brown's house.

A: Is he the man 1) )l house is next to


8: No. He's the man 2) ................. lives by the


A: I see. So, why are you going there?

8: He's vis iting his doctor, that's 3) ................ .

he wants me to look after his dog for a while.

A: Is it a big dog?

8: No. It's a cocker spaniel 4) ................. is

only two months old! It was born on 30th


A: Really? Are you sure that's the date

5) ................. it was born?

B: Yes, why?

A: We've got the same birthday, then! What a

coincidence! Can I come and see it?

8: Of course! I can also show you the place


6) ................. I go fishing at the lake.

Speaking look at the list of objects and

professions below. In pairs, ask and

answer questions about each Item, as

In the example .

• mobile phone • doctor • goggles

• ironing board • knee pad • helmet

.• group leader

4: What Q mob phone}

B: A mobIle phone s somethmg whlci}/ that

you can phone ppople )/ send text messages with. What.) 0 doctor'

k A doctor is someone who " etL




Page 76: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Relative Clauses

Relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that)

introduce relative clauses. We use relative

clauses to identify the noun in the main clause.

qlrJ who is talking to my mum fT'

' ... who is talking to my mum ... 'is the relative clause

that identifies which girl we are talking about.

Defining - Non-defining relative clauses

There are two types of relative clauses:

defining relative clauses and non-defining

relative clauses. a t' who won th roce Tt L

• A defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the

main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. Who, which and that can be omitted when

they are the object of the relative clause.

Peol who/ that drillK and drive an :at (j d lit (Which people can cause an accident? All

the people? No, only those who drink and drive. The relative clause is essential.)

• A non-defining relative clause gives extra information and is not essential to the meaning of the

main sentence. The clause is put in commas. We cannot omit the relative pronoun. We cannot use

that instead of who or which.

who IS tram (anoda, (My friend jen loves Chinese food - the

meaning of the main clause is clear, so the relative clause - who is from Canada - gives extra

main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. Who, which and that can be omitted when

they are the object of the relative clause.

P op e whollhat drink and drive ~or aus an nt (Which people can cause an accident? All

the people? No, only those who drink and drive. The relative clause is essential.)

• A non-defining relative clause gives extra information and is not essential to the meaning of the

main sentence. The clause is put in commas. We cannot omit the relative pronoun. We cannot use

that instead of who or which.

who IS trom (anodo, /ov lh 1. (My friend Jen loves Chinese food - the meaning of the main clause is clear, so the relative clause - who is from Canada - gives extra

main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. Who, which and that can be omitted when

they are the object of the relative clause.

Pe I who that drink and drive "al (Which people can cause an accident? All

the people? No, only those who drink and drive. The relative clause is essential.)

• A non-defining relative clause gives extra information and is not essential to the meaning of the

main sentence. The clause is put in commas. We cannot omit the relative pronoun. We cannot use

that instead of who or which.

1\.1) file, Id J who 15 from (anada, loves -hint 000. (My friend Jen loves Chinese food - the

meaning of the main clause is clea r, so the relative clause - who is from Canada - gives extra

main sentence. We do not put the clause in commas. Who, which and that can be omitted when

they are the object of the relative clause.

who -that drink olld drive (Which people can cause an acciden t? All

the people? No, only those who drink and drive. The relative clause is essential.)

• A non-defining relative clause gives extra information and is not essential to the meaning of the

Page 77: spark 2 grammar.pdf

11 Fill In the corred relative pronoun.

Then, write 0 (for defining), HD (for

non-defining) and state if the relative

pronoun can be omitted or not.

1 The woman who lives next '0 no 0/ Itted}'

door is a fashion designer.

2 The museum, .............. the


Egyptian exhibits are, is

very big.

My fri end, .............. I study

with, isn't here today.

4 The film Braveheart, .............. stars Mel Gibson, is about a Scottish hero.

S That's the girl ............. .

babysits my nephew.

6 The lake, .............. is near

here, is very beautiful.

7 My brother, .............. is

twenty five, is a lawyer.

8 The film .............. I saw last

weekend was very good.

2 Fill In the appropriate relative pronouns,

say whether the relative clauses are

essential or not to the meaning of the

main sentence, then add commas

where necessary.

1 Mr (lark lives next

door is my English teacher.

2 I know a girl ................ .

father works for NASA.

3 That car ................. is very

expensive is my uncle's.

4 My brother ................ .

name is John is older than


5 This is the book ................ .

Sue gave me for my


'10/ essential

3 Join the sentences. Use relative pronouns and add commas where


1 That's the shirt. My mum bought it for me.

111 vl1 -f1/ H. r,y J(1

2 This is my new Pc. I bought it yesterday.

3 Mr Jones is an architect. He is 26 years old.

4 This is Miss White. She is my dance teacher.

5 That's my parent's car. It broke down


. ............................................................... . 6 She works for a company. It makes


7 John is my brother. He lives in New York.

8 Santorini is a beautiful island. We went there

last August.

. ...............................................................•• 9 That's lames. His father is a lawyer.

10 This is the number. I phoned it this


Writing 4 Write true sentences about yourself

and your family. Use relotive pronouns,

as in the example.

My I 10 Sj lun won t

be: .... me 0 teoi.her.

rim Hop Il the mU(IC whl ... n I like It, most

My uncle, whosf' name is Patnck IS a pifot. ele

_. 9

Page 78: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Exploring Grammar (Units 9-10)



1 • a) Read the text and match the highlighted verb

forms to their use:

• permission • possibility • necessity • obligation

• prohibition • advice

Hi Jess, How are you? Since you love drawing so much, I decided to tell

you about this very interesting drawing competition, the Young Pavement Artists Competition. It's for kids who love to draw and anyone from the age of 5 to the age of 19 can enter it. It is a local event whICh takes place In every school in the UK. I am defi nitely taking part and I think you should, tool What's great about it is that you mustn't draw your picture on a canvas, but you must use an outdoor area like a schoolyard

This year's theme IS Strength in Nature, so we could draw anything from wild animals to st range plants and impreSSive landscapes. Our drawings may be any size we want and we have to use chalk or paint to make them, The prizes are great tool The winners get a free one-day visit to the Wild Animal Park in Kert or a brand new laptop.

I have already talked to our headmaster about It and he said he'd sign up our school for the competition, He also said we may use the school playground. Isn't that just great? We can discuss the details when we meet at school tomorrow I'd love to hear what you think about It. Take care Angela

2 1

2 3





8 9


b) Which modals do we use: to expreu ability in the

present and past? to give very strong advice? to refuse

permission? Give examples.

Underline the correct Item.

leslie doesn't have to/ mustn 't go to school tomorrow.

You shouldn 't/can't park your car here. It 's not allowed.

May/ Must I go out, please?

lake and Peter have to/can tidy their room every day.

Don't leave your bicycle here. Someone might/ must

steal it.

Paul needn 't /ought to study hard for his exam.

You can/ should be more careful when you drive.

Can/ Must I borrow your computer?

Ann could /can speak French when she was six.

You mustn't/can't play computer games now. It's late.


• R

a) Find two examples of

relative pronouns in the

text. Which one refers to

people and which one

refers to objects or

animals? Which relative

pronoun shows possession?

Give an example.

b) When can we omit the

relative pronoun? When

can we not? Give examples.

c) Use who. which. whose.

when or where to complete

the sentences below.

1 The man ........................ lives

next door is my uncle.

2 2009 was the year ................ .

they travelled to India.

3 Is that the woman

car was stolen yesterday?

4 That's the boy ....................... .

father is our English teacher.

5 Ken, .................... speaks fou r

languages, works as a translator.

6 The mobile phone ......... ....... .

I bought broke down a week


7 1 met a girl ......... .. ... .. ........... .

is good friends with your


S Is this the house ......... .......... .

the Oawsons bought last year?

9 That's the restaurant ............. ,

we have dinner every Saturday.

10 The film ..... ................ we saw

last night was brilliant.

11 last week was ............ .......... .

I took my driving test.

12 Do you know the old lad}

. ..... ..... .... ... name is Clarissa?

Page 79: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the correct Item.

1 The girl ...... lives next door is my friend.

A who's B who C whose

2 I'm going to the supermarket ...... some

orange juice.

A buy B buying C to buy

3 You ...... to brush your teeth after every meal.

A must B should C ought

4 Alison, ...... is from Paris, loves dancing.

A that B who C whose

5 Amy was

night. an email at 10 o'clock last

A wrote B writing C writes

6 "What ...... she do?"

"She's a musician."

A does B is C was

7 My mum never ...... me go to bed late.

A is letting B let C lets

8 Where is the CD ...... Mary gave me?

A that B which C who

9 I ...... all day yesterday.

A am working B work

C was working

10 He has a toothache that's ...... he can't eat


A when B why C who

11 The ...... is missing.

A box 's top 8 box top's

C top of the box

12 Our parents love ...... very much.

A we B ours C us

13 There are fifteen ...... in the classroom.

A chi ld B childrens C children

Revision (Units 1-10)

14 You mustn't ...... late for school again.

A being B to be C be

15 This book is not ....... It's Sue's.

A mine B me C her

16 Do you know how ...... this laptop?

A used to 8 to use C to used

17 You ...... call him now. You can do it later.

A not have to 8 haven't to C don't have to

18 Mayl ...... yourpen?

A borrowing 8 to borrow C borrow

19 Dean and Usa ...... to Hungary next week.

A are flying B flew C fly

20 The monkey is climbing ...... the tree.

A off B up C towards

21 When Dad ...... home, I was surfing the Net.

A was coming B comes

C came

22 We're going to school ...... my dad's car.

A by B on C in

23 2009 was the year ...... my brother was born.

A who B why C when

24 ...... is a scarf on the sofa. Is it yours?

A It B That C There

25 The man ...... daughter is a friend of mine is

a teacher.

A who 8 whose C which



Page 80: spark 2 grammar.pdf




• Adjectives describe nouns. They have the

same form in the singular and plural.

big fJ( big

• Adjectives go before nouns. I1 a cute ,

• They can also be used alone after the verb to be or other verbs such as look, smell, sound, feel, taste, ele.

Claire is beautiful. Thi5 tastes delicious !

o( V u flke my big, new bike' It'S black

'1 grey! These are my favourite -o/our I

• There are two kinds of adjectives: opinion adjectives (handsome, bad, ete), which show what

a person th in ks of somebody or something and fact adjectives (old, big, brown, ete), which

give us factual information about the age, size, colour, ete of the noun.

Order of adjectives

• Opinion adjectives go before fact adjectives.

a nice young al opinion fact

• When there are two or more fact adjectives in a sentence, they usually go in the following order:

Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Noun

u big new round brown Italian wooden de

• We do not usually have a long list of adjectives before a single noun. A noun is usually

described by one, two or three adjectives at the most.

They went te. an expensive, Japanese nstaufllnt yeste do

Put the adJec:tlves In the correc:t order.

1 a grey/ big / nice cat


2 a(n) wooden/old/ love ly chair

3 a plastic/ small / cheap


4 a chocolate/ big / fresh


5 a(n) white/ cotton/

Italian shirt

6 a red / nice/long carpet

Page 81: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Comparative &: Superlative form of adjectives

;~ . .... ' ,

Rachel (26 years old)

Rachr!ll} young. Sienna is younger than Rachel.

Erica (16 years old) )

Erica is the youngest of all.

Adjectives have three forms: the positive, the comparative and the superlative.

short shorte r the shortest good better the best late later the latest bad worse the worst

heavy heavier the heaviest far farther/ the farthest /

further furthest lucky luckier the luckiest

little less the least

expensive more expensive

the most expensive

much / many! more the most


• The positive form of an adjective is its base


tall, Ir fJi9, Ir all r(

• We form the comparative of one-syllable

(long, tall, etc) and two-syllable adjectives

(nice, clean, etc) by adding the suffix -er.

1 'Jer r e ~er

BUT We use more with three-syllable adjectives (interesting, beautiful, exciting, etc) or with

longer ones. r. more b outitul

• We form the superlative of one-syllable

(long, laff, ete) and two-syllable adjectives

(nice, clean, etc) by adding the suffix -est.

long longf the hf17est fi -e nle r the nil-est

a lot of

BUT We use most with three-syllable adjectives

(interesting, beautiful, exciting, etc) or with longer ones.

I the m05t

• Some two-syllable adjectives like narrow.

polite, quiet, simple, cruel, gentle, etc form

their comparative/ superlative forms either

by adding the suffixes -er!-est or with

more! most. cl 'r rer rhl city [es t

or (le more cfever the mos t cfeyer



Page 82: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Spel ling

• One-syllable adjectives ending in -e take ·r in the comparative and -st in the superlative


simpf" simpler - the simpl'st

• Two-syll able adjectives ending in -y turn the -y into -i and then take -er/-est . easy eo\ ;er the eas iest

• Adjectives ending in a stressed vowel between two consonants double the final consonant and then take -er/-est . hot - hotter the hottest

BUT cold co/der - the coldest

Write the comparative and luperlotlve

form of the adJectives.

Comparative Superlative

small smaller the smalffst ~






new l-

dangerous T


modern +










j 1 <

< ,


• We use the comparative to compare two people, animals, things, places, ete. We can use than with the comparative. Ben older than k lam.

• We use the superlative to compare one

person, animal. thing, etc with more than one person, animal, thing etc in the same group. We also use the ... of/ in with the

supe rlative.

lack is the oldest of all. We use in with the superlative only to talk

about places. The Paeifil :eal is the largest () :ean in the w >rId. (NOT: et the world)

Fill in t he comparative fo rm of the

adjectives add ing than, as in the example.

1 My brother is fi ve years Idl rha' (old) I am.

2 Italy is .......................................... (wa rm)


3 Lake Superior is ................................ (big)

Lake Michigan.

4 I think that Maths is ................................. .

..................................... (dif ficul t) English.

5 A taxi is .................................................... .

(expensive) the bus.

6 Fruit is ...................................... for you

.......... , ................... (good) chocolate.

7 My best friend is ................ , ..... , ............... ,

(clever) I am.

8 My new jeans are ........... ,.,., ... ,., .............. ..

(nice) myoid ones.

9 Mark is 4 centimetres .............................. ..

(ta ll) he was a year ago.

10 Trains are ................................................. .

(fast) cars but ......................................... ..

(slow) planes.

Page 83: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Fill In the superlative form of the

adjectives adding any necessary words,

as In the example.

1 Mr (lark has got the fmt st (fast) car in our


2 The Pacific is .................................. (large)

ocean in the world.

3 Mt Everest is ............................................ .

(high) mountain in the world.

4 This is ...................................................... .

(expensive) pai r of shoes I own.

5 Kate is ........... ............... ..... ..... . (o ld) of all

the sisters.

6 I think Brad PiU is .................................... ..

(famou s) actor in Hollywood.

7 My mum is ................................... (good)

mum in the whole world.

8 The English test was ................................. .

(easy) of all.

9 That must be ..... .............................. (bad)

film ever made.

10 ............................................... (hot) place

on Earth is the Lut Desert in Iran .

5 Fill In of, than, in or the.

1 It's hotter in India Own it is in England.

2 The Buri Dubai is ................ ta llest building

in the world .

3 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain

................ Scotland.

4 A plane can travel much faster ................ a


S Earth is smaller ................ Jupiter.

6 Whal is the longest river ................ the


7 I think Pel€! was the greatest footballer

................ all time.

8 A hurricane is more powerful ................ a

thunderstorm .

9 Vatican City is the smallest country ............. .

the world.

10 lions are the most dangerous cats ............ .


6 Fill In the gaps with the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives in

brackets, adding any necessary words,

as In the example.

1 Sarah thinks tennis is te most bunng

(boring) sport of all.

2 The blue jacket is ..................................... .

(cheap) the green one.

3 Carol ine is a .................................. (good)

swimmer than Chris.

4 Michael is .... ........ ..................................... .

(intelligent) boy in the whole school.

5 I believe that documentaries are .............. ..

. ............................................ (interesting)

other TV programmes.

6 lionel Messi is .......................................... .

(ta lented) football player in the world.

7 Neptune is ... ............................................ .

(co ld) planet in our solar system.

8 This novel is ............................................. .

(interesting) the one I read a month ago.

9 Today is .................................................. ..

(happy) day of my life!

lO A cheetah runs ........................................ ..







(fast) a lion.

Write sentences about your family

using comparatlves and superlatives, as

In the example.

• old • tall • young • strong • short

My brother Paul is older than me. but our sister less is /Ile oldest.


Page 84: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the adjectives into the comparative

or superlotlve form . Add any necessary

words .

1 A: Are you crying?

B: Yes, I think this is the saddest (sad) film

ever made.

2 A: Do you like my new dress?

B: Yes, it's ............................................... ..

(beautiful) dress I've ever seen.

3 A: Is Dave ........ ............... ......... ............. ... .

............................ ( intelligent) Simon?

B: No, not at all. Simon is ...................... ..

........................ (clever) person I know.

4 A: I think apples are ............................... ..

.................. . (tasty) oranges.

B: Really? I like oranges much more.

S A: Why do you go shopping on Tuesdays?

B: Because it's .............................. (quiet)

day of the week.

Fill In the gaps with the comparative or

superlative form of the adJectives In


A: Did you stay in yesterday morning?

B: Oh no, we went to the new museum.

A: What was it like?

B: Well, it's the 1) bi It f (big) building I've

ever seen. It has 2) ..................................... .

(good) exhibitions than other museums, but

it is 3) ..................... (expensive), too.

A: What was the 4) ............................ (nice)

thing you saw there?

B: I thought the dinosaur room was the

5) ........................................... (interesting)

part. However, my parents found the Viking

room 6) .................................... (enjoyable)

than the dinosaurs.

A: Well, it all sounds very interesting. I'll have to

go soon.



lo use the adjectives In the comparative or

superlotIve form to

complete the email


• Hi I'edro.

I'm having the I) (good )

time here in York. in the north of England. It isn't 2) .........

. ................... (big) than Madrid, hut truly one of the 3) ..... ........................................... ..

(beautiful) cities in Europe! York ha~ many different ~ ights to sce. York Minster

is the .f) ........................... , ................ (famous) onc. It is 5) ........................................... (big) than any other cathedral in the country. Actually, it is one of the

6) ............................... .......... .......... (large) cathedrals in

Europe! There arc also many museum" to visit here hecause

York has onc of 7) ................................................... . (r ich) histories in England. Yesterday. I visi ted York Castle Museum. The 8) .................................................. .

(int eresti ng) exhibition there is the York Cast le Prison, where you can see what life was really like in 181h century prisons. It was 9) ................ ....................... .

(had) than you can imagine. thllt's for sure! York is definitely one or the 10) ............................... ..

(nice) places you can visit. I hope we can come together one day!



1 Put the adjectives in brackets Into the

superlative form and write sentences

about your town / city.

, the (famous) sight ... m fomou. I m my ;ty IS 'he Ac(Ooolis

2 the (good) place to eat ".

3 the (tall) building ...

4 the (big) shopping centre ...

5 the (busy) street ...


Page 85: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Types of comparisons

(not) as + adjective (positive form) + as

less + adjective (positive form) + than

the least + adjective (positive form) + of/ in

• We use as + adjective (positive form) + as to show that two people or things are similar in some way. Usa's half IS os long os SUSOI1 5.

In negative sentences we use not as/so + adjective + as,

My bedroom .n't as big os my siste '5

• We use less + adjective (positive form) + than for two people or things. It is the opposite of more ... than .

Sw i~ os old os Meg.

n IS If) less exciting 'ha" th sow IU)I r ,gh (= The expensive than (I oth~ 'le

one we saw last night was more exciting than this one.)

• We use the least + adjective (positive form) + of/ in for more than two people or things. It is the opposite of the most .,. of/ in.

n the least interes ting bl or of a I/!

Very/ Really - Much

very/ really + positive form of an adjective

much + comparative form of an adjective

• To emphasise the meaning of an adjective in its positive form we add very or really before it.

Ye ) very really" t

• To emphasise the meaning of an adjective in its

comparative form we use much before it. Ye .terday was much colder hon tnday.

TI-Jis ( the least expensive

Billy is much younger than Penny.



Page 86: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Look at the photo and complete the

sentences with the correct form of the


1 Martin is rhar (tall) lack.

2 lack is much .................. (young) Martin,

but he is ................................. (o ld) Susie.

3 Susie isn' t as ....................... (taU) as Zack.

4 Jul ie is .................................... (old) of all.

S John is as ........................... .. (ta ll) as Julie.

, 2




Compare the pets using the adjectives

from the list.

• quiet • fri endly • loyal • noisy

• easy (to look after)

~! 'I. but it IS much qUieter than the J .

Fill In very/reaffy or much.

1 A: That car is

buy it. v nice! We should

B: Yes, but it also costs ................... more

than we can afford.

2 A: This book is ............. ...... interesting.

B: Yes, I know. It's ................... better than

the last book you read.

3 A: I don't like basketball, do you?

B: No. I think football is ................... more

exciting to watch.

4 A: What do you think of these jeans?

B: Well, they're ........ ........... cheap, but

like those ones ................... more.

S A: Diane is a .............. ..... good student.

B: I know. She is ................... more

hardworking than we are.

6 A: It was ................... sunnier yesterday

than it is today.

B: You're right, but it's still .................. .

warm tOday.

7 A: John is a ................... fast swimmer.

B: Yes, and would you believe that he's

................... younger than the others?

8 A: I'm having a ................... good time in


B: Are you going to stay there for

................... longer?

Speaking What animals do you think make good

pets? Use your answers from Ex. 13 to

compare pets with your partner.

A: I rh dog'> lake the ni:esl pets, b it they

can be very noisy ~ometimes

B: I agree Goldfish are quieter than dogs,

but they're not as interesting as dogs. etc

Page 87: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Too - Enough

too + adjective tJfi e .ake too sweet

too + adjective + (for sb/ sth ) + to-infinitive mrt IS too long for me to wear

adjective + enough + to- infinitive strong enough to lift rft ( box

enough + noun I rherf enough salt In I soup?


Too comes before adjectives. It has a negative meaning and is used

to express that something is more than wanted or more than

necessa ry .

• too + adjective I can buy 'h 'h

• too + adjective + to-i nfinitive

too expensive,

TJ Ih aft too expensive to buy. (NOT: ... to buy tRem.)

• too + adjective + for somebody/ something + to-infin itive Tt n 0/ too expensive for me to bu)


I m too tired " o~mme

Enough comes after adjectives but before nouns . It has a positive meaning and is used to

express that there is as much of something as wanted or needed.

After adjectives

• adjective + enough + to-infinitive

She is old enough to drive.

• adjective + enough + for somebody/ something

Is hf good enough for the job ,"

Before nouns

Don '[ worry Angela. Your xam resu Is

good enough to get mto unll e ty

• enough + noun There I~ enough sugar,

• (not) enough + noun + to-infinitive We t n 'f , I enough sugar to malee the cake.

• (not) enough + noun + for somebody/ something rh 're ,n 't enough sugar for the coke.

Note: We can also use enough on its own (without a noun)

when the noun has already been mentioned.

We need more sugar. There isn 'r enough. for everwn



Page 88: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Complete the sentences with too or


1 I can't go out tonight. I'm ()j busy with all

my homework.

2 It's .............. nOisy in here. I can't hear the


3 Darren is old .............. to drive now.

4 My sister is .............. young to watch horror


5 We walked home as the bus was ............ ..

full of passengers.

6 Can you get the sugar for me, please? The

cupboard is .............. high for me.

7 Our school is quite near here. It's close

.............. to walk.

S Dave and Cindy are rich .............. to buy a Ferrari.

9 Is Tom experienced .............. to do this job?

10 The tickets are .............. expensive to buy.

Complete the responses using too or

enough a nd the correct form of the verb

to be.

1 Can we buy that camera?

No, it 's too expensive. (expensive).

2 Can you help me with my homework?

Sorry, I .......................................... (busy).

3 Can I go to Vicky's party?

No, you ................................................... .

(not old).

4 Can you finish this crossword?

No, it ....................................... (difficul t).

5 Can you drive a car?

No, I .......................................... (young).

6 Can we go swimming?

Yes, the water .......................................... .


7 Can you do this Maths problem?

No, it ............................................ (hard).

B Can I run the marathon?

No, you ..................................... (not fit).

Join the sentences to make one. Use too or enough.

1 I can't drink this tea. It's too hot.

This tea is t, r It te. 1rtn .

2 She can't do this exercise. It 's too difficult

for her.

This exercise is ........................................ ..

3 I can wear these boots. They are comfortab le


These boot are ......................................... .

4 I can't lift these boxes. They're too heavy fo r

me . These boxes are ....................................... .

5 I can't put th is wallet in my bag. It's too big. This wallet is ............................................ .

Fill In the gaps with too, enough, as, less or least.

1 Ben isn't tall 'no,lgh to be a policeman. He's

only 1.50 metres.

2 Comedies are ................... exc iting than

adventure films.

3 This rice is ................... salty for me to eat.

4 Nigel isn't ................... good at science as


5 These shoes are ............. ...... expensive

than those ones.

6 I don't think I'm fit ................... to run a


7 My little sister is only 13 years old, but she's

.. ................. tall as I am.

B I really don't like this music. It's the

.. ................. enjoyable CD in my collection. 9 The sea is ................... co ld to swim in

during the winter.

10 This cheap bicycle is just ................... good

as that expensive one.

Page 89: spark 2 grammar.pdf

o Complete the e xchanges using too, enough, less or least and the adjectives in


1 A: Why don't we go to the beach th is


B: I don 't think it ' ll be wam enough (warm) this weekend. What about next


2 A: Why did you buy the blue jacket?

thought you wanted the red one.

B: I did, but the blue one was ................. .

................................. ....... (expensive) .

3 A: Did you enjoy Kevin 's party?

B: I didn't go. I was ................................ ..

(tired) to go out.

4 A: How did you do in your exams?

B: Fine, I think. I definitely passed the

English test. It was the ....................... ..

............................................ (difficult).

5 A: What are you doing tomorrow?

B: We might go windsurfing if it is ......... ..


6 A: Why didn't you get tickets for the concert?

B: The queue was ........................... (big) and it started raining, so I left.

7 A: Why don't you eat fast food?

B: Because, I think it's the ....................... .

................. (healthy) food you can get.

8 A: How did the horror film end?

B: I don't know. I was .............................. .

(scared) to watch the end of it.

9 A: Marlene is .................. (fit) to run the

5 km race.

B: You're right. She doesn't need more

pract ice.

10 A: Wow! Look at this lovely beach!

B: I know! It's ............. , .. """" ""'" (good)

to be true!

, ,

Choose the co rrect Item.

1 The Blue Whale is the ...... mammal in the


A large B larger C largest

2 David is the ...... boy in our class.

A tall B taller C tallest

3 Mark is old ...... to go to the party alone.

A enough B much C too

4 My t-shirt was ...... than yours.

A expensive B less expensive

C most expensive

5 I am ...... bored to cook - let's order a pizza.

A very B too C enough

6 Your paintings are ...... than mine.

A more nicer B very nice C nicer

7 Germany can get very ...... in the winter.

A cold B colder C coldest

8 Rome is not as ...... as london.

A cold B colder C coldest

22 Use What 'l or Who 's and the luperlative

form of the adject ives in brackets to

complete the questions. Then, ask and

answer In pa in.

1 Who's the bE i/ (good) pop singer in your

opinion? I thmk it's Lady Gaga .

2 ................................................ (beautiful)

country in the world?

3 " .......... ,', .... , ........ ,"', .. , ........ " .. , .... (funny)

person you know?

4 ... .................. , ...... , ..... "., ............. (popular)

song in your country at the moment?

5 ,., ... ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ......... ........ .... , (easy)

language to learn?

6 ................................................ (ta lented)

actress in your country?

MOOU1.l 5


Page 90: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Jack and Pat asked their friend, Ollvla,

to recommend a chalet to stay at

during their skIIng holiday. Look at the

pictures and the Information about the

three chalets below. Then, read Olivia 's

reply and underline the correct items.

Wilderness Chalet

• -4 bedrooms

• €240 per week

• 10 km from ski


• 2 bedrooms

• €270 per week

• 1 km from ski


• €200 per week

• 7 km from ski


Dear Jack and Pat. I'm very 1) ha /happier to hear you'rccoming

10 Switzerland for your holidays! I Lhink I have some 2) really/much good suggestions 10 make.

As you can see, Wilderness Chalet and Rocky Chalet are both 3) cheap/cheaper than Snow Chalet. However. they arc both 4) much/too further from the ski slope, Snow Chalet is only a lS·minute·walk from it. NotS) enough!nry far, don't you think?

I personally believe that Snow Chalet is the 6) better/best of the three for you. You may notice, though, that it is 7) less/least spacious than the other two. But since only the two of you are going, you don', need 8) much/more bedrooms.

I hope I helped! Le, me know what you think!

Best wishes, Olivia


Speaking 24 You are going on holiday and you want

to choose a nice hotel to stay in . Look

at the Information below and make

comparisons using the adjectives In the

list, as in the example .

• cheap • expensive • big • small

• old • modern • close • fa r

Royal.) {olcl Price: € 80 per night

Rooms: 150

Distance from city

centre: 1 km

Built: 1890

Bridge Hotel Price: €20 per night

Rooms: 20

Distance from city

centre : 5 km

Built: 1930

City Hotel Price: E40 per night

Rooms: 60

Distance from city

centre: 2 km

Built: 1970

The Llty Hotel i5n' as Hotel but it's

er e a~ thl Royo

Writing 2S A friend of yours Is going on holiday and

asked you to suggest a nice hotel to stay

in. Use the Information from the

Speaking activity to write an emall to

your friend with your recommendations.

Use Ex , 21 as a model.

Page 91: spark 2 grammar.pdf

h - Neither/ Either

80rh Pe er and iohn re ll'venteetl year( Jj and

go to (C 1001 'ogefhel Neither (the'Tl Ilk ~

basketball but they both love American footba ll ! They play together either on Saturdays

or Sundays.

(the +) plural noun of the/these/my/your, ete

Both (rh girls art + plural noun Both of the girls are from Paris.

of us/them, ete + plural verb

Both of them are f ('1

from Pa,

singular noun

Either ~hirt

of the/these/my/your, ete of us/them, ete + singular/plural

+ plural noun + singularl verb in the affirmative

fI plural verb Neither of them is 'ar

Neither of the shirts is /are

We use both, neither and either to refer to two people or things.

• Both means "the one and the other" and takes a plural verb, Both (the) childrDnlBoth of the children Both of them ore ighr years 01

• Neither means "not the one or the other" and takes a Singular or plura l verb in the

affirmative. Neither bOl is /are Ifl le Q (NOT: Neither

book isn 't/aren 't interesting.) Neither of n rh71 speale /speales Ir ,{ion . Neither of them speak Ispeales It 'Ion.

Study the examples:

• Either means "one or the other" and takes a

singular verb. Either film I OX Wit h n-Can either of you ~peak Japanese' Either of you can help me

• both ... and ... Both Ben and Tom like comedies s both pletty and c evel

• neither ... nor ... Neither Mory nor John live/lives in Lqndon

He agreed to help but he neither come nor amw red ny phone 01

• either ... or ... le either Spanish or Portuguese, but I'm not ~ure Wnl( h Vi an either go our or SIllY in.


Page 92: spark 2 grammar.pdf

1 ml in the gaps with either or neither.

1 OOked at two bicycles in the shop, but I

didn' t buy either of them.

2 .. ___ ... ............. my brother nor my sister

wanted to watch a film last night.

3 I'd like ........... _ ... . _ ...... an MP3 player

or a new pair of trainers for my birthday.

4 ....................... my mum nor my dad can

speak French. 5 I've got two mobile phones, but .. ..... .......... .

of them works very well. 6 I'd .. ..................... like to read a book

or play chess tonight.

Fill in the gaps w ith both, either or


Dear Linda,

Thank YOll for your leuer. The two photographs you sc:nl me were very nice. 1) Butb of them really cheefed me lip. JVly twin sister, Katie. and I are 2) .. ....... .... .

very tired a1 the momenL. Wle're sRJdying hard for our exams. I've gm 3) ........ .. ..... my .I'vlarhs and History exams this ·week. I don'r Think 4) ..... ... ... .... ....... of the exams will be very hard. However, 5) ...................... MaThs nor History is my favourite subject, so I'm working hard to make sure I pass 6) ..... . ... .... of them. Katie h;:ls one exam this week, lOO. She'l! 7) ............... Sil her Physics or Chemistry exam on Friday - I can't remember which one ex'lCtiy. She is good at 8) ...... ............. .... . subject.'i , so she shouldn't fail 9) ........ . of them. I hope your schoolwork is gomg well. 10) ....... . ...... Katie ~llld I can't wait to see you in the summer. Lots of love.




3 Choose the c:o rrect item.

1 A: Would you like to watch Up or Fantastic

Mr Fox?

B: I don't mind. We can watch ...... film. A both B neither C either

2 A: Have you got any brothers or sisters? B: I've got two sisters. They are ...... younger

than me.

A both B neither C either

3 A: You don't need to buy a new coat. You've got two good coats al ready.

B: I know, but ...... of them is as wa rm as

this one.

A both B neither C either

4 A: Did you go to the cinema last night? B: No, I didn't. ...... John no r Paul could

come, so I stayed home.

A Both B Neither C Either

5 A: Your brothers didn't play football last

night. B: I know, they ...... had lots of homework

to do so they couldn't come. A both B neither C either

6 A: Did you buy anything from the shops

today? B: Yes, I bought two books. They were ..... .

on sale. A both B neither C either

7 A: Would you prefer to go to Paris or

Barcelona? B: I don't know. 1 think ...... city would be


A both B neither C either

8 A: Mum, did you buy a chocolate cake for

the party? B: Well, I bought two different cakes, but

.. of them were chocolate. A both B neither C either

Page 93: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Rewrite the sentences using both ...

and, neither ... nor or either ... or.

1 Sue hasn't got a skateboard. Sarah hasn't

got one, either. NI:: 11 Sora/ (l (] a b)Qf

2 George likes cycling. Peter likes cycling, too.

3 Jess doesn't watch horror films. Jenny doesn't,


......... .........................................................

4 Neil has got red hair. Phil has got red hair,


5 My sister is talking on the phone, or else

Mum is.

.................................................................. 6 Mr lones is washing his car, or else his

children are .


7 I don't know how to drive. My best friend

doesn't, either.

8 Clark will go to the supermarket, or else

Vicky will.

9 Max has got a new laptop. Clare has got

one, too.

10 I didn't read a book last weekend. Julie

didn't, either.

Use both ... and and neither ... nor to

write sentenc:es about yourself.

1 Bc th le." 4 d


3 4





Speaking Look at the pictures and the prompU

given, and c:ompare the two houses

using both ( ... and) or neither ( ... nor).

Elm House

. the countryside I • are In

~!=~=:-; . have a large garden I ~ • have four bedrooms X

• have a swimming pool X

Forest Cottage


• have a fireplace I • are on a busy street X

80th E,m

H se and

F st Cottage ore m the

( l1ntryside

A friend of yours would like to buy a

house in the country. Write an email to

him/ her describing the houses from

the Speaking activity.

•. ~----vem I ( n

I aw'w h se hot J 'hmk you k f

H se and F Sf Cottoge. Both ( 'hem

In the C Juntrysld Both house~ h

Neltner of them


Page 94: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Exploring Grammar (Units 11-12)

• (omparatlves

a) Circle the comparative and

superlative forms of the adJectives in the

text and write them In the appropriate

(olumn below. How do we form them?

Complete the mining forms.


Arizona, USA It is neither

the deepest nor the widest canyon in the world, but it

IS definitely more

Impressive than anything you've ever seen. It IS about

440 km long and at 2,500 m

above sea level, it offers fantastic

views of both the Colorado River and the Colorado


b) Which word do we use to compare

two people, things, etc? Which word

do we use with the comparative form:

very/really or much?

• a) Which of the sentences below has a

positive/ negative meaning? Find two

more sentences which have a negative

meaning in the text.

1 It is too co ld to go swimming.

2 She is old enough to walk to school alone.

b) Complete the sentences using loo or


1 Darren is ................. short to reach the to~

shelf of his bookcase.

2 Ken is tall ...................... to play basketball

He's 1.S5 metres.

3 It wasn't warm .................... to go swimming.

so we stayed at home.

4 I never finished reading that novel,

it was .................... boring.

5 She's got ........................................ mone)

to go shopping.

The first European to set foot in the Grand Canyon

was a Spamsh captain, Garcia Lapez de Cardenas. He

and some soldiers went there looking for gold in

1540, but they didn't go very far. The rocks were too

difficult for them to climb down so they couldn'! get

to the river. Instead of gold, they found the villages of

Native Amencan tribes who lived there for many years.

Today the Grand Canyon is one of the most famous

tOUrist destinations in the USA. Five million tourists

travel there every year to admire either the landscape

or to see wild animals like coyotes, foxes and deer. The

most beautiful part of the Grand Canyon is within the

Grand Canyon National Park TOUrists hike down the

river to Visit that part of the canyon or fly over it on air

tours If they find hikmg too exhausting.

3 a) Find examples of both, either, neither, In the text. When do we use them?

b) Fill In the gaps with both, either or


1 ........................ Mark nor Bill liked the fil

2 ............... Ryan and Steve are 14 years old

3 We could go to .......................... Prague 0

Budapest on holiday. I don't mind.

4 ................. Maria's parents work very har

5 ......................... Helen nor her sister have i

driving licence.

6 ...................... Gary or Ben is going to giv

us a lift to the airport.

Page 95: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the c:orrect Item.

1 You new car is ...... nice!

A much B really C more

2 The cheetah is the ...... land animal.

A faster B fast C fastest

3 As she ...... breakfast, the bell rang.

A was making B made

C makes

4 The coffee is ...... hot for me to drink.

A as B enough C too

5 "Do you want to watch a comedy or an

adventure film?'

"I don't mind. We can watch ...... one."

A nor B either C neither

6 They ...... trekking last week.

A went B go

C are going

7 Does she ...... dancing?

A like B likes C liked

8 Both Claire ...... Tony live in Essex.

A nor B and C or

9 Russia is colder ...... Paris.

A than B of

10 They've got a ...... dog.

A small, cute, black

B black, small, cute

C cute, small, black

11 ...... do you make bread?

A Who B How

12 jennifer is at .......

A Helens B Helen

C in

C What

C Helen's

13 Our new house is huge! got four

bathrooms and seven bedrooms!

A It is B It was C It has

Revision (Units 1-12)

14 Paula is as ...... as Nick.

A oldest B old C older

15 My mum is ...... younger than my dad.

A much 8 more C the

16 Neither Jack ...... Meredith are going on

holiday this summer.

A or 8 nor C of

17 This is the supermarket ...... Richard and I do

our shopping every weekend.

A which B where C why

18 These boots are ...... expensive than those


A least B as C less

19 Pandas are animals ...... live in China.

A which 8 where C who

20 Look! The skier is going ...... the slope really


A down B through C up

21 This song is ...... than the previous one.

A bad B worst C worse

22 " ...... is your mum?"

"Great! "

A How B Who C Where

23 I promise ...... you as soon as I return from


A visit B visiting C to visit

24 I'm not strong ...... to lift you up.

A enough 8 much C as

25 How many ...... have you got?

A childs 8 chi ldrens C children

I POltlU:



Page 96: spark 2 grammar.pdf



WiII - Be going to - Present Continuous

Will is used:

• for on-the-spot decisions.

(I've decided

to have a salad just now.)

• for future predictions based on what we believe or imagine will happen.

I rh nk your frIend wIll love 1111\ prf'H~nr

(I think or hope so, but I don't know for sure.)

• for promises (usually with the verbs promise, swear, etc), threats, warnings, hopes (usually with the verb hope) and offers.

• with the verbs think and expect, certain expressions, such as I'm sure and I'm afraid and adverbs like perhaps, certainly and probably.



/'1/ (€rtaifl1y

pass this test

Be going is used:

• for future plans and intentions.

(That's what 1 intend to do, but I don't know for sure if it will actually happen.)

• for future predictions based on what we see or know. (evidence) (I have evidence that what I'm saying is actually going to happen.)

going to cut


Present Continuous is used:

• to talk about fixed arrangements in the near future.

i' tmv /ling

(She's definitely doing it. She's got a ticket.)

Note: The future simple is NOT used after while, before, until, as soon as, after, if and when. We use present simple instead. .JU as loon as an ~t . (NOT: 1"1 wJl )'ilbl ~ seQCI 9S I ~<il! QFRV€.)

When (= at what time?) as a question word it can be followed by the future simple. When (= at the time) as a time word it can be followed by the present simple. When w, t J (when = question word)

wh n 11 (when = question word) /'/1 It: Y when h getl (when = time word) Time expressions used with will and be going to: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a li tt le while, in two/three day's time, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year ete.

Page 97: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Matthew and Erln are planning their

summer holidays. Use the phrases below

to write sentences, as In the e xample.

1 fly to New Zealand

They are gOIn! f' lealand.

2 do black water rafting

3 visit the Glow Worm Caves

4 stay in a five·star hotel

5 buy lots of souvenirs

6 eat traditional dishes

2 Look at Tony a nd Lucy 's diary. Write

sentences about what they have

arranged to do, as In the example.

Monday, 151h July buy plane tickels 10 Spain

Tuesday, 16th July book a hotel room

Wednesday, 17th July buy summer clothes for

their holiday

Thursday, 18th July clean the house

Friday, 19th July take their dog to their

neigl1bour's l10use

Saturday, 20th July pack their things

Sunday, 21st July get up early and go to

lIle airport

1 l. lJu}.., I ,ar .. ~kets t )nJin n

2 3


S 6


1day. , 'Jth JUlY.

3 Answer the questions a bo ut your plaru

and predictions. Use will and be going to.


What are you going to do ...

1 this evening? Thl~ ning, I 'm goif,!} t 1 mt~t my fnend(

2 on Friday night?

3 tomorrow morning?

4 next Saturday?


When you are 19 years old ...

5 will you go on a skiing trip?

No, , ~ 1/;1' In a II~~

6 will you have a part-time job?

7 will you live in another country?

8 will you own a car?

4 1





Fill In t he correct form of be going to or

will of the ve rbs In brackets.

A: Have you got any plans for this evening?

B: Yes, I }tl (meet) my friends.

A: Look at that boy riding his bike!

B: Oh no! He ................................ .. (fall )!

A: It's really hot in here, don't you think?

B: Yes. I ........................................ (open) a window.

A: I can't hear a thing!

B: I ..................................... (turn up) the vo lume.

A: I'm so worried about my exams!

B: I think you .................. ... (do) just. t ne.

....... 99

Page 98: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 Fill in the gaps with will, be goIng to or

the present continuous.



1 It's cloudy. It .................................. (rain).

2 I'm afraid that Tracy ................................. .


(n ot /come) to France with us.

Now that I've got a new job I

(b uy) a new motorbike.

4 I'm sure my brother ................................. .

(let) me borrow his new video game.

5 Ted and I ...................................... (meet)

outside the restaurant at 8 o'clock.

6 There's nothing to eat. I

(order) Chinese.


Put the verbs In brackets into the

present simple or the future simple.

I ................................... (ca ll) you before I

....................... ( leave) for work tomorrow.

2 Jack ... ............... (fix) the tap as soon as he

.......... (come) back from the supermarket.

3 When .............................. ... ... (you/fi nish)

the project?

4 She ........................ (d o) the ironing when

she ............................ (get) home tonight.

5 She .............................. (not/do) anything

until her father ................. (return) home.

6 I don't know when they .................... ( b e)

7 1

back from their trip.

Put the words In the correct order. Then

answer about yourself.

a sports car/you/will/drive/in twenty years?

2 are/tomorrow /what/going/you/to/do/


3 on Sunday/you and your friends/ are/to an

amusement park/going?

4 be/will/what/you/grow up/when/you?

5 will/how old/be/you/in ten years?

Read the email and complete with will,

be going to or the present continuous. .. ;: ..... :.:: .. :.

Dear Macy, How are ~'ou? Wc arrived in rvladrid yesterda)

morning. We'rc SLaying at a rcally great hotel! We can't wait to explore c\'erything! Today we

1) 'Jre vi~ 1119 (visit) the Prado Museum. We'vc already got the tickets! I'm ~urc it 2) .... .... .. ........ . . (be) a really nice experience. Later in the aflemOOtl. jvl um and I 3) ................... ... .. ............ . (probably/go) window shupping.

We\'e got great plans for next week, too. First. we 4) .... ........ .. ... ............. .. (take) a sightseeing bus Lour or the city and \\' C 5) .................................... . (shop) for souvenirs and clothes, among other things. At 9 o'clock on Sunday my parents' ti·iends. who live in Madrid, 6) .......................... ... . (take) U~ out f()r dinner. We 7) ........ ......... . (go) to the Three Am igos' . It's a t raditional Spanish restaurant near our hOlel! I 8) ............. ... . . ............................. .. (certainl y/try) some ' Paella'! It's one or Ill)' fanHlrite dishes!

That's <lllm}' news for now. See you in lhree weeks' Lime!

Take care. Syl\'ia


Speaking In pa Irs, ask each other questions

about your summer plans. Use the

prompts and / or your own ideas.

• swim every day • read books

• study • t ravel abroad • sleep ea rly

A: Ar 'Ot ifl 10 wi,71 ~v n,. dr in the

summe ' 8; Ye~, I am. te

Writing o Use your answers from the Speaking

activIty to write a paragraph about

your partner's plans for the summer.

Th.s it/m, Lowa is g(linq to

@O~r . .!.l!.r:~~~ Practice see p. 149.1SO~

Page 99: spark 2 grammar.pdf




If Sue goes tr bed late, she always feels tired the next day.

If YtJU need anything, we be happy to help you.

if + present simple present simple

If you put -e in wote- it melts.

I I •

If I were rich, I'd buy a big

house with a pool.

something which is always

true / law of nature

if + present simple future simple, imperative, real - likely to happen in

modal (can/must/may/shoufd) the present or future


If I don 't finish my homework, I won 't go to the party.

If you go home early, make dinnel

If \AI have tlln we may g o fOI a walk.

if + past simple would/could/might + bare infin itive

If I had a good voice, I would become a Singer.

If I were you, , would exercise more.

imaginary situation in the present; also used to give advice

• A conditional clause consists of two parts: the if-clause (hypothesis), which begins with the word if, and the main clause, which shows the result of the hypothesis. !f the w« a(her IS tU!W: t OI11 rm ve tVll! gp for_ t}J2!..~!l.Lc:;,

if-clause (hypothesis) main clause (result)

• When the if-clause comes before the main clause, we separate them with a comma. When the main clause comes before the if-clause, we do not use a comma. If she doesn '{ 5lUdy, she wpn l pa5S hf exams.

She won't pms her exam If sh dl Sfi tJdy.

MO[)UlE 6


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• Type 0 conditionals express something which is always true. If you heat ice, it melts. (It is a natural phenomenon/law of nature.)

If you don 't drink water, you get thirsty. (This is always/generally true.)

• Type 1 conditionals express something which is likely to happen in the present or

future. If you see He/en, tell her to call me. (You are

likely to see her.)

• Type 2 conditionals express an imaginary sit uation in the present . If I had a lot of money, I would t ravel around

the world. (But I haven't got a lot of money

so I can't travel around the world.)

Use the phrases to make Type 0

conditional sentences.

1 you/heat/water - it/boil

If you heat water, it boils.

2 you/freeze/water - it/turn into/ice

........... .... .. .................................. .. ... .... .... ..

3 you/put/sugar in yo ur coffee - it/become/

sweet ..................................................................

4 you/th row/salt on snow - it/melt

......................... .........................................

5 you/mix/blue and red - you/get/pu rple

............................................. .... .................

6 you/lie/ in the sun all day - you/getl sunburnt ..................................................................

7 you/boil/water - it/create/steam

.................. .. ... ........................................ ...

8 you/eat/a lot - you/get/ fat ..................................................................


• We can use unless instead of if ... not in the if-clause of Type 1 cond it iona ls. The ve rb after unless is always in the affirmative. Unless you hurry, we'll miss our flight.

If you don 't hurry, we'll miss our flight.

• We can use were instead of was for all pe rsons in the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals. If he were hen he would know what to do.

• We use If I were you ... in the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals when we want to give advice. If I were you, I wouldn 't work so many hours

every day.

2 Read the statements and use the

phrases to make Type 1 conditional

sentences, as in the example.

1 I don't want to go to bed.

(you / be tired / tomorrow)

If you don't go 10 bed, you 'f! be tired tomorra

2 I don't want to wea r a jumper.

(yo u/catch/a cold )

. ............................................. .. .... ............ .

................... ............................. .. .. .............

3 Let's sleep a little longer.

(we/be late/fo r work) . .................. ....................... .... .. .. .. .. .. .........•


4 I don't want to eat breakfast.

(you/ be/h ungry Ilater) ............................................ ..................... ........... .. .. .... .. ................... ...... .. .... .. ...........

Page 101: spark 2 grammar.pdf


11 12 13 14 15

Match and write exchanges, as In the

example. Then, In pairs, act out the

d ialogues.


b be hungry a take some medicine

feel cold b eat a sandwich

feel bored c go to bed

be tired d put on a jumper

have a cough e play a game

1 A: I om hungry.





4 1



B: It you're hungry, ear a sandwich.

Ao ............................................................

B: ............................................................

A: B: ............................................................

A: ............................................................ B: ................... .... .....................................

A: B: ............................................................

Rewrite the sentences. Use if or unleu.

If I don't study hard, I won't pass the exams.

Unless I study hard, I won't pm~ th'i

Unless we leave now, we will miss our flight.

If I don't tidy my room, my mum will be


4 Unless the children behave themselves, they

won't go to the park.

5 If Maria doesn't come soon, we'll go to the

cinema without her.

6 You'll catch a cold unless you dress warmly.

5 a) Read the advertiseme nt fo r a

charity competition. Then co m plete.

Do you care about endangered animals?

Then you'll love this competitionl

What can you do to save our wildlife?

For every letter we receive, we will donate €1 to the

'Save Our Wildlife' campaign.

The most crea1ive leller wins a

four-day safari trip to Kenya!

Get close to wild animals and learn more about them!





If you care about endangered animals, you

will )Vt' (love) this competition.

If you .............................................. (send)

us a letter, we will donate € 1 to the 'Save

Our Wildlife' campaign.

If you ............................. (write) the most

creative letter, you will win first prize.

If you win first prize, you ....................... .

(go) on a four-day safari trip to Kenya.

5 If you go to Kenya, you .................... ..

(get) close to wild animals and learn -0"£

about them.

b) Now look at Ex. Sa again and ­

pairs, rephrase the sentences Dd ]


1 A: Unless you care ab animals, you won't love

B: Unless you ..


Page 102: spark 2 grammar.pdf



Ij 1

Make Type 2 conditional sentences.

I don't have enough money, so I won't go

on holiday.

If I hod enough money, I would go on holiday.

2 I can't cook, so I eat out.


3 They don't have a camera, so it's not

possible to take photographs.

......................................................... ... ......

4 I don't have his number, so I can't call him.

.................................................................. S I don't have a car, so I can't go to the


.................................................................. 6 I'm busy on Monday, so I can't visit you .


................................................. .. .. .............

Read the questions and use the prompts to write Type 2 conditionals.

1 A: Is Mary going to sit her French exam this


B: No. (fail)

If Mary sat her French exam this year, she

would fail it.

2 A: Are they going to buy a new car?

B: No. (have no money left fo r their

summer holidays)


3 A: Will the factory close down?

B: No. (many people be out of work)

........................ ... ............................... .. ..... .

4 A: Are you going to move to Germany?

B: No. (lose touch with all my friends)

........ ... ... .................................. ... ...............

S A: Is John here?

B: No. (he help us)

.. ..... ........................ ............. ............. .........

8 1

Put the verbs In brackets Into the

correct tense.

A: I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?

B: Yes. If you look (look) in the fridge, you

will see (see) some fruit.

2 A: What ....... ... ..... ........ .... ......... (you/ do)

if you ....................... (find) a handbag

on the bus?

B: I ........................ (give) it to the driver .

3 A: Should larder a salad or some pasta?

B: If I ............... (be) you, I .................... .

................... (order) the pasta.

4 A: We're going to miss our boat.

B: Don't worry! If we ..................... (take)

a taxi, we ................................ (arrive)

at the port in plenty of time.

S A: Do you want to go swimming tomorrow?

B: I'd love to, but if the weather .............. .

......... (be) bad again, we ............... ... ..

...... ................. (not/ go).

6 A: Do you know where the nearest

shopping centre is?

B: Yes. If you ............... (take) the second

street on the right, you ...................... ..

(see) a big mall straight in front of you.

7 A: Mum, can I go to Jenny's party th is


B: Well, if you .......................................... .

(finish) all your homework by Friday,

then I .............................. (let) you go .

8 A: Are you going anywhere this summer?

B: No, but if I ............................. .. (have)

enough money, I ................................ ..

(go) to the Maldives.

9 A: Where ......................... (you/ go) if you

.......................... (can) travel anywhere

in the world?

B: If I ................................ .... ......... (can),

I ............................. .... ... (go) to Africa .

~-- -

Page 103: spark 2 grammar.pdf

9 Circle the correct item.

1 I won't fo rgive her unless she ...... .

A apologise B doesn't apologise

C; apologises

2 If you ...... water, it turns to ice.

A will freeze B froze C freeze

3 If we ...... save enough money, we won't go

on a cruise in the summer. A won't B don't C didn't

4 ...... you mind if I used your laptop?

A Will B Did C Would

S If you read newspapers, you ...... a lot. A learn B would learn C learned

6 If they don't leave now, they ... ... be late.

A will B won't C would

10 Read the dialogue and complete with

the correct form of the verbs In


A/lie: Hi, Jess! How

are you? less: Great! Kate and

are getting

ready for our

skiing holiday. Do you fancy coming?

Allie: Thank you Jess! If I 1) had (have) the money, I 2) .... ..... ...... ........... . (come) but

unfortunately I'm saving up for a new , guitar.

Jess: Well, if we 3) .............. ............ . (book)

now it won't cost a lot. Only El 50 for one

week. Believe me, we 4) .......................... .

(pay) £250 if we booked later.

Allie: It sounds good, but it's stili a lot for me.

Don't get me wrong! I 5) ........................ .

.......... (love) to come with you if I could.

less: I know. Well, maybe next year! If I

6) ........................... (be) you, I would

start saving now!

AI/ie: OK. I promise I will. -------------------------




Complete the sentences using

conditional Type J or 2 . Make them true

for you.

I'll be happy if I pms all my lest

My parents will be angry if ....................... .

3 Unless I study ..... ............... ........ ........ ....... .

4 If I don't finish my homework, ............... .. .

5 If I went shopping, ......................... ......... . .

............................ .... ................................•

6 I'll be sad if .............................................. .

7 If I had more free time, ......................... ... .

. .....................•.. •. . • . • .... • .•... • . •..•..•.. ..... • ... ••••

8 Unless I'm too tired, ................................. .

9 If I had a lot of money, ............................. .

10 If I found a wallet, .................................... .

............. ... ............. ...... ........... . ..... ......... ... •

Speaking 12 In pairs, discuss what you would do if

you ...

• won the lottery

• didn't do your homework

• lost your house keys

• were sick at school

• could change one thing in the world

If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house

for my parents.

Writing 13 Now use your partner's answers from

the Speaking activity to write

sentences about him/ her.

If Peter won the lottery, he



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An adverb can be one word (quickly) or a

phrase (in the park).

• We usually form an adverb by adding -Iy to

NIck is studying

hard these days.

He gels up early

and goes to bed la le because his

exams will stare soon.

the adjective. quiet quietly • Adjectives ending in -le drop the -e and

take -y. possible - pOSSibly

• Adjectives ending in a consonant + y drop

the -y and take -ily . happy happily • Adjectives ending in -I take -Jy.

careful - carefully

• Some adverbs, however, do not follow the above ru les:

good well

fast fast

hard hard

early early

late late

Note: There are some pairs of adverbs like hard - hardly and late - lately which have differen t meanings. Tom Iwdied hard, bllt he tailed hi.~ exams. (hard =

with effort)

My grandmother can hardly see without her glasse5.

(ha rdly = almost not/scarcely)

The {rain (ome an hour late. (late = not on time) J've seen a lot of films, lately. (late ly = recently)

Write the adverb1 of the adjectives in the list In the correct box.

• quick • terrible • slow • soft • successfu l • early • nice • wonderful • angry • fast

• happy • careful • good • lucky • gentle • awful • loud • late • beautiful • hard

• easy • comfortable • lazy • possible • simple

.~ . ~JI, ~ln


Page 105: spark 2 grammar.pdf


Adverbs usually describe verbs (e.g. write quickly). They can also describe adjectives (e.g. quite good) or even othe r adverbs (e.g. very we10. There are five categories of adverbs:

manner ,Amanda sings beautifully. (How does she sing? Beautifully.)

place Your book IS here (Where is it? Here.)

time I saw Mory yesterday. (When did yo u see her? Yesterday.)

frequency They sometimes watch comedies. (How often do they watch comedies? Sometimes.) ~ ..

degree ThIs shop assistan t is extremely helpful! (The adve rb extremely shows to what extent (extremely) the shop assistant is helpful.)

Order of Adverbs

Adverbs of manner (carefully, nicely, ete) go:

• before main verbs. She slowly went out of the room.

• after auxil ia ry verbs. Ht: is anxiously wailing for his exam results .

• at the end of a sentence. A/ex did his homework carefully.

Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, some.times, never, etc) go:

• after the verb to be. She is never latt for work .

• after auxiliary verbs. Pamelo doesn 't usually get up early at weekends.

• before main verbs. Sil/sometimes walks to school.

Adverbs of degree [(not) quite (,I), very (,I ,I), extremely (,1,1 ,I), etc] go:

• before adjectives. Ben is quite good at painting. (I ") Jane IS very good at painting. (.1.1) Beth is extremely good at painling . (././.1)

• When there are two or more adverbs in the same sentence, they usually come in the

following order:

manner place time

She was working hard in her office lost night.

• If there is a verb of movement (go, come, leave, etc) in the sentence, then the adverbs come in

the following order:

She went



manner time

on foot yesterday.


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Put the words from the list below into

the correct box.

• late • good • well • cheerfully • fast • quiet • carelessly • noisily • early • hard • beautifully • poor • shy • safe • happily • suddenly • peaceful • bad • soft • simply

t .......................................... . ....................................................


well, ............................................ .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .


bt , ............................................ .

... . ................................................

. . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .

Put the adverbs from the list in the

co rrect box.

• cleverly • never • sometimes • fast • sadly • once • here • extremely • happily • last week • there • by bus • quite • on the beach • very • early • late • often • on foot • yeste rday

cleyerly, ....................................... .



.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .




...•............................. ...............

............................................... . ....................................................

.. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .


........•...................•.................... ... 1

.................................................... J


4 Put the words In the correct order.

1 late/never/goes/to bed/Clare (lan never g( '5 to b 'd fa te.

2 it/heavily/yeslerday/ snowed ..................................................................

3 often/on Saturdays/they/to the beach/go ......•.............. . ............................................

4 late/started/the party

. ................................................................ . S go/every morning/to school/l/ by bus

. ........ . ...............•....................... .. .. .. ...........

6 Bill/in his room/quietly/is reading . .................................................. . .....•........

7 carefully/drives/lulie/always . ..... . ...................................... .................... .

8 went/to the train station/we/quickly

S 1





. ................................................................ .

a) Fill In the gaps with good or well.

Mike is a g~ ,j swimmer. He swims very well.

I was ill last week. Today I feel ................. . Sue is a ..... .......... student. She does .................. at school. I didn't sleep very .................. last night. I love your new dress. It looks really .................. on you.

6 I was in the same school as lohn, but I don't know him very .............. .. .. .

b) Fill In the gaps with bad or badly .

1 It looked like a bl accident. Thankfully, no one was t adfy injured .

2 jim did ..... ............. In the last test, but he's not a .................. student.

3 My football team had a ................. . result yesterday. They played very . ................. .

4 lane is a .................. singer and she dances .................. , too .

S The children behaved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and upset their teacher .

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6 Underline the corred Item.

1 It rained heavy/ heavily last night. 2 You should always cross the road careful/

carefully. 3 Our teacher was very angry/ angrily with us

yesterday. 4 My homework was very easy/easily. 5 We saw some rea lly beautiful / beautifully

paintings at the Vancouver Art Gallery. 6 Lu cy spoke in a soft/softly voice. 7 I left for school quick/quickly this morning. S Jake looked terrible/ terribly today. 9 They are smiling happy/happily in the photo.

10 The city looks amazing/amazingly beautiful.

7 Turn each adjective Into an adverb and

put it Into the correct sentence,

• serious • heavy • quick - bad - polite • extreme • beautiful • loud

- fluent - successful

1 He looked at me Seriously and told me not to be late again.

2 The shop assistant was ...................... . helpful. She helped me choose the perfect present for my dad.

3 Jill speaks German ....................... . 4 We'll stay at home because it's ralnmg

....................... now. 5 The runner completed the marathon

....................... and came first! 6 I didn't study a lot so I did ....................... in

my History test today. 7 I was amazed at how ....................... she

sang. She's got a really great voice! S I shouted ....................... for someone to

help me when I fell. 9 I finished my homework ........................ It

only took me ten minutes. 10 You should always speak ....................... to

your teachers.

8 Complete the sentences using hardly

and the corred form of the verbs in

the list.

- say • hear • recognise - read - know - sleep - eat • believe

1 I met Tom only once before, so I hardly know

him. 2 John's cut off all his hair. I ....................... ..

.. ............................. him when I saw him. 3 Could you speak up, please? I can ............ .

. .............................. you. 4 She's really tired today because she .......... .

.. ............................. last night. 5 I didn't think I would pass the exam. I can

. I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 1 t.

6 Sharon was quiet this evening. She .......... . ............................... a word at dinner.

7 Your writing is terrible. I can .. ................. .. ............................... it.

S I'm really hungry. I .................................. ..


........ .............. a thing tOday.

Underline the corred


Dear ,\Iison ,

How are \'ou? We arrived , ill Li sbon I) late/lately last night. We are staying in a 2) reaVreaUy nice hotel! This morning, we woke IIp \el) early. We 3) hard/hardly slepl al al l. I'd

4) happy/happily go back to sleep, btH Lhere i.~ so HIlKh to do here:

T (xTa ),. we're goi ng lO Uikc a ride Ull iI Lour bus

around the ci[y. We are going to ~ee all the 5) wonderfullwonderfuUy siglm from bus. I

thin k lour buses arc an 6) extreme/extremely good way to see a city, don 't you?

Well , that's all my ncws for now. Pleasc write soon!

Best wishes, Craig



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Comparative &- Superlative form of adverbs

• Adverbs form the compara tive and superlative in the same way as adjectives.

carefully more most carefully carefully

fast faster fastest late later latest early earlier earliest little less least well better best badly worse worst far farther! farthest!

further furth est

A cheetah runs

much more quickly than a tiger In fact,

the cheetah runs the fastest of all animals .

• Adverbs which have the same form as the adjective take ·er in the comparative and ·est in the superlative. early - earlier - earliest, hard - harder - hardest

• Adverbs fo rmed by adding -Iy to the adjective take more in the comparative and most in the superlative. dangerously more dangerOUSly - most dangerously

Note: We can also use very/ really or much to emphasise the meaning of adverbs.

+ positive form of an adverb She draws very/really well.

+ comparative form of an adverb ]mon speaks Ilalion much more fluently than Patrick.

1 0 Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adverbs. 11 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or

superlatIve form of the adverbs in

brackets, adding any necessary words . Adverb Comparative Su~~ ;

1 loudly more loudly most loudly 2 well 3 fast 4 quickly

5 early 6 late

I-7 badly

8 happily

9 beautifully 10 hard 11 far

12 dangerously



1 David runs taster than (fast) Michael. 2 He sings ....... .. .... ... .... ... .. ... ........... (badly)

of all the people in the band. 3 Today I arrived at work .... ........... .... .... .... . .

......... .......... (late) yesterday. 4 Susan dances ...... .... ...... ........ (beautifully

of all.

5 You should ta lk ........ ........ ..................... ... . (politely) to customers than to your friends

6 Alan works .. ...................... ............ . (hard)


of all the employees. My sister writes (well) I do.

.... ... ... .......................... ....

S My dad drives .................. .... ....... ...... ..... . (ca refully) than anyone I know.

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12 Fill in very or much.

1 A: How is your new bike?

B: It's great! It moves mL ch more smoothly

than myoid one.

2 A: Did you enjoy the film last night?

B: Yes, it was .............. ... more interesting

than I expected.

3 A: My mum works ................. hard.

B: Yes, she works ................. harder than

anyone I know.

4 A: 15 Kevin a good driver?

B: Yes, he is. He drives ................. carefully.

5 A: Did you enjoy the concert on Saturday?

B: Yes. The lead singer sang

better than last year.

13 Choose the correct item.

1 I'm working ...... at the moment.

A hard B hardly

C very hardly

2 Catherine did very ...... in her exams.

A good B best C well

3 Jack came home from school ........

A late B lately C latest

4 This summer passed much ...... than last


A quickly B more quickly

C most quickly

5 It was Ch ris who answered the questions the

.... .. of all.

A most intelligent B more intelligently

C most intelligently

6 He drives the most ...... of anyone I know.

A careless B carelessly

C very careless












Complete with the comparative or

superlatJve form of the adjectlves/ advemj In brackets.

Excuse me, can you tell me 1) tf

(good) way to get to the National Museum?

Yes, of course. You can walk, but you 'll get

there 2) .................. .................. . (qu ickly)

by bus.

Which bus will take me there 3) ............... .

... ..... ................... .............. (quickly) of all?

The number 4 bus is 4) ............................ .

............. (fast) way to get to the museum.

Where does it leave from?

There is a stop near here. Turn right at the

next corner, then walk about 500 metres

5) ............................ (far) down the road.

Is there a bus stop that's 6) ..................... .. (close)?

I'm afraid not!

OK, that's great! Thanks for your help.

No problem! Have a nice time at the

museum .

Speaking 15 Compare things that people in your

family do. Use the adverbs below and

your own ideas.

• fast • hard • carefully • quietly

• early • often • more • less

I run faster than my sister but my brother

runs the fastest of all.

Writing 16 Use your answers from the Speaking

activity to write sentences about your


I NOr! hard, but my parent~ work much

harder than I do. My mum work,s the ...



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Exploring Grammar (Units 13-15)


• AI Y"''''!i To -10

n_ - ,,,,,,.

Read the emall and look at the

highlighted verb forms. Which

e xpresses:

• a fact? • a future plan and intention?

• a future prediction based on what we

bel ieve or imagine will happen?

• a fixed arrangement in the near future?

Dear Jenny,

Hope you are well! I am writing to invite you to

my birthday party!

As you know, I will be thirteen on June 5th so I am

going to have a big garden party at my parents'

summer home. My brother, Martin, is going to

cook and my sister, Emily, is going to play music

and sing. She sings really beautifully, you know! I

think everyone will have a great time. The only

thing I am worried about is the weather. I hope it

won't rain. If it rains, we will have to move into

the house, which won't be as much fun. My dad

says that if we have time, we may go to the beach

for a swim. We'll see! It all depends on the


By the way, Emi ly t old me that Jim is going to

move to Spain next month. If you see him

tomorrow, please tell him to call or email me. I'd

like to speak to him before he leaves. He's so

lucky! If I had a lot of money, I would definitely

move there, too.

Well, I'd better stop. It's very late and I am going

to bed in half an hour. As Mum says, if you don't

get enough sleep, you feel ti red the next day.

She's always getting on my nerves when she says

that, but you know what? She's right!

See you on the 5th!

Lots of love,


2 Fill in the gaps with will or be going to.

Then identify the use In each sentence.

1 Look! She ................ ................ hit the ball !

2 This dress is gorgeous! I .................. buy it!

3 She ............................ .......... move to Paris

next year.

4 I promise I ............................ write to you.



• , a) Find five conditional sentences in the

text. Which express something which Is

always/ generally true? Which express

an Imaginary situation in the present?

Which express something, which is

likely to happen In the present or


b) When can we use unless?

c) Think of two more Type 0, 1 &- 2

conditional sentences of your own.

• a) Find seven adverbs in the text. Which

are adverbs of manner, place, time,

frequency and degree? Which words are

used to emphasize their meaning?

b) Write the comparative or the

superlative of the adverbs mentioned In

the text .


............. . ......... . ..................... . .................... ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .................. . ...... ............... .•

....................... . ..................... . . .................... .•

.......... .................................... . .................... . .

....................... ....................... . ..................... .

Page 111: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the correct item.

1 If you see Pete, ...... him to call me.

A tell B would tell C will tell

2 I expect Harry ...... home soon.

A will come B is going to come

C is coming

3 She arrived ...... than her friends.

A early B earlier

C more early

4 ...... you build a bigger house if you had the money?

A Will B Would C Are

5 Pu t on a coat or you ...... a cold.

A are catching B will catch

C catch

6 "Where are you going?"

" I ...... some bread from the baker's."

A am going to get B am getting

C will get

7 If you heat ice, it .......

A is melt ing B melted C melts

8 He ...... study more if he wants to pass his

driving test.

A should B ought C have to

9 .. .... in ten minutes, we' ll leave without him.

A If he doesn't come

B If he comes

C Unless he doesn't

10 She's got shorter hair .. .... me.

A of B than C as

11 Is ...... any fruit salad left in the fridge?

A it B this C there

12 Give me a call when you ...... home.

A will get B get C got

Revision (Units 1-15)

13 The sun ...... in the west.

A is setting B set C sets

14 We can't play football ...... it stops raining.

A unless B if C if not

15 " ...... I help you?'

"Yes, I'd like to buy a T·shi rt."

A Must B May C Might

16 I'd ask for my parents' advice if I .. .. .. you.

A would be B am C were

17 That's Mr Clerk ...... the manager of the company.

A who's B whose C who

18 Marlin is the tallest ...... all.

A in B of C than

19 She sings .. .... than her brother.

A best B well C better

20 listen! Someone ...... the door.

A knocks B is knocking

C will knock

21 They left a week ...... .

A ago B before C last

22 Evelyn is ...... ta lented than John.

A much B as

C much more

23 Dan is at the theatre with some friends of

A him B his C he

24 She likes ...... to pop music.

A listen B to listen C listening

25 ...... he play the viol in when he was eleven

years old?

A Can 8 Might C Could

( Point~ : 2S )

...... , 113

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Pre se nt Pe rfect

Form subject + have/ has + past participle

I/You have 've I/You have not haven't

He/She/ It has 's { visited .! He/She/ It has not hasn 't { visited.!

we/You/} have 've bought. we/You /} have not haven 't


They They






we/you /they {

visited? / bought?

Yes, I/you have.

Yes, he/she/ it has.

No, I/you haven 't .

No, he/she/it hasn 't.

Yes, we/you/they have. No, we/you/they haven 't .

• We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb have/has and the past participle of the main verb. We fo rm the past participle of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. plo) ~Jayed

• We form the past participle of irregular verbs differently . • ee seen (See the list of irregular verbs.)

Use We use the present perfect for:

• actions which started in the past and still continue in the present. They have lived in thi~ hause sin( 2008.

(They moved to this house in 2008 and they still live there.)

• experiences.

I 've tried

• We form questions by putting have/has before the subject. Have yo u finislJed w

• We fo rm negations by putting not after have/ has. Th haven 't ,Dd 0/

• actions which have recently finished and their results are visible in the present. He has won rr ~'e

(We know it because we can see him wearing a medal.)

• actions which happened at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is not important. H! '~ bought fl [(/1

(When did he buy it? We don't mention the exact time because it is not important. What is important is that he's got a new guitar.)

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Have gone (to) - Have been (to)

• We use have gone (to) to say that someone went somewhere and is still there.

Tt. have gone shopping. (They are still shopping. They haven't

come back yet.)

Time expressions used with the present perfect:

• already (normally in affirmative sentences)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Y( If1 flo .... !; to go ~ If; r- 1St oui e /'1'

already s! nt rhf: feller'

• yet (normally in interrogative or negative sentences) Have JU 11 '!d ~)f1 \ )r~ yet.

1O~ '11 ~ l/(e yet • just (normally in statements to show that

an action finished a few minutes earlier) {Ill just Ished (" '''9.

• ever (normally in affirmative and interrogative sentences)

the le comedy I have ever n

Ha... It, ever travelled abroad'

Write the past participles of the following

" eat aten • sing · •

choose · 12 play • · ..................... · 13 try SWim · ..................... • •

know • 14 tell • .......... ........... . • · travel • 15 wash • ...................... • • dance • 16 • grow ............. ......... • • think • 17 • win · ..................... • · hide • 18 write • ...................... • • take · 19 throw • .................... .. · •

10 break • 20 fry . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • •

• We use have been (to) to say that someone went somewhere, but he/she has come back.

We've been to Egypt ~'" h ur schwl. (We went to Egypt, but we have come back. We are no longer there.)

• never (negative meaning) 51 e never rril d ,usn

• for (= over a period of time) ,m ;'0' known P nny for ten yeol

• since (= from a starting point in the past) \r\-t h ' t!n't er J rem since S!tiUl iO)

• recently (normally in affirmative sentences) WE IS recently b, ! ~hl f.

• so far (normally in affirmative statements) They've visited three mu 'Ulm so fa r

• this month / week/ year I 101 e tnken two test.s this week


• 21 need • · ..................... • . ..................... • · 22 • go · ..................... . ..................... • • 23 do • · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .... ...... ....... ... . • • 24 stop • · ................ ..... • ...................... • · 25 • arrive ...................... • . ..................... • • 26 build • . ..................... · ... ... ... ....... .. ... • · • 27 bring • ...................... · ..................... · • · 28 keep . ..................... • ..... .......... ....... • • • 29 send ...................... • . ..................... · • • 30 prefer ................ .... .. • . ..................... ·

"""'''7 us

Page 114: spark 2 grammar.pdf

2 John Is In London at the

moment. Write what he hal

or hasn 't done. Use already

o r yet.


• visit Big Ben ,f

• buy postcards for his

family ,f

• take a walk to Buckingham Palace X

• take lots of photos X

• go shopping ,f • go on a boat ride on the

River Thames X

1 2

3 4




John has already visi ted Big Ben.


· ................................................................. . ...................................................................

Co mplete the following questions using

the verbs from t he list In the present

perfect. Then answer about yourself.

• dive • take • tell • drive

• run • be

1 A: Have you ever told a lie?

B: Yes, I have.lNo, I haven 't.

2 A: . , ............. ........................... a racing car.

B: ............................................. ................

3 A: ................... .......... ..... from a waterfa ll? B:

4 A: ........................... .................. to Rome? B:

3 A: ......................................... a marathon? B:

6 A: . d , ...... ...................... pictures un erwater.

B: .............................................................



4 a) Look at the table below. Ask and

answer questions, as in the example.

. . . . Sarah your friend

, ......... " .... .


./ ./

X ./

1 Tom J play tennis? A: Has Tom ever played tennis?

B: Yes, he ha'

2 Sarah J play tennis?

., ..

A: ............................................................ .

B: ............................................................ .

3 Tom and Sarah J do ka rate? A: ............................................................ .

B: ................................ ...... ...................... .

4 Tom J try bungee jumping? A: ........................................................... ..

B: ............................................................ .

5 Sarah J try bungee jumping? A: ....................................................... ..... . B: ........................................................... ..

b) In pairs ask and answer questions,

as in the example. Then, complete the

table In Ex . 4a .

A: Have you ever played tennis? B: Yes, I have./Na, I haven't.

Page 115: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 1

Read the sentences and circle t he

correct meaning.

I have been to Spain.

a I'm in Spain now.

b I went to Spain and have come back home.

2 He hasn't been to work since last Monday.

a He worked last Monday.

b He didn't work last Monday and he's not

working now.

3 My parents have gone to london.

a My parents returned from London.

b My parents are still in London.

4 I've never been to a better Italian restaurant

than this.



a This is the only Italian restaurant I've

been to.

b I've been to other Italian restaurants but

this is the best.

My brother has lost his car keys. a My brother hasn't got his car keys now.

b My brother didn't have his caf keys in the

past, but he's got them now.

I've just cooked our lunch. a I'm cooking our lunch now.

b I'm not cooking our lunch any more.

7 We have lived in London since 2008.

a We still live in London.

b We don't live in London any more.

8 I've seen two films this week.

a The week is not over and I may see

another film as well.

b The week is over and I will definitely not

see another film.

9 She has been a doctor since 2007.

a She isn't a doctor any more.

b She is still a doctor.

6 1

Put the verbs in bra ckets Into the

correct form of the prel ent perfect.

A: Have YOll seen (you/ see) my dad 's stamp


B: No, he hasn't shown (not/ show) it to me yet.

2 k Why is he so happy?

B: He ...................................... (just/ pass)

all his exams.

3 A: Do you like that perfume?

B: I don't know. I .................................... .

(never/sme ll ) it before.

4 A: ......... ........... ............... (you/ see) TIn a?

B:No, I ................................................... .

(not/ speak) to her recently.

5 A: How's Bill?

B: I'm not sure. He ................................ _ ..

. .............. (not/ be) to school this week.

6 A: Can I borrow this book?

B: I'm sorry. r .........................•.............. . ..

(not / finis h) it yet.

Make sentences using the wo rds below, 7 as in the example. Use fol' or since.

1 Mary/ be/a doctor/20 years

Mar}, has been a doctor for 20 yean.

2 loe/play/ the guitar/1999

. .......... ....... ..................... ............ ............. . .

3 Chris/be/ill/a week

. ............................................................... . . 4 Jenny/not take/a holiday/years

. .............................................................. . 5 We/not visit/our uncle/ages

.................................................... .... - -6 Sam/not be/to school/last Monday

. ............................................... -.-._-. 7 They/be/friends/years

. ........................................... . ... . 8 Lucy/not speak/to james/ last ye¥"

. ....................................... ---

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Fill In the gaps with the correct words

from the list .

• since • for • yet • so far

• never • just • ever • this week

Dave and Sandy haven't seen each other for


I've been to three concerts ...... ............ ..

this year.

Paul has finished his

homework. He finished it two minutes ago.

Have you planned your summer holidays ? .....................

I have .................... flown a helicopter in my


Have you .................... been to Peru?

He has been a professional athlete

.................... he was twenty.

I have torn my jeans twice already

Fill in the gaps with have/has been (to)

or have/has gone (to) .

lane: Hi, Mark. Have you seen Debbie?

Mark: No. She 1) has gone to her grandmother's

house in Wales for the weekend.

lane: Really? I 2) ........... never ...................... ..

Wales . Have you?

Mark: Yes, I 3) ......................................... there

once before, but my brother 4) ............. .

.................................. Wales many times.

lane: That's great. I'd like to go one day. My

parents 5) ...................................... away

for the weekend, too. They 6) ............... .

.............................. camping by the lake.

Mark: That sounds fantastic! If I were there now,

I'd be the happiest person alive!

lane: Me, too. I'd love to take a trip!



1 0 Complete the text with the correct

form of the present perfect.

1) !'{ H'lil h d

(you/ever/hear) of

Apa Sherpa? Well, he 2) d.d ... ..... .. ... . .. ............. (reach) the top of the giant mountain, Everest,

Stop Cl' the ',rnate Change

HImalayas Liv

almost every year since ' , • .;. __ --:----1990. He 3) ...... .. ........ .... .................... . (climb) Mt

Everest successfully 20 times so far In his life. Th is world record means that Apa 4) .................... .. .. ........................... (become) the mountaineer that all other climbers want to climb with. Even so, Apa 5) ............................................... _._._ (take) part in

unsuccessfu l attempts to reach Everest's summit, too . The first time he made it to the top was after the fourth attempt. Since then, however, he 6) .......... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. ..................... (enjoy) much

better luck on the mounta in. When asked about his special relationsh ip to Mt Everest, Apa sa id, "Maybe she's watching over me, because she 7) ........ _ ...................... .. . (let) me climb her so

many times."

se; >Pi ;

Speaking 1 In pairs, use the prompts and / or your

ideas to talk about your experiences.

• eat caviar • swim with dolphins

• do a bungee jump • travel to Africa

• ride a camel

A. Have Y( iI ever eaten caviar?

B: M I haven't. Have you ever ? ef'

Writing 12 Use your answers from the Speaking

activity to write five sentences about

your experiences.

I have eaten sushi, but I've never eaten caviar:

I have

(. j For Fllrther Practice see p. 150:



Page 117: spark 2 grammar.pdf


Present Perfect

We use the present pe rfect for:

• actions which happened at an unstated time in the past .

ha <; bought 1

(When? We

don't know. The time is not stated.)

• a past action whose t ime is not me ntioned but is connected with the present.

ve B "*"" (I might meet her

again; she's still alive - period of time not finished yet)

• actions which started in the past and still continue. Wt ve been

y (We were friends ten

years ago and we are still friends today.)

Time expression s used with the present perfect: for, since, yet, already, ever, never, just, so far, etc

Match Column A to Column B.

ITIJ They went on safari

[I[J We haven't seen

[ID The Browns visited

[ID I finished my homework

[ID Ann hasn't travelled abroad

. .

Past Simple

We use the past simple for:

• actions that happened at a stated time in the past. la( and Mar] went I(

tt om 5el ,,~

",) D) (When? Last Saturday.)

• a past action whose time is not mentioned and is not connected with the present. N randma met pw Dlmo. (She won't see he r again; Princess Diana is

dead - period of time

now finished.)

• actions which started

. .

and finished in the past. _=~L<:"<~ 11 10 worked a a n 0(1.

cl jJl t

(Jul ia doesn't work as a primary school teacher now.)

BUT Thomas has worked as (] ary

x: Iv G (Thomas is still working as a primary school teacher.)

Time express ions used with the past simple: ago, yesterday, last week/month/ year/ Friday, etc

a the ancient ruins in Rome last month.

b half an hour ago.

c in Africa last year.

d since she was ten years old.

e Sarah for two weeks.

MOOUl£ 7


Page 118: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the verbs In brackets Into the

present perfect or the past simple.

1 Mr Jackson c imbed (climb) Mount Everest

last year. 2 Anna .......................................... (not/go)

skiing for months.

3 ...................................... (you/ever/ drive)

a racing car? 4 First, Alison ....................... (blow) out the

candles, and then they ............................. .

(eat) the cake. S Last week, Sarah ................... (fall ) off her

horse and ........................ (break) her leg.

6 Celia ............................................ (begin)

playing tennis two years ago.

7 I ................................................. (not/ do) araons(aOl. .-- ... ._'

4 First, Alison ....................... (blow) out the

candles, and then they ............................. .

(eat) the cake. S Last week, Sarah ................... (fall) off her

horse and ........................ (break) her leg.

6 Celia ............................................ (begin)

playing tennis two years ago.

7 I .............. ... ............................... . (not/ do) araCing -c~ar{l. ,--... ._'

4 First, Alison ....................... (blow) out the

candles, and then they ............................ ..

(eat) the cake. S Last week, Sarah ................... (fall ) off her

horse and ........................ (break) her leg.

6 Celia ............................................ (begin)

playing tennis two years ago.

7 I ................................................. (not/do) araong canl. ' .. -... -_.

4 First, Alison ...................... . (blow) out the

candles, and then they ............................. .

(eat) the cake. S Last week, Sarah ................... (fa ll) off her

horse and ........................ (break) her leg.

6 Celia ............................................ (begin)

playing tennis two yea rs ago.

7 I ................................................ . (not/ do) araOrig -Canl. •. - .. -- --'

4 Fi rst, Alison ....................... (blow) out the

candles, and then they ............................ ..

(eat) the cake.

4 Put the verbs In brackets Into the past

simple or the present perfect.

1 A: H( ,e yl ") e been (you/ ever/ be) to the

Pyramids in Egypt?

B: Yes, I wen! (go) there last year.

2 A: I ................ ...................... ..... (not/see)

Stuart for a long time!

B: Really' I .................................... .. (see)

him last week and he told me he's

getting married next month.

3 A: .................................... ...... (she/ be) to

the post office yet?

B: Yes, she ........ ................ (go) first thing

this morning.

4 A: ..................................... (you/ ever/ fly)

B: Really? I ...................................... (see)

him last week and he told me he's

getting married next month.

3 A: .......................................... (she/ be) to

the post office yet?

B: Yes, she .... .................... (go) first thing

this morning.

4 A: .. ................................... (you/ever/ fly)

B: Really? I .......................... ............ (see)

him last week and he told me he's

getting married next month.

3 A: ...... .................................... (she/ be) to

the post office yet?

B: Yes, she ........................ (go) first thing

this morning.

4 A: ..................................... (you/ ever/ fly)

B: Really? I ...................................... (see)

him last week and he told me he's

getting married next month.

3 A: ...................................... .... (she / be) to

the post office yet?

B: Yes, she ..... ................... (go) first thing

this morning.

4 A: ..................................... (you/eve r/ fly)

B: Really? I .................................... .. (see) him last week and he told me he's

getting married next month.

Page 119: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 Circle the correct Item .

1 Have you ...... Mary?

A see B saw C seen

2 I bought this mobi le phone a week ...... .

A since B ago C yet

3 Claire and Sarah ...... never been to Australia.

A have B is C has

4 Tim has worked as an architect ...... three

years. A in 8 since C for

5 We ...... this museum a million times!

A have visited B visited C visit

6 I ...... my dog to the vet last Saturday.

A take B took

C have taken

7 lake and Tom have ...... to the cinema.

They'll be back in about an hour.

A been B went C gone

8 It's been really cold ...... yesterday.


A since B before C yet

Fill In the blanks with the time adverbs

from the list below.

• in 2006 • for • never • so far

• since • yet • ago • al ready • ever

1 He's lived in Africa for twenty years!

2 They bought their house ................... .

3 We haven't made any new friends ........... .

4 I haven't seen Nora ................... 2008.

5 She's .... ............... dived from a waterfall.

She's too afraid to try it.

6 Have you .................. met a famous person?

7 Did you call me two days .................. ? 8 Why should I buy this book? I've .............. .

read it twice. 9 I have lived he re ........... ....... one month.

10 We have moved twice .................. .

7 Put the verbs In brackets Into t he

present perfect or the past .simple.

rinG: 11) haven't seen (not/see) you for ages!

I sandra: ~~:~:a\'I; :~;~y;olr ~~~ .. ~.~~.~~~.~~~ ...... Tina: Really? Why?

Sandra: I'm training for a marathon.

rina: That's great! Sandra: And guess what! Last week, I 3) ........ .

(run) in a 10 km race and I 4) ............... .

(win) a medal.

Tina: Wow! Congratulations! But,S) ..........

(you/ever/ run)

a marathon before?

Sandra: No, this will be my first. I 6) ............... ..

......................... (already/sta rt) training

and I think I'm almost ready.

rinG: Well, let me know if you need any help. I

7) ............................................. (t rain)

for a big tennis competition last year, and

I 8) .................... (get) a lot of help from

my coach. Maybe I can give you some

advice, too.

Sandra: Thanks! That sounds like a great idea!


1 2

3 4

5 6 7


Use the time expressions to write

sentences about yourself .

• last week • just • never • for

• yet • last summer • since • already

J went to tht modern art gallery last week.


Page 120: spark 2 grammar.pdf


In pairs, act out d ialogues, as In the

e xample.

be / to Australia? (When?)

He. :J ver bl


8 Yes, I have.

A. When did YOIl gc '} B: I went m 2lJ07.

2 eat / mushrooms? (When?)

3 travel / by train? (Where?)

4 play / footbal l?


5 drink / a milkshake? (When?)

6 ri de / a bike (Where?)


- ~ .~ " "

Complete with the present perfect or

the past simple.

Hi Canie, Sonia and I are now on our beach holiday. We 1) (arrive) in Hawaii three days ago, but we 2) ..... . ................. .... ........ .... (already/do) lots of things! Yesterday, we 3) ... .. .. .. .. ... ..... .... ...... (go) to the beach near our hotel. but it 4) ..... ... ...... ...... ... .......... (be) very crowded so we 5) ........ ... .. .. . . ........ ... (walk) 10 another one nearby. We 6) ......... ..... ... ... ................ ....... (dive) into the water and 7) ... .......... .. ....................... ... .. (see) some dolphins swimming around. It was a wonderful experience! Guess what! We 8) ... ..... ........................... .... ... .. . (already/try) snorkelling, too! Some people were brave enough 10 feed the sharks, but we 9) ..... (noVhave) the courage to do it yet! 10) ........ ....... . (you/make) any holiday plans? Email soon!



Speaking I Read the notes about Kristen Stew art,

a famous actress. In pairs, ask and

answer questions about her life using

the phrases below. Use the past simple

or the present perfect.

• be born/9th April' 990 • grow up/the USA • acting career/begin/ at the

age of eight • star/in many fi lms/so fa r/ such

as The Twilight, Panic Room and Zathura

• already/win several awa rds

Writing Use your answers from the Speaking

activity to write a short paragraph

about Krlsten Stewart.

kmll dewQrd \11 05 b

MODULE 7 C. ] For Further Practice ~ee pp 1 sO-lsD 122

Page 121: spark 2 grammar.pdf

• •

Question Tags No

great! You haven r s~e~en~Je~ff~~::;::=l~ 'ojay, have you? .. .,..,..;.

Question tags are short questions that we put at the end of statements.


• We form question tags with the auxiliary or the modal verb of the main sentence and the appropriate subject pronoun. Mary IS ~/ef JIW1, isn 't she?

Hf 'on dfl", can 't he?

• When the verb of the sentence IS In the

present simple, we use do(n't) / does(n't) in the question tag. B ves L I jun, doesn 't he.

• When the ve rb of the sentence is in the past simple, we use did(n't) in the question tag. YOLl didn't call Keith, did YOU ,7

• A positive statement takes a negative question tag. ~h )eel' C if' hasn 't she

• A negative statement takes a positive question tag. Wf haven't got nough money, have we }

• When the sentence contains a word with a negative meaning, like never, rarely, seldom

or hardly the question tag is positive.

YOtl ra rely at "leat, do you .

Use El Intonation

We use question tags in oral speech in order to:

• confirm something. Here our voice goes down

because it isn't an actual question. (We're sure.

We're only inviting the listener to agree with us.)

SI got a /-. O! 'Ill. hasn 't she: (~

• The following verbs &: expressions form

question tags differently.

I am - aren't I? Tl fir aren 't I

Don't -t wi ll you?

Don't talk, will you?

Let's - shall we? Let 's go, shall we .?

I have (got) (possession) 'haven't I? I've gal a nice house haven 't I?

She's got a dog, hasn 't slle?

1 have (other meanings) - , don't I?

Y; lOVe dinne at 8 ock don 't you.

(=You eat dinner.)

I(ell~ hm a sf, )wer very mornmg, doesn 't she?

(=She takes a shower.)

There is - isn't there?

~al ar< isn 't there l

ThisfThat is - isn't it? Th 13 Mr Brrwl 's offICe, isn 't if"

• to find out if something is true or not ~

our voice goes up. (We aren' t sure l art

actual question.)

Y Idn t call John, did you ("--'


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• •

1 Underline the correct question tag.

1 Your brother has tried bungee jumping before, didn 't he/hasn't he?

2 This is Or Jenning's surgery, isn' t this/ isn' t it?

3 Katrina and her mum went shopping, didn't

they/ did they? 4 They never eat meat, do they/don 't they?

5 Don't shout, will yo u/ won't you?

6 They have lunch at 2 o'clock, haven't they/

don't they?

7 There were a lot of people at the party,

weren't there/weren't they? 8 You've got two children, don't you/ haven't


9 There isn't an art gallery near here, is there/ is it?

10 I'm younger than you, aren' t I/ am I not?

2 Add question tags to the following


1 You're fourteen years old, aren't you?

2 They live near the lake, ............................. ? 3 You didn't finish you r homework, ............. ?

4 laura's got a new car, .......................... ..... ? 5 We won't go shopping today, ........ .... ....... ? 6 Brian is very tall, ........................ ? 7 They weren't late for school, ..................... ? 8 Both your parents are doctors, .................. ?

9 You've been to Paris, ................................ ?

10 let's go to the cinema, ............................. ?

11 They used to be best friends, .................... ? 12 lane hasn't got a car, ................................ ?

13 They never go to the cinema, ................... ? 14 Don't call her again, ................................. ?

15 You have breakfast at 9 every day, ............ ? 16 This is your dad's car, ................................ ? 17 Don't stop talking, ................................ ?

18 I'm not very short, ................................. ... ?

3 Fill In the correct queltlon tags.

1 A: She rarely drinks coffee, 10{ It ?

B: No, she doesn't. She usually drinks tea.

2 A: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and /uliet,

B: Yes, he did. He wrote Hamlet, too.

3 A: You don't speak Chinese, .................... ? B: Yes, I do. I also speak Arabic.

4 A: Matt's got two dogs, .......................... ? B: Yes, he has. He loves them!

5 A: Don't be late,

B: No, I won't.


6 A: He's been to Asia, ............................... ?

B: No, he hasn't. He doesn't really like travelling.

7 A: l et's go shaping, ................................ ?

B: Great idea!

8 A: You like eating chocolate, ................... ? B: Yes, of course I do.

9 A: You're in the school football team,

............................ ?

B: No, I'm not. I play for the basketball


10 A: Mr and Mrs lones have got grandchildren,

............................ ? B: Yes, they have.

11 A: They don't eat meat, .......................... ?

B: No, they don't. They're vegeta rians.

12 A: Carol isn't a dancer, ............................ ? B: No, she isn't, but she's good at gymnastics.

Page 123: spark 2 grammar.pdf

4 Look at the pictures

and complete the

sentences with question togs.

1 He looks happy, doesn't he?

2 This is a bull, ............................. ?

3 She's slicing a tomato, ............................. ?

4 You've swum with dolphins, ..................... ? 5 Let's do some work on the house,

................................... ?

5 Fill In the correct question tags.

1 A: You're new here, aren't you? B: Yes. We moved here three days ago.

2 A: You haven't seen George this week,

.............................. ? B: I saw him yesterday.

3 A: You will remember to pay the bills today,

.. .............. ................... ? B: Of course. Don't worry.

4 A: Jo's party is tomorrow, .. ............... ...... ?

B: Yes. I can't wa it!






Fill in the correct question togs and

then read the sentences with t he

correct intonation.

not sure

1 You ate breakfast, didn't you?

,/ 2 You've got a computer, .. ........ .... ........... . ?

,/ 3 Mark's swimming in the

sea, .. ............. .. .... .. ... ?

4 It's ten o'clock, ,/ , ..........................

5 She missed the bus again, .... ....... ........... .... ?

Speaking In pairs, form question tags using the

information below and / or your own

ideas, as in the example.

The Camel • it is an

amazing an imal

• it can su rvive in really hot climates

• it lives in the desert • it has got a long neck like a gi raffe

• camels have got one or two humps on their back

• camels can travel long distances without dr.inking water

• people use camels to carry heavy goods

• people also ride camels

A. The camel is an amazing animol, Isn't '1

B: Yes, it IS. It can survive in really hot cl fTI

can't It? elc

""""" , 125

Page 124: spark 2 grammar.pdf

MOOUl[ 7


Exploring Grammar (Units 16-18)

• a) Read the text and underline all the

verbs In the present perfect. Which refer


• experiences? • actions which happened at an

unspecified time in the past?

b) What other uses of the present

perfect do you know?

c) How do we form the negative and

the interrogative of the present perfect?

Find examples In the text .

A: lames, have you ever driven a racing car?

B: No, I haven't, but my brother Dan has.

You've met Dan, haven't you?

A: Yes, [ met him a few years ago at Jenny's birthday party. He's a teacher, isn't he?

B: Well, he worked as a teacher for four years,

but now he is a rally driver! A: That's so impressive! Has he taken part in any


B: He's taken part in quite a few so far. A: Is he taking part in the Paris - Dakar rally this


B: Yes, he's already started training for that. A: I've never told you this, but my dream is to

become a rally driver. B: Really? That's wonderful, Peter. A: Actually, I was wonde ri ng if I could speak to

Dan about this. B: I'm sure we can arrange a meeting. The only

problem is Dan's so busy, I haven't seen him since January.

A: Well, perhaps I could call or email him? B: Definitely, that sounds like a great idea. Let's

go and call him straight away, shall we?

• Present Perfect vs Past

Name the tenses of the verbs in bold in

the sentences (1-3) and then match

them to their uses. Which of these uses

can you find in the dialogue? Give


a actions that happened at a stated time in the past

b a past action whose time is not mentioned and is not connected with the present

c a past action whose time is not mentioned but is connected with the present

CID We met Samantha last Sunday. [ID I've met Ribanna. []I] He met Princess Diana.

Put the verbs in brackets Into the

present perfect or the post simple.

1 Joanna ..................................... (not/win) the award last year.

2 It ........................................ (be) very hot

since Saturday. 3 ......................................... (you/ever/try)

bungee jumping? 4 Miranda .............................. (sell) her car. 5 Brian and Liz .................................. (buy)

a new flat last year.

• a) Circle all the question togs in the

text. How do we form question togs?

b) Complete the question tags below.

1 You live in Pa ris, ........................ ... ....... .... ? 2 I'm last, ................................ .................. ? 3 Don't cry, ............................................... ? 4 There's someone in the room, ...... .... ...... ?

Page 125: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 1

• Put the verbs In brackets Into the past


I ................................ (fa ll) down the stairs

yesterday morning.

2 John and Mary ................................ (go)

on holiday to Italy last week.

3 My mum ................................ (make) a

pizza fo r our lunch yesterday.

4 Carole ......... ....................... (buy) a new

dress two days ago.

S Jim ................................ (study) for his

exams last weekend.

6 The children ................................ (catch)

6 1

the bus to school last Friday.

Put the verbs In brackets Into the post


A: ......................... (you/ take) any photos

on your trip in Spain?

B: No. I ................... (not/ take) my camera

with me.

2 A: ................... (you / go) to Angela's party?

B: No, I didn't. I ........................ (forget)

about the party. 3 A: What .............................. (you/ eat) for

dinner last night? B: We .......................... (have) dinner in an

Italian restaurant. I ............... (eat) some

rice and linda ................. (order) pasta.

4 A: ............................... (you/ do) anything

interesting last weekend?

B: No, I ................................ (stay) at

home and ....................... (watch) TV all

3 A: What .............................. (you/ eat) for

dinner last night?

B: We .......................... (have) dinner in an

Ital ian restaurant. I ............... (eat) some

rice and Linda ................. (order) pasta.

4 A: ............................... (you/ do) anything

interesting last weekend?

B: No, I ................................ (stay) at

home and ....................... (watch) TV all

3 A: What .............................. (you/eat) for

dinner last night?

Revision of Tenses

7 Underline the c:orrect Item.

1 Tom was playing/ played computer games

when the phone was ringing/ rang.

2 Tom flew/was flying to Turkey last summer.

3 Jenny woke up/was waking up and then

went/was going downstairs to make breakfast.

4 At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Sue

walked/ was w alking home from school.

5 I w as surfing/surfed the Internet wh ile my

dad was listening/listened to the radio.

6 Dave was jogging/ jogged when he was

slipping/slipped on a banana skin.

8 1

• Past Simple Past C nt nuous

Put the verbs In brac:kets Into the past

simple or the past c:ontlnuous.

My mum ............................. (cook) dinner

when she ................................. (burn) her

arm on the stove.

2 Cindy........................... (twist) her ankle

while she ......................... (play) volleyball.

3 We ........ ., ....................... (watch) TV when

the lights ................................ (go out).

4 They................................ (study) when

the fire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (d ri nk) a cup of tea while

she ......................... (read) the newspaper.

6 She ...................... (mix) the ingredients of

the cake and then she ...................... (put)

it in the oven for 30 minutes.

7 I .............................. (not / hear) my alarm

clock this morning because 1 ..................... .

(s leep) heavily.

the fire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (d rink) a cup of tea while

she ......................... (read) the newspaper.

6 She ...................... (mix) the ingredients of

the cake and then she ...................... (put)

it in the oven for 30 minutes.

7 I .............................. (not/ hear) my alarm

clock this morning because I .................... ..

(sleep) heavily.

h f t e Ire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (drink) a cup of tea while

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Countable/Uncountable Nouns

There is an apple.

There isn't an apple.

Is there an apple?

There are some apples.

There aren't any apples.

Are there any apples?

There is some apple juice.

There isn't any apple juice.

Is there any apple juice?

cheese, meat, butter, honey, jam, salt, pepper, sugar, flou r, etc.

milk, water, tea, lemonade, petrol, oil, etc.

gold, iron, silver, wood, paper, plastic, g lass, etc.

beauty, love, happiness, etc.

hair, money, news, snow, furniture, weather, advice, information, etc

Therl' is a pineapple Th~re are some

bananas and two oranges. There aren't any cherries. Are lherf any grapes . Yes there are.

• Countable nouns are nouns which we can count and have both a singular and plural form . '1e p 'n, tW{ pens, three pens

• Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot count and they usually have no plural form . uq( (NOT: EIRe 5b1g9r/Sblg9(5)

However, we can use uncountable nouns, as well as plural countable nouns, after phrases of qu a ntity / pa rtitives: a can/ jar / bottl e/ 91 a ss/ ca rton/ cu p / bowl / packet/ slice/ loaf / ki I 0 / ba r / 1 u m p / tin / piece, ete + of. I US! al 'r drink two glasses of apple juice in th ,,)rni'lg.

pI 0 buy two pockets of peanuts.

• We use a/ an in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the Singular. TI Pr! , 0 TV: The'e I n't 0 b d. I U·, ~re 0 df Ik?

• We ean use a/ an when there is an adjective before a noun. We don't use a/ an before adjectives if they are not followed by a noun . ThiS i' their hiluse. It is really big! Ir's also got 0 small garden .

• We use some in affirmative sentences with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns . We b(lught some bis( ~/rs and some milk

Note: We can use some in interrogative sentences to make offers or requests. Would you lik, some ice cream? (offer) Can I have some water, pJeo$ (request)

• We use any in negative and interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the plural and uncountable nouns. Ar tht any bl CUl ts in tht upboarrl: No, tf .re aren't any biSCUits. Is ,J lere any flour? N< there isn 't any flour.

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1 Fill In: a, an, or some.

an orange

2 ............ strawberries

3 ............ tomato

4 ............ apple

5 ............ orange juice

6 ............ lemon

7 ............ bread

8 ............ sugar

9 ............ egg

10 ............ biscuit

2 Put the nouns In the correct column.

Then, add two more nouns to each


• vegetable • money • water • meat • tea • spice • child • grape • biscuit

• cheese • egg • tulip • shop • milk • pasta • orange juice • souvenir

• rice • bread • rose

vegetable, ................... .


3 Fill in: a, an, some or any.

1 A: Do you want some sugar in your coffee?

B: No, thank,! But, I'll take ........... milk.

2 A: Are there ........... Italian restaurants near here?

B: Yes, there are. There', ........... really nice one at the end of the street.

3 A: I'm thirsty! Can I have ........... orange


B: Yes, of course. Pour ........... glass for me, too.

4 A: Did you go shopping yesterday?

B: Yes, I did. I bought ........... lovely dress and ........... accessories.

5 A: Are you going to buy ........... butter for

the cake?

B: No. We've got ..................................... . at home.

6 A: Did you have breakfast this morning?

B: Yes, I had ........... bowl of cereal and ........... egg.


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4 Look at the picture, then use the

words to make sentences, as in the

e xample. Use some or any.

• cheese • lemons • bread • sugar

• cake • milk • water • butter

• tea • biscuits • apples' • jam

1 There isn 'f any cheese on the table. 2 There are some lemons on the toble_



5 6 7

8 9


11 12


.................................................. .... ............

Now look at the picture from Ex. 4

again for a minute, Then, close your

books and take turns to ask each other

questions, as in the example.

A. Are there any apples on the table] B: No, there aren't A. 15 there any ... ? ere

Read the note Jenny left for Carrle and

fill in the gaps, as In the example.

Carrle, I'll be late h.ome from work. Can you do the shopping for me? Here's what we need:


some cereal (packet)

two packets DJ cereal 2 some meat (klto)

one .......................................... .... . 3 some bread (loajJ

two .............. ... .. .... ... ... .. .... ................ . 4 some jam Qar)

three .. .. ..... ........ . .

5 some chocolate (bar)

a .... ............... .

6 some cola (canJ

jour ............. .

.. ; .. " -Match the words . Then, in pairs, act

out short exchanges, as in the example.

a can of bananas a carton of coffee a bottle of tea a jar of pasta a box of bread a bag of orange juice a packet of Coke a kilo of sugar a cup of ketchup a loaf of matches

A: (an I havp a can of Coke, pleme ·

B: Yes, )f cotlfSe. Would you like a wrtol1 of

.. ,." too?

A: Yes, lure

Page 129: spark 2 grammar.pdf

8 Circle the correct answer.

1 Could you buy ......... bread from the bakery

on your way home?

A a B any © some

2 Are there ......... eggs in the fridge?

A an B any C some

3 How much is a ......... of orange juice?

A box B packet C carton

4 Can you give me ......... information?

A an B some C any 5 Ully's bedroom is really ......... .

A a big B big C big room

6 Can I have ......... of cake?

A some piece B piece C a piece

7 I don't want ......... sugar in my tea. A any B some C a

8 A: Are there any biscuits in the jar?

B: No, there aren't ........ .

A any B one C some

9 Underline the correct Item.

Sam: I'm going to the supermarket. Let's

make a list of what we need!

Anna: We haven't got 1) any/some fruit. You

can buy a 2) kilo/ box of apples and

3) an / some oranges.

Som: No problem! What about cheese?

Anna: We've got 4) a /some cheese, but there

isn't 5) any/some milk. Can you buy a

6) packet/ carton, please?

Sam: Yes, of course! Anything else?

Anna: Yes. I can make a 7) loaf/ packet of

bread today, but I need a

8) bottle/ bag of flour. And you can

buy six 9) cans/ jars of Coke, too!

Sam: Perfect! Is that everything?

Anna: Yes, that's it. Thanks!


1 0 You and your partner are going to the

supermarket. Look at the list below

and decide what you need to buy. Use

the dialogue in Ex.9 to help you.

bread X chocolate milk .' tea bananas pasta tomatoes cereal orange juice eggs

A. Let's make a list of what Wf need from the supermarket!

B: OK. We got two loaves of bread, so we don't need allY bread.

A. Have we got any milk? B: No, we haven't got any. We can get two

cartons. ele.


What do you need from the

supermarket? Write a note to your

mum. Use the list you made in Ex. 10.


Here's what we need f rom the supermarket:

- two ca rtons of mi lk

r hanks,



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MaaUlE 8


• compounds

Some/Any/No/Every + compounds

They are 01/ somewhere In

tJ e (ounrry_~lde The man

01' the table ;5 saymg something Everybody IS

le okmg Qf him.

... IHe s a picnic table

somewhere in the pall" There IS nobody sitting

there There isn't

anything 011 the table

Determiners some any

someonel anyone!

Pronouns somebody anybody

something anything

Adverbs somewhere anywhere

• We use some and its compounds (someone! somebody, something and somewhere) in positive sentences. We can also use them in interrogative sentences to make an offer, a request or when we expect a positive answer. Someone left tht windowopen.

COf I ge you something to eot? (offer) W " u In something hr m 7 (request)

In I r,n some more tea, plel ,e? (we expect a positive answer)

• We use any and its compounds (anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere) in negative and interrogative sentences.

anyonE n !; rOtlm (negation) anything eel -01 d( I( yl 7


We can also use them in positive sentences meaning "It doesn't matter who/which! what/where, etc".

not/not any every

no one/ not anyone everyonel nobody/ everybody not anybody

nothingl everything not anything

nowherel everywhere

not anywhere

c t r anything I-:

matter what.)




(= It doesn't

• We use no and its compounds (no one/ nobody, nothing, nowhere) in negative sentences.

rh rt WU5 nobody I kne\l' at tht: party.

(= There wasn't anybody I knew at the party.)

• We use every and its compounds (everyone/ everybody, everything and everywhere) in affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences. We use a Singular verb with these words.

IV eve ything_ (NOT: lio"" .,. everything?)

N everybody J Everything r .:1y

Page 131: spark 2 grammar.pdf

1 Underline the correct item.

1 Did anyone/someone/no one buy a present for Angela's birthday?

2 I'm shocked at Anna. She said any thing /

something/ nothing which really surprised

me! 3 Are you going anywhere/nowhere/

everywhere nice this weekend?

4 Could you answer the door? Anyone/ No

one / Someone just rang the doorbell.

5 I wanted to study at the library, but there

was someone/ no one/anyone there. I worked at home in the end.

6 We need to go to the supermarket. There's

everything / anything/ nothing in the fridge.

7 We went to our favourite restaurant, but

there was nowhere/anywhere/somewhere to sit. We went for a pizza instead!

8 Are you hungry? Did you eat nothing!

anything / everything for lunch?

13 Fill in the gaps with every and its


1 A: Where did overydtle go?

B: To the park.

2 A: Did you enjoy yourself at the party last


B: Oh, yes! ........................ was wonderful!

3 A: What are you looking for?

B: My glasses. ,'ve looked ........................ ,

but' can't find them.

4 A: Do you like swimming?

B: I love it! I go ......................... morning.

S A: Is ............................... here?

B: No. We're still waiting for Terry and John!

6 A: Did you have a nice time in New York?

B: Yes, it was great! ............................ ..

was very friendly there.

14 Use something, someone, anything, anyone, nobody or anywhere to complete the

sentences, as In the example.

1 A: Do you need anythino from the


B: Yes. Could you get me some cereal?

2 A: Did you hear that? t think ................... ..

is at the door!

B: Really? I'll go and see who it is.

3 A: Have you seen my green jacket

............................ ? B: Yes. I put it back in your wardrobe.

4 A: Are you going out with Dave tonight?

B: I don't know yet. I called his house but

. ........................... answered.

S A: Did ............................ pick the flowers

up from the florist's?

B: Yes. Jack went earlier this afternoon.

6 A: I'm hungry. I'd like to eat ................... .

B: There isn't ...................... in the fridge,

but we can order something if you like.

7 A: If you could go ............................ in the

world, where would you go?

B: Well, I've always dreamt of visi ting


8 A: Did ................... ........ remember to

water the plants while we were away?

B: Yes. John watered them every morning.

9 A: I'd like to tell you ............................ , but

it's a secret.

B: J promise I won't tell ........................... .

lO A: Did you do ............................ special at

the weekend?

B: Yes, I went to a party, but there was

............................ I knew there.



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, Use something, anything, nothing, nobody, somebody and tile verbs in the list

below to complete the sentences, as in

the example.

• do • watch • bring • eat • wear

• talk • go • meet

1 There's always something good to watch on

TV on Sunday evenings.

2 There's never ................. fun to ................ .

in the city centre on Monday nights.

3 Jack ate all the pasta! There's ................. left

to ................. in the house.

4 Everyone is busy this weekend . There's

................. to ...... ........... shopping with.

5 Come here, Sarah! There's ................. I'd

like you to ................. This is my friend,


6 I'm cold! Have you got ................. warm I

could ................. ?

7 I'm going to Rome next week. Would you

like me to ................. you ................. back?

8 I was very lonely on the trip. I didn't have a

phone and I had ................. to . ............... to.

16 Circle the correct answer.

1 Does ......... have a pen I could borrow?

A someone ® anyone c everyone

2 I can't find my book. I left it ......... in the

living room.

A anywhere B nowhere C somewhere

3 I went to the new clothes shop, but I didn't

find ......... I like.

A anything B something C nothing

4 ......... in this film is famous. I haven't heard

of any of the actors.

A Everyone B Someone C No one

5 I had a great time in Barcelona. I've never

been ............ so beautiful before.

A nowhere B anywhere C somewhere

1 Use the words below to complete the


• nothing • everywhere • anything

• everything • something • everyone

" Hi Fred!

Greetings from Vienna! 1) Everyone is having a great time. We don't want to leave!

2) .... .. .... .. .. ............. is very beautifu l. The city is full of tree·lined streets and parks. There are also cosy cafes 3) ............... .. ........... .

Guess what? We went shopping today. I didn 't buy 4) .. ...... .... ........... ... . for myself, but I got 5) ....................... .... for you. It's 6) expensive, but I'm sure you'lIlike it.

I have to go now. Will you be there when I get back on Friday?

Let me know. Simon

Speaking 18 In pairs make exchanges, as in the


watch/film take/pictures

drink in the mornings work/at a restaurant

~ .• ' milk '

-It's somewhere you watch a film.

8. A cinema. etc

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a lot Cof)/Iots Cof)/ a lot Cof)/Iots Cof)/ Ca) few/Ctoo) many Ca) little/Ctoo) much

Cnot) many

(how) many

A lot of/ Lots of - Much - Many

(not) much

(how) much

• We normally use a lot of/ lots of in positive sentences with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. We omit of when a lot/lots is not fo llowed by a noun. Pete's got a lot of/lots of books.

BUT Have you got many eggs? Ye.~, I've got a fotilots . (NOT: fJ let ef/

~ • We normally use much and many in questions and negations.

Much goes before uncountable nouns and many goes before plural countable nouns. They can also go after too. Is there much coffee in the ~up?

There isn't much honey left in the jar.

Have they got many pets? They haven't got many pets.

There are too many people on lhj bus.

There's too much pepper in the souc!:'

• We use how much and how many in questions.

How much + uncountable noun (amount) How much sugar do yoy want in your tea? Not much .. Dnly Q little.!

A lot.

How many + countable noun (number)

How many eggs are there in the fridge? Three./Not many./A few./A lot.

A few/ few - A little/ little

• We use a few/ few with plural countable nouns (apples, pears, ete).

I've got a few oranges. 1'1/ make some orange juice. (= not many, but

enough) There are few crisps In the bog. I1's almost empty. (= hardly any/a lmost none)

• We use a little/little with uncountable nouns (milk, honey, water, ete).

I've gal a little money. I can buy Nick a present. (= not much, but enough)

There's little ice cream. We haven't got enough for everyone. (= hardly any/almost nothing)

• We can use few and little after very. He's got very few friends.

She's got very little money.

John has got a lot ofllots of lemons. (many, plenty)

Bob has got a few lemons.

He can make a lemon pie. (not many, but enough)

Kevin has got (very) few lemons. He can't make a lemon pie. (a lmost none)

Keith has got Q little sugar. He can make a cake. (not much, but enough)

Tom has got (very) littfe sugar. He can't make a cake. (almost none)



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1 Write a lot of, many or much.

1 There are a lot a/ tomatoes.

2 There isn't ............ sugar.

3 There aren't ........... eggs.

4 There's ............. cheese.

5 There are ........... cherries.

6 There isn't ........... milk.

2 Circle the correct answer.

!~Uc.AR t ---

1 There's .... ..... cheese in this pasta.


A much B many ,,£ a lot of

How ......... tea do you drink in a week?

A much B a little ( a lot of

3 There are ......... souvenirs in th is shop.

A much B many ( a lot of

4 I like eating bread with ......... honey.

A much B many C alotof

5 We can't bake bread. We haven't got ........ .


A much B many ( alotof

6 There aren't ......... people on this bus.

A much B many ( few

Complete the sentences with much,

many, a lot of, how much or how many.

1 A: H cerea l do you eat In the


B: Not 11 '1. Just a small bowl.

2 A: How was your summer holiday?

B: Great! We had ....................... fun.

3 A: ................. people were at the concert?

B: Not ............... .......... About 50.

4 A: .......................... ....... sa lad do you eat?

B: Not .................... I don't really like salad.

5 A: Were there ....................... big cats at

the zoo?

B: Yes, there were ....................... different


6 A: ....................... money do you spend on


B: Not ....................... .

7 A: ............................... eggs do you need?

B: Well, I need .......................... eggs. I'm

going to bake two cakes.

8 A: .................... milk is there in the fridge?

B: Not ...................... The carton's almost


9 A: Did you have a nice time in Madrid?

B: We had a great time! We went to

....................... museums.

10 A: ............... does a kilo of tomatoes cost?

B: Not ................................. Only £ 1 .25.

11 A: Were there .............................. children

in the park?

B: No, there weren't ............................... .

It was too cold today.

12 A: You've got ................. ..... ......... food in

the kitchen.

B: Yes, I know. We' re having some guests

for dinner.

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4 Fill In with a lot of, much or many.

1 We haven't got much apple juice left.

2 There are .............. pears in the fruit bowl.

3 There isn't .............. water left in the vase. 4 Were there .............. people at the party?

5 We haven't got ............. biscuits left.

6 Is there .............. bread in the cupboard?

7 Carol hasn't got .............. money in her purse.

8 My dad takes .............. sugar in his coffee.

9 There isn't .............. traffic today, so

the roads are quiet.

10 Are there .............. children at your school?

5 1

Underline the correct word.

A: Are you doing anything tonight? B: Yes, I'm having a few/a little friends

over for dinner.

2 A: How is your tea?

B: It's quite sweet. You must have added

too many/too much sugar.

3 A: Have you read much/ma ny books?

B: No, I haven't. I've only read very a few/

a few.

4 A: What did you eat today?

B: I had a sandwich and then I had a few /

a little biscuits with a cup of tea.

5 A: We've only got a few/a little cheese left.

B: Would you like me to go out and buy


1:5: 1\10, I naven'[' I ve onlY reaa very a Jew/

a few.

4 A: What did you eat today?

B: I had a sandwich and then I had a few /

a little biscuits with a cup of tea.

5 A: We've only got a few/a little cheese left.

B: Would you like m€ to go out and buy


1:5: 1\10, I naven'[' I ve onlY reaa very a Jew/

a few.

4 A: What did you eat today?

B: I had a sandwich and then I had a few /

a little biscuits with a cup of tea.

6 Fill In the gaps with (a) few or (a) little.

1 A: Did you find anything you liked in the

music shop?

B: No. I looked at a few CD's, but they were

too expensive for me.

2 A: Is there any ice cream in the freezer?

B: I'm afraid there's very .......................... .


3 A: Do you speak German?

B: No. I know very

words only.

4 A: Did you see anything you liked in the

jeweller's shop?

B: Oh, yes! There were

pieces I liked a lot.

5 A: How much milk do you want in your coffee?

B: Not much. Only ...................... , please.

6 A: Are you going to make a carrot cake?

B: I can't. I've only got very ..................... .


7 Fill In with too much or too many.

1 Sharon's got too many dresses. She hasn't

got a big enough wardrobe for them all.

2 Don't eat ................................... chocolate.

It's bad for your teeth.

3 That coat costs .................................... .

money. I can't afford it.

7 Fill In with too much or too many.

1 Sharon's got too many dresses. She hasn't

got a big enough wardrobe for them all.

2 Don't eat ................................... chocolate.

It's bad for your teeth.

3 That coat costs .................................... .

money. I can't afford it.

7 Fill In with too much or too many.

1 Sharon's got too many dresses. She hasn't

got a big enough wardrobe for them all.

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8 Read the conversation between Charlie and Flona.

Then, underline the correct Item.

Charlie: What should we eat this evening?

Fiona: How about 1) a few/a little pasta?

Charlie: But we've eaten 2) much /a lot of pasta recently.

Fiona: You're right! We've got 3) a few/a little vegetables.

We could make a salad. Charlie: That's perfect! So, what should I do?

Fiona: Well, we've got 4) very a few/a few tomatoes. You

can chop them now. You can also slice 5) little/a little cucumber.

Charlie: OK. What about the lettuce? Is there enough?

Fiono: Don't worry! We've got 6) many/a lot of lettuce. I'll

wash and cut that.

Char/ie: Alright! Shall we start?

9 1




5 6

Fill in the gaps with a lot, much or many.

15 there any cheese in the fridge? Yes, but not much.

Has Fred got any money? Yes, he's got ... ..................... . Have we got any cherries? Yes, but not ...................... . How much salt did you put on your chips? ................. . How much does that dress cost? Not ......................... . Do you get homework every weekend? Yes,

7 Have you got any oranges left? Yes, ............................ . 8

9 10

Did you eat any pasta? Not ................... .. ................... . How many people were at the beach? Not .................. . Have you got plants in your garden? Not ... ................. .

10 Fill in the gaps with how much or how many. Then,

answer the questions about yourself.

1 How man' books do you read each year? Thr~t or four.

2 ................ bread do you eat every day? ........................ . 3


5 6 7


................ films do you watch every month? .................... .

................ money do you spend each week? ........... ..

................ meals do you have in a day? ......... .... ........... .

................ water do you drink every day?

................ pairs of trainers do you have? ....................... .

................ homework have you got for tomorrow?

11 Complete with a Jot of,

much or many.

Venie There are 1) Q lot Of beautiful cities to visit in Europe. There aren't 2) ............... .. cities as beautiful as Venice, though! Venice is known as the 'Floating City' because it doesn't have roads - only canals. It is actually made of 117 islands connected by 3) ................. bridges. How 4) ............... bridges? Over 4001 Visitors love Venice for its wonderful hotels, romantic atmosphere, and delicious Italian food. So visit it as soon as you get the chance! And don't worry if you don't have 5) ................ . money. There are 6) ................. budget hotels

and restaurants in Venice, too! So, what are you waiting for?

Speaking 12 Use the following words

and quantifiers to ask your

partner about his / her


• park • quiet • people • houses • bakery • supermarkets • schools

A. Is there a park in your


B: No, there isn't .

Writing 13 Now write about your


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The Passive

We form the passive with the verb to be in the appropriate tense and the past participle of the main verb. The TV was invented by John Boird.

The Tower of Pisa is located in

Tuscany, Italy, and it is visited by

many tourists every year. Its

construction was started in 1174

We form the passive of the present simple and past simple as follows:

Active Passive

Present simple The company employs 100 people. 100 people are employed by the company.

100 people were employed by the company. Past simple The company employed 100 people.

Changing from Active into Passive a) The object of the active sentence becomes

the subject of the passive sentence. b) The verb changes from the active form

into the passive form (correct form of ve rb to be + past participle of the main verb).

c) The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. We in troduce the agent with by + person or with + object/instrument.


The Passive is used: 1 when the agent (= person who does the

action) is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context. My bag was stolen . (unknown agent / We don't know who stole it. ) The building was constructed in 1189 (unimportant agent) The robbers were arrested last Monday.

(obv iously by the police) 2 to make more polite or formal statements.

The vase was broken. (more pol ite) (You broke the vase. - less polite)

3 when the action is more important than the agent, as in instructions, processes, events, notices and news items. Passengers are asked la turn off their mobile phones while boarding. (instruction)

Subject Verb Object

ACTIVE John Baird invented the TV

Subject Verb Agent PASSIVE The TV was invented by John 8aird.

The beans are left to dry in the sun. (process) Dinner is served in rhe din ing hall. (notice) The conference was held in Sheraton. (event) The new hospital was opened by the Mayor yesterday afternoon. (news item)

4 to put emphasis on the agent. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander


Note: • When we want to find out who d id

something, then the passive is formed as follows: Who wrote this book? (active voice) Who was this book writ tell by? (passive voice)



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1 Circle the correct word.

1 The new stadium ~ / is opened last


2 The Eiffel Tower is I was visited by thousands of tourists every day.

3 The mayor was / is driven to the airport


4 French and Spanish is / are taught at my


5 The seeds are / were put in a jar in the

fridge for a week before they used them.

6 This dress is / was made for me by my mum .

7 Romeo & Juliet is / was written by Shakespeare. 8 The Empire State Building was / were built


9 Australia was / is discovered by Captain


10 Twenty people are I were killed in the plane

crash last Monday afternoon.

2 Fill in: is, are, was or were.

1 The Eiffel Tower was built by an architect

called Alexandre Gustave Eiffel.

2 They d id n't go to the party because they

.............. not invited.

3 Feta cheese .............. made in Greece.

4 I didn't fly to India because all the flights

.............. cance lled.

5 The tra ins .............. cleaned every night.

6 Many build ings .............. destroyed in the


7 This cake ..... ......... made with cream.

S Barcelona .......... .... visited by a lot of

tourists every year.

9 Dinner ........... served at 9 o'clock last night.

10 Hundreds of books .............. borrowed from

the library every day.

11 A lot of new shops .............. opened in the

city centre last year.

12 Two people ............. . rescued by the

firefighters yesterday.



How is bread made? Rewrite the

sentences In the present simple passive

form to describe the process.

A baker mixes flour, yeast and


FloUl yeast and water is

mixed by a baKer.

2 The baker kneads the dough.

3 He bakes the dough for twenty-five



................ ........ .............................. ··· 1 He puts the dough into an oven.

..................... .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. ..................

5 He takes the bread out of the oven. ..

6 He displays the bread on a shelf in his bakery.

7 A customer buys the bread from the baker.

4 Rewrite the sentences In the past simple

passive form . Use the agent where


1 A famous actor opened the new mall.

Thf. new mall was opened by a famous actor.

2 The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

3 Picasso painted Guemico.

4 The French gave the USA the Statue of


5 John Pemberton first produced Coca Cola in

the 19th Century.

6 C.S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Nomio



Page 139: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the verbs In brackets into the palt

simple ponive.

The museum 1) WI Jfoken nto (break into) by

two masked men last night. The police

2) ................................... (call) by some local

residents. One of the men 3) .............................. .

(catch) a few miles from the house. The

other man escaped, but

4) ................................... (find)

later at night. Both men RI·'"" 5) ..................................... .

(take) to the local police

station where they

6) ........................................ .

(question) by police officers.

After that, the

7) .................................. .

(charge) with

burglary. They will

appear in court today.

Matc:h the c:olumns to form sentenc:es

In the past simple paS1;ve.


The Taj Mahal\ invent

The film Avatar hold

The Mono Lisa build

The telephone

The 2008


The Berlin Wall


pull down




3 4



r Taj Mohal wm IlllI "

c Leonardo da Vinci

Beijing, China


Graham Bell


17th century

James Cameron

1 tI "11tH

• •

7 Fill In by or with.

1 This boat was made by my uncle.

2 The skyscraper was built ............ two hundred


3 A piua is topped ............ tomato sauce and


4 That picture was painted ............ oil paints.

S The library was broken into ............ three


6 The tickets were paid for ............ my dad's

credit card.

7 This song was written ............ my uncle.

S The room was decorated ............ colourful


9 The bank was robbed ............ two men

dressed in black.

10 Wow! Your balcony is filled ............ flowers

and plants.

Complete the sentenc:es. Use the verbs

in the list In the present limple pan;ve

or the past llmple pan;ve.

• change • sell • prepare • deliver

• steal • plant • design • make

1 A famous painting W05 st~) r from the art

gallery last night.

2 Hundreds of books .................................. ..

by the bookshop every day.

3 The water in the swimming pool .............. .

........................ every winter.

4 The letters .................................. to all our

customers last week.

S This jam ........................ from wild berries.

6 All the meals at this restaurant

........................ by our chefs.

7 These summer dresses .............................. .

by students at the art school.

8 New flowers ................ ... ..................... ..... .

in the city parks every spring.



Page 140: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Put the newspaper headlines into the

past limple pan/ve.











The. town hall wu.s damaged by a fire

o Use the words to write questions and

answers, as in the example.

1 the telephone/invent? - Alexander Graham Bell

Who wa~ the telephone invented by?

It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

2 Empire State Building/complete? -1931

When ...................................................... ?

3 hamburgers/made with? - beef and salad in

a bun

What ........................................................ ?

4 The Lord of the Rings/write? - J.R.R. Tolkien

Who .......... .... ........ ... .......................... ... .. ?

5 the idea of the Internet/develop? - 1960s

When ...................................................... ?

6 the tallest cinema in the world/locate? -


Where ..................................................... ?



Fill In the gaps with the present simple

passive or the past limp le passive of the

verbs in brackets.

1 A: Where did you buy this table?

B: I didn't buy it. It wus given (give) to me.

2 A: What time are we having dinner ton ight?

B: As always, dinner ................................ .

(serve) at 10 o'clock.

3 A: I wish we lived closer to a cinema.

B: There is one. A new cinema ................ .

............... (open) in the mall last week.

4 A: When did the ancient Greeks build the


B: It .... ......... . (build) about 500 years ago.

S A: Why are you walking to work?

B: The roads ... ...................... (close) today,

so I can't drive.

6 A: When .............. the house ......................


B: Last night.

7. Rewrite the sentences In the present

limple panive or the past simple passive.

1 The supermarket employs over 100 people.

Over 100 people are employed by the


2 Tour guides take visitors around the city's

tree-lined streets.

3 My uncle bought me these souvenirs from

New York.

4 Many people speak English.

5 Michael prepared the snacks for the party.

Page 141: spark 2 grammar.pdf

1 Mike:


Mike: Sally:



I Mike: Sally:



Complete with the correct passive tense.

Hi Sally! How are you?

I'm fine Mike, thanks. I've just started my

History project for school.

That's nice! What's it about?

It's about the Egyptian Pyramids. Did you

know that one of the Seven Wonders of the

ancient world was a pyramid? It 1) WOl

modI (make) by a pharaoh called Khufu.

I didn't know that. What 2) ............ ..... ... .

(the pyramid/call)?

It 3) ......................... (know) as the Great

Pyramid of Giza. It 4) ......................... .

(build) around 2650 BC and it 5) ......... .

......................... (believe) that it took 20

years to build. Around 2.3 million blocks

of stone 6) ................... (use) to build it. That sounds like a lot of work!

It was! The Great Pyramid was also the tallest building in the world until the

Lincoln Cathedral 7) ........................... ..

(complete) in the year 1300.

Wow! You've studied really hard. Good

luck with your project.


14 Rewrite the following text In the ponive.

A man stole a famous painting from the art gallery

last night. The security guard set off the alarm when

he saw the painting was missing. The police looked

for fingerprints at the scene. Some officers searched

the area nearby. The police arrested a man two hours

later. The police found him with the stolen painting.

A L... nous painting WQS . .. .. . .. ...... . . ..... ...... . • .. • ......•.

, .

1 5 Put the verbs in brackets Into the

correct passive form.

Great Louvre The Louvre is one of the largest

museums in the world and it 1) is located (locate) in Paris, France.

Did you know that it 2) .................. .. (first build) as a fortress? After that, it 3) .......................... (use) as a palace by the royal family. Then, the royal palace 4) ......................... (move) to Versailles by King Louis XIV. That's when the Louvre 5) .. .. " ...................... (turn) into a place to hold valuable art and antiques. Eventually, it 6) ......................... (develop) into the museum we know today which 7)." ......................... . (visit) by thousands of tourists .

Speaking 16 In pairs, use the information below to

ask and answer questions, as in the


• where/located • what/made of

• when/completed • who/designed • why/built __ -'"

A. Where is the Colosseum /o(Qted?

B: It's located in Rome, Italy. ere

Writing 17 Write a short paragraph about the

Colosseum using the Information from

the Speaking activity. Use Ex. 15 as a


c, IS [If I) 'UL In:..J f nom Italy.



Page 142: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Exploring Grammar (Units 19-21)

1 • e

a) Read and underline the verbs In the passive. Which

are In the pt'e1ent simple and which are the past simple?

How do we fonn the passive? When do we use It?

b) When can we omit the agent in the passive?

Greenpeace was established in the early 19705. It was formed from different environmental groups that already existed at that time. Greenpeace was given wide media coverage due to

its bold QctiortS, and this helped the organisation spread so

quickly into the Greenpeace we know today. These days, the Greenpeace organisation is involved in

environmental work olt over the planet. It is recognised for its work in protecting our wUdlife, too. Today, it is based in. over 40 countries around the world. The organisation is not

financed by political groups or governments. It is funded by almost 3 mUlion individuals worldwide.


• Countable/Uncountable Nouns

Read the text and underline the correct word.

When do we use a/ an/ some/ any? Which of these

can you use to make an offer or a request?

'Mississippi Mud Cake' is 1) a/an rich chocolate cake that

you'll find inside most mothers' recipe books. While the

Mississippi River is famous for containing 2) a lot of/many

mud, the 'Mississippi Mud Cake' actually doesn't contain

3) any/nothing mud at all - it just has 4) many/ a lot of


5) Someone/Everyone who eats chocolate is going to love

this cake. As well as 6) lot/ lots of chocolate, the ingredients

include 7) any/ some sugar, butter, 8) a few/little eggs and

9) little/a little flour. And remember not to eat too

10) many/ much of it.

3 a) Which compounds of some and any are used for

people, things and places? Find examples in the text.



b) Underline the correct


1 Would you like any thing /

something else to eat?

2 Hardly everyone/anyone went

to the party. It was very quiet.

3 I have to call John. I have

nothing / something important

to tell him.

4 I was looking for you


5 There is someone/no one at

the door. Can you answer it,


4 • a) Put the words/ phrases

in the list below in the

correct box. Find examples

in the text .

• a lot of • much • many

• <,) little • <'1 few

b) How do a little/ little, a

few/ few differ In meaning?

Give examples.

c) Choose the correct item.

1 There isn't many/ much milk

left. I'll buy some.

2 Don't eat too much / many

sweets! It's bad for your teeth.

3 Would you like a little/few salt

in your soup?

4 1 ate much /a lot of ice cream

and now I feel sick.

Page 143: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Circle the correct Item.

1 Are you thirteen years old? No, I ...... .

A haven't B isn't C 'm not

2 There isn't ...... ice cream left in the freezer.

A some B much C a few

3 Mrs lones isn't their teacher. She's ...... .

A ours B our C us

4 ...... any nice sunglasses in that shop.

A There are B There isn't

C There aren't

S I think loe drives ...... fast.

A enough B much C too

6 ...... TV when I sent you an SMS?

A Were you watching

B Did you watch

C Have you watched

7 ...... you got any money?

A Have B Are

8 I don't ...... walk to school.

A never B usually

C sometimes

9 What is Sam ...... now?

A do B doing

10 She ...... yet, has she?

( Do

C does

A has decided B isn't decided

C hasn't decided

11 I was very upset that ...... sent me a birthday


A anybody

C nobody

12 He enjoys .......

B somebody

A to cook B cooking C cooks

13 I ...... take piano lessons, but I don't any


A use to B used to

C didn't use to

Revision (Units 1-21)

14 lames lives around here, ...... he?

A isn't B does C doesn't

15 Last night, Emma and Alex ...... very bored.

A are B were

C have been

16 Anna is the girl

pops tar.

sister is a famous

A whose B which ( that

17 I ...... come tonight. I'm not sure yet.

A must B might C have to

18 ...... you help me lift this box, please?

A May B Ought ( (ould

19 How many ...... were at the meeting?

A woman 8 women C womens

20 That book ...... by a famous philosopher.

A wrote B was written

C are written

21 ...... dress is very beautiful.

A These B That C Those

22 If you don't come to my party, I ...... really


A wi ll be B am C to be

23 I ...... to the cinema about twice a month.

A am going B go C goes

24 I like ...... hair long, not short.

A mine B my C me

2S Nathan is ...... at English than me.

A better B best C good

( points: 2s ) MOOOU,


Page 144: spark 2 grammar.pdf


Revision of Tenses


• Pr sent Simple/Present • LI.U

Put the verbs In brackets Into the

present simple or present continuous.

1 Diane ................................ (live) in Berlin.

2 What ............................ (you/ do) tonight?

3 John ......... (tidy) his room every Saturday. 4 .......... (you/eat) breakfast every morning? 5 My dad .... ....................... (wash ) his ca r at

the moment.

6 The shops .................... ... ........... (close) at

9 o'clock on Thursday evenings.

7 What time ............................... (you/ start)

work on Saturdays? 8 I always ............ (read) before I go to bed.

2 Put the verbs In brackets Into the

present simple or present continuous.

1 A: ......................................... (you/ want)

to go to the cinema tonight?

B: I'd love to, but I can't. I ................... .

(go) to the theatre with my parents.

2 A: ......................................... (Dave/ play)

video games now?

B: No, he .................... .. ............... (write)

an email to his friend.

3 A: Paul.................... (look) very relaxed

these days.

B: Yes. It's the summer holidays, so he

.................... (not / go) to school.

4 A: How .................... (you / get) to school

every morning?

B: I usually .................... (catch) the bus,

but sometimes my mum .................. ..

(drive) me there.

5 A: What time .................... (you / eat) lunch

every day?

B: We usually .................... (have) lunch at

, o'clock, but today we

(go out) for lu nch at 2.

ever da ?

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the

present limple or present continuous.

A: Hi, Steve! It's lane.

8: How are you, lane?

A: Fine, thanks. I'm in Madrid now. I

1) ............................. (sit) in my hotel

room at the moment.

8: 2) ...................... (you / have) a nice time?

A: Yes, I am. I 3) .............. ...... (get up) early

every morning and 4) ............................ .

(t ake) a wa lk around the City. I usually

5) ............................. (visit) one of the

museums in the afternoon.

B: I'm iealous! What 6) ..................... (you/ do)


A: I 7) ............................ (meet) my friend,

Marc. We 8) ....................... (go) to the

cinema to see a comedy.

8: That sounds like fun !

A: I have to get ready now.

8: OK! Bye, Jane!

4 Put the verbs in brackets Into the

present simple or present continuous.

Dear TOrty, I 0 .................. (hope) you're well. 12) ............... .. (write) to tell you about my new school. I 3) ................... (go) to high school now. I'm in the first year. The school is realty big, so , 4) ................. . (meet) new people every day and they aU 5) ...................... (seem) very friendly. J really 6) .................. (like) our History teacher and J 7J ................... (find) the dasses very interesting. At the moment, we 8) ................... Oearn) about ancient Egypt in dass. We 9) ................... (have) a test about it next week. But, I'm not worried because I 10) ................... (study) hard every night. What 10 .............................. (you/do) these days' 12) ............................ (you/get) homework to do every night, too? I hope to see you soon! Best wishes,

~O::.lgl::a:.,-........ .._._. --===--- -I What 11) ................. ~ ...... (u /) Sthp~p rlnll~? I

Page 145: spark 2 grammar.pdf

5 1

• Put the verbs In brackets Into the past


I ................................ (fa ll) down the stairs

yesterday morning.

2 John and Mary ................................ (go)

on holiday to Italy last week.

3 My mum ................................ (make) a

pizza fo r our lunch yesterday.

4 Carole ......... ....................... (buy) a new

dress two days ago.

S Jim ................................ (study) for his

exams last weekend.

6 The children ................................ (catch)

6 1

the bus to school last Friday.

Put the verbs In brackets Into the post


A: ......................... (you/ take) any photos

on your trip in Spain?

B: No. I ................... (not/ take) my camera

with me.

2 A: ................... (you / go) to Angela's party?

B: No, I didn't. I ........................ (forget)

about the party. 3 A: What .............................. (you/ eat) for

dinner last night? B: We .......................... (have) dinner in an

Italian restaurant. I ............... (eat) some

rice and linda ................. (order) pasta.

4 A: ............................... (you/ do) anything

interesting last weekend?

B: No, I ................................ (stay) at

home and ....................... (watch) TV all

3 A: What .............................. (you/ eat) for

dinner last night?

B: We .......................... (have) dinner in an

Ital ian restaurant. I ............... (eat) some

rice and Linda ................. (order) pasta.

4 A: ............................... (you/ do) anything

interesting last weekend?

B: No, I ................................ (stay) at

home and ....................... (watch) TV all

3 A: What .............................. (you/eat) for

dinner last night?

Revision of Tenses

7 Underline the c:orrect Item.

1 Tom was playing/ played computer games

when the phone was ringing/ rang.

2 Tom flew/was flying to Turkey last summer.

3 Jenny woke up/was waking up and then

went/was going downstairs to make breakfast.

4 At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Sue

walked/ was w alking home from school.

5 I w as surfing/surfed the Internet wh ile my

dad was listening/listened to the radio.

6 Dave was jogging/ jogged when he was

slipping/slipped on a banana skin.

8 1

• Past Simple Past C nt nuous

Put the verbs In brac:kets Into the past

simple or the past c:ontlnuous.

My mum ............................. (cook) dinner

when she ................................. (burn) her

arm on the stove.

2 Cindy........................... (twist) her ankle

while she ......................... (play) volleyball.

3 We ........ ., ....................... (watch) TV when

the lights ................................ (go out).

4 They................................ (study) when

the fire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (d ri nk) a cup of tea while

she ......................... (read) the newspaper.

6 She ...................... (mix) the ingredients of

the cake and then she ...................... (put)

it in the oven for 30 minutes.

7 I .............................. (not / hear) my alarm

clock this morning because 1 ..................... .

(s leep) heavily.

the fire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (d rink) a cup of tea while

she ......................... (read) the newspaper.

6 She ...................... (mix) the ingredients of

the cake and then she ...................... (put)

it in the oven for 30 minutes.

7 I .............................. (not/ hear) my alarm

clock this morning because I .................... ..

(sleep) heavily.

h f t e Ire ............................... (start).

5 He ...................... (drink) a cup of tea while

Page 146: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Rr .i,ion


Revision of Tenses

9 Put the verbs in brackets Into the past

simple or the past continuous.

, A: What ...... ........ ...................... (happen)

to your arm? B: I ............ .... ............ (cycle) to my aunt's

house when I ...... .................... .. (crash)

into a tree. Thankfully, I ....... ...... ........... .

... .... .................. (not/ break) my arm.

2 A: ............................. (you/ meet) any film

stars when you ................... (visit) L.A.?

B: Well, I ................................ (not/ meet)

any, but I ..................... ....... (see) some

when I ................................ (go) to the

cinema. They were on the big screen!

3 A: Where ................................... (you/ be)

last Sunday? B: Let me think! I ............................. (go)

for a picnic with my family in the

morning and then I ... ..................... ..... .

(meet ) some fri ends at night.

4 A: What .................................... (you / do)

when I ............. .. ... ......................... . .

(ca ll) you la st night?

B: Noth ing interesting! I ...... ......... ........... .

(watch) TV.

5 A: Why .......................... (not/you / come)

to the pa rty yesterday?

B: I ................... (have) a temperature and

............................................ (feel) sick.

6 A: When ...... .. ......................... (you / live)

in London?

B: I ................................ (stay) there for

four years. I ................................ (have)

a great time when I ............................. ..

(live) in London!

7 A: ....... (you/visit) Mary

last night?

B: No, but I ............................... . (visit)

her a week ago.

8 A: ........................................... (you /study)

when I ........................... . (caU) you?

B: No, I ........................ ... (be/not).

1 0 Put the verbs In brackets Into the past

simple or the past continuous.

It was a fine autumn day. Arthur and JW 1) ......... .... ...... . (walk) through the

forest together. They 2) .................... .... .. ..

(talk) about their science projects when Arthur

3) ............... .. ...... (notice) an old house

through the trees. They 4) .......... .. .... ....

(hear) a lot of stories about a haunted house in

the forest when they were young. Arthur and

Jill 5) ...... ......................... (not/believe) the

stories so they 6) .............................. .

(no t/feeD scared. They 7J .. ............................ .

(decide) to go inside the house. They

8) .................... ........... (o pen) the old wooden

door and 9) ... (move) slowly

towards the stairway. They 10) ... .. .... ... ..

(go) upstairs when they 11) .......................... .

(see) a large shadow. They 12) .. .. ........ .

(turn) around and 13) ............................ ..

(see) a tall dark figure. Arthur and Jill

14) ...... ..... .......... .......... (scream) and

15) ....... .......................... . (run) out of the

house. While they 16) .... ... ............ .......... .

(ru n) through the garden, the children

17J .......... .. ....... (spot) a young girl. She 18) ...................... (water) the plants

around the house. She 19) ...... ..................... .

(smile) at them and 20) ............ .. ...... ..

(as k) , 21) " ............................... (you/see) the

taU, shadowy beast? Don't worry! This is my granddad's house. He's an art cotlector and

what you saw was just a strange sculpture."

Arthur and Jill 22) .... .. .. ...... .. ......... (feeO

really embarrassed!

Page 147: spark 2 grammar.pdf

11 Choose the correct Item.

1 Did Clare ......... out with you last night?

A go B went C goes

2 Is Danny ........ to school now?

A walk B walks C walking

3 I ......... the plants when it started to rain.

A watered B am watering

C was watering

4 He usually


... his homework before

A do B is doing C does

5 I ......... very early last night.

A sleep B am sleeping

C slept

6 We ...... lots of photos in Venice last summer.


A take B took

C were taking

• Will - Be Going To -Present Continuous

12 Fill In the correct form of be going to

or will of the verbs In brackets.

1 A: What are you doing later?

6: I'm going to (go) Sam's party.

2 A: Do you have any plans for the weekend?

6: Yes, I .................................. (do) some

shopping for my birthday party.

3 A: look! The baby is trying to climb onto

the chair!

6: Oh, no! He ................................ (fall)!

4 A: I can't hear the music.

6: I ......................... (turn up) the volume.

S A: She sings beautifully!

6: That's true. I think she ..................... .....

(become) a famous singer one day.

Revision of Tenses

13 . the 9 • .$ with the future simple, bt !JDi-g tD or the present continuous.

1 ." (fail) the test.

2 .ooer: Crt ::'7eet us for dinner tonight. He

(go) to a party at 10 o'clock.

3 m """"E ~_ ••• •••••••••••••••• (take) a nap.

4 t's doody 1 ........... ........ (rain).

5 'm su.~ my orother ....... ..................... .

(not. et) me me his laptop.

6 Y een .... ........ ..... (spend) her

tlcWida~ ill Bertin this year.

7 ·.e ........ (meet) some old

frierx1S a an la n restau rant tonight.

8 s --r S bor.ilda) today. I .. ...... . ............ .

buy) he.r a cake and some flowers.

14 Put the yeJ"bs in brackets Into the

futun s;"pl~ or the present continuous.

(Ioire: Do rou IIJ\OW where you 1) are going (go)

on hoIida) this summer?

Bill: Yes, 2) .............. ........ (fly) to Jamaica.

\'y best friend lives there. We

3) .......•..•................ ... (spend) a week in

Montego 6ay. What 4) .......................... .

(you 1do) for the summer?

Clalfe: I S) .......... ................... (not do) anything

special. I 6) .......... ..................... (go) to

our beach house for a week. I don't want

to spend a lo t of money because I

7) ............................ (save up) to buy a

new laptop.

Bill: That's great, but don't you think you

8) ................... ............ (be) bored?

Oaire: I know, but what else can I do?

Bift: Well, you could come to Jamaica with me.

We can stay at my friend's house, so it

9) ................... ......... (not/cost ) you much.

Claire: Mmm ... That sounds great!

Bill: Trust me! It 10) ....................... (be) fun.



Page 148: spark 2 grammar.pdf

Revilio n


Revision of Tenses

15 Circle the cor rect Item.

1 I'm afraid I ......... be able to come to your

party. A will B won't

C am going to

2 I ......... the drums while Steve was playing

computer games.

A played B was playing C play

3 He ......... and then he ate breakfast.

A woke up

C wakes up

B was waking up

4 They ......... to Rome next week.

A travelled B were travelling C are travelling

5 I'll call you when I ......... at the airport.




A arrive B will arrive

C am going to arrive

She ......... in the park at 7 o'clock yesterday


A jogged B was jogging C jogs

I think our class ......... the school quiz on


A wins B is winning C will win

Ben ...... .. work in a bakery. He works in a


A didn't B isn't C doesn't

9 We ......... to the supermarket three times

last week.

A go B went

C were going

10 I ......... up early tomorrow.

A wake

B am going to wake

C waking

• Present Perfect

16 Put the verbs In brackets into the

correct form of the present perfect.

1 A: Did you like the first Harry Potterfllm?

B: I don't know. I .................. (never/see)


2 A: Do you know the Johnson family?

B: Yes, I .................... .. (know) them for a

few years.

3 A: What time does the train to London


8: Let me check' I'm afraid it .................... .

(j ust/depart).

4 A: How's Janice? Is she better now?

B: I've no idea! I ............ .. ...... (not/speak)

to her since last Sunday.

S A: Can I borrow th is DVD?

B: Sorry, not now! I ......................... .

(not /wa tch) it yet.

6 A: Did Alex like the cake?

B: He .......................... (not/taste) it yet!

17 Put the verbs In brackets Into the

present perfect or the post simple.

1 Laura ................................. (not /p lay) the


piano for years.

First, Ben ........................ .... .... (cut) the

grass in the garden, and then he

................................ (water) the plants.

3 An old woman from our street .................. .

(win) the lottery last year.

4 I .. .. ...... (not / fini sh) my homework yet.

S Luke and Amanda .................... (sta rt)

playing tennis when they were ten years old .

6 I .............................. (not/see) Vicky since

we were in primary school.

7 My dad ............................ (go) to Brussels

on business last Monday.

S ..................... (you/ ever / vi sit) the Modern

Art Gallery?

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18 Choose the correct Item.

1 Se careful! You ......... fall!

A will B are C are going to

2 We ......... for a picnic last week.

A went B was going C have gone

3 I usually ......... a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

A eat B am eating C will eat

4 I ......... dinner when I burnt my hand.

A cook B was cooking

C cooked

5 She ......... her homework yet.

A didn't fin ish B hasn't finished

C wasn't finishing

19 Put the verbs In brackets into the post simple or the present perfect.

Dear Kate,

I'm sorry I 1) ................. ............ (not/write) for ages, bul l 2) .............................. (not/be) home for a few weeks. I 3) ............................. . (go) to Spain and 14) ............................... (get) home yesterday.

I 5} ........................... (have) a great lime in Spain! 6) ........ ... ................ (you/ever/be) there? I really 7) ........... ........................ (enjoy) myself and I 8) ............... ...... ......... (need) the rest after working so hard last year.

I 9) ............................ (visit) a lot of museums on Ihe trip , bul I 10) ..................................... . (not/spend) much time on the beaches. I also 11) ........ ............................... (take) lols of pholos. 112) ....................... ............ (attach) some of Ihem with this email. Let me know what you think!

113) .................................. (never/love) a place so much before. I'll probably go back for my holidays next year too. Are you interested? See you soon, Owen

Revision of Tenses

20 Put the verbs In brackets Into the post sImple or the present perfect.

1 A: ..................................... (you/ever/ be)

to the USA?

B: Yes, I ......................... (go) to New York

with my parents when I ............. ....... ..

(be) twelve.

2 A: (you / go out) for dinner last night?

B: No, we didn't. We .......................... ..

(stay) at home and ........................... ..

(order) a pizza.

3 A: (you/ see) Sandra recently?

B; Yes, I .................. ........... (meet) her at

the supermarket this morning.

4 A: .................................. (you / ever / eat)

frogs ' legs?

B; Never! I .......................... (see) them in a

French restaurant before, but I

.......... ......... , ............. (not/ like) the

look of them.

5 A: (Derek/ find) a

new job yet?

B: Yes. he ....... ....... ..... (get) a job in a

high school. He's a teacher now.

6 A: ............................... (you/ see) Fiona?

B: No, she ........................ (go) to the

supermarket about two hours ago, but

she ..................... (not/come) back yet. 7 A: ........................ ............... (you/ fini sh)

your homework yet?

B: No, not yet. But, I ............................ ..

(a lready/tidy) my room.

S A: I can' t find my glasses ....................... .

(you/ see) them anywhere?

B: No .................................. (you/ look) in

the living room yet? You usually leave

them in there.


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(Irregular Verbs'

Past Past Participle Past Participle

make Imakl mean im,nl

,1br:>:tI meet ImtU

Ibafnt pay Ipa! put /pull

read /rcdl ride Irrudl ring In!) / rise Iralll run Irflni

say (set! see IsrJ sell /51'1/ send Isendl set Iset! sew ISO O/

shake fleck! shine IJam! shoot IJutl show 1/001 shut Jjflt/ sing ISII)I sit Isrl! sleep Is ltpl smell IsmI'll isme~

speak Isptk/ spell Ispel/ " " spend Ispend! stand Istrendl steal /5\[11 stick Istlkl sting Ish!)l swear /swe<Jrl


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