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    Space &



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  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212




    Briefings | Space & Physics


    Scientifc AmericanBriengs: Space & Physicsconsiss of suaries of recen peer-reviewedarticles from the scientic literature. It drawshese suaries fro he journals of NaurePublishing Group, including Nature, NatureNanotechnology, Nature Photonics, NaturePhysics and he Nature Reviews journals.

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    A gift from the

    starsObservatOries arOund the

    world have recorded inrared

    emission spectra at wavelengths

    o 320 micrometers rom stars

    and nebulae. These spectra were

    initially considered characteris-

    tics o polycyclic aromatic hydro-

    carbons used-ring molecules

    commonly ound in burnt ood,

    tar, coal and oil.

    Sun Kwok and Yong Zhang at

    the University o Hong Kong

    have now proposed an alterna-

    tive hypothesis that these

    emission spectra are character-

    istic o complex organic mole-

    cules with disorganized struc-

    tures. They examined the emis-

    sion spectra rom several

    nebulae and pro-planetary neb-

    ulae, including the Orion Bar

    nebula, and ound that the most

    tting model would be i the or-

    ganic molecules contained a

    mixture o aliphatic branches

    and aromatic rings, and not justaromatic rings alone.

    In act, recent laboratory anal-

    yses have identied organic mole-

    cules with a chemical structure

    similar to that described above in

    the Murchison meteorite. The re-

    searchers suggest that organic

    molecules might exist throughout

    the universe, and that meteorites

    might have carried these mole-

    cules rom distant galaxies to our

    solar system.

    Edward Duca,Nature China

    Nature doi: 10.1038/nature10542 (2011)


    Nanoear hearssmall soundsby using laser beams to trap a

    gold nanoparticle, researchers in

    Germany have developed a sensi-

    tive sound-wave detector.

    Tightly ocused laser beams,

    known as optical tweezers, have

    been used to manipulate micro-

    scopic objects or two decades.

    Andrey Lutich, Jochen Feld-

    mann and their co-workers at

    the LudwigMaximilians Univer-

    sity in Munich used a similar ap-

    proach: they suspended a

    60-nanometre gold nanoparticle

    in water in the ocal spot o a

    laser beam. They sent sound

    waves through the water and

    measured changes in the parti-

    cles constrained motion. The au-

    thors calculate that the nanopar-

    ticle can pick up sounds as lowas 60 decibels, making the set-

    up a million times more sensi-

    tive than the human ear.

    Eugenie Samuel Reich,


    Phys. Rev. Lett. doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevLett.108.018101 (2012)


    An atom-sized

    vortexelectrOn beams are typically

    plane waves. This means that the

    beam phase is identical or all

    points in a plane perpendicular

    to the beam direction. The phase

    o an electron vortex beam, on

    the other hand, describes a

    spiral. As a result, vortex beams

    carry orbital angular moment

    and magnetic moment, which

    leads to unique interactions with

    matter. Jo Verbeeck o the Uni-

    versity o Antwerp and col-

    leagues rom Austria, the Neth-

    erlands and Canada have now

    demonstrated an electron vortex

    beam with a diameter o lessthan 1.2 .

    Electron vortex beams were

    rst created by passing a plane

    wave beam through a graphite

    lm that spontaneously ormed

    a spiral structure, and acted as a

    phase plate. This was dicult to

    reproduce and gave limited con-

    trol over the resulting beam. Ver

    beeck and co-workers had im-

    proved on this approach by cre-

    ating a vortex beam with a

    holographic mask inside a trans-

    mission electron microscope.

    However, the eective beam di-

    ameter was several micrometers

    Verbeek and colleagues have

    now reduced this beam diameter

    to atomic dimensions by placing a

    holographic mask in the con-

    denser plane o a state-o-the-art

    microscope with double aberra-

    tion correction. At 1.2 , the beam

    size is comparable to the size o

    the 2porbital in a nitrogen atom

    (see image; let and right panels

    show the beam and the 2porbitalrespectively, drawn approximately

    to scale). The tiny vortex beam

    may allow atomic-resolution

    mapping o magnetic states.

    Michael Segal

    Nature Nanotechnology

    Appl. Phys. Lett. doi: 10.1063/1.3662012



    Cooling bynumberslike electrOns trapped in the

    potential o a nucleus, bosonic

    atoms residing at the individual

    sites o an optical lattice a peri-

    odic structure dened by inter-

    ering laser beams can occupy

    discrete motional orbitals.

    Waseem Bakr and colleagues

    have now implemented a tech-

    nique or deterministically con-

    trolling the distribution o atoms



  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212



    Briefings | Space & Physics

    On the COver

    Light rom the Orion Nebula,

    one o the most arresting

    sights in the night sky,

    suggests that some highly

    interesting mixture o

    complex organic molecules

    can be ound near these

    stellar remnants. See page 2.

    Credit: ESO/J. Emerson/


    Astronomical Survey Unit

    Scientic American Briengs, Space & Physics, Volume 1, Number 2,February 2012, published monthly by Scientic American, a division ofNature America, Inc., 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10013-1917.

    Subscription rates: 1 year (12 issues) $19.95 (USD).Please send subscription correspondence, including changeof e-mail and postal addresses to:Scientic American Briengs, Box 3187, Harlan, IA 51537.E-mail address for subscription inquires:[email protected] address for general inquires:[email protected].

    Subscription inquires:U.S. and Canada: 800-333-1199; other: +1-515-248-7684.

    Copyright 2012 Scientic American, a division of Nature America, Inc.All rights reserved.

    across these dierent energy

    states, and establish it as a new

    means o cooling quantum gases.

    The key is a mechanism

    Bakret al. call orbital excitationblockade. They transer ground-

    state atoms to a higher orbital by

    modulating the lattice depth at a

    suitable requency; but once one

    atom is transerred, it shits the

    energy levels to a degree that

    other atoms at the same site are

    pushed o-resonance the rst

    excitation blocks urther ones.

    Bakr and colleagues use this

    mechanism to reshue and se-

    lectively remove atoms rom a

    lattice with random occupation

    numbers. As atom-number fuc-

    tuations across the lattice are the

    main source o entropy, levelling

    the number o atoms at each site

    amounts to cooling the gas. The

    authors expect that in the uture

    their method can also serve in

    quantum computations on op-

    tical-lattice systems.

    Andreas Trabesinger,

    Nature Physics

    Nature doi: 10.1038/nature10668 (2011)


    Swirls movetiny objectsindividual cells can be ma-

    nipulated by tiny vortices gener-

    ated in fuids, rather than by the

    potentially harmul lasers or

    electric elds typically used. The

    concept is the brainchild o Li

    Zhang and his colleagues at the

    Swiss Federal Institute o Tech-nology in Zurich, who used the

    vortices to control the movement

    o microscopic objects.

    The team placed a tank o

    water in a rotating magnetic

    eld, which triggered nickel

    nanowires in the tank to rotate

    in turn, generating microvor-

    tices. The vortices trapped poly-styrene microbeads in the water.

    By controlling the movement o

    the nanowires, the authors could

    tightly control the movement o

    the beads.

    They also successully manip-

    ulatedEscherichia colibacteria

    using a pair o microspheres in

    place o the nanowires.

    Daniel Cressey,Nature

    Nano Lett. 10.1021/nl2032487 (2011)


    Mercurysplasma belt

    like earth, Mercury has a

    magnetosphere, a zone o inter-

    action between its magnetic eld

    and incoming plasma rom the

    Sun. But scientists have been un-

    sure about whether Mercury also

    has the concentration o charged

    particles around its equator that

    Earth does.David Schriver at the Univer-

    sity o Caliornia, Los Angeles,

    and his colleagues argue that

    Mercury does have such a quasi-

    trapped particle belt, citing sim-

    ulations o the planets dynamics

    and data rom instruments

    aboard the MESSENGER space-

    crat, which entered into orbit

    around Mercury in March 2011.

    The crat ploughed through an

    equatorial population o 110-ki-

    loelectron-volt ions and elec-

    trons at a distance o about hal

    the planets radius rom the


    The authors compare the belt

    to Earths ring current and saythat it could infuence the pat-

    tern o surace weathering and

    the ormation o a thin atmo-

    sphere around Mercury.

    Emma Maris,Nature

    Geophys. Res. Lett. doi:

    10.1029/2011GL049629 (2011)


    LuminousrepulsionenhancedWhen adielectric particle is ex-

    posed to a strong optical gra-

    dient it becomes electrically po-

    larized and subject to an attrac-

    tive orce in the direction o

    increasing eld strength. This is

    the principle by which optical

    tweezers are able to trap and ma

    nipulate living cells and other

    microscopic objects.A similar orce can be gener-

    ated between two light-carrying

    microscopic (and nanoscopic)

    waveguide structures. Moreover,

    the sign o the orce can be

    tuned rom attractive to repul-

    sive by shiting the phase o the

    light travelling in one waveguide

    relative to the other which is

    potentially useul or optome-

    chanical sensing and switching

    applications. Unortunately, the

    magnitude o such orces ismuch less than the orce exerted

    by optical tweezers. And at small

    separations the sign is invariably


    Ardavan Oskooi and col-

    leagues propose a way to in-

    crease the repulsion between

    waveguides. Their calculations

    suggest that the key is to cut

    each waveguide in hal, as semi-

    circular waveguides perorm

    much better than circular. This

    works even better in the case oCREDIT:MARKEVANS/ISTOCKPHOTO






  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212



    Briefings | Space & Physics

    photonic crystal waveguides,

    which show a 30-old increase in

    repulsive orce that remains re-

    pulsive even at small

    separations.Ed Gerstner,

    Nature Physics

    Opt. Lett. doi: 10.1364/OL.36.004638



    Keeping thenoise down

    any device that amplies a

    signal inevitably adds noise, andquantum mechanics prevents

    this added noise being reduced

    below a certain value. It is pos-

    sible to approach this quantum

    limit by using superconducting

    devices to ampliy electrical sig-

    nals, but these devices are com-

    plex. Now Francesco Massel and

    co-workers at Aalto University

    and the VTT Technical Research

    Centre o Finland have shown

    that nanomechanical resonators

    can ampliy microwave signals,and that it may be possible to

    reach the quantum limit with

    this approach.

    The Finnish team starts by

    using lithography and ocused

    ion-beam etching to dene a me-

    chanical resonator and a micro-

    wave cavity in a 150-nm-thick

    layer o aluminum on a silica

    surace. When a pump signal is

    ed into this system, energy is

    transerred rom the cavity to

    the resonator i the pump re-

    quency is higher than the reso-

    nance requency o the cavity,

    and vice versa. And i a weak

    probe signal is sent into the

    system when energy is beingtranserred to the resonator, this

    probe can also be amplied.

    Massel and co-workers show

    that approximately 20 noise

    quanta are added to the signal,

    and predict that it should be

    possible to reach the quantum

    limit o adding just hal a

    quantum o noise.

    Peter Rodgers,

    Nature Nanotechnology

    Naturedoi: 10.1038/nature10628 (2011)


    Single-photonperformanceunWanted feedbackcaused

    by refections between optical

    components can have a delete-

    rious eect on quantum optical

    devices. Avoiding eedback re-

    quires the use o optical diodes,

    also known as isolators, which

    support the propagation o pho-tons in one direction while pro-

    hibiting propagation in the op-

    posite direction. Traditional

    solid-state optical isolators in-

    clude Faraday rotators, which

    provide isolation by rotating the

    polarization o a light beam.

    Now, Jung-Tsung Shen and col-

    leagues at Washington Univer-

    sity in St Louis, USA, have dem-

    onstrated that near-complete op-

    tical isolation can be achieved at

    the single-photon level by cou-pling a quantum impurity to a

    passive, linear waveguide that

    has a locally planar, circular po-

    larization. Their single-photon

    optical diode operates on indi-

    vidual photons, thus enabling

    unidirectional propagation. Fur-

    thermore, this conguration

    does not rely on the use o bulk

    nonlinear materials or quasi-

    phase-matching and can be im-

    plemented in various types o

    waveguide. The researchers have

    also demonstrated that the per-

    ormance o their diode is not

    sensitive to the intrinsic dissipa-

    tion o the quantum impurity.

    James BaxterNature Photonics

    Phys. Rev. Lett. doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevLett.107.173902 (2011)


    What da Vincisaw in treesin his notebooks, the teenth-

    century Italian polymath Leon-

    ardo da Vinci observed that the

    total cross-section o a tree re-

    mains the same along its height

    every time it branches. Physicists

    have searched or years or an ex

    planation or this phenomenon,

    but have yet to nd one that is

    widely accepted.

    Christophe Eloy o Aix-Mar-seilles University in France

    shows that the observation ol-

    lows rom two assumptions

    irst, that trees are ractal, or

    sel-similar in nature, and,

    second, that their growth is

    determined by the need to

    withstand wind stress on their

    branches. Eloy says that the

    most relevant property o wind

    loads is the way it diverges to-

    wards the t ips o branches.

    Static loads rom ruit, snow


    Da Vincis self-portrait.



  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212



    Briefings | Space & Physics

    or ice would have a similar


    Eugenie Samuel,Nature

    Phys. Rev. Lett. doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevLett.107.258101 (2011)



    the sOuth Province o Mars is

    almost devoid o a magnetic sig-

    nature. Analyses o crustal struc-

    ture, combined with demagneti-

    zation models, suggest that the

    lack o a magnetic signal here

    may indicate a weak magnetic

    eld early in Marss history.

    Jaar Arkani-Hamed o the

    University o Toronto and Daniel

    Boutin o McGill University,

    Montreal, tested whether large

    asteroid impacts on Mars mayhave re-melted parts o the crust

    long ater the magnetic eld had

    died out, erasing the signature in

    the South Province. They com-

    bined analyses o crustal struc-

    ture with models o impact-in-

    duced demagnetization and

    ound that asteroid impacts in

    the South Province would have

    been sucient to erase any ex-

    isting magnetic signature

    around the impact basin. How-

    ever, they also show that the en-

    tire region is devoid o a strong

    magnetic signal, including areas

    not aected by impacts.

    Rather than undergoing an

    impact-induced removal o thesignature, the entire South Prov-

    ince may have instead ormed

    during a period o weak mag-

    netic eld strength on young


    Amy Whitchurch,

    Nature Geoscience

    Icarusdoi: 10.1016/

    j.icarus.2011.10.023 (2011)


    Guided matterinterfering laserbeams

    can refect particles a phe-

    nomenon now demonstrated by

    Charlotte Fabre and colleagues,

    who have created a matter

    mirror by crossing two inrared


    Optical intererence creates a

    periodic energy potential where

    the two laser beams meet. By

    launching a cloud o rubidium

    atoms towards this mirror and

    then imaging the atoms aterthey had interacted with the

    laser light, Fabreet al. were able

    to measure what raction o the

    incident cloud was refected, and

    how many atoms were trans-

    mitted. The refectivity o the

    mirror could be controlled by in-

    creasing the laser power.

    Periodic mirrors are already

    well known in optics, where they

    are called distributed Bragg re-

    fectors. Alternating layers o

    high- and low-reractive-indexmaterials can trap photons in

    cavities, to construct lasers, or

    example, or guide light propaga-

    tion, as in optical bres. The de-

    velopment o distributed Bragg

    refectors or matter waves will

    aid the translation o these con-

    cepts rom light to matter.

    David Gevaux,

    Nature Physics

    Phys. Rev. Lett.doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevLett.107.230401 (2011)


    Spot the

    dierenceneutr inOs Osc illate

    that is, each o the three types

    o neutrino (electron, muon

    and tau) can evolve into one o

    the others, a behavior that is

    captured in a matrix o mixing

    angles. This also brings the

    possibility o CP violation in

    the neutrino sector, comple-

    menting that seen in the

    mixing o quarks, which could

    be spotted through a detectable

    dierence in the oscillation

    probabilities or neutrinos and


    Discrepancies between neu-

    trino and antineutrino data

    have been noticed by some ex-

    periments, notably MINOS and

    MiniBooNE, which both use

    neutrino beams generated at

    Fermilab, in the United States.

    K. Abe and colleagues have

    now searched data collected or

    atmospheric neutrinos over an

    11-year period by the Super-Ka-miokande apparatus, located in

    the Mozumi mine under Mount

    Kamioka in Japan.

    In Super-Kamiokandes huge

    underground tank, lined with

    photomultiplier tubes and

    illed with 50,000 tons o water

    Abe et al. sought evidence o

    the disappearance o muon

    neutrinos and muon antineu-

    trinos as they oscillated into

    the other particle types.

    Through a challenging analysisthat allows or 120 sources o

    systematic uncertainty, the au-

    thors conclude that, as yet, the

    mixing parameters or neu-

    trinos and antineutrinos rom

    atmospheric sources are en-

    tirely consistent with each


    Alison Wright

    Nature Physics

    Phys. Rev. Lett. doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevLett.107.241801 (2011)

    A view of the southern hemisphere of Mars.


  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212



    Briefings | Space & Physics


    Photon counting

    distributed temperature

    sensing can be useul or moni-

    toring structures such as build-

    ings and pipelines. Michael

    Tanner and colleagues rom Her-

    iot-Watt University in the UK and

    the National Institute o Stan-

    dards and Technology (NIST) in

    Colorado, USA, have now built a

    distributed ber Raman sensor

    that can simultaneously measure

    absolute temperature at over 100

    1.2-cm-spaced positions along a

    single-mode optical ber. Al-

    though distributed ber sensors

    have been around or a while, theresearchers claim that previous

    research ocused on using multi-

    mode bers and avalanche photo-

    diodes, which limited detection

    wavelengths to around 800900

    nm. In contrast, this latest work

    uses pulses o 1,550 nm light and

    measures the single-photon level

    Raman backscattered signal

    using superconducting nanowire

    single-photon detectors. The re-

    searchers used a time-o-fight ap-

    proach to determine the tempera-ture prole along the ber. They

    recorded temperature measure-

    ments at various positions along

    the ber with an uncertainty o

    less than 3 K over a period o 1

    minute. They hope that a 1-km-

    range distributed sensor will be

    possible in the near uture.

    David Pile,

    Nature Photonics

    Appl. Phys. Lett.doi:

    10.1063/1.3656702 (2011)



    photonconversionentangled phOtOns are key

    elements o quantum inorma-

    tion processing and communica-

    tions technology such as

    quantum key distribution. Un-

    ortunately, current schemes or

    achieving entangled photon gen-

    eration are inecient because o

    the probabilistic processes in-

    volved. Now, Nathan Langord

    and co-workers rom Austria,

    UK, Canada and Japan have pro-

    posed a deterministic process

    called coherent photon conver-

    sion that could be more suitable

    or practical applications. The

    key principle o coherent photon

    conversion is the use o classi-

    cally pumped nonlinearities to

    induce coherent oscillations be-

    tween dierent multi-excitation

    states. The resulting approach

    oers a new way to generate and

    process quantum states or

    quantum inormation processingtasks such as multiphoton entan-

    glement and the realization o

    optically switched quantum cir-

    cuits. The researchers demon-

    strated their approach by using a

    our-color nonlinear process in a

    standard commercial, polariza-

    tion-maintaining photonic

    crystal ber with a 532 nm

    pulsed laser and a 710 nm diode


    Noriaki Horiuchi,

    Nature Photonics

    Nature doi: 10.1038/nature10463 (2011)


    A marriage ofatoms and ionsscientists frOm the Raman

    Research Institute in India and

    the Johannes Gutenberg Univer-

    sity in Germany have unveiled a

    device that can simultaneously

    trap both ions and cold atoms.

    The apparatus combines a linear

    radiorequency Paul trap or ions

    with a six-laser-beam magneto-

    optical trap or atoms. Spatial

    overlap between the traps allows

    the investigation o ionatom in-

    teractions at low temperatures.

    The researchers cooled the

    atoms by laser Doppler cooling

    using light rom an amplied

    homemade external-cavity diode

    laser. They tested their design

    with85Rb atoms and85Rb+ ions,

    which were made by using two-

    photon ionization to strip elec-

    trons rom85Rb atoms. The re-

    searchers say that the scheme

    also lends itsel to any speciesthat can be laser-cooled in a

    vapor cell, and that experiments

    with multiple species may even

    be possible.

    Oliver Graydon

    Nature Photonics

    Appl. Phys. B doi: 10.1007/s00340-011-

    4726-6 (2011)


    Optical blackholealthOugh the use o transor-

    mation optics and metamaterials

    to create optical analogues o

    black holes has already been sug

    gested, experimental realization

    o the required material struc-

    tures remains a signicant

    hurdle. Khachatur Nerkararyan

    and co-workers rom Yerevan

    State University in Armenia and

    the University o Southern Den-

    Optical ber.


    A conventional ion trap.MNOLf/WIKIMEDIACOMMONS

  • 7/31/2019 Spaces Bp 0212



    Briefings | Space & Physics

    mark have now suggested that

    spherical metal suraces brought

    into contact may provide an al-

    ternative approach or investi-

    gating optical black holes. Theresearchers showed that plas-

    mons with an appropriate trajec-

    tory in the gap between two

    metal spheres (or between a

    sphere and a planar surace) can

    be concentrated into a black

    hole around the point o struc-

    tural contact. The team used an

    eective-index approximation to

    simpliy the problem, thereby re-

    ducing the three-dimensional

    problem down to two dimen-

    sions. In one example, they con-

    sidered a 100-m-radius gold

    sphere in contact with a planar

    surace and 800-nm-wavelength

    light. The eect relies on the act

    that reducing the gap width in-

    creases the eective permittivity

    experienced by the gap plas-

    mons, thanks to an increasing

    Coulomb attraction across the

    gap. This increased eective per-

    mittivity draws the light towards

    the point o contact, which

    thereore acts as an optical black

    hole. The researchers hope thatthis conguration can be real-

    ized in practice to allow the

    table-top exploration o phe-

    nomena such as Hawking


    David Pile,

    Nature Photonics

    Opt. Lett. doi: 10.1364/

    OL.36.004311 (2011)


    MappingensembleselectrOn micrOscOpyis

    routinely used to characterize

    the structure o metal nanoparti-

    cles, and with the help o elec-

    tron energy-loss spectroscopy,

    chemical maps with atomic reso-

    lution can also be obtained. A

    chemical map o a single particle

    can, however, take hours to re-

    cord. Thereore, acquiring a sta-

    tistically signicant sample o a

    system that contains nanoparti-

    cles with a variety o dierent

    compositions, such as a hetero-

    geneous catalyst, is impractical.

    David Muller, Zhongyi Liu and

    colleagues at Cornell University,

    General Motors and Florida In-

    ternational University have now

    shown that the improved elec-

    tron optics o an aberration-cor-

    rected electron microscope can

    allow hundreds o platinumco-

    balt nanoparticles to be chemi-cally mapped.

    The US team used a scanning

    transmission electron micro-

    scope that can correct up to the

    th-order o aberrations and al-

    lows data to be collected around

    a thousand times aster than on

    a conventional microscope. With

    the instrument, the platinum

    cobalt nanoparticles which

    are promising as a uel-cell cata-

    lyst but are known to degrade

    over time were mapped at var-ious stages o ageing in a proton-

    exchange-membrane uel cell. By

    mapping ensembles o nanopar-

    ticles, the precise structure and

    composition o the catalyst could

    be linked to its bulk electro-

    chemical perormance with sta-

    tistical condence.

    Owain Vaughan,

    Nature Nanotechnology

    Nano Lett.doi: 10.1021/

    nl203975u (2011)


    Acoustic help

    the resOlving capabilities oar-eld optical imaging schemes

    are limited by their inability to

    collect rapidly decaying evanes-

    cent waves, which contain de-

    tailed spatial inormation. To

    overcome this restriction, Leonid

    Alekseyev, Evgenii Narimanov

    and Jacob Khurgin have now pro-

    posed a time-multiplexed ap-

    proach or recovering evanescent

    waves in the ar-eld. In their

    scheme, the object to be imaged is

    placed in the near-eld o an

    acousto-optic modulator and illu-

    minated with a plane wave rom a

    light source. Waves scattered rom

    the object strike a phonon grating

    ormed by the acousto-optic mod-

    ulator, thereby causing the eva-

    nescent components to be shited

    in both requency and transverse

    wave vector. The researchers dis-

    covered that or a suciently

    large phonon wave vector, the ev-

    anescent components with high

    spatial requency can be con-

    verted into propagating waves,which can then be collected and

    imaged. Super-resolved nger-

    printing and digital holography

    are suggested as two example ap-

    plications o this scheme. Simula-

    tions show that mixing the re-

    quency-shited elds with a reer-

    ence wave can create a

    high-spatial-requency beat note

    photocurrent at the detector, and

    that true super-resolved imaging

    can be achieved when the reer-

    ence signal is Bragg-shited. Al-though this scheme is particularly

    suitable or super-resolution im-

    aging at inrared and terahertz

    wavelengths, the researchers say

    that it might also be able to work

    at optical requencies by replacing

    the acousto-optic medium with a

    moving nanostructured grating.

    Rachel Won

    Nature Photonics

    Opt. Express doi: 10.1364/

    OE.19.022350 (2011)

    Electron microscope.


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    Briefings | Space & Physics



    performanceQuantum cOherencebe-

    tween competing energy-level

    pathways is known to help opti-

    mize photosynthesis and enable

    phenomena such as lasing

    without inversion. Researchers

    rom Texas A&M University and

    Princeton University in the USA

    have now suggested that

    quantum coherence could also

    be used to enhance the peror-

    mance o solar cells. One idea is

    to split degenerate excited en-

    ergy levels by exploiting tun-

    neling between two adjacent

    quantum dots. The two split en-ergy levels (known as an energy

    level doublet) both couple to the

    conduction state. Fano interer-

    ence between the two pathways

    minimizes unwanted radiative

    transitions and helps to maxi-

    mize the generated photocur-

    rent. An alternative approach is

    to create an energy level doublet

    rom two lower-energy levels

    and use Fano intererence to en-

    hance the absorption o solar en-

    ergy. Theoretical analysis o this

    scheme suggests that the photo-

    current and peak power o a pho

    tovoltaic cell employing ully co-

    herent Fano intererence couldbe improved by up to 50 percent

    The researchers also suggest the

    possibility to engineer the cell

    such that the Fano intererence

    is robust against environmental

    decoherence. The challenge now

    is or the research community to

    realize such a cell in practice.

    Oliver Graydon

    Nature Photonics

    Phys. Rev. A doi: 10.1103/

    PhysRevA.83.053818 (2011)