
Page | 1 A. Definition of Language L\anguage is a symbol system, sound arbitrary, productive, dynamic, diverse and humane. Here are the following characteristics of language. Language is a system; it means language is formed by some permanent patterns and rules. For some people understanding Bahasa will admit “Ibu ….meng….seekor….di….” is the structured sentence, eventhought there is some component left. But this sentence “Meng ibu se ikan goreng di ekor dapur” is not a correct sentence because it is not structured according Bahasa’s structure. As a system language is systematic and systemic. Systematic means language is formed by certain pattern. Whereas systemic means language is not single system but consisted by several sub-systems; phonological, morphological, syntactical, and lexical. Every language has a different system with others. For example, in Latin the sequence is not too important because “Paulus Vidit Maryam” has the same meaning with “Paulus Maryam Vidit”, “Maryam Vidit Paulus”, or “Vidit Mariam Paulus” means Paul sees Maria but if we compare it to Bahasa “Kakek melirik nenek” is not the same with “Nenek melirik kakek”. How come? Because in Latin

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A. Definition of Language

L\anguage is a symbol system, sound arbitrary, productive, dynamic, diverse

and humane. Here are the following characteristics of language.

Language is a system; it means language is formed by some permanent

patterns and rules. For some people understanding Bahasa will admit “Ibu

….meng….seekor….di….” is the structured sentence, eventhought there is some

component left. But this sentence “Meng ibu se ikan goreng di ekor dapur” is not a

correct sentence because it is not structured according Bahasa’s structure. As a

system language is systematic and systemic. Systematic means language is formed by

certain pattern. Whereas systemic means language is not single system but consisted

by several sub-systems; phonological, morphological, syntactical, and lexical. Every

language has a different system with others. For example, in Latin the sequence is not

too important because “Paulus Vidit Maryam” has the same meaning with “Paulus

Maryam Vidit”, “Maryam Vidit Paulus”, or “Vidit Mariam Paulus” means Paul sees

Maria but if we compare it to Bahasa “Kakek melirik nenek” is not the same with

“Nenek melirik kakek”. How come? Because in Latin structure form of word is the

most important not the word order; whereas in Bahasa form of words is as important

as the word order it has an impartial interest. Therefore, language is unique and

universal, unique means language has its own characteristic and universal means

language has the same characteristics with the other.

Language is a system we’ve talked above is sound symbol. It also called

sounds of language. Every language symbol represents something called meaning or

concept. For example, the symbol of language that sound [horse] symbolized concept

or meaning “an four legs animal which can be ridden” and language symbol that

sound [marker] symbolized kind of toll which can be use for writing which have ink.

Because every sound symbol represents concept or meaning, we can conclude every

speech-language unit has a meaning. If there is sound system which does not have a

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concept, so the symbol is not the system of language. In Bahasa sound symbol [air],

[kuda], and [meja] is a speech-language unit because it has meaning, but [rai], [akud],

and ajam is not speech-language unit because it has no meaning.

Language sound symbol is arbitrary. It means connection between symbol is

not absolute, it can be changed and cannot be explained why the symbol make

concepts in particular meaning. Why [kuda] is not used to state “an four leg animal

which can be ridden is unexplained. If it is absolute, surely for starting animal in

Bahasa is called [kuda] and no one mentioned <jarang>, <horse>, or <paard>. The

other evidence can be proofed in a lot of concept to represent different sound symbol.

For example, “a stack of printed sheets and bounded papers” in Bahasa we call it

[buku] or [kitab].

Eventough language are arbitrary it is also conventional. It means, every

speaker of language has to comply the relationship between symbol and symbolized.

He or she will comply symbol [kuda] is only used to state as a four legged animal to

be ridden and not to others; because there will be conventional violation. As the

impact, communication will be hampered; it also if he or she changed it as he or she

desires for concept [spidol] with [dolspi], [pisdol], or [dospil].

Language is productive. It means several limited material can be made

unlimited unit speech. In Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia by W.J.S Purwadarwinata,

Bahasa has about 23.000 words, but by using it we can make unlimited billion


Language is dynamic. It means language can be change anytime. The

changing may be happening in any aspects; phonology, morphology; syntax,

semantic and lexicon. The clearest aspects commonly happen in lexicon aspects.

There is possibility some words not used, also some words appear such as kempa,

perigi, dan centang perenang which was used in Bahasa and some words such as

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riset, kolusi, dan ulang-alik which is used today. The language dynamism in its

structure cause the rule changed.

There was applicable rule and the others is not. For example, in Bahasa it was

“Bertemu 2 orang Inggris”, “dua orang” as the numbers and “orang Inggris” as a

noun. Now it is “Bertemu dengan dua orang Inggris”. Also in English before

Shakespeare period it is “Knew ye this man?” Now it is “Do you know this man?”.

Language is diverse. It means language ha specific rule but it also used by heterogen

specific rules that has different social background and habit. So it is diverse in

phonological, morphological, syntactical, and lexical. Javanese used in Surabaya is

not similar in Pekalongan, Bayumas or in Yogyakarta. Also English in London is not

similar with Birmingham, Canada, Australia, or U.S.A.

Language is humane. It means language is verbal communication tool only

used by human. Animal has no language. They only use sound and gestures and it is

not productive and dynamic. They acquire it instinctively. Human master language by

learning is not instinctively. Animal cannot learn human language. It is why language

is humane, only used by human.

The characteristics we have talked above is indicator of nature language

according to general linguistics who see language as language. According to

sociolinguistics language has its own characteristics as social interaction tool and as

identify tools.

B. The Functions of Language

Traditionally when you asked what language is, it will be answered language

is a tool to interact to convey thoughts, ideas, concepts, or feeling. The concept of

language is a tool to express thoughts having a long history if we trace the history of

the study of the past. In the Middle of 500-1500M language studies mostly research

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by logicians or philosophers. They focused on the investigation of language units of

sentence to be analyzed as a tool to express true or false proposition. Why? Because

studying a language they were engaged in the study of rhetoric and logic. Our

objection in this kind of approaches is whether the expression of desire, pleasure,

pain, questions, and commands is also true or false dichotomy. In the logic of the

sentence which has a value of true or false is only declarative sentence, or using

language just to make a right or wrong question, appropriate with our minds. In the

process of communicating thoughts is just one part of much information to be

presented. In this case, Wardhaugh (1972: 3-8) also said that the function of language

is a tool of human communication, both written and verbal. However, this function

have already included five basic functions, according Kinneavy called expression,

information, explanation, persuasion, and entertainment (Michel 1967: 51)

For sociolinguistic the concept that language is a tool or function to convey

thoughts considered too narrow, because as Fishman stated (1972) that is at issue

sociolinguistics is "who speak what language to whom, when and to what end".

Therefore, the functions of language are able to be viewed from the angle of the

speaker, the listener, topics, and message speech code.

In the terms of the angle of the speaker, so the language has personal or

private function (Haliday 1973, Finnocchiaro 1974; Jakobson 1960 call it emotive

function). Mean that the speaker not only expresses emotions through language, but

also shows the emotions when we speech it. In this case the listener is also able to

predict whether the speaker was sad, angry, or excited.

In terms of the listener or the speaker, so the language has directive function

(Finnocchiaro 1974) that regulates the behavior of the listener. Here the language was

not only to make the hearer to do something, but also the activities were consistent

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with the speaker wants. This can be used by the speakers with sentences that express

orders, appeals, requests, or seduction.

If we viewed in terms of the contact between the speaker and the listener, the

language here serves fatigue (Jakobson 1960), which function in a relationship,

nurturing, showing friendly feelings, or social solidarity. The phrase is usually

constant, as at the time of encounter, split up, talking about the weather. The

expression of fatigue is also usually accompanied by paralinguistic elements, such as

a smile, a shake of the head, the hand gestures.

In terms of the topic of the speech, so the language has a referential function

(Finnocchiaro 1974) someone also calls denotative function or informative function.

Here the language that serves as a tool to express thoughts, to express how the

opinion of the speaker about the world around him is.

In the terms of thee code that is used, so the language has metalinguistic

function (Jakobson 1960) which is the language used to talk about language itself. It

can be seen from the process of learning the language in which the rules of the

language described by the language.

In terms of the message to be delivered, so the language has imaginative

functions (Halliday 1973). Indeed, the language can be used to convey thoughts,

ideas, and feelings; either true or in the form of fantasy or fiction only. This

imaginative function is usually in the form of artwork used for speakers’ pleasure, as

well as his audiences’.

C. Definition of Communication

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One of the functions of language such as that discussed above is means of

communication or interaction tools. Then, our problem now is: whether the

communication. In Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1981: 225) puts it:

Communication is a process by the information is exchange between individuals

through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

If you listened to the limits above, then we get the three components that must

be present in any communication process, namely (1) the communicating parties, the

sender and receiver of information that is communicated, which is commonly referred

to participants; (2) the information is communicated; and (3) tool used in the

communication. Parties involved in a process of communication there are two people

or two groups of people, namely first send (sender) information, and the second the

receiving (receiver) Opera-. The information submitted must be an idea, ideas,

information, or message. While the tools that are used can be a symbol / symbol such

as language (because the nature of language is a symbol system); in the form of signs,

such as traffic signs, pictures, or instructions; and can also be limb movements


Before we discuss further how the communication process that takes place,

we see how the "acts" that humans can be categorized as an act of communication

and non-communication actions. Every human action or behavior can impart

information to people who intentionally or unintentionally observed. For example, if

we look at the person sitting holding a newspaper is opened wide, and then we will

get the information from the deed that the person is reading the newspaper. Is this

information correct? According to our interpretation based on the prevailing custom,

the information is true: the man is reading newspaper. However, despite the

possibility that people pretending to be reads Newspapers, whereas the actual deed is

being done is pay attention to the movements of other people who are nearby. Indeed,

there are actions or gestures that can "dipura-purakan", but others cannot; namely

gesture that have been patterned as a public habit in culture. For example, a nod of

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the head in Indonesian society cannot provide information not necessarily "agree",

while the head shake giving information "does not agree".

Each act is to provide information, which is biased construed in accordance

with the cultural habits in a society; the bias is interpreted according to the cultural

habits in a community. However, is every human action communicative? Of course is

not. A communicative act is there to be called if the act was done knowingly and no

other party which acts as recipients of the message from the deed, receipt of the

message must also be done consciously. If the sound of "snoring" out of a room, then

we got the information that there is someone who sleeping in the room. In that event,

there is only information just like that in response by the hearer. But there are no

communication events, because "the snorer" wheezes "snoring" it was without

consciousness. Suppose "the snorer" do not sleep but he deliberately feigned

"snoring", then the listener to interpret existing sleeping person had received

erroneous information. Or in other words, he has been fooled by the sound of

"snoring" was. Then suppose a person wants to declare his presence, then he cleared

his throat-dehem, then we who heard it had received information that his presence.

This event is a communication event, because the sender intentionally committing it;

while the listener or listeners then respond, for example, with the sound turned

towards it dehems-dehem.

Two different codes (language) can also communicate.

The sender do with cues (whether in the form of gestures or other

movements), and the recipient of a cue also responded well. So, even though there are

only cues are the origins of consciousness in between the sender and the receiver of

the message, the communication event has occurred. In contrast, although the use of

language, if not accompanied by awareness between both of the audience, so

communication does not occur. Or even going to end up with the misinformation

effect. According to the terms of Jakarta, the information does not pick

"disconnected". For example: bear in mind the following illustration. There was a

young expectant mothers (pregnant) will televise the post office to pay dues. loketnya

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when officers asked "Mom, how many months?" he calmly replied "seven months".

A few moments later, the counter clerk asked as he handed it to the mother card dues

television "Mom, it all becomes Rp.21.000,00". The young mother was startled and

shouted "Why, very expensive". The counter clerk responded "Yes, mother

Rp.3.000,00 month. Seven months into Rp.21.000,00 ". The young mother yelled

again "I only want to pay for three months, not seven months". With a grunt the

counter clerk responded, "Experience, mother says seven months earlier, instead of

three months. How the hell? ". The young mother realized that it was he replied

"seven months". But it is not to pay dues on television, but the age of abortion.

Presumably at the time of the counter clerk asked the young mother was "dreamy",

imagining the baby to be born; and during this time if there is a question "how many

months" are always aimed at the age of abortion.

So even though, in the event that there are two participants, the message is

also there, and there is also a tool used (in this case a language), but communication

does not take place properly, because awareness of the recipients do not exist. The

lack of awareness is a nuisance or hindrance in the communication process.

A communication process is often times can run smoothly because of

interference or obstruction. The lack of awareness of one of the participants is an

obstacle. Disorders or other obstacles, for example, the power of hearing one of the

poor audience, ongoing communication noise place, or also the ability to use

language less.

The third component in the event communication is a communication tool that

is used, the language (as a symbol system), signs (in the form of images, colors, or

sound), and body gestures.

Based on the tool used is distinguished existence of two kinds of

communication, namely (1) non-verbal communication, and (2) verbal

communication or language communication. Non-verbal communication is

communication that uses the tool is not the language, such as the sound of a whistle,

light (light, fire), semaphore, and including also the language of communication tools

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in animal societies. While verbal communication is the language of communication

using language as a tool. The language used mainly in this communication should be

a code of course equally understood by the speaker and the listener. There is one

problem, if the language includes written language or spoken language, then

communication using the Morse alphabet (like a semaphore) and also a Braille

alphabet (writing for the blind).

D. Language-Communication

The process of Language-Communication that ongoing can be illustrated as


In every Language-Communication, there are two persons are involved; the

sender and the receiver. Utterance (as sentences) is used to extend message (as idea,

mind, suggestion, etc.) are called message. In this case, that message as messenger of

ideas (minds, suggestion, etc.) that is extended by the sender (speaker) to the receiver

(listener). Every process of Language-Communication is begun when the sender

formulated first about something in the ideas plan. This process is known as Semantic

Encoding. Then, hat ideas are organized in grammatical sentences form; the process

to transfer an idea into grammatical sentence is called Grammatical Encoding. After

organized into grammatical sentence, and then that sentence pronounce. That process


Decoding ReceiverUtteranceSender Encoding


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is called Phonological Encoding. Next, the listener or receiver translates that

utterance called decoding. Firstly that utterance is stimulus to be translated, it is

called phonological decoding. Then it is followed by grammatical decoding, and the

last process is semantic decoding.

Fluency of communication process can meet obstacles because there is

disturbance. For example, when location is in noisy place or one of person who is

communicating has bad hearing. There are two kinds of Language-Communication.

They are one-direct communication and two-direct communication.

In one-direct communication, the sender stayed as a sender and the receiver as

a receiver. For example is khotbah, speech, etc. while in two-direct communication,

occur feedback between sender and receiver. For example, communication in the

meeting, discussion, and so on.

As tools of communication, language consists of two aspect linguistic and

nonlinguistic or paralinguistic. Both of them “collaborate” in compose of Language-

Communication. Linguistic aspects concern about phonologic, morphologic, and

syntax. These supported to form semantic (about meaning). Paralinguistic aspects

involve: 1. Utterance quality (e.g. falsetto, staccato, etc.), 2. Suprasegmental unsure

(e.g. stress, pitch, intonation, 3. Space and gestures (e.g. hand moving, head nodding,

etc.), 4. Touching concern about feeling sense (skin).

Linguistic and paralinguistic aspects have functions as tools of communication, to form certain situation in communication process. Relation among communication and situation context can be illustrated as follows:

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Language-Communication that used language as a tools has some advantages

than other kind of communication, include animal communication. To understand

about these advantages, we will compare with communication system in animal

environment. The experts were attracted to research about system of animal

communication to get more knowledge:

1. How is system of animal communication?

2. What kind of animal that have best communication?

3. Are animal get language ability since born?

4. How is similarity and difference of communication between animal and


About first question, it had done an experiment with birds, dolphin, and

chimpanzee. As brief result of experiment will be discussed (it’s taken from Fromkin

& Rodman 1974 and Akmajian 1979).

Some types of birds, include parrot and Beo bird can imitate other bird voices

and also human voices. But that bird’s ability only till step of imitate of voice which

Situations Context





Shapes and


Voice Quality




Tools Of Communication

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they ever hear. The bird cannot be able to make the new sentences. So, it is clear

difference with human. Human can make new sentences in unlimited amount.

There are some experiment that have done by some expert to know, whether

chimpanzee that was keep since born and grow up together with human’s family can

speak or talk as like human. The result of that experiment showed that chimpanzee

can understand vocabularies and only simple sentences. But chimpanzee cannot

create new sentences. Those are main difference between human and animal: human

can make and has ability to create new sentences whereas animal can’t. therefore, if

language is described only as tools of communication, it means that animal has

language ( about experiment to teach chimpanzee speak farther, see Akmajian 1979

chapter 14)

E. Human Language Privileges

Human Language privileges, such as:

The advantages and features of human language as a means of communication

compared to human communication tool compared to the tools of communication that

exist in the animal world. There are at least three experts who are interested in this

issue by Hockett, Mc Neill, and Chomsky. When abstracted from Hockett and

McmNeill at least 16 grains of the special features that distinguish language from the

communication systems of communication systems of other creatures. The sixteen

characteristics are as follows.

1. Language use auditory vocal track. Many animals, including crickets, frogs

and birds are audible communication system. However, not all of which are

vowels. Words, birds and orangutans also have these auditory vocal lines, like

those of humans. But it does not have the communication system 15, other

characteristics of human beings.

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2. Language can be spread in all directions, but acceptance directional. That is,

the language spoken sounds can be heard in all directions due to noise or the

sounds of language that propagate through the air; but the receiver or listener

can know the exact language from which direction the sound was coming.

3. Symbol of language in the form of sound that quickly disappear after

pronounced. This is in contrast with the marks or other symbols, such as the

former footprints of animals, and a statue of heroism that can last long.

Because of the rapid loss characteristics, it is always someone trying to

preserve this symbol of the sounds of language in written form. In modern

times it is now the sounds of language can be recorded by electronic

equipment, and at times can be played back.

4. Participants in the communication language can communicate

(interchangeability). That is, a speaker can be a symbol of the sender and the

receiver can also be a symbol of that.

5. Symbols of the language can be a complete feedback. That is the epitome of

the sender (speaker) can hear their own symbol of that language. Whereas in

some sort of communication kinetic (movement) and visual (sight) as the bee

dance, the sender of the information cannot see the important parts of the


6. Language communication has specializes. That is, people can talk without

having to remove the physical movements that support the communication

process. Humans can talk while doing other work that is not related to the

topic of conversation.

7. A sound symbol in the language of communication is meaningful or refers to

certain things. For example the word refers to a type of horse quadrupeds

commonly driven. Dika sentence has meaning one kicking the ball named

Dika perform any act or action which is kicking the ball. So also with other


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8. The relationship between the symbols of the language with its meaning is not

determined by the existence of a bond between the two; but is determined by

an agreement or convention between the speakers of a language. so the

relationship between the symbol of the sound [horse] with meaning, which is

'a kind of four-legged animals usually driven by' arbitrary, everything.

9. Language as a tool of human communication can be separated into units of

units, namely, phrase, word, morpheme, and phoneme. Though creatures’

communication tools is a unity that cannot be separated.

10. Referral or being discussed in language not always be present at the place and

time now. We can use the languages to something that has past, future or who

are in distant places. Even that only exists in the imagination.

11. Language is open. That is, symbols of new utterances can be made according

to human purposes.

12. Skill and finesse to master the rules and customs derived from the study of

human language, not through genes inborn.

13. In connection with the characteristic no. 12 above, the language that can be

learned. That is, someone who was born and raised, for example, in a

language can learn another language, which is not the language environment.

14. Language can be used to express the correct and incorrect, or also non-

significant difference logic. For example, we can say, "today's city dwellers,

there are a million people," or even, "The capital of the United Kingdom is

Oxford". Saying something is not right can only be done in language support

communication, whereas animal communication is not.

15. Language has two subsystems, namely the sound subsystem and the

subsystem of meaning, which allows the language that has the function of

economy. Economics of this function occurs because of the various functional

units of sound that can be grouped and regrouped into units shall mean.

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16. Last characteristic is a language that we can use to talk about language itself.

Communication tool of animals nobody can be used to discuss animal

communication tool itself.

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By: Group 3



A. Speech Event

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Said event is the occurrence or course of linguistic interaction in the form of speech that involves two or more parties, the speakers and the opponent said, with the principal speech, at the time, place, and specific situations. Thus, the interaction that takes place between a merchant and a buyer in the market at a particular time by using language as a means of communication is a speech event.

A new conversation called partially explained if an event qualifies as mentioned above. Or as said by Dell Hymes (1972), a well-known expert sociolinguistic, said that an event must meet the eight components, which when coupled first letters into an acronym that is a component SPEAKING.

S: (Setting and scene) Q: (of participants) E: (Ends: purpose and goal) A: (Act Sequences) K: (Key: tone or spirit of the act) I: (Instrumentalities) N: (Norm of Interaction and Interpretation) G: (Genres)

Setting and scenes. Here settings with respect to the time and place of said place, while referring to the situation of the scene and talk time or psychological situation. Time, place, and different speech situations can lead to the use of different language variations. Participants are parties involved in the narrative, to the speaker and the listener or the sender and recipient (message). For example, a child will use a variety of different languages or styles when talking to their parents or teachers when compared to when he speaks with his friend.

Ends refer to the intent and purpose of the rules.

Act Sequences, referring to the form and content of speech. This form of speech with regard to the words used, how the relationship between the consumer and what the topic of conversation.

Key, referring to the tone, manner and spirit in which a message is delivered. It can also be done with gestures or cues.

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Instrumentalities, refers to the language used lines such as lines orally, in writing, by telegraph or telephone. Norm of Interaction and Interpretation, referring to the norm or role of interact.

Genre, refers to the type of storage forms, such as narrative, poetry, proverbs, prayers, and so on

A. Speech ActSpeech event that we are talking in the first one is about social events

because it arises of the parties spoken in one situation and a particular place. The Speech event is basically a series of speech act that organized to achieve a goal. Speech Events is seen in the goal of the event, but in the speech act is seen on the meaning or action in the narrative. Speech acts and speech events are two symptoms that are in one process, the communication process.

Speech acts introduced by J.L. Austin, a professor at Harvard University, in 1956 then recorded by J.O. Urmson (1965) with the title How to do Thing with Word? But the theory is well-known in linguistic studies after Searle (1969) published a book called Speech Act and Essay in the Philosophy of Language.

According to traditional grammar there are three types of sentences, namely: 1. Declarative Sentences

Declarative sentences are sentences which are only ask the listener to pay attention to it, no need to do anything. According to Austin (1962) based declarative sentence meaning is divided into two, among others: Sentence Constative

Constative sentence is a sentence that contains a statement. Sentence Performative

Performative sentence is a sentence that contains the treatment, and the pattern has certain norms and usually begins with the phrase. "With this ... With ... say bismillah. With the permission of Allah. Performative sentence must meet the requirements, among others:

Remarks must be done by a certain person who is appointed, usually people who have higher social position than the other attendees, and authority in a given situation.

The sequence of events is standard. That is, the sentence pronunciation events occurred after a series of other events that must precede it have been done, and will be followed by other events.

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In attendance at the ceremony should be as well justified and not doing other things.

The ceremony must be done in full, is not justified no part of the ceremony was abandoned.

Performative sentence is commonly used in wedding ceremonies, divorce, religion, the state, the military, the inauguration of the seminar and so on. In the pronunciation performative sentences are usually supported by nonlinguistic actions or behavior, such as the beating of gongs, hammer tapping and others. Performative sentences can be used to express something explicit and implicit. Explicitly meaning by presenting the words that refer to actors like me and us. Implicitly means not presenting the words that express the perpetrator.

According to the performative sentences Austin there are 5 categories, namely:

Verdictives sentence (a sentence that states the treatment decision or judgment)

Exercitives sentence (a sentence that states the agreement treatment, advice, warnings and so on)

Commissives sentence (sentence treatment is characterized by the agreement; speakers promise to you to do something)

Behatitives sentence (sentence treatment related to social behavior because someone got luck or misfortune)

ekspositives sentence (a sentence explaining treatment, information, or details to anyone)

Speech acts that are conducted with the performative sentence by Austin (1962: 100-102) was formulated as three events that took place at the same actions, including: locutionary Act

Locutionary acts are speech acts that express something in the sense of "say" or speech acts in the form of sentences that are meaningful and understandable.

Illocutionary ActIllocutionary act is a speech act that is usually identified with the explicit performative sentence. Illocutionary act is usually with regard to licensing, to say thank you, send, offering and promising.

Perlocutionary ActPerlocutionary act is a speech act with respect to any greeting others with respect nonlinguistic attitudes and behavior of others.

Speech act locutions have literally meaning, as being owned by the components of the sentence. Thus, these locutions speech act refers to the

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linguistic meaning. Speech act with the same sentence may be understood differently by the listener. meaning as captured by this listener is the meaning of illocutionary act. Instead, the speaker was actually having expectations of how listeners will grasp the meaning as intended.

Austin (1962) look at the speech act of the speaker, then Searle (1965) look at the speech act of the listener. So, Searle tried to see how the value ilokusi captured and understood by the listener. Speech acts are called ilokusi produce forms that reflect the desire and the attitude of the speaker to the listener. While the speech act or utterance perlokusi reflect the reaction of the listener. Viewed from the context of the situation there are two kinds of speech act speech act is a direct and indirect speech acts.

2. Interrogative SentenceInterrogative sentence is a sentence which it requested that the

audience members answer orally.

3. Imperative Sentence Imperative sentence is a sentence which it requested that the response

of the audience members is asked to act or deed.

B. Speech Acts and Pragmatics

Speech act is one of phenomenon in the broader problem, which is

known by term pragmatics. Other phenomena in the study of pragmatics is

deiksis, presupposition, and conversational implicatures. As an

overarching topic deiksis presupposition, and conversational implicatures,

pragmatic definition commonly given as the “study of the relationship

between the symbol of the interpretation” (Purwo 1990:15). Is the emblem

here is a unit of speech, whether it be one or more sentences which carries

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a specific meaning in the pragmatic interpretation is determined on the

result of the listener.

If the concept of pragmatics as (the symbol of the relations with

interpretation), then, what difference between semantic and pragmatic.

Both are studying about the meaning, however, if you examine the

pragmatic meaning according to listener interpretation, then examine the

semantic meaning in the relationship between the symbols (units of

speech) to its object or reference. A unit of speech in speech acts can be

understood by the listener well, if the deiksis is clear, known the

presuppositions, and implicative conversation understood. Does deiksis is

the relationship between the words used in the speech act with word

reference is not fixed or can be changed and moved.

The presupposition that the speech act is the meaning or

information “extras” that are used in speech implied. Understand the

implied meaning is very important to understand the overall meaning in

the speech act.

Conversational implicative is an association between the spoken

utterances between two people who are conversing.