s.o.s. attentats - s.o.s. terrorism · 3 s.o.s. attentats, s.o.s. terrorism was founded on january...

S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism Voicing the victims’ memory Sculpture: Nicolás Alquin Photography: Hugues Dubois March 2005

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Page 1: S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism · 3 S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French

S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism

Voicing the victims’ memory

Sculpture: Nicolás Alquin Photography: Hugues Dubois

March 2005

Page 2: S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism · 3 S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French



ACTIVITIES • Acts • Guaranty Fund • Victim support • A spokesperson for victims

• Justice and truth • Medical studies • Medical guidebook OUR LEGAL AIMS • Equal rights for all victims

• European judicial cooperation • International judicial cooperation • International solidarity among victims • Fight against impunity VOICE OF THE VICTIMS

• Memorial • Fight against oblivion • Other places of remembrance • Testimonies of victims and their families GUIDEBOOK FOR COMPENSATION

• Guaranty Fund for victims of terrorist attacks • Eligibility • Taxation • Required steps • Inheritance tax

• Civilian victims of war VICTIMS ACCESS TO CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS COMMUNICATION • Website • Our magazine, “Paroles de victimes” (Voice of the Victims)




Page 3: S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism · 3 S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French


S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French non-profit making association governed by the 1901 Act. It has no philosophical, political or religious affiliations. S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is an accredited non-governmental organization (NGO) in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information and is also in consultative status with the ECOSOC (economic and social council of the UN). ACTIVITIES S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM action has resulted in the enactment of new legislation regarding: • Compensation for victims • Recognition of terrorism as a new form of warfare • The setting up of a psychological aid system The acts • Full compensation for victims thanks to a Guaranty Fund Act of September 9th, 1986 • Retroactivity of this Act of September 9, 1986 back to January 1, 1985 Act of December 30th, 1986 • Status of civilian victims of war for victims of terrorism Act of January 23rd, 1999 • Exemption from inheritance tax Amended Finance Act of 1990 (Section 35) • The right for S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM to associate with the public prosecutor on

behalf of victims in criminal proceedings Act of July 6th, 1990, section 2-9 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure • Statute of limitations for terrorist offenses, increased to:

- 30 years for felonies - 20 years for misdemeanors

Act of February 8th, 1995, section 706-25-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

The definition of a terrorist attack: Acts covered by Section 706-16 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure, which lists a number of offenses that

are considered terrorist acts when they are “related to a personal or collective venture aimed at seriously disrupting public order by means of intimidation or terror”

Guaranty Fund Victims of terrorist attacks (act of September 9th, 1986) and other offenses, (act of July 6th, 1990) are compensated by a Guaranty Fund.

Operation • Full compensation for all injuries suffered by victims of terrorist acts, can be obtained from a Guaranty

Fund, independent of judicial proceedings. • The Fund is a public, self-governing body that has full power to define compensation rules. • It is supervised by a Board of Directors whose members are: a President, four civil servants from the Ministries of Justice, Finance, Social Affairs and Home Office three people who have shown an interest in the victims. S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has

been represented from the beginning, since January 1st, 1987 a representative from the insurance sector • The Fund is subrogated to the rights of the victim • It may receive the reimbursement of the compensation given to the victims by the perpetrators, according to

their solvability.

The victims keep their rights according to criminal proceedings and can bring an action against terrorists.

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Financing The Fund is financed by national solidarity contributions made by each person taking out insurance on possessions (home, car and private company insurance). The contribution for 2005 is 3.30 Euro per contract.

Property damage Insurance companies are not allowed to exclude from insurance policies, the damage to property as a result of terrorist acts perpetrated in France (home, car, private company insurance etc…) Victim support

Immediate, comprehensive and multidisciplinary long-term help, for victims and their families

Our organization • Provides information and guidance for victims in their social, administrative medical and judicial steps • Organizes support groups and information meetings • Assists victims with medical assessments • Provides support for victims throughout the legal process, from the initial investigative hearings through to

the trial • Contributes towards legal costs S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has obtained full compensation for prejudice against victims of criminal offences (act of July 6th, 1990), such as: • Assault, rape • Multiple-victim accidents Spokesperson for the victims S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is a member of: • The Board of Directors of the Guaranty Fund for victims of terrorist acts and other offences • The Board of Directors of the DC 10 Foundation • The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights • The Global Coalition for the International Criminal Court • The International Criminal Bar S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is the spokesperson for the victims when dealing with: • French public authorities • Local authorities: Regional and General Councils, municipalities • European and international authorities Justice and truth S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is not only opposed to the death penalty and any kind of discrimination, based on race, nationality, religion etc, but also aims at fighting terrorism using the legal process. The association is involved in many criminal proceedings linked to terrorist acts. According to section 2-9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is allowed to file claims for damages in criminal proceedings concerning terrorist acts, which have been initiated by the public prosecutor or by the victims. S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM actively participates in: • Criminal proceedings for offences related to terrorist crimes (murder, attempted murder, complicity and

financing of such) • Proceedings, when a judicial inquiry is opened by the prosecution department against people suspected of

being part of a terrorist group S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM intervenes if: • The terrorist attack occurred on the French territory, regardless of the nationality of the victims • French citizens are victims of terrorist attacks abroad • proceedings are opened in France concerning:

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The financing of terrorism (section 33, act of November 15th, 2001) Conspiracy with a terrorist organization (section 421-2-1 of the Criminal Code).

Concerning the latter, apart from the examining magistrate and the prosecution department, S.O.S.

ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is the only legal representative to have access to the proceedings files concerning all terrorist networks

All the procedures related to terrorist crimes are centralized in Paris: • Terrorist crime perpetrators are judged by the assizes of Paris, specifically composed of professional

magistrates (and not a civil jury) on first instance and on appeal and then, if needed, by the Cour de cassation (Supreme Court)

• Misdemeanors are under the jurisdiction of Paris Tribunal correctionnel (court sitting in criminal matters), of Paris court of appeal and the Cour de cassation.

S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM can also instigate proceedings before the European Court for human rights. S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM: • Helps victims obtain access to judicial proceedings • supports the victims and their families during the proceedings • insists on the respect of the rights of victims and defendants during the criminal process • fights against national interest too often put forward in terrorist matters

Medical studies Our organization has initiated and helped the realization of medical studies 1 - Epidemiological study carried out by the INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) from 1986 to 1987 This first study has enabled us: • To modify compensation rules and thereby create a specific type of damage caused to victims of terrorist

attacks • To set up psycho-medical emergency units in 1995 2 - Epidemiological study on the consequences on public health of the terrorist attacks perpetrated between 1995 and 1996 This study, coordinated by an international scientific committee, was published in 2001. Moreover, accredited by the World Health Organization, the study has been put at the INSERM’s disposal to help the victims of the explosion that occurred on September 21st, 2001, in the AZF factory in Toulouse.

Medical guidebook These studies have helped to create a guidebook for professionals who provide socio-medical assistance for victims of terrorist attacks, disasters and multiple-victim accidents. The medical studies carried out by S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM and the guidebook are available:

• at our website: http://www.sos-attentats.org/ • upon request, at the association

• These medical studies have established the existence of close links between ENT after-effects and

psychological problems requiring specific medical care • They have highlighted the need for improvements for all victims in the following areas:

Medium and long term social and psychological support Training for health professionals concerning post-traumatic stress cases Medical assessment procedure of the injuries sustained by the victims

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OUR LEGAL AIMS Equal rights for all victims S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is aiming at: • Identical rights and treatment for all victims of terrorism, no matter what their nationality or the place where

the attack occurred • A harmonization of the national laws of European states • The creation of a European status for victims of terrorism European judicial cooperation For Europe, S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is aiming at: • The fast and effective implementation of the European warrant for arrest • A harmonization of European policies on:

prevention repression fight against the financing of terrorism

• a harmonization of:

national criminal laws charges sanctions

• The suppression of extradition procedures that prevent justice and advantage impunity • The automatic extradition of terrorists to the country in which the attack occurred • The elimination of all legal barriers by the setting up of a European prosecution department able to:

lead transnational investigations check legal proceedings harmonize lawsuits against terrorist attack perpetrators

International judicial cooperation In order to cope with the lengthy procedures involved in international written interrogatories, S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM would like to • ensure terrorist crimes come under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, created on July 17th,

1998 by the Treaty of Rome, before the revision conference, scheduled for 2009

• create an international compensation fund for victims of terrorism on the basis of international solidarity • allow access to the International Criminal Court for these victims • apply the universal competence procedure according to international conventions in force • see the end of immunity for Heads of State acknowledged to be the authors, silent partners and accessories

to terrorist crimes • have international conventions concerning the fight against terrorism signed and ratified by every single


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• see the rapid adoption of the Draft General Convention against international terrorism, presently being

discussed at the UN • have recourse to legal proceedings rather than weapons to fight against terrorism

The voice of the victims should be heard at international proceedings International solidarity among victims S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM works to enhance the links between international foreign organizations for victims of terrorism in order to create a global network, gathering victims and researchers Working together, with all the people concerned, will lead to new ideas and help us to act more efficiently

on behalf of the victims

Fight against impunity S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM wants to prevent people from avoiding legal proceedings Each person accountable for terrorist acts, perpetrators, accessories, financiers, silent partners, including

leaders in office, has to be pursued, judged, and convicted:

either by national criminal jurisdictions or by the International Criminal Court

S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM contributes to international ideas about protection of all victims of terrorism, and participates in the fight against impunity

On February 5th, 2002, S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM organized an international symposium at the Assemblée nationale in Paris, on the subject of Terrorism and International Criminal Responsibility, attended by 600 participants. The Livre Noir (Black Book), containing the contributions prepared for this event by celebrities, academics and international researchers, is available upon request at the association. In 2004, in partnership with the International Superior Institute of criminal science of Syracuse and the Human Rights Center of Galway and thanks to the financing granted by the European Commission (Grotius Criminal program), S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has compiled and published a book containing a collection of articles

Terrorism and international criminal responsibility (book available in French, Ed. Calmann-Lévy, and in English upon request at the association)

S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM is in favor of an international, coherent, legal solution to terrorism

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Memorial S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was responsible for the first memorial dedicated to the memory of all victims of terrorism inaugurated by the French President on December 3rd, 1998

“Voicing the victims’ memory”

Bronze water-sculpture, by Nicolas Alquin ADAGP

Jardin de l’Intendant - Hôtel National des Invalides, 75007 Paris, France Place Vauban

Fight against oblivion

Other places of remembrance S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has erected several plaques throughout Paris: • 140 Rue de Rennes, in memory of the September 17th 1986 victims of the bomb attack • The Defense Ministry building, in memory of the 170 persons who died on the UTA flight DC10 on

September 19th, 1989 • The Père Lachaise cemetery, in honor of the above-mentioned victims. • The Saint Michel subway station, to honor the memory of the eight people killed in the July 25th, 1995 bomb

attack Every year S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM organizes ceremonies

to honor the memory of all the victims of terrorism

Testimonies of victims and their families Testimonies are on line at our website (http://www.sos-attentats.org/) and published in our newsletter Paroles de Victimes (Voice of the Victims)

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a video Paroles de Victimes is also available on line at the website

GUIDEBOOK FOR COMPENSATION Guaranty Fund for victims of terrorist attacks Act of September 9th, 1986 it applies to victims of terrorist attacks perpetrated after December 31st, 1984 victims have 10 years to apply for compensation from the Fund Eligibility • for acts of terrorism perpetrated in France: all victims or their beneficiaries, regardless of their nationality and

their administrative status in France • for acts of terrorism perpetrated abroad: all French victims or their beneficiaries • hi-jacking: the Fund compensates liberated hostages and provides an advance of the compensation fee for

families of detained hostages Procedure The Fund is directly in charge of the files It is a “Good Faith” procedure the Fund makes an offer within three months after the victims or their beneficiaries submit proof of loss if the victims do not agree with the Fund’s offer they can file a civil claim, and can then appeal the court’s decision payments can be made as:

a lump-sum an annuity or a combination of both

Taxation Compensation paid by the Fund and disability or industrial injury pensions are not subject to income tax Required steps whenever an act of terrorism is committed in France, the Guaranty Fund is informed of the identity of the victims by the District Prosecutor if the terrorist attack occurred abroad, the Guaranty Fund is informed of the identity of the victims by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs people who consider themselves as victims of terrorism can apply directly to the Fund Victims or their beneficiaries must send their claims for compensation to the Guaranty Fund by certified mail - return receipt requested, to the following address:

Fonds de Garantie des victims d’actes de terrorisme et d’autres infractions 64 Rue Defrance - 94307 Vincennes Cedex, - France

The claim must include: A letter stating: • the person’s first and last name, nationality, marital status, address and occupation • the date and place of the attack; or the date of the hostage-taking and liberation • all the information about the state health insurance records (number, center, address, applicable plan) • whether the incident is an occupational accident and, if so, the employer’s name and address • the amount of any benefits received from state health insurance (daily benefits or a disability pension) and

insurance companies And the following documents: • a photocopy of the passport, resident’s permit, French ID card, or family record book • a police report or witness’ account • the initial medical certificates, hospital reports and sick leave certificates • proof of loss of wages and earnings • photocopies of all bills (personal attendant, childcare, transportation, etc.) • documentary proof of all losses suffered • the person’s bank account details (IBAN code)

The Fund must grant an advance payment within one month of receiving the claim. Additional advance payments may be made according to the person’s medical situation

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Injury cases Expert Assessments The Fund orders medical assessments to evaluate all the consequences of the terrorist attack on the victim’s health and to allow the victim’s condition to be appropriately assessed in the future. Once the victim’s condition stabilizes, their regular doctor draws up a medical certificate and sends it to the Guaranty Fund, and, if necessary, to state health insurance authorities. In order to avoid multiple medical assessment procedures, S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has succeeded in obtaining a single procedure for the victims • the Guaranty Fund • the Defense Ministry • the State health insurance

appoint together a single expert for each medical discipline


It is necessary for the victims: - to be assisted by one or several suitable medical advisers, depending on the nature of the injury, and

specialists in physical damage before the Guaranty Fund evaluation - to ask these medical advisers to make a preliminary specialist report that will be sent to the Guaranty Fund

before the medical assessment procedure - to be assisted by these medical advisers at the expertise meeting organized in each branch of medicine by the

Guaranty Fund

S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has a list of medical specialists at the disposal of the victims The Guaranty Fund reimburses these assistance costs

Physical harm experts decide: • the duration of temporary total disability • the duration and rate of temporary partial disability • the necessity to be assisted by a third person during these two temporary periods of disabilities and the

duration of this help • the rate of permanent partial disability, including psychological damage Financial and earning losses Professional and financial losses are assessed on the basis of documentary evidence (income tax returns, pay slips, job loss, decrease in earnings, etc.) The experts give their views on: whether the victim’s career may be affected, and if it is necessary and possible to move into a new type of employment academic consequences the need for a permanent assistance by a third person, specifying the nature of this help and the duration per day the need and the specificity of adaptations to the person’s accommodation Personal injuries They are assessed by experts: • suffering is rated on a scale from 1 to 7 • temporary or permanent esthetic injury, on a 1 to 7 scale (see pictures) • sexual and procreation injury • quality of life injury (deprival of leisure activities) according to documentary proof such as membership of

clubs, photographs, etc… • society injury (e.g. to start a family, to integrate into social life) Special compensation for victims of terrorist acts It is fixed at 40% of the permanent partial disability benefit, with a minimum payment of 2,300 €. Compensation for personal injury and the special compensation are normally not challenged by state health insurance authorities and cannot be claimed back once paid

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Should the victims’ state of health deteriorate, their files can be re-opened on presentation of a medical certificate

Assessment and compensation of suffered injuries For the Fund to evaluate the amount of compensation due to the victims and their beneficiaries, documental proof has to be sent, concerning: • medical costs not reimbursed by insurances or state health insurance • loss of earnings during temporary total or partial disability periods • change or loss of job and/or of resources • academic documents • assistance costs (home help, child care, personal attendants, third person’s help) • prostheses & hearing aids • adaptations to the person’ s accommodation • travel costs • damaged clothing and personal effects on receipt of invoices, subject to an upper limit • leisure activities prior to the terrorist attack (attestations, membership cards for clubs etc, photos of activities,…) • photographs taken to highlight esthetic injury (at different steps of its evolution if necessary) The Fund will deduct from the compensation any financial loss already paid by the state health insurance or other state social institutions Cases involving death Compensation for victims’ beneficiaries Victims’ beneficiaries (spouse, common-law spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, dependents) are entitled to: compensation, according to effective damage and expenses

for non-pecuniary loss, varying according to the ties with the victim pecuniary loss, calculated on the basis of the household’s annual income

educational fees, capitalized to take into account the age of the orphans The reimbursement of:

funeral expenses and child care costs travel costs, etc.

Procedure Beneficiaries must provide:

a death certificate a family record of civil status proof of pecuniary loss (income tax returns, bank statements, etc.) invoices for funeral costs and other expenses

proof of payment made by state social institutions, especially the death benefit Inheritance tax Section 35 of the amended 1990 Finance Act, which supplements Section 796 of the General Tax Code, provides that the estate of any deceased person as a result of an act of terrorism, or of the direct consequences thereof, is exempted from inheritance tax Civilian Victims of War January 23rd, 1990 Act-Section 26

Terrorism: war in peacetime S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM has obtained the status of civilian victims of war for victims of terrorism Victims of terrorist acts perpetrated after January 1st, 1982:

are entitled to the rights and benefits of civilian victims of war under the Military Disability and War Victims Pensions Code (Code des pensions militaires d’invalidité et des victimes de la guerre) come under the authority of the Defense Ministry

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are entitled to the services of the National Office for War Veterans (ONAC) enjoy specific welfare benefits

Civilian victims of war pension victims of terrorist attacks perpetrated between 1982 and 1984 receive a military disablement pension benefit, the only possible financial compensation at the time victims of terrorist attacks perpetrated after December 31st, 1984 cannot accumulate this benefit with the main compensation received by the Guaranty Fund but they can obtain a differential pension all the victims of terrorist attacks since 1982, can benefit from the “Civilian War Victim” status and its appurtenances

Procedure an application is to be sent to the local office of War Veterans (la Direction Interdépartemental des Anciens Combattants) serving the victim’s residential area these rights come into effect from the application date a degree of disablement is fixed three years after the application, the victims are called for a new evaluation and the degree of disablement then becomes permanent for injury cases

Appurtenances Appurtenances (welfare benefits) are granted if the degree of disablement is superior or equal to 10%

Reserved employment War victims and widows can qualify under the laws on reserved employment

Despite the numerous requests we have made, widowers do not qualify for these rights!!!

Tax benefits Beyond a 40%degree of disablement, the household is considered to have an additional half-family part for income taxation reduction

Free health care Applications for free health care vouchers must be sent to the local War Veterans office (la Direction Interdépartemental des Anciens Combattants) The holder is entitled to: • exemption from the medical cost contribution (for injured victims who receive a pension) • exemption from the minimum daily hospital charges • payment of spa treatment costs at the same price as those of the State health insurance • the right to prostheses in 20 regional centers • access to the National Institution of the Disabled (Institution Nationale des Invalides – establishment for long

term hospitalizations for seriously disabled people) • state health insurance coverage for a disablement of at least 85%

ONAC card for the disabled Available upon request at the ONAC office serving the victim’s residential area The card entitles the holder to priority treatment and discounts on:

French Railways French Subways and other public transport companies

In case of disablement of 85% or more priority parking card 50% discount on airfares for disabled people and their personal attendants in France

War orphans

Eligibility • orphans under the age of 21 whose father or mother died as a result of a terrorist attack • children under the age of 21 who were themselves victims of a terrorist attack • children under the age of 21 whose father or mother has received compensation from the Guaranty Fund for

victims of terrorism • children of victims, born within 300 days of a terrorist attack

War orphans status is delivered by the district court of the applicant’s district Benefits • maintenance, educational and holiday grants • exemption from educational fees • pension under certain circumstances

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War widows status • Applications for war widows’ pensions have to be filed with the applicant’s local War Veterans office • payment of the pension comes into effect the day following the date of death, after consideration of amounts paid out by the Guaranty Fund and the national health insurance • It entitles the beneficiary to standard national insurance coverage ONAC (National Office for War Veterans patronage) • It accompanies all applications for qualification as a war orphan, centralizes all applications for pensions submitted to local War Veterans offices • organizes professional reinsertion training for victims and assists victims with many kinds of formalities • provides financial assistance • offer places:

in its professional retraining schools in its retirement homes

VICTIMS ACCESS TO CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM encourages victims to have access to criminal proceedings and accompanies them throughout the procedure: by asking all the victims of the same terrorist attack to consult the same group of attorneys by organizing briefings during preliminary investigations and preparatory meetings before trials by allowing communication and exchanges of experiences between victims by helping victims obtain justice and truth How to associate in an action with the public prosecutor? After a terrorist attack, victims and families of deceased persons can claim for damages through the criminal proceedings taking place at the assizes if a preliminary investigation is opened by Paris’ prosecution department (Parquet de Paris):

the victims do not have to bring an action the victims can associate in the action with the public prosecutor

if no investigation is opened in France

the victims can have it opened by bringing an action with the prosecutor Which victims have the right to associate in actions with the public prosecutor? If the terrorist attack occurred on French territory: all the victims and families of deceased people regardless of their nationality or their administrative status in France If the terrorist attack occurred abroad: each victim, regardless of their nationality, if proceedings are opened in France Advice: victims, associated in actions with the public prosecutor, can choose to keep their domicile with an attorney, and keep their own address unknown Financing of the proceeding costs Terrorism victims benefit from jurisdictional assistance that pays attorneys’ fees S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM gives the application forms for jurisdictional assistance to the victims, helps them to fill them up and centralizes the applications with the jurisdictional assistance office

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COMMUNICATION Website: www.sos-attentats.org Our website presents the following subjects: • Our association

About us What we do Fight against oblivion Diary Press-releases In the media

• Victim support

Compensation Civilian victims of war Access to criminal proceedings Health Useful addresses • Testimonies

Victims’ testimonies Your reactions

• Publications Our newsletter Our books Other publications

• Justice and terrorism

List of the terrorist attacks Judicial proceedings International Justice Additional Information

• Fight against terror

France UN Europe Other regions Symposiums and meetings International Solidarity

This website is yours, please send us your comments, testimonies etc… Voice of the Victims S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM publishes a newsletter, “Voice of the Victims” (Paroles de victimes), to inform victims, magistrates, attorneys, elected representatives, academics, members of the media, and anyone who may be interested

This Newsletter is sent by e-mail to all those who have access to internet SUPPORT Our main public supporters: Prime Minister Ministry of Justice Ministry of Defense Ministry for Foreign Affairs State secretary for Veterans and War victims City inter-ministerial delegation Ile-de-France Regional Council Paris City Hall

Thanks to everybody (citizens, companies and organizations)

Who continues to give us their loyal support !

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USEFUL ADDRESSES Fonds de Garantie des victims d’actes de terrorisme et d’autres infractions 64, rue Defrance 94682 Vincennes Cedex - France Tel: + 33 1 43 98 77 00 or + 33 8 00 05 63 63 www.fgti.fr Ministère de la Justice 13, place Vendôme 75001 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 44 77 60 60 www.justice.gouv.fr Secrétarat d’Etat aux Droits des Victimes 8, place Vendôme 75042 Paris Cedex 01 - France Tel: + 33 1 44 77 60 60 www.justice.gouv.fr Secrétariat d’Etat aux Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre 37, rue de Bellechasse 75700 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 44 42 10 00 www.defense.gouv.fr Ministère des Affaires Etrangères 37, quai d’Orsay 75351 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 43 17 53 53 www.diplomatie.gouv.fr Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre-ONAC Hôtel National des Invalides 75700 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 49 55 62 00 Institution Nationale des Invalides 6, boulevard des Invalides 75007 Paris – France Tel: +33 1 40 63 22 22 Direction Interdépartementale des Anciens Combattants d’Ile de France 10, avenue du Val de Fontenay 94135 Fontenay-sous-Bois France Tel: + 33 1 49 74 34 00

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Terrorism concerns each person, it is everybody’s responsibility

Victims of terrorism and people who have lost a family member due to a terrorist attack can join our organization as active members

Each citizen, individual, company, group, union, association can support the actions of S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM, for the good of the victims and against terrorism by becoming donors

All the victims and friends of our organization Receive our newsletter “Voice of the Victims” Our information brochure Are informed of the events organized by the association

By helping S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM, you contribute to: The improvement of the rights of all victims of terrorism The presence of the association in the judicial proceedings The fight against terrorism

Donations given by individuals and private companies are tax deductible, according to French law (for more information visit our website www.sos-attentats.org)

The victims need everyone’s help

Fill up the membership form below and send it together with your donation to: S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM

Hotel National des Invalides 75700 Paris Cedex 07



Hôtel National des Invalides, 75700 Paris cedex 07


Mr. Mrs. Miss : First name:…………………Middle Initial:…………Last name:..……………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Zip Code: …..………… City: …………………… State (for the US):………… Country:……………..………

Phone number: ……………………….Fax: ………………………. E-mail:………………………..

Victim, or Family of a victim………………………………………………..

Family ties:………………………………………………… …………….

Date of the terorist attack: ……………….. Place where the act occured: ………………………………..

Amount of your annual membership ……………………. __________ Euros *

Amount of your donation …………....……………..……. __________ Euros

By becoming a member or a donator, you will receive « Voice of the Victims » (Paroles de Victimes),

our newsletter

* minimum amount : 25 Euros

Check made out to S.O.S. ATTENTATS or Credit transfer

Bank Account Details: 30002 00413 0000007709J IBAN: FR39 3000 2004 1300 0000 7709 J26

Date:…………… Signature:

A CERFA receipt will be send back to you for tax deduction according to French law

Page 17: S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism · 3 S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French


A NON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST OF TERRORIST ATTACKS SINCE 1974 2003 - 2005 Iraq, terrorist attacks and hostage taking 2001 - 2005, Israel, several terrorist attacks 8 October 2004, Indonesian Embassy, Paris, France, 10 injured 8 October 2004, Taba, Egypt, 33 killed, 100 injured 27 September 2004, murder of Laurent Barbot, Djedda, Saudi Arabia 11 March 2004, Madrid, Spain, 191 killed, 1400 injured 19 August 2003, UN Building, Bagdad, Iraq, 22 killed, 100 injured 16 May 2003, Casablanca, Morocco, 45 killed, 100 injured 12 May 2003, Ryad, Saudi Arabia, 35 killed, 194 injured 12 October 2002, Bali, Indonesia, 200 killed, 300 injured 6 October 2002, Le Limburg, Yemen, 1 killed, 24 injured 8 May 2002, Karachi, Pakistan, 14 killed, 12 injured 11 April 2002, Djerba, Tunisia, 21 killed, 30 injured 11 September 2001, the United States, 3 034 killed, thousands injured 9 July 2000, Hostage taking, Jolo island, Indonesia 19 April 2000, Quévert, Bretagne, France, 1 killed, 6 injured 25 November 1999, attack against the Urssaf, Ajaccio, Corsica, France 6 February 1998, murder of Head of Police, Erignac Ajaccio, Corsica, France 17 November 1997, Luxor, Egypt, 68 killed, 80 injured 3 December 1996, RER Port-Royal, Paris, 4 killed, 170 injured Between 1993 and 1996, 43 French nationals killed in Algeria 27 May 1996, murder of Mr. Rezda Mazlouman, Créteil, France 17 October 1995, RER, station Musée d'Orsay, Paris, 30 injured 6 October 1995, avenue d'Italie, subway station Maison-blanche, Paris, 16 injured 7 September 1995, Primary school, Villeurbanne, 32 injured 3 September 1995, Richard Lenoir market, Paris, 4 injured 17 August 1995, Place de l'Etoile, Paris, 20 injured 25 July 1995, RER Saint Michel, Paris, 8 killed, 200 injured 11 July 1995, murders of Imam Sahraoui and of Mr. Ahmed Omar, Paris 18e 24 - 26 December 1994, hijacking of Air France Airbus, 3 killed, 256 hostages 6 August 1991, murders of MM. C. Bakhtiar and S. Katibeth, Suresnes, France 18 April 1991, murder of Mr. Boroumand, Paris Summer 1990, hostage –taking in Iraq and in Kuwait 23 October 1990, murder of Dr Cyrus Elahi, Créteil, France 27 September 1990, Café de Paris, Djibouti, 1 killed, 15 injured 19 September 1989, DC 10 d'UTA, 170 killed 22 October 1988, Saint-Michel cinema, Paris, 13 injured 11 July 1988, the City of Poros, Greece, 9 killed, 80 injured 19 November 1987, car park on rue Falguière, Paris 15e, 3 injured 24 July 1987, Hostage-taking on Air Afrique flight, 1 killed, 1 injured 17 June1987, murder of Dr Lafay , Corsica, France 18 March 1987, Djibouti, 13 killed, 60 injured 17 November 1986, murder of Georges Besse, Paris 17 September 1986, rue de Rennes, Paris, 7 killed 54 injured 15 September 1986, Paris Police Headquarters, 1 killed, 45 injured 14 September 1986, Pub Renault, Paris, 2 killed, 1 injured 12 September 1986, Casino supermarket café Paris la Défense, 43 injured 8 September 1986, L’Hôtel de Ville de Paris Post office, Paris, 1 killed, 16 injured 9 July 1986, Brigade de Répression du Banditisme, Paris, 1 killed, 20 injured 3 May 1986 Colombo, Sri-Lanka, 3 killed 20 March 1986, Galerie Point- Show, Paris, 2 killed, 21 injured 17 March 1986, TGV, Paris-Lyon line, France, 10 injured 5 February 1986, FNAC Sports, Forum des Halles, Paris, 15 injured 4 February 1986, Gibert-Jeune bookshop, Paris, 4 injured 3 February 1986, Galerie du Claridge, Paris, 7 injured 7 December 1985, Galeries Lafayette and Le Printemps, Paris, 51 injured 1985/ 1988 abduction of French nationals, Lebanon 23 February 1985, Marks and Spencer, Paris, 1 killed, 14 injured 25 January 1985, murder of General Audran, Paris 31 December 1983, TGV, Tain l'Hermitage France, 2 killed 31 December 1983, Saint-Charles station, Marseille, France, 5 killed, 50 injured 23 December 1983, le Grand Véfour restaurant, Paris, 10 injured 23 October 1983, le Drakkar, Beirut, Lebanon, 58 killed 15 July 1983,Orly airport, France, 8 killed, 60 injured 9 August 1982, rue des Rosiers, Paris, 6 killed, 22 injured 22 April 1982, rue Marbeuf, Paris, 1 killed, 63 injured 29 March 1982, Le Capitole Paris-Toulouse, France, 5 killed, 28 injured 3 October 1980, rue Copernic Synagogue, Paris, 4 killed, 22 injured 18 July 1980, attempted murder of Mr. Bakhtiar, France, 2 killed, 2 injured 27 March 1979, rue de Médicis, Paris, 33 injured 2 December 1978, BHV, Paris, 8 injured 27 June 1975, rue Toullier, Paris, 2 killed, 1 injured 15 September 1974, Drugstore Saint Germain, Paris, 2 killed, 34 injured.

A more extensive list is available on the S.O.S. Attentats website

Page 18: S.O.S. Attentats - S.O.S. Terrorism · 3 S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISM was founded on January 24th, 1986, exclusively for victims of terrorism and their families. It is a French


An association created by victims

for victims A team at the entire disposal of the victims and their families • Friendly staff • Advice • Social, administrative, judicial and psychological help

S.O.S. ATTENTATS, S.O.S. TERRORISME Hôtel National des Invalides

75700 Paris Cedex 07 France

Tel +33 (0) 1 45 55 41 41 Fax +33 (0) 1 45 55 55 55

Internet: www.sos-attentats.org

E-mail: [email protected]