solutions to accelerate your ibm i digital transformation

End to end modernization solutions to help you better maintain, enhance and transform your IBM i applications to meet evolving business needs. Solutions to Accelerate Your IBM i Digital Transformation Journey

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End to end modernization solutions to help you better maintain, enhance and transform your IBM i applications to meet evolving business needs.

Solutions to Accelerate Your IBM i Digital Transformation Journey

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A Fresche Welcome

A p p lic a t io n s a n d d a ta a re t h e c o rn e rs to n e o f m illio n s o f o rg a n iz a t io n s w o r ld w id e . A n e s t im a te d 1 0 0 ,0 0 0+ o f t h o s e c o m p a n ie s ru n m is s io n c r it ic a l b u s in e s s a p p lic a t io n s o n IB M ’s P o w e r S y s te m s IB M i (fo rm e r ly k n o w n a s A S /4 0 0 ) p la t fo rm . W ith it s h ig h ly s c a la b le a n d ro b u s t a rc h ite c tu re , lo w T C O , re lia b ilit y , s e c u r it y a n d in te g ra te d d a t a b a s e , it ’s e a s y to u n d e rs t a n d w h y th e p la t fo rm h a s s u c h a s t ro n g a n d p a s s io n a te c o m m u n it y o f g lo b a l u s e rs .

T h e s e m is s io n -c r it ic a l a p p lic a t io n s a re k e y to y o u r o rg a n iz a t io n , c o n ta in in g a ll o f y o u r b u s in e s s ru le s a n d d a ta . M o d e rn iz in g th e m is a c o s t-e ff e c t iv e , lo w -r is k w a y to t a k e a d v a n ta g e o f m o d e rn , o p e n t e c h n o lo g ie s w h ile e n a b lin g y o u r b u s in e s s to g ro w in th is d ig it a l e ra .

W e a r e i n n o v a t i n g t o h e l p o u r c l i e n t s c o m p e t e a n d g o t o m a r k e t f a s t e r b y l e v e r a g i n g t h e i r I T a s s e t s a s t h e f o u n d a t i o n f o r d i g i t a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n - r e d u c i n g t h e r i s k , t im e a n d c o s t i t t a k e s t o g e t t h e r e .

We can help you:

• Develop an IT strategy

• Build an IBM i roadmap

• Transform your RPG & CA 2E (Synon) to modern languages

• Address developer shortages

• Onboard new IT staff faster

• Increase developer productivity

• Integrate with other systems

• Extend ERPs

• Understand your applications

• Deploy modern interfaces

• Improve business agility

• Start Digital Transformation

A ll o f u s a t F re s c h e

We look forward to working with you.

S k ill s h o r t a g e s e m e rg e a s a m a jo r c h a lle n g e fo r c o m p a n ie s t h a t re ly o n IB M i, a s t h e a g in g w o rk fo rc e n e a rs re t ire m e n t . In a d d it io n , a d v a n c e m e n t s in t e c h n o lo g y a re a c c e le ra t in g in n o v a t io n a n d d r iv in g n e w o p p o r tu n it y a n d n e w th re a t s in a ll in d u s t r ie s . W ith th is h ig h ly c o m p e t it iv e a n d c h a n g in g b u s in e s s la n d s c a p e , o rg a n iz a t io n s n e e d to b e a g ile a n d h a v e th e a b ilit y to q u ic k ly a d a p t .

F re s c h e is le a d in g th e w a y w ith s o lu t io n s a n d sm a r t to o ls t h a t a u to m a te c o d e t ra n s fo rm a t io n , b o o s t d e v e lo p e r p ro d u c t iv it y a n d s p e e d u p t im e to m a rk e t . O u r p ro fe s s io n a ls c o m b in e f re s h th in k in g w ith t e c h n o lo g y a n d b u s in e s s e x p e r t is e to h e lp fu e l t ra n s fo rm a t io n a n d n e w le v e ls o f g ro w th fo r o u r c lie n t s . O u r lo w -r is k , p h a s e d a p p ro a c h is g iv in g c o m p a n ie s n e w a b ilit y to d ig it a lly in n o v a te , im p ro v e o p e ra t io n a l p ro c e s s e s a n d b e t te r p o s it io n th e m s e lv e s fo r t h e fu tu re .

W ith o v e r 3 0 0 d ig it a lly c o n n e c te d p ro fe s s io n a ls a ro u n d th e w o r ld a n d a n e x te n s iv e n e tw o rk o f b u s in e s s p a r tn e rs , w e ’re c o m m it te d to b r in g in g c lie n t s t h e b e s t a n d b o ld e s t s o lu t io n s to d r iv e in n o v a t io n a n d IT s u c c e s s .

Services to align IT with business:

Strategy and Planning: A customized application modernization strategy, involving all major IT and business stakeholders, that supports the current and future needs of your business.

Modernization Roadmap: A long range, option-based roadmap tailored to achieve your modernization goals and align them with business improvement outcomes.

IT Healthcheck: A metrics-based assessment of the risks and complexity of your IBM i applications, databases and processes.

Business benefits:

Strategic Business Alignment: Build an application portfolio strategy and roadmap that aligns with your business goals.

Validated Roadmap: Rely on our IBM i modernization strategists who draw from decades of experience in large-scale modernization roadmapping and project delivery.

Increased Agility: Address skillset shortages, improve integration of systems and leverage modern technology to future-proof your IT.

Functional experts and strategists from Fresche work with you to develop and execute an IBM i management and modernization strategy that aligns with your business, financial and technical goals. We’ll help you establish a direction that will enable you to adopt modern processes, practices and technology, as well as new ways of managing IT and doing business.

Give your IT projects and digital efforts the best chance to succeed. Establishing a strategy that aligns IT initiatives with meaningful value for the business helps get buy-in from stakeholders and drive digital transformation success.

IT Strategy and Planning

There’s more than one way to get to where you need to go.

Modernization options to meet your needs:

Green Screen Modernization: Quickly go from green screens to a modern UI with native IBM i, Windows-driven or thin client solutions.

Web & Mobile Development: Rapidly develop RPG or open-source PHP and Node.js applications that users can access from PCs, tablets and smartphones.

SOA/Web Services: Take advantage of modern SOA concepts to integrate applications, publish on the web and create reusable components.

Different applications and desired outcomes warrant different solutions. For some initiatives, you will need to modernize your green screens while others may require new web and mobile development. Fresche provides automated solutions to expedite time to market, leveraging existing skills, resources and IBM i applications.

A well-planned web and mobile strategy opens new markets, increases competitive advantage and enables access to your IBM i applications and data.

GUI, Web and Mobile

Business benefits:

Business Growth: Create strategic web and mobile applications, such as eCommerce, procurement and portals, to increase revenue and improve processes.

Modern Interfaces: Keep your IBM i relevant in the eyes of end users and management by giving your applications a modern look and feel.

Anywhere-Anytime Access: Improve the user experience with easy access from any device and minimal deployment effort from IT.

Enhanced Productivity: Reduce training time, improve workflows with easier navigation, and attract new developers with open-source technologies. NewlookPresto WebSmart

ILE, PHP, Node.js

Trials AvailableContact: [email protected]

Solutions for the entire application lifecycle:

RPG and Synon Transformation: Convert RPG and CA 2E (Synon) to modern languages to take advantage of integration opportunities and more readily-available staff with modern skill sets.

Database Modernization & Re-Architecting: Modernize and transform DDS to DDL and multiple target databases without re-compiling programs. Built-in data integrity validation and other automated features remove the risk associated with modernizing and remodelling IBM i databases - while better enabling your users to access data.

Business benefits:

Leverage Existing Investment: Leverage your existing applications and data as the foundation of your digital transformation strategy. An automated approach allows for incremental modernization that accomodates milestones, budgets and timelines.

Integrate Your Systems: Take advantage of greater integration opportunities afforded by conversion to mainstream languages.

Future-Proof Your IT: Move to modern, open languages to improve business agility and better position yourself to support future growth.

Flexible Financial Options: Innovate and modernize with flexible financing models that enable you to balance between CapEx and OpEx .

Today’s organizations need to be agile - in business and tech. We are accelerating new levels of growth with smart tools that automate code transformation, improve developer productivity and speed up time to market. Our low-risk, phased approach enables new ability to digitally innovate, improve operational processes and better position our clients for the future.

New opportunity, digital disruption, an aging workforce and obsolete technologies are all driving the need for IT innovation. Smart modernization is making it happen.

Application and Database Modernization

RPG, COBOL, CA 2E (Synon)

DDL, SQL, Db2, Oracle, MariaDB

CL, Db2, DDS

Free-Form RPG, PHP, Java, etc.

With RPG, COBOL and CA 2E (Synon) developers retiring, the need to understand applications and quickly onboard new developers is pressing. Automated documentation and productivity tools unlock critical business information and pave the way for application and database modernization.

Managing monolithic IBM i applications is challenging and risky. Make code changes with confidence, reduce maintenance time and improve developer productivity.

Analysis and Productivity

Easily enhance IBM i applications with:

Application Documentation: Automatically document and describe systems in a straightforward manner and in a format that can be easily shared.

Impact and Data Quality Analysis: Perform complete impact analysis in just a few seconds and better manage your applications with detailed quality and complexity metrics of all code and databases.

Business Rules Extraction: Automatically document and understand the rules that run your business to improve development processes, speed up maintenance and reduce testing time.

Automated Field Resizing: Fresche’s field resizing approach significantly improves time to production, reduces risk of human error, and automatically handles all aspects of the resizing effort.

Business benefits:

Easily Onboard New Employees: Automated documentation and application understanding helps ramp up new developers quicker so they can contribute faster and work autonomously.

Move Projects Forward Faster: Reduce risk and get projects out the door faster with automated impact analysis and shared, up-to-date documentation.

Make Code Changes with Confidence: Provide a deep understanding of the impact of changes across all your applications.

Trials AvailableContact: [email protected]

Business benefits:

Replace Retiring Staff: Replace retiring staff with highly skilled resources to continue maximizing your IBM i environment and ensure business continuity.

Get More Done: Complete projects that may require a wide variety of skills, and free up your internal resources for new, key projects.

Reduce IT Backlog: Reduce your IT backlog with resources who have decades of experience in business application development, and who can also act as a valuable backup to your staff.

Services and staff to support your needs:

Skilled Developers: We provide developers who are proficient in RPG, COBOL, CA 2E (Synon), PHP, Java, Node.js, Python and more.

Application Maintenance & Development: We provide flexible services so our IBM i experts can work as an extension of your IT department to help with anything you need: maintenance, new development, integration and modernization.

Web & Mobile Development: Use our services and solutions to develop open-source web applications, web services, APIs or modernized green screens.

End to End Modernization: We can help with every aspect of modernizing your applications, from developing new ones to maintaining existing ones.

Many companies struggle to find staff with IBM i skills, which makes it difficult to maintain and enhance their systems. Whether augmenting your team, completing projects or managing your IBM i applications, we offer several application service models that let you decide how much assistance you need and for how long.

Move critical IT projects forward and get the support you need for your IBM i applications. Fulfill staffing needs and reduce your IT backlog with expert resources.

Staffing and Application Services

Solutions for all your reporting needs:

Web Reports & Dashboards: Ensure efficient decision-making, financial management, inventory levels and more with accurate, real-time web reports over Db2, MySQL and MS SQL data.

Spool File Modernization: Quickly transform plain text spool files into graphic, branded forms, checks, labels and barcodes in user-friendly formats.

Document Distribution: Automate your spool file distribution with electronic delivery so users get documents in the format they want from any device.

Data Mining: Easily extract, analyze and export IBM i data to Excel, PDF, XML, Access, and more with our Windows-based report mining and analytics solution.

Business benefits:

Increase Business Results: Greatly enhance reporting to improve critical decision-making throughout the organization and to improve processes such as invoicing. Improve Access: Transform IBM i data into real-time, interactive charts and reports that employees and customers can easily access in a secure portal from desktop and mobile devices.

Leverage Existing Data: Give users the tools to unlock hard-to-access information from multiple databases and to modernize Query/400 reports. Reduce Costs: Eliminate pre-printed forms and mailing and printing costs by digitally sending invoices and other documents.

Manual paper-based processes are costly, inefficient and time consuming. Modernizing your document distribution enables new ways of working that allow you to eliminate printing and provide real-time information to your entire organization and your customers.

Convert IBM i data (spool files, checks, invoices, reports and bar codes) into real-time, easy-to-access documents that improve decision making.

Reporting and Document Distribution




N e x u s

Trials AvailableContact: [email protected]

Interested in becoming a Fresche business partner?

Fresche business partners are some of the most innovative global technology companies around. Their expertise in key areas supports our mission to deliver guaranteed solutions that help our clients meet their goals. Fresche works with companies to continuously create alliances and form partnerships to provide our clients with the latest technologies and solutions available.

Our Ecosystem

If you’re an ISV, VAR, MSP, CSP, SI or consultant, expand your offerings and grow your business with the Fresche Power Partner Program.

In these times of technological change, your company’s ongoing success depends on its ability to adapt, adjust and reinvent its business so it can continue to satisfy client needs long into the future. The Fresche Power Partner Program ensures your success by giving you access to the broadest portfolio of proven IBM i solutions in the world.

Integrate Fresche solutions into your offerings to expand your market and grow your business.

Everything you need to be successful:

• Technical Training & Resources: From hands-on training classes to extensive technical resources.

• Sales Support: You’ll always have a dedicated account manager at your side to help generate leads, close deals and build your business.

• Co-Operative Marketing Funds: Use marketing funds that you accumulate as a percentage of sales.

• Partner Portal: An online portal with access to sales & marketing tools, educational material, channel support, and much more.


to learn more

Smart modernization is the path to successful Digital Transformation.

And NOW is the time to start.

Our Clients


Our customers include small to Fortune 500 organizations across many different industries, such as manufacturing, wholesale distribution, retail, healthcare, finance and transportation. Here is a small sample of Fresche clients:

Strategic Partners:

The level of skill, service and professionalism that [Fresche] Professional Services has provided has been outstanding by all measures.

— Todd Glassford, IT Director, Bangers

Finding new resources is a challenge. With Fresche on-board, we now have access to an entire IBM i-centric company with tools, deep expertise, analysts and integration experts. We no longer think in terms of searching for specific individuals and instead, we can focus on our future.

— Julie LaCapruccia, Vice President Operations, JF Fabrics

WebSmart is an excellent tool for RPG programmers to get their introduction to web development. Our billing department loves the new online bill of lading app we wrote which saves our customers a lot of time and saves our company a lot of money.

— Joseph Marreiros, Canadian Freightways

X-Analysis is very easy to run and is robust. It gives you various drill-down capabilities and shows all touch-points at a click of an icon.

— Vince Peschio, Dir. of Development, Innovative Computing

Contact Us

Locations around the world to better serve you

Franklin, MA USAAsheville, NC USASidney, BC CanadaMelbourne, AustraliaLucknow, India

Fresche Solutions HQMontreal, QC Canada+1 514 747-7007 Toll-free [email protected]

World-Class Support

Our customer support team goes beyond solving your technical issues and helps you get the most business value out of the solutions that you’re using. Our goal is to exceed your expectations by providing rapid responses to your requests, timely problem resolution and up-to-date service and installation information.