social story

Social Story By Melissa McQuade

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Social Story


  • 1. Social Story By Melissa McQuade

2. What is a Social Story? A story which explains appropriate behaviors for certain situations, skills, or concepts Children, adolescents, and adults who have autism, ADD, ADHD, and other social and communication delays use them to work on social behavior Goal is to share social information in a patient and reassuring manner so it is understood by its audience Designed for a specific child and is presented in a motivating way 3. Background Information The following slides are a social story created for my student, Larry Walker. Larry is an 11 year old boy in 5th grade. He is very friendly, outgoing, and kind. Larry has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which means he has difficulty staying focused, controlling his behavior, and is sometimes hyperactive. He is below-level in every subject and frequently gets into conflicts with his classmates, because he distracts them from working and talks too much. He is usually the first student in the classroom in the morning. We have a morning routine that students should follow, but each day, Larry does not. I have to constantly remind him to sit down in his seat, bring up his homework, and start the writing prompt. His desk is very messy and unorganized. The following social story will help him with his morning routine. 4. My name is Larry Walker and I am in the 5th grade at St. Francis DeSales School. When I come into the classroom in the morning, I have a routine that I follow. 5. Usually, I am the first one in the classroom. When I walk in, I say hello to Miss McQuade and start walking towards my seat. If there are other students in the room, I say hello to them, too. 6. I arrive at my desk and begin to unpack my books and supplies that I need for the day. Sometimes, a student may set their bookbag on their desk and begin to walk around and talk to others. Miss McQuade has to remind them to get unpacked. 7. In the back of the classroom, every student has a hook with their name above it. My hook is next to Tamias. I take my bookbag and jacket back to my hanger and hang them up for the day. Sometimes, if there are other students back at the closet, I need to wait my turn. 8. I go back to my seat so that I can read the morning message on the SmartBoard. The SmartBoard is our interactive whiteboard. Miss McQuade tells us what homework assignments to get out, what the writing prompt is, and any special messages. 9. I take my homework assignments up to Miss McQuades desk to show her. If you do not complete your homework, you do not get a point. I will try to finish all of my homework assignments. 10. I go back to my seat and find my blue writing journal. Sometimes, my desk is a little unorganized. I will try to keep it neater. Each day we have a writing prompt we need to complete, which is part of our Reading grade. 11. I begin writing my response to the prompt. It needs to have at least 5 sentences. I will try to complete at least 25 out of the 30 prompts each semester. 12. If I complete all of my homework and the writing prompt in the morning, Miss McQuade will give me a ticket! When we receive a ticket, we put it into a basket. At the end of the week, Miss McQuade picks out three ticket winners who get a prize. 13. It is important to follow the morning routine, because it helps me to stay organized and on top of my work. I want to receive good grades, and following these directions will help me to do that!