social media policy

SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The policies that companies, organizations (i.e., non-profits) or governments use vary widely based on their purposes and the extent of usage of Social Media. In fact, the definitions of “Social Media” differ from organization to organization. Many policies refer to “Internet and Email Usage” separate and distinct from “Blogging and Social Media Usage”. Many companies rely on their Codes of Conduct or other Ethics Policies, but those simply are not enough to govern Social Media issues, which have special considerations and ways to disseminate information and interpersonal interactions that go beyond traditional methods. FORM: GUIDELINES FOR USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Company Philosophy and/or Mission Statement (To use Social Media to execute Company’s mission of …) Social Media Goals (Usually to create an empowered online community of Company supporters.) Understanding Privacy Settings Be Yourself. Be Courteous. Be Genuine. Differentiate between personal opinion and Company/Employee opinion Give credit where credit is due. Be clear, but not defensive. Tell the Truth Delete comments that are spam, profanity, hate or infringe copyrights Correct errors promptly Disagree respectfully Reply to comments only as appropriate and promptly Link directly to research sources and reference materials.

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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The policies that companies, organizations (i.e., non-profits) or governments

use vary widely based on their purposes and the extent of usage of Social Media. In

fact, the definitions of “Social Media” differ from organization to organization.

Many policies refer to “Internet and Email Usage” separate and distinct

from “Blogging and Social Media Usage”. Many companies rely on their Codes of

Conduct or other Ethics Policies, but those simply are not enough to govern Social

Media issues, which have special considerations and ways to disseminate

information and interpersonal interactions that go beyond traditional methods.


Company Philosophy and/or Mission Statement

(To use Social Media to execute Company’s mission of …)

Social Media Goals

(Usually to create an empowered online community of Company supporters.)

Understanding Privacy Settings

Be Yourself. Be Courteous. Be Genuine.

Differentiate between personal opinion and Company/Employee opinion

Give credit where credit is due.

Be clear, but not defensive.

Tell the Truth

Delete comments that are spam, profanity, hate or infringe copyrights

Correct errors promptly

Disagree respectfully

Reply to comments only as appropriate and promptly

Link directly to research sources and reference materials.

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Voice mail, email, and Internet usage assigned to an employee's computer, telephone or

telephone extensions are solely for the purpose of conducting Company business. Some job responsibilities at the Company require access to the Internet and the use of business software and more specialized software. Only people appropriately authorized, for Company purposes, may use the Internet or access additional software.

Software Access Procedure

Software needed, in addition to those softwares licensed and/or used by the Company, must be authorized by your supervisor and downloaded by the IT department. If you need access to software, not currently on the Company network, talk with your supervisor and consult with the IT department.

Internet Usage

Internet use, on Company time, is authorized to conduct Company business only. Internet use brings the possibility of breaches to the security of confidential Company information. Internet

use also creates the possibility of contamination to our system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people, outside the Company, potential access to Company passwords and other confidential information.

Removing such programs from the Company network requires IT staff to invest time and attention that is better devoted to progress. For this reason, and to assure the use of work time appropriately for work, we ask staff members to limit Internet use.

Additionally, under no circumstances may Company computers or other electronic equipment

be used to obtain, view, or reach any pornographic, or otherwise immoral, unethical, or non-business-related Internet sites. Doing so can lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Email Usage at Company

Email is also to be used for Company business only. Company confidential information must

not be shared outside of the Company, without authorization, at any time. You are also not to conduct personal business using the Company computer or email.

Please keep this in mind, also, as you consider forwarding non-business emails to associates, family or friends. Non-business related emails waste company time and attention.

Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, is considered sexual harassment and will be addressed according to our sexual harassment policy.

Emails That Discriminate

Any emails that discriminate against employees by virtue of any protected classification including race, gender, nationality, religion, and so forth, will be dealt with according to the harassment policy.

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These emails are prohibited at the Company. Sending or forwarding non-business emails will

result in disciplinary action that may lead to employment termination.

Company Owns Employee Email, Attachments and all Contents.

Keep in mind that the Company owns any communication sent via email from its servers,

computers (tablets, pc’s, iPads), phones and any other equipment. The Company also owns any data, information and/or forms that are stored on company equipment. Management and other authorized staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at any time. Please do not consider your electronic communication, storage or access to be private if it is created or stored at work.


Guidelines for Interaction About Your Company on the Internet

If you are developing a Web site or writing a blog that will mention your company and/or our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, identify that you are an employee of your company and that the views expressed on the blog or Web site are yours alone and do not represent the views of the company.

Unless given permission by your manager, you are not authorized to speak on

behalf of the company, nor to represent that you do so.

If you are developing a site or writing a blog that will mention our company and / or our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, as a courtesy to the company, please let your manager know that you are writing them. Your manager may choose to visit from time to time to understand your point of view.

Confidential Information Component of the Blogging Policy

You may not share information that is confidential and proprietary about the company. This includes information about trademarks, upcoming product releases, sales, finances, number of products sold, number of employees, company strategy, and any other information that has not been publicly released by the company. These are given as examples only and do not cover the range of what the company

considers confidential and proprietary. If you have any question about whether information has been released publicly or doubts of any kind, speak with your manager and the Public Relations department before releasing information that could potentially harm our company, or our current and potential products, employees, partners, and customers. You may also want to be aware of the points made in the non-disclosure agreement you signed when you joined our company.

Your company logo and trademarks may not be used without explicit permission in

writing from the company. This is to prevent the appearance that you speak for or represent the company officially.

Respect and Privacy Rights Components of the Blogging Policy

Speak respectfully about the company and our current and potential employees, customers, partners, and competitors. Do not engage in name calling or behavior that

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will reflect negatively on your company's reputation. Note that the use of copyrighted

materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentation is not viewed favorably by your company and can result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.

Your company encourages you to write knowledgeably, accurately, and using

appropriate professionalism. Despite disclaimers, your Web interaction can result in members of the public forming opinions about your company and its employees, partners, and products.

Honor the privacy rights of our current employees by seeking their permission

before writing about or displaying internal company happenings that might be considered to be a breach of their privacy and confidentiality.

Competition Component of the Blogging Policy

You may not sell any product or service that would compete with any of your company's products or services without permission in writing from the president. This includes, but is not limited to training, books, products, and freelance writing. If in doubt, talk with your manager and the president.

Your Legal Liability Component of the Blogging Policy

Recognize that you are legally liable for anything you write or present online. Employees can be disciplined by the company for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. You can also be sued by company employees, competitors, and any individual or company that views your commentary, content, or

images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment.

Media Contact Component of the Blogging Policy

Media contacts about our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors should be referred for coordination and guidance to the Public Relations or Human Resources department. This does not specifically include your opinions, writing, and interviews on topics aside

from our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors.

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1. Protect Information

Social Media encourages you to share information and connect with people. When

you use Social Media, you should try and build relationships, but you should also be

aware that through your relationship with Dell, you have access to confidential

information that shouldn't be made public. So, you shouldn't share our

confidential company information or any of our customers' personally identifiable

information. Every year, you take a course on how you should protect privacy and

personal information. The same thing applies on Social Media, because you

mistakenly post confidential information on a Social Media platform, it will be hard to take down that information completely.

2. Be Transparent and Disclose

When you talk about Dell on Social Media, you should disclose that you work for Dell.

Your friends may know you work for Dell, but their network of friends and colleagues

may not and you don't want to accidentally mislead someone. You should know and

remember the 10 magic words: "Hello, my name is [NAME], and I work for Dell." Be sure to replace [NAME] with your name because that looks odd.

3. Follow the Law, Follow the Code of Conduct

Social Media lets you communicate incredibly fast and have your message go viral in

seconds. This makes it difficult to fix an inaccurate message once you've shared it.

The best thing to do is double check all content before you share it, both for

accuracy and to make sure it fits into Dell's overall Social Media strategy, our Code

of Conduct and any restrictions that may apply to your content based on local law

(such as the FTC Endorsement Guidelines in the US) and the platform you are

using (such as terms of service for the site upon which you are sharing). One of

Dell's core values is winning with integrity, and that applies to Social Media as well.

Dell employees hold ourselves to high ethical standards, as our Code of Conduct

spells out, and that applies to Social Media just like everything else you do as a Dell employee.

4. Be Responsible

Make sure you're engaging in Social Media conversations the right way. If you aren't

an authority on a subject, send someone to the expert rather than responding

yourself. Don't speak on behalf of Dell if you aren't giving an official Dell

response, and be sure your audience knows the difference. If you see something

being shared related to Dell on a Social Media platform that shouldn't be happening,

immediately inform the Social Media and Communities team, your manager,

Ethics and Compliance or some other appropriate contact. And always remember

that anything posted in social media can go viral, no matter what your privacy

settings may be, so be sure you’re only posting content you would feel

comfortable showing up in your boss’ inbox, your coworker’s Twitter feed or

the front page of a major news site. [Analogy: Judge reading back to you.]

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5. Be Nice, Have Fun and Connect

Social Media is a place to have conversations and build connections, whether you're

doing it for Dell or for yourself. The connections you'll make on Social Media

will be much more rewarding if you remember to have conversations rather

than push agendas. Dell has always been a leader in using technology to directly

connect with our customers. Social Media is another tool you can use to build our brand, just be sure you do it the right way.

DELL Property: Social Media Account Ownership

This section isn’t a Social Media principle, but it's still important enough to be in this

policy. If you participate in Social Media activities as part of your job at Dell,

that account may be considered Dell property. If that account is Dell property,

you don't get to take it with you if you leave the company — meaning you will

not try to change the password or the account name or create a similar sounding

account or have any ownership of the contacts and connections you have gained

through the account. This doesn't apply to personal accounts that you may access at

work, but would certainly apply to all Dell-branded accounts created as part of your

job. If you have any questions about an account you operate, please reach out to the

SMaC team to discuss the account.


Don’t be creepy. You know the guy. Don’t be that guy.


1. Disclose: Name/Identity/Clarify Role/Truthful/Be Yourself

2. Protect: Confidentiality/Don’t tell Secrets (litigation/financials)/Play Nice

3. Use Common Sense: Perception/Add Value/Keep it Cool/Admit Mistakes