social media basics & application (for indexers)

Social Media Basics & Applicable Tips For Indexers Presented By: Sara Perez, IM Services Spring 2010 PNNL-SA-72631

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Social Media Basics & Application (for Indexers)

Social Media Basics & Applicable Tips For Indexers

Presented By: Sara Perez, IM ServicesSpring 2010


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Not just GenX/Y/Z



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It’s about …conversation,NOT new channels

Taken from Connie Schmidt aka Cosmic Connie

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada velit.

Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere pretium.

Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare bibendum. Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget dapibus augue arcu eget arcu.

Fusce auctor, metus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet. Nam ut metus et orci fermentum nonummy. Cras vel nunc. Donec feugiat neque eget purus. Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. Curabitur mattis. Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, odio ut tristique adipiscing, diam leo fermentum ipsum, nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non odio.

Nullam porta urna quis mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec scelerisque quam vitae est. Aenean vitae diam at erat pellentesque condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. Vivamus turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, pharetra nec, eros. Suspendisse tellus metus, sodales non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros elit, cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit semper felis.

Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, felis non ornare egestas, risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis ante erat quis nisi. Quisque sed ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec arcu erat, sodales quis, cursus eget, posuere eget, tellus. Vestibulum eu risus. Curabitur adipiscing, odio in pretium feugiat, nulla magna vehicula lorem, at placerat tortor nisl eget velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis fermentum massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada velit.

Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere pretium.

Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare bibendum. Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget dapibus augue arcu eget arcu.

Fusce auctor, metus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet. Nam ut metus et orci fermentum nonummy. Cras vel nunc. Donec feugiat neque eget purus. Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. Curabitur mattis. Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, odio ut tristique adipiscing, diam leo fermentum ipsum, nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non odio.

Nullam porta urna quis mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec scelerisque quam vitae est. Aenean vitae diam at erat pellentesque condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. Vivamus turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, pharetra nec, eros. Suspendisse tellus metus, sodales non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros elit, cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit semper felis.

Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, felis non ornare egestas, risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis ante erat quis nisi. Quisque sed ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec arcu erat, sodales quis, cursus eget, posuere eget, tellus. Vestibulum eu risus. Curabitur adipiscing, odio in pretium feugiat, nulla magna vehicula lorem, at placerat tortor nisl eget velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis fermentum massa.

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Well…sometimes its about…

who they are


Giving something away – 24kGiving something away – 24k

Social Media Guru – 1MSocial Media Guru – 1M

President – 2MPresident – 2M


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Basically, it boils down to the basics

People contribute when…They get something out of it/benefits (or it’s free)They get recognition (“an expert”)


Fight fires

Build relationships

See out and give feedback

Focus others and innovation


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#s aren’


For me, its all about:For me, its all about:•Connecting with Others

•Networking & Making New


•Learning from Others

•Teaching Others

•Getting Help or Advice from


Giving Help or Advice to Others

•Contributing to a Cause

(Bettering Something)

#s aren’t everything


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Know your audience & what to expectSocial Technographics Profiles

Start with your target audience Determine what kind of relationship you want to build with them (Public Relations, Customer Service, Loyalty Building, Collaboration, Networking, Thought-leadership, Customer Acquisition)

Base it on what they are ready for6 overlapping levels of participation



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Set your goals accordingly And cater to them


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Apple website

Why do people want social media?

More timely access to informationAs it happensAdditional & quicker channels to reach those following usCurrent processes/tools take too long, too much reviews/approvals

More current tools Web 1.0 > Web 2.0 +Net Gen

Easier, self-service publishingSelf-service (without IT assistance)

Ability to add context and related useful information (add value…hit the personal stories)Accessible in more ways

Mobile, anywhere/anytime, push/pull Tenaya Group, LLC Brands Create Customers (Blog)


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Benefits of a Good IndexWhy hire a professional indexer?

A good author deserves a professionally produced index. There are specific indexing skills

which are developed with experience:

- text analysis;

- ability to identify significant concepts/themes in texts and represent them with suitable

index terms;

- ability to organize multiple references into helpful subheading sequences;

- consistency in cross-referencing and double entry;

- a recognition of insignificant mentions of a subject which lead the reader nowhere;


- an ability to empathize with the proposed readership.

How will you show/share

How will you show/share

that YOU do this well?

that YOU do this well?

How will you show/share

How will you show/share

that THEY need YOU!

that THEY need YOU!


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Create dynamic indexes using Wikis

Connect, show/share in Facebook Fan Pages

Blog about your experiences,

projects, life, your value add

Tweet short details or tips

The good news: Word of mouth and personal

connections have ALWAYS been better. Social media is

your avenue to connect.


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Your Audiences (Your Lessons)

Teacher or librariansShow students how to use indexes to make research easier

Teach students how to index their work

Compare indexed Web sites to those with only offer full-text searching

Company's documentationLearn the indexing process and the benefits of having indexes in publications

Small publishers or high-tech company with authors create indexesEnhance products, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and sales

Reduce calls to technical support

Webmasters Learn how to index on their site(s)

Professional organizations (specialize in writing and editing)Learn about the indexing process and resources

English, Journalism, Library Science, or Technical Communication student Learn about various types of work in the field from the experts

Get tips on how to get started


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Brainstorm HERE


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The ToolsThe Tools

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What is Facebook?

Founded in 2004

Widely available in 2006

Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.

Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.



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Facebook Basics



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Best Practices for Using Facebook

Have a good picture and description (look at others)

Use a vanity URL

Add the Fan Box Widget (to organization pages)

Get lots of Fans

Show your connections to other Fans/Groups/OrganizationsUse the Favorites function to build partnerships

Build out your persona (i.e., iRead, Notes, Videos, Twitter Feed)

Post content often (links and media do well and show up in News Feeds)

Allow and encourage participationAsk a question to spark conversationUse Notes as a blog


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Created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey as an electronic modern way to use texting to aid in a "daylong brainstorming session" in an attempt to break out of a creative slump.

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets.

Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers.

Twitter is ranked as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide by Alexa's web traffic analysis.

Twitter ranked as 3rd most used social network

Twitter, "a short burst of inconsequential information," and "chirps from birds.”

“We wanted to capture that feeling: the physical sensation that you’re buzzing your friend’s pocket…. buzzing all over the world.

Sort of like "twitch," but with better visual mind imagery.”

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“What you say on Twitter may be viewed all around the world instantly. You are what you Tweet!”

-Twitter Terms of Service (recently updated)


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Why On Earth Would You Use Such a Thing?


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Twitter Uses

To get news and informationTo keep others informed of you and your knowledge and activitiesTo keep up to date on what’s going on with your peers, friends, familyTo update other site’s status i.e., FacebookTo easily engage with other people and bring back feedback and information, creating an ultra-portable and open dialogue regardless of location


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Twitter TerminologyFollow

Following others (or them you)

Get updates on products, projects, inside perspectives, red flags

Follow those who mean something to you

Twellow (directory)

Follow those others are following

Tweet Verb - Post something on Twitter (status update).

Noun - A twitter post being called out (he posted a tweet about…)

Re-tweet (RT)Reposting (exactly/quoting) something interesting originally posted by someone else (usually to pass on to your followers as they may not follow the originator)

#hashtagsKeywords that allow you to see conversations around a topicSearchable

Linking to other contentLinks – TinyURL, to shorten (140ch)Photos – Twitpic, Flickr2Twitter


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More Twitter TerminologyReplies and mentions

RepliesDirectly responding to someone else’s post Syntax - @username (click reply arrow)Is public and others can see it

MentionsMention/call out someone else by using their @username in your Tweet (“thanks for a great presentation @cfnoonan”)

clickable back to their profile

Count of replies and mentions

Direct messages (DM)Private messages directly to someone Can only sent to people who follow you

Accessing TwitterDesktop clients – Tweetdeck, Seismic, Twirl, TwitterFox,iPhone: Tweetie, Twitterific, Birdfeed, Tweetdeck, TwitterfonBlackBerry: UberTwitter, Twibble, TwitterBerry, TinyTwitterWindows Mobile:  Twikini, PockeTwit, TinyTwitter, Twobile

Finding FollowersSearch for keywords or #hashtags related to what you’re looking for


Check the blogs (websites) you read


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Twitter Best PracticesProvide a bio

Follow those following you (reciprocity)

Promote others

It’s ok to un-follow and even block

It’s ok to @reply someone a question, gives others a chance to follow/chime in

Direct message is best for private or 1:1 discussions

Don’t direct message people you don’t know

Swearing is not professional

Tweeting excessively can be seen as talking too much

Check your links before tweeting them

Cite your sources

Don’t just link… add the value statement

Respond or people will stop following you

Retweeting may require one to truncate to add their @name…that’s ok

Don’t get hung up on numbers, its about relationships and engagement

Don’t pitch, especially to new followers



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What is Linkedin?

Developed to allow provide a presence for the corporation One of the top professional networking site

~40 million professional members use the site to market themselves and find others of similar professional interest Most make over $100k/year and have some college or masters


Companies use it for their recruiting efforts


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Linkedin Basics


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Best Practices for Using LinkedInDon’t just make a profile…participate in all areas

Have a current, inclusive personal profileMake lots of connections to others (peers, customers, potential customers)Get recommendations (reciprocity is big…do it for someone else first)Join groupsIntegrate your Twitter account and make regular and pertinent posts (adds you to the weekly summary)Participate in answers and comments


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Issues & RisksSecurity concerns

Content/intellectual property

Personal identity theft (PII)

Project “identity theft”

Sensitive data/intellectual property

Cyber security attacks

Malware/viruses threaten our resources

Hosted 3rd party solutions

Who is hosting your service/application

(sensitive countries)

Who is managing/has access to the servers

Business ValueIs there one? Is it staff engagement/personal value?Appropriate use of equipment and time

BandwidthCan your computing resources support the traffic (i.e., video)?

Government contractingFree services (must bid)Can’t endorse ADA disability standards


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You Might Even Consider…Using Social Media “Backwards”

Research and ObserveGoogle Alerts, Social Mention

Learn by lurkingFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Wikipedia

When you are ready Have a plan

The content

The resources

The presence


Doesn’t have to be a lot of time….

Doesn’t have to be for work….


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Your Facebook Opportunities

Benefits Quick web presence Raise awareness of

your skills/goals Make personal

connections Stay connected with

your customer’s Keep YOU in your

customer’s mind Be seen as an using

new technology Real-time

communication tool Self-service tool


Fact: Small upfront entryFiction: Added mortgage, doesn’t do away with other sites

Blog (NOTES) of your current projects (on a general level)—help them see the application Events – invite and track upcoming events/datesPictures of your works/travels/ customersTutorial videos (link from YouTube)Links to others you FanBooks you read


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Your Twitter Opportunities

Benefits Additional web

presence & communication tool

Easy way to learn & follow trending topics

Stay connected with your customer’s

Be seen as an using new technology


Fact: Small upfront entryFiction: Added mortgage, doesn’t do away with other sites

Show/share your followers – Show your interests – let them learn from your peersRead your profile/lists – learn, get inspired, share, connect SMS (texting) – get delivery of important tweets directly to your cell phone (or sent from your phone)Associate other content & track it (click-thru) – link back to other sites (increase SEO)


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Your Linkedin Opportunities

Benefits Additional web

presence Easy way to learn &

follow industry Stay connected with

your customer’s & peers

Be seen as an using new technology

Get leads for potential jobs

Modern way to collaborate with peers


Fact: Small upfront entryFiction: Added mortgage, doesn’t do away with other sites

Show/share your connections– Show your interests – let them learn from your peersGroups – get and give relevant industry information, get leads on jobs, connect with others interested in your fieldAnswers - get and give relevant industry information, connect with others interested in your fieldJobs – look for potential jobs or customer leadsAssociate other content (i.e., Twitter)– link back to your other sites (increase SEO)


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OLD WAYS MAY NOT WORKBut wait!But wait!


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Writing for Web 2.0

Content Is KINGCreate relevant content and have a story

– Learn where your audience is/isn’t, coming from, their interests– Listen to them, they are giving you hints

Brevity Is QueenBe quick, be short, be simple

Response Is Jack Be prepared to reply to keep the conversation going

Listening is your Ace in the holetweak, revisit, tweak, revisit…


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Best Practices and TipsWrite for your target audience

This means you must have one!Develop a persona, tone, and story to tell

Be personable (it’s social media for a reason)Stop thinking campaigns and start thinking conversations

Answer these questionsWhat will users find in this content? Why should they care?

Pitch others (reciprocity)Write to be found

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Keywords

Quickly convince them to act/click Use an active voice (not passive)Get your users answers/info quickly

Make your posts easy to scan (not read) Provide enough context early, RSS summarizes

Longer content tipsInclude the bottom line up frontBullet list for multiple points and easy skimmingLinks for more info (beware they may not come back)never make them scroll (might not even see to do so)


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Content Best Practices & TipsContent

Reuse content from a presentationInterview thought leadersUse interesting facts and dataShare lessons learned

OverallDon’t reply to individuals…make your response your next postBe patient, it takes time to get a good followingLearn from othersWatch your competitors

StyleMake conversation your focusUse humor, but use caution Call out content relevanceBe consistent in your posting scheduleAccept criticism or negative comments

Time delay repliesYou don’t have to reply to everything

count on your readers to get involved, they may even chime in on your behalf


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• Twitter: @WebTwoOWizard• Email or IM

[email protected]• Find me on• Or playing with

Learning ResourcesSocial Media in Plain English PNNL Web 2.0 Forum Presentations
