socail action campain review

Social Action

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Post on 27-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Socail action campain review

Social Action

Page 2: Socail action campain review

The main purpose of this advert is to change attitudes towards those with disability's, asking them to look at what the person can do rather than at what they are missing. Because of this it is also trying to changes peoples attitudes to a more friendly outlook on these people. As it is the Paralympic games and it is trying to change views it is easily trying to bring about not just a national but global change. It is a clear campaign for those with disability's and for the Paralympics themselves, and thus it builds a relationship with the subjects themselves.

The poster uses simplicity in there layout by not having too much happening on the poster, it makes it easy to read and viewers wont not read it because it is too long. There is a nice contrast that keeps everything clear with the black and pink, clearly standing out against the white, and the photo itself is kept in colour scheme. The words themselves, are there to remind people that this isn’t a load of disabled people doing their version of a sport, These are world athletes performing amazing feats, who just happen to be disabled. On the main subject himself, they have used a little motion blur and a clear streak effect to give him a sense of speed, but also the main streak almost seems to separate his legs from his body, emphasizing that the games aren’t about the disability, but about the sport.

The campaign clearly worked as not only the number of athletes that participated increased but also the number of countries that participated , this can be seen to the right of the campaign poster. And while the increase can not be put down solely to the use of this poster, it most likely helped.

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There are multiple purposes for this poster, it is trying to bring about global change so that child abuse becomes a thing of the past. It is also about raising awareness as lots of people are probably unaware of the massive problem it has become and to campaign.

It works for many reasons, not only it’s simplicity of the pure white background and big black lettering, but the most obvious and extremely effective technique is the use of a prop, a childlike manikin, in which the manikin is almost completely covered by the poster. However it is very clever as it is very subtle when you are walking down the street and not paying attention to it, however once it has been spotted, it is very clear and the point has been made.

Since this poster came out there has in fact been an increase of child neglect. This could be due to multiple reasons. 1. That naturally as the amount of children in the world increases, the amount of neglect rises accordingly. 2. This and other similar campaigns have caused those who had or are being abused to realise what is really happening, and because of this, a large influx of people reporting child neglect occurred, this does not mean that there were more neglect cases, rather, more ‘reported’ cases. So while this poster isn’t making things necessarily worse, it isn’t really changing the outcome and at very best is just increasing awareness.

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The main purpose of deaf-fest is to create access to media production for non-traditional groups. As they are a corporation they do not have a large advertising base but the services they provide bring a large group of people together, and to build relationships with those who are deaf.

After the era of silent films in the 1920’s those that where hard of hearing became excluded from cinemas by default, however while still small in number, the amount of theatres with screens with captions has significantly increased, and while this can not be placed entirely down to Deaf Fest, it has definitely contributed. And now almost all modern DVD releases and TV programs have subtitles which really gives more access to non-traditional groups.

The Boardwalk deaf fest logo uses multiple techniques to draw people in. It uses the word fest, which itself describes a younger audience. The colour scheme itself is bright and noticeable, and the hands that the word fest while not sign language give the impression, allowing our associative memory to link it with those that are deaf.

Since deaf-fest first rose in 2006 in the nearly 10 years of its arrival it has become 4 times as big and far more films and articles are being created by those and for those that are deaf. And thus it is safe to say it has been a success. It really brings together a new widespread community of those that are hard of hearing.

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The original purpose of this photograph was a mum trying to make her autistics son’s birthday better after all his classmates failed to reply to his birthday invite. In the end over 11,000 birthday congrats and events happened. Bringing in famous people as well, as shown right.

Within 48 hours multiple major news corporations were talking about this and it had a massive ripple effect, this is a very clear effect of infiltrating mainstream media. The article that the hyperlink itself is from, is the mirror, a well known newspaper that is commenting on a local event that was started via twitter.While the tweet was sent to only a few people, the message spread quickly to over 11,000 people within 1 hour, as the social media lit up with responses, multiple celebrity's got involved which caused an influx of their followers to catch on too. It caused people to do events and get presents from all over the country to such an extent that the size of both the social media and physical planning caused multiple news firms to report on it.

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The main purpose of this poster is to change voting behavior. This is done by appealing to the human emotion of hope, a very powerful incentive, and implying that voting conservative will get it. Because it is appealing to human nature, the campaign is also trying to build a relationship with the subjects, and to strengthen community ties with those who already are conservative. Because of the fact that it will change the way that the country is run, then it is also trying to not only raise awareness but bring about national change.

the poster works well because it is very plain and doesn't’t take long to look over, so it would implant in peoples minds, because they don’t mind reading a small amount of information. It has a lot of contrast with the deep blue background and the white bold writing and photograph. It also helps that the wording questions how strong our humanity is. Also the subject, Margret Thatcher is smiling but not excessively which gives viewers a more comforting tone for them to relax in.

it was clearly successful as voting behavior changed from previous years and the conservatives won…

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This is the UK general election when Margret thatcher first became an MP, here she had around 30,000 votes towards moving the labor party in to a conservative. There is a 2% increase in votes for conservative which pushes the election in their favor.

This is the general election that took place while Margret Thatcher was the prime minister. She had nearly 14,000,000 votes showing a clear improvement in how many people supported here regime and views. However as shown from the previous general election, it was a smaller advance in support. While more people voted for conservative, the rate of growth had diminished. This does not mean that the poster campaign was unsuccessful, it may have been that it had reached the end of its use for when it had been successful.

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Technique Comparison

The most obvious difference between these two posters, is the tone. While the first Paralympic one, is all about sport and records being put in to a very positive setting, the second is very dark, depressing and brutal. They are both very different but very effective. In the first poster bold colours are used to brighten and liven up the page and the main writing is in very bold black letters that stand out against everything. However poster two is very plain with just blank white everywhere, and even the words are not only very minor in relation to the size of the poster, but they are thin and not bold like poster one. Also the second poster is crinkled and a little dirty, again emphasizing how it can just be ignored, as is the point of the poster, whereas the first poster is crisp and flat.Neither poster is more effective as they serve different purposes for different topics.

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