sm session-6 examples

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  • SM Session-6&7Examples


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  • 3Ranges are the most often used objectsIts properties and methods could be grouped into the following categories Format

    Color Border Font

    Values Clearing Copy and PasteSpecial

    Range: Color FormatTo change the color of any range of cells, use the Interior property, with a few sub properties

    ColorIndex; value = numerical color index3 = red5 = blue6 = yellow4 = green

    Color; value = VB Constant or RGB FunctionvbRed, vbBlue, vbYellow, vbGreen( 255, 0, 0) = red( 0, 0, 255) = blue( 255, 255, 0) = yellow( 0, 255, 0) = green

    Pattern, value = XL ConstantxlSolid, xlChecker,

    Search for PatternColorIndex, Color Constants, RGB Function in VBA Help

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  • 5Ex.: Creating a solid, red range of cells on the Welcome sheetRange(A1:F12).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

    Range(A1:F12).Interior.Color = vbRed


    Range: Border FormatOne main property and One main method

    Borders property BordersAround method

    The Borders property has several sub properties LineStyle;

    value = xlDashed, xlSolid, Weight;

    value = xlThick, xlThin, Color;

    value = VB Constant, RGB Function XL Constants

    xlInsideHorizontal, xlEdgeBottom,

    The BordersAround method has several possible arguments LineStyle:=

    xlDashed, xlSolid, Weight:=

    xlThick, xlThin, Color:=

    VB Constant, RGB Function

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  • 7Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheetName the sub procedure Borders()

    Activate the Inputworksheet

    Specify the range where the table is to be located, followed by the Borders property

    If we type another period after the Borders property, we see a list of its sub properties

    Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheet (contd.)Make the LineStyle of the first row of the range dashed instead of solid

    Also modify the color of the second and third rows borders by using the Color sub property

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  • 9Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheet (contd.)Borders can also take predefined xl values to convey which set of borders should be modified


    Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheet (contd.)Specify a new range and set the Borders property to xlInsideHorizontal so that each row of the range has a line above and below it

    Set the weight of this border to xlThick

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    Use BorderAround method to set the line style and weight

    VBE provides a list of XL Constants for this arguments values

    Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheet (contd.)


    Ex.: To format a table on the Input sheet (contd.)Combine these properties, sub properties, and methods to format borders for several ranges of cells

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  • 13

    Values are assigned to Ranges in VBA using the Value propertyThe value of a range or cell can be Text string Numerical value Basic Formula Variable value


    Ex.: Enter some values into a spreadsheet

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    Range: Font FormatThe Font property is used, with sub properties Bold;

    value = True or False

    Size;value = number

    Color; value = VB Constant, RGB Function

    ColorIndex; value = number

    FontStyle; value = style


    Ex.: Format the font of the values created by modifying the code

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    Range: Three Clearing MethodsClear = clears everything

    ClearContents = clears values or formulas only

    ClearFormats = clears formats only


    Ex.: Apply these clearing methods to the previously created table

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    Range: Conditional FormattingThe FormatConditions object places conditional formatting on a specified range of cells Three main methods with several properties

    Add method Modify method Delete method


    Ex.: Conditional formatting a RangeA cell with a value >10 becomes red:

    Range(C1:C10).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, Formula1:=10

    Range(C1:C10).FormatConditions(1).Interior.Color = vbRed

    A blank cell becomes yellow:Range(C1:C10).FormatConditions.Add Type:= xlBlanksConditionRange(C1:C10).FormatConditions(2).Interior.Color = vbYellow

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  • OnReferencing and Names


    Referencing and Names in VBAReferencing ranges and cells

    Naming ranges

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    Referencing and Names in VBAThe most common way to name an object in VBA is with the Name property

    Several ways to reference ranges and cells using VBA Offset Cells Rows Columns EntireRow EntireColumn End


    Offset vs CellsThe Offset property:

    Considers the named range to be in the 0th row and 0thcolumn

    It then offsets the range selection by a certain row count to above (if pos., below if neg.) and column count to the right (if pos., left if neg.) of this named range

    The Cells property: Considers the named range to be in the 1st row and 1st

    column It then finds the cell in the x-th position above (if pos., below

    if neg.) and y-th position to the right (if pos., left if neg.) of the named range

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    Ex.: In the given airline survey data compare highlighting certain columns using Offset and Cells properties


    Columns and Rows, reference columns and rows in a named rangeBoth take a numerical index value to find the numbered

    column within the named range consider the first column or row in the range to be

    indexed as 1

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    Ex.: Modifying some table formatting


    EntireColumn and EntireRow, are used to modify every column or row in the named range for the length of the column or row of the entire worksheetEntireColumn property affects every column in the named range and

    EntireRow property affects every row in the named range

    for their entire respective length

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    End is very useful in finding the end of row or column of any range of dataEnd property can take four values: xlDown and xlUp

    for columns

    xlToRight and xlToLeft for rows

    Do not name an entire data range to use this property, just one cell in the data range is enough

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    Ex.: Copy and paste using End property


    Most common way to assign object names is by using the Name propertyNaming a range and formatting one of its cells

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  • OnFormulas in VBA

    (using Range and Application Object)


    Formulas with the Range ObjectTwo main properties Formula;

    value = reference by column letter and row number

    FormulaR1C1; value = reference by R1C1 Notation

    A cell or an entire range of cells, or array, can be used with these properties

    One more method that can be used with the Range object concerning formulas AutoFill;

    arguments = Destination, Type

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    Ex. Calculate sums and averages using both the Formula and FormulaR1C1 propertiesSince relative referencing is used, the formula will automatically modify for each relative row of data


    Ex.: Using R1C1 Notation to calculate the average age of passengers

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    Ex. Using the AutoFill method to copy and paste formulas


    Formulas with Application ObjectThe Application object uses the WorksheetFunctionproperty to set a function for a cell or range of cells

    The WorksheetFunction property has several sub properties for almost all of the Excel functions

    Max Min Average Sum Count VLookup

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    Ex.: Using these sub properties of the WorksheetFunction property


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