skolkovo robotics v. international conference english brief


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Page 1: Skolkovo Robotics V. International Conference ENGLISH Brief
Page 2: Skolkovo Robotics V. International Conference ENGLISH Brief

Skolkovo Robotics — Russia’s major AI and Robotic eventПятая международная конференция «Skolkovo Robotics V» это:• Insights in key trends of Robotics and AI from leading experts, scientists and

entrepreneurs • Biggest exhibition of robotics startup and university projects. Half of exhibitors

are first time on our radar• Master-classes on robotics and education technologies from our selected


Date: 21 April 2017, from 09:00 till 21:00Venue: The biggest European Technopark, Skolkovo Innovation CenterParticipation is FREE. Registration is required:


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The main feature of Skolkovo Robotics is the continuous evolution of its format. We are constantly in search of a format that is most appealing to our visitors. One of their wishes that became apparent after we conducted a poll, was to have all the events on one day. Not only have we granted this particular wish, but we have also combined all events within a single site. So at least as far as the plenary part is concerned, visitors won’t be torn between several different venues anymore.

There’s been a lot of talking and writing about robots in the last 70 years, making sci-fi films about them; but nobody ever took Terminator-style fiction seriously, except maybe teenagers. Nevertheless, robots, however you may define them, are gradually becoming a substantial part of our daily life, from quadcopters often flying above our heads to ‘smart’ programs that win in computer games and in Go, control complex industrial production and help those in need of assistance. Though we are far from living Isaac Asimov’s fantasies, by now they are quite realistic.

Организаторы Skolkovo Robotics

Альберт Ефимов,Руководитель робототехнического центра Сколково

Александр Кулешов,Академик РАН, ректор Сколковского института науки и технологий

This is already our third year supporting the Skolkovo Robotics conference, which never fails to demonstrate the astonishing advances of Russian robotics.Here we can observe the latest inventions of Russian scientists, share experience with our western colleagues and keep up to date with worldwide trends in the industry.What is most important is that the conference helps form a positive view of robotics. Numerous people on Earth are still scared of robotization, many are simply not ready to accept that the future is already here.Events like Skolkovo Robotics change alter people’s notions about robotics and demonstrate that innovation makes our lives simpler.

Евгений ПлужникПервый проректор Московского Технологического Института

Page 4: Skolkovo Robotics V. International Conference ENGLISH Brief

2014 2015 2016 2017CONSTANT GROWTH

2013400 visitors10 speakers2 round table discussions20+ projects exhibited

600+ visitors12 speakers12 workshops2 panel discussions30+ projects exhibited

1 000+ visitors50+ speakers,6 countries70+ investors37 projects exhibited

1 500+ visitors70+ speakers,8 countries50+ investors5 workshops40 projects exhibited

2 500+ visitors80+ speakers,10 countries70+ investors8 workshops50 projects exhibited

Venue:Skolkovo Technopark

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10:00 - 10:20 Opening Ceremony. Start of plenary session

Albert Yefimov, Head of Skolkovo Robotics CenterAlexander Kuleshov, RAS member, Skoltech President Alexander Tormasov, Rector of Innopolis University Evgeny Pluzhnik, first vice-rector, Moscow Technological Institute

10:25-10:45Overview of the Modern Robotics MarketGudrun Litzenberger, General Secretary and Head of the Statistical Department at the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) (Germany)

10:50-11:10 Robotics Worldwide: an Overview of Robotics in KoreaJong-Oh Park, head of robotics research program in South Korea, IFR executive board member (Republic of Korea)

11:15 - 11:35Collaborative Robots: Research Technologies and Their Business ApplicationMichael Hofbaur, CEO of JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Austria)

11:40 - 12:25Discussion panel: Robots and Society Ekaterina Shulmann, political scientist, associate of Professor in The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

12:30 - 12:50The Use of Unmanned Systems for Detecting and Controlling Emergencies

Frank E. Schneider, Head of Mobile Cognitive Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute

12:55 - 13:15 Prospects and Limits of Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems on the German and European Market

Uwe Meinberg, Head of the German center of competence CURPAS

13:20 - 13:40Applying Anthropomorphic Robots TechnologyAbderrahmane Kheddar, Director of Research at CNRS

13:45 - 14:05The Anthropomorphic Robots Market

Nikolaos Mavridis, Head of the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory

14:10 - 14:55 Discussion panel: Robots and Human

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15:00 - 15:20Educational Robotics Marina Rakova, leader of the «New Model for Additional Education in Russia» initiative

15:25 - 15:45

Current State and Prospects of the Development of Machine Vision Technologies in Robotic Systems Yuri Vizilter, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, RAS Professor, Chief of lab GosNIIAS, head of the task team "Technical Vision", Vice Chair of the Expert Council at the National Center of Technology Development and the Basic Elements of Robotics

15:50 - 16:10 Facial expression recognitionAdil Khan, an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at Innopolis University

16:15 - 16: 35 The Assistive Robots Market. Herсule ExoskeletonSerge Grygorowicz, founder and CEO of RB3D (France)

16:40 - 17:20Discussion panel. Robots and Laws.

17:25 - 17:45 The Assistive Robots Market. Herсule ExoskeletonSerge Grygorowicz, founder and CEO of RB3D (France)

17:50 - 18:10 Combat robots: A Danger Recognized or Unexpected?Vadim Kozyulin, Senior Research Fellow at PIR-Center

18:15 - 18:35 Analyzing Tasks and Solutions for Modular, Swarm, and Cloud Robotics Andrey Ronzhin, Deputy Scientific Director at SPIIRAS

18:40 - 19:00

19:05 - 19:50 Discussion panel. Robots and national security

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Frank SchneiderHead of Mobile Cognitive Systems, Fraunhofer Institute

Serge GrygorowiczFounder of RB3D

Gudrun Litzenberger IFR General Secretary and Head of Statistics

Michael HofbaurCEO of JOANNEUM RESEARCHForschungsgesellschaft mbH

Jong-Oh Park IFR executive board member

Abderrahmane Kheddar Director of Research at CNRS

Uwe MeinbergHead of the German center of competence CURPAS

Skolkovo Robotics 2017 – key speakers

Ekaterina Shulmann,political scientist

Aleksandr Tormasov, Rector of Innopolis University

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Program partners of Skolkovo Robotics

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Фрэнк ШнайдерГлава департамента мобильных интеллектуальных систем, Fraunhofer InstituteГермания

Серж ГригоровичОснователь компании RB3D

Гудрун Литценбургер Генеральный секретарь, директор статистики IFR

Майкл ХофбаурГенеральный директор инновационно-исследовательcкой компанииJOANNEUM RESEARCHForschungsgesellschaft mbH

Чонг-О Пак Член правления Международнойфедерации робототехники

Абдерхман Кеддар Директор по научным исследованиямв Национальном центре научных исследований (CNRS)

Уве МайнбергРуководитель немецкого центра компетенций CURPAS

Ключевые спикеры Skolkovo Robotics 2017

Екатерина Шульман , политолог, доцент кафедры государственного управления

Александр Тормасов, ректор Универститета Иннополис

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Exhibition of Skolkovo Robotics

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Skolkovo Robotics Master-classes

Each master-class only for early registration. Limited seats

«Little Plane»

Registration on

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President of leading Russian University

Senior engineer in design firm

The list of speakers is impressive! It was interesting to listen to super- professional people.

Skolkovo Robotics by our visitors

Head of commercial enterprise

Head of development in software house

The talks that I visited turned out to be very interesting and useful for my further work. They helped determine the direction for future projects of mine and of the company that I work for.

It was very interesting. Skolkovo conferences always enrich me with ideas, and I would love to visit the one next year. I had really wanted to attend several events simultaneously, so it would be great if the next conference got stretched over two days and it were possible to visit twice as many presentations and talks.

In general I have found the conference to have been very enlightening. Had to choose between the “Marketing and Investments” and “Agricultural Robots” sections; it’s a pity I couldn’t be present at both at the same time.

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И еще более 100 СМИ


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Benefits for partnering sponsors

An interview with top media outlets covering the eventPartner’s logo on the banner and in the event programMention of partners in event-related press releasesDissemination of materials and special presents among the participantsCreation of one’s own category in the competition

Partner participation

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Contact us

To discuss conditions of partnership:

Albert Yefimov [email protected]

+7 916 188-18-11

To participate in the conference, exhibition, and workshops:

Nadezhda [email protected]

+7 963 991-49-50

Register at: