sk bi paper 1

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  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    SULIT 014/1

    Each question in this paper is followed by three orfour possible answers. Choose the best

    answer from the answers marked A, B and C orA, B, C, and D. Then on your answer sheet,

    blacken the answer that you have chosen.

    Tiap-tiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empatpilihan jawapan. Pilih

    jawapan yangterbaikdaripada pilihanA, B dan C atauA, B, CdanD. Hitamkan jawapan

    yang telah anda pilih di kertas jawapan.


    Questions 1- 4

    Choose the best wordto complete the sentence.

    Pilih perkataanyang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    1 The ship stopped at the ___________ to unload its goods.

    A marinaB dock

    C jetty

    D port

    2 Puan Marina is a ______________. Her husband passed away a few years ago.

    A widow

    B spinster

    C bachelor

    D widower

    3 The deer and its ____________ran away swiftly when it saw the tiger approaching.

    A cub

    B calf

    C foal

    D fawn

    4 The pianist played the piano ________________.

    A swiftly

    B skillfully

    C gracefully

    D diligently

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  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    SULIT 014/1

    Questions 5 7

    Read the text and choose the bestphrase for each of the pictures given.

    Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yangterbaikbagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    Last Saturday, my classmates and I went on a camping trip at Taman Negara

    organised by our school. In the morning, we went ________(5) .

    We saw some beautiful____________(6) . There were also some

    rubbish left behind by other trekkers, so we _____________(7) and

    threw them into the nearest dustbin. After jungle trekking, we walked back to our campsite

    and had lunch.

    5 A river rafting

    B jungle trekking

    C fishing at the pond

    D camping in the jungle

    6 A elephants and tigers

    B birds and butterflies

    C bamboo and rattan plants

    D orchids and bougainvilleas

    7 A burnt them

    B collected them

    C swept them away

    D kept them

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    Questions 8 10

    Choose the best answer for each of the picture given.

    Pilihjawapanyangterbaik.bagi setiap fambar yang diberi.




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    The teacher and pupils are reading in

    the library.

    The teacher is teaching in front of the


    The pupils are doing experiments in

    the laboratory.

    D. The pupils are talking to their teacher.





    The saleswoman is giving the customer

    some bread.

    The lady is queuing up to pay for her

    bread.The shop assistant is serving a customer.

    The girl is buying a loaf of bread.




    The fireman is putting out the fire

    The policeman is directing the traffic.

    The postman is putting a letter into the


    D The postman rides a bicycle to deliver


  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    SULIT 014/1


    Questions 11-15

    Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

    Pilih jawapan yangterbaikbagi situasi dalam gambar.


    A What are you doing?

    B What are these shells for?

    C Lets stop picking the shells.

    D Lets put them in our





    What do you eat every day?

    How do you stay fit and healthy?C How do you spend your free time?

    D What is the secret of your success?

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    SULIT 014/1



    A When will you meet Halim?

    B Why dont we meet Halim at 9.00 a.m.?



    Shall we visit Halim later in the evening?

    When will Halim meet us at the bus stop?


  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    A Please pick it up.

    B Do you need help?

    C Are you in a hurry?

    D Certainly. Ill get it.


    A Who owns this television?

    B Lets buy a new television.

    C Lets call the plumber.

    D Dont touch it!

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    SULIT 014/1


    Questions 16 21


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    Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

    Pilihjawapan yang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    16 Paul has only a ___________ ringgit left because he spent too _________ on


    A a lot, some.

    B few, much.C any, many.

    D many, little.

    17 He still does not understand the question ____________ I have explained it many


    A if

    B until

    C since

    D although

    18 The wound on Alis knee will ___________ some time to heal.

    A take

    B takes

    C taken

    D taking

    19 Salina bought a ruler, a sharpener and a story book because ________ were very


    A it

    B we

    C sheD they

    20 Ahmad obtained the_________ score for the English test in his class because he

    did not study hard.

    A low

    B less

    C lower

    D lowest

    Question 21

    Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

    Pilih perkataan yangberlawanan maksuddengan perkataan yang bergaris.

    21 Mr. Simon, a wealthy businessman donated a lot of money to the _____________


    A poor

    B rich

    C happy

    D healthy

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    Questions 22- 23

    Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

    Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

    22 My mother went to the market to buy some ____________.

    A oubergins

    B aubergins

    C aubergines

    D oubergines

    23 The __________ will perform in Penang next week.

    A orckestera

    B orchestera

    C orchesetra

    D orchestra

    Questions 24 -25

    Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

    24 A Are we going to Ching Mings house now? asked Jack.

    B Are we going to Ching Mings house now, asked Jack.

    C Are we going to Ching Mings house now? asked Jack.D Are we going to Ching Mings house now, asked jack.

    25 A Look at the towers! They are the petronas Twin Towers.

    B Look at the towers! They are the Petronas Twin Towers.

    C Look at the towers, they are the Petronas Twin Towers?

    D Look at the towers! They are the Petronas Twin towers.

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    SULIT 014/1



  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    Questions 26 -30

    Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

    Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yangterbaikuntuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam

    teks yang berikutnya.

    Nazir is a waiter in a big restaurant. He usually wears a uniform with a

    _____26____. He is ____27______ an order from a couple. There are two

    glasses and a vase on the _____28_________ table . The supervisor is holding a book

    and looking ______29_____him. There are three _____30______ at the next table.


    26 A tie B bow C scarf D ribbon

    27 A take B took C takes D taking

    28 A square B round C rectangular D circle

    29 A in B on C at D by

    30 A passengers B spectators C audience D customers

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    SULIT 014/1



  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    Questions 31- 35

    Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca iklan di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    31 What is the slogan of the product?

    A Mr Kool mineral water

    B Approved by the Ministry of Health

    C Cool refreshing mountain water

    D Live a Healthy Life with Clean Water

    32 What is the volume of the product?

    A 500 ml

    B 1000 ml

    C 1500 ml

    D 5000 ml

    33 Zamani has RM6.00. How many bottles of mineral water can he buy?

    A one

    B two

    C three

    D four

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    SULIT 014/1


    Live a Healthy Life with Clean Water

    Produced by:

    GM Sdn.Bhd.


    Water Source:

    Cool refreshing mountain water

    Available at all Savers Supermarket


  • 8/2/2019 SK BI Paper 1


    34 The mineral water is produced by a company from the _____________state of

    Peninsular Malaysia.

    A northern

    B southern

    C eastern

    D western

    35 From the advertisement above, we know that Mr Kool mineral water is


    A produced by the Ministry of Health.

    B priced at RM 2.00 per bottle.

    C sold at any supermarket.

    D from the mountain.

    Questions 36- 40

    Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.Baca perbualan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    Guan Sing : Hi, Affendi. Do you know that I went to Perak during the school holidays

    with my classmates?

    Affendi : Thats great! How was your trip?

    Guan Sing : Marvellous! We left Kuala Lumpur by train at 8.00 in the morning and arrived

    in Ipoh after two hours. We took a taxi to Kellies Castle. We spent two hours

    walking around the castle and the grounds. Then we left for Tuntung

    Complex in Bota. It was already noon so we had lunch there.

    Affendi : Did you do any shopping?Guan Sing : No. We left immediately for the Pasir Salak Museum.

    Affendi : Pasir Salak! Now I remember. Thats where James Birch, the first British

    Resident was murdered.

    Guan Sing : Youre right. We spent another two hours there. On the way home, we

    stopped by the Leaning Clock Tower in Teluk Intan.We bought some

    souvenirs for our families and friends.We also took photographs there. We left

    Teluk Intan by bus at 4.30 p.m.

    Affendi : Well, dont forget to give me a copy.

    Guan Sing : I certainly will.

    Affendi : So when did you reach home?

    Guan Sing : Oh, at half past seven. I was so tired that I went to bed without dinner.

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    36 How did they go to Perak from Kuala Lumpur ?


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    A Bus

    B Car

    C Taxi

    D Train

    37 How long did they spend at Kellies Castle?

    A 30 minutes

    B 60 minutes

    C 120 minutes

    D 180 minutes

    38 What does the word copy refer to?

    A Museum

    B Shopping

    C Souvenirs

    D Photographs

    39 Guan Sing and his friends visited __________________.

    A Ipoh, Kellies Castle, Bota

    B Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Kellies Castle

    C Bota, Ipoh, Kellies Castle, Pasir Salak

    D Kellies Castle, Leaning Clock Tower, Pasir Salak Museum

    40 Which of the following statements is not true?

    A Kellies Castle is located in Perak.

    B There is a train station in Ipoh.

    C Guan Sing bought some souvenirs.

    D They had lunch in Pasir Salak.


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