sj* i*!33.jjhsh mm mm mimw annual sch06l hr ^ *- 7j» si...

^ V - *V : « ' - # ** : \ : : :.:\f^|^ \ x»~" ''c I*!"33.JJHSH <;orvtt>LV*, x % i4$m\ SJ* >»M>il. JIAE MM»LI tWIES, YM CE*TK COLORADO CROOKS ferpernUeus and 8o>% t Ur SI UWRENCE CAMTON MftlER SEMKSir mm mm mimw RY i *f«|>G alTKSTIC JkmJUbTy Jf » IATE BEES KITES Ol T. .1 l E t £ A l l THE LATE BErOKTS. Are 1MOSG Undsey , DISISTEB BASES iMOSG THE WOBLirb GREATEST TBA«E WES-EMPBESS OF IBE LA*D YICT1B. U+T. Trunk tstone M. Auto tceleeat1 Klrna j Friday Sottas*ftf*ae< arrvi VUH 4 t f t U t a CtoWl Curtis Sake. Tort—iudse Ben B of Dearer enlivened the bearing be fore theV federal commission on In dustrial 'rVl at toot, which la making ."; an exhausted tneutrytoto Colorado, H Cicusli, Quebec—Of a raster e-f the 8 Flight to -Laurie? \ >VUe> of Eletea Tear* Ac*. fa) C0L105EEI ANNUAL SCH06L HR ^ *- \ HERE M A M " \ 7J» V n r Fr:u*h M*-fcodist Eplaajaft cht r 3 l 2 Cau- tca. *as ^smptf^utai: i aj .--,.j latei riuruur Mftrnwrnm *>2 a Ford car LS *hieh he o*ss riat. turned turtle at the foot of Paaj ti!1. four miles from. tAfBte. tR**v A^. i\>aiev auid his ccTuhtioo Y '"l-an*:: The mediation cos-: an exbaasteu^ tneutry toto Colorado j n.mcuski, Quebec.—-Of a total *> at Niagara Fall* has reached i mine cee41ttoe\by ehargiug that the 3^7 r>« ^ $ on board the Canadian a* stage where the names of Mexi- f state Supreme cisort Judges are ruled, Pacific i. w Empress of Ireland as can for the proposed provisional ; i^ corporations as \f they were mere *^e saiW on Thursday from Quebec skull was 'ro pHfM ^!if* l T l ^L,?" V ^ SWt I ^ boyi - \ I for Urc? w l . * « persons were tost to considered ^ ^!ZJ!L~ * r? i H!s » arraignment hf\oodHltms to l maea *** *** r*!^ed by the Dan- Mr and Mrs J l«r to hare him choaen - tegtiffiofiv ^ ^ ^ MaJ ^L wan! j T * C l ^r e t U mdTlBS I **>*<*"*. i ^ ^ ^~ai of% Col- **"* BPpor 7. • , j orado military district who told\th«, -**~t£?5!L I^H T"' -««»«»««i thrt fitrl troop. ooSd I ^ w "* s: ^i-col-.n ! » » » « » . th* : I W w « drirtac tk« «r *. rrg*rdii»« v t e t ta Colae on be- | ^ * UMrBWB froB , hi , «ut*wtthout i ^^ ll « nr<>s bh0 " ^ to have tefe ' ^ - Hama^adsr^rt. N Fcvlly" h*s Sown. Guided bf the master hanJ e f Glenn H. Cuniss, the c?um>>. mi- jrracefcl mass of steei and -raiMa.v t ^ which Professor ^marl V l*»nc!i»r ;<MlLlMs rH>L!TK\L \lEH«i As HI ^V!LS TO ITTIM^ IIIS j >PAh. \f>eelaJ IVise« ml tV r#aBf]r "Fair . tmr the tV)% amd <-V*x. Stale . Tear rfcan* >•>** \ -..-* •\ - \ r t!;f >';laun «itis*ac:rr- rave his money,fcuplanum and *t ish colht-r ^torsud and sank otf Faih- vjle and Mrs. er Point. ^ the Si Laurt-nce river The party before d e l i s t : Only i » are! fontral of hnown to have been Raved. | and jrere N- B York Ps.lurc o: &d^-n2str^:.on to ha&41t :.\ efth^r ihr trust or iho tariff que»- . . w# . . , v. i. .ti<JO mascharRtd by Theodore Roo^e- ally has life, soar^ t ^ e l^k, K, « ^ « alfrWB: fcr leIl ^^4 him ha to a ten-mmute C t h W r . u n , be- # f r ;.bIUa: 00 af:^ he lrfi Tor Spato flar^^avliie.tL Poa*We doubt, che dream of us op t ^ < n > n ^ t o a t : c n d thr miNld:il . . ,. # . torentor And the ruiitv of tfc#* r . .. . . , , . ,., a tonJ^i^ the , ^ t ^ c # „. ;rt , , _ ; •, o! las wn. KermJt. Juno lu. , Crart 2 t Wrfolh tt Caatc*. ,Mr. The pas- Vi'itbfcm were I>ow t \ C f <;net* of R: ! claims of Wirbnr and Or\ lie Wrieh< .Resurrected from the Sm.trjwman Institute, where* it has lam rf>r over the statement » i the doors of the conference fc?y j f ur; her danger of a clash between^^ w the * : * ^ the second cabin tor was sittlat to thf tonnrau and b?j* 6e€md ** m0 ob of r^culc and s? tse A- a C. mediators, the Con agatJooalists leaders here Afpla.r Inn iaterest to both Dias and Gom-i a mracntoent kexican. who has not raffled himself with the present Con- gdtatioaml movement under Car- fiemez !efr Mexico after ~Huerta the the miners and their amployers.! ^ ^ \ we |ciasa\i were rescued; of the Tlu third Not only did Jud*e Undsey accuse I ^»»\P*»«»^" there art- 101 *ur- the judges of the Colorado Supreme I v *w*\»-hil« »" of the ere* of iZT Court of being "owned" by the cor- j porations but hinted that the tronble J . hi his state was only the beginning j J of worse disordera. res account for the Z<#r V as pullad into power, and has since lived v "^ ****** ta "Colorado Is now ia the United States, though maintain- lac constant touch with his friends a the Mexican capital. . tfgara Fwlls, Oat—The A- B. C. •odators hare refused to .permit Carransa to enter their councils in sy.aamg they throw down the jgaunt- hitoPresident Wilson and ^ecrc- tuy Bryan. plattte Lamar and Frederick W, Laarnan, the -American delegates safe arged Carranza% cause. They -that a way be found for the rebels to be represented. It *••* pointed oat that unless the nc- ptiaUoa* embrace Carranxa, the sreseat -conditions of anarchy in Sexlco will continue. \ Even wore aaerta eliminated, there is no gtiar- aatee that a more stable goTernment will follow. Why was it not better, tan to reckon wits Carrania now.? to esyoaaing Carranxa the AmerT- csn delegates-acted under eipllcit- Jastractions from Washington. Mr. wllson and Mr. Bryan were at the titer end of the wire, directing eferytninp. The Americana did not tsk point-blank fashion that Carran- m he token to. - They requeseed '* that'. a way be hand for his proper representations. The ways and means, were left to tat meditators. /> .... A,. •, aeaors pa Game, Kaon and Snares, tat-arbltratoiw of Mexico's fate, an- •atred most politely but most em- >att*caijy that Carransa was impos- bigger than a strike.** the judge said. "The outbreak there is merely a local symptom of wider disorder." "* 4 There are no more lawless pnb- Thase sarrfrors lahded to Rimouski ana takes by train 10 Quebec, where they nrnved on Frida\ nigbL There re- mained In RimousKl Tl rescued per- sons, unclassified, completing the to- tal of 453 known survivors leaned forward tsy |et his overcoat which was c» ^he sV^ct s^at of the can, 4 s near as eft* be lramed, he grasped the eeai \4&r?y* of- Mr \ lk>we hy mistake. gMr Dowes arm atod as his hand wa? on the ateartoa; ^rheel the car ^iict into the dfteji **ft turned turtle. the fir^t practic^ally heavicr- thaa\-air tying *crart the world ever saw. desnottstrated its wort!i convin- ctogly. It needed oHJy the power of a modern motor, and the skill of a modern brrdman. Thus equnwd. h^ success was a ma'ter of Uttle d:-ffi- calty. , This 1 "e^aee my rAara frwm Sovth Am- erica 1 ha^e received hsadred> ut fcierram* and ietter> fram all ever the ceaatrj reqaotiag statement frun me vm the neUtieml ^taativa, It IULK bees utterly is*p**!d*le to re* f>ty !• thewe eossjaanlemtloBN tlr>t, becasvc «f toek el time, and teeeeuL Ijt^! yeft*- CfOO^erraeur held K* flrn 5^* hool K»ir. A tent * ^ erecte4 on the Fair <.round at th» N- K. cora^r of th- main exhibition ha!Jdlrg. Here :hr Co;;nr>- Farm Buread^Agrnt had zn jmt: r a t i n g cxk'.ti! « frFalns, ^ra^^^--. f«x*Js trA ftrtilirers of to- iirr^t to the adults The children displayed ih^ results of Their *u*»- tnrr's «ork in vetretable ra s «ls>g. <tar- ;^rt^r *OT„. s-cw^ac ?ad eookfnw* te- ^ g-ther ^ith draw:nc> and essays alt i dere in schoot * * .It--*-. *-•*• *'Tfcis year it Is hoped tMt s series cf mi^rht be ofTcfrd tor spe- cial arhievements such as the boys and the girls of the West ard the South an* accomplishing under -th« leadership of O. H. BetLsoa, Special- is* is charge of Club ^'ork,. l\ S. De- partment of Ajrricultur?, but the ear- lincss o! the la/.r milk* necessitate . Hev. Mr. Bea|e the car and Jtisr bruised that it Disaster \* Ml^s Belea^Qaehee. j the^base^f Oie The crash occurred not ^ r from f CU pr.ais of the ] He corporations to the country than ' father Point,,150 miles from ^lebec,) cdand otherwise tojswed. 5eredon, Mexo-to forestall action if flfc peace mediators to selecting a Ptoriskmal g o r e r n m e j t for Mexico. «aWal Carransa today rirtually as- *«Sei the ^position of provisional it and began ike work of se- als cabinet. *Advices to this re recetred here, tnday from anil alao'that Carransa was »inm Daranso today for AJtlllo to establish a proTisional got- it The new capital will have Itntection of-nearly 5,000 troops *% army ^ OeneraJ Pablo Gonaa 1 - * * * a e Vttla's main army to eon- A e ramnaifrn against^ Zacat at Lnis Potoal When tb* mores nnon Mexico City, army will ^ pronskmal president and let to the permanent eipitai ,the rebeto it is jratis tteto4n tine .to He In- »V Che mediators /with the-) «< sWermtog Mexico al^r the in Colorado,- he said. "E. A. Coibum, president of a children's aid society," Jundge Und- sey consumed dryly. **He has been one,cf the most bitter opponents of the passage of ohild labor laws. '"Colorado has perfected the science of ^corruptin^ men.. Its lawyers, its business men. ail are owned. There are, of course fearless men, but they have paid a heavy sac- rifice for* their fearlessness.** -mM COMMENCEMENT lltttiEIICE fald wrn ai I>r. Fred M weroNaotlfied. The hther PBOGRAM OF EXEECISES ^OF >0th A>MAL COWWEXEME5T OF THE i"3SITEK8ITY- Cl>V. ER!>G FULL WEEK, / i the liner had gone down* Frcm all accounts, Capt H. G. * j Kendall, of th£ Empress of Ireland ' bore himself like a tru^ sailor so The following is the/official pro- ]'grom of the &uth Ahuial Commence* ment of % St. Lawrence University * Friday* Sane 5 ^ ; ^ - . .1:15 <». M. InteTscholasUc Meet— Aibletic Field. , Awarding of Medals and Block letters in Gymnasium. S:O0 P. M.* Play "Esmeralda,- Dra- matic Club. • „ -/Saturday, June •* J' % -'\'J J8:00 € i M. Play, •'Ekmeralda,- Oramatlc Club. ; /. :•• 8aaaay, June 7 "' : ."•;•;' "-^ 2:30 P. M. Baccalaureate Sermon hjf Rererend Henry K. Couden, Chap- lain House of Representatives, Wash- ingtcn. D. €. 4:00 P. M Dedica- tion of Forbes Memorial Window— Fisher Hall. . . ,- : . MondnV. June § f" - ^:00 A. M. Student «and Alumni Re- union—College ChtVpeL 12:15 P. M. \ Luncheon to . Trustees—Domestic Science Rooms. .2:00 P. M. Annual Mee^ng of Tmsteoa, *:"o© P. .JL Bnsehall Came^Athletic Field. Mid- j dlehury * College vs. St Lawrence tJniTersity. 7:00 P. M. Banquets of Fraternities and Sororities.: -7:30 P. M. Annual MNtv** of Trustees, of 1 Theologiesl §chooL- - ^ HPwwOay, June t 'M:0© A. M. A^aual Coasiaeacement and ten miles from Rimouaki oiKthe j women having a 1 S t Lawrence. In reality. fterefcW \ i^ e . injured although the liner was heading forytiiu home of Jj the aesf and the collier coming in frcm i t the disaster* was not one of the. ocean, but of the river , .Unlike the TitaJhic's victims, the Empress of Ireland's lost their live* within sight of shqse. in land-locked waters. . ^ Immediately the ship's crew recov- ered from -the shock of the coin*ion it was seen the liner had received a f ^ c<mdIUon <* f °TV hurrted a r W l was picked up' Cborch ' who WM by the government mail tender, 'La- ty Ever> n. Rrmouski, and the . gov- swnmisjl fitot boat Eureka at Father j Point and both at once steamed to] the rescue. , j £0 fast was the inrush of water,! howeeer, that long before either of j the rescue boats reached the scene, one of the hip. were taken to 'feral, nearby, .and e of Potsdam of this village of-the party were retrieved to'UMfer homes, but it was said tBst Rus; far.'. Beale could not be movedN^or avJFDe time yet, so serious was his Frank Beale, ,^pisoopal injured in an automobile accident ooNThursday, is somewhat improvui. He\egained coosckw»sncs3, ~ Q >si-W- becau^e it must he remembered thai I ha^e been eat af the country f«r \ po st|K)X1 i nfr another year.-Meanwhile Transported to Hammond.Pon i „ S IZJ eat ™£* ^d^retre •' ST 1 """I to ^ '**"? ~ ! ° weeks ago by permisskm of ths Gov. hX aoTLL nhfu a£.lre7ul 12' S ^ mar ^ ^ ^ ^ l e m th ^ cm ^ •nrecogrixable,] ernment the queer-looking craft was ' t ^ ^ l l S l ^ iwat^ ****** ? ^ V ^ ^ "JT"* - a fracture at*—'—** 4W *' - * u v t-.-i«*- ^^^"7 iniarmaiiup jam w,ij raasie ^y dt,.,. t h e jj^ional com, potato. The other oc- hadly bruls- 4 pinned under i »as so badly A the tund. of the CrtW «aper , „r , * hi^.i^ •,*, ^ w . I Cortlaad County A*V th J, y W tailU- B M NATURAL 13AS0LW m long as^hjs ship stood under Jilm. j GOUVER5EtB MA!C ^ T a l t i s OF WONDERFUL STRIKE A ^ » OF TREMESDOrS BOOM 50W V 4>X IX CA^ADIAJi CITl. Nothing was added to Its original equipment; nothing was taken away. Except for new canvass and new wires in plsce of those which rotted away, the machine was just at It was when It dropped into the Potomac eleven years ago. ~ ~. .-*-/- Millions of dollars, as well as the vindication of .l^ragleys theories. ! hung moon the result of its trial. When the Wrights succeeded in prov- ing, through the courts, their conten- tion that their machine of 190S was the first successful flying craft ever I built, Curtis, with hundreds of others was forced to grant thorn the* royalty they naked. If "Lengleys Folly," begun in the nineteenth century, wcould 4y t thoir 'claim obviously was j empty, ^T^*,;.;.^...-.: t <*^>^ J>. Charles D. Walcott and Dr. Al- beit F. Eahm, of the Smithsonian In- stitute watched the trial. >. 1 Without the slightest hesitation of movement the, airship lumbered ac- starting ground. As Curtiss tilted she elevating planes, ft swept upward.Njlgher and ^higher., until It was far Apve the treetopa.' - For ten nHnutes, while the «rowd cheered, CurtisN^ailed bac>t and forth over the water. Nvtan he landed ,the machine took ibeNgyound without a jar. - • rtaen I return frsm abroad, I sted ln N>w York ^ ^ whMi mto - ,; J!r*l T!^"^^ rtlTrly rte ^»<i»ctMmuchaso^rWiityA«imr \r ' #»** witkouf | ^ CtotCQ te conducUngW St Law- ^ ^)iag that 1 intend, te the utmott of | rcnce^County Com foibw ^ t h the 00- C; y ahHHy te do nil that I can lor [the principle* for which I ha*e eon- leaded and far the men throatrhout the country vFbe have *toed valiantly In the nrki that the Prefrresslve par- ry Is wactog and has waged far these principle*. ^.'_. .** .^^ .^ .There is wides^endl ar7*reaeiifthsp nmomr ear people* The pinch of -poverty b fett hi many 1 We eannot faraore the which hnve breajfrt aWut this state of thing*. The east of Hvtog be* not ftet the sUgnlesi pro- made to aohrast 9* ,jK .MM Mr. Frank El wood, who has Just Collier Dfsregardcw Captain's Flea. He retained such command of the j situation, it appears, that while the i~ $tor?tad*s stem still hung in the gash j it had- made in the Empress! side,* Capt Kendall begged the master oH the coUier to keep his propellers go- : returned to tog so that the. hole might remain j Canadian Northwest, has some .- plugged. The Storstod, however, then ' teresting slories to tell of the new j newed fon;e * usin * tne Lnnglelvmod- dropped back and the Empress filled Kand wonderfut str\ke of an immensel ^ *• hl# baste ^ I 'P ltteilt and-foundered. , j deposit of almost pure gasoline shout | " P^iTley's mistake, said expe .Capt Kendall stocd on his bridge twenty miles south-west ot the city r l a y ^ hl * ffl « thod of »tarting. 1 -- ^.-. .«_ .. « Tjse, he used powerful spriTiga. f operation of the Pomona tirange. f * ^.The revised premium Mat k^cb ji to be mailed to each of the Superintendents this week, WOitom aark. F. II. Waltoee, C. B. Charles W. Lewis, w|U be ally the satn^ as last yea« with « additions suggested by the poachers. There will be two classes compria- tog ehtldren 7 to 11 years and It to ty yaars tocluatVe: ^Thene will he six divisions so arranged that any tey or girt who hna made ,a 'c*edjl- oikle showtog In echooi or who has done some apecial work during shape of amy helps In the solution, The econaasJc eoadltiens nre -such that harfnesstoIn Jeopardy and that the sssall business, man, the tanuer aad the Mistrial ware worker nre all stffrrtof because of tae»e eondV lions. ~- . . x .-. r . : ^ .,. . . m , ¥- ,-.-"^ -The I ruth stotply H that the only wise and sane prepesJtiens the only proposition* wiriest represent n eohv strsftive reiernssehtal progress!*Isto amd the renolate purpejte to seenre good resalts Instead of £ne phrases tbe affair, although delisted at the I «>«^*^* »totf"" '• '"••ctf" Gouvere?ur Jrom ttre!^_,; . _ , _ _ _ ...... _ ^.. __ i oolleiei* wesld have seeiired the nos*. * in j fight against thp Wrlghta ^th re- W8* '^ : ^- .& as the ship went down. One of the ! of Calgary, Alberta, boats of the liner picked him tip and j Mr. El wood reached fcalgary with- 'he directed its work of saving others ' in a lew days of the atrike and until thb craft was loaded to the run- ! brought bach witrr him a sample of wales. The captain was injured to j the •'oil* Vhich is being used, in auto- the crash and sufferedvfrom exposuri . mobiles Without reSniag and sells out his hurts are not dangerous and j for nine dollars a barrel." .. his spee4y recovery is expected. y be run j Tests show that a car forty miles I of the new oil, whichto.the equiva- galn the initial impetus needed, to rise, he used powerful springs. ^ . Had Langley started on the around Instead bf t)ie *air. he would tiave been hailed as the first of the world's grczZ birdmen. Instead, he died of a ] broken heart ^ one Imperial gallon I #r ° M, *5 r - ^^ 8nl P «*rrled throe hun- I dred pounds of extra weight in the j lent of about thirty miles to our gal- ^ of nlod,l « a «d yet rose under m M STATE : '.•UUBE fOII TEACHERS,"»•«-*«-«'••-*-. j loo. whichr any .aotomobilist I knows, is going some„ * ~*/ specific .-sravlty of 65 ^decree* ^Baurne, wMcl Is just shout the grav Regewts r legr Albany as Wert U Xalarged. The Regents of the University of \ well as fueL of Theological School"toUnireraalist ? the State of New York have granted \ the State Normal College at Albany j wild with exeitment One young J now'tween erected sad the Wfil cap- a new name. Ittoto he designated ]^an, a reporter. . without cap!ui,, ped and turned Into' th^ taaic* The the New York State College lor f rented the news stand of the leading ; capacity when drilled to i^aa only he] AaricuitaraJ SchocI to Opera Houoe^f Teachers. Thar action necogatoea! hotel for a broke rare onVe. at $40 j frueased a* but it wijl be a\uaher.** J M * rKmam ^- - tJw fi^faxthe work of the tostitu-; a day and 'cleared $500 to eommis-v « Scores of companies' hav e .been or- eterch. Jkodrcs* by Chapiato Cood- em. .Awarding of Rpkvmaa. 2:00 P. ML Annual Cotnme»cen)f£t of the ^ own powent Th#? enfTJi^ hull: originally* by Charles Manly, YetaJhe^i \ enough todlvifSuriity to > e regarded j as unchanged. chance to win A jesejt one of the fotlowmg; divisions culture, Katuro 15tudy, Domestic 8<ftV pr enee, DomesMc Art Manual Trsip>- ^-^ lBfofDrmwlB,. ', y 7 ^ : Q ^ ^ ^ - ' Among the additions lor lWs ar%t Best record of milk tcattoa^ r ^^ord of Migratory. Bir^M, Weather efcart, Pair 1914 chicken hatched naturally, f^ ExhibU native, grasses, exbibU grains '• f in th,e straw* Exhibit tomatoes ete^ §r ; ^ canned whole, wall pestket for bul- leUns, H*P of school aJstric^ each farm. Plan of tnrro showing tatlbns, I^fct made aat neat for school ^'^/| study. Six prtxes for free hand draw- infrs. Best ke^t Nature Study "note hook. Fancy cakes of msrpie sugar. '. ; . A. F. C<>ilBrK-Usecretary of .1 '}.. School fair Oommittee! : ; - - - - - ' ^ ' ' - polirie* wesld have seriired the pa**, jng arotfsd of prosprrltj and al«e the er.isteace of a safucirnt amount of pro^i>erlty t* he passed around, -I helirte that this fail my enlef v duty lies right here to the *taie ol w York. 1 docbt nhether there h In the V*ioa that shews more c*ne1n«ive!y~lhau thN stale the dread* f«I ev» «f the twe-be^H system to BolStfraiHife, The pee|»ie of this state the h^ne^Kjjeople, the good c^tlxra^ who wish etas and eiseient govern- ment, no matfar what their- party af* tttatienn mav ae^ are gfewing hit- serly indhraant provides for the »eeVaw of the Mar* ) phy and name* marWlne« in the rev- emment of thi» ^tfite^.^here U n«t! a stateto.srhkh tae eilKW bUpart»- ' snn oos« rale are mere \nerefely y wtT J4 ^ s^e ^eto on Ulastrated * than rfehi here, ylndcr ^ r|in tmi tar f rdsJI TA WIM *>' DISTKICT\ON WEBB K*fe-. ^ 1 ,V: FAR] ^,.^>---:W- * -V^>.:f A. J. S! hfoore-oT Edw: which ; State formal Col» *&' <* t*"^***'*** gasoline here. , 1^; and> at 271^ feet -a ' sandstone waslavrh rule It is absolutely ImpeVlblc ^omises'to be the most- ^ ^ x : ' *^ anpearaace ti|e new fuel * U of an j struck, from Nwhic* theist^tl rspidt/ I u ^ret decent aBd-c0rr|ive ^^hra--^^,, pfi roip Ui^>s^%^rr been ambeV color, due \a'\ Uttie petrole^iml filled "wftii s*apllne.~ Thto rock has j m>nt .. # ,r ;, . - v ] ^ ^ t e * in* ahr miners! msckax, which xppcsxi to J»*e the added ad-[.been drilled jn(* only two fort and -It Is hwpasalhk te J^ecure U?r\ cr vantage, of furnishing lubrication as yet the well flowsv three'Usaea a -day. trentssent for the hene«t hu*lne** v ^ ;a iE tjie windows of the FlrsV^n- >nd fhe oQ stands W s>thousand feet ! : M. exhibl " t-™* fc *""" T • - — " — - * • •—* * •••' ? , for the honest wag^'earner sr S'2k-i Eanh &hsw« ^ ^ t r w * AT ir -Oalgary- said Mr ©wood, -to jtothe bole. A l l . ^ h a r r e l tank has j fir' the honest farmer. FfonTthe *£££:. ^ ^ ^* * * rnnalft .mnd harhwaj* dwwsward^ eferh hraneh of the ww^efs-meat ha* administered Ktmarily wHh a 4o the piUVxl adiaotare. sad with n view te the per>ensl r»- ^:> Jim tion to af ooltoartoU grade and on a stoat the first day. in three days he ganised ard Mr dwood wtates that' par with that of any college or ani- • hourht a $£.000 tosrng car. .. | the element of fraud is' ronopicwiis "erv •erslty. T%e provhsce of the college j TWhile there has been only " orn*; by its absence The companies have as the traintog of teachers fir all' well drilled to the oil sand, which is actual leases acd ar< preparing N t* keeptorthis *y .W*M»* af poMtienl srad- whatever to the possible cease by and imhsaltuthsg Mr. Itamew fee 00- Tt* Nseparstion"of Iron "nufphino tjrin chV siaft i* one of the pluhkimi* r*f the zinh srodaren of this district* X' Moos> has invefit:grtad oho vatsi rt>..-±& so t^at he feels sera of Its - si-re. and of" £th un i forxslty of the w* irf^eria. --.- \ . ._, . ^ a . i . - r ';-» At JopT'fl, Uo^ ih$ V s t peuiuitton ^ ^ cf.'r;ne *^ -m crude>^re wao rarehy- '%J^ ' ricr rhsa six P*T by Sew York Sietc Commis-; ot Agriculture Hnaom jant? Anna C Bedge^- Awarding of brp- Am P." %. Meeting of Phi j Kn^a Society In College Chap- - — - .• _ v ^ 7 0 t r J t Ompos Stog- %Jto P.J **** ** ^& Ccwool work, nod to; sroek at 2718 feet, the anticlinal on drill, through, of course, they reprV> __ M. riiilrtasl 1 Reception. •• :i^* » d *•«* ***• ^wnn n^ded to which tt if located a? a hundred nViies- sent speciiiative enterprises. ,Bow\ der-bes»#* d l r . Marphy a» the hen- ^ w ^Lng put. in shape W operation VhV.* ^^ iwm It - " i 1 ** f*«winr innriia complete oomrsea' long and prtntpecttog is netog car- . erer. vric** ar» r^ing rapidly. oo?>eiriurie» ef the sjaesa. . » I ^ >^«ar<il. by the Xorthdrn One Oaw \^r I t Ot A. M. ^#th A^*>»*fi <^JSSV^ ** trnsntog to industrial nod technl- : Hod on for a width of hsirty mDes ' stock sdd at £" cents a shar«> brrng **%> believe the tinte^ias eoase te r^sT. hs ^or^-that afthooid^ ' —* —*- * ' WlrBe the ttnrrts of the m>M are yet - mn>-ady qix*ed at t* and This U tsaly * rteou Cea^e In ^ew TsVk. unkxowsu tLtosafe to ** :The tt to he jFoax canondo of dr.Urag- far exce**.* . ma/hlnery wer* betng rushed from satortes ost^rf^ i Hos^wrg by expr*«s. when I l*ft ly good Th^Chigary. which shows the emg'rs»ss a splendid opportaaity to of the people to dr *L At least a who arc took- dnzes a r s c v being s^sk sad to tesehtrit as the crmr- tf s part of ti»eoe are prod-&cm. the free to aradests ft^s K#w b o o s has on?y ber^js " 1 Asked as to th^ trie. weTL which* ^ Mr Gwood r^>d he *mH ^xe rm. E wefi was stan-?d ax a pocnt at t^e * to the run* ' cr^st of the ax* •'T^x. wber*- xas * which was .is r'xlrr gasoSoe va;or I la jsir 1 «d eoraped. A: s 4 ptfc of !>»%. feK \*r no konrrr «^a>»d on the sxr Is tare bus came :^r-~ash Che w*n at fcml no snare voswnw x^i \ ?«acdt was t a < a l ^ exampie of tbe boom "l was off*-rM a \+%*+~ sa;d- Mr Elwood. for ~S2s/**» I a«**d T-r an option for ax hotr to • * • f^^nv ff my fr>»us The option %a* r -^ *4 but authe end of aa hour s t.fz I tr "d to fr~%rA t£e prop^^tj n w a*, •old sad w-:th:g thr*-* day* r: ha^ !t*fce?i r**r>d foe IZH- <X«* a u i -*v>.««* *har** of stork m a miil*oa tixar- iioer»^ Mr Elwood die a:* r - \zrz c*:l .r^d s^cu^d bo»-iirr" * "kh ns*- b^ of vmrtie later and it :» 'pro" a->-i# Lta: te w-. : * r^zrz to C*:- ;my sat tL# z* IT fstcr* •tad 1 heileve that all the rtrhi- llf^m s«>phide or pyrls-eo a* sixty per cent rtnc Wath la net tifthtr to their wrdtoary party to a eeteraraed aSert U tptM thi* ta*t and te d>«trsy ssJnrn nod holeis! toAWoee W the Borne* ssarhnse* and the Isrpby utacaiee to UH ^tad>^. the Mi^Mocre hah VasV of tUe W%0* farm, to y**h o>«ralions tot Ifee drvelovment of hto na i erpoeis ~» aw sssv t The phstferm w r :< V k. Ccm+fvimt (ffpoo Rem f :*§ TW astertV* nxwa^ stet Mr. R*+«#'ett *TH M W i pari) ** tarn- isr rrr t»^ «tat+ irni* toll to the erktur* and ts^wmpffeor* «*f estate jBe mi& *>yeod ss-^a «f Ai« irad a crest skrht W iart*Nw te rsrsu up the ih> wH fh9i by everj tornmr of (to J | 4 s e »et> save -^.h* ss^u *( ail of the in be a nod e#ectr*e Ask^c i: ti> ?&e^ss t Fjeo^-ie*; rfn;4 l*e crvccncr j=-s*r^r i^-wenport •The aa*wrr >• that yrt b#ro deier*:***. It I^d¥ "*?"

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I * ! " 3 3 . J J H S H <;orvtt>LV*, x%i4$m\

SJ* >»M>i l . JIAE MM»LI t W I E S , YM CE*TK


and 8o>% t Ur S I UWRENCE

CAMTON MftlER SEMKSir mm mm mimw RY


* f « | > G a l T K S T I C J k m J U b T y

J f » IATE BEES KITES Ol T. .1 l E t £ A l l THE LATE



Undsey ,



U+T. Trunk tstone M. Auto tceleeat1 Klrna j Friday Sottas* ft f*ae< arrvi V U H

4 t f t U t a C t o W l

Curtis Sake.

T o r t — i u d s e Ben B of Dearer enlivened the bearing be fore theV federal commission on In dustrial 'rVl at toot, which la making ."; an exhausted tneutry to to Colorado, H Cicusli, Quebec—Of a

raster e-f the

8 Flight to -Laurie? \ >VUe>

of Eletea Tear* Ac*.

fa) C0L105EEI ANNUAL SCH06L H R *-

\ HERE M A M " \



n r Fr:u*h M*-fcodist Eplaajaft cht r 3 l2 Cau-tca. *as ^smptf^utai : iaj.--,.j latei riuruur Mftrnwrnm * > 2 a Ford car LS *hieh he o*ss r i a t . turned turtle at the foot o f Paaj ti!1. four miles from. tAfBte. tR**v A^. i \>aiev

auid his ccTuhtioo

Y — '"l-an*::

The mediation c o s - : an exbaasteu^ tneutry toto Colorado j n.mcuski, Quebec.—-Of a total *> at Niagara Fall* has reached i mine c e e 4 1 t t o e \ b y ehargiug that the 3 ^ 7 r>« $ on board the Canadian

a* stage where the names of Mexi- f state Supreme cisort Judges are ruled, Pacific i . w Empress of Ireland as can for the proposed provisional ; i^ corporations as \ f they were mere *^e sa iW on Thursday from Quebec skull was 'ro p H f M ^ ! i f * l T l ^ L , ? " V ^ S W t I b o y i - \ • I f o r U r c ? w l . * « persons were tost to considered

^ ^ ! Z J ! L ~ * r ? i H!s» arraignment hf \oodHltms to l m a e a *** *** r* !^ed by the Dan- Mr and Mrs J

l«r to hare him choaen - t e g t i f f i o f i v ^ ^ ^ M a J ^ L w a n ! j

T * C l ^ r e t U m d T l B S I **>*<*"*. i ^ ^ ^ ~ a i o f % Col-* * " * B P p o r 7 . • , j orado military district who to ld\ th«, -**~t£?5!L I^H T " ' - « « » « » « « i thrt fitrl troop. ooSd I ^ w " * s : ^i-col-.n ! » » » « » . th* : I W w « drirtac tk« « r * . rrg*rdii»« v t e t ta Colae on be- | * U M r B W B f r o B , h i , «ut*wtthout i ^ ^ l l « n r < > s b h 0 " ^ to have tefe ' ^

- Hama^adsr^rt. N Fcvlly" h*s Sown.

Guided bf the master hanJ ef

Glenn H. Cuniss , the c?um>>. mi-jrracefcl mass of steei and -raiMa.v t ^ which Professor ^ m a r l V l*»nc!i»r

; < M l L l M s rH>L!TK\L \ lEH«i As H I ^V!LS TO ITTIM^ IIIS

j > P A h .

\f>eelaJ IVise« ml t V r#aBf]r "Fair . tmr the tV)% amd <-V*x. Stale

. Tear rfcan* >•>** \ -..-*

•\ -\

r t!;f >';laun «itis*ac:rr-

rave his money, fcu planum and *t

ish colht-r ^torsud and sank otf Faih- v j l e and Mrs. er Point. ^ the Si Laurt-nce river The party before d e l i s t : Only i » are! fontral of hnown to have been Raved. | and jrere

N- B York — Ps.lurc o: &d^-n2str^:.on to ha&41t :.\ efth^r ihr trust or iho tariff que»-

„ . . w # . . , v. i. .ti<JO mascharRtd by Theodore Roo^e-ally has life, s o a r ^ t ^ e l^k, K, « ^ « a l f r W B : fcr l e I l ^ ^ 4 him ha to a ten-mmute C t h W r . u n , be-# f r;.bIUa: 00 af:^ he lrfi Tor Spato

f l a r ^ ^ a v l i i e . t L Poa*We doubt, che dream of us o p t ^ < n > n ^ t o a t : c n d t h r m i N l d : i l . . ,. #. torentor And the r u i i t v of tfc#* r . .. . ., , . ,., a tonJ^i^ the , ^t^c # „. ;rt, , _ ; •, o! las wn. KermJt. Juno lu. ,

Crart 2t Wrfolh tt Caatc*. ,Mr.

The pas-

Vi'itb fc m were I>owt\ Cf <;net*

of R:

! claims of Wirbnr and Or\ lie Wrieh< .Resurrected from the Sm.trjwman

Institute, where* it has lam rf>r over

the statement

» i the doors of the conference fc?y j fu r ;her danger of a clash b e t w e e n ^ ^ w t h e * :* ^ the second cabin tor was sittlat to thf tonnrau and b ? j * 6e€md** m 0 o b ^ « of r^cu lc and

s? tse A- a C. mediators, the Con agatJooalists leaders here Afpla.r Inn iaterest to both Dias and Gom-i a mracntoent kexican. who has not

raffled himself with the present Con-gdtatioaml movement under Car-

fiemez !efr Mexico after ~Huerta

the the miners and their amployers.! ^ ^ \ w e

| c ia sa \ i were rescued; of the Tlu third

Not only did Jud*e Undsey accuse I » » \ P * » « » ^ " there art- 101 *ur-the judges of the Colorado Supreme I v * w * \ » - h i l « » " of the ere* of iZT Court of being "owned" by the cor- j porations but hinted that the tronble J

. hi his state was only the beginning j J of worse disordera.

res account for the Z<#r V as pullad

into power, and has since lived v " ^ ****** ta "Colorado Is now

ia the United States, though maintain-lac constant touch with his friends a the Mexican capital. .

tfgara Fwlls, Oat—The A- B. C. •odators hare refused to .permit Carransa to enter their councils in sy.aamg they throw down the jgaunt-hi to President Wilson and ^ecrc-tuy Bryan. plattte Lamar and Frederick W,

Laarnan, the -American delegates safe arged Carranza% cause. They

-that a way be found for the rebels to be represented. It

*••* pointed oat that unless the nc-ptiaUoa* embrace Carranxa, the sreseat -conditions of anarchy in Sexlco will continue. \ Even wore aaerta eliminated, there is no gtiar-aatee that a more stable goTernment will follow. Why was i t not better, tan to reckon wits Carrania now.? to esyoaaing Carranxa the AmerT-

csn delegates-acted under eipllcit-Jastractions from Washington. Mr. wllson and Mr. Bryan were at the titer end of the wire, directing eferytninp. The Americana did not tsk point-blank fashion that Carran-m he token to. -

They requeseed '* that'. a way be hand for his proper representations.

The ways and means, were left to tat meditators. / > . . . . A, . •,

aeaors pa Game, Kaon and Snares, tat-arbltratoiw of Mexico's fate, an-•atred most politely but most em->att*caijy that Carransa was impos-

bigger than a strike.** the judge said. "The outbreak there is merely a local symptom of wider disorder."

"*4There are no more lawless pnb-

Thase sarrfrors lahded to Rimouski ana takes by train 10 Quebec, where they nrnved on F r i d a \ nigbL There re­mained In RimousKl Tl rescued per­sons, unclassified, completing the to­tal of 453 known survivors

leaned forward tsy | e t his overcoat which was c» ^he sV^ct s^at of the can, 4 s near as eft* be lramed, he grasped the eea i \4&r?y* of- Mr

\ lk>we hy mistake. gMr Dowes arm atod as his hand

wa? on the ateartoa; ^rheel the car ^iict into the dfteji **ft turned turtle.

the fir^t practic^ally heavicr-thaa\-air tying *crart the world ever saw. desnottstrated its wort!i convin-ctogly. It needed oHJy the power of a modern motor, and the skill of a modern brrdman. Thus equnwd. h^ success was a ma'ter of Uttle d:-ffi-calty. ,

This 1 "e^aee my rAara frwm Sovth Am­

erica 1 ha^e received hsadred> ut fcierram* and ietter> fram all ever the ceaatrj reqaot iag statement frun me vm the neUtieml ^taativa, It IULK bees utterly is*p**!d*le to re* f>ty ! • thewe eossjaanlemtloBN tlr>t, becasvc «f toek el time, and teeeeuL

Ijt^! yeft*- CfOO erraeur held K* flrn 5* hool K»ir. A tent * ^ erecte4 on the Fair <.round at th» N- K. cora^r of th- main exhibition ha!Jdlrg. Here :hr Co;;nr>- Farm Buread^Agrnt had zn jmt: rat ing cxk'.ti! « frFalns, ^ra^^^--. f«x*Js trA ftrtilirers of to-iirr^t to the adults The children displayed ih^ results of Their *u*»-tnrr's «ork in vetretable ras«ls>g. <tar-;^rt^r *OT„. s-cw^ac ?ad eookfnw* te-

^ g-ther ^ith draw:nc> and essays alt i dere in schoot *

„ * .It--*-.

* - • * •

*'Tfcis year it Is hoped tMt s series cf mi rht be ofTcfrd tor spe­cial arhievements such as the boys and the girls of the West ard the South an* accomplishing under -th« leadership of O. H. BetLsoa, Special-is* is charge of Club ^'ork,. l \ S. De­partment of Ajrricultur?, but the ear-lincss o ! the la/.r milk* necessitate

. Hev. Mr. Bea|e the car and Jtisr bruised that it

Disaster \* Ml^s Belea^Qaehee. j the^base^f Oie The crash occurred not ^ r from f CUpr.ais of the

] He corporations to the country than ' father Point,,150 miles from ^lebec , ) cdand otherwise tojswed.

5eredon, M e x o - t o forestall action if flfc peace mediators to selecting a Ptoriskmal gorernmejt for Mexico. «aWal Carransa today rirtually as-*«Sei the ^position of provisional

it and began ike work of se­als cabinet. *Advices to this

re recetred here, tnday from anil alao'that Carransa was

» i n m Daranso today for AJtlllo to establish a proTisional got-

it The new capital will have Itntection of-nearly 5,000 troops

* % a r m y ^ OeneraJ Pablo Gonaa1-* * * a e Vttla's main army to eon-

A e ramnaifrn against^ Zacat at Lnis Potoal When tb*

mores nnon Mexico City, army will

^ pronskmal president and let to the permanent eipitai

,the rebeto it i s jratis t t e to 4n tine .to He In-»V Che mediators /with the-)

«< sWermtog Mexico a l^r the

in Colorado,- h e said. "E. A. Coibum, president of a

children's aid society," Jundge Und­sey consumed dryly. **He has been o n e , c f the most bitter opponents of the passage of ohild labor laws.

'"Colorado has perfected the science of ^corruptin^ men.. Its lawyers, its business men. ail are owned. There are, of course fearless men, but they have paid a heavy sac­rifice for* their fearlessness.**


fald wrn ai I>r. Fred M

weroNaotlfied. The hther




i the liner had gone down* Frcm all accounts, Capt H. G. * j

Kendall, of th£ Empress of Ireland ' bore himself like a tru^ sailor so

The following is the/official pro-]'grom of the &uth Ahuial Commence*

ment of %St. Lawrence University J» *

Friday* Sane 5 ^ ; ^ - . .1:15 <». M. InteTscholasUc Meet—

Aibletic Field. , Awarding of Medals and Block letters in Gymnasium. S:O0 P. M.* Play "Esmeralda,- Dra­matic Club. • „

-/Saturday, June •* J'%-'\'J

J8:00 € i M. Play, •'Ekmeralda,-Oramatlc Club.

; / . :•• 8aaaay, June 7 "': ."•;•;' "-^ 2:30 P. M. Baccalaureate Sermon

hjf Rererend Henry K. Couden, Chap­lain House of Representatives, Wash-

ingtcn. D. € . 4:00 P. M Dedica­tion of Forbes Memorial Window— Fisher Hall. .

. , -: . MondnV. June § f" -

^:00 A. M. Student «and Alumni Re­union—College ChtVpeL 12:15 P. M.

\ Luncheon to . Trustees—Domestic Science Rooms. .2:00 P. M. Annual Mee^ng of Tmsteoa, *:"o© P. .JL Bnsehall Came^Athletic Field. Mid-

j dlehury * College vs. S t Lawrence tJniTersity. 7:00 P. M. Banquets of Fraternities and Sororities.: -7:30 P. M. Annual MNtv** of Trustees, of 1 Theologiesl §chooL- -

^ HPwwOay, June t

'M:0© A. M. A^aual Coasiaeacement

and ten miles from Rimouaki oiKthe j women having a 1 S t Lawrence. In reality. fterefcW \ i^e. injured

although the liner was heading forytiiu home of Jj the aesf and the collier coming in frcm i t the disaster* was not one of the. ocean, but of the river ,

.Unlike the TitaJhic's victims, the Empress of Ireland's lost their live* within sight of shqse. in land-locked waters. . ^

Immediately the ship's crew recov­ered from -the shock of the coin*ion it was seen the liner had received a f ^ c < m d I U o n <*

f ° T V hurrted a r W l was picked u p ' C b o r c h ' who W M

by the government mail tender, 'La-ty Ever> n. Rrmouski, and the . gov-swnmisjl f i tot boat Eureka at Father j Point and both at once steamed t o ] the rescue. , j

£ 0 fast was the inrush of water,! howeeer, that long before either of j the rescue boats reached the scene,

one of the hip.

were taken to 'feral, nearby, .and

e of Potsdam of this village

of-the party were retrieved to'UMfer homes, but it was said tBst Rus; far.'. Beale could not be movedN^or avJFDe time yet, so serious was his

Frank Beale, ,^pisoopal injured in

an automobile accident ooNThursday, is somewhat improvui. H e \ e g a i n e d coosckw»sncs3, ~ Q > s i -W-

becau^e it must he remembered thai I ha^e been eat af the country f«r \ post |K)X1infr another year.-Meanwhile

Transported to Hammond.Pon i „ S IZJ eat ™£* ^d^retre •' ST 1 """I to ^'**"? ~ !° weeks ago by permisskm of ths Gov. h X a o T L L n h f u a £ . l r e 7 u l 12' S ^ m a r ^ ^ ^ ^ l e m t h ^ cm^

•nrecogrixable,] ernment the queer-looking craft was ' t ^ ^ l l S l ^ i w a t ^ ****** ? ^ V ^ ^ " J T " * - a fracture at*—'—** 4 W *' - *u v t-.-i«*- ^^^"7 iniarmaiiup j a m w,ij raasie ^ y dt , . , . t h e jj^ional com, potato.

The other oc-hadly bruls-

4 pinned under i »as so badly

A the tund. of the CrtW «aper , „r , * h i ^ . i ^ • , * , ^ w . I Cortlaad County A*V th J, y W tailU- B M


long as^hjs ship stood under Jilm. j GOUVER5EtB MA!C ^ T a l t i s OF


V 4>X IX CA^ADIAJi C I T l .

Nothing was added to Its original equipment; nothing was taken away. Except for new canvass and new wires in plsce of those which rotted away, the machine was just at It was when It dropped into the Potomac eleven years ago. ~ ~. .-*-/-

Millions of dollars, as well as the vindication of .l^ragleys theories.

! hung moon the result of its trial . When the Wrights succeeded in prov­ing, through the courts, their conten­tion that their machine of 190S was the first successful flying craft ever

I built, Curtis, with hundreds of others was forced to grant thorn the* royalty they naked. If "Lengleys Folly," begun in the nineteenth century,

wcould 4y t thoir 'claim obviously was j empty, ^ T ^ * , ; . ; . ^ . . . - . : t < * ^ > ^

J>. Charles D. Walcott and Dr. Al­beit F. Eahm, of the Smithsonian In­stitute watched the trial. >. 1

Without the slightest hesitation of movement the, airship lumbered ac-

starting ground. As Curtiss tilted she elevating planes, ft swept upward.Njlgher and ^higher., until It was far Apve the treetopa.' -

For ten nHnutes, while the «rowd cheered, CurtisN^ailed bac>t and forth over the water. N v t a n he landed ,the machine took ibeNgyound without a jar. - •

rtaen I return frsm abroad, I s t e d l n N > w Y o r k ^ ^ whMi mto - ,;

J!r*l T ! ^ " ^ ^ • r t l T r l y rte^»<i»ctMmuchaso^rWiityA«imr \r ' #»** witkouf | C t o t C Q te c o n d u c U n g W S t Law- ^ ^ ) i a g that 1 intend, te the utmott of | rcnce^County Com foibw ^ t h the 00- C ;

y ahHHy te do nil that I can lor [ the principle* for which I ha*e eon-leaded and far the men throatrhout the country vFbe have *toed valiantly In the nrki that the Prefrresslve par­ry Is wactog and has waged far these principle*. ^.'_. .** .^^ .^

.There is wides^endl ar7*reaeiifthsp nmomr ear people* The pinch of -poverty b fett hi many 1 We eannot faraore the which hnve breajfrt aWut this state of thing*. The east of Hvtog be* not

ftet the sUgnlesi pro-made to aohrast 9* ,jK .MM

Mr. Frank El wood, who has Just

Collier Dfsregardcw Captain's Flea. H e retained such command of the j

situation, it appears, that while the i~ $tor?tad*s stem still hung in the gash j it had- made in the Empress! side,* Capt Kendall begged the master oH the coUier to keep his propellers go- : returned to tog so that the. hole might remain j Canadian Northwest, has some . -plugged. The Storstod, however, then ' teresting slories to tell of the new j n e w e d f o n ; e * u s i n * t n e Lnnglelvmod-dropped back and the Empress filled Kand wonderfut str\ke of an immensel ^ * • h l # b a s t e ^ • I ' P l t t e i l t

and-foundered. , j deposit of almost pure gasoline shout | " P^iTley's mistake, said expe .Capt Kendall stocd on his bridge twenty miles south-west o t the city r l a y ^ hl* ffl«thod o f »tarting.

1 - - ^.-. .«_ . . « Tjse, he used powerful spriTiga.

f operation of the Pomona tirange. f* ^.The revised premium Mat k ^ c b j i

t o be mailed to each of the Superintendents this week, WOitom a a r k . F. II. Waltoee, C. B. Charles W. Lewis, w|U be ally the satn^ a s last yea« with « additions suggested by t h e poachers.

There will be t w o classes compria-tog ehtldren 7 to 11 years and It to ty yaars tocluatVe: ^Thene will he s ix divisions s o arranged that any tey or girt who hna made ,a 'c*edjl-oikle showtog In echooi or who has done some apecial work during

shape of amy helps In the solution, The econaasJc eoadltiens nre -such that harfness to In Jeopardy and that t h e sssall business, man, the tanuer aad the M i s t r i a l ware worker nre all stffrrtof because of tae»e eondV lions. ~- . .x .-.r.: ^ .,. . . m,¥-,-.-"^

-The I ruth stotply H that the only wise and sane prepesJtiens the only proposition* wiriest represent n eohv strsftive reiernssehtal progress!*Isto amd the renolate purpejte to seenre good resalts Instead of £ne phrases

tbe affair, although d e l i s t e d at the I « > « ^ * ^ * » t o t f " " ' • ' " • • c t f "

Gouvere?ur Jrom t tre!^_, ; . _ , _ _ _ „ . . . . . . _ ^ . . __ i oolleiei* wesld have seeiired the nos*. *in j fight against thp Wrlghta ^ t h re-




as the ship went down. One of the ! of Calgary, Alberta, boats of the liner picked him t ip and j Mr. El wood reached fcalgary with-

'he directed i t s work of saving others ' in a lew days of the atrike and until thb craft was loaded to the run- ! brought bach witrr him a sample of wales. The captain was injured to j the •'oil* Vhich is being used, in auto-the crash and sufferedvfrom exposuri . mobiles Without reSniag and sells out his hurts are not dangerous and j for nine dollars a barrel." .. his spee4y recovery is expected. y be run j Tests show that a car

forty miles I of the new oil, which to .the equiva-

galn the initial impetus needed, to rise, he used powerful springs. ^ .

Had Langley started on the around Instead bf t)ie *air. he would tiave been hailed as the first of the world's grczZ birdmen. Instead, he died of a

] broken heart ^

one Imperial gallon I #r°M,*5r- ^ ^ 8 n l P «*rrled throe hun-I dred pounds of extra weight in the

j lent of about thirty miles to our gal- ^ o f P° n l o d , l « a «d yet rose under

m M STATE : '.•UUBE fOII TEACHERS,"»•«-*«-«'••-*-.

j loo. whichr d» any .aotomobilist I knows, is going some„ * ~*/

specific .-sravlty of 65 ^decree* ^Baurne, wMcl Is just shout the grav

Regewts r l e g r Albany as Wert U


The Regents of the University of \ well as fueL

of Theological School" to Unireraalist ? the State of New York have granted \ the State Normal College at Albany j wild with exeitment One young J now'tween erected s a d the Wfil cap-a new name. It to t o he designated ] ^ a n , a reporter. . without cap!u i , , ped and turned Into' th^ taaic* The the New York State College lor f rented the news stand of the leading ; capacity when drilled to i aa only he]

AaricuitaraJ SchocI to Opera Houoe^f Teachers. Thar action necogatoea! hotel for a broke rare onVe. at $40 j frueased a* but it wijl be a\uaher.** J M*rKmam^- - t J w fi^ fax the work o f the tostitu-; a day and 'cleared $500 to eommis-v « Scores of companies' have .been or-

e t e r c h . Jkodrcs* by Chapiato Cood-em. .Awarding of Rpkvmaa. 2:00 P. ML Annual Cotnme»cen)f£t o f the


own powent Th#? enfTJi^ hull: originally* by Charles Manly, YetaJhe^i

\ enough todlvifSuriity to > e regarded j as unchanged.

chance to win A jesejt one of the fotlowmg; divisions culture, Katuro 15tudy, Domestic 8<ftV p r enee, DomesMc A r t Manual Trsip>- ^ - ^ lBfofDrmwlB, . ' , y 7 ^ : Q ^ ^ ^ - '

Among the additions lor l W s ar%t Best record of milk tcattoa^ r ^ ^ o r d of Migratory. Bir^M, Weather efcart, Pair 1914 chicken hatched naturally, f ^ ExhibU native, grasses, exbibU grains '• f in th,e straw* Exhibit tomatoes ete^ §r ;^ canned whole, wall pestket for bul-leUns, H*P of school aJstric^ each farm. Plan of tnrro showing tatlbns, I^fct made aat neat for school ^ ' ^ / | study. Six prtxes for free hand draw-infrs. Best ke^t Nature Study "note hook. Fancy cakes of msrpie sugar. '.;. A. F. C<>ilBrK-Usecretary of . 1

' } . . School f a i r Oommittee!

: ; - - - - - ' ^ — • • • • ' • ' -

polirie* wesld have seriired the pa**, jng arotfsd of prosprrltj and al«e the er.isteace of a safucirnt amount of pro^i>erlty t* he passed around,

-I helirte that this fail my enlef vduty lies right here to the *taie ol

w York. 1 docbt nhether there h In the V*ioa that shews more

c*ne1n«ive!y~lhau thN stale the dread* f«I ev» «f the twe-be^H system to BolStfraiHife, The pee|»ie of this state the h^ne^Kjjeople, the good c^tlxra^ who wish e t a s and eiseient govern­ment, no matfar what their- party af* tttatienn mav ae^ are gfewing hit-serly indhraant provides for the »eeVaw of the Mar*)

phy and name* marWlne« in the rev-emment of thi» ^tfite^.^here U n«t! a state to. srhkh tae e i l K W bUpart»- ' snn oos« rale are mere \ n e r e f e l y ywtTJ4 ^ s ^ e ^eto on Ulastrated * than rfehi here, y l n d c r ^ r | i n tmi t a r frdsJI TA




,V: FAR] ^,.^>---:W- *

- V ^ > . : f

A. J. S! hfoore-oT Edw:

which ; State formal Col» *&' <* t*"^***'*** gasoline here. , 1^; and> at 271^ feet -a ' sandstone w a s l a v r h rule It i s absolutely ImpeVlblc ^ o m i s e s ' t o be the m o s t -

^ ^ x: ' *^ anpearaace ti|e new fuel * U of an j struck, from Nwhic* theist^tl rspidt/ I u ^ret decent aBd-c0rr|ive ^ ^ h r a - - ^ ^ , , pf i roip Ui^>s^%^rr been ambeV color, due \a'\ Uttie petrole^iml filled "wftii s*apllne.~ Thto rock has j m>nt • .. # ,r ; , . - v ] ^ ^ t e * in* ahr miners! msckax, which xppcsxi to J » * e the added ad-[.been drilled jn(* only two fort and -It Is hwpasalhk te J^ecure U?r\ c r

vantage, of furnishing lubrication as yet the well flowsv three'Usaea a -day. trentssent for the hene«t hu*lne**v ^ ; a i E tjie windows of the FlrsV^n->nd fhe oQ stands W s>thousand feet !

: M. exhibl

" t-™* fc*"" " T • - — " — - * • •—* * •••' ? , for the honest wag^'earner sr S'2k-i Eanh &hsw« ^ ^ t r w * AT ir -Oalgary- said Mr ©wood, -to j to the bole. A l l . ^ h a r r e l tank has j f i r ' the honest farmer. FfonTthe * £ £ £ : . ^ ^ ^ * * *

rnnalft .mnd harhwaj* dwwsward^ eferh hraneh of the ww^efs-meat ha*

administered Ktmarily wHh a 4o the p i U V x l adiaotare. sad with n view te the per>ensl r»-

^ : >

Jim tion to af ooltoartoU grade and on a stoat the first day. in three days he ganised ard Mr d w o o d wtates that' par with that of any college or ani- • hourht a $£.000 to srng car. .. | the element of fraud i s ' ronopicwiis "erv •erslty. T%e provhsce of the college j TWhile there has been only " orn*; by i ts absence The companies have as the traintog of teachers fir al l ' well drilled to the oil sand, which is actual leases acd ar< preparing Nt* keep tor this *y

.W*M»* af

poMtienl srad-whatever to the possible cease by and imhsaltuthsg

Mr. Itamew fee 00-

Tt* Nseparstion"of Iron "nufphino tjrin chV siaft i* one of the pluhkimi* r*f the zinh srodaren of this district*

X' Moos> has invefit:grtad oho vatsi rt>..-±& so t^at he feels sera of Its -si-re. and of" £th un i forxslty of the w* irf^eria. --.- \ . ._, . ^ a . i . - r ' ; - »

At JopT'fl, Uo^ ih$ V s t peuiuitton ^ ^ cf.'r;ne *^ -m crude>^re wao rarehy-'%J^ ' ricr rhsa six P*T

by Sew York Sietc Commis-; ot Agriculture Hnaom jant?

Anna C Bedge^- Awarding of brp-Am P." %. Meeting of Phi j

K n ^ a Society In College Chap- - — - .• _ v ^ 7 0 t r J t O m p o s Stog- %Jto P.J **** ** ^& Ccwool work, nod t o ; s roek at 2718 feet, the anticlinal on drill, through, of course, they reprV> __ M. rii i lrtasl 1 Reception. •• :i^* € » d * • « * ***• ^wnn n^ded to which tt if located a? a hundred nViies- sent speciiiative enterprises. ,Bow\ der-bes»#* d l r . Marphy a» the hen- ^ w ^Lng put. in shape W operation VhV.*

^ ^ iwm I t - " i 1 * * f*«winr innriia complete oomrsea' long and prtntpecttog is netog car- . erer. vric** ar» r^ing rapidly. oo?>eiriurie» ef the sjaesa. . » I >^«ar<il. by the Xorthdrn One Oaw \ ^ r I t Ot A. M. ^#th A *>»*fi <^JSSV^ ** trnsntog to industrial nod technl- : Hod on for a width of hsirty mDes ' stock s d d at £" cents a shar«> brrng **%> believe the tinte^ias eoase te r^sT. hs ^or^-that afthooid^

' —* —*- * — ' WlrBe the ttnrrts of the m>M are yet - mn>-ady qix*ed at t* and This U tsaly * rteou Cea^e In ^ew TsVk. unkxowsu tL to safe to **


tt to he jFoax canondo of dr.Urag-

far exce**.* . ma/hlnery wer* betng rushed from satortes ost^rf^ i Hos^wrg by expr*«s. when I l*ft

ly good T h ^ C h i g a r y . which shows the emg'rs»ss a splendid opportaaity to of the people to dr *L At least a

who arc took- dnzes a r s c v being s^sk sad to tesehtrit as the crmr- tf s part of ti»eoe are prod-&cm. the

free to aradests f t ^ s K#w b o o s has on?y ber^js " 1 Asked as to th^ trie. weTL which*

^ Mr Gwood r ^ > d he *mH ^ x e rm. E wefi was stan-?d ax a pocnt at t^e * to the run* ' cr^st of the ax* •'T^x. wber*- xas *

which was .is r'xlrr gasoSoe va;or I la jsir 1 «d eoraped. A: s 4 ptfc of !>»%. feK \*r

no konrrr «^a>»d on the sxr Is tare bus came :^r-~ash Che w*n at

fcml no snare voswnw x^i \ ?«acdt was ta<al^

exampie of tbe boom "l was off*-rM a \+%*+~ sa;d- Mr

Elwood. for ~S2s/**» I a«**d T-r an option for ax hotr to •*• f nv ff my fr>»us The option %a* r -^ *4 but authe end of aa hour s t.fz I tr "d to fr~%rA t£e prop^^tj n w a*, •old sad w-:th:g thr*-* day* r: ha^ !t*fce?i r**r>d foe IZH- <X«* a u i -*v>.««* *har** of stork m a miil*oa tixar-

i i o e r » ^ Mr Elwood die a:* r -\zrz c* : l l» .r^d s^cu^d bo»-iirr" * "kh ns*- b^ of vmrtie later and it :»

'pro" a->-i# Lta: te w-.:* r^zrz to C*:-;my sat tL# z* IT fstcr*

• t a d 1 heileve that all the rtrhi-llf^m s«>phide or pyrls-eo

a* sixty per cent r tnc

Wath la net t i f t h t r

to their wrdtoary party to a eeteraraed aSert U

tptM thi* ta*t and te d>«trsy ssJnrn nod holeis! toAWoee W the Borne* ssarhnse* and the

I srpby utacaiee to UH ^tad>^.


Mi^Mocre hah VasV of tUe W%0* farm, to y**h o>«ralions tot Ifee drvelovment of hto


i erpoeis ~»

aw sssv t The phstferm w

r :< V

k. Ccm+fvimt (ffpoo Rem f :*§

T W astertV* nxwa^ stet Mr. R*+«#'ett *TH M W i pari) ** tarn-i s r r r r t»^ «tat+ irni* toll to the erktur* and ts^wmpffeor* «*f estate

jBe mi& *>yeod ss-^a «f Ai« irad a crest skrht W iart*Nw te rsrsu up the

ih> wH fh9i by ever j tornmr of (to

J | 4 s e »et> save - ^ . h * ss u *( ail

of the in be a

nod e#ectr*e

Ask^c i: t i > ?&e^ss t Fjeo^-ie*; r fn;4 l*e crvccncr j=-s*r^r i^-wenport •The aa*wrr >• that yrt b#ro deier*:***. It

I ^ d ¥
