sirdar sunshine no.122

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BABY'S BOOTEES   s,SLIPPERSTo obtain a perfect reproduction of the garments illustrated on the front cover of this leaflet you MUST read and follow

the instructions laid down in the paragraphs numbered 1 and 2. These instructions are the work of an expert knitter

and   if followed carefully satisfactory results cannot fail to   be  achieved.


This paragraph is most important-read it carefully before commencing your garments.

You have obtained the correct SIRDAR WOOL, you have obtained the correct Needles, but TO OBTAIN THECORRECT MEASUREMENTS it is essential that you work to the tensions stated. The one-inch rule at the side  Of

each tension indicates the number of stitches to the inch and is for your guidance. PLEASE USE IT.   ,.

We suggest you work a small sample in each stitch before commencing the garments, then place the one-inch rule

across it and see if your tension corresponds.If you arc unable to obtain the correct tension, proceed as follows:-

If you have less stitches than the number stated use a finer needle.

If you have more stitches than the number stated use a coarser needle.


K. knit, p. purl, sts. stitches, sl.l slip one stitch knitways, tog. together, t.b.1. through back of loops, wl.fwd. woolforward, wl.frt. wool to front, p.S.s.O. pass the slipped stitch over, sl.l p. slip one stitch purlways, M.e. Main Colour,e. Contrast, ch.   chain, d.c. double crochet. After casting off stitches for shaping, one stitch will remain on the righthand needle which is not included in the instructions that follow.


No. I.-The tension for this garment is S} sts. toone inch.


oz. Main Colour and a small ball Contrast inany of the following qualities:

Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool3ply (Shrink Resist).

Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply.

Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.

1 Pair No. 11 Knitting Needles.

1Yard narrow Ribbon.


Length   of  foot: 3} inches.

Length from top of leg to base of heel:   2} inches.

THE BOOTEES. (Bolh alike)

Using the M.e. wool cast on 25 sts.

1ST Row. S1.1, knit to end of row.

Repeat the 1st row once.

3RD Row. SI.I, increase once in the next st.,k.S, (increase once in the" next st.) twice, k.l,(increase once in the next st.) twice, k.S, increaseonce in the next st., k.l.

4TH   Row. SI.1, knit to end of row.

5TH Row. SI.I, increase once in the next   $1.,

k.ll, (increase once in the next   st.)   twice, k.l,(increase once in the next st.) twice, k.ll, increaseonce in the next st., k.l. .

6TH Row. SI.I, knit to end of row.

Continue in garter   st.   increasing 6 times (as before). in the next and every alternate row until there

are 55 sts. on the needle.   .

NEXT   Row. SI.1, knit to end of row.

Proceed as follows:-

1ST Row. SI.1, "" k.l, t.b.l., wLfrt., insert thepoint of the right hand needle from the back through the next st. one row below and purlat the same time slipping off the st. above (thiswill now be termed "p. I row below"), repeat

from  s

to the last 2 sts., k.1 t.b.l., k.l.

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2ND Row. SI.I, "p.l row below," "" k.1 t.b.l.,"p.l   row below," repeat   from   v to the last st.,k.l.

Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows 6 times.

15TH Row. Sl.I, k.22, (k.2 tog.) twice, k.l,(k.2 tog.) twice, k.23.

16TH Row. Sl.I, knit to end of row.17TH Row. Sl.I, k.20, (k.2 tog.) twice, k.l,

(k.2 tog.) twice, k.21.

18TH Row. SI.I, knit to end of row.

19TH Row. Sl.I, k.18, (k.2 tog.) twice, k.l,(k.2 tog.) twice, k.19.

20TH Row. Sl.I, knit to end of row. (43 sts.).

21sT Row. SI.l, k.l, "" p.l , k.l,   repeat from ""to the last st., k.l.

22ND Row, SI.l, ""p.l ,   k.1, repeat   frorn   sto endof row.

23RD Row. SI.l,   k.l , ""wl.fwd., k.2 tog., repeatfrom   e to the last st., k.1.

Repeat the 22nd row once then the 21st row once.

26TH Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

Repeat the 26th row twice.

Break off the M.e. wool, join in the e.

29TH Row. Knit to end of row.

30TH Row. SI.l, k.l, "" (wl.fwd.) twice, k.2 tog.,repeat   from   eto the last st., k.l.

31ST Row.   SI.I, "" p.l, p.l dropping the extraloop, repeat   froms   to the last 2 sts., p.l, k.l.

Break off the e. wool, join in the M.e.32ND Row. SI.I, knit to end of row.

Repeat the 32nd row 3 times.

Cast off loosely.


Press carefully on the wrong side under a dampcloth with a hot iron. Sew up the foot and leg

seams. Turn back the picot edge on to the rightside of the work and sew loosely in position.Cut the ribbon in half. Thread the ribbon

through the holes at the ankles and tie in abow.

Press all seams.


No. I.-The tension for this garment is 9 sts.   toone inch.


Ioz. in any of the following qualities:

Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool 3ply (Shrink Resist).Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply ..

Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.   r ,...,

s No 122

1 Pair No. 12 Knitting Needles.

2 Small Buttons.

to   Inches narrow Ribbon.

IMedium sized Crochet Hook.


Length of foot:   3t inches.

Length of back seam: I±   inches.

THE SLIPPERS. (Both alike)

Cast on 19 sts.

1ST Row. Sl.I, "" p .l, k.l, repeat from" to endof row.

Repeat the 1st row once.

3RD Row. Increase once in the first st., '"' p.l,k.l, repeat frorn   sto the last 2. sts., increase oncein the next st. puriways, k.l.

4TH R ow. Sl.I, k.l, "" p.l, k.l, repeat from"to the last 3 sts., p.l, increase once in the nextst., k.1.   .

5TH Row. Increase once in the first   st.. '"' p.l,k.l, repeat from   ' * '   to the last 3 sts., p.l, increaseonce in the next st., k.l.

6TH Row. Sl.I,   ' * '   p.l, k.l, repeat from"" to thelast 3 sts., p.l, increase once in the next st.,k.1.

Repeat from the 3rd to the 6th row (inclusive)once then the 3rd and 4th rows once. (34   SIS.).

13TH Row. SI.I,   ' * '   p.l, k.l, repeat from   ' * '   to thelast st., k.l.

14TH Row. Sl.I, k.l, "" p.l, k.l, repeat from •to end of row.

Repeat the 13th and 14th rows once.

17TH Row. K.2 tog., k.l,   ' * '   p.l,   k.l ,   repeat fromif.   to the last 3 sts., p.l, k.2 tog.

18TH Row. SI.1, "" p.1, k.l, repeat from   ' * '   to thelast 3 sts., p.l, k.2 tog.

19TH Row. K.2 tog., k.l, "" p.l, k.l, repeat from' * '   to the last 2 sts., k.2 tog.

20TH Row. SI.I, k.l,   ' * '   p.l, k.l, repeat from   > I I <   tothe last 3 sts., p.l, k.2 tog.

Repeat from the 17th to the 20th row (inclusive)once then the 17th and 18th rows once. (19sts.).

27TH Row.   Sl.I,   > I I <   p.l, k.l, repeat frorn " to endof row.

28TH Row. S1.1, '"' p.l, k.l, repeat   from   v to endof row, cast on 15 sts.

29TH Row. K.2 tog.,   > I I <   p.l, k.l, repeat   from   sto

the last 2 sts., increase once in the next st. purl-

ways, k.1.30TH Row. Sl.1, k.l, '"' p.l, k.l, repeat from   > I I <   to

end of row.

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31sT Row. SI.1, • p.l, k.l, repeat from • t o thelast 3 sts., p.l, increase once in the next st., k.1

Repeat the 27th row once.

33RD Row.   K.2 tog., k.l, • p.l, k.l, repeat from

• to the last 2 sts., increase once in the next st.

purlways, k.1

34TH Row. SI.l, k.I, • p.l, k.I, repeat from • tothe last st., k.l.

35TH Row. SI.1, k.l, • p.l, k.l, repeat from • tothe last 3 sts., p.l , increase once in the next st.,


36TH Row. SI.l, •   p.I, k.I.   repeat from • to thelast st., k. I.

Repeat the 29th and 30th rows once then the 36th

row once.

40TH Row. SI.l, k.l, • p.I, k.I, repeat from •to end of row.

41sT Row. K.2 t og., k.I,· p.l, k.l, repeat from

• to the last st., k.l.Repeat the 34th row once.

43RD Row. Cast off 18 sts. in pattern, k.I, • p.l ,

k.I, repeat from • to the last st., k.l.

ltkepeat the 34th row 9 times casting on 18 sts. atthe end of the last row.   .

53RD R ow. Increase once in the first st., k.l,

• p.l, k.l, repeat from • to the last st., k.l.

Repeat the 30th row once, the 36th row once then

the 30th row once.

57TH Row. Increase once in the first   st., •   p.I,

k.I, repeat from • to the last 3 sts.. p.l ,

. k.2 tog.

Repeat the 36th row once.

59TH Row. SI.l, k.l,   *   p.I, k  .l . repeat from •to the last 2 sts., k.2 tog.

Repeat the 34th row once.

61sT Row. Increase once in the first   st.,   k .l ,

.. .p.l, k.I, repeat from • to the last 3 sts., p.l ,

k .2 tog.

Repeat the 27th row once.

63RD Row. SI.l, • p.l, k  .l, repeat from • to thelast 2 sts., k.2 tog.

Repeat the 30th row once then the 57th rowonce.

66TH Row. SI.I, • p.I, k . l , repeat from • to thelast st., k. J. (34 sts.).

Cast off in pattern.


Press carefully on the wrong side under a dampcloth with a hot iron. With the wrong side of  

the work facing sew A to A, B to B, C to Cand D to D. With the right side of the work  

facing and using the medium sized crochet hook 

work I row of d.c.   all round the top of theslippers.

Page   4

THE STRAPS. (Both alike)

Using the medium sized crochet hook work .   26

ch., turn, miss I ch., • work 1 d.c. into the nextch., repeat from • to the last 2 ch., I ch., missI ch., work I d.c.   into the last ch. Fasten off .


Fold the strap in half and placing the centre to

the seam at the back of the heel sew the strapto the centre 6 d.c. of the slipper. Cut the ribbonin half and make 2 small bows. Sew in positionon the front of the slippers. Sew on button to

correspond with the buttonhole.

Press all seams.


 / -1





< 0

'\   .~


No. I.-The tension for this garment is 8! one inch.


oz. Main Colour and a small ball Contrast inany of the following qualities:

.Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool 3ply (Shrink Resist).

Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply

Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.

Pair No. 11 Knitting Needles.

iYard narrow Ribbon.



. Length of foot: 3j- inches.Length from top of1eg to base of heel: 2! inches.

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THE BOOTEES. (Both alike)

Using the M.e. wool cast on 27 sts.

1ST Row. SU, knit to end of row.

Repeat the 1st row once.

3RD Row ..   SU, increase once in the next st.,k.9, (increase once in the next st.) twice, k.l ,

(increase once in the next st.) twice, k.9, increaseonce in the next st., k.l

4TH Row SI.I, knit to end of row

5TH Row. SI.I. increase once in the next st..k.12, (increase once in the next st.) twice,   k.l ,(increase once in the next st.) twice. k.12, increaseonce in the next st., k.l.

6TH Row SI.I, knit to end of row.

Continue in garter st. increasing 6 times (as before)in the next and every alternate row until thereare 57 sts. on the needle.

Join in the C. wool and proceed as follows:-

1ST Row. SU, p.5, • increase once in the nextst. purlways, p.3, repeat from • to the last 7 sts.,increase once in the next st. purlways, p.5, k.l.(69 sts.).

2ND Row. SU, purl to the last st., k.1

3RD Row. SI.I, knit to end of row.

4TH Row. SI.I. purl to the last st., k.I.

Break off the C. wool.

Repeat from the 2nd to the 4th row (inclusive) 4


Shape the Instep

1ST Row. SI.I. p.39, turn.

2ND Row. SU, k.9, k.2 tog., turn.

3RD Row. SI.I. p.9, p.2 tog., turn .

• •

Repeat the 3rd row once then the 2nd and 3rdrow.'>once .• •

Repeat from •• to •• 6 times.

25TH Row. SU, p.9, p.2 tog.. purl to the lastst., k.l. (45 sts.).

26TH Row. SU, k.I, • p.l , k.I, repeat from • tothe last st., k. I .

27TH Row. Increase once in the first st., • p.I,k.l , repeat from • to end of row.   .

28TH Row. SI.l, k.l, • wl.fwd., k.2 tog., repeat

from • to end of row.

29TH Row. K.2 tog., • p.I, 1<.1,repeat from • toend of row.

Repeat the 26th row once.

31ST Row. SU, knit to end of row.

32ND Row. SI.I, purl to the last st., k.l.

33RD Row Sl.l. knit to end of row.

34TH Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

35TH Row. SI.l, purl to the last st., k.l

Repeat the 34th and 35th rows 3 times.

Break off the M.C wool,   join in the e.

42ND Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

Repeat the 42nd row once.

44TH Row. SI.l, purl to the last st., k.I.45TH Row. SI.I, knit to end of row

Cast off.


Press very lightly on the wrong side under a dampcloth with a hot iron. Sew up the foot and legseams. Using the e. wool embroider 5 flowersin lazy daisy stitch round the top of each bootee.Cut the ribbon in half. Thread the ribbon throughthe holes at the ankles and tie in a bow.

Press all seams.




No.   I.-The tension for this garment is 8t ststo one inch.


oz. Main Colour and a small ball Contrast inany of the following qualities:

Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool 3ply (Shrink Resist).

Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply.

Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.

I Pair No. II Knitting Needles.

a   Yard narrow Ribbon.


Length of foot: 3t inches.

Length from top of leg to base of heel: 2t inches.

THE BOOTEES. (Both alike)

Using the M.e. wool cast on 47 sts.

.   .   1ST Row.   SU, knit to end of'row.I~"f    ..

V .   Repeat the 1st row once.

3RD Row. SU, (increase once in the next st.,k.20, increase once in the next st., k.l) twice.

4TH Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

5TH Row. SU, increase once in the next   .st.,k.21, increase.  once in the next st., k.3, increaseonce in the next st., k.21, increase once in the

.   next st., k.l.

6TH Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

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Continue in garter st. increasing 4 times (as before)

in the next and every alternate row until there

are 63   sts.   on the needle.

NEXT Row. Sl.1, knit to end of row.

Join   i Q   the e. wool.

1ST Row. Sl.l, knit to end of row.

2~D,   Row.   SI.I,   * '   · p.l,   k.l ,   repeat from • to end.   ufr6w.   .

3Rt)  ".Row'.   Sl.1, k.l,   * '   p.l, k.l, repeat   from   *' to

~the last st., k.l.

Repeat the 2nd row once. Break off the e. wool.

Using the M.e. wool repeat the 1st row 3 times.

8TH!   RC lW .   .Sl.1, purl to the last   st.,   k.l.

Rep~t.the   lst row twice.

Join tn'tne e.   .wool.

Repeat the 1st r ow once, the 2nd and 3rd rows

.   once then the 2nd row once. Break off the e.

wool.   'Using the M.e. wool repeat the 1st row twice.

Row. SI.1, k.36, k.2 tog. t.b.l., turn.

2ND Row. SI.I   p.,   p.ll, p.2   tog.,   turn.

Sl.1, k.ll, k.2 tog. t.b.l., turn.

Repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows 7 times then the 2nd

row once. (45 sts.).

19TH Row. Knit to end of row.

20TH Row.   Increase once in the first st., • p.l,

k.l ,  repeat from   * '   to end of row.

21sT Row. Sl.1, k.l, • wl.fwd., k.2   tog.,   repeat

from   * '   to end of row.

2iND Row. K.2 tog.,   * '  p.l ,  k.l, repeat from   * '   to

end of row.

23RD Row. Sl.l, knit to end of row.

24TH Row. SI.1, purl to the last st., k.l.

25TH Row. Sl.1,   * '   wl.fwd., sl.1, k.l, p.s.s.o., k.l ,

k.2   tog.,   wl.fwd., k.l, repeat from   * '   to the last

2 sts., k.2.   .

26TH Row. Sl.1, p.l ,  * '   k.l , p.5, repeat from*' to

the last st., k.l.   .

27TH Row. Sl.l,   * '   k.l , wl.fwd., sl.1, k.2 tog.,

. .   p.s.s.o., wLfwd., k.l, p.l, repeat from   * '   to the

~J-';'    las]   2,5tS."  k.2 ..,   .

  l'l28TH Row. St.I, p.l, • . k.l ,   p.5, repeat from • to

the last   st.;  k.l.

Repeat   from the 25th   to   the 28th row (inclusive)


Break off .lIte   M~C:wool, joinin the e.

,  37TH"  Ro~.   sIi,   knit to end of row.

. Repeat the 37th row once.

 page   6

39TH Row. SI.I, purl to the last st., k.l.

Cast off knitways.


Press carefully on the wrong side under a dampcloth with a hot iron. Sew up the foot and leg

seams.   Fold the first ribbed stripe in half andsew through the double fabric to form a ridgeall round the edge of the sole. Cut the ribbon in

half. Thread the ribbon through the holes at theankle and tie in a bow.

Press all seams.


No. I.-The tension for this garment is 8f sts

to one inch .


I oz. in any of the following qualities:Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool 3ply (Shrink Resist).Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply.

Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.

Pair No. II Knitting Needles.

~. Yard narrow Ribbon.

I Medium sized Crochet Hook.



Length of foot:   J !-   inches.

Length from top of leg to base of heel: 21 inches.

THE BOOTEES. (Both alike)

Cast on 27 sts.

1ST Row. Sl.1, knit to end of row.

Repeat the Ist row once.

3RD Row. Sl.l , (increase once in the next st.,

k.lO, increase once in the next st., k.l) twice.

4TH Row. Sl.l , knit to end of row.

5TH R ow. Sl.1, increase once in the next st.,k.ll, increase once in the next st., k.3, increaseonce in the next st., k.l1, increase once in thenext st., k.l .

6TH Row. Sl.1, knit to end of row.

Work 3 rows in garter st. increasing 4 times (as

before) in the 1st and 3rd rows. (43 sts.).

Repeat the 1st row 3 times.

NEXT Row. Sl.1, k.14, (increase once in the nextst. knitways, increase once in the next st. purl-ways) 6 times, increase once in the next st.knitways, k.15.   (56 sts.) .

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Proceed as follows   r-.

1ST Row. SU, k.14, (p.2, k.2) 6 times, p.2,k.15.

ND Row. Sl.l, increase once in the next st.,

k.13,   *   (k.1 t.b.l.) twice, wl.frt., insert the point

of the right hand needle from the back through

the next st. orie row below and purl at the sametime slipping off the st. above (this will now be

termed "p.I row below"), "p.I row below",repeat from   *   to the last 17 sts., (k.l , t.b.l.)

twice, k.13, increase once in the next st., k.l.

RD Row.   S1.I, k.15,   *   ("p.1 r~w"'elow") twice,(k.l, t.b.l.) twice, repeat from   *   to the last 18sts., ("p.l row below") twice, k.16.

TH Row. SI.I, increase once in the next st.,k.14,   *   (k .1 t.b.l.) twice, ("p.1 row below")

twice, repeat from   *   to the last 18 sts.,(k.1 t.b.l.) twice, k.14, increase once in t he nextst., k.l. (60 sts.).

TH Row. Sl.I, k  .16,   *   ("p.1 row below") twice,

(k .1 t.b.l.) twice, repeat from  *

  to the last 19sts., C'p.l row below") twice, k.17.

TH Row.   SI.I, k.16,   *   (k.1 t.b.l.) twice,o   ("p.1 row below") twice, repeat from   *   to the

last 19 sts.,   (k.1 t.b.l.) twice, k .17.   ' N V \ J    .Repeat the 5th and 6th rows 5 times.   tttx~\l\f\!\ 

7TH Row. SI.I, (increase   once in the next st.,k .3) 4 times, (p.2 tog., k.2 tog.) 6 times, p.2 tog.,

(k.3, increase once in the next   st.) 4 t imes, k .l.(55 sts.).

8TH Row.   Sl.I, k.20, cast ofT 13 sts. in rib, k.20.

9TH Row. Sl.I, (p.2, k .2) 5 times, cast on 2 sts.,

(k .2,   p.2) 5 times, k.l. (44 sts.).0TH Row.   SI.I, k.2,   *   p.2,   k .Z, repeat from   '.

to the last st., k.l.   .1   t 

1ST Row. Sl.I,   *   p.2, k.2, repeat from   *   to thelast 3 sts.,   p.2, k.l.

2ND Row. SI.I, k  .2,   *   w.r.n.. p.2 tog.,   k .2,repeat from';; to the last st., k.l.

Repeat the 21st row once then the 20th and 21strows 3 times.

ast off loosely in rib.


ress carefully on the wrong side under a damp

cloth with a hot iron. Sew up the foot and

leg scams. With the wrong side of the work  

facing gather the cast ofT sts. together at the

toe and sew in position to the cast on sts. With

the right side of the work facing and using the

medium sized crochet hook work I row of d.c.

all round the bottom of the bootees to form a

sole. Cut the ribbon in half. Thread the ribbon

through the holes at the ankles.

ress all  .seams.

 /   If 

1 1 ( /    MODEL   F

.   No. I.-The tension for this garment is 8t St5. toone inch.

No. 2   .   MATERIALS

oz.   Main Colour and a small ball Contrast inany of the following qualities:

Sirdar Sunshine Baby Wool 3ply (Shrink Resist).Sirdar Majestic Wool 3ply.Sirdar Baby Nylon 3ply.

Pair No. II Knitting Needles.

2 Small Buttons.

I Medium sized Crochet Hook.


Length of foot: 3~· inches.

Length from top of leg to base of heel:   21- inches.


Using the M.e. wool cast on 47 sts.

1ST Row. SI.l, knit to end of row.

Repeat the Ist row once.

31w Row. St.I, k.14, increase once in t he next

st., k.l, increase once in the next st., k  .20,

increase once in the next st., k.l, increase oncein the next st., k.6.

4TH Row. SI.I,   knit to end of row.

5TH   Row. St.I,   k.14, increase once in the next

st., k.3, increase once in the next st., k.20,

'. increase once in the   next st., k .3,·   increase oncein the next st., k.6.

6TH Row. SI.I, knit to end of row.

Continue in garter st. increasing 4 times (as

before) in the next and every alternate rowuntil there are 63 sts.   on the needle.

**Break off the M.e. wool, join in t he C

1ST Row.0

SI.I, purl to the last st., k.1

Repeat the 1st row once.

31w Row. St.I, knit to end of row.

Repeat the Ist row once then the 3rd row once.

Break olf the e. wool,   join in the M.e andproceed as follows:-

NEXT Row. Insert the point of the right hand

needle into the first st. at the same time into the

first st. of the first row of Contrast and knitthese 2 sts. together,   continue in this mannerto·   form a ridge all alcng the row.   **

Repeat the 6th tow 8 times.

Repeat from   **   to   **   once.

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