singapore american school newsflash, august 2010

Volume 13, Issue 1-10/11 - August 2010 Flash Flash News News A Singapore American School community service publication MICA (P) 154/08/2009 Summer School Fun Pages 19-21 Details on Open House Pages 22-24 Surviving Open House Page 10

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Newsflash, now Crossroads, was a Singapore American School community service publication.


Page 1: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2010

Volume 13, Issue 1-10/11 - August 2010

FlashFlashNewsNewsA Singapore American School community service publication

MICA (P) 154/08/2009

Summer School Fun Pages 19-21

Details on Open House Pages 22-24

Surviving Open House Page 10

Page 2: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2010

2 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Editor: Tamara Black Staff Editor: Junia Baker Layout Design:Alfi Dino

Photography: Karen Cortezano

August 2010 Volume 13, Issue 1-10/11

Calendar Highlights

PTA President’s Letter

Booster Club News




NewsFlash is published monthly by the Communications Office of the Singapore American School. It is distributed free of charge to the parents, faculty members and organizations served by the school.

We welcome input from the community associated with Singapore American School

Email Community nEws

Input to [email protected]

Email trading Post

Input to [email protected] Post advertising is restricted to non-

commercial items only from SAS students, parents and staff

oCtobEr nEwsFlash

Deadline: September 3, 2010Publication Date: October 4, 2010

Meet the SAS Board Our New Home

After School Activities School Uniforms PTA & Booster Club Awards

HS Activities & Athletics Summer School Fun Details on Open House


6 7

11 16





Tim Stuart Principal

High School


Primary School

Marian GrahamPrincipal

Intermediate School

William Scarborough Director of Finance and

Business Operations

BRENT MUTSCHSuperintendent of Schools

Devin PrattPrincipal

Middle School

Katherine Johnson Director

for Human Resources

MARK BOYERAsst. Superintendent

for Learning

COMMUNICATIONS OFFICESingapore American School

40 Woodlands Street 41Singapore 738547

Tel: 6360-6303SAS Website:

NEWSFLASH is published monthly by the Communi-cations Office of the Singapore American School. It is distributed free of charge to the parents, faculty mem-bers and organizations served by the school.

Page 3: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2010

3SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

The 2010-11 journey begins this month

“Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.”

John Dewey

Welcome to the Singapore American School and the beginning of what is anticipated to be a successful 2010-2011 school year. The mission of the Singapore American School is to provide each student with an exemplary American educational experience with an international perspective. The week of August 9 will mark the return of all faculty and staff to begin preparation for creating a learning experience aligned with the mission. The first student-parent-teacher event will be the annual SAS Open House on Saturday, August 14.

By Brent Mutsch Superintendent of Schools

Each vehicle entering campus must stop for a security check, but for easier access parents should register and obtain permits for their vehicles. Please apply for them in person from Central Administration or any division office. Please note that vehicle permits are only issued to parents of children enrolled at SAS.

Vehicle Permits

August 2010 Volume 13, Issue 1-10/11

SAS Open House provides opportunities for students and parents to meet their teachers, families to become more familiar with the campus, the broader SAS community to reconnect after the summer break, and new families to be welcomed into the community and to begin to develop networks of relationships that will enrich their lives. School will begin on Monday, August 16 for students in grades 3-12. Individual student/parent conferences will be conducted on August 16-17 for students in pre-kindergarten – grade 2, and these students will begin school on Wednesday, August 18.

The school year will begin with approximately 3,860 students, near capacity enrollment for SAS. There are waiting lists at most grade levels so as to not compromise our commitment to the “Vital Few” – academic rigor, extraordinary care for the welfare of each child and commitment to professional excellence.

The vision of the Singapore American School is to inspire a passion for learning, encourage emotional and intellectual vitality and empower students with the confidence and courage to contribute to the global com-munity and to achieve their dreams. This vision is best accomplished when parents, faculty, staff and admin-istrators work closely with students to effectively and successfully promote learning.

As the journey associated with the new school year begins, please don’t hesitate to contact teachers or administrators if you have questions or if we can be of specific assistance. The commitment to learning excellence, long a trademark of SAS, is best accomplished through a strong partnership between home and school. We look forward to working together to create a successful 2010-2011 school year!

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4 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

The Singapore American School Board of Governors is made up of twelve elected volunteers who serve three-year terms and are on a minimum of two Board working committees. All Board members must be parents of current students and members of the Trust.

The Board of Governors is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the school from a strategic perspective, including:

establishing and supporting a clear statement of vision, mission and strategy in conjunction with the Superintendent •and reviewing these items on a regular basis;

enacting and maintaining policies that support the vision, mission and strategy;•

ensuring financial viability by implementing sustainable operating budgets; undertaking prudent investment in •maintenance of and replacement for capital assets; engaging in fund-raising activities; and growing the endowment to support future needs; and

selecting and dismissing the Superintendent when necessary, nurturing him or her and providing both personal and •policy support and a yearly evaluation based on previously agreed upon goals.

All other duties are delegated to the Superintendent.

The Board operates through the following working committees: Advancement, Curriculum, Facilities, Finance and Trust.

Are you a member of the American School Trust?

The American School Trust Limited is the legal entity under which the Singapore American School operates. Members of the Trust participate in the governance of the school by electing twelve fellow Trust members to the Board of Governors, which oversees the operations of the school.

In order to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Trust and to vote for candidates standing for election to the Board of Governors, you must be a member of the Trust. The Annual General Meeting will be held this year on October 26, 2010, in Room H301.

To become a member of the Trust, you must apply directly; membership is not automatic. However, families new to SAS are mem-bers of the Trust because the Student Admissions Form now includes a section for Trust application. Any parent or legal guardian of an SAS student or any employee is eligible and is encouraged to join the Trust. There is no fee to join the Trust.

If you have not previously joined the American School Trust or are unsure of whether you are a member, please call Board Secretary Ann Tan for assistance. She can be reached by telephone at 6360-6315 or by email at [email protected].

Are you interested in serving on the Board?

Parents interested in serving on the Board may do so in one of two ways:

The first and most common way to join the Board is by appointment. The Board seeks to recruit and appoint parents who are com-mitted to the Mission, Vision and strategic objectives of the school and whose strategic expertise, resources and perspectives will ensure an effective and diverse Board. Parents register interest to serve on the Board, and then are invited to a series of “get to know you (and us)” discussions. When a Board seat becomes open (typically after someone moves or their children graduate), the Board makes an appointment from the list of interested parties it has met. Anyone who has been appointed to fill a vacancy must then run for re-election when the term to which he or she has been appointed expires.

The second way to join the Board is to run in the annual election mentioned above. Any Trust member who wishes to stand for elec-tion to the Board must file with Board Secretary Ann Tan a written statement of his or her intention to stand for election, supported by the signatures of 30 Trust members, at least 21 days before the election.

Board Secretary Ann Tan will be pleased to answer any questions about the appointment or electoral process.

Are you interested in serving on the Investment Advisory Committee?

The Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) assists the Superintendent and the Finance Committee of the Board of Governors in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities pertaining to the management and investment of the funds of the Trust and the school.

Candidates must be members of the Trust and have a minimum of 10 years professional experience in the financial services industry or equivalent, with at least 5 years direct experience in investment management, wealth management and/or private banking.

If you are interested, please contact Ann Tan for further information.

More information about the SAS Board of Governors is available at

SAS Board of Governors

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5SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Ravi AgarwalBoard member

since October 2008Term ends October 2011

Margrit Benton Board member since Jan 2009

Term ends October 2010Vice Chairman

Co-Chair—Advancement Committee

Joe Anderson Board member since June 2007

Term ends October 2011

Rudolph MullerBoard member

since 2008Term ends October 2011


Bon ParkBoard member since June 2007

Term ends October 2012Co-Chair—Advancement


Catherine Poyen Board member since May 2008

Term ends October 2012Chair—Trust Committee

SheilaWang Board member since Oct 2004

Term ends October 2010

Maria Warner-Wong Board member since Sept 2008

Term ends October 2009Chair—Facilities Committee

Meet the SAS Board of Governors

Shailesh Bettadapur Board member since June 2009

Term ends October 2011

Devin Kimble Board member since June 2007

Term ends October 2010Chair—Finance Committee

Bart Broadman Board member since June 2005

Term ends October 2012

Jonathan Auerbach Board member since June 2010

Term ends October 2010

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6 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Big sky sunrises coupled with endless summer days… it’s hard to beat summer time on the Great Plains. Sadly, as I boarded the plane heading to Singapore I knew that I would not partake of any of the 31 days of August that North Dakota had to offer, the best part of summer. Such is life for an inter-national educator. The silver lining: I was heading “home.”

For the past 8+ years our family has called Singapore home. Prior to moving here, we lived in Saudi Arabia and China. Life aboard can seem like one transition after another; in fact, this is often the only constant. On average families attend SAS for 3-4 years before moving to another international post or repatriating. With these thoughts in mind, it’s important for parents to have an understanding of the five stages children (and adults) typically go through as part of the transition process.

Stage 1: Settled: This describes one’s status prior to moving. Your children were attending school, had a predictable routine with a peer group in place and were involved in the community. Generally, they were responsive and responsible.

Stage 2: Leaving: At some point a decision to move was made. This may have come with many months of prior notice and prepara-tion, or this may have happened in the last five weeks. Leaving is a time of saying “goodbye,” withdrawing and disengaging from the community. Kids and adults alike experience a range of emotional responses during this time, including excitement, joy, antici-pation, denial, anger, resentment, bargaining and feelings of sadness and loss. What is important to note is that kids and adults often enter a new environment the way they left the previous one.

Stage 3: Honeymoon: Upon arriving in an unfamiliar cultural context, the common tendencies are to look for what is familiar and attempt to establish a routine. This is also a time when others often extend themselves to welcome new families. Kids tend to feel pretty good and generally function at a high level. This “honeymoon” lasts anywhere from 10 minutes to three months.

Stage 4: Disorientation: As kids and adults begin to interact more with their new environment, they begin to notice how much is really so very, very different. The more they interact, the more they become disoriented. The reason for this is often due to the loss of friends and social supports. They may experience a number of emotional responses, including mourning the loss of friends and family, feeling isolated, exaggerating problems and behaviors, feeling tired and grumpy, judging the host culture negatively and refusing to “connect.”

It is not uncommon for kids to want to stay connected with friends from their previous environment and not want to make new friends. Holing up in their bedrooms, they may spend significant amounts of time communicating with their “old” friends via the Internet. It’s also not uncommon for kids to struggle academically during the first quarter.

During this stage, parents and kids often encounter the most difficulty related to their move. Each person will go through these stages in slightly different time sequences. It may be a particular holiday, time of year, birthday or other significant event that triggers an emotional response. This period typically lasts from one to six months, and sometimes flares up when families return from their first long holiday break.

An important point to keep in mind is that during transitions kids often mimic the emotional states of their parents. While one of the spouses, typically the father, has a job and quickly settles into the routine of work, the trailing spouse initially may find consider-able difficulty establishing a support system. Without this they may experience many of the same feelings as their children. It is not uncommon for their negative feelings to be transmitted to their kids. If you are an accompanying spouse you need community just as much as your children. To this end, I encourage you to become involved with the PTA, Booster Club or Arts Council at SAS. This is a great way to make contacts with other parents and helps foster community.

Stage 5: Recovery and Adjustment: As kids and adults continue to interact with their new culture they begin to incorporate their understanding of themselves, school, friends, etc. and to feel “at home.” Their levels of pre-move functioning typically return to normal levels, sometimes even to higher than normal levels because of all they have learned about themselves and the world. The benefits of this generally include increased social maturity, a broader worldview, less prejudice and greater cultural and religious tolerance.

How can parents help with these adjustment issues?

1) Recognize common reactions in children:

Delayed child / adolescent behaviors•

Emotional extremes•

Welcome “Home”By High School Psychologist Jeff Devens, Ph.D.

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7SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

2) Recognize and validate their identity with their former home as well as their new culture:

Don’t try to make your children precisely follow developmental norms of the new culture. For example, they may •initially perform below their academic potential those first few months. They may not want to connect with others initially. They may be excessively critical of the school, home, teachers, etc.

Be patient with them when they seem “out of sync.” Most kids adjust in a few months; however, some may •struggle beyond the end of the first quarter. Staying in contact with your child’s teacher or counselor is a good way of informing them of ways they can provide additional support.

For more information on adjustment issues, I encourage you to contact your child’s grade level counselor. At SAS we have 17 coun-selors and 2 psychologists who are trained to deal with transition issues and can provide support. Welcome home.

9th Grade Parent Boot Camp: Moving toward Adulthood Presenter: High School Psychologist Jeff Devens, Ph.D. Parents of 9th graders are invited to attend one of two parent workshops addressing fundamental issues that teens and par-ents face as they transition from Middle School to High School. These three-hour coffees will address the following topics: 1. Fostering responsibility and independence in teens’ lives: Formulating rules / consequences / following through 2. Alcohol use among teens: Addressing perception vs. reality and talking with your teen regarding alcohol use 3. Online computer issues: Gaming and social networking (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Wikis) Parents of 9th graders wishing to attend must register with the high school counseling office (6360-6501— ask for Linda). Wednesday, August 25 or Tuesday, September 7, room H301, 9 am – 12 noon (approximately) Parents who attend are asked to bring snacks to share with 10 other people (or we all go hungry). Drinks will be provided.

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8 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Adventure, challenge, practical skills and leadership – the promise of scouting is all this and more. Are you ready for the adventure to begin? Chartered by the American Association of Singapore, BSA Troop 07 brings the American scouting ex-perience to Singapore. Scouting uses outdoor activities, such as camping and hiking, to promote leadership, physical fitness, moral character and service to others – developing boys into self-reliant young men and community leaders.

Troop 07 scouts have sailed around the islands of Phuket, Thailand and climbed Mount Kinabalu in Borneo. This year, they are planning high adventure in the rain forests of Taman Negara, Malaysia. In addition to the big excursions, the scouts go on several weekend camping trips in Singapore. On all scout outings, the boys share responsibilities, learn a variety of practical skills and work together. Each boy has the opportunity for leadership training with practical applications.

Do the challenges of high adventure, camping, wilderness survival, first aid and orienteering sound like activities you would like to explore? Consider joining the ranks of BSA Troop 07. Come to BSA Registration Night, Tuesday, August 24, 6:15 pm at the Singapore American School, High School Room H301.

Can’t make it to BSA Registration Night? No problem. We will be at the SAS Open House on August 14. In addition, we meet every Tuesday in SAS High School Room H301. Stop by at your earliest convenience to learn more about scouting and our troop. For more information, visit

High Adventure – Start your Boy Scout journey with BSA Troop 07

The Trading Post is a non-commercial classified ad service for SAS parents, stu-dents and teachers. The Trading Post will be posted on the SAS website on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Notice of the posting and a link will be included in What’s Happening. Deadlines are the second and fourth Mondays of each month. To find the Trading Post, go to “School Publications” on the main menu of the SAS website. Please send notices to [email protected]. If you have any questions, email [email protected].


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9SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

14 SAS Open House & PTA Ice Cream Social 9am -1pm

16 Grades 3-12 1st Day of School 16-17 Individual Student/Parent Teacher Meetings for

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Preschool Small Group Orientaions at 8am, 10am

and 1pm

18 8:30am PTA MS Welcome Coffee (PTA Office) 10:30am PTA HS Welcome Coffee (PTA Office) First Day of School for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1 & 2

19 8:30am PTA Coffee for New PS/ECC Parents - PTA Office 10:30am PTA Coffee for New IS Parents - PTA Office

Calendar August 2010

24 10am HS Booster Welcome Coffee (M301) 6:15pm -8:30pm IS Back to School Night

25 9-11am 9th grade Parent Boot Camp (H301) Pre-Sch/Pre-K Back to School Night ALTERNATE DRESS DAY

26 7:00pm MS Back To School Night

27 9:30am PTA Welcome Back Coffee/General Meeting (Drama Theater)

31 7pm HS Back to School Night

2 PS Back To School Night

3 8:10-8:30am School-Wide Evacuation Drill

3-4 HS Peer Support Retreat

6 8:15am -9:15am IS Parent Coffee 10am HS PTA Coffee (H301)

7 9am-11am 9th grade Parent Boot Camp (H301)


9 12:45pm Student Early Release PM Preschool is cancelled

10 Public Holiday

13 10:00am MS Parent Coffee (M301) 13-17 HS Homecoming Week

16-18 ISB Band Exchange (MS)

22-24 MS Classroom Without Walls A Side Trip

22 ALTERNATE DRESS DAY 29 Sept MS Classroom Without Walls B Side Trip- 1 Oct

September 2010

1 9:15 am -10:00 am PS UN Day (HS Gym) 7pm HS Music Concert

3-5 IASAS Soccer in Jakarta, Cross Country and Volleyball in Bangkok

4 8:15am -9:15am IS Parent Coffee 10am HS PTA Coffee

5 7pm HS Interim Semester Parents Info Evening (Drama Theater)

6-8 MS Classroom Without Walls C Side Trip

October 2010

2010-2011 School Calendar

A change of date for Vesak Day 2011 is reflected on the updated 2010-2011 school calendar posted on the SAS websiteand included in this issue of NewsFlash. Vesak Day has been moved from May 10 to May 17. The late start day previously scheduled on May 11 has been moved to May 18.

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READ AHEAD Please read carefully through the pages in Newsflash that provide an overview of all Open House activities. There are many different places to visit on the SAS campus. You will want to plan your schedule carefully.

DRESS COMFORTABLY The SAS campus spans 37 acres. Families with students in different school divisions will be traveling over a large area. Please dress comfortably for the tropical weather.

TRANSPORT / PARKING Driving: There is limited parking on campus. Additional parking spaces are available in the HDB multi-level parking garage in Block 426A, located right outside the school (refer to the Open House location map). You will need to display parking coupons on your dashboard to park in that facility. Coupons are sold at: NTUC Fairprice outlets, post offices, selected gas stations and 7-Eleven stores. Public Transport: The closest MRT station is Marsiling station (a 15 minute walk away, or you make take feeder bus number 912 from Avenue 1). There is a taxi stand at the main entrance of the school.

VISITING TEACHERS & CLASSROOMS Class lists will be posted in the foyer of each division. We hope you enjoy meeting your children’s teachers and visiting classrooms, libraries and other facilities. Please note that Open House is not the right forum to discuss the individual needs of your child, but you are welcome to schedule a meeting with teachers or a counselors at another time.

BUYING UNIFORMS Please read through the Uniform Sales Guidelines in this issue of NewsFlash. Please note that SAS is the only school in Singapore that offers the convenience of buying uniforms on campus throughout the school year. SAS uniform polo shirts and PE uniforms are sold by volunteers in the PTA and the Booster Club. Uniform bottoms are sold by Lim Meng Keng Department Store on campus at selected times in August. The rest of the year bot-toms may be ordered through the PTA and Boosters or purchased directly from the store’s outlet at 221 Hol-land Ave., Holland Road Shopping Center, #02-18.

CASH & CHECKS The PTA , Boosters and JJ Hoe Catering (lunch coupons for kindergarten through grade 3) only accept cash and Singapore dollar checks. There is a DBS ATM machine located in the High School foyer.

FOOD & DRINK The PTA is hosting an Ice Cream Social in the Intermediate/Middle School Cafeteria from 9 am to 1 pm. Ice cream sundaes, popsicles, coffee and tea will be served with the PTA’s compliments. You may also purchase food from various cafeterias and stalls throughout the campus (please see information on the Open House page in this issue).

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS: INFORMATION & SIGN-UPS Various community organizations will be present at Open House: SACAC, Scouts, American Association, Ameri-can Chamber of Commerce, American Women’s Association and more. (please see information on the Open House page in this issue).


Page 11: Singapore American School Newsflash, August 2010

Booster Booth in High School foyer

Elementary Gym, Intermediate School


Uniform polo shirts, PE shirts, PE shorts

Cash & Singapore bank checks only

Elementary Theater, Intermediate School Additional sale dates: August 16-20, 9 am - 2:30 pm @ the PTA Office

Cash & Singapore bank checks, credit cards & Nets

Uniform polo shirts, PE shirts, PE shorts

Cash & Singapore bank checks only


Preschool through grade 8: PTA Sales (located in the PTA Office) - 9 am to 2:30 pm High School, grades 9 - 12: Booster Booth (High School foyer) - 7:45 am to 3:15 pm

SAS Approved Uniform Bottoms for all grades: Throughout the school year, samples of approved uniform bottoms are available at both PTA Sales and the Booster Booth. Orders can be placed through the PTA or Boosters. Uniform bottoms may also be purchased directly from Lim Meng Keng Department Store: 221 Holland Avenue, Holland Road Shopping Center, #02-18, Tel: 6468-3655. SAS has a preferred account with Land’s End, which offers both slim and husky/plus sizes for many of the approved SAS uniform bottoms. Please visit the school website ( and look under “uniform guidelines” (under the Admissions tab) for more information.

UNIFORM GUIDELINES: SAS students are required to wear a uniform consisting of the SAS white polo shirt and navy blue shorts, pants culottes or skorts. Uniform bottoms are sold through Lim Meng Keng Department Store. Uniform polo shirts and PE attire are sold by the PTA and the Boosters.


PTA Sales @ Elementary Gym (Intermediate School) Boosters @ Booster Booth (High School foyer)

Lim Meng Keng Department Store @ Elementary Theater (Intermediate School)




READ AHEAD Please read carefully through the pages in Newsflash that provide an overview of all Open House activities. There are many different places to visit on the SAS campus. You will want to plan your schedule carefully.

DRESS COMFORTABLY The SAS campus spans 37 acres. Families with students in different school divisions will be traveling over a large area. Please dress comfortably for the tropical weather.

TRANSPORT / PARKING Driving: There is limited parking on campus. Additional parking spaces are available in the HDB multi-level parking garage in Block 426A, located right outside the school (refer to the Open House location map). You will need to display parking coupons on your dashboard to park in that facility. Coupons are sold at: NTUC Fairprice outlets, post offices, selected gas stations and 7-Eleven stores. Public Transport: The closest MRT station is Marsiling station (a 15 minute walk away, or you make take feeder bus number 912 from Avenue 1). There is a taxi stand at the main entrance of the school.

VISITING TEACHERS & CLASSROOMS Class lists will be posted in the foyer of each division. We hope you enjoy meeting your children’s teachers and visiting classrooms, libraries and other facilities. Please note that Open House is not the right forum to discuss the individual needs of your child, but you are welcome to schedule a meeting with teachers or a counselors at another time.

BUYING UNIFORMS Please read through the Uniform Sales Guidelines in this issue of NewsFlash. Please note that SAS is the only school in Singapore that offers the convenience of buying uniforms on campus throughout the school year. SAS uniform polo shirts and PE uniforms are sold by volunteers in the PTA and the Booster Club. Uniform bottoms are sold by Lim Meng Keng Department Store on campus at selected times in August. The rest of the year bot-toms may be ordered through the PTA and Boosters or purchased directly from the store’s outlet at 221 Hol-land Ave., Holland Road Shopping Center, #02-18.

CASH & CHECKS The PTA , Boosters and JJ Hoe Catering (lunch coupons for kindergarten through grade 3) only accept cash and Singapore dollar checks. There is a DBS ATM machine located in the High School foyer.

FOOD & DRINK The PTA is hosting an Ice Cream Social in the Intermediate/Middle School Cafeteria from 9 am to 1 pm. Ice cream sundaes, popsicles, coffee and tea will be served with the PTA’s compliments. You may also purchase food from various cafeterias and stalls throughout the campus (please see information on the Open House page in this issue).

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS: INFORMATION & SIGN-UPS Various community organizations will be present at Open House: SACAC, Scouts, American Association, Ameri-can Chamber of Commerce, American Women’s Association and more. (please see information on the Open House page in this issue).


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12 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Welcome to the new school year. To those of you who have just joined SAS, I’d especially like to extend a warm welcome to our community. I hope you and your family will enjoy a rewarding experience throughout the time you are with us.

By having your child enrolled at SAS, you are automatically a member of the PTA. We are fortunate to be part of a community where effective parental involvement in our school enriches the day-to-day educational experience of our children. You are an important partner in the success of SAS, and I hope you will consider volunteering for any one of the many service or event committees that the PTA operates. Aside from raising funds that go toward supporting numerous academic, athletic and extracurricular programs, the PTA focuses on supporting and organizing events that bring the SAS community together. Becoming active as a PTA volunteer will enable you to establish yourself within a network of information and will afford you the opportunity to be meaningfully involved in your child’s school life.

SAS Open House & PTA Ice Cream Social: Saturday, August 14To kick-off the year, I would like to invite you to attend the PTA Ice Cream Social during Open House on Saturday, August 14 from 9 am to 1 pm, at the Intermediate/Middle School Cafeteria. If you are new to SAS, please also stop by the PTA Office, located on the left just after the main entrance to the school, to pick up your Welcome Pack and meet some PTA Board Members. We will be on hand to answer questions or just say hello. Included in the packet is last year’s SAS PTA Directory along with other information to help you settle in.

We will be holding Divisional New Parent Welcome Coffees during the first week of school. These sessions will offer you the opportunity to meet other new parents and get to know the school and PTA better. Please check this issue of NewsFlash or posters around the school for dates and times.

PTA Welcome Back Coffee & General Meeting: Friday, August 27I would also like to invite all of you to the PTA Welcome Back Coffee and General Meeting, which will be held from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon on Friday, August 27 in the Drama Theater. At this event, SAS Superintendent Brent Mutsch will introduce the SAS Administration team. There will also be an overview of plans for this school year, and you will have the opportunity to sign-up for various volunteer opportunities in your child’s classroom and with PTA events and services. The following organizations will also have sign-ups at the event: Boosters, Arts Council, Community Library, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Tabitha and Caring for Cambodia. I would like to offer you our assistance in addressing any concerns or answering questions you might have about the school or community. During the first few weeks of school, you’ll see many members of the PTA Board wearing badges. Please feel free to stop any of us to introduce yourself or ask questions. You can also contact us at [email protected] or call any member of the Board. PTA information and contacts can be found at I look forward to seeing you around campus, and I wish everyone a happy and healthy school year.

Mae AndersonPTA [email protected]


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13SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

A great way to meet other new parents and “old-timers” too. Tours of the school will be available at the end of each session. ECC & Primary School Thursday, August 19 • 8:30 - 10 am

Intermediate School Thursday, August 19 • 10:30 am - Noon

Middle School Wednesday, August 18 • 8:30 - 10 am

High School Wednesday, August 18 • 10:30 am - Noon


at the SAS PTA Office

QUESTIONS? For more information,

please visit the PTA website:

To contact the PTA, please e-mail: [email protected]

We’d love to hear from you!

The SAS PTA Office will be open during Open House on August 14. New families are invited to stop in and pick up a Welcome Packet.

Please join us on Open House day for FREE sundaes and popsicles. Coffee and tea will also be served.


Saturday, August 14 • 9 am - 1 pm Intermediate/Middle School Cafeteria

WELCOME BACK COFFEE & PTA GENERAL MEETING Friday, August 27 • 9:30 am - 12:00pm Drama Theater Meet the SAS administration and get an overview of PTA events and services at the PTA’s Welcome Back Coffee and General Meeting.

Sign up for various volunteer opportunities in your child’s classroom and with PTA events and services.

The following organizations will also have sign-ups at the event:

Community Library, Boosters, Arts Council,

Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Tabitha and

Caring for Cambodia

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14 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

BSA Troop 07: Mitchell Hulse Earns Eagle Scout Rank By Brenda Korn, Publicity Chair, Troop 07

Mitch Hulse, 18, son of Kirk and Janice Hulse, was recognized on June 2 for ob-taining scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout. Assistant Scoutmaster Tom Hartberger presented the award. Mitch be-gan his scouting experience in Singapore as a Tiger Scout and has been a member of BSA Troop 07 since 2004, when he joined the troop after earning the Arrow of Light with Cub Scout Pack 3017.

The Eagle rank is the highest award in Boy Scouting, and less than 5 percent achieve this rank. An Eagle Scout pro-gresses through six lower ranks, each with their own set of requirements, earns at least 21 required merit badges in areas such as camping, personal management and citizenship, serves in a position of re-sponsibility within the troop for at least 6 months, completes a demanding, self-de-signed service project and lives the Scout Oath in his daily life.

Mitch’s project involved teaching migrant workers the basics of information technol-ogy and to use computers to improve their job opportunities and not have to resort to factory or domestic work. Through the Humanitarian Organization for Migrant Economics (HOME), Mitch developed a four-phase project that included a cur-riculum with lesson plans and worksheets to teach basic Internet and Microsoft Of-fice use. He gathered, tested and prepared donated computers (thanks to the Ameri-can Association!), recruited scouts to re-furbish those computers and physically moved them to CyberHome, the center where the classrooms are located. Working closely with HOME Executive Director Jolovan Wham, Mitch “piloted” the lessons with a small group of students, oversaw scouts trained as “teachers” and added more lessons as the students gained proficiency.

Parents, scouts, friends and former members of Troop 07 joined in congratulating Mitch, including his brother Matt, a former Troop 07 Eagle Scout, who returned to Singapore to honor his younger brother. Mitch has shown tremendous perseverance and has overcome many challenges to achieve this accomplishment…Congratulations!

If you are interested in becoming a member of BSA Troop 07, please see or check out one of our meet-ings – held Tuesdays 6:15pm – at the SAS High School, room H301.

The school maintains commercial insurance coverage for customary risks, including comprehensive liability, loss of school-owned property and fire insurance. The school does not maintain medical or accident insurance for students, parents or guests or for theft or loss of personal property, such as laptops and mobile phones. Parents are encouraged to arrange such insurance with one of the many carriers in Singapore.

InSurAnce cOverAge

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For more information, contact:SACAC Athletic Director – Will Pringle

[email protected]: 6363-6454

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The PTA was pleased to hold its 4th Annual White Elephant Sale on Saturday, May 15. We were glad to welcome over 35 sell-ers to the sale, an increase over the 25 sellers from the previous year. Posters at SAS advertised the event as well as an adver-tisement in the Straits Times to rally the public. In addition to the sellers in the SAS Primary School foyer, 45 homes in the Wood-lands neighborhood participated. A Used Books Sale with all books priced at $1 helped draw the crowds. The event saw a great turn out, and the sellers enjoyed brisk sales. The Booster Club added to the festivities by running a Bake Sale that featured Star-bucks coffee and freshly baked goods, all served with a smile by President Susan Fay. The PTA arranged for unsold items do-nated by participating sellers and leftover books to be collected by Something Old Something New, a local charitable organiza-tion. The PTA is grateful to have Asian Tigers K. C. Dat as sponsor for the White Elephant Sale.

The 2009-2010 SAS Academic/Service/Athletic Awards Evening was held on Thursday, May 24. In addition to the many awards given out by the SAS Administration, the Booster Club gave out ten $1,000 awards, and the PTA gave out six $5,000 scholarships.

The PTA awards were presented by Vice President Shelby Pazos and President Mae Anderson. PTA awards recognize and reward students who demonstrate exemplary character, as well as outstanding achievement in academics, extra-curricular activities and community service. Applicants must have a 3.2 cumulative grade point average and write an essay on a topic chosen by the PTA, as well as provide their high school resume and a letter of recommendation from a teacher. The PTA Senior Scholarship Committee con-sisted of two faculty members and four parents, representing all divisions of the school. The selection process is blind; all identifying remarks are removed for each candidate. Thirty-three applications were received this year, and the decision process was excep-tionally difficult. The winners were Min-Ji Kang who will be attending Mt. Holyoke University, Min-Ju Park attending Duke University, Danielle Marissa Courtenay attending the University of Paris, Samantha Koh attending Duke University, Hyun Ji Lee attending Northwestern University and Kendrick Wang attending Stanford University. The scholarship winners were presented with checks made out to their respective universities.

The Booster awards were presented by President Susan Fay and Vice President Tammy Koh. The Booster Club’s parameters were to write an essay in 500 words or less answering the following question: How have you, while participating in high school extracurricu-lar activities, served as a “booster” of SAS school spirit? As with the PTA scholarships the selection process was blind. The committee consists of the Booster President, two Booster board members and two high school teachers, none of whom may have a graduating senior. The winners were Alvi Hasan, Rachel McCabe, Kendrick Wang, Yasmin Venema, Alexander Chadwick, Woo Won Jang, Blake Carson DeBerry, Kelly Zhang, Samantha Koh and Brooke McManigal.

By Shelby Pazos


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From the President

Welcome to a new school year! My name is Susan Fay and this is my third year as Booster Club President. My family has lived in Singapore for 8 years and has loved its time here along with being part of the SAS community. I have been an active volunteer since we arrived and encourage you to do the same. It is a great way to feel connected. This will be our last year at SAS, as our son is a sen-ior, and I am grateful for all of the friends I have made and the fun I’ve had volunteering. Last year was a great year for Boosters, and we are looking forward to making this year even better. If you are a returning family, we hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer. If you are new to SAS, we hope you are not too overwhelmed with all the changes in your life. The Booster Club welcomes you to the SAS community and is looking forward to meeting you! As a high school parent, you are automatically a member of the Booster Club. The Booster Club provides support to the High School and its members by donating funds to the fine arts programs, providing IASAS gym bags and traveling shirts for each IASAS athlete and delegate, Interim Scholar-ships, Senior Awards and recognition luncheons for all Honor Roll students at the end of each of the first three quarters. These are just some of what we are able to provide to support the HS through our volunteer efforts. Our main source of fund-raising is through sales at the Booster Booth. If you have not visited the Booth yet to pur-chase uniforms — you need to do that soon. In addition to uniforms, we sell design and SAS logo items that are created and sourced by a talented group of Booster parents. It is a great place to pick up gifts to send home or keep as mementos of your time at SAS. We are planning several social events to offer you opportunities to meet other SAS parents. Watch for more on these in future publications. Our events are open to all SAS parents, not only those with students in the HS. To find out more about the Booster Club and meet members of the board, we invite you to attend our Welcome Back Coffee on Tuesday, August 24 at 10 am in M301. I look forward to meeting you around school. If you have any questions or would like to contact us, please send us a message at [email protected] or contact me directly at [email protected].

Booster Board Meeting Friday, August 20, 10 am HS Library Media Center Booster Welcome Back Coffee Tuesday, August 24, 10 am M301 ( MS 3rd floor above the library) Back to School Night Tuesday, August 31, 7 pm Mentor for a Day Saturday, October 2, 7 pm

While SAS uniform bottoms used by every school division are sold by Lim’s Department Store, uniform shirts for high school may only be purchased from the Booster Booth. We also have jackets and sweatshirts that follow the dress code as well as an abundance of spirit wear and gift items.

The Booster Booth will be open on Thursday, August 12, Friday, August 13 and during SAS Open House on Saturday, August 14 from 9 am - 3 pm. We will also have an information table in the Elemen-tary Gym during Open House. You may also visit us on Back to School Night, Tuesday, August 31.

Beginning Monday, August 16, the first day of school, we will be open our normal hours of 7:45 am – 3:15 pm on all high school days.

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18 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

Rachel McCabe

The HS Athletic Department extends congratulations to recent SAS graduate, Rachel McCabe, for earning 12 var-sity letters at SAS. This milestone is rarely achieved (last attained in the year 2000) and is evidence of her dedica-tion to the HS athletic program. Rachel received four var-sity letters for volleyball, basketball and softball.

Every high school student participating in a school sponsored interscholastic sport must submit an updated physical examination form to the High School Nurse’s office annually. The physical form may be picked up from the HS Nurse or downloaded from the website: http:/

All students interested in participating in first season sports (cross country, JV tennis, soccer and volleyball) must have a physical examination completed and turned in before Monday, August 30.

Physical examination forms for second season sports (basketball, rugby, touch-rugby, swimming, tennis) are due before October 19 and before February 2 for third season sports (badminton, softball, and track & field). Coaches will not allow an athlete to attend practices or competitions until the physical exam form is turned in.

hs sPorts Physical examination

A Fast Start in HS Activities / AthleticsCross country, soccer & volleyball tryouts on Monday, August 16 at 4:15 pm. •

Musical “Grease” informational meeting on August 17 in the Auditorium at 3:05 pm.•

Model United Nations (MUN) introduction session in H301 on August 20 at 3:15 pm.•

JV Tennis tryouts on Monday, August 23 at 4:15 pm.•

Please refer to the HS Daily Bulletin on the SAS website for more information and updates on all activities and clubs.

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MSP, Vive La France, teacher Laurence Patrick: “Students explored French culture through a variety of ways and learned to speak a little French while I spoke French non-stop. It is playful and fun to learn numbers, multiply and divide in French.”

Middle School Program (MSP) new Swing Course, Devin Kay and Roy Tomlinson, “We had a great group of hard working, good natured kids this summer.”

MSP, Sports Only, Coach Crew Carroll, “Sports Only has provided a chance for kids to stay active, enjoy themselves, and exercise while having fun while not thinking about it. The kids love the variety of sports in our program.”

Summer Program 2010

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20 SAS NewsFlash – August 2010

On Friday, 2 July, Summer Program students participated in their own Youth Olympics Day celebrations. The celebrations promoted the three core values of the Olympic Games – Ex-cellence, Friendship and Respect – and broadened students’ un-derstanding of the upcoming Singapore-hosted Youth Olympic Games (August 14-26), as well as providing a few hours of fun, games and camaraderie. Olympics Day was the brainchild of drama and movement teacher, Laura Schuster.

On the morning of the big day, students attended two classes, ate an early lunch, and then proceeded to the stadium for the Opening Ceremonies. They carried beautifully designed ban-ners made by art teacher, Doc Emery, and his assistant, Christy Luong, for the K4 classes. The Middle School students designed their own banners.

Emcee Chuck Shriner began by teaching the history of the Olympic Games. The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC at Olympia, Greece in celebration of the Greek gods. The original games served to highlight the ideal of harmony between the body and the mind, as they do today.

The ceremonies would not have been complete without an Olympic Torch Relay. One child from each of 20 classes ac-companied by a student assistant spaced 20 meters apart carried colorful paper torches in a continuous relay around the track. The first preschooler was so excited that he forgot to hand off the torch. He ran back and handed off the torch while the crowd cheered and smiled. As the final pair of torch bearers returned to the starting line, we simulated lighting the Olympic Flame with

a parade of giant peace doves, signifying the unity of all cultures participating in the games.

SAS Summer Program - Youth Olympics DaYBy Martha Began, Summer Program Director Photos by Zul Monsor

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Next, in a bit of seriousness but in the spirit of friendship and respect, several of Ian Woodfield’s Olympics Crafts primary stu-dents read the Olympic Creed. This was followed by original team cheers from each group of students. An exhibition “Tug-of-Peace” between student assistants wearing togas (well, bed

sheets!) followed. At the modern Olympic Games, athletes are rewarded with gold, silver and bronze medals. At the ancient Olympic Games, the Greeks believed that the gods determined one winner, and the prize was a wreath. Victory was often rep-resented in the form of a winged goddess known as Nike, which means “victory” in Greek. Nike, the messenger of the gods, flew down to the chosen athlete, bringing the divine reward in the form of a wreath. Art teacher, Suzanne Heathorn, and student assistant, Sonia Merchandani, made wreaths for each of the Tug-of-Peace winners, who were crowned with by “Nike,” played by Anbita Siregar looking lovely in white with wings.

Coach Shriner declared, “By the power of Zeus, these Youth Olympic Games are officially open!” Student assistants orga-nized the games, which were divided into teams by age group. Primary games included a water balloon toss, a three-legged race, musical buckets, a World Cup soccer goal shoot. The older students had a water-balloon drop, a three-legged race relay and

capture the flag. With a healthy dose of chaos students rotated from station to station to play the games. As a gift from the gods, the day was bright and sunny.

After the games, everyone proceeded to the air-conditioned comfort of the Riady Performing Arts Center for the Closing Ceremonies. The cool air felt refreshing! The 250 K-9 students, 50 student assistants and 25 teachers stood on an outline of the Olympic Rings, designed by assistant Prakhar Mahotra while Mr. Zul, photography teacher, and his son and student assistant, Raden, photographed them from the third floor balcony. Imme-diately following, teachers distributed ice cold popsicles to all; boy, those popsicles tasted good! Handmade gold medals by the art team were then distributed to each student.

The Olympic Day event was a success: the student’s curios-ity and awareness of the upcoming Singapore Youth Olympic Games (YOG) was definitely heightened. Lynda Scott, Pre-K teacher and tri-athlete, said it brought tears to her eyes to read the stories on Excellence, Friendship and Respect! Everyone is encouraged to visit the YOG Learning Center to learn more about Olympic history and the upcoming YOG in August.

Basketball Without Borders

Summer schoolers spent a day with NBA athletes, who ran a four-day camp at SAS for Basketball without Borders, in partnership with the Singapore Sports Council and the International Basketball Federation.

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Singapore American School families are invited to attend Open House on Saturday, August 14. Students and parents will find class lists posted and be able to visit classrooms, meet teachers and pick up schedules.

School uniforms will be available for purchase from the Booster Booth in the High School, from the PTA in the Elementary Gymnasium and from Lim’s Department Store in the back of the Elementary Theater. Vehicle registration and buses information will be available. Lenovo will provide product information and sales. Community organizations, such as SACAC, Scouts and EASA, will be in attendance. Cafete-rias and other food outlets will be open, and the PTA will host an Ice Cream Social in the IS/MS Cafeteria.

Saturday, August 14Open House 9 am-1pm

Monday, August 16First Day of School for Grades 3 – 12

Monday/Tuesday, August 16-17Orientation for ECC and Primary School. Teachers will contact parents the week of August 9 regarding orientation times.

Wednesday, August 18First day for Pre-K – grade 2

Wednesday/Thursday, August 18, 19 Preschool students attend with their parents

Friday, August 20All preschool students attend school

SAS Open House Saturday, August 14 9 am to 1pm

First Week of School

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SAS Open House 2010 Saturday, August 14 9 am to 1pm

ELEMENTARY GYM American Association American Chamber of CommerceAmerican Club American Women’s AssociationANZA SoccerBoostersBoy ScoutsCanadian Association Junior Hockey ProgramCaring for CambodiaCub ScoutsDemocrats Abroad

Elementary After School Activities (EASA)FastBreak BasketballGirl ScoutsNavy LeagueSACACSAVE ClubSavitar TennisTabitha US EmbassyYoung Life Youth Olympics


UNIFORM SALES For Grades 9-12 Booster Booth (HS Foyer) For Preschool - Grade 8 PTA Sales (Elementary Gym)

Uniform Bottoms - All GradesLim’s Uniform Sale (Elementary Theater)

VEHICLE PASS/DECALPS OfficeIS OfficeMS OfficeHS OfficeCentral Admin Office

BUS OFFICE Bus Information

PTA OFFICE New Family Welcome Packets

HS Foyer Lenovo

FOOD & DRINKSHS Cafe IS/MS Cafe Subway The Eagle Zone



CLASSROOM / HOMEBASEECC - ECC Foyer/Office PS - PS Foyer/Office IS - IS Foyer/Office MS - MS Foyer/OfficeHS - HS Foyer/Office

Address : 40 Woodlands Street 41, Singapore 738547 Tel: 6363 3403 Fax: 6363 3408 Email : [email protected] Website: