simple model for the antropogenically forced co cycle...

Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 8(4): 1-12, 2016; Article no.JGEESI.30532 ISSN: 2454-7352 SCIENCEDOMAIN international Simple Model for the Antropogenically Forced CO 2 Cycle Tested on Measured Quantities Horst-Joachim L ¨ udecke 1 * and Carl Otto Weiss 2,3 1 University of Applied Sciences HTW, Saarbr¨ ucken, Germany. 2 CINVESTAV, Quer´ etaro, Mexico. 3 PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Authors’ contributions This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Article Information DOI: 10.9734/JGEESI/2016/30532 Editor(s): (1) Zeyuan Qiu, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA. Reviewers: (1) Jingying Fu, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, People’s Republic of China. (2) Antnio Flix Flores Rodrigues, University of the Azores, Portugal. Complete Peer review History: Received: 15 th November 2016 Accepted: 23 rd December 2016 Original Research Article Published: 5 th January 2017 ABSTRACT The carbon dioxide information analysis center ( CDIAC ) provides a remarkable 163 years of data on atmospheric CO2 concentrations, man-made CO2 emissions, and from 1959 onwards CO2 net-fluxes into oceans and biosphere. Currently, half of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions remain in the atmosphere. Predominantly the ocean and the biosphere absorb the second half in about equal parts. We describe the anthropogenically forced CO 2 dynamics by a linear model of only two parameters which represent physics and biological laws. Our model reproduces the CDIAC measurements perfectly, and allows thus predictions for the future. It does not deal with the equilibrium exchanges of CO 2 between atmosphere, oceans and biosphere, but treats merely the net-fluxes resulting from the perturbation of the equilibrium by the anthropogenic emissions. Details as yielded by tracer measurements or ocean chemistry are not required. We applied the model for a tentative projection of the future CO2 cycle based on prospective anthropogenic emission *Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

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Page 1: Simple Model for the Antropogenically Forced CO Cycle of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International

Journal of Geography, Environment andEarth Science International

8(4): 1-12, 2016; Article no.JGEESI.30532ISSN: 2454-7352


Simple Model for the Antropogenically Forced CO2 CycleTested on Measured Quantities

Horst-Joachim Ludecke1∗ and Carl Otto Weiss2,3

1University of Applied Sciences HTW, Saarbrucken, Germany.2CINVESTAV, Queretaro, Mexico.3PTB, Braunschweig, Germany.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Both authors read and approvedthe final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JGEESI/2016/30532Editor(s):

(1) Zeyuan Qiu, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, New Jersey Institute ofTechnology, USA.

Reviewers:(1) Jingying Fu, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, People’s

Republic of China.(2) Antnio Flix Flores Rodrigues, University of the Azores, Portugal.

Complete Peer review History:

Received: 15th November 2016Accepted: 23rd December 2016

Original Research Article Published: 5th January 2017


The carbon dioxide information analysis center ( CDIAC ) provides a remarkable 163 years ofdata on atmospheric CO2 concentrations, man-made CO2 emissions, and from 1959 onwardsCO2 net-fluxes into oceans and biosphere. Currently, half of the anthropogenic CO2 emissionsremain in the atmosphere. Predominantly the ocean and the biosphere absorb the second halfin about equal parts. We describe the anthropogenically forced CO2 dynamics by a linear modelof only two parameters which represent physics and biological laws. Our model reproduces theCDIAC measurements perfectly, and allows thus predictions for the future. It does not deal with theequilibrium exchanges of CO2 between atmosphere, oceans and biosphere, but treats merely thenet-fluxes resulting from the perturbation of the equilibrium by the anthropogenic emissions. Detailsas yielded by tracer measurements or ocean chemistry are not required. We applied the model fora tentative projection of the future CO2 cycle based on prospective anthropogenic emission

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

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Ludecke and Weiss; JGEESI, 8(4), 1-12, 2016; Article no.JGEESI.30532

scenarios from the literature. As a result, the increase of atmospheric CO2 will gradually come toan end and the ocean as well as the biosphere will be the primary sinks of future CO2 emissionsof mankind.

Keywords: Global carbon cycle; anthropogenic CO2 emissions; linear circulation model; future atmos-pheric CO2 concentrations.


Before the industrialisation and considerableland use the ratio of CO2 in the atmosphereand in the oceans had been stationary. At thebeginning of the industrial era ( 1750 AD ) theatmospheric CO2 concentration was 277 ppm[1], corresponding to 2.12 · 277 = 587.2 GtCwith 2.120 GtC/ppm as the correspondence ofatmospheric carbon with CO2 concentration [2].The CO2 content of the ocean is much higher,approximately 37 000 GtC [3].

Presently ( 2013 ), the atmospheric CO2

concentration has risen to 395 ppm, or to an extraof (395 ppm - 277 ppm)·2.12 GtC/ppm=250 GtC,mainly due to fossil fuel burning, slash-and-burnof forests and cement production. The totalanthropogenic CO2 production is 10.7 GtC/yror roughly 5 ppm/yr CO2. About 2.5 ppm/yr ofthis quantity remains in the atmosphere, the restis absorbed by the ocean and the biosphere inroughly equal amounts [4].

Since the year 1959 observations of atmosphericCO2 contents and fluxes between atmosphere,ocean and biosphere have increasedsubstantially. Most familiar among these is theatmospheric CO2 content published presentlyin monthly updates by the Carbon DioxideInformation Analysis Center [4]. From the year2006 on CDIAC established stocks of the majorcomponents of the global carbon budget thatare the anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the CO2

fluxes into the atmosphere, the ocean and thebiosphere. In the present paper we use the”Global Carbon Budget 14” which comprisesthe years 1959 - 2013. For the years before1959 back to 1850 we use historical dataof anthropogenic CO2 emissions [4] and ofatmospheric CO2 concentrations [1].

Models of the carbon cycle under the forcing ofanthropogenic CO2 emissions have been publis-

hed among others by [5, 6]. Most model - workbefore 1970 is cited by [6]. More recently, 15known carbon cycle models are compared on theresponse to a CO2 impulse of 100 GtC in theyear 2010 [7].

Modern models include the details ofcomplex interactions between atmosphere,ocean and biosphere with their pertinentparameters. Among these are saturation ofthe ocean uptake under increasing atmosphericCO2 concentrations, soil respiration, mixedatmospheric and oceanic multi-layers, divisionsof the hemispheres into segments, and multipletime constants for the CO2 exchange betweenatmosphere, ocean, and biosphere. The modelparameters are obtained from observations,measurements – as for instance from the14C/12C ratio [6] – and fitting procedures.However, no systematic comparison of the wholeentity of the CDIAC observations with any CO2

global circulation model has been published sofar.

The results of atmospheric 14CO2

measurements, which showed the interruptionof the natural 14CO2/

12CO2 ratio by the nuclearbomb test program between 1950 and 1963,yielded new insight in the CO2 exchange betweenatmosphere and ocean. During this program the∆14C increased from -20 per mil to ∼1000 permil in the Northern hemisphere [8]. The rapiddecrease of the 14CO2 after the nuclear testban treaty of the year 1963 has caused someconfusion between the Residence Time ”RT” andthe Adjustment Time ”AT” of an artificial CO2

excess in the atmosphere.

The carbon cycle exchanges vast amounts ofCO2 between atmosphere, ocean and biosphere– roughly 90 GtC/yr in all directions ( totalfluxes ). Due to the large total fluxes theRT of CO2 of ∼5 years in the atmosphere isrelatively short. In contrast to this, the net-fluxes


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from the atmosphere into the ocean and thebiosphere, with only ∼2.5 GtC/yr each, are muchsmaller and are caused by anthropogenic carbonemissions – except for minor natural fluctuations.The net-fluxes are essential for the AT to a newCO2 equilibrium. As a consequence, the AT ismore than an order of magnitude higher than theRT and independent of it [9],[10]. Both quantitiesRT and AT are generally in the literature given as”half-life”.

In contrast to the many complex CO2 circulationmodels which consider all CO2 fluxes ourobjective was to model the anthropogenicallyforced CO2 cycle by a minimum of physicalassumptions considering exclusively the carbonnet-fluxes. We do not model the detailedprocesses of the total fluxes but simply determinethe only two relevant parameters of our linearAnsatz from the CDIAC data. Details of thecycle such as tracer results, biogenic oceandynamics and chemistry as explored by complexand extensive models and belonging to theequilibrium state of the total CO2 fluxes arebeyond the scope of this work and unnecessaryfor such a simple model.

Following the aim of simplification, we use onlyone parameter for the atmospheric-oceanic net-flux of CO2 and another one for the complexinteraction of the biosphere with the atmosphericCO2. The validity of the model is verified bycomparison with the data [4]. As a model inputwe use only the anthropogenic CO2 emissionsfrom 1850 until present. We evaluate andcompare the CO2 remaining from a hypotheticalCO2 impulse of 100 GtC in the year 2010 of ourmodel with [7].


In the following we generally use carbonquantities and fluxes instead of CO2 quantities.The already mentioned factor 2.12 GtC / ppmyields the conversion between both. For clarity,carbon fluxes n(t) are generally written in smalland their integrated values N(t) in capital letters.All carbon fluxes in our model are net-fluxes.

Our model makes only two assumptions that arebased on the linear chemical law of mass action:

Firstly, the carbon flux between atmosphere andocean ns(t) is proportional to the difference ofthe actual and the preindustrial atmospheric CO2

concentration yielding

ns(t) = 1/τ · (Na(t)−N0) (2.1)

with Na(t) the carbon content of the atmospherein the year t, the constant carbon contentN0 = Na(1750) = 587.2 GtC as the alreadymentioned value in the year 1750, and 1/τ[yr−1] as parameter of the net CO2 uptakeprocess by the ocean. Our assumption of aconstant N0 is based on a negligible changeof the oceanic carbon amount because theocean contains roughly the fortyfold dissolvedcarbon of the atmosphere. We note that themodel neither contains the much higher mutualCO2 exchange between ocean, atmosphere andbiosphere nor the complex biogenic activity in theoceans nor the ocean chemistry. Similar simpleassumptions as Eq. (2.1) have already be givenby [11],[12],[13].

In a second assumption, biospheric increasenb(t) far from saturation is estimated asproportional to the atmospheric carbon increasena(t)

nb(t) = b · na(t) (2.2)

with na(t) = dNa(t)/dt the carbon flux into theatmosphere, nb(t) = dNb(t)/dt the carbon fluxinto the biosphere, and b the parameter of theprocess. This simple approximation correspondsto the known effect of better plant growthdue to higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations[14],[15],[16]. Our model of the Eqs. (2.1, 2.2) islinear.

In the following, bars are used for observedquantities for distinction from model quantities.Together with the anthropogenic carbonemissions ntot(t) and Eq. (2.2) the sum rule

ntot(t) = (1 + b) · na(t) + ns(t) (2.3)

and the equivalent sum rule for the integratedquantities

Ntot(t) = Na(t) +Nb(t) +Ns(t) (2.4)

hold where ns, nb and na are defined in Eq. (2.1),Eq. (2.2). Eqs. (2.1) - (2.3) and na = dNa/dt can


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be combined to




1 + b



τ(Na(t)− N0)


Na(t) in Eq. (2.1) has to be completed witha temperature term because the equilibriumbetween oceanic and atmospheric partial CO2

pressures shifts slightly with sea temperature,

Sa(t) = µ · 2.12 · T (t) = 15.9 · T (t) (2.6)

Sa(t) [GtC] is the amount of carbon releasedinto the atmosphere or absorbed by the oceancaused by changing temperatures, T (t) [0C] theaverage Earth temperature [17] converted toan anomaly around the 1850 AD value, µ theCO2 production coefficient given as µ = 7.5ppm / 0C [1], and 2.12 GtC/ppm the alreadymentioned ratio of atmospheric carbon to CO2

concentration. This completes the first orderdifferential equation Eq. (2.5) to




1 + b



τ(Na(t) + Sa(t)− N0)


excluding biogenic activity in the ocean andoceanic chemistry. Eq. (2.7) has two freeparameters, 1/τ and b that can be evaluatedby nonlinear optimization. We note that theinput of Eq. (2.7) is a) the anthropogenic CO2

emissions ntot(t), b) the sea surface temperatureterm Sa(t), and c) the constant N0.

The differential equation Eq. (2.7) can be solvednumerically yielding Na(t). Na(t0) is used asinitial condition for t = t0. By the sum ruleEq. (2.3) the fluxes ns(t) and nb(t) are determinedfrom na(t) = dNa(t)/dt. Finally, by numericalintegration of ns(t), and nb(t) the quantities Ns(t)and Nb(t) are obtained. The model resultsna(t), ns(t), nb(t), Na(t), Ns(t), and Nb(t) can bedirectly compared with the observations for theperiod 1959 - 2013 [4]. For the earlier period1850 - 1959 only na(t) and Na(t) exist for acomparison.


Data on the carbon cycle are subdivided hereinto the periods 1850 to 1959, 1959 to 2013,and 2013 to 2150. For the period 1850 to1959 only the estimations for anthropogenic CO2

emissions and proxy data on the CO2 content ofthe atmosphere are available [4],[18],[19],[1].

The year 1959 can be considered as the startof more systematic data acquisition on thecarbon cycle. From this year on measurements,observations and estimations of carbon fluxesare reported [4],[2] as follows: Rate growth ofatmospheric CO2 concentration na(t), fossil fuelburning and cement production nfuel(t), land usechange such as deforestation nlanduse(t), oceansink ns(t), and transforming organic materials inthe biosphere nb(t). na(t) are obtained by directmeasurements, nfuel(t) from energy statistics,nlanduse(t) from data of land cover change,deforestation and from models. ns(t) are basedon the mean ocean sink obtained by observationsin the 1990 decade and ocean models. nb(t) isthe residual of the other budget terms such asnb = (nfuel + nlanduse) − na − ns. The totalanthropogenic emissions are ntot(t) = nfuel(t)+nlanduse(t) = na(t) + nb(t) + ns(t). In the upperpanel of Fig. 1 the graphs of ntot(t) and theatmospheric CO2 concentration are shown. Thegraphs of na(t), nb(t), and ns(t) are given in theupper right and in both lower panels of Fig. 2.

For future ( here from the year 2014 on ) globalanthropogenic emissions in GtC/yr are estimatedas six different scenarios ntot(t) which end in theyear 2100 [20]. They are shown in the upperleft panel of Fig. 3. Because these emissionscenarios end in the year 2100, we extendedthem until the year 2150 by tentatively assuminga decrease of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.Decreasing emissions after 2100 suggest itselfbecause the global coal reserves are estimatedas roughly 1100 GtC [21] and the extremescenario with an integrated value of ∼ 2000GtC [20] exceeds this value nearly twofold. Ourtentative assumption after 2100 is a simple lineardecrease of ntot(t) to half the pertinent values ofthe year 2100 and is shown in the upper panel ofFig. 3.


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1 8 5 0 1 9 0 0 1 9 5 0 2 0 0 00 . 20 . 40 . 60 . 8

AF - n

a / ntot

Y e a r A D

1 8 5 0 1 9 0 0 1 9 5 0 2 0 0 02 8 03 2 03 6 04 0 0

CO2 [p


n tot [G




1 0

1 5

Fig. 1. (Color online) Atmospheric CO2 (upper panel) and Airborne Fraction AF = na(t) /ntot(t) (lower panel) versus the observations [4],[1] for the period 1850 - 2013. The verticaldotted line indicates the start of the full data set from AD 1959 on. Upper panel, left y-axis:

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations, model (black), observations (red), right y-axis:Anthropogenic emissions ntot(t) (green). Lower panel: AF = na(t)/ntot(t) (model blue,

observations red)

6 0 0

7 0 0

8 0 0

N b

N s

N a, N s, N

b [Gt

C] N a

1 9 6 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 0 001234

n s [GtC/


Y e a r A D1 9 6 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 0 0

Y e a r A D

1 9 6 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 0 0 1 9 6 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 0 0




6n a [






n b [Gt


Fig. 2. (Color online) Time series of carbon fluxes n(t) and their integrated values N(t)versus the observations [4] for the period 1959 - 2013 (observations generally in red color).Left upper panel: Atmospheric carbon content Na(t) (black), oceanic carbon content Ns(t)(blue), and biospheric carbon content Nb(t) (green). Na(t) is identical with CO2 (see Fig 1

upper panel) except for the factor 2.12. The time series Ns(t) and Nb(t) are shifted for clarity,their initial values of the year 1959 are not known. Right upper panel: fluxes into the

atmosphere na(t) (black). Left lower panel: fluxes into the ocean ns(t) (blue). Right lowerpanel: fluxes into the biosphere nb(t) (green)


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1 0

2 0

3 0n tot


yr]A 1 F iA 2

A 1 BB 2

B 1A 1 T

2 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 5 0

4 0 0

6 0 0

8 0 0

atm. C

O 2 [ppm


Y e a r A D


Y e a r A D

2 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 5 0Y e a r A D

A F = n a / n t o t

2 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 5 0

- 1 . 5- 1 . 0- 0 . 50 . 00 . 5

Fig. 3. (Color online) Experiments on atmospheric CO2 in the future 2014 to 2150 AD by sixcarbon emission scenarios and, separately, a sudden stop of anthropogenic carbon

emissions in 2013 AD. Upper panel: Anthropogenic carbon emission scenarios A1FI, A2, B2,A1B, B1, and A1T given in [20] for 2013 to 2100 AD with the assumed continuations until 2150

AD (dotted lines). Left lower panel: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations according to the sixscenarios. The dashed curve is due to the separate experiment of a stop of anthropogeniccarbon emissions in 2013 AD, the small grey square indicating the year of the Adjustment

Time AT (half-life). Right lower panel: Airborne Fraction AF = na(t) / ntot(t) of the sixemission scenarios. The horizontal dotted line indicates AF = 0 where the sum of the CO2

net-fluxes from atmosphere into ocean and biosphere equals the anthropogenic CO2

emissions into the atmosphere


The integration of a first order differentialequation dy/dt = f(t, y(t)) such as Eq. (2.7)can be simply carried out by the explicit EULERtechnique [22].

y(t+∆t) = y(t) + ∆t · f(t, y(t)) (4.1)

The use of more elaborate numerical methods,such as RUNGE-KUTTA, yields no substantiallydifferent results for Eq. (2.7). Using the timestep of ∆t = 1 year and the initial value Na(t0),Eq. (2.7) and Eq. (4.1) lead with Ai−1 = 1/(1 +b)[ntot(ti−1)− 1/τ(Na(ti−1) + Sa(ti−1)− N0)] tothe following iteration (i = 1, 2,....) :

na(ti) = Ai−1 (4.2)

Na(ti) = Na(ti−1) + na(ti) ·∆t (4.3)

ns(ti) = ntot(ti)− (1 + b) · na(ti) (4.4)

nb(ti) = ntot(ti)− na(ti)− ns(ti) (4.5)Ns(ti) = Ns(ti−1) + ns(ti) ·∆t (4.6)Nb(ti) = Nb(ti−1) + nb(ti) ·∆t (4.7)

The Airborne Fraction AF , defined as AF =na(t) / ntot(t), is obtained from the result na(t)of Eq. (4.2). Initial values of Ns(t0) and Nb(t0)for the iteration of Eqs. (4.6, 4.7) are not known.Thus these values are uncertain by an additiveconstant and the graphs Ns(t), Nb(t) havebeen arbitrarily shifted for clarity. As alreadymentioned, for the early period 1850-1959 onlythe observations ntot(t), na(t) and Na(t) areavailable. For the period 1959 - 2013 additionallyns(t) and nb(t) are provided. For the future 2013- 2150 only scenarios of ntot(t) are at hand.

The root of the added squared differencesda(t) = (Na(t) − Na(t))

2, ds(t) = (Ns(t) −


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Ns(t))2, and db(t) = (Nb(t) − Nb(t))

2 yieldsa measure of the model accordance with theobservations, for the period 1850 - 1959 as

G(τ, b) =


t=1851da(t) (4.8)

and for the period 1959 - 2013 as

F (τ, b) =


t=1960[da(t) + ds(t) + db(t)]


Conditional on the different data basis of theperiods 1850 - 1959, 1959 - 2013, and 2013 -2150 the iteration equations Eqs. (4.2) - (4.7) aresolved separately as follows: Eqs. (4.2, 4.3) andthe initial value Na(1850) = 605.8 GtC are usedfor the period 1851 - 1959 yielding G of Eq. (4.8).Eqs. (4.2 - 4.7) and the initial value Na(1959) =668.6 GtC are used for the period 1960 - 2013yielding F of Eq.(4.9). Finally, Eqs. (4.2, 4.3) andthe initial value Na(2014) = 842 GtC are appliedfor the future period 2014 - 2150.

The model allows to evaluate the AT for therestoration of a stationary state after a CO2

perturbation. We followed [7] by applying aCO2 impulse of 100 GtC in the year 2010and evaluated the model response as the timedependent CO2 amount remaining from theimpulse. The results of [7] and of our model arecompared in Fig. 4. As an alternative evaluationof the AT, we assumed the anthropogenic CO2

emission from 2013 on completely stopped andanalyzed the decreasing atmospheric CO2 fromthis time on. The result of this numericalexperiment is shown in the left lower panel ofFig. 3.


The procedure of nonlinear optimization forestimation of the parameters τ and b in Eqs. (2.1,2.2) minimizes the objective function F (τ, b)given by Eq. (4.9). This means that we restrictedthe nonlinear optimization to the period 1959 -2013 of the more reliable measurements. Wenote that we could also have used a relatedobjective function of the fluxes, instead of theintegrated fluxes, as direct data. However, thelarge scatter of the fluxes leads the minimizationvery often to local minima. In contrast, minimizingthe objective function for the integrated fluxesalways yields unique global minima. For theminimizing procedure we applied the nonlinearSIMPLEX method [23].

The results of the optimization are depictedin Table 1 and show no essential differencesby including or excluding the temperature termof Eq. (2.6). In the following we thereforerefer generally to the parameter values of theoptimization that exclude the temperature term.

The time series of the model together with thepertinent CDIAC observations are shown in Fig.1 for the years 1850 to 1959 and in Fig. 2for the years 1959 to 2013. We mention thatthe values of the parameter τ in Table 1 agreewell with an estimation of 81.4 years givenin [13] for the oceanic carbon uptake. Thevalue of parameter b of Eq. (2.2) goes welltogether with measurements of increases in yieldfor food plants under rising atmospheric CO2

concentrations [16] (see also 6. Results).

Table 1. Model parameters τ , b of Eqs. (2.1, 2.2) from nonlinear minimization. F (τ, b) ofEq. (4.9) is the minimized objective function that gives the difference between model andCDIAC observations in the period 1959 to 2013. G(τ, b) of Eq. (4.8) gives the difference ofmodel and observations in the period 1850 to 1959. Row 1 includes the temperature term

Sa(t) of Eq. (2.6), row 2 excludes it from the optimization

τ [yr] b F (τ, b) G(τ, b) Sa(t)

80.3 0.697 27.7 58.6 15.9 · T (t)84.0 0.697 28.1 53.3 0


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The agreement of the integrated quantities Na(t),Ns(t), and Nb(t) with the observations is nearlyperfect, differences are hardly detectable by eye( see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 ). The yearly fluctuationsof AF (see lower panel of Fig. 1) and thefluxes n(t) ( see Fig. 2 ) are not simulated asperfectly as the integrated quantities, only theaverage courses over several years show goodagreement. These fluctuations are probablycaused by natural variations, as for instancevarying intensity of the photosynthesis in theseasons or El Nino, which can not be consideredin our simple model. Noise in the observationsdata could be an additional cause. As a mainconclusion the overall perfect agreement of themodel with the observational data indicates thatmodel linearity is a valid approximation at leastfor the long period of the last 163 years ofobservations. The following details confirm this:

(a) The two parameters of our model areevaluated by minimizing the objective functionF (τ, g) of Eq. (4.9) for the period 1959 - 2013.Hence, one could expect that these parameterswould not agree as well with the observations ofthe longer early period 1850 - 1959. However,this is not the case ( see Fig. 1 ), which indicatesthe robustness of our linear model over periodsnot considered by the parameter estimation.(b) Gloor et al. [13] found a similar value of 81.4years for the time constant in Eq. (2.1) for thenet-flux of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean.(c) Parry et al. [16] report that a wide varietyof food plants show nearly linear increases inyield from 0.02% to 0.06% per 1 ppm risingatmospheric CO2 until an atmospheric CO2

concentration of 750 ppm. This fits well withour model: From the total anthropogenic CO2

emissions of ∼10.5 GtC/yr in the year 2013our model yields ∼4.5 GtC/yr or 4.5/2.12 = 2.2ppm/yr atmospheric CO2 increase and ∼3 GtC/yrabsorbed in roughly equal amounts by ocean andbiosphere (see Fig. 2). The total carbon contentof the biosphere is roughly 4000 GtC [24]. Ifone assumes roughly equal increase for the totalbiosphere as for food plants by rising atmosphericCO2, as reported in [16], 2.2 ppm more CO2 inthe year 2013 cause a carbon increase of thebiosphere between 2.2· 0.0002· 4000 = 1.8 GtC

and 2.2 · 0.0006 · 4000 = 5.3 GtC. The abovementioned ∼3 GtC of our model fit with thesevalues.

The discussion about man-made global warmingin mind we think that an estimation of the futureincrease of atmospheric CO2 by our linear modelcould be useful and valid. For this purpose wepostulate that the linearity of our model remainsat least for the next 100 years. This seemsreasonable because in spite of an atmosphericCO2 increase of about 40% from the year 1850until present an increase of the AF cannot beseen in the CDIAC data ( see lower panel ofFig. 1, red curve and the abstract of [13] ).

Under the assumption of future model validityand depending on the emission scenarios givenin [20] until 2100 AD as well as the assumedemission scenarios after 2100 AD until 2150 AD( see Fig. 3, upper panel ), our model gives theresults depicted in the lower panels of Fig. 3:The atmospheric CO2 content will not exceed amaximum between ∼500 to ∼800 ppm ( see leftlower panel of Fig. 3 ). The AF remains constantuntil 2050 AD and does decrease later steadilyfor all scenarios. At maximum atmospheric CO2

concentration the atmospheric net-flux na andwith it the AF = na(t) / ntot(t) change signbecause the sum of the net-fluxes of atmosphericCO2 into the ocean and the biosphere is smallerthan the emitted anthropogenic CO2 ( see rightlower panel of Fig. 3 ).

The AT of the atmospheric CO2 has beencalculated with our model based on two differentnumerical experiments. In the first experiment westopped the anthropogenic CO2 emissions in theyear 2013. As a consequence, the atmosphericCO2 concentration begins to decrease untilthe natural equilibration will be accomplished.The half-life t1/2 of this process Na(t1/2) =[Na(2013) + Na(∞)]/2, as defined for the AT,is reached in about 100 years. In the left lowerpanel of Fig. 3 the CO2 curve of this experimentis shown and the year of the AT indicated by agrey disk.

A different experiment was discussed in[7] comparing the response of 15 knowncomprehensive carbon cycle models on a 100GtC impulse charged in the year 2010 and after


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2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000








2 imp.




Year AD

1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 210020






2 imp.




Na [G






Fig. 4. (Color online) Remaining atmospheric CO2 as implication of a numerical experimentdiscussed in [7] which applies a 100 GtC impulse in the year 2010 and keeps from then on the

anthropogenic carbon emissions constant at 10 GtC/yr. Upper panel covering the period1960 to 2150, left y - axis: CO2 remaining by our model (blue) and from 15 known

comprehensive models discussed in [7] (grey shaded area). Right y - axis: Atmosphericcarbon content Na(t) calculated with our model which shows the impact of the 100 GtC

impulse (green). Lower panel: remaining CO2 over the longer period until 3000 AD, our model(blue), 15 comprehensive models (grey shaded area)

the year 2010 constant anthropogenic carbonemissions on the 2010-year-level of 10 Gt/yr.The response here is the percentage of carbonremaining from the impulse, obtained from thedifference of the atmospheric carbon includingand excluding the impulse. The AT of thisexperiment with our model results in 100 years,equal to the result of the above mentioned firstexperiment.

Fig. 4 shows the comparison of our linear modelwith the results published in [7]. During the first100 years after the impulse the decrease of theresponse of our model lies above the upper limitof the 15 comprehensive models but after 2200years distinctly below their lower limits. In a fardistant future the impulse-response of our modelapproaches zero whereas all responses of thecomprehensive models do not fall below ∼20%.The difference may stem from the Revelle effect,included in the elaborate models, a resistance toabsorbing atmospheric CO2 by the ocean due tobicarbonate chemistry.

However, there exists so far no evidence for theRevelle effect in the CDIAC data. Gloor et al. [13]emphasize similarly in the abstract as ”claimsfor a decreasing long-term trend in the carbonsink efficiency over the last few decades arecurrently not supported by atmospheric CO2 dataand anthropogenic emissions estimates”. Thus,such effects are at present hypothetical. Thiscould be related to (1) uncertainties in currentestimates of emissions, (2) noise in the AF dueto natural climate variability, or (3) still unknownbiogenic effects, for instance a higher downwardflow of organic carbon in the deeper ocean overmany decades or centuries [25].


Our linear model with only two parameters givesperfect agreement with the major observationcomponents of the global carbon cycle providedby [4] as are the integrated carbon rates ofthe atmosphere Na(t), the ocean Ns(t), andthe biosphere Nb(t). Also the agreement with


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the observed yearly carbon net-fluxes na(t),ns(t), and nb(t) is on average perfect. Thatthe fluctuations of these fluxes are larger thanthose of the model is apparently due to the non-inclusion of natural variations ( such as differentstrength of the photosynthesis in the seasons andEl Nino etc. ). Our model gives no indication thatthe change of sea surface temperatures since thebeginning of industrialization has an appreciableinfluence on the anthropogenically forced carboncycle.

The linearity of our model and increases in yieldsof food plants due to rising atmospheric CO2

concentrations are confirmed by further authors[13],[16],[11],[12]. The agreement of our simplemodel with the observations [9],[26] indicates thatwe are far from the influences of nonlinearities orthe Revelle effect. As a consequence, we expectno substantial deviations from the linear modelresults at least for the next 100 years.

With regard to the actual discussion aboutan assumed dangerous climate change byanthropo-genic CO2 emissions in future, ourmost important model result yields the impactof anthropogenic CO2 emission scenarios givenin [20] until the year 2100 AD ( completed byown tentative continuations from 2100 to 2150AD ). For all scenarios, between 2080 to 2140AD atmospheric CO2 concentrations up to atmost ∼500 until ∼800 ppm occur. These futureturning points of the atmospheric CO2 contenttake place 30 years after the pertinent emissionsmaxima. The maximum of 800 ppm atmosphericCO2 concentration seems to be safe because thepertinent emission scenario assumes burninga twofold of the actual known coal reservesworldwide. After the apogee of atmosphericCO2 concentration predominantly the ocean andthe biosphere will be the sinks of future CO2

emissions of mankind.


We would like to acknowledge the initiative andessential contribution by Werner Weber whounfortunately deceased in the year 2014. Weexpress our thanks to the referees for valuablecomments.


Authors have declared that no competinginterests exist.

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