silent christmas lesson

Welcon1e to our Silent Christmas Lesson *Please No Talking* The purpose in presenting this in silence is to help you feel the spirit in different ways. You will be reading, writing, listening and watching. Please do not go ahead and please follow the directions. When you are done reading this please go on to page 2.

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Silent Christmas Lesson

W elcon1e to our

Silent Christmas Lesson

*Please No Talking*

The purpose in presenting this in silence is to help you feel the spirit

in different ways. You will be reading, writing, listening and

watching. Please do not go ahead and please follow the directions. When you are done reading this

please go on to page 2.

Page 2: Silent Christmas Lesson


Two Thousand and years ago every one of us peered out over the veil of time and distance and watched with wonder as the birth of our Savior, our older brother, took

place. What a glorious occasion that must have been! I'm sure we laughed, we cried, we celebrated. This was the

moment we had waited for! This was the part of our Fathers plan most precious and Holy! So glorious was this moment that we spontaneously joined our voices together and began to sing! A sublime chorus of notes and voices

blended together to create one of the sweetest sounds ever to come from the Heavens! So great was our joy and our celebrating that the sounds could be heard even to the

ends of the earth.

When you are finished reading please put this lesson on your lap and

"Angels we have heard on High"

When the song ends turn to page 3

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How does it make you feel knowing you were so excited that you shouted for joy, and believed? ______________ _

Do you know who you are in relation to our Savior Jesus Christ? Who? ___________ _

Do you think everyone at that time believed that the child born in Bethlehem was the Messiah? Why? Why Not?

When vou are finished put your pen on your lap and ·

"Baby, what you going to be?"

When the song is finished turn to page 4

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Listen to the words of the song:
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Open Your Scriptures and Read Luke 1:26-35

Do you really think Mary really understood all that the angel Gabriel told her? _____ _ ___________ _ Why? Why Not?

And yet what was her response? Read Luke 1 :38

When the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her she would bring forth a son, she did not ask, "Why me?" she did not argue. She did not doubt. She did not hesitate. Mary believed that it would happen!

How can we take Mary's example and make it a part of our lives?

Watch now as we go back in time and experience what it might have been like when Jesus was born.

When you are finished put your pen in your lap. When the video is finished please turn to page 5

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There in the sheltered warmth of a cave, beneath the limestone hills of Bethlehem, Jesus was born and cradled in a manger. He left his Holy station; he left all the Glory and Majesty to enter the body of an infant.

The story Luke shares with us; the birth of Christ IS TRUE! Mary believed it would happen and the shepherds believed that it did indeed happen.

Do You Believe? _ __________ ____ _

Do you think you would have believed if you had grown up during that time? In the same town as "The Carpenters Son"? Why? ___ _ _

Open your scriptures and read Luke 7:25 and 2Nephi 25:18

Why was he rejected by his own? _ _ ____ ____ _

Some of the very people who rejected him had seen some of his Miracles. Why did they not believe? ________ ____ _

Do You believe when you have not seen? ___ _____ _ Why? _ _ ___________ _____________ __

When you are finished please put your pen on your lap and listen to the words of the song: When the song is finished please turn to page 6

"I have not seen, Yeti believe"

Page 6: Silent Christmas Lesson

Page 6

President Hinckley said that because of our "certain knowledge of his living reality. We of all people can sing:

Joy to the world, the Lord is come Let earth receive her King! Let ev'ry heart prepare him room And saints and angels sing.

We honor Him, we worship Him, we love Him as our redeemer, The Great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Messiah of the New Testament. The entire thrust of the testimony of the Book of Mormon & Doctrine and Covenants declares our living Lord before whom we kneel in humility and faith.

It is proper during this season when we commemorate His birth that we remember the Lord Jesus Christ in reverence and with love. He has done for us what we could not do for ourselves. He has brought meaning to our mortal existence. He has given us the gift of Eternal Life. He was and is the Son of God, who "was made flesh & dwelt among us" (John 1 :14).

There would be no Christmas if there had not been an Easter. The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby. Without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection"

When you are finished reading put your pen in your lap. When the music starts please turn to page 7 and go on.

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Page 7

I as your .echo the Testimony of our beloved Prophet President Hinckley "of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal, Living God. None so great has ever walked the earth. None other has made a comparable sacrifice or granted a comparable blessing. He is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. I Believe in Him. I declare His divinity without equivocation or compromise. I Love Him. I speak his name in reverence and wonder. I worship Him as I worship the Father, in spirit and in truth. I thank Him and kneel before His beloved Son, who reached out so long ago and said to each of us "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28) .

My Thoughts and feelings about my Savior Jesus Christ:

Closing Prayer

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YW leaders
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