significance of the adrenals and the testes for the ... · 8 1 demonstration of mineralocortico id...

DEMONSTRATION OF MINERALOCORTICO ID RECEPTOR DE FI CIEN- 8 1 CY IN TWO SIBLI NGS WITH PS EUDOHYPOALDOSTER ONISOI(PH). Ur su la Ku hnl e, Helmuth Do rr, Thoma s Stra sse r, Pete r Diet ri ch Knorr, Decio Armanini. Children's Inter nal Me dici ne H ospi tal, Univer s ity of t-1uni c h, Mun ic h, FRG. A ldost erone( A) binding sites have been demonstrated in human mo no nucl ear leucocyte s (H}IT..). The measu reme nt of the min e ralo co rti- coid binding capaci ty of these re cep tor s coul d be a va lu ab le tool to as se ss s ta t es of mineral oc o rti co id in se nsit ivi ty in humans. We here pres ent da ta obt ained in 2 sib s with PH an d t heir pa - r en ts. Th e 8 y o ld g irl was diagnosed in infanc y aft er a seve re s alt -lo sing crisis . Plsma renin activity(PRA) and A we re el e vat - ed. In the 2 y ol d brot her the di agnosi s was suspected when hypo- nat rae mia an d hype r ka l aemia occ ured in the fir st week of life. At this time PRA and A were normal but became e leva ted at 3mon ths of ag e. Bo th children re ceiv e ora l s odium suppL e ment at ion, th e dos age needed t o normalize the sodium bal a nce in the g irl i s c on- si de rab ly highe r than in the yo un ge r br ot he r. Th e pa rents show no s ign s of s od i um imba lanc e. me asu ri ng the A bindi ng in HML we fo und no binding sites in the gir l. In the boy , there we re 62 receptor s/c ell (r/c) as compa red to 1 70+29 r/ c in nor mal chi ldr en . Th e binding s it es in th e par e nts wer ; with in th e no rmal adult ra ng e. Thes e re sult s are s t rong evi denc e tha t th e A in se nsivit y in PH i s due to a de - f ici e nc y of mine ralo cor ticoid recepto rs . I t may be sp ec ulat ed th at th is defi cie ncy is al so pre sent in o the r mine ra loco rti co id target or ga ns in particu l a r i n th e k idn ey . The ex ist ence of a sma ll amou nt of recept or in the boy may e xplain the more f av o rab- le co ur se in th is ch ild . PRENATAL TREATME NT OF CO NGENITAL ADR ENAL HYPERPLAS IA 82 (CAH ): FURT HER STUDIES IN MOTHERS AND CAH UNAFFECTED INFAN TS. M . David*, M.G . Fore st*and H. Betuel* . Pediatr ic clinic, In se rm-U .34, Hop it al Debrous se and C en tr e de transfusion san guine , Lyon , Franc e. In an at te mp t to prevent in ut ero viril iz ation of fem ale fe - tuses wiUJ CA H due to 21 -hydroxylase de f icien cy, we h av e propo - sed the following protocol of treatment{ Rx ){J .Pe d 19 84, 10 5, 799. Thi s protocol is based on the suppress i ve action fetal adrenals by dexamethasone{dex ) given to the m other . Rx must be s tarted befo re the cr iti cal time of sex differencia t ion ( i e . befo re9 wks). Dex was chosen because of its efficient pla- ce nt al t ransfer, la ck of binding to plas ma prot e ins and it s pro- l ong ed ha lf-life.The dosage of dex used(. 5 mg twi ce a day) was judged suff i cient on bio l ogica l sh owing a suppres- sio n of matern a l and fe ta l adrenal s.Diagnosis of CAH in uter o wa s bas ed on HLA typing of am niotic flui d cell s in mid-pregnan - cy . Seven mothers at r isk were st a rted on such Rx at a mean of 7 wk s' preg na ncy. E xce pt in one case (J. Pe d 1 984 , 10 5, 799), the fetuses were found CAH unaffe cte d. Rx was we ll-rDlerate d in a ll mot her s,b ut stopp ed at 20- 22 wks when full pren atal di agnos i s was ach ieved . Pregnancies a ll une v entfull and the 3 boys an d the 3 girls were fu l lter m babi es. The se infa nts now a few mont hs to 3 year old ha ving thus re ceived a gluco co r ti co i d ' Rx at som ewhat phys iol og ical dosages during the f irst part of pregnan cy al so show fea tures. MENDE LIAN RATIO DISTORTION IN STEROID 21-HYDROXY- 83 LASE DEFICIENCY (210HD). P Speiser, MI New, New York Ho sp- Co rnell Ctr, Dept Ped, New York NY 10021 Steroid 2l0HD is a monogenic, HLA-linked, recessively inher- ited condition. The homozygous affected state is not necess- arily leth al . Penetrance is complete by cri teria of ACTH-stimu- 1ated hor mon al response. We report a distort i on of the expe ct- ed Mendelian ratio of 1 homozygou s affected:2 heterozygous:l homozygous unaff ected among st families st udied with both ACTH- stimulation and HLA-typing. Specifi ca lly, we have observed a paucity of homozygous unaffected individual s. The mendel ian ratio of 1:2 :1 held true if HLA typing alone wa s considered. However, 50% of offspring predicted by HLA type to be unaffect- ed tested hormonally as het er ozygotes, indicating that extreme - ly frequent chromosomal recombination had occurred. Neither paternal nor maternal transmission distortion wa s observed; nor wa s haplotype transmission distorted by spe cific HLA associa- tions, Using hormonal criteria solely, there was a 35% in- crease over the expected number of heterozygo tes (p <'005), re sul tin g in a comparable decrease in ho mozygous una ffect ed individuals who had been ACTH-tested. E xc ludin g one proband per family, there wa s no deviation from the expected proportion of homozygou s affected individuals ev en when deceased sibs we re included. Con clusion: In light of the excess number of heter- ozygo te s a nd few er than expect ed unaffected indi iduals among 2l 0HD families, it appears that there is some pressure to transmit the haplotype segment bearing the gene for 2l0HD. Whether this ca n be attributed to the 210HD gene itself remains to be proven. STUDY OF THE HUMAN GENE FOR THE CHOLESTEROL SIDE-· 84 CHAIN CLEAVAGE ENZYME , P450scc (20 , 22 DES/oKllJ\SE) IN CONGENITAL L IPOID ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA. Karla J. Bon-chu Chung, WaI ter L. Hiller, University of Ca liforni a, San Francisco, Department of Pediatrics, San Franc isco , CA , USA Conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone is mediated by the mitochondrial cholesterol side-cha in cleavage ( SCC) enzyme P450scc, formerly termed 20 , 22 desmol ase . sce activity is absent in patients with congeni ta l lipoid adrenal hype r- plasia (lipoid CAB) and direct evidence for absent P45 0scc prote in his bePJ> reported in one case . To determine if s ce deficiency is caused by de leti on of the P450scc gene, we obta ined l eukocytes fran 3 of the 10 reported living patients wi th lipoid CAB. Leukocyte DNA was cleaved ,vith restriction endonucleases and analyzed on Southern bl ots . Bl ots we re probed with long chemica lly synthesized oligonucleotides 63 to 72 bases of the bovine P450scc cD NA and wi th a 1 kb human P450scc cDNA c l oned in our labora tory. Analys is of Northern blots of hcunan and bCY/ ine adre nal mRNA indi ca te the P45 0scc mRNA is 2.0 kb l. ong a;",d ar i ses fran pre=sors "' 6 kb l ong in l:xJth s reci es , i ndicating the P450s cc gene is about 6 kb . Ana lysis of Southern blots of DNA fr om ':he 3 patients and 8 controls showed no de leti on in the human P450scc gene , and no detectable restriction fragment l eng+ Jl polyrrorphisms with the fo llowing enzymes: BaJr HI, EcoRl, HindIII , PstI , PvuII, and We conclude -tha tthe Clbs ent SCC activi ty in the adrena ls and gonads of patien ts Hi th li pJic CAB is r.o t due t o a lurge del et i on in th e P45 0s cc gene . SIG NI FICANC E OF THE ADRENALS AND THE TES TES F OR THE 85 PRODUC TION OF TE STOSTERONE CT) AND ANDROST E NED I ONE CA) DUR ING MALE INFANCY . Frank Bidl in gmaier, Wo lf- gang Eisenmenger, Helmuth DOrr, Ur su la Kuhn le, Dietrich KnOrrc Children's Hospital and Inst itute for Forens ic Pathology, Uni ver s ity of Muni ch, Muni ch, FRG. We previ ousl y repor ted hi gh concen trati ons of T in infa nt.ile t estes during th e first 4 mont hs of li f e and a sharp decline th erea ft er corresponding wel l t o th e plasma concen trati ons of T in this age grou p. Te st icular A was l cw and did not co rre lat.e wit h pl asma A concentrat ions. To evaluate the signif icance of th e adrenal cort ex as another source of c ir c ulating androgens in mal e infancy we mea sure d A and T in whole adrenals of 56 boys day t o 2 yea rs of age . The med ian concentrations found in d ' ffe- rent age groups are shcwn in th e t ab l e Cng/ g adrenal tissue ): Mont h 1 2 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 12 12 - A - -- - - - 186- - - - - 37 - - - - - 17- - - - - -1 0 - - - - 10 T 21 5 3 2 2 Th e decrease of ad renal andr ogen conc entrat ions durin g the first yea r of I ife paral lels the invo luti on of the ad renal feta l "one. The re is a close co rr e 1 at i on be twe en the adrena 1 and t he pla sma concentr ation s of A but not of T. If we C011[)a re the t otal con - tent of A and T in te stes and adrena ls we f ind a t lea st 10 times mor e A in the adrenals than in t he tes te s duri ng the f irst 2 years of age . The t est es con t a in rrore T th an the adrena ls onl y du ring the f i rst 4 rront hs . Th us we f ind that the adrena ls a'e a m aj or source of A during the first 2 years, a fte r the 6t h month of life they seem to be the ma i n source even of T. INC REAS ED PLAS MA D HEA AND D HEAS AND ABS ENT OR VERY 86 LOW URINARY DHEAS , A NEW CAUSE OF HIRSUTI SM (H). Mil o Zac hmann,Bianca Ke mpken,Brigi tt e Man e ll a,Urs Eih olzer,Edmond A.Werder,AI5ert Otten , and An drea Prader.O .of Zurl ch, D ept .Pedl at. ,Zurlch;Klnderspltal,Dep t.Pedlat.,St.Gall- en,Switz er land,and U.of Giessen,Dept .Pediat.,G ie ss en , FRG . 3 Hi rs ute,unrela te d gir ls{14.6-1 7 .8yrs)with normal c lit oris and regular(l) or irre gu lar( 2) men s truations were studi ed.Cor- ti so l(12.2-22.7 ug/d l ),te sto st erone(68 -1 72), (107-479),a nd an droste nedione( 1 20 -459ng /d l ) in pl asma were nor- mal or mo der ately incre as ed, but DH EA( 1023-1384ng /dl ) was high. Al so DHEAS (2730-6080 n g/ ml) was high,indi cating intact su lfo- kinase. In urine (capi ll ary co lumn gas ch r oma t og raphy) , DHE AS wa s undetec tabl e after helica se, acid or glucuronidase hydro- l ysis,and low (0.4mg/d, lp t), or ab se nt(2) aft er ACT H, but 16", OH-DHEAS was det ectable before and after AC TH. Ot her te s were normal or slightly increa sed , an d dexa methasone -s up - press ibl e .When DHEAS was add ed to urine, a peak app eared af te r h elicase, exc lud ing hydrolys iS inhi bit ion. When DH EAS was in - je cted iv ( 50mg, 2pts), DH EAS appeared in uri ne (0.9-2.9 mg/d) . With the same do se giv en to 2 normal girl s (17-1 8 .4 yrs) with n orma l ba sa l plasma DHE A(285 a nd 549ng/dl) ,m ore DH E AS (4 .6-·6.4 mg/d) ,and also some 16"O H-DHEAS appeared . Unco nju gat ed uri nary DHEA in th e pts. was similar as or higher than in the cont rol s. Thi s new type of H appears to be due to an increased renal t hreshold for D HEAS , but n ot for other st e roids. Bas ed on plas - ma s teroid results al one , su ch pts.could be erroneously consi- dered to hav e mi Id dehydrogenase deficien cy . Su pported by Swiss Nat ional Sc ience Fou ndat ion (Gr an t 3874083) 617

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~.Jebe r , Dietrich Knorr, Decio Armanini. Children's Hospital~ Internal Medicine Hospi tal, Univers ity of t-1unic h, Mun ich, FRG.

Aldost erone(A) binding sites have been demonstrated in human mononucl ear leucocytes (H}IT..). The measureme nt of the mine ralocorti­coi d binding capaci ty of these recep tors coul d be a va luab l e tool t o as sess s ta t es of mineral oc ortico id insensit ivi ty in humans.

We here present da ta obtained in 2 sibs with PH and t heir pa­rents. The 8 y o ld girl was diagnosed in infanc y aft er a severe s alt -losing crisis . Plsma renin activity(PRA) and A we re elevat ­ed. In the 2 y old brother the diagnosis was suspect ed when hypo­nat raemia and hyperka l aemia occured in the fir st week of life. At this time PRA and A were normal but became e leva t ed a t 3months o f age. Bo th children receive ora l s odium suppL e ment at ion, th e dosage needed t o normalize the sodium balance in the girl i s con­side rably highe r than in the younge r brot he r. The pa rents show no s igns o f s od i um imbalance .

\,~en measuring the A binding i n HML we found no binding sites in the gir l. In the boy , t here we re 62 r ecep tor s/ce l l (r/c) as compa red to 170+29 r/ c in normal chi ldren . The binding sit es in th e pare nts wer; with i n th e no rmal adult ra nge. These result s are s t rong evidence tha t the A insensivit y in PH i s due to a de­f iciency o f mine ralocorticoid recepto rs . I t may be speculat e d th a t th is deficiency is al so present in o the r mine ra locortico i d t arge t organs in particu l ar i n the kidney . The exist e nce of a sma ll amount of recepto r in the boy may e xplain the more f av orab­l e cour se in th is ch ild .


Pediatr i c clinic, In se rm-U .34, Hop ital Debrous se and Cen tre de transfusion san guine , Lyon , France.

In an at tempt to prevent in utero viril ization of female fe ­tuses wiUJ CA H due to 21 -hydroxy l ase def iciency, we have propo­sed the following protocol of treatment{ Rx ){J .Ped 1984, 105, 799. Thi s protocol is based on the suppress i ve action of~e f et al adrenals by dexamethasone{dex ) given to the mother . Rx must be s tarted befo re the criti cal time of sex differencia t ion ( i e . befo re9 wks). Dex was chosen because of its efficient pla ­cental t ransfer, la ck of binding to plasma proteins and it s pro­l ong ed half-life.The dosage of dex used(. 5 mg twi ce a day) was judged suffi cient on bio l ogica l ~arameters sh owing a suppre s­sion of maternal and fe ta l adren al s .Diagnosis of CAH in utero wa s based on HLA typin g of amniotic flui d cell s in mid-pregnan ­cy . Seven mothers at r isk were started on such Rx at a mean of 7 wks' preg na ncy. Exce pt in one case (J. Ped 1984 , 105, 799), the fetuses were found CAH unaffected. Rx was well-rDlerated in all mot hers,but stopped at 20- 22 wks when full pren atal diagnos i s was ach ieved . Pregnancie s ~Iere a ll une ventfull and the 3 boys an d the 3 girls were fu l lterm babi es. These infa nts now a few mont hs to 3 year old ha ving thus re ceived a gluco co r t i co id ' Rx at somewhat phys iol og i cal dosages during the f irst part of pregnan cy al so show n0rm~l deve]bpmenta~ fea tures.

MEN DE LIAN RATIO DISTORTION IN STEROID 21-HYDROXY-83 LASE DEFICIENCY (210HD). P Speiser, MI New, New York Hosp- Cornell l~ed Ctr, Dept Ped, New York NY 10021

Steroid 2l0HD is a monogenic, HLA-linked, recessively inher­ited condition. The homozygous affected state is not necess­arily lethal . Penetrance is complete by cri teria of ACTH-stimu-1 ated hormonal response. We report a distort i on of the expect­ed Mendelian ratio of 1 homozygou s affected:2 heterozygous:l homozygous unaffected among st families studied with both ACTH­stimulation and HLA-typing. Specifi ca lly, we have observed a paucity of homozygous unaffected individual s. The mendel ian ratio of 1:2 :1 held true if HLA typing alone was considered. However, 50% of offspring predicted by HLA type to be unaffect­ed tested hormonally as het erozygotes, indicating that extreme­ly frequent chromosomal recombination had occurred. Neither paternal nor maternal transmission distortion was observed; nor wa s haplotype transmission distorted by specific HLA associa­tions, Using hormonal criteria solely, there was a 35% in­crease over the expected number of heterozygotes (p <'005), re sul ting in a comparable decrease in homozygous unaffect ed individuals who had been ACTH-tested. Exc luding one proband per family, there wa s no deviation from the expected proportion of homozygous affected individuals even when deceased sibs we re included. Conclusion: In light of the excess number of heter­ozygotes and fewer than expected unaffected indi iduals among 2l 0HD families, it appears that there is some pressure to transmit the haplotype segment bearing the gene for 2l0HD. Whether this ca n be attributed to the 210HD gene itself remains to be proven.


~!atteson, Bon-chu Chung, WaIter L. Hiller, University of California , San Francisco, Department of Pediatrics, San Francisco , CA , USA

Conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone is mediated by the sL~gle mitochondrial cholesterol side-chai n cleavage (SCC) enzyme P450scc, formerly termed 20 , 22 desmol ase . sce activity is absent in patients with congenital lipoid adrenal hyper­plasia (lipoid CAB) and direct evi dence for absent P450scc protein his bePJ> reported in one case . To determine if sce deficiency is caused by deletion of the P450scc gene, we obtained l eukocytes fran 3 of the 10 reported living patients wi th lipoid CAB. Leukocyte DNA was cleaved ,vith restriction endonucleases and analyzed on Southern blots . Bl ots were probed with long chemically synthesized oligonucleotides contaL~ing 63 to 72 bases of the bovine P450scc cDNA sequenc,~,

and with a 1 kb human P450scc cDNA cl oned in our laboratory. Analysis of Northern blots of hcunan and bCY/ ine adrenal mRNA indi cate the P450scc mRNA is 2.0 kb a;",d ari ses fr an pre=sors "'6 kb l ong in l:xJth srecies , i ndicating the P450scc gene is about 6 kb . Analysis of Southern blots of DNA from ':he 3 patients and 8 control s showed no deletion in the human P450scc gene , and no detectable restriction fragment l eng+Jl polyrrorphisms with the following enzymes: BaJrHI, EcoRl, HindIII , PstI , PvuII, and ~gI. We conclude -thatthe Clbsent SCC activit y in t he adrenals and gonads of patients Hi th lipJic CAB is r.ot due t o a lurge deleti on in the P450scc gene .


gang Eisenmenger, Helmuth DOrr, Ursula Kuhn le, Dietrich KnOrrc Children's Hospital and Inst itute fo r Forens ic Pathology, Uni vers ity of Muni ch, Muni ch, FRG.

We previ ousl y repor ted hi gh concentrati ons of T in infant.ile t estes during the first 4 months of li f e and a sharp decline thereaft er corresponding wel l t o the plasma concentrati ons of T in this age group. Test icu lar A was lcw and d id not corre lat.e with pl asma A concentrat ions. To eva l uate the s ignif icance of the adrenal cortex as another source of c irculating androgens in mal e infancy we measured A and T in whole adrena ls of 56 boys day t o 2 yea rs of age . The med ian concentrations found in d ' ffe­ren t age groups a re shcwn in the t ab l e Cng/g adrenal tissue): Month 1 2 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 12 12 - A - -- - - - 186- - - - - 37 - - - - - 17- - - - - -10 - - - - 10

T 21 5 3 2 2 The decrease of ad renal androgen concentrat ions during the first yea r of I ife paral le ls the invo luti on of the ad rena l feta l "one. There is a close co rre 1 at i on between the adrena 1 and t he plasma concent rations of A but not of T. I f we C011[)a re the t otal con­tent of A and T in testes and adrena ls we f ind a t least 10 t imes more A in the adrenals than in t he tes tes duri ng the f irst 2 years of age . The t estes cont a in rrore T than the adrena ls onl y during t he f irst 4 rront hs . Thus we f ind that the adrena ls a'e a maj or source of A during the first 2 years, afte r the 6th month of life they seem to be the ma i n source even of T.


Eiholzer,Edmond A.Werder,AI5ert Otten ,and Andrea Prader.O .of Zurl ch, Dept .Pedl at. ,Zurlch;Klnderspltal,Dept.Pedlat.,St.Gall­en, Switzer land, and U.of Giessen,Dept .Pedi at.,G iessen , FRG .

3 Hi rs ute,unrelated gir ls{14.6-1 7.8yrs)with norma l c litoris and regular(l) or irregu lar( 2) men struations were studi ed.Cor­ti so l (12.2-22.7 ug/d l ),testost erone(68-1 72), 17~OH-p rogesterone (107-479),a nd androstenedione( 120-459ng /d l ) in plasma were nor­mal or mo derately increased, but DH EA( 1023-1384ng/dl ) was hi gh. Al so DHEAS (2730-6080 ng/ml) was high,indi cating intact su lfo ­kinase. In urine (capi ll ary co lumn gas chromat og raphy) , DHEAS was undetectable after helica se , acid or glucuronidase hydro­lysis,and low (0.4mg/d, lpt), or ab sent(2) after ACTH, but 16", OH-DHEAS was detectable before and after AC TH. Other conj u~a ­tes were normal or slightly increa sed , and dexamethasone-s up ­press ibl e .When DHEAS was added to urine, a peak appeared after helicase, exc lud ing hydrolys i S inhi bi t ion. When DHEAS was in ­jected iv (50mg, 2pts), DHEAS appeared in uri ne (0. 9-2.9 mg/ d) . With the same do se given to 2 normal girl s (17-1 8 .4 yrs) with norma l ba sa l plasma DHEA(285 and 549ng/dl) ,more DH EAS (4 .6-·6.4 mg/d) ,and a lso some 16"OH-DHEAS appeared . Unconjugated uri nary DHEA in the pts. was similar as or higher tha n in the control s . Thi s new type of H appears to be due to an increased renal t hreshol d for DHEAS , but not for other steroids. Based on plas ­ma steroid results al one , such pts.could be erroneously consi­dered to have mi Id 3~-hyd roxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency . Supported by Swiss Nat iona l Sc ience Foundat ion (Grant 3874083)