signaling by sensory receptors

Signaling by Sensory Receptors David Julius 1 and Jeremy Nathans 2 1 Department of Physiology, Universityof California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California 94158 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Correspondence: [email protected] and [email protected] SUMMARY Sensory systems detect small molecules, mechanical perturbations, or radiation via the activa- tion of receptor proteins and downstream signaling cascades in specialized sensory cells. In vertebrates, the two principal categories of sensory receptors are ion channels, which mediate mechanosensation, thermosensation, and acid and salt taste; and G-protein-coupled recep- tors (GPCRs), which mediate vision, olfaction, and sweet, bitter, and umami tastes. GPCR- based signaling in rods and cones illustrates the fundamental principles of rapid activation and inactivation, signal amplification, and gain control. Channel-based sensory systems illus- trate the integration of diverse modulatorysignals at the receptor, as seen in the thermosen- sory/pain system, and the rapid response kinetics that are possible with direct mechanical gating of a channel. Comparisons of sensory receptor gene sequences reveal numerous exam- ples in which gene duplication and sequence divergence have created novel sensory specific- ities. This is the evolutionary basis for the observed diversity in temperature- and ligand- dependent gating among thermosensory channels, spectral tuning among visual pigments, and odorant binding among olfactory receptors. The coding of complex external stimuli by a limited number of sensory receptor types has led to the evolution of modality-specific and species-specific patterns of retention or loss of sensory information, a filtering operation that selectively emphasizes features in the stimulus that enhance survival in a particular ecological niche. The many specialized anatomic structures, such as the eye and ear, that house primary sensory neurons further enhance the detection of relevant stimuli. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Receptors: Detection and Transduction 3 Structural Basis of Sensory Receptor Activation 4 The Logic of Sensory Coding 5 Evolution and Variation 6 Concluding Remarks References Editors: Lewis Cantley, Tony Hunter, Richard Sever, and Jeremy W. Thorner Additional Perspectives on Signal Transduction available at Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005991 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a005991 1 on December 22, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Page 1: Signaling by Sensory Receptors

Signaling by Sensory Receptors

David Julius1 and Jeremy Nathans2

1Department of Physiology, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California 941582Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland 21205

Correspondence: [email protected] and [email protected]


Sensory systems detect small molecules, mechanical perturbations, or radiation via the activa-tion of receptor proteins and downstream signaling cascades in specialized sensory cells. Invertebrates, the two principal categories of sensory receptors are ion channels, which mediatemechanosensation, thermosensation, and acid and salt taste; and G-protein-coupled recep-tors (GPCRs), which mediate vision, olfaction, and sweet, bitter, and umami tastes. GPCR-based signaling in rods and cones illustrates the fundamental principles of rapid activationand inactivation, signal amplification, and gain control. Channel-based sensory systems illus-trate the integration of diverse modulatory signals at the receptor, as seen in the thermosen-sory/pain system, and the rapid response kinetics that are possible with direct mechanicalgating of a channel. Comparisons of sensory receptor gene sequences reveal numerous exam-ples in which gene duplication and sequence divergence have created novel sensory specific-ities. This is the evolutionary basis for the observed diversity in temperature- and ligand-dependent gating among thermosensory channels, spectral tuning among visual pigments,and odorant binding among olfactory receptors. The coding of complex external stimuli bya limited number of sensory receptor types has led to the evolution of modality-specific andspecies-specific patterns of retention or loss of sensory information, a filtering operation thatselectively emphasizes features in the stimulus that enhance survival in a particular ecologicalniche. The many specialized anatomic structures, such as the eye and ear, that house primarysensory neurons further enhance the detection of relevant stimuli.


1 Introduction

2 Receptors: Detection and Transduction

3 Structural Basis of SensoryReceptor Activation

4 The Logic of Sensory Coding

5 Evolution and Variation

6 Concluding Remarks


Editors: Lewis Cantley, Tony Hunter, Richard Sever, and Jeremy W. Thorner

Additional Perspectives on Signal Transduction available at

Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005991

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on December 22, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from

Page 2: Signaling by Sensory Receptors


An organism’s perception of the world is filtered through itssensory systems. The properties of these systems dictate thetypes of stimuli that can be detected and constrain the waysin which these stimuli are reconstructed, integrated, and in-terpreted. Here we discuss how sensory signals are receivedand transduced, focusing on the first steps in the complexprocess of perceiving an external stimulus. A recurrenttheme is the way in which the biochemical and biophysicalproperties of sensory receptor molecules, and the neuronsin which they reside, have been sculpted by evolution tocapture those signals that are most salient for the survivaland reproduction of the organism. As a result, some classesof sensory receptors, such as the night vision receptor rho-dopsin, show great conservation, whereas others, such asolfactory receptors, show great diversity.

Evolutionary comparisons are fascinating at manylevels, not least of which is their power to highlight thelogic of the stimulus–response relationship. For example,honeybees can see UV light, enabling them to locate sour-ces of nectar and pollen based on the UV reflectance offlower petals (Kevan et al. 2001), whereas humans andOld World primates have excellent sensitivity and chro-matic discrimination at longer wavelengths, permittingthe identification of red, orange, and yellow fruit againsta background of green foliage (Mollon 1989). Star-nosedmoles use a specialized mechanoreceptive organ on theirsnout to locate meals and navigate through lightless sub-terranean tunnels (Catania 2005), and pit vipers haveevolved thermoreceptive organs to detect the infraredradiation emitted by their warm-blooded prey (Campbellet al. 2002). In each of these cases, evolution has fine-tuneda sensory organ through anatomical and/or molecularchanges to enhance the detection of relevant stimuli.

For simplicity, we focus on eukaryotic sensory systems,in which G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ionchannels predominate as sensory receptors. The one excep-tion is mechanosensation, in which the molecular basisof membrane stretch detection has been beautifully de-lineated in bacteria but remains less clear in eukaryotes.Thus, our discussion of mechanosensation is focusedlargely on prokaryotic systems. We also describe the diversecast of downstream transduction pathways and the mannerin which receptors and transduction pathways are regulatedto terminate signaling and set receptor sensitivity.

Before discussing individual receptors, it is worth not-ing that the physiological attributes of sensory systems aredictated not only by the molecular properties of receptormolecules and their associated signal transduction pro-teins, but also by the architecture of the sensory organs,cells, and subcellular structures in which they reside. A

notable example is the retina, where visual pigments, to-gether with other components of the phototransductionpathway, are localized within outer segments of rod andcone photoreceptor cells at near millimolar concentra-tions, thereby enhancing light sensitivity and transductionefficiency (Yau and Hardie 2009). Another example is seenin the cochlea, where sound pressure waves are transmit-ted through the middle ear to induce a localized and fre-quency-dependent distortion of the basilar membrane inthe cochlea. Progressive changes in both the mechanicalproperties of the basilar membrane and the electrical prop-erties of the auditory hair cells along the length of the coch-lea generate a tonotopic map in which the amplitudes ofdifferent frequency components in a complex sound are re-flected in the magnitudes of auditory receptor activation atdifferent locations within the cochlea (Roberts et al. 1988).


Both GPCRs and ion channels contribute to sensory trans-duction pathways by initiating or modulating stimulus-evoked responses (Fig. 1; Table 1). In vertebrates, GPCRspredominate as stimulus detectors in vertebrate visualand olfactory receptor cells. In contrast, recent studies sug-gest that fly olfactory neurons use ionotropic glutamate re-ceptor-like channels to detect some classes of odorants(Benton et al. 2009), revealing a striking divergence of sig-nal transduction mechanisms between insect and verte-brate chemosensory systems. Ion channels predominatein the detection of auditory and somatosensory stimuli,and both GPCRs and ion channels serve as stimulus detec-tors in the gustatory (taste) system.

Because GPCRs transduce information through multi-component second-messenger-based “metabotropic” sig-naling pathways (Henrik-Heldin et al. 2012), they endowphysiological systems with a tremendous capacity for signalamplification (Fig. 2). In vertebrate chemosensory andvisual systems, GPCR-based signaling enables sensory cellsto detect nanomolar concentrations of ligands or singlephotons, respectively. Such high sensitivity is possiblebecause a single GPCR, during its active lifetime, can acti-vate dozens to hundreds of G proteins, and each activatedG protein in conjunction with its associated target enzymecan synthesize or destroy thousands of second-messengermolecules. This type of signaling cascade has been mostthoroughly analyzed in vertebrate rod photoreceptors,where light-evoked activation of a single rhodopsin mol-ecule leads to the activation of about 500 downstreameffector proteins [the G protein transducin and its associ-ated cyclic (c)GMP phosphodiesterase], with the conse-quent hydrolysis of about 100,000 molecules of cGMPper second (Fig. 1A) (Stryer 1986; Arshavsky et al. 2002).

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The reduction in cytosolic cGMP leads to the closure ofcGMP-gated ion channels in the outer segment plasmamembrane, thereby hyperpolarizing the cell and decreasingthe release of the neurotransmitter glutamate onto bipolarcells, the second-order neurons within the retina.

A similar biochemical logic governs signaling in verte-brate olfactory sensory neurons, where activation of G-pro-tein-coupled odorant receptors increases the synthesis ofcAMP, which binds directly to and thereby opens cyclic-nucleotide-gated ion channels in the plasma membraneof olfactory cilia (Fig. 1B). The resulting depolarizationof the plasma membrane initiates an action potential thatis transmitted from the sensory neuron’s body in the olfac-tory epithelium to its presynaptic terminal in the olfactorybulb. Thus, in both visual and olfactory sensory neurons,temporal control of signaling comes down to a balancebetween cyclic nucleotide synthesis and degradation. In-terestingly, the detection of tastants and pheromones byGPCR-containing gustatory and vomeronasal sensory neu-rons, respectively, proceeds through a somewhat differentsignaling pathway involving G-protein-mediated activa-tion of phospholipase C, which promotes hydrolysis ofmembrane phospholipids to generate second messengers(such as diacylglycerols, inositol phosphates, and polyun-saturated fatty acids) and thereby triggers calcium releasefrom intracellular stores (Fig. 1C). These actions promotethe opening of excitatory TRP ion channels, leading to de-polarization and neurotransmitter release (Chandrashekaret al. 2006).

The same principles that underlie signal amplifica-tion—namely, the involvement of multiple sequential stepsin a transduction pathway—endow metabotropic (i.e.,GPCR) systems with a great capacity foradaptation and oth-er forms of signal modulation. Here, again, the most de-tailed analysis has been performed in the visual system.The retina faces the daunting task of discriminating lumi-nance changes on a timescale of tens of milliseconds andunder conditions as disparate as sunny afternoons andmoonless nights, in which background light intensity variesby more than six orders of magnitude. These challenges aremet, in part, through negative feedback mechanisms in thephotoreceptor outer segment that terminate signaling and/or reset the baseline in the presence of a persistent stimulus.Although first delineated in studies of rod phototransduc-tion, these feedback mechanisms are now known to bemore-or-less generic to many GPCR signaling pathways(DeWire et al. 2007; Moore et al. 2007). The most receptor-proximal signal termination mechanism involves phos-phorylation of activated receptors by specific serine/threo-nine kinases, such as rhodopsin kinase, a member of theG-protein receptor kinase (GRK) family, at several residuesin the long carboxy-terminal tail of the receptor on a

timescale of tens of milliseconds (Arshavsky et al. 2002).Once phosphorylated, the receptor is capped by the inhi-bitory protein arrestin, which blocks subsequent G-proteinactivation. In hormone and neurotransmitter receptor sys-tems, arrestin binding also facilitates receptor endocyto-sis and recycling. In contrast, in the photoreceptor outersegment, rhodopsin remains stably localized to the discmembrane. Rhodopsin is recycled to its dark state by thecombination of dephosphorylation and exchange of thephotoisomerized all-trans retinal chromophore for a newmolecule of 11-cis retinal, reactionsthat occuron atimescaleof minutes (Arshavsky et al. 2002; Yau and Hardie 2009).

The time course of photoreceptor signal termination isalso shaped by the accelerated hydrolysis of G-protein-bound GTP via an allosteric interaction between theregulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) family memberRGS9 and the a-subunit of the photoreceptor G protein,transducin (Krispel et al. 2006). RGS-modulated signal ter-mination plays an analogous role in primary olfactory sen-sory neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans (Ferkey et al. 2007).RGS-dependent enhancement of GTP hydrolysis is anancient and evolutionarily conserved mechanism that ac-celerates signal termination across a wide variety of hetero-trimeric and small G-protein signaling systems in organ-isms as diverse as yeast and man (Dohlman and Thorner1997; Ross and Wilkie 2000; Netzel and Hepler 2006). Invertebrate photoreceptors, a third mechanism for activity-dependent feedback involves a light-dependent decline inintracellular calcium levels, which leads to the allostericactivation of guanylate cyclase, the enzyme that synthesizescGMP, by small calcium-binding proteins termed guany-late-cyclase-activating proteins (GCAPs) (Yau 1991; Yauand Hardie 2009). In other GPCR signaling systems, calci-um feedback acts on a wide variety of cellular effectors.

Ion channels are distinguished from multicomponentsignaling cascades by the rapidity of their response, en-abling ionotropic receptors to convert stimuli into neuronaldepolarization on a millisecond timescale, as comparedwith tens or hundreds of milliseconds for most metabo-tropic systems (Fig. 2). This is especially relevant whenthe physiological timescale of stimulus presentation is rap-id, as in acoustic signals. In this case, sound pressure waveswith vibration frequencies on the order of several thousandcycles per second (or, for bats, up to 100,000 cycles persecond) are detected by mechanically gated ion channelswith open probabilities that are modulated by the rapidback-and-forth movements of a tightly interconnected setof microvilli, the stereociliary bundle (Fig. 1D). In this sys-tem, adaptation is effected by dynamic changes in the ten-sion in the elastic elements that gate the channels.

Ion channels also have a great capacity for signal in-tegration and gain control. This phenomenon is nicely

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Na+ Cl–
























Neurotransmitter release




Figure 1. (See facing page for legend. )

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illustrated in the somatosensory system, where the capsai-cin- and heat-activated receptor TRPV1 is modulated bymultiple components of the inflammatory milieu, includ-ing bioactive lipids, extracellular protons, neurotrophicfactors, and inflammatory peptides (Fig. 1E). These agentsenhance the sensitivity of TRPV1 to heat by functioningeither directly as allosteric modulators of the channel or

indirectly through metabotropic pathways that modulateTRPV1 channel function. These actions contribute toheightened pain sensitivity following tissue injury, suchas sunburn, and constitute an important part of the painpathway’s protective function (Caterina and Julius 2001).

One outstanding question in sensory transduction con-cerns the molecular mechanisms used by cells to detect and







Chemoirritants/mustard Na+/Ca2+













Figure 1. Comparison of sensory signaling systems for vision, olfaction, hearing and balance, taste, and pain/ther-mosensation. The events underlying signal transduction are shown schematically for (A) rod and cone photorecep-tion; (B) olfaction in the main olfactory epithelium; (C) salt (left) and sweet (right) taste; (D) hearing and balance;and (E) pain/thermosensation. Schematics A–E refer to vertebrates. The final step in olfactory signaling consists ofthe calcium-dependent opening of anion channel TMEM16B, although recent work suggests that the resultinganion current plays only a minor role in olfactory signal transduction (Billig et al. 2011). For pain/thermosensationmediated by TRPV1, the figure shows inflammatory agents (extracellular protons, bioactive lipids, peptides, andneurotrophins) acting to enhance channel opening either as direct allosteric modulators of TRPV1 or throughsecond-messenger signaling pathways. In auditory and vestibular hair cell bundles, it is not known whether trans-duction channels reside at both ends or at only one end of the extracellular elastic elements (tip links); in panel D thechannels are shown at both ends.

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respond to mechanical stimuli (focal pressure, stretch,and osmotic challenge) (Gillespie and Walker 2001; Kung2005). To date, this is best understood in prokaryotic sys-tems, in which potentially lethal hypotonic shock leads tothe activation of both small- and large-conductance cellsurface mechanosensory channels, MscS and MscL, respec-tively, that equalize solute gradients by conducting anions,cations, and other small molecules relatively nonselectively.Reconstitution of purified MscS and MscL proteins insynthetic lipid bilayers has shown that these channels areintrinsically mechanosensitive, opening and closing indirect response to changes in lateral membrane pressure(Sukharev et al. 1994; Sukharev 2002; Vasquez et al. 2008;Kung et al. 2010).

A more complex model has been proposed for mecha-nosensory transduction in metazoan systems, based ongenetic studies in C. elegans. Here, screens for touch-insensitive mutants have identified loci encoding micro-tubule-associated proteins as well as members of the ami-loride-sensitive sodium channel family, arguing for theexistence of a mechanosensory complex in which mem-brane stretch promotes channel opening via cytoskeletalchanges (Chalfie 2009). In contrast to the single-compo-nent bacterial Msc system, this model has not yet been fullyvalidated through functional reconstitution in heterolo-gous systems. Genetic and physiologic studies in flies andmammals have identified several additional candidatesfor mechanotransducers, including members of the TRPand Piezo channel families. Whether these channels re-spond to mechanical stimuli directly, as in bacteria, or in-directly through membrane/cytoskeletal attachment, as innematodes, remains to be determined.


Among eukaryotic sensory receptors, we currently knowmost about the structure of GPCRs and how they interactwith ligands, G proteins, and arrestins. Much insight hasbeen gleaned from studies of rhodopsin and theb-adrener-gic and adenosine receptors, for which three-dimensional(3D) structures of active and inactive conformational stateshave recently been determined (Rosenbaum et al. 2009;Choe et al. 2011; Rasmussen et al. 2011; Standfuss et al.2011; Xu et al. 2011). Crystallographic studies confirmthat these receptors contain a membrane-embedded coreof seven transmembrane a-helices with amino- and car-boxy-terminal tails facing outside and inside the cell,

Table 1. Classes of sensory receptors

Sensory modalitya Receptor(s) Transduction mechanism

Vision GPCRs G-protein/cGMPphospho-diesterase/cGMP-gated ion channel

Olfactionb GPCRs G-protein/adenylylcyclase/cAMP-gated ionchannel

Hearing/balance Nonselectivecationchannel

Direct gating by mechanicalforce

Taste (sweet andbitter)

GPCRs G-protein/TRP channel

Taste (sour) Ion channel Direct sensing of ion fluxMechanosensation

(in bacteria)Ion channel Membrane stretch

aData are for vertebrates unless otherwise noted.bData are for the main olfactory epithelium. A minority of olfactory sensory

neurons appear to use transmembrane guanylate cyclases as receptors.











R* R* R*













Figure 2. Schematic representation of temporal response profiles forsingle or multicomponent transduction systems. (A) Time course ofstimulus-evoked responses for transduction systems consisting ofzero, one, or two enzymatic stages of amplification. (B) For each sys-tem, the schematic diagram shows the flow of information in thetransduction system, with R and R∗ representing the sensory receptormolecule in the inactive and active states, respectively. (Left panel)Here, there are no transduction components beyond the receptor it-self, as in the case of a sensory ion channel, where activation is nearlyinstantaneous. (Middle panel) Here, the active receptor functions as acatalyst and converts inactive molecules of A to their active deriva-tives A∗, which accumulate linearly with time following receptor ac-tivation. (Right panel) Here, the active derivative A∗ functions as acatalyst to convert inactive molecules of B to their active derivativesB∗, resulting in second-order response kinetics. The left panel repre-sents a mechanosensory system, and the right panel represents verte-brate phototransduction, as diagrammed below.

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respectively. We note that that in the case of rhodopsin, theamino terminus faces the lumen of the outer segment disc,which is topologically equivalent to the outside of the cell.

Binding of low-molecular-weight agonists and antago-nists to the b-adrenergic and adenosine receptors, or light-induced isomerization of covalently bound retinal in rho-dopsin, occurs within a pocket that is formed by four of theseven a-helices and is located below the surface of the plas-ma membrane (Fig. 3A). Subtle agonist-induced structuralchanges within this pocket promote rotational movementsin hinge regions of helices 5 and 6 that sit at the midpointof the lipid bilayer. This motion, in turn, exposes a hydropho-bic G-protein-binding site formed by loops linking the cyto-plasmic ends of transmembrane domains 5, 6, and 7.

Crystallographic and molecular dynamics simulationssuggest that interactions with both ligand and G proteinare required to fully stabilize the activated conformationof some GPCRs. This is consistent with classic pharmaco-logical observations showing that agonist affinities decreasesubstantially when the G-protein is released. Interestingly,the conformational equilibrium between inactive and ac-tive states differs among GPCRs. Some receptors, such asthe b2-adrenergic receptor, make occasional transitionsto the activated state in the absence of ligand. In contrast,rhodopsin remains almost completely inactive in the ab-sence of retinal isomerization, thereby maintaining thelow level of dark noise that is characteristic of vertebraterod phototransduction.

Much less is currently known about the tertiary struc-ture of most ion channels that function as sensory recep-tors. Bacterial MscS and MscL mechanosensory channelsare the exception: their crystal structures have been resolvedto approximately 4 A resolution (Perozo and Rees 2003;Kung et al. 2010). These stretch-activated channels assumetwo rather different overall configurations. MscS is a homo-heptameric channel in which the seven subunits are ar-ranged around a central axis. The third transmembranehelix of each subunit lines the ion-conducting pore, where-as the other two helices form a cone-shaped outer shell thatinteracts with membrane lipids. MscL is a homopentamer-ic channel in which each subunit has two transmembranehelices, one facing the ion pore and the other facing the lip-id bilayer. Despite their distinct stoichiometries and archi-tectures, MscS and MscL perform the same function ofopening and closing in response to changes in lateral pres-sure or surface tension exerted by the surrounding lipidbilayer as it undergoes deformation. Structural and molec-ular dynamics simulation studies suggest that in responseto membrane stretching, both channels undergo rotationaland kinking movements of their transmembrane helices toopen a central ion-conducting pore, much as an iris opensin an old-fashioned camera (Fig. 3B).

At present, structural insights into metazoan sensorychannel function are limited. For TRP channels, progressis currently limited to high-resolution structures of smallsoluble domains and low-resolution (�20 A) structuresof the intact channel derived from electron microscopicimages (Malnic et al. 1999; Gaudet 2008; Li et al. 2011).How some TRP channels, such as TRPV1 and TRPM8,detect and respond to changes in ambient temperatureremains an intriguing and unresolved question. Heterolo-gous expression and in vitro proteoliposome reconstitutionstudies suggest that TRPV1 and TRPM8 are intrinsicallytemperature-sensitive, but whether gating in vivo involveschannel–lipid interactions or association with other cel-lular factors remains uncertain. Mutational studies haveimplicated several channel domains as being importantin temperature detection or specification of thermal activa-tion thresholds, but the structural underpinnings of theseprocesses have yet to be elucidated.


Sensory systems create an internal representation of the ex-ternal world filtered through the molecular specificities ofprimary receptor proteins. Thus, the act of sensory codingcan be conceptualized as an act of remapping: One multi-dimensional space (of sensory stimuli) is remapped ontoanother multidimensional space (of receptor cell re-sponses). We focus here only on the representation of sen-sory stimuli at the level of the primary receptors, but notethat the remapping process continues at each stage of sen-sory processing up to and including brain circuitry. For ex-ample, in the visual system, the distinct attributes of form,color, motion, and depth are extracted from the retinalimage and processed in partially overlapping informationstreams in the visual cortex (Livingstone and Hubel 1988).

In bacteria, plants, and animals, light-sensing systemsare based on the photoisomerization of a chromophorewith a conjugated p-electron system: retinal or one of itsderivatives in bacterial and animal rhodopsins (Fig. 4),and a tetrapyrrole in plant phytochromes. Although theenergy difference between ground and excited electronicstates is quantized, the receptor’s absorbance spectrum(i.e., absorbance as a function of wavelength) appears as arelatively broad and approximately Gaussian curve. Thebreadth of the absorbance band arises from the largenumber of closely spaced vibrational energy states thatare superimposed on the larger electronic energy gap(Abrahamson and Japar 1972). These broad absorbancebands permit a relatively small number of photoreceptorswith partially overlapping spectral sensitivities to coverthe biologically relevant region of the electromagneticspectrum, the interval from near ultraviolet (�350 nm)

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Meta II Meta II–GαCT2

33 3

5 5

6 6

7 7












S1 M2


Top view




4 4

2 21 1

H8 H8 H8









Figure 3. 3D structures of rhodopsin and a mechanically gated ion channel. (A) Ribbon diagram of rhodopsin in theinactive state with bound 11-cis-retinal (red spheres) compared with the light-activated Metarhodopsin II state con-taining all-trans-retinal (blue spheres) and Metarhodopsin II state in complex with a peptide (pink) correspondingto the receptor-binding site on the Ga subunit of transducin. Rotation and elongation of light-activated retinal leadto a slight rotational tilt of transmembrane helices 5 and 6, thereby enlarging a crevice at the cytoplasmic side of thereceptor in which Ga can dock (Choe et al. 2011). (B) Bacterial mechanosensory ion channel, MscL, showing trans-membrane topology of a monomer (top left) and the assembled pentameric channel complex (top middle). Mem-brane stretch and consequent changes in tension at the membrane–protein interface produce structuralrearrangements that result in compression of the channel and expansion of the central ion permeation pore, as de-picted in the side and top views (Kung 2005).

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to far red (650 nm). In humans, there are five classes of lightreceptors: cone photoreceptors have sensitivity maximaof �440 nm, �530 nm, and �560 nm; rod photorecep-tors have sensitivity maxima of �500 nm; and intrinsicallyphotosensitive retinal ganglion cells—which mediate pupilconstriction and light entrainment of circadian rhythms—express a highly divergent photoreceptor protein, mela-nopsin, that confers a sensitivity maximum of �480 nm.The differential excitation of the three cone pigments pro-vides information about the wavelength composition of astimulus, a process that we recognize as color vision (Fig. 4).

The strategy of overlapping spectral sensitivities wasfirst suggested by Thomas Young in a remarkably prescientpassage in his 1801 Bakerian Lecture before the RoyalSociety:

As it is almost impossible to conceive each sensitive point of theretina to contain an infinite number of particles (receptors),each capable of vibrating in perfect unison with every possible

undulation (frequency), it becomes necessary to suppose thenumber limited . . . and that each particle is capable of beingput in motion more or less forcibly by undulations differingless or more from perfect unison (Young 1802).

Following Young’s argument, we could measure light in-tensity as a function of wavelength from a particular loca-tion in a scene, sampling from 400 nm to 650 nm in 1-nmsteps, and then represent the data by a single point in a250-dimensional space. Young correctly surmised that thevisual system remaps this high-dimensional stimulus spaceonto a lower-dimensional space of receptor activities.

One inevitable result of such remapping is that somepairs of points that reside at distinct locations in the higher-dimensional stimulus space will reside at indistinguishablyclose locations in the lower-dimensional receptor space.For color vision based on only three or four classes of recep-tors, surprisingly little information is lost relative to thatwhich could be extracted by a larger ensemble of receptors.The reason for this is that the biological pigments thatdominate natural scenes—like the chromophores of pho-toreceptors—have broad and relatively smooth bell-shapedabsorbance curves. (Recall that the visual stimulus, i.e.,the light reflected from an object, is proportional to thereciprocal of the absorbance spectrum.) In other words,the information content in the absorbance spectra ofbiomolecules is contained largely in their low-frequencycomponents, with the word “frequency” referring not toa particular wavelength of light but to a Fourier decompo-sition of the curve of reflectance versus wavelength (Malo-ney 1986).

A simpler transformation between stimulus and re-sponse spaces is effected by taste receptors (Yarmolinskyet al. 2009). In mammals, sweet, umami (amino acid),and bitter tastants stimulate GPCRs, whereas sodium andhydrogen ions (i.e., salty and acidic modalities) are de-tected by members of the amiloride-sensitive and TRPion channel families, respectively. Two classes of specializedtaste cells express low-affinity GPCRs to detect commonnutrients: T1R1-T1R3 heterodimers detect L-amino acids,and T1R2-T1R3 heterodimers detect sugars. The relativelylow ligand–receptor affinities (in the millimolar range) areappropriate given the organism’s interest in identifyingquantities of ligand sufficient for its nutritional needs.The umami and sweet taste receptors are of additional in-terest because, together with the gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA)-B receptor, they represent the best-validatedexamples in which receptor dimerization is required forG-protein signaling (Milligan 2009).

A distinct class of taste receptors coexpress a mixtureof about 30 high-affinity GPCRs (T2Rs) that recognize abroad array of bitter compounds, many of which are plant-derived toxins. The uniformly bitter sensation elicited

11-cis retinal




all-trans retinal







e se







700600500Wavelength (nm)





Figure 4. Color vision in humans and honeybees. (A) Photoisomeri-zation of retinal from 11-cis to all-trans, the photochemical event thatinitiates receptor activation in vertebrate and invertebrate photorecep-tors. (B) Spectral sensitivities of human cone photoreceptors andhoneybee rhabdomeric photoreceptors. (Adapted from Osorio andVorobyev 2008; reprinted, with permission, from Elsevier # 2008.)

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by diverse T2R ligands attests to the compression of amultidimensional chemical stimulus space onto a singlepsychophysical dimension of bitterness—a logical featuregiven that the only behavioral output is aversion. This ar-rangement sacrifices discriminatory power, but it enablesan organism to determine whether a substance is nutrition-ally beneficial (eliciting an attractive response) or poten-tially toxic (eliciting an aversive response).

Another apparently simple transformation betweenstimulus and response spaces is seen in mammalian ther-mosensation (Lumpkin and Caterina 2007). In this case,a scalar quantity, temperature, is detected by largely distinctsets of sensory neurons, each of which expresses one type oftemperature-gated TRP channel. The critical features ofthis system are (1) the polarity of the response—channelopening that is either heat-activated (TRPV1) or cold-acti-vated (TRPM8); (2) the temperature at the midpoint of theS-shaped stimulus–response curve; and (3) the steepnessof the stimulus–response curve. The last of these featuresmay reflect cooperative interactions among TRP channelsubunits that line a central pore. For each class of ther-mosensory neurons, the monotonic mapping of stimulustemperature to response shows systematic compressionsand expansions along the temperature axis, with maximalsensitivity to small changes in temperature occurring, asone would expect, in the steepest region of the receptor’sstimulus–response curve. For mammals, the intervalsof maximal sensitivity flank normal peripheral bodytemperatures: �158C to �258C for cold receptors and�358C to �508C for heat receptors (Iggo 1982). In keepingwith this pattern, the temperature of the half-maximal re-sponse of TRPM8 orthologs differs among species and cor-relates with core body temperature (Myers et al. 2009).

In reality, the situation is more complex than thepreceding paragraph indicates because, as noted above,thermosensory neurons integrate additional stimulus di-mensions by virtue of the sensitivity of various TRP chan-nels to chemical ligands and by the sensitizing action ofinflammatory mediators at the cellular level (Basbaumet al. 2009). Many TRP channel activators are plant-derivedcompounds that provoke a sensation of irritation or burn-ing pain. Primary afferent neurons coexpressing capsaicin(TRPV1) and wasabi (TRPA1) receptors are dually sensi-tive to heat and electrophilic irritants, a mixed-modality ar-rangement wherein chemical irritants and inflammatoryagents excite heat-sensitive fibers to produce thermal hy-peralgesia (increased sensitivity to pain). This phenomen-on of cross-modality signaling appears as a distinctivefeature of somatosensation, presumably reflecting the pro-tective function of the pain pathway. Thus, thermosensoryneurons provide the organism with a sensory space inwhich noxious chemical and thermal stimuli are integrated

with tissue injury and inflammation to yield gradations oftwo relatively simple sensations, pain and temperature.

Olfactory systems illustrate the most complex stimu-lus–response relationships. This complexity reflects theextraordinary diversity of chemical space and the largenumber of distinct odorant receptors (�100 to �1000) ex-pressed in vertebrates and invertebrates (Su et al. 2009).The most naive mapping would assign each odorant anindependent axis in stimulus space and each receptor an in-dependent axis in response space. Even if the two spaces arecompressed by combining the attributes of related com-pounds and related receptors into a smaller number ofaxes—a method referred to as principal component analy-sis—the dimensionality of each space remains extremelylarge.

Systematic analyses in which a transgenic receptor isexpressed in a single neuron from which the endogenousreceptor has been eliminated (the “empty neuron” tech-nique) have delineated odorant responses for the entire ol-factory repertoire in fruit flies and other insects (Hallem andCarlson 2006; Carey et al. 2010). Similarly, taking advant-age of the one-receptor–one-neuron relationship in themain olfactory epithelium of mammals, researchers haveused calcium imaging during odorant exposure followedby single-cell PCR to delineate basic patterns of odorant re-ceptor specificities (Malnic et al. 1999). Several fundamen-tal observations have emerged from these studies (Malnicet al. 1999; Hallem et al. 2004; Hallem and Carlson 2006;Carey et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010): First, individual odor-ants typically activate more than one receptor, and, con-versely, individual receptors are typically activated by morethan one odorant. Second, receptors differ in the breadthof their odorant responses: Some receptors are activated bya small number of odorants, whereas others are activatedby a larger number of odorants, often with related chemicalstructures. Third, both the level of receptor activation andthe number of classes of activated receptors increase with in-creasing odorant concentration. Organisms face the furtherchallenge of interpreting mixtures of odorants, and for thistask, additional identifying information can be obtainedbased on antagonistic interactions between pairs of odorantsand on odorant-specific temporal dynamics of receptor re-sponses (Hallem et al. 2004; Oka et al. 2004, 2009; DasGuptaand Wadell 2008; Su et al. 2011).


The strongest selective pressure for optimal performance insensory systems occurs when the stimulus affects behaviorsmost directly related to Darwinian selection: feeding, mat-ing, and avoiding death from predation, poisoning, andso on. Conversely, sensory systems that gather information

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that is of little or no utility will disappear over time, aprocess recognizable by the loss or inactivation of theirassociated gene sequences. As the following examplesillustrate, these considerations inform any comparisonsamong species of the performance characteristics of sen-sory systems.

Variations among different types of photoreceptors,both within and between species, beautifully illustrate theevolution of sensory system performance to fit diverse eco-logical needs (Yau and Hardie 2009). For example, differentsignal-to-noise ratios are apparent in rod-mediated nightvision (where the ratio must be high) compared with cone-mediated daytime vision (where the ratio can be lower).The rod visual pigment, rhodopsin, has a half-life for spon-taneous activation at 378C of �400 yr, corresponding toan energy barrier of �22 kcal/mol for thermal isomeriza-tion of the 11-cis retinal chromophore (Baylor et al. 1980).In mammalian rods, which have 4 × 107 rhodopsins percell, this works out to only approximately one spontaneousactivation event per minute per rod. This very low level ofreceptor noise represents a critical performance feature thatsets the absolute sensitivity of dim light vision (Hecht et al.1942; Baylor et al. 1980). In contrast, mammalian conesoperate at light levels that are several orders of magnitudehigher than the rod operating range, and cones are corre-spondingly several orders of magnitude noisier than rods(Schnapf et al. 1990; Schneeweis and Schnapf 1999).

Visual pigment spectral sensitivity is one of the most in-tensively studied systems in which sensory receptor evolu-tion has been explored at the molecular, organismal, andecological levels. In the ocean, chlorophyll and other bio-molecules in photosynthetic microorganisms selectivelydeplete longer-wavelength sunlight, and, as a result, thereis a corresponding blueshift in the visual pigment spec-tral sensitivities of fish that live at greater ocean depths(Lythgoe 1979). Similarly, dolphin rhodopsin and thedolphin long-wavelength cone pigment are blueshiftedrelative to their terrestrial counterparts as an adaptationto the aquatic environment (Fasick et al. 1998; Fasick andRobinson 2000). At extreme depths, where little sunlightpenetrates, visual pigment spectral sensitivities are underentirely different selective pressures: Bioluminescence per-mits communication among organisms of the same spe-cies, and visual pigments are tuned to the emitting wave-lengths, in some cases at the far-red end of the spectrum(Douglas et al. 1998).

Visual pigment spectral tuning has also been studied inrelation to discrimination among natural objects that arebehaviorally relevant (Osorio and Vorobyev 2008). Com-paring the color space defined by honeybee rhabdomericphotoreceptors, which have sensitivity maxima at �350,�425, and �550 nm, with that defined by human cone

photoreceptors, which have sensitivity maxima of �440,�530, and �560 nm (representative of Old World primatecone sensitivities) (Fig. 4), reveals a wider dispersion of flo-ral hues in honeybee color space compared with primatecolor space (Fig. 5). This pattern supports the generalidea that color vision in pollinator species such as honey-bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds coevolved with floralpigments to enhance discrimination among floral species,an arrangement that enhances both feeding and pollina-tion. Similarly, the surface hues of fruits that are consumedby primates occupy a wider swath of primate color spacecompared with honeybee color space (Fig. 5), a patternthat suggests that primate trichromacy may have coevolvedwith fruit coloration to enhance both fruit consumptionand seed dispersal (Regan et al. 2001). In particular, yellow,orange, or red fruit is readily detected against a backgroundof dappled green foliage if an animal compares the extentsof excitation of a pair of visual pigments in the 500–600-nm region of the spectrum, as nearly all Old Worldand some New World primates can (Mollon 1989; Reganet al. 2001). Such discrimination is difficult with the singlelonger-wavelength-sensitive pigment typical of non-pri-mate mammals. A chromatic discrimination task similarto this one is the basis of the Ishihara test for color visiondeficiency in humans.


550L L









550L L








t con

















Figure 5. Chromaticity diagrams for humans and honeybees. The tri-angles represent a plane within a 3D receptor space, with each vertexcorresponding to the point at which the plane intersects an axis rep-resenting the degree of excitation of one receptor type. (S) Short-wavelength receptor axis; (M) medium-wavelength receptor axis;(L) long-wavelength receptor axis. The small black circles withinthe triangles represent the chromaticities of a set of fruits that areconsumed by primates (upper panels) or a set of flower petals (lowerpanels). The line within each chromaticity diagrams represents thelocus of spectrally pure lights, with black circles and the adjacentnumbers marking steps of 50 nm. (Adapted from Osorio and Voro-byev 2008; reprinted, with permission, from Elsevier # 2008.)

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Fruit flies and mosquitoes provide an analogous in-stance of species-specific differences in the patterning ofsalient odorants in olfactory receptor space. Drosophilamelanogaster feeds on ripe or rotting fruit and appears tobe especially good at discriminating among esters, thedominant volatiles emitted by fruit (Su et al. 2009; Careyet al. 2010). In contrast, Anopheles gambiae feeds on humanblood and is better at discriminating aromatics, includ-ing several that are characteristic of humans (Carey et al.2010). High salience is also seen in the heterodimeric car-bon dioxide receptors of Drosophila and Anopheles. In Dro-sophila, this odorant represents a stress signal, whereas inAnopheles, it is one of the chemotactic signals used to iden-tify a human host (Jones et al. 2007; Lu et al. 2007). Finally,receptors specific for within-species olfactory communica-tion, most especially in the context of pheromones, havebeen identified in both vertebrates and invertebrates (Tou-hara and Vosshall 2009). In Drosophila, cis-vaccenyl acetate(cVA) is produced by males, increases female receptivity,and then—upon transfer to the female partner duringmating—decreases female attractiveness to other males. In-terestingly, the responses to cVA are mediated through atleast two odorant receptors (Or67d and Or65a), a two-transmembrane-domain coreceptor (SNMP), and a solu-ble odorant-binding protein (LUSH) (Vosshall 2008).

As noted in the discussion above on primate color vi-sion and fruit consumption, an immobile plant hasmuch to gain if it can encourage animal foragers to helpspread its seeds. Avian foragers present the best opportu-nity for widespread seed dispersal, and, therefore, onemight expect that plants and the birds that disperse theirseeds would have coevolved a strategy that discouragescompetition from less desirable foragers such as mammals.A striking example of this phenomenon is seen in the in-sensitivity of the avian vanilloid thermosensory channel(TRPV1) to activation by capsaicin, which is the sourceof the painfully “hot” sensation elicited by chili peppers(Jordt and Julius 2002). Capsaicin thus appears to selec-tively repel mammals by activating their temperature/pain receptors, thereby preserving the pepper seeds forconsumption and transport by birds. The avoidance ornon-avoidance of food constitutes a major point of inter-section between animal and plant ecologies. In this respect,it is interesting that the vertebrate bitter receptor (T2R)gene repertoire—which represents a sum of all undesirableedible compounds, many of which are plant-derived—isevolving rapidly (Dong et al. 2009).

The most extreme change in sensory signaling is a com-plete loss of receptor function. In the genomes of the bush-baby (Otolemur crassicaudatus) and owl monkey (Aotustrivirgatus)—primates with predominantly nocturnal life-styles—the shortwave-sensitive cone pigment gene has

decayed into a pseudogene, leaving only a single class oflonger-wavelength cones to mediate daytime vision, withno possibility of color vision (Jacobs et al. 1996; Kawamuraand Kubotera 2004). Similarly, in humans, all of the se-quences coding for vomeronasal receptors of the V2R class,which mediate pheromone sensing in rodents, are pseudo-genes (Touhara and Vosshall 2009). Among mammaliangenes that encode the principal receptors of the main olfac-tory epithelium, the fraction that are pseudogenes rangesfrom �15% to �80%, depending on the species (Niimuraand Nei 2007; Niimura 2009; Touhara and Vosshall 2009).In dolphins, all genes encoding class II receptors of themain olfactory epithelium, which are mostly specializedfor volatile hydrophobic ligands, appear to be inactivatedby mutation (Freitag et al. 1998; Niimura 2009).

Any discussion of sensory signaling would be incom-plete without considering the evolution of specializedanatomic structures that facilitate sensory function. Thefrequency-dependent conversion of sound pressure wavesto localized basilar membrane distortions in the cochlearepresents a dramatic example of these auxiliary structuresin action. This micro-mechanical system is remarkablysensitive: the threshold for detecting basilar membrane dis-placement is ,1 nm (Johnstone et al. 1986). A larger-scaleanatomic specialization is the increase in head width inhammerhead sharks. The great distance between left andright nasal openings, together with the evolution of olfac-tory receptor neurons that have sub-nanomolar affinitiesfor amino acids, allows the hammerhead to sense shallowconcentration gradients of dilute amino acids by compar-ing the excitation of left and right olfactory sensory epithe-lia (Tricas et al. 2009; Gardiner and Atema 2010). Thisspatial differencing strategy is the olfactory analog of bin-aural sound localization in mammals.

A particularly striking instance of anatomic specializa-tion is seen in the pit organs of vipers such as rattlesnakes.Stretched across the pit is an extremely thin tissue that isdensely innervated by thermosensory fibers. The fibersexpress a TRP channel that senses the minute increase intemperature evoked by infrared radiation from a nearbywarm-blooded animal (Gracheva et al. 2010). The lowbody temperature of the viper relative to its prey and thesmall heat capacity of the sensory tissue are importantfor optimal pit organ function. Recent calculations suggestthat the sensory fibers of the pit organ can respond to tem-perature changes as small as 0.0018C (Bakken and Kroch-mal 2007).


The sensory receptors and signaling systems described hererepresent only a small sampling of the many that have been

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investigated. Because of space limitations, we have notdiscussed plant sensory systems, and we have only brieflytouched on microbial systems. Even with this limited sam-pling, the diversity of sensory systems is striking, and it isevident that each lifestyle and ecological niche is accompa-nied by a distinctive set of adaptations in sensory systemstructure and function.

Over the past 30 years, the identities and primary struc-tures of most of the major classes of vertebrate sensory re-ceptor proteins have been defined. The one exception is themechanosensory channels in the auditory and vestibularsystem, which remain enigmatic. The signaling cascadesdownstream from GPCR-type sensory receptors have alsobeen largely defined. In vertebrate photoreception, thebest studied of all GPCR signaling cascades, it is likelythat all of the components involved in signaling and adap-tation are now known. In less experimentally accessible sys-tems, such as the taste and vomeronasal systems, additionalsignaling components remain to be identified, and the in-teractions between signal activation pathways and feedbackloops are still incompletely understood.

A full molecular understanding of sensory receptorfunction requires the 3D structures of receptors and signal-ing components in their various active and inactive confor-mations, and, in some cases, in complex with each other.This has been achieved for rhodopsin, transducin, and thebacterial MscL mechanosensory channel, and it is an areaof active investigation for other classes of sensory receptorsand their downstream effectors. Structural studies can be ex-pected to play a critical role in elucidating the molecular ba-sis of receptor–ligand specificity in chemosensory systems.

A further challenge in the field of sensory biologycomes from the need to diagnose and treat diseases thataffect sensory signaling, including those associated withchronic pain or the loss of vision or hearing. Understand-ing sensory signaling at the molecular and cellular levelswill inform these clinical investigations and will continueto be one of nature’s grand scientific challenges for biolo-gists, chemists, physicists, and engineers.


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November 22, 20112012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005991 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 

 David Julius and Jeremy Nathans Signaling by Sensory Receptors

Subject Collection Signal Transduction

Cell Signaling and Stress ResponsesGökhan S. Hotamisligil and Roger J. Davis

Second Messengers

D. ScottAlexandra C. Newton, Martin D. Bootman and John

Protein Regulation in Signal TransductionMichael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe

Signals and ReceptorsCarl-Henrik Heldin, Benson Lu, Ron Evans, et al.

Synaptic Signaling in Learning and MemoryMary B. Kennedy

Cell Death SignalingDouglas R. Green and Fabien Llambi

Vertebrate ReproductionSally Kornbluth and Rafael Fissore

Signaling Networks that Regulate Cell MigrationPeter Devreotes and Alan Rick Horwitz

Signaling in Lymphocyte ActivationDoreen Cantrell Computation, and Decision Making

Signaling Networks: Information Flow,

Evren U. Azeloglu and Ravi IyengarSignaling in Muscle Contraction

Ivana Y. Kuo and Barbara E. Ehrlich Post-Genomic EraSignal Transduction: From the Atomic Age to the

al.Jeremy Thorner, Tony Hunter, Lewis C. Cantley, et

Toll-Like Receptor SignalingKian-Huat Lim and Louis M. Staudt

SuperfamilyβSignaling by the TGFJeffrey L. Wrana

Signaling Pathways that Regulate Cell DivisionNicholas Rhind and Paul Russell

Subversion of Cell Signaling by PathogensNeal M. Alto and Kim Orth For additional articles in this collection, see

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