shy bladder breath hold technique

Shy Bladder Breath Hold Technique Let’s Get Started!

Upload: russelwodman

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Shy Bladder Breath Hold Technique

Shy Bladder Breath Hold Technique

Let’s Get Started!

Page 2: Shy Bladder Breath Hold Technique

Step 1. Consult with your doctor. This is extremely important. Please consult with your doctor and let him or her know what the problem is.

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Step 2. Learn to hold your breath. Once you have gotten the go ahead from your doctor, you are ready to move on the next step. It’s very simple. You must practice holding your breath. This step will take the longest, but it is the most important step.

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Step 3. Get to 40 seconds. Keep practicing every day, as many times a day as you can. At first, practice while your bladder is empty. Eventually after a few days or weeks you will be able to hold your breath for longer.

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Step 4. Breath-holding during urination. Now, you are ready to practice in real life. This step will depend on how bad your pees shyness is.

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Step 5. Keep practicing. Keep challenging yourself, try to urinate in increasingly more difficult situations. For men, you can practice the breath-hold technique in public stalls first.