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Page 1: SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S - · NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S leVY anD sale in tHe ioWa DistriCt Court inan D ... rifle, shot-gun, pistol, or firearm of any kind

Saturday, june 2, 2018 | maquoketa sentinel-press maquoketa sentinel-press | Saturday, june 2, 201816 17



in tHe ioWaDistriCt Court in anDFor JaCkson CountY

state oF ioWa)JaCkson CountY)u.S. BanK natIOnaL aSSOCIatIOnVS.jaMeS L. InGLeS and LVnV FundInG LLC

Iowa district Courtjackson County

CaSe nO. eQCV028115Civil # 18-000326Special execution

as a result of the judgment ren-dered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. the execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) reaL eState to satisfy the judgment. the Property to be sold is described below:

aLL tHe rIGHt, tItLe and IntereSt tO:

tHe SOutH 20 Feet OF tHe WeSt 60 Feet OF LOt 7 and tHe WeSt 60 Feet OF LOt 8 In BLOCK 28 In tHe CIty OF MaQuOKeta, jaCKSOn COunty, IOWa, aCCOrdInG tO tHe OrIGInaL PLat OF tHe tOWn OF MaQuOKeta, IOWa.

Property address: 112 West apple street, maquoketa, ioWa 52060

the described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows:

date of Sale: 07/24/2018time of Sale: 10:00 aMPlace of Sale: north door of

jackson County Courthouse, 201 W. Platt, Maquoketa, Ia

this sale not subject to redemp-tion.

Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provi-sions of the law and file appropri-ate notice, if acceptable.

judgment amount $55,461.35Costs: $12,254.30Interest $8,985.64Sheriff’s Fees Pendingdate: 05/23/2018

ruSS KettMannjackson County Sheriffterry rOLInG 49-4

attorney:eMILy BarteKOSKe1401 50tH St. Ste. #100WeSt deS MOIneS, Ia 50266(515) 223-7325

Published in the Maquoketa Sentinel-Press june 2, 2018 and june 9, 2018.


leVY anD salein tHe ioWa

DistriCt Court in anDFor JaCkson CountY

state oF ioWa)JaCkson CountY)LeISure LaKe PrOPerty OWnerS aSSOCIatIOnVS.MartIn, renee

Iowa district Courtjackson County

CaSe nO. SCSC019159Civil # 18-000325

General executionas a result of the judgment ren-

dered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. the execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) reaL eState to satisfy the judgment. the Property to be sold is described below:

aLL tHe rIGHt, tItLe and IntereSt tO:

LOTS 1 IN SCHWENKER’S tHIrd addItIOn tO jaCKSOn COunty, IOWa, tOGetHer WItH and SuBjeCt tO aLL eaSeSMentS, SerVIent eStateS Or IntereStS, reStrICtIOnS, COndItIOnS and reSerVatIOnS.

Property address: 10301 lake VieW DriVe, BernarD, ioWa 52032

the described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows:

date of Sale: 07/10/2018time of Sale: 10:15 aMPlace of Sale: north door of

jackson County Courthouse, 201 W. Platt, Maquoketa, Ia

this sale not subject to redemp-tion.

Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provi-sions of the law and file appropri-ate notice, if acceptable.

judgment amount $957.00Costs: $140.00Interest $36.29Sheriff’s Fees Pendingdate: 05/23/2018

ruSS KettMannjackson County Sheriffterry rOLInG 49-4

attorney:KatrIna raISCH303 LOCuSt St. Ste #400deS MOIneS, Ia 50309(515) 282-6803

Published in the Maquoketa Sentinel-Press june 2, 2018 and june 9, 2018.


leVY anD salein tHe ioWa

DistriCt Court in anDFor JaCkson CountY

state oF ioWa)JaCkson CountY)LeISure LaKe PrOPerty OWnerS aSSOCIatIOnVS.MarSHaLL, rICHard

Iowa district Courtjackson County

CaSe nO. SCSC019471Civil # 18-000324

General executionas a result of the judgment ren-

dered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. the execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) reaL eState to satisfy the judgment. the Property to be sold is described below:

aLL tHe rIGHt, tItLe and IntereSt tO:

LOtS 27 and 62, In SCHWENKER’S NINTH addItIOn tO jaCKSOn COunty, IOWa, aCCOrdInG tO PLat reCOrded In BOOK 1-a, PaGe 187, OFFICe OF tHe reCOrder OF jaCKSOn COunty, IOWa, tOGetHer WItH and SuBjeCt tO aLL eaSeSMentS, SerVIent eStateS Or IntereStS, reStrICtIOnS, COndItIOnS and reSerVatIOnS.

Property address: 22103 pleasant DriVe, BernarD, ioWa 52032

the described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows:

date of Sale: 07/10/2018time of Sale: 10:00 aMPlace of Sale: north door of

jackson County Courthouse, 201 W. Platt, Maquoketa, Ia

this sale not subject to redemp-tion.

Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provi-sions of the law and file appropri-ate notice, if acceptable.

judgment amount $1,095.00Costs: $202.06Interest $15.32Sheriff’s Fees Pendingdate: 05/23/2018

ruSS KettMannjackson County Sheriffterry rOLInG 49-4

attorney:KatrIna raISCH303 LOCuSt St. Ste #400deS MOIneS, Ia 50309(515) 282-6803

Published in the Maquoketa Sentinel-Press june 2, 2018 and june 9, 2018.

orDinanCeorDinanCe no. 1142

an orDinanCe amenDinG title i, CHapter 3 anD Various penaltY proVisions oF tHe maquoketa, ioWa, CoDe oF orDinanCes

WHereas, with the recent passing of SF374, the Iowa Legislature has recently enacted certain changes with respect to an indigent defendant’s right to appointed counsel upon being

charged with or cited for any infraction that carries the mere possibility of jail time, even where prosecutors will not seek jail time as part of the penalty; and

WHereas, the City Council has determined it is necessary to amend the Code of Ordinances to reflect those recent legislative changes by removing jail time as a potential punishment for viola-tion of the Code of Ordinances, whether expressly referenced or indirectly referenced by charac-terizing a violation of the Code as a “misdemeanor”.

tHereFore, Be it orDaineD BY tHe CitY CounCil oF tHe CitY oF maquoketa, ioWa:

section 1. purpose. the purpose of this Ordinance is to amend title I, Chapter 3, which defines the standard penalty pro-vision applicable throughout the Code, as well as all other spe-cific penalty provisions to bring them into conformity with the recent legislative changes.

section 2. sections modified. the following Sections of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Maquoketa, Iowa, are amended as follows:

1-3-1 VIOLatIOn – PenaLty. any person violating any of the provisions or failing to com-ply with any of the mandatory requirements of the ordinanc-es of Maquoketa is guilty of a misdemeanor. any person convicted of a misdemeanor who commits such an offense a municipal infraction under the ordinances of Maquoketa shall be punished in accordance with title III, Chapter 17 of the City Code by a fine of not more than $500.00, or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days. no court may award jail time under this ordinance, except in the case of contempt following any conviction and failure to follow any injunctive order entered by the Court.

3-1-1 VIOLatIOn OF CHaP-ter and PenaLty. Commis-sion of any of the acts named in the following Sections by any person shall constitute a viola-tion of this Chapter and shall be a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction. the penalty for a con-viction of a violation of these acts shall be as set forth in Ordinance 1-3-1.

3-1-3 dISOrderLy COn-duCt. any person commits a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction when the person does any of the following:

a. engages in fighting or vio-lent behavior in any public place or in or near any lawful assembly of persons, provided that partic-ipants in athletic contests may engage in such conduct which is reasonably related to that sport.

B. Makes loud and raucous noise in the vicinity of any res-idence or public building which causes unreasonable distress to the occupants thereof.

C. directs abusive epithets or makes any threatening gesture which the person knows or rea-sonably should know is likely to provoke a violent reaction by another.

d. Without lawful authority or color of authority, the person disturbs any lawful assembly or meeting of persons by conduct intended to disrupt the meeting or assembly.

e. By words or action, initi-ates or circulates a report or warning of fire, epidemic, or other catastrophe, knowing such report to be false or such warn-ing to be baseless.

F. Knowingly and publicly uses the flag of the united States in such a manner as to show dis-respect for the flag as a symbol of the united States, with the intent or reasonable expectation that such use will provoke or encourage another to commit a public offense.

G. Without authority or jus-tification, the person obstructs any street, sidewalk, highway, or other public way, with the intent to prevent or hinder its lawful use by others.

3-1-4 FaILure tO dISPerSe. a Peace Officer may order the participants in

a riot or unlawful assembly or persons in the immediate vicin-ity of a riot or unlawful assem-bly to disperse. any person within hearing distance of such command, who refuses to obey, commits a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction.

3-1-5.2 PenaLty. a person who participates in or remains a part of unlawful assembly, knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that it is such, commits a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction.

3-1-6 dISCHarGInG FIre-arMS. any person who dis-charges an air gun, rifle, shot-gun, pistol, or firearm of any kind within the City limits, with exception of indoor or outdoor firing ranges authorized by the Chief of Police or in the act of self-defense of property autho-rized by State law or Police offi-cers in the line of duty, commits a simple misdemeanor munic-ipal infraction. the Chief of Police shall have the authority to authorize adult individuals to discharge shotguns or air guns for the eradication of pigeons, sparrows, crows, and starlings. the shooting shall be under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police or other designated officer. the permission of the property owner shall be obtained prior to any shooting on their premises. Chief shall allow only birdshot or equivalent shot on such occasions.

3-1-9 nOISe dISturBanCe. any violation of Maquoketa City Ordinance title VI, Chapter 8 is a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction.

3-1-10 CurFeW.SeCtIOn 1 – PreaMBLe.

the City of Maquoketa, Iowa, City Council finds that offenses by minors, especially at night, detracts from the health, safety, and welfare of the minors and adults who live in Maquoketa.

the Council finds that older citizens hesitate to use the pub-lic sidewalks at night and fear calling the police to break up groups of youth who disturb the peace late at night. the Council also finds that the following law violations by juveniles are likely to occur after 11:00 o’clock P.M.:

1. disturbance of the peace by loud noise or abusive language;

2. drinking of alcoholic bev-erages;

3. Interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic;

4. thefts of motor vehicles;5. Burglary of public, com-

mercial, industrial, and private buildings;

6. Possession of firearms;7. Vandalism of public and

private property; and,8. assaults against juveniles

and by juveniles.the Council finds that a cur-

few will assist law enforcement officials in curbing the violations listed above.

the Council also finds that a curfew will assist parents in obtaining compliance by children with parent’s directions about when to be home.

SeCtIOn 2 – InterPre-tIVe CLauSe. the City of Maquoketa recognizes that all citizens including minors have certain inalienable rights and that among them are the rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Further, all citizens including minors have the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assem-bly, and of association. this Ordinance should be interpreted to avoid any construction that would result in the appearance of interference with the free exer-cise of religion and political asso-ciation and this Ordinance shall not be construed to mean that the City intends to interfere with a minor’s freedom of association for political, economic, religious, or cultural matters or association for purposes such as march-es, demonstrations, picketing, or prayer vigils which are otherwise lawful and peaceful assemblies.

SeCtIOn 3 – PrOHIBItIOn. now, therefore, It Is Ordained by the City of Maquoketa that any minor under the age of 18 shall not be upon the streets or sidewalks of the City of Maquo-

keta between the hours of 11:00 o’clock P.M. and 5:00 o’clock a.M. except under one of the following exceptions:

1. the minor is traveling to or returning from employment or a religious, political, economic, or cultural assembly;

2. the minor is traveling a direct route to or from home and the location of an errand that the minor is accomplishing at the request of a parent; or the minor is traveling a direct route home from a school or recreational or social event that the minor attended with the approval of his/her parent;

3. the minor is accompanied by a parent;

4. repealed (Ord. no. 1054, 03-17-08)

5. the minor is traveling inter-state with the consent of a par-ent.

SeCtIOn 4 – deFInItIOnS.“Minor” means any person

under the age eighteen (18), but shall not include any minor who has attained their majority by marriage.

“Parent” means biological parent, a guardian or custodi-an appointed by the court, or an adult who has accepted the supervision of a minor at the request of the biological parent, guardian, or custodian.

“assembly” means any gath-ering of persons for a religious, political, economic, or cultural purpose and does not require the presence of chaperones or adults.

SeCtIOn 5 – PenaLty and enFOrCeMent. a minor who is in violation of this Ordinance may be reunited with his/her par-ents or may be taken home by the Police officers or may be directed to travel immediately home; and, in addition, a minor who violates this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor municipal infraction and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Maquoketa Ordinance 1-3-1.

3-3I-4 PenaLtIeS. It shall be a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction for a person for any person to park a junk vehicle on the City street or to park a junk vehicle or parts of a vehicle on private property; and,

It is hereby declared to be a nuisance to park a junk vehicle or parts of a vehicle on pri-vate or public property; and, this nuisance may be abated under the Municipal Infractions Ordinance or the nuisance abatement Ordinance of the City of Maquoketa.

3-3I-7 VIOLatIOn. any prop-erty owner or person in pos-session of property within the corporate limits of the City with the exceptions of Section 3-3I-5 and 3-3I-8 of this Subchapter who shall allow the storage of obsolete motor vehicles or junk vehicles upon his property in his possession shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction.

3-7-12. PenaLty. any ped-dler, solicitor or transient mer-chant who fails to obtain a license under this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor municipal infraction.

3-7a-2 reQuIred reCOrdS

a. When goods or materi-als described in section 4 are received by purchase, as securi-ty or on consignment, it shall be the duty of the person or orga-nization receiving the goods or materials to permanently record in the english language on seri-ally numbered, triplicate forms approved by the Chief of Police. all forms printed whether used or voided shall be accounted for by the licensee. the forms shall contain the following information:

1. name and address of the person from whom it was received with the means of identification used, i.e., driver’s license, birth certificate, etc.;

2. date, time and place of the transaction;

3. a detailed and accu-rate description of each article received including serial num-bers or identifying marks. In the case of junk, a general descrip-tion of the composition of aggre-gate purchase is sufficient;

4. a record of whether the transaction was a purchase, a security or consignment trans-action;

5. a record of monies paid or loaned and which may be maintained separately but which must be available for inspection in the course of examination of individual transaction;

6. a record of name, address and how an article was disposed of, if not redeemed. this subsec-tion does not apply to disposition of junk.

7. all forms, whether used or not, shall be maintained in numerical sequence.

B. all receipts and records per-taining to the receipt of goods and materials as described in this article shall be open to inspection during regular busi-ness hours by any Police Officer acting in the course of official duty and under the direction of the Chief of Police or the Chief Investigating Officer of the Police department.

C. Failure to keep such records, or making false entries therein, or refusal to produce the same when requested by the persons entitled to inspect the same shall be a simple misde-meanor municipal infraction.

d. every pawnbroker shall make available all such records immediately upon demand of any Maquoketa Police Officer.

3-11-14 InSPeCtIOn reQuIred. the Chief of Police or his or her authorized repre-sentatives shall be authorized to make inspections of each mas-sage establishment and corpo-rate massage establishment for the purposes of determining that the provisions of this Chapter are fully complied with.

Section 2. Penalty. any per-son, firm or corporation violating any provision, section or para-graph of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor municipal infraction. each day a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 3. Separability of Provisions. It is the intention of the Council that each section, paragraph, sentence, clause, and provision of this Ordinance is separable, and if any provision is held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance nor any part thereof other than that affected by such decision.

Section 4. that the changes as provided in this Ordinance shall be made a part of the replacement pages of the City Code, City of Maquoketa, Iowa, and made a part of said Code as provided by law.

3-17-1 deFInItIOnS.

1. Municipal Infraction. except those provisions specifically pro-vided under State law as a felo-ny, an aggravated misdemeanor, or a serious misdemeanor or a simple misdemeanor under Chapters 687 through 747 of the Iowa Code, the doing of any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful, an offense or a misdemeanor by the Code of Ordinances, City of Maquoketa, or any ordinance or code herein adopted by reference, or omis-sion or failure to perform any act or duty required by the Code of Ordinances, City of Maquoketa, or any ordinance or code here-in adopted by reference, is a “municipal infraction” and is pun-ishable by civil penalty as pro-vided herein, and the Court may grant appropriate relief to abate or halt the violation.

2. Officer: the term officer shall mean any employee or offi-cial authorized to enforce the Code of Ordinances of the City of Maquoketa.

3. repeat Offense: a recur-ring violation of the same section of the Code of Ordinances.

3-19-4 PenaLty. a Sex Offender who resides within two thousand feet of the real prop-erty comprising a Public Library, Public Park or Public Playground shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine and/or impris-onment under the applicable

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