shakar's real media research

Media Research Music Video Analysis Shakar Rai

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Media ResearchMusic Video Analysis

Shakar Rai

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Can’t Stop- Miley Cyrus

The beginning of the video starts with a close up shot of Miley. It presents the audience the New Miley, the big bold yellow writing emphasises this point and promotes the artist/actor. Her facial expression hints to the audience, about the nature of the music.

Contrasting to the previous shot of Miley, the lighting changes to a darker and foggier scene, pleasing the audience visually, by feeding them wide range of contrasting shots/ mise- en-scene.

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The addition of the two shots, shows a typical teen party scenario, of a couple at the party. Hinting sexual activities

An unconventional image of roasting marshmallows relates more to the youth culture, as adults wouldn’t understand the modern youth and this image proves so, in addition it implements Miley's new image.

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The contrast in this medium shot between the blue of the water and black of the swimsuit and glasses shows the corruption of the party, as the colour black is hugely associated with negative concepts. The censored tag also shows the explicit imagery of Mylie's nature.

Direct mode of address is used in order for Miley to connect with the audience. Her sharp, seductive gaze is paired with a luminous red lips, drawing the male audience towards her. The jewelleries and tattoos are highly conventional to R and B/pop.

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The slow motion editing is constantly used in order to keep in with the order of the beat, it also highlights their actions as the audience are being made to savour the moment through the use of editing. Frantic images are made to look more conformed and less eccentric.

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The A Team- ED Sheeran

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The music begins when it has been established that drugs have killed the girl lying in the room. The shot when the music does start is a long shot of a girl lying on a bench with a sleeping bag. This suggests that she is unfortunate and doesn't have a place to live or sleep. This puts all focus on the protagonist as the audience want to know more about her and they ask questions about why she is there and what has happened to her. They are curious about her life.

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Power- Kanye WestThe music video begins with a close up shot of the protagonist, and as the music starts to continue the camera gradually zooms out, to a mid-shot and eventually a long shot, this could emphasize the importance of the protagonist as the whole music video revolves around him.

The concept of the story is revealed by the mise-en-scene as it shows angels and devils, which represents good and evil which is part of Kanye’s belief. Kanye is situated in the centre of the angels and demons which further shows his belief; his belief of him being god, hence his nickname Yeezus, which connects to the lyrics of his song, POWER.

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The focus of the camera shifts to different characters, the shift between the characters are fast, which is visually effecting, as it keeps the audience attached to the video, rather than just focusing on the protagonist throughout the whole music. If you take a deeper look, the rest of the characters in the screen are attracted to Kanye, someway or another, which further emphasises on the concept of the music video; POWER.