shaheen update august 2010

1 This update is for you who, we have found, really care for us. Some of you we may have met once, others, we have known our entire lifetime. We understand that we could just as easily use facebook, twitter, or email to write you individually. However, we want to offer a more personal touch in updating you about how our lives together, by the will of God, are progressing. SHAHEENUPDATE August 2010 Taking Initiative My hours have been steadily decreasing at Costco, leaving me with long days to take initiative. The internet has been a close friend. I was able to take the time and set up a website which contains all my content. Articles I have written for The Luminary at Lincoln Christian University, Shaheen Updates, photos I have taken, and much more. House tasks have been motivating, painting the gutters, painting exterior trim, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, etc. I have been trying to fill my life with valuable situations. My wife and I decided to begin a LifeGroup at Harvester Christian Church. Along with this, I have also signed up to be a mentor at Shearwater, a charter school for drop outs. I have also been making videos for church in my spare time. I believe that if I do not try and fill the empty hours of my days, then they will be lost. On another note, my very dear friend Jordan Stipes has moved back to Colorado for his job. This leaves both Amanda and I with one less friend to hang out with in St. Charles. We have only lived here for 3 months now, so expecting to have many friends would be crazy. I’m not much of a writer, and all I really have are short updates. I apologize. If you would like to view the above website, visit: /

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An update on our lives


Page 1: Shaheen Update August 2010


This update is for you who, we have found, really care for us. Some of you we may have met once, others, we have known our entire lifetime. We understand that we could just as easily use facebook, twitter, or email to write you individually. However, we want to offer a more personal touch in updating you about how our lives together, by the will of God, are




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Taking Initiative My hours have been steadily decreasing at Costco, leaving me with long days to take initiative. The internet has been a close friend. I was able to take the time and set up a website which contains all my content. Articles I have written for The Luminary at Lincoln Christian University, Shaheen Updates, photos I have taken, and much more. House tasks have been motivating, painting the gutters, painting exterior trim, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, etc.

I have been trying to fill my life with valuable situations. My wife and I decided to begin a LifeGroup at Harvester Christian Church. Along with this, I have also signed up to be a mentor at Shearwater, a charter school for drop outs. I have also been making videos for church in my spare time. I believe that if I do not try and fill the empty hours of my days, then they will be lost.

On another note, my very dear friend Jordan Stipes has moved back to Colorado for his job. This leaves both Amanda and I with one less friend to hang out with in St. Charles. We have only lived here for 3 months now, so expecting to have many friends would be crazy. I’m not much of a writer, and all I really have are short updates. I apologize. If you would like to view the above website, visit:

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0Costco Chronicles: episode 1By Jiryis Shaheen

Working in a constant and daily state of confusion is something I am beginning to get used to. Part of Costcos daily routines, and strategy to lose members, is to move products from one location to another. I may think I know exactly where an item is, but chances are I’m wrong. This really comes in handy when a member asks,

“Can you tell me where the (insert the most obscure product known to man) is?, I saw it yesterday, but today it’s GONE!”

Let me tell you how confident I feel when I respond with a meek excuse of

“well they probably moved it, lets go look together.”

   It’s profound how the simple statement of ‘together’ changes the entire mood and mentality of the situation. On one hand I honestly have no idea where this product is, which makes me worthless to the member. On the other hand I am offering something that human beings cherish, togetherness. Its almost as if I am saying,

” I am so sorry for this confusion that you are experiencing, but because I care about you as a member, human being, and child of God, let me share in this confusion, venture with you in this situation, and find this one product that will clear away all your momentary and impulsive sorrows.

I could have just as easily said“uuuhh„ check isle 27, I think its there.”

    …and just forget that member even existed. However that wouldn’t be the most loving thing in the world. When you live in a world such as this, love

absolutely must be top priority. It’s not important that I appear righteous before people, or have their good opinion, and I am not technically ‘driven’ to impress God. What is true is that Christ lives in me. The life people see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that by treating people with disrespect, even at Costco (Galatians 2:20)

    God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. So then why should I? He came to help, to put the

world right again. (John 3:16)    

    I’m not just rambling, I’m telling you this for a purpose. We share the same joy. Jesus’ command is to Love one another the way he loved us. To put our lives on the line for friends. We’re not just servants of God, doing what the bible says without understanding what our master is thinking and planning. We are on the ‘in’ of what God has in store. (John 15:12-13) We are here to share it, live it, and permeate it through all our behaviors and words. Even if you’re just working at Costco.

Pictures of Costco

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We went biking on the Katy Trail the other day. She could barely keep up, so I slowed down and took pictures of her.

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid; nor be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua: 1:9

Prayer Requests Upcoming Events





Prayer: - September our LifeGroup will begin- May Jiryis find a career. - Taleb, as he goes through College and finds a

job.- Figuring out Life.- Preparation of the heart’s of those who will be in

our LIFE Group.


Some of our favorite shows will be starting up again- Fringe, The Office, Glee, etc.

Jiryis will be creating promotional videos for Harvester Christian Church’s missions department.

LAUNCH OF OUR LIFE GROUP. We have finished our LIFE Group training, and hope to be hosting a group in Sept.

Labor Day