shack's parents' night 2010

Welcome to Shackelford’s Second Grade Superstars!

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Welcome to Shackelford’s Second Grade Superstars!

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All About Mrs. Shackelford• BS and MS in Education-University of Alabama

and Converse College• EDS (Educational Specialist Degree in

Technology)-Lesley University• Married with two sons and twin grand-daughters• 3 Shih tzus!• Teaching Experience:

12 years-3rd grade

7 years-2nd grade

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Unity• I dreamed I stood in a studio and watched two

sculptors there.• The clay they used was a young child’s mind and

they fashioned it with care.• One was a teacher the tools she used were books

and music and art; One was a parent with a guiding hand and a gentle, loving heart.

• And when at last their work was done. They were proud of what they had wrought. For the things they had worked into the child could never be sold or bought.

• And each agreed she would have failed if she had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school and behind the teacher stood the home.

• By Ray A Lingengelter

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My Philosophy• Your children’s education and well-being

are my #1 priority.• My classroom environment is positive,

nurturing, consistent, and fair.• The children and I will develop a school

family where children respect peers and adults, and above all feel comfortable being themselves.

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2nd Grade Anxiety• 2nd graders can have some anxiety when school

begins.• The expectations require children to be more

responsible and independent.• There’s more for them to remember with rules

and procedures.• Help your child with encouraging words and

praise. • Let your child take on more responsibility at


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General Procedures

• Children are tardy if they arrive after 7:45.• Morning Responsibilities-Unpacking,

sharpening of pencils, and turning in homework.

• A change in transportation requires a note to the teacher. No change after 2:00 unless it’s an emergency.

• All medicines must be given to the nurse and not put in your child’s backpack.

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Classroom Rules

• Always Listen.• Always Do Your Best.• Always Treat Others the Way You Want to

Be Treated.• Use time wisely.• Safely move through the school and

classroom.• Have fun learning!

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Superstar Oops!

• System of Rewards and Consequences

• 1st Offense-Verbal warning is given.• 2nd Offense-Loss of Superstar.• 3rd Offense-Signs the Behavior

Notebook.• 4th Offense-Note is sent home.

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Consequences for Bad Choices

• Time out or loss of free time.• Loss of Superstar• Silent Lunch• Phone call or note to parent• Parent Conference• Visit to the office• Behavior Contract

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Reward System

• Individual Rewards:

When 5 stars are earned, students choose class privileges.

• Whole Class Reward• Entire class earns 100 compliments.• Reward-movie and popcorn.

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General Procedures Cont’d• Check-ins or check-outs are considered as tardies. 3

unexcused check-ins or check-outs are equal to 1 unexcused absence. If you have any questions about attendance, check-ins, check-outs, tardies, etc. please

contact the main office. • 9:00 Healthy Snack Break • Lunch -11:15-11:45/Friday is treat day.• Lunch Visitors-please eat at your child’s table. • Lunch Money should be sent to school in a sealed

envelope with the child’s name, lunch money, and teacher’s name.

• Recess-12:00-12:20• Birthdays- We will have birthday snacks during our snack

time or at recess, not in the lunchroom. Please do NOT send anything with peanuts!

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More Procedures• The Homework Sheet-Sign your child’s

Homework Sheet every night after verifying that all assignments have been completed.

• Please initial your child’s reading log.• Please read newsletters and all other

correspondence. Wednesday folders will come home with important papers.

• Remove all papers from take-home folder.• Notes and dates of importance will be

added to the bottom of the Homework Sheet.

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The List Goes On• No Show and Tell (only for Star of the Week)• Toys-not allowed in the classroom.• Special Treats/Items-advanced notice please• Book Orders will be sent home periodically, but

ordered online. • Room Mom – any volunteers?• Class Parties-Holidays and End of the Year

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Reading Homework• Each child will record his/her book read in reading log,

after reading for at least 15 minutes. • A bookmark will be completed after a book is finished.

This will be shared orally in class.• Reading Logs will be checked on Fridays.

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Other Homework• Math Practice• Math Games• Theme Study• Projects• Excused homework-

illness or family emergency.

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Daily Schedule: 7:45-10:30 Language Arts (D.O.L., Spelling, Reading Workshop, Book Buddies, Interventions, Read Aloud, and Literacy Centers)9:00 Snack10:30-11:10 MWF Science/Social Studies TTH Writing Workshop & Author Share11:15-11:45 Lunch12:00 – 12:20 Recess12:30 – 1:00 P.E. - Daily1:00 - 1:30 Daily Specials Library – Monday Library Aide Computer Lab – Tuesday Music - Wednesday Extra Computer Lab (1-2:00) – Thursday Art - Friday1:35 – 2:35 Math Workshop2:40- 2:45 Dismissal

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Mrs. Shackelford’s 4 R’s

• Reading

• ‘Riting

• ‘Rithmetic

• Responsibility

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The Year At A Glance• August/ September• Me/Friends/Communities• Frog/Toad• Human Body, Addition

• October• Bats/Spiders/Skeletons/• Simple Machines• Data Analysis, Probability

• November• Quilts, Money• Pilgrims/Thanksgiving

• December• Holidays Around the World/Family

Traditions, Measurement

• JanuaryWeather• Weather• Telling Time

• February• Biographies/Famous Americans• Geometry/Shapes

• March• Matter• Subtraction

• April/May• Butterflies/Moths• Monuments• Subtraction and Fractions

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Tentative Field TripsAll money will be collected through

• Children’s Theater• Aldridge Gardens• Vulcan• Bud’s Best Cookies

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Projects· We will have some projects this year. · October-Galimotos (simple machines)· November/December-Book Boxes· February-Biography Puppets· April-Insect Dioramas

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Language Arts Program

• Guided Reading

• Shared Reading

(Just Right Books-Wiki)

• Writing

• Spelling

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Guided Reading

• Teacher Guided Literature Discussion.• Various genres are read.• Choral reading, echo reading, partner reading,

small group, and silent reading.• Comprehension questions/Vocabulary• Book activities.

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• Teacher read-aloud.• Independent reading on own level.

(5 finger rule)• Reading Conferences and Journals.• Reader’s Notebook

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Writing Workshop• Teacher mini-lesson (grammar, punctuation,

and writing process).• 2nd part-children independently writing

poems and stories• Writing conferences• Publishing pieces• Writer’s Notebook

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Spelling• 10-12 words weekly• Pretest on Mondays• 2 lists of words• Weekly Spelling Test• Words will be posted on•

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Math• Math Journal (Daily Math Problem-glue it

do it-problem solving)• Math Minutes • Practice Book• Data Collection• Math Games• Manipulatives• Computer Games

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Technology EquipmentHoover Purchased

• 2 Dell XT Lattitude Tablets • LCD/Lightsmith• Video Camera• Digital Camera• 2 iPods• HP Printer

Some Extras from Grant:• 6 Toshiba Laptop Tablets• Digital Camera and Camcorder• 2 iPods Smart Board!•

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Technology • Computer Lab- Tuesdays (1:00-1:30) &

Thursdays (1:00-2:00)• Power Points, Podcasts, Photostory, Class

Webpage, Wikis, Movies• iPods• Internet Research• Math Games• Interactive Reading• Type to Learn

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Assessments• PLEASE keep in mind that this is not the only form of

assessment used to indicate your child’s progress or success. DAILY CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE is a huge factor in considering your child’s progress.

1. DIBELS- this is a state mandated fluency test with words read per minute. Dibels is given by our assessment team. Fall Benchmark-44 wpmWinter Benchnmark-68 wpm

Spring Benchmark-90 wpm2. Fountas and Pinnell -This is an individualized reading

test that I administer. Your child reads a story, then answers questions about the story. At the beginning of 2nd grade, your child should be reading on a 1st grade reading level.

3. Math Assessments will be given periodically during the year.

4.Writing Assessment-your child will write about himself/herself at the beginning and end of the year.

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Progress Reports/Report Cards• Progress Reports -every 4 ½ weeks • Report Cards-at end of 9 weeks • Progress Report/Report Card-represents 2nd Grade Skills

• Grading Code :• Satisfactory-highest score representing mastery and

application of a skill.• Progressing-middle score, learning the skill (not a bad

grade) • Needs Improvement-lowest score requiring further

practice/assistance to learn the skill.

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Parent Communication

• Take Home Folders with Graded Papers-every other Wednesday

• Newsletters or News on Homework Sheets-Mondays

• Web Page-

• Email: [email protected] • School Phone Number 439-2700• Voice Mail 279-7297• Parent Letters/Notes

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We’re going to have a great year!

• There is a list of needs in the back of the Handbook. We need a Room Mom, someone to do a Class Directory, copies, and Graded Papers on Wednesdays.

• Star of the Week schedule in back.• “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher

explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”