sexual assault presentation

Boston Call to Action: Prevention of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses July 24, 2014 #BOSwomen @BostonWomen

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Page 1: Sexual Assault Presentation

Boston Call to Action:Prevention of Sexual Assaults

on College Campuses"July 24, 2014!


Page 2: Sexual Assault Presentation

Chief Felix Arroyo"Health & Human Services!

Page 3: Sexual Assault Presentation

Deputy SuperintendentNorma Ayala Leong"

Boston Police Department!

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Peggy Ings"Associate Vice President of!

Government and Community Relations!Emerson College!

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Megan Costello"Executive Director!

Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement!

Page 6: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Foundation:The Jeanne Clery Act Requirements!

Publish annual

security report"

Have a public

crime log"

Disclose crime

statistics "

Issue timely


Devise emergency response


Publish annual fire

safety report"

Enactpolicy for reports of missing students"

Page 7: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Statistics:Sexual Assault in the United States!

!of sexual assaults that were

reported were determined to be substantiated with sound evidence.3!


Every 2.5 minutes,"someone is sexually assaulted.2"

1 in 6 women report experiencing an attempted or completed rape at some time in their lives.1!


Page 8: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Statistics:Sexual Assault in Massachusetts!

       Every two hours, someone is sexually assaulted.4!

Over 13,000 calls are made to sexual assault hotlines each year.6!

More than 2,000 incidents of sexual assault are reported annually.5!

Women of color, residents with disabilities, and those who are LGBT are at significantly increased risk.!

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@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Statistics:College Students in the U.S.!

1 in 4 women experience rape or attempted rape during their college career.7!

84% !know their!attacker.8!

5%"report to!the police.8!

42%.!tell no one.8!

Page 10: Sexual Assault Presentation

Sylvia Spears"Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion!

Emerson College!

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@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Goals of Call to Action!Short-Term"

Share best practices with nonprofit assistance!

Increase student involvement in policy development!

Provide a forum for dialogue between college reps!

Develop recommendations for Walsh administration!

Create safer campuses for all of Boston’s students!

Long-Term"Standardize an accurate/appropriate reporting protocol"

Page 12: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Suggestions for Improvement"

Education & Risk Reduction"

Survivor Support"

Response & Reporting"

Policy Reform & Compliance"

Page 13: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Resources for Your Campus!

Professional training!Community education!

Case management!Medical advocacy!

Legal services!Counseling services!Education groups!

Support & training!Education!

Public awareness!Prevention!

Public policy Advocacy!Networking!

Training seminars!Reference guides!Educational videos!

Prevention!Public policy


Page 14: Sexual Assault Presentation

Gina Scaramella Executive Director


Stephanie"DeCandia"Director of Client!

Services & Advocacy!

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@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Roundtable Discussion!

What sexual violence prevention

strategies does your campus utilize?!

What policies does your

campus have in place to encourage reporting?!

How does your campus

police department collaborate

with BPD?!

1" 2" 3"

How can the City of

Boston be a useful and supportive resource?!


Page 16: Sexual Assault Presentation

Report Back Session"

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@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Action Ideas for Next Meeting Wednesday, October 1!!

Develop Memorandum

of Understanding

with Boston Police

Department !

Assemble Policy Reform

Committee to evaluate list of suggested


Create Campus Climate

Survey to gauge

attitudes and awareness!

Page 18: Sexual Assault Presentation

Q&A Session"Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement!

Boston Police Department!Boston Area Rape Crisis Center!

Page 19: Sexual Assault Presentation

@BostonWomen" #BOSwomen"

Statistical References!1 Tjaden, P., and Thoennes, N. Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings from the National Violence against Women Survey. Washington (DC): Department of Justice (US); 2000. Publication No.: NCJ 181867. Available from!!2Calculation based on National Crime Victimization Survey, 2004 !!3Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2003!

!4Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, September 2006 and U.S. Bureau of the Census, MA & US Population Projections, 2006!!5,6Jane Doe, Sexual Violence Services in Massachusetts Fiscal Year 2010. Available from!!7Fisher BS, Cullen FT, Turner MG. The sexual victimization of college women. Washington (DC): Department of Justice (US), National Institute of Justice; 2000. Publication No.: NCJ 182369!!8Warshaw, 1994 !!Special thanks to Boston Area Rape Crisis Center and Jane Doe, Inc. for their compilation of these sources.!!!