several new aspects of indigo chemistry

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  • 8/11/2019 Several New Aspects of Indigo Chemistry


    The dark blue color indigo, and the dye of the same name and color , are surely quite familiar to

    the reader . Intense colors in materials indicate a high degree of light absorption by their

    component atoms or molecules . That in turn implies an extensive electron resonance and

    delocalization in their molecular orbitals . Such a widespread electron resonance anddelocalization is found in metallic solids, a topic of particular interest to me . Thus , new types

    of metallic compounds will be more likely derived from highly colored compounds like indigo ,

    rather than from colorless ones like the saturated hydrocarbons , for example . Possible

    electrically-conductive indigo derivatives are examined further on in this web page .

    The terms indigoand indigotinare generally considered to refer to the same chemical substance ,

    2,2'-bis(2,3-dihydro-3-oxoindolyliden) [underlinedblue hyperlinkscan be clicked when online

    to download the referenced document , which will open in a new window]. Sometimes the term

    indigo is applied only to the color and the natural product (which invariably contains a number

    of chemical compounds) , while the word indigotin is reserved for the single pure compound of

    indigo . However , Farris apparently uniquely has made an important distinction between the

    two terms [thereferencesare presented at the end of the text , below], as illustrated in the

    following sketch :

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    As pointed out by Golding and Pierpoint, the indigo molecule (trans , E) is energetically

    stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding . Conversely , the indigotin molecule (cis , Z) is

    destabilized by repulsion between the lone pairs of electrons on its carbonyl groups , and so far

    has never been either isolated from natural sources nor synthesized in a pure form . As will be

    discussed later on , it might be possible to obtain the indigotin isomer , but only bonded (via its

    nitrogen atoms) to a suitable Transition metal cation such as Cu2+to form the compoundcopper(II) bis(indigotin) . The distinction made by Farris between indigo and indigotin will be

    observed in this web page .

    Indigo is chemically related to the heterocyclic compound indole:

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    This relationship is also shown in the structure of the natural product indican (mainly from

    Indigofera plants) , from which indigo dye was produced in Asia for centuries , before being

    displaced by synthetic product from European (mainly German) chemical companies :

    Indigo is also biosynthesized in the human body from tryptophan, an amino acid humans share

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    with plants . Tryptophan is degraded by intestinal bacteria to the smelly indole . Some of the

    indole is converted into indoxyl , which is eliminated via the kidneys . In rare cases certain

    people are unable to process the indoxyl properly , and it's oxidized and dimerized into indigo

    and indirubin (a red dye) . Traces of the indigo are excretedin their urine . King George III

    (1738-1820) of Great Britain apparently was affectedby this peculiar syndrome . A related

    medical condition , PUB (purple urine bag syndrome) , is thought to occur by the presence of

    indigo (blue) and indirubin (red) in the urine . Their combination produces its striking purple

    color . PUB is graphically illustrated in the color photo in the medical report on the topic byKhan and co-workers.

    The chromophoreis the atomic grouping within a dye molecule responsible for its light

    absorption properties . Indigo's chromophorehas been shown to be its central part , without the

    phenyl groups :

    In this web page we'll survey how indigo has been (and still is) chemically produced , and we'll

    try to devise new methods to synthesize this remarkable molecule . These new synthetic

    strategies may in some cases permit the design of novel analogues of the original molecule ,

    having varying degrees of electron resonance and delocalization . Such indigo analogues would

    be interesting new dyes to prepare and study , and could provide additional insight into the

    electronic structure and functioning of the indigo chromophore .

    The prominent German chemist Adolph von Baeyer (1835-1917) was the first person to

    determine the molecular structure of indigo (1865-70) and to synthesize itfor the first time (in

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    1870 , from isatin) . He also prepared it from cinnamic acid , but neither synthesis route was

    economically feasible for large scale production :

    His third indigo synthesis , from 2-nitrobenzaldehyde (1882) , was simple and gave a good yield

    of product , but again was economically impractical due to the high cost of the starting material ,

    2-nitrobenzaldehyde . Because of its simplicity and easiness to carry out , this route to indigo ,

    now commonly called the Baeyer-Drewson process [von Baeyer's partner's name in this work

    was actually spelled Drewsen , but somehow got changed along the way], is frequently found as

    a semi-micro organic chemistry experiment in undergraduate laboratory manuals:

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    Adolph von Baeyer was awarded theNobel Prize for chemistryin 1905 in recognition of his

    work on indigo , among his many other chemical accomplishments . However , economically

    practical syntheses of indigo were later developed by a Swiss-German chemistry professor , Karl

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    Heumann(1850-1894) , and a German industrial chemist , Johannes Pfleger(1867-1957) .

    Heumann's first synthesis , in 1890 , used the industrial chemical aniline as a starting material . It

    was converted into N-phenylglycine , which was internally condensed into indoxyl in molten

    alkali at ~ 300 C . The indoxyl was quickly oxidized by atmospheric oxygen , dimerizing into

    indigo . Unfortunately , the yield of product was too low by this route to make it commercially

    attractive .

    His second synthesis at the same time used the more expensive fine organic chemical anthranilic

    acid as the starting material . In the same sort of reactions utilized by his first route , Heumann

    obtained a high yield of indigo in this alternate procedure . It was actually scaled up to an

    industrial level (several thousands of tonnes per annum , TPA) by BASF and Hoechst :

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    Several years later (in 1901) , Pfleger working for Hoechst modified Heumann's first method

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    by adding sodamide(sodium amide , NaNH2) to the alkaline flux . Sodamide is a very powerful

    dehydrating agent , and it drove the ring closure reaction , to form indoxyl , to completion . Use

    of the relatively cheap aniline as the starting material , and of sodamide as the condensation

    agent , were the two key factors in the economic success of the BASF-Hoechst industrial indigo

    synthesis . In 1925 BASF researchers devised an improved synthesis of N-phenylglycine from

    the N-methylolation of aniline with formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide , followed by

    saponification of the resulting nitrile intermediate . This modification provided an additional

    economy in the overall indigo production method . The BASF-Hoechst chemical synthesis ofindigo has entirely supplanted its original agricultural source at this time . About 17,000 TPA of

    indigo are currently manufactured, virtually all of which is used for dyeing the cotton fibers of

    denim , used in blue jeans .

    All of the above indigo syntheses , while perfectly functional and you really can't argue with

    success , can you ? seemed to me to be unintuitive, that is , with little if any connection to

    conventional organic synthesis . And let's be honest : fusion of your intermediate in molten alkali

    at 200300 C is definitely not part of the standard organic synthesis repertoire ! Those sorts of

    conditions are fully the consequence of industrial expediency . Although indigo (its

    chromophore in particular) has a somewhat unusual molecular structure , its synthesis should

    nevertheless be amenable to more ordinary organic chemistry procedures than current industrial

    processes might suggest . In the following sections of this web page several proposals for a

    simpler , more intuitive synthesis of indigo will be outlined . In his review of indigo Farris

    mentions ,

    There are over thirtydifferent synthetic routes to indigo reported in the chemical literature (p.

    367) .

    I believe the following proposed methods are novel , but without a thorough literature search in

    either Chemical Abstracts or SciFinder Scholar which are no longer available to me I can't

    guarantee they actually are .

    The two starting materials , as with the commercial processes outlined above , are anthranilic

    acid(2-aminobenzoic acid) and aniline . The former is considered to be a fine chemical and isconsiderably more expensive than aniline , which is a high tonnage bulk chemical . Nevertheless

    , I'll disregard the economic considerations in this study of indigo , in which the chemical aspects

    of the compound are emphasized , and open the discussion with synthesis routes to it from

    anthranilic acid .

    Two points of practical significance must be raised , however . First , the commonest precursor

    to indigo is indoxyl(see the sketch near the top of this web page) . Thus , all conventional indigo

    syntheses are really indoxyl syntheses , since the latter intermediate is very easily converted into

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    indigo by air oxidation . Throughout this essay I present the indoxyl structure in its keto form ;

    its enol form is the heterocyclic molecule 3-hydroxyindole (as the aglycon in the indican

    molecule , sketched above) .

    The second point is also quite relevant to any indigo synthesis . Indigo is a remarkably robust

    molecule , chemically speaking . For example , it can be dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid ,

    with the subsequent sulfonation of its aromatic rings (to produce indigo carmine , another useful

    dyestuff) . Note that the chromophore is unaffected by this severe treatment . I suspect that theentire indigo molecule , not only its phenyl rings , are (4n+2) p aromatic (n = 1) , and thereby is

    stabilized electronically to a certain extent :

    The five-membered rings would have an aromatic stabilization somewhat like the pyrrole

    molecule , for example . This energetic stabilization can assist us in the synthesis of indigo . In

    fact , aromatic stabilization in the indigo product may be the main reason why the oxidation of

    indoxyl and its dimerization into indigo is such an extraordinarily facile process . We can utilize

    this energetic driving force in the syntheses described in the following sections to promote the

    formation of the unusual chromophore section of the indigo molecule .

    In the first suggested new synthesis of indigo from anthranilic acid , the CH2 group in the

    indoxyl intermediate would be derived from the N-methylolation of the anthranilic NH2group

    by formaldehyde (as in the 1925 BASF synthesis of N-phenylglycine) . In the first variation of

    this route a phosphorus(III) compound would be attached to the CH2 group . Phosphorus has

    a powerful affinity for oxygen , and the phosphorus(III) center might bond to one of the oxygen

    atoms of the anthranilic COOH group and tear it off the carbon . An analogous reaction is the

    Wittig olefination reaction , and in particular the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons modificationof

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    the Wittig reaction , in which the phosphite group extracts the aldehyde or ketone oxygen atom :

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    Triethyl phosphite , (EtO)3P (b.p. 156 C) , is a deoxygenating reducing agent , as are all

    phosphorus(III) compounds . Triphenylphosphine is an even stronger deoxygenating agent than

    the phosphite esters , but its reaction by-product , triphenylphosphine oxide , is only slightly

    soluble in water and thus might be difficult to separate from the insoluble indigo product . On

    the other hand , triethyl phosphate is water-soluble and so wouldn't interefere with the filtration

    of the indigo . The chemically reducing and deoxygenating acids , phosphorus (H3PO3) and

    hypophosphorus (H3PO2) , are commercially available and might also be successfully used in the

    N-methylolation reaction and subsequent deoxygenation reaction . Anthranilic acid is sparingly

    soluble in cold water , more so in hot water , so the entire one pot reaction might be carried out

    in aqueous solution , possibly with some warming . It could be as simple and easy to do as the

    Baeyer-Drewson reaction with 2-nitrobenzaldehyde .

    The intermediate methylol-lactone could also be prepared and isolated pure in one step , then

    cooked with triethyl phosphite to remove the lactone oxygen , forming indoxyl in the second

    step . This intermediate could be isolated pure (under an inert atmosphere such as nitrogen) , or

    converted to indigo without any attempted purification .

    Noting that in these reactions the methylol-lactone undergoes first a deoxygenating reduction ,then an oxidizing dehydration , the question arises : could it be dehydrated directly to indigo ?

    As mentioned above , formation of the remarkably stable aromatic chromophore system in the

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    indigo product might energetically assist the reaction to completion . I may be optimistically

    daydreaming here , butjust cooking anthranilic acid with formaldehyde under dehydrating

    conditions might produce indigo in a good yield !Now , wouldn't that be a nice improvement

    over the BASF-Hoechst process ! The formaldehyde would certainly N-methylolate the

    anthranilic acid ....... then what would happen ?

    In a second series of experiments the ester , methyl anthranilate , would be the starting material .

    Methyl anthranilate is used extensively as a flavoring agent (grape flavor) and perfumeryingredient (it's a component of bergamot , jasmine , neroli , and ylang-ylang oils , and is found in

    grape juice) . Examining Heumann's version 2 industrial synthesis of indigo (sketch above), we

    see that it's a rather severe , forcible type of ring condensation reaction , somewhat like the

    well-known Dieckmann reaction(1894-1901 , later than Heumann's indigo synthesis in 1890) .

    So the question naturally arises : why not use the genuine Dieckmann reaction to prepare

    indoxyl ?

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    The same sort of reactions might be applied to the syntheses of thioindigo , a well-known indigo

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    analogue , and its oxygen analogue I've dubbed oxyindigo. This latter compound might be

    derived from methyl salicylate , which is commonly known as oil of wintergreen , a fragrant

    flavoring and scenting chemical . Electron resonance in the oxyindigo chromophore is expected

    to be less strong than in either of indigo or thioindigo , as the heteroatom basicity decreases in

    the order N > S > O . Thioindigois actually a reddye (its industrial name is Vat Red 41) , so

    oxyindigo could conceivably be colorless !

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    In the two sketches above the strong base sodium methoxide (in anhydrous methanol) was

    suggested for use in the Dieckmann condensations with the methyl esters . However , the

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    extraordinarily powerful , non-nucleophilic basepotassium hydride, KH , would probably be

    the optimum reagent for these cyclizations . Brownhas described the kaliation of esters with

    KH , resulting in their condensation into b-ketoesters in very high yields , typically > 95% . The

    KH reagent was used in the form of a 40% suspension (by weight) in mineral oil , with

    anhydrous THF as the reaction solvent .

    As outlined above , the modern industrial syntheses of indigo are based on the economical

    aniline feedstock , rather than on the more expensive anthranilic acid . Another good reason to

    use aniline as a starting material for any new indigo synthesis is that many substituted anilines

    are commercially available , and might be used to prepare their corresponding indigo analogues

    for study . Such is not the case for anthranilic acid derivatives , which can be challenging to

    obtain .

    The following proposed synthesis of indigo and its analogues starts with an acetylene chemical ,

    dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate . This material is a moderately priced commercial reagent (eg.

    Aldrich Chemical Co.) . Interestingly , BASF produces certain related acetylene chemicals such

    as 2-butyne-1,4-diol by the methylolation of acetylene with formaldehyde under alkaline

    conditions . It's therefore conceivable that dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate could also be

    manufactured in bulk quantities from acetylene should the demand ever arise for it .

    Aniline is used in this acetylene route instead of anthranilic acid . Unlike previous syntheses of

    indigo , this proposed procedure does not involve indoxyl as an intermediate . If successful , thisapproach could be used to synthesize many other indigo analogues as well :

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    NB :Caution! The intermediate dimethyl E-2,3-dibromofumarate is probably a very hazardous

    , lachrymatory , vesicant , corrosive material , and should NOT be isolated . All necessary safety

    precautions should be observed (gloves , goggles , efficient fume hood , etc.) when handling its

    solutions . I would ask any reader attempting this reaction to please be very careful with it !

    In the above synthesis scheme the Friedel-Crafts acylation of the aniline rings is done by the

    carbomethoxy ester groups . Acid chlorides , anhydrides , carboxylic acids , and esters can all beused to acylate aromatic rings ; of course , the acid chlorides are the best known of these

    acylating reagents . An interesting example of the acylation/alkylation of an aromatic ring by an

    ester function is provided by the synthesis of a-tetralone, by the combination of benzene with

    g-butyrolactone . A large (~ 4:1) molar ratio of AlCl3to g-butyrolactone was used in this

    preparation , since the Al3+acted both as a catalyst in the acylation and as a reagent in the

    alkylation , bonding with the alcohol (lactone) oxygen .

    In a variation of this proposed reaction , acetylene dicarboxylic acidcould be used as the starting

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    material , with the COOH groups acylating the aniline rings . Hartoughhas demonstrated the

    acylation of thiophenes and furans with carboxylic acids , using phosphoric acid and phosphorus

    pentoxide as the dehydrating agents (presumably the reactive acylium cation is the actual

    acylating agent) . Even concentrated sulfuric acid can be an effective dehydrating agent for

    acylations by carboxylic acids , for example in the preparation of acridone. As suggested above ,

    formation of the energetically stabilizing aromatic indigo chromophore might help to drive these

    ring acylations to completion in a good yield .

    The highly reactive dimethyl E-2,3-dibromofumarate intermediate could be combined with a

    wide variety of aliphatic and aromatic amines (triethylamine is added to the aniline or other

    amine to absorb the by-product HBr) . For example , an aliphatic version of the indigo

    chromophore could be produced using dimethylamine as the amine reactant :

    The resulting adduct , dimethyl 2,3-bis-E-(dimethylamino)fumarate , might have a deep blue

    color . However , it might equally be colorless , since the chromophore in this case isn't part ofan aromatic ring system , as with indigo .

    The hypothetical compound pseudo-indigo (for lack of a better term)has the indigo

    chromophore andit should also be aromatic . Its rings have six p electrons each , even though it

    lacks the phenyl groups . The following scheme is suggested for the synthesis of pseudo-indigo .

    Its key step is the Mannich condensationof 3-hexyne-2,5-dione with two equivalents of

    formaldehyde and ammonium cation (in effect , the transient methylol intermediate

    HOCH2NH3+) , followed by the a,b-addition of the neutral amino groups to the reactive triple

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    bond :

    As an alternative to bromination / dehydrobromination to achieve aromaticity in the pseudo-

    indigo , dehydrogenation of the bis-aminoketone intermediate might be accomplished with

    palladium on charcoal , or with sulfur or selenium . All three reagents are well known

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    dehydrogenation agents used in organic syntheses .

    I suspect that 4n+2 p aromaticity is required for the indigo chromophore , even though the

    phenyl groups are unnecessary . Thus , pseudo-indigo will likely have a dark blue color like

    indigo itself , while dimethyl 2,3-bis-E-(dimethylamino)fumarate will be colorless .

    The readily available fine chemical 3-bromoaniline (b.p. 251 C) might serve as the precursor to

    the legendary Tyrian Purpledye , 6,6'-dibromoindigo :

    If successful , this acetylene route to Tyrian Purple would be very simple and straightforward ,

    much more so than the many lengthy and convoluted syntheses of the compound reported in the

    literature (see the refs. in Tyrian Purple) . And , given the dozens of substituted anilines

    commercially available , the acetylene route would make many other interesting indigo

    analogues readily available for study .

    Wurtster Blue compoundsalso have a deep , sapphire blue color , caused by the molecule-wideresonance of their unpaired singlet electron , formally located on their aminium nitrogen atom :

    It might be possible to synthesize an indigo Wurster Blue compound from the intermediate

    5,5'-bis(dimethylamino)indigo by treating it with a suitable one-electron oxidizer such as

    antimony pentachloride:

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    A powerful one-electron oxidizer , the nitrosonium cationNO+(as its stable salt NO+PF6-) ,

    could be used to form the corresponding Wurster Blue compound ,

    5,5'-bis(dimethylaminium)indigo hexafluorophosphate . The extreme degree of electron

    resonance in these hypothetical Wurster Blue molecules might cause them to appear black!

    They might also be electrically conducting to a certain extent , conceivably having the electron

    transport properties of a moderately conductive semiconductor . If so , their synthesis and study

    would be a promising venture into the fascinating realm of the metallic solids .

    The unusual indigo chromophore with its combination of two electron-donating nitrogen atoms

    and two electron-withdrawing carbonyl groups suggests that indigo could form charge transfer

    compoundswith either electron acceptor or electron donor molecules . Examples of both types

    of compounds are illustrated as follows :

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    In an undergraduate analytical chemistry course I had to prepare crystalline derivatives of an

    unknown organic compound , so I made its charge transfer complexes with trinitrobenzene and

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    picric acid , which together with its various spectroscopic analyses (IR , UV/VIS , NMR)

    confirmed its identity as naphthalene . Of course , it also smelled like mothballs , which was an

    immediate olfactory clue !

    Tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene [TDAE] and tetrathiofulvalene [TTF] belong to the class of

    electron-rich olefins, and are remarkably powerful one- and two-electron reducers . In fact ,

    TDAE is said (Hoffmann , electron-rich olefins, p. 756) to be a reducing agent comparable to

    zinc metal (Eox0 = 0.76 V) . It can form electrically-conducting charge transfer compounds withvarious acceptors :

    TTF forms a mixed-valentcharge transfer compound with TCNQ (above sketch) in which there

    are both TTF0molecules (41%) and TTF1+cations (59%) . TTF-TCNQis a molecular metal,

    with an ambient electrical conductivity of ~ 9000 ohm-1-cm-1at 58 K ; below that temperature

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    the conductivity plummits , and the material becomes an insulator . Above 58 K TTF-TCNQ

    behaves like a conventional metal :

    As mentioned , the indigo chromophore appears to be electrically amphoteric , with electron-donating N atoms (S atoms in thioindigo) and electron-accepting C=O groups . It's interesting to

    speculate that indigo might form electrically-conductive charge transfer compounds with TDAE ,

    TTF , TCNQ , TCNE , and other such electron donor and acceptor molecules . If they had a

    significantly high electrical conductivity they might even be classified as molecular metals !

    One of the challenges presented by the synthesis of such charge transfer compounds is the

    notorious insolubility , or low solubility , of indigo in water and most common organic solvents .

    It will dissolve to a certain extent in chloroform , dimethyl sulfoxide , and nitrobenzene . The

    metallic TTF-TCNQ charge transfer complex was prepared by mixing solutions of the TTF and

    TCNQ components in acetonitrile . I wonder if the common paint solvent acetone would

    dissolve indigo to any extent . The verypolar solventpropylene carbonate, which has been used

    to dissolve various inorganic salts in electrochemical studies , might also be tried as an indigo

    solvent .

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    The nucleophilic N [NH] and O [C=O] sites on the indigo molecule might be used to form

    coordinate covalent bonds with suitable electrophilic acceptors such as metal cations ,

    particularly those from the Transition metal families . The first Transition metal complexes with

    indigo as a ligand were prepared by Beck and co-workersaround 1989 . More recently ,

    Professor R.G. Hicks and his students at the University of Victoria , British Columbia , Canada ,

    have developed a new series of indigo-based ligands for complexation with Transition metalcations . These so-called nindigos, which are bi-funcionalized ketimines , were prepared by

    the rather forceful condensation of indigo with anilines : 2 RNH2+ 2 (indigo)C=O --------> 2

    RN=C(indigo) + 2 H2O . The nindigo reagents are more soluble in organic solvents than indigo

    , they are more reactive and versatile as ligands than it , and their metal cation complexes are

    easier to analyse and characterize than are those of indigo .

    In Beck and co-workers' indigo-Pd/Pt complexes the indigo served as a monodentate ligand ,

    with the Pd/Pt bonded by the carbonyl oxygen and the amine nitrogen . Tributylphosphine and

    chloride ligands on the Pd/Pt improved the solubility of the complex in organic solvents [the

    bis(indigo) complex was very insoluble] . A similar sort of metal-indigo complex might beformed with Cu(II) :

    The copper(II) cation in this hypothetical complex would have a tetrahedral (sp3) coordination .

    These Transition metal coordinate covalent compounds of indigo are reminiscent of the

    phthalocyanine-metal complexes , which are highly insoluble in water and organic solvents , and

    are accordingly used as dyes and pigments in many applications . Copper(II) phthalocyanine is a

    dark blue solid ; its trade name is Monastral Blue (ICI) :

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    The corresponding bis-indigo complex with copper(II) might be prepared via the leuco forms of

    indigo and indigotin . The complexation would take advantage of the powerful bonding affinity

    between the copper(II) cation and four amine nitrogen atoms (overcoming the destabilizing

    carbonyl oxygen lone pairs repulsion) :

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    The resulting compound , copper(II) bis(indigotin) , could well be a deep blue , highly insoluble

    , microcrystalline solid like copper(II) phthalocyanine , and might find the same industrial uses

    as it . On a practical note , copper(II) bis(leucoindigotin) and copper(II) bis(indigotin) might be

    tried as the insoluble blue pigment for dying cotton and other textiles . In effect , the copper(II)

    salt would be used in the conventional indigo dying process as a mordant, to permanently bond

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    the dye molecules onto the fiber surfaces . Such copper(II) indigo complexes might deposit a

    deeper , more intense shade of blueon the textile than ordinary indigo , and be more resistant to

    oxidation and fading than it .

    The corresponding nickel(II) bis(indigotin) , with square planar , low spin , diamagnetic Ni2+

    (3d8) , could be prepared in a similar manner . I'm guessing it would have a deep greencolor .

    These examples will give the reader a glimpse into the new research area of indigometal cation

    complexes .

    I hope this web page has shown that there's a lot more to indigo chemistry than just blue jeans !

    A comprehensive bibliography of the literature of indigo has been compiled by : C.J. Cooksey ,Indigo : An Annotated Bibliography, Biotechnic and Histochemistry 82 (2) , pp. 105-125

    (2007) . It contains a wealth of information about indigo from natural sources , and of the many

    syntheses and physical and chemical properties of the compound . Update(August 14th, 2012) :

    a revised version of this bibliography has just been published : C.J. Cooksey , An Annotated

    Bibliography of Recent Significant Publications on Indigo and Related Compounds, Biotechnic

    and Histochemistry 2012 , Early Online , pp. 1-25 . Complimentary PDF copies of these

    bibliographies can be obtained via email by writing toDr. Cooksey .

    Farris: R.E. Farris , Dyes , Natural, pp. 351-373 in the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of

    Chemical Technology , 3rdedition , vol. 8 , M. Grayson and D. Eckroth (eds.) , John Wiley ,

    New York , 1979 . Indigo is discussed on pp. 364-368 . Indigotin is structure 46 , p. 367 .

    Golding and Pierpoint: B.T. Golding and C. Pierpoint , Indigo Blue, Educ. Chem. 23 (3) , pp.

    71-73 (May , 1986) .

    indole: Y. Yamamoto , Y. Inoue , U. Takaki , and H. Suzuki , Development of a Practical

    One-Pot Synthesis of Indigo from Indole, Bull. Chem Soc. Jpn. 84 (1) , pp. 82-89 (2011)

    [HTML, 100 KB] .

    apparently was affected: C. Cooksey and A.T. Dronsfield , George III , Indigo , and the Blue

    Ring Test, Educ. Chem. 45 (2) , pp. 45-47 (March , 2008) [web page] .

    Khan and co-workers: F. Khan , M.A. Chaudhry , N. Qureshi , and B. Cowley , Purple Urine

    Bag Syndrome : An Alarming Hue ? A Brief Review of the Literature, Int. J. Nephrol. 2011 ,

    Article ID 419213 , 3 pp. [PDF, 958 KB] .

    Indigo's chromophore: C.J. Cooksey , Tyrian Purple : 6,6'-Dibromoindigo and Related

    Compounds, Molecules 6 (9) , pp. 736-769 (2001) ; Figure 2 , p. 745 [PDF, 302 KB] .

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    synthesize it: anon. (Web document) , The History of Indigo, Department of Chemistry ,

    University of New Brunswick , Fredericton , New Brunswick , Canada [PDF, 314 KB] .

    laboratory manuals: The History of Indigo (above), PDF p. 5 ; anon. (Web document) ,

    Chemistry of Blue Jeans : Indigo Synthesis and Dyeing, p. 8 [PDF, 106 KB] ; B. English et al.

    , Synthesis of Indigo and Vat Dyeing , Exp. 863, p. 3 [PDF, 145 KB] ; anon. (Web document

    from the Royal Society of Chemistry , UK) , The Microscale Synthesis of Indigo Dye, PDF p.

    3 [PDF, 24 KB] ; C.J. Cooksey , Indigo Chemical Synthesis [web page] .

    sodamide: the sodamide fusion process is described in some detail by W.C. Fernelius and E.E.

    Renfrew , Indigo, J. Chem. Educ. 60 (8) , pp. 633-634 (1983) ; see esp. p. 634 .

    anthranilic acid: P. Wiklund and and J. Bergman , The Chemistry of Anthranilic Acid, Current

    Org. Syn. 3 (3) , pp. 379-402 (2006) ; B.S. Furniss et al. , Anthranilic Acid, Vogels Textbook

    of Practical Organic Chemistry , 4thedition , Longman , London (UK) , 1978 ; p. 666 ; G.

    Kilpper and J. Grimmer , Continuous Production of Anthranilic Acid, U.S. Patent 4,276,433

    (to BASF , June 30th, 1981) [PDF, 185 KB .Note : this file can be opened only with Acrobat

    Reader v. 6 or later. If desired , this application can be downloaded for free from] . The following sketch , abstracted from this patent , outlines the industrial

    manufacture of anthranilic acid from phthalimide using the Hofmann reaction(or rearrangement

    or degradation) :

    Cooksey (web page) provides a broader perspective on this anthranilic acid route to indigo ,

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    starting with the bulk industral chemical naphthalene .

    Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons modification: W.S. Wadsworth Jr. and W.D. Emmons , The Utility

    of Phosphonate Carbanions in Organic Synthesis, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 83 (7) , pp. 1733-1738

    (1961) ; web page(1) ; web page(2) .

    Dieckmann reaction: J.P. Schaefer and and J.J. Bloomfield , The Dieckmann Condensation

    (Including the Thorpe-Ziegler Condensation), Org. React. 15 , pp. 1-203 (1967) ; N. J. Leonardand C. W. Schimelpfenig Jr. , Synthesis of Medium- and Large-Ring Ketones via the Dieckmann

    Condensation, J. Org Chem. 23 (11) , pp. 1708-1710 (1958) ; E.E. Royals , Claisen

    Condensation of Methyl Esters, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 70 (2) , pp. 489-491 (1948) [similar

    reaction conditions are used in both the Claisen and Dieckmann condensations]; M.A.A. Amleh

    , Dieckmann Condensation Reaction, Microsoft Powerpoint Slide Show [PPT, 259 KB] ; P.S.

    Pinkney , 2-Carboethoxycyclopentanone, Org. Syn. Coll. Vol. 2 , pp. 116-119 (1943) [PDF,

    140 KB] ; H.U. Daeniker and C.A. Grob , 3-Quinuclidone Hydrochloride, Org. Syn. Coll. Vol.

    5 , pp. 989-993 (1973) [PDF, 142 KB] ; J. T. Mohr, M. R. Krout, and B. M. Stoltz ,

    Preparation of (S)-2-Allyl-2-Methylcyclohexanone, Org. Syn. 86 , pp. 194 et seq. (2009)

    [web page] ; Organic Chemistry Portal [web page] ; SynArchive [web page] ; Classic OrganicReactions [web page] .

    Brown: C.A. Brown , Rapid , High Yield Condensations of Esters and Nitriles via Kaliation,

    Synthesis , May , 1975 , pp. 326-327 . The extremely reactive KH can be safely and

    conveniently handled as a 50% dispersion (by weight) in paraffin wax : D.F. Taber and C.G.

    Nelson , Potassium Hydride in Paraffin : A Useful Base for Organic Synthesis, J. Org Chem. 71

    (23) , pp. 8973-8974 (2006) [PDF, 35 KB] .

    a-tetralone: C.E. Olson and A.R. Bader , a-Tetralone, Org. Syn. Coll. Vol. 4 , pp. 898-902

    (1963) [PDF, 171 KB] .

    Hartough: H.D. Hartough and A.I. Kosak , Acylation Studies in the Thiophene and Furan

    Series . IV. Strong Inorganic Oxyacids as Catalysts, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) , pp.

    3093-3096 (1947) ; idem. , Acylation Studies in the Thiophene and Furan Series . VI. Direct

    Acylation with Carboxylic Acids and Phosphorus Pentoxide, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) , pp.

    3098-3099 (1947) ; A.I. Kosak and H.D. Hartough , 2-Acetothienone, Org. Syn. Coll. Vol. 3 ,

    pp. 14-16 (1955) [PDF, 115 KB] .

    acridone: C.F.H. Allen and G.H.W. McKee , Acridone, Org. Syn. Coll. Vol. 2 , pp. 15-17

    (1943) [PDF, 129 KB] .

    Tyrian Purple: the best review I've read of Tyrian Purple is undoubtedly that by Cooksey

    (Indigo's chromophore, above) ; it's highly recommended . The synthesis of Tyrian Purple has

    attracted a great deal of attention over the years . Various publications on this topic : P.F. Schatz

    , Indigo and Tyrian Purple In Nature and in the Lab, J. Chem. Educ. 78 (11) , pp.

    1442-1443 (2001) ; J.M. Pinkney and J.A. Chalmers , Synthesizing Tyrian Purple, Educ.

    Chem. 16 (5) , pp. 144-145 (September , 1979) ; J.L. Wolk and A.A. Frimer , Preparation of

    Tyrian Purple (6,6'-Dibromoindigo) : Past and Present, Molecules 15 (8) , pp. 5473-5508

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    (2010) [PDF, 303 KB] ; idem. , A Simple , Safe and Efficient Synthesis of Tyrian Purple

    (6,6-Dibromoindigo), Molecules 15 (8) , pp. 5561-5580 (2010) [PDF, 229 KB] ; Cooksey's

    Tyrian Purple web page; Cooksey's synthesis (web page) ; historical syntheses (web page) ;

    Wikipedia web page; Molecule of the Month web page.

    Wurtster Blue compounds: See the discussion , photos , and video demonstration of the

    formation of a Wurster Blue compound in solution on Peter Keusch's web page, Wurster's


    antimony pentachloride: SbCl5has been used to form the stable Wurster Blue aminium salt ,

    tris-(4-bromophenyl)aminium hexachloroantimonate , in a quantitative yield : F.A. Bell , A.

    Ledwith , and D.C. Sherrington , Cation-radicals : Tris-(p-bromophenyl)amminium Perchlorate

    and Hexachloroantimonate , J. Chem. Soc. C 1969 (19) , pp. 2719-2720 ; see also G.W.

    Cowell , A. Ledwith , A.C. White , and H.J. Woods , Electron-Transfer Oxidation of Organic

    Compounds with Hexachloroantimonate [SbCl6] Ion , J. Chem. Soc. B 1970 (2) , pp. 227-231

    . The standard reduction potential of SbCl5in a halide environment is ~ 0.8 V , indicating that it

    is a moderately strong oxidizing agent .

    nitrosonium cation: W.J. Plieth , Nitrogen, Ch. 5 , pp. 321-479 in Encyclopedia of

    Electrochemistry of the Elements , Vol. 8 , A.J. Bard (ed.) , Marcel Dekker , New York , 1978 ;

    p. 325 . The redox half-reaction (reduction) of the nitrosonium cation is :

    NO++ e- --------------> NO (g) ; E0red = 1.45 V .

    This standard reduction potential indicates that NO+is a rather powerful oxidizing agent .

    electron-rich olefins: R.W. Hoffmann , Reactions of Electron-Rich Olefins, Angew. Chem.

    Internat. Ed. Engl. 7 (10) , pp. 754-765 (1968) ; N. Wiberg , Tetraaminoethylenes as Strong

    Electron Donors, Angew. Chem. Internat. Ed. Engl. 7 (10) , pp. 766-779 (1968) ; J. Hocker

    and R. Merten , Reactions of Electron-Rich Olefins with Proton-Active Compounds, Angew.

    Chem. Internat. Ed. Engl. 11 (11) , pp. 964-973 (1972) .

    TDAE: R.L. Pruett et al. , Reactions of Polyfluoro Olefins. II. Reactions with Primary and

    Secondary Amines, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 72 (8) , pp. 3647-3650 (1950) ; the preparation of

    TDAE is described on p. 3649 . TDAE is commercially available , eg. from Aldrich .

    TTF-TCNQ: J. Ferraris , D.O. Cowan , V. Walatka Jr. , and J.H. Perlstein , Electron Transfer in

    a New Highly Conducting DonorAcceptor Complex, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 95 (3) , pp.

    948-949 (1973) ; D. Dolphin , W. Pegg , and P. Wirz , The Preparation of Protio and Deuterio

    Derivatives of the Tetracyanoquinodimethane Tetrathiofulvalene Complex, Can. J. Chem. 52

    (24) , pp. 4078-4082 (1974) [PDF, 215 KB .Note : this file can be opened only with Acrobat

    Reader v. 6 or later] ; E. Engler , Organic Metals, Chemtech 6 (4) , pp. 274-279 (April , 1976)

    ; see Figure 1 , p. 275 ; A.J. Epstein and J.S. Miller , Linear Chain Conductors, Scientific

    American 241 (4) , pp. 52-61 (October , 1979) ; see esp. pp. 57 and 59 ; M.R. Bryce ,

    Tetrathiafulvalenes (TTF) and Their Selenium and Tellurium Analogs (TSF and TTeF) :

    Electron Donors for Organic Metals, Aldrichimica Acta 18 (3) , pp. 73-77 (1985) [PDF, 4186

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    KB .Note : the entire Issue 3 must be downloaded to obtain the article] .

    propylene carbonate: W.J. Peppel , Preparation and Properties of the Alkylene Carbonates,

    Ind. Eng. Chem. 50 (5) , pp. 767-770 (1958) . Several physical properties of PC tabulated in this

    review : m.p. 49.2 C ; b.p. 241.7 C (note : PC begins to decompose at ~ 150 C); s.g. 1.2057

    ; dielectric constant , 69.0 ; R. Jasinski , Electrochemistry and Application of Propylene

    Carbonate, Adv. Electrochemistry Electrochem. Eng. 8 , pp. 253-335 , P. Delahay and C.W.

    Tobias (eds.) , Wiley Interscience , New York , 1971 .

    Beck and co-workers: W. Beck et al. , Indigo-Metal Complexes : Synthesis and Structure of

    PdII and PtII Compounds Containing the Anions of Indigo and Octahydroindigo as Mono- and

    Bis-Chelate Ligands, Angew. Chem. Internat. Ed. Engl. 28 (11) , pp. 1529-1531 (1989) .

    nindigos: S.R. Oakley et al. , Nindigo : Synthesis , Coordination Chemistry , and Properties

    of Indigo Diimines as a New Class of Functional Bridging Ligands, Chem. Commun. 2010 (46)

    , pp. 6753-6755 ; G. Nawn et al. , Redox-Active Bridging Ligands Based on Indigo Diimine

    (Nindigo) Derivatives, Inorg. Chem. 50 (20) , pp. 9826-9837 (2011) ; S. Oakley , Synthesis ,

    Characterization and Coordination Chemistry of Indigo Diimines, M.Sc. Thesis , University ofVictoria , British Columbia , Canada (2008) [PDF, 1828 KB] ;Research Project Dr. Skye

    Fortier [web page] .

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    al New Aspects of Indigo Chemistry