setting up for collaboration success 6ps facilitators guide

Setting up for Collaboration Success using the 6Ps Your Complete Facilitators Guide Developed by Graham Wilson Leadership Catalyst

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Toolkit to ensure collaboration teams.


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Setting up for Collaboration Success

using the 6Ps

Your Complete Facilitators Guide

Developed by

Graham Wilson Leadership Catalyst

[email protected]

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In today’s fast moving, ever changing, ambiguous, complex and volatile world collaboration has become a vital skill for leaders. We can know longer lead from having the knowledge and all the answers, we need to collaborate effectively with others. People have amazing knowledge in their head…we need to find a way to use this to develop better solutions. This guide has been designed for you as a resource you can use to help achieve even greater success running collaborating by setting up the collaboration group for success using a 6 Ps sessions. It shows why the 6Ps is useful, how to use the framework and what to do during the session. Every success on your quest for extraordinary performance and results, and keep learning. Graham Wilson Leadership Catalyst Successfactory [email protected]

6Ps Facilitators Guide

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WHY the 6Ps

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Why is the 6Ps tool useful for collaboration success…

Too often we can be too quick to run collaborative workshops without setting them up for success first. Too often people have different agendas and different decision making criteria which makes conflict and shutting down of contribution all to easy to appear – defeating the whole reason of collaboration! So why is it important to spend time setting up the collaboration team for success…

1. We need to build trust and openness very quickly when collaborating so people feel happy to contribute.

2. We need to ensure all members of the collaboration party are clear about the purpose and aligned to it.

3. We need to have a clear decision making process based on purpose, goals and values.

4. We need to spend time together developing the process we are going to use for collaboration

5. We need to get to know each other

6. We need to co-build the solution to boost engagement, commitment and accountability

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We need to avoid the 5 Dysfunctions…

Source: Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Partick Lencioni

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What is the 6Ps

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What is our purpose?


What’s really important to us?


Do we have trust and understanding?

Who is the team?


How will we work together?


What will happen when we have succeeded?/How will we know we are winning?

- What are our key measures? How will we keep the 6P’s alive?


- Communication

- Team meetings

- How we make decisions

- Working practices

What is the 6Ps framework


What do we want to be famous for?

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Principles: Operating with Boldness, Simplicity and Speed





6Ps example


Gaining insights to drive performance improvements

Name Austin Susan Tam Roberto

Dominant Style Red Yellow Green Red

Under Pressure Blue Red Blue Red

“They really drive change and performance improvements”

Generation of ideas Engagement and adaption of ideas Increases in performance from ideas being implemented

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How to create a 6Ps


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How to create a 6P’s charter The best way to complete the 6Ps is to plan, prepare and conduct a team workshop . Depending how big or complex your team is this can range from ½ a day to 3 days for a large global team. Always build awareness and desire before leaping into creating it.


•Clarify workshop purpose and outcomes

•Identify workshop participants

•Select methods/tools you are going to use to meet purpose and culture/personalities of group

•Decide if doing all 6 P’s in one session or splitting them.

•Always start with Purpose but can combine Principles and Pride in one session, People in another and then Process/Plan and Performance in last session.

•Develop and distribute an invite

•Can get group to think about elements before they arrive

•Set up room


• Review Purpose • Establish WHY 6 P’s is

important • Can ask the 6 questions to

group to see if they know the answers and are aligned – good way to build the awareness and desire for change

• Can do Gap Leap exercise at start to build desire – if not fixed etc…

• Now WHY is established clarify the HOW and WHAT by doing Hopes and Fears exercise – kill any risks


•Introduce 6 P’s template

•Can share examples of other teams if appropriate

•Whatever the method you are using always include Purpose and the element to agree first.

•World Café technique works well or flip charts around the room. See how to do this later in the guide.

•Look for methods that splits the group into small teams as it is hard to do and get agreement of each element as one team.

•Allow plenty of time for reflection – can plan activities/energised between each element

•Once you have agreement for an element always have a break and review when the group reconvenes.

•Once all elements are complete sleep on it and review at a later date.

•Keep it simple and top level – people have to be able to remember it in order to use it,


•Summarise decisions

•Review action items

•Evaluate the meeting

•Agree next steps

•Thank participants

•Urge for action

Follow Up

•Photograph or type up and email to participants before you leave the workshop

•Do next actions

•Wordsmith and refine and then resend out

•Review, Learn, Apply

•Hold each other accountable by using it at all future meetings and review sessions

•How are you going to display the output?

•How are you going to keep it alive?

•Could you turn the words into a pictorial journey map?

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Keep it to one sentence starting with a verb.


No more than 5 – 3 is ideal! People can’t remember more than 3 usually. One way can create and establish agreed principles is by getting the team to do it individually first, then in trios to agree top 3, then 6 etc. until full team.


Career journey exercise works well, i.e. what jobs have you done in your life, what have you learnt about xyz, etc. Any profiling such as Insights, Facet5, Realise2 etc. is great, or what makes you mad sad glad exercise etc. Stakeholder mapping is also useful, RACI charting works well. I have put an example of a mad sad glad output in the tools section – I like it as it is free to do!


What is the agenda…


Keep it top level – what are the key success factors? What are our key measures? `

- What tools are we going to use?

- How do we make decisions?

- What are the ground rules?

- Roles and Responsibilities?

The 6P’s framework – Tips for each element


What do we want to be famous for? – One sentence!

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A selection of tools

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Organisational Alignment

Purpose Reason Why

Strategic Goals Top level goals

Behaviours Action

Activity Action

Practices Ways of working

Objectives Individual and Team

Values What is important

Results Outcomes

Support Systems

Leadership Environment

Reward Measurement Recruitment



How What




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Organisational Alignment

What is it?

A framework that helps to ensure efficiency is achieved through alignment. It can be used at organisational level all the way through to an individual level.

Where can I use it?

1. Planning and implementing strategy

2. Setting up teams

3. Reducing waste

4. Changing behaviour

5. Improving performance

6. Coaching

How do I use it?

1. Create your purpose, values and goals – with team

2. Set with your team objectives and ways of working that align to your purpose, values and goals

3. Ensure your support systems are aligned

4. Observe your team to ensure the right activities are done and the right behaviours demonstrated

5. If not then analyse the system first and see what needs aligning before blaming people.

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My Greatest Hopes My Greatest Fears

Group Greatest Hopes Group Greatest Fears





g w








Agreed Ground-rules/ De-riskers

Hopes and Fears

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Hopes and Fears

What is it?

• It is a tool that ensures buy in to any workshop or meeting

• It’s a short exercise to help members of a team share their perspectives on a task/project and build a common understanding of goals and potential problems.

• It’s a way to answer the question, ‘Do we share the same idea of what’s supposed to happen here?’.

• It emphasises the value of each persons contribution, encouraging greater trust and understanding within the team.

• It allows you as the facilitator to kill any risks at the start.

Where can I use it?

• At the start of meetings/training/workshops

• Great in the first stages of the team/project forming. This is when people are likely to have the greatest difference of opinion about what they are supposed to do.

• If unrealistic or inappropriate hopes are identified, they’re less likely to become frustrations if they’re discussed.

• It helps individuals to learn about one another, which will help them to communicate more effectively.

• Use for an existing group, where they are beginning to explore something that is new to all of them. For example, a discussion around a change to be implemented, or a project to be kicked off.

How do I use it?

This is a quick exercise which will highlight shared understanding and give an opportunity for discussion where there isn’t! It’s better that thoughts are expressed, so they can be discussed and addressed where possible.

• Setting the right tone of relaxed discussion at the start is very important.

• Ask them to consider their Hopes & Fears in relation to the topic/task in hand.

• Give them around 5 minutes – they may wish to jot their thoughts down then ask them to tell you their hopes, in any order, randomly around the room.

• Write these up on flipchart paper, headed ‘Hopes’. By writing them up on the flip chart they provide a neutral focus point for the group, so the hopes become shared by all of them.

• Don’t discuss for the moment. Then ask for the ‘Fears’ writing them up on flip chart paper headed ‘Fears’.

• Now go back to the hopes and discuss further how you as a team can ensure these are fulfilled.

• Then move to the fears and discuss how the team can ensure they are avoided.

• If people are very new to one another, or might be embarrassed to reveal their thoughts, try the following:

• Give everyone post-it notes to write their thoughts on and stick to the hopes and fears sheets. You may find there are patterns which can be clustered and then discussed as before.

• Or divide the group into smaller groups of 4 – 6, each write their own set of hopes and fears at a time. You will find that each group has many shared hopes and fears.

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Example Mad Sad Glad – creating a positive team

climate by understanding and valuing difference

Austin Susan Tam Roberto

What makes you MAD

Avoidable surprises Problem stating Inaccurate/incomplete data. Not going extra mile for our customers. Not caring about losing good people.

Surprises Missing deadline requests without explanation. Being missed out of the loop. Having agreed to plan then not completing. Only getting part of the information.

Digressing People spending too much time on themselves. Lack of structure at meetings. Lack of 1:1 time. Lack of trust in my ability Lack of direction. Given tasks that aren’t followed up.

Being excluded when I could help. Deadlines being missed. Not being responded to. Surprises. Not doing what was agreed or re-negotiating. Festering in the negativity.

What makes you SAD

People who don’t care. Working too hard + long hours. Spending lots of time on under-performers instead of high performers.

Doing things the same Missing opportunities Missing deadlines. Missed expectations Dissatisfaction over “trivia”. Complaints

Lack of time Lack of time to ‘develop’ team. Lack of ‘Open Forum’ time. Lack of social aspects. Work/Life Balance.

Not being used as support. Not being consulted. Things not working well. Irritating people when it’s not my intention If team didn’t see benefits of what striving to achieve.

What makes you GLAD

Manage my expectation and keep me informed. Ask me to make decisions having all info and facts. Create a plan, do + get results. Using initiative. A good debate + dialogue. Having a laugh

Achieving deadlines. Seeing teams develop. Compliments Getting external recognition. Getting internal recognition. Being the best. Problem solving not stating. Being creative.

Support Reassurance Advice/Guidance Friendship Using different strengths Knowledge base Positive, enthusiastic caring people.

Getting together + agreeing way forward. Working together to solve challenges Making a difference. Being useful + seeing Integration/working closely. Having fun. Recognition.

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Mad Sad Glad

What is it? A useful tool to help you understand team members . It also guides you in how you communicate with each other and interact in the best way to achieve a positive team climate.

Where can I use it? Areas it can be used are:

• Building trust • Building awareness • Project set up workshops • Reviewing • Understand why people are behaving like they are • Creating a positive work environment • Team building

How do I use it?

1. Invite team members to a workshop sharing the purpose of the session

2. Explain why this is useful and what the benefits are of doing it and what it can overcome. Use real live examples to illustrate if possible.

3. Ask each person to think about what makes them Mad, Sad and Glad.

4. Record on table. 5. Use on a regular basis as a review tool to ensure you are

working well together.

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Sticky Steps Planning

This will describe what needs to have

been delivered – what outcome is


This will detail the activities/steps that

need to have happened to achieve the


We must have…


In order to have…


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Sticky Steps Planning What is it?

• A simple and very effective planning tool.

• A fun and effective method for starting with the end in mind and working backwards to the detailed activity required to achieve this outcome.

Where can I use it?

• For planning almost any type of desired outcome.

• Used prior to meeting to plan activities and flow

• Used to plan action plan at end of meeting

• Particularly good for foggy situations

• Either individually or with a team.

How do I use it?

• A number of large pieces of paper – ideally flip chart size or larger, and a selection of post-it notes.

• Start with the end in mind and describe what needs to have been delivered – what outcome is required (in order to have…..)

• Brainstorm the activities that need to have happened in order for this outcome to be reached (we must have…)

• Place the activities in order of time, sequence and ease of completion.

• Then take the first one and place it in the ‘In order to have…’ spot.

• Complete the process again.

• Keep going until the post-its describe a task that can be completed by one person.

• Repeat with the other post-it notes from your first ‘we must have…’ brainstorm to create simple lists of tasks which collectively will enable the overall outcome to be delivered.

• Create your action plan detailing who will complete each task and when.

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World Cafe

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World Cafe

What is it?

The World Café methodology is a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue.

How do I use it? World Café can be modified to meet a wide variety of needs. Specifics of context, numbers, purpose, location, and other circumstances are factored into each event's unique invitation, design, and question choice, but the following five components comprise the basic model: 1) Setting: Create a "special" environment, most often modelled after a café, i.e. small round tables covered with a chequered tablecloth, butcher block paper, coloured pens, a vase of flowers, and optional "talking stick" item. There should be four chairs at each table. 2) Welcome and Introduction: The host begins with a warm welcome and an introduction to the World Café process, setting the context, sharing the Cafe Etiquette, and putting participants at ease. 3) Small Group Rounds: The process begins with the first of three or more twenty minute rounds of conversation for the small group seated around a table. At the end of the twenty minutes, each member of the group moves to a different new table. They may or may not choose to leave one person as the "table host" for the next round, who welcomes the next group and briefly fills them in on what happened in the previous round. 4) Questions: each round is prefaced with a question designed for the specific context and desired purpose of the session. The same questions can be used for more than one round, or they can be built upon each other to focus the conversation or guide its direction. 5) Harvest: After the small groups (and/or in between rounds, as desired) individuals are invited to share insights or other results from their conversations with the rest of the large group. These results are reflected visually in a variety of ways, most often using graphic recorders in the front of the room.

Where can I use it?

• Any meeting that requires group debate and collective decision making.

• Can be used as just one part of a larger meeting.

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Radiant Problem Solving

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Radiant Problem Solving

What is it?

Radiant problem solving is a visual collaborative tool to quickly gain ideas of the blockers to achieving a goal and then developing strategies to remove the barriers.

Where can I use it?

• Problem Solving

• Action Planning

• Removing barriers to goal achievement

How do I use it?

1. Create right environment with flip chart pens and team

2. Decide on goal and write it the middle of the flip chart/whiteboard

3. Brainstorm what the team thinks the blockers are to achieving the goal and draw each one of the goal statement in a radial way.

4. With a different coloured pen take each barrier in turn and generate solutions to removing the barrier.

5. Review and agree next steps

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Six Thinking Hats







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Six Thinking Hats

What is it? • It is a powerful technique that helps you to consider

things from a number of different perspectives.

• It helps you to think more effectively by pushing you to move outside your habitual ways of thinking.

• It helps you to spot issues and opportunities you might otherwise not notice.

• Many successful people think from a very rational, positive viewpoint, often though, they may fail to consider things from an emotional, intuitive, creative or negative viewpoint. This can mean that they underestimate resistance to change, don’t make creative leaps, and fail to make essential contingency plans.

• It is a tool by Edward de Bono in his book ‘6 Thinking Hats’.

Where can I use it? • Each ‘Thinking Hat’ is a different style of thinking.

‘Wear’ each of the thinking hats in turn.

• When done in a group, everyone wears the same hat at the same time.

• Use at team and project meetings.

• When making decisions, solving problems, exploring ideas and encouraging creativity.

• To provide everyone with a chance to contribute regardless of their thinking preference.

How do I use it? You will need The 6 thinking hats and the questions which relate to them. These are:

White – Information. Look at the data, neutral, non-judgemental: what are the facts? What information d owe have? What information do we need to get?

Red – Feelings, intuition, hunches, emotions, can be put forward without the need to back up with logic: What do I feel about this? What are my hunches? What’s my gut reaction?

Black – Judgement. Logical negative, an opportunity to put forward criticisms: What are the good points? Why is this worth doing? How will it help us?

Yellow – Benefits. Logical positive, why it will work and why it will offer benefits: What are the good points? Why is this worth doing? How will it help us?

Green – Creativity. Make time and space for creative thinking: What new ideas are possible? What are some possible ways to work this out? Are there any additional alternatives?

Blue – Process – sets the agenda for thinking, can ask for other hats summaries, conclusion: what thinking is needed? What have we done so far? What do we do next? What other hats do we need to include at this stage?

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Ease Impact Grid

Impact of doing High Low







2. Prioritised list….

1. Key points…

3. My action plan…

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Ease Impact Grid

What is it?

• A tool for prioritising actions

Where can I use it?

• To develop an action plan

How do I use it?

• Sheets of paper and some pens – where this is being completed in a team, or group situation it is best to use flip chart paper.

• Start by generating key learning points and then number them

• Then populate grid based on ease of doing and impact of doing

• Take top 3 elements that are easiest to do and will have most impact

• Develop action plan to implement learning

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… if not fixed … … if fixed …


Why not fixed yet?

(possible causes)



3 2

Gap Leap

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Gap Leap What is it?

Use to carry out during situational analysis to build a business case for change and look at the barriers

Where can I use it?

1. Building a business case

2. Project scoping

3. Risk management

4. Influencing

5. Negotiation

6. Change awareness and desire building

7. Explain why we need to change

8. Building a compelling case for change

How do I use it?

1. Identify key stakeholders and invite to workshop then follow the process indicated on the tool

2. GAP. It is important to only use complete sentences (no bullet points a re allowed!) Make sure this is a real GAP. It should not say for example “We need to….” It should say “Our level of innovation is too low “ for example

3. IF NOT FIXED. Write down on post it notes what group believe will occur if the gap is not fixed. Only use complete sentences. Once you have posted all the ideas, sequence them from top to bottom so they tell a story and read them out to all participants.

4. IF FIXED. Repeat as for IF NOT FIXED.

5. WHY NOT FIXED YET? Here the you write down using only complete sentences, no bullet points, why they believe it has not yet been fixed. Once you have posted all the ideas, sequence them from left to right so that the sticky notes with the biggest effect or which will require the least effort to resolve, are further to the left.

IMPORTANT – Select an appropriate time scale and assign a cost or revenue value to each and every sticky note taking care not to double count opposites. Calculate the value at stake – which is the absolute difference between the sum of the ‘if not fixed’ and ‘if fixed’ sticky notes. Compare this value to the cost of fixing the GAP.

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Context Map

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Context Map What is it?

A tool to analyse the context you are operating and get the team on the same page.

Where can I use it?

1. Situational Analysis

2. Generating ideas

3. Establishing common understanding of the context

4. Bringing stakeholders together and gaining clarity

How do I use it?

1. Identify key stakeholders and invite to workshop

2. Introduce purpose of the exercise

3. Populate each area of the template

4. At the end of the brainstorming ask what is it telling us.

5. Any patterns, trends, important factors to research more.

6. What questions does the data promote?

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Force Field Analysis

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Force Field Analysis

What is it? Force Field Analysis helps you think about the pressures for and against a decision or a change. It can also be used to develop solutions to ensure change happens.

Where can I use it? Force Field analysis can be used in wide a number of situations. Any situation that requires a change. Force field analysis helps you and your team decide whether or not to move forward with the decision or change. It also helps you to think about how you can strengthen the forces that support the change and weaken the forces opposing it, so that the change is more successful. Areas it can be used are:

• Change Management • Decision Making • Project Management • Influencing • Coaching • Creating momentum for change • Team development • Presentations

How do I use it?

1. Identify key stakeholders and invite to workshop 2. Describe your plan or proposal in the middle of a piece

of paper or whiteboard. 3. Then list all of the forces for change in a column on the

left-side, and all of the forces against change in a column on the right-side.

4. Score each factor, and add up the scores for each column. You can then decide whether or not to move forward with the change.

5. Alternatively, you can use your analysis to think about how you can strengthen the forces that support the change and weaken the forces opposing it, so that the change is more successful.

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SWOT Analysis

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SWOT Analysis

What is it?

A way of pulling data from analysis into a form of classification that enables you to develop questions and then actions.

How do I use it? The key point to remember about SWOT is that: Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the business and relate to the present situation. Opportunities and threats are external to the business and relate to changes in the environment which will impact the business. Assemble the right people and use post it notes to populate the matrix. Use data from as many sources as possible. Then it helps you ask, and answer, the following questions. How do you:

• Make the most of your strengths? • Circumvent your weaknesses? • Capitalise on your opportunities? • Manage your threats?

There is no point producing a SWOT analysis unless it is actioned! SWOT analysis should be more than a list - it is an analytical technique to support strategic decisions. Strategy should be devised around strengths and opportunities. The key words are match and convert:

Where can I use it?

• A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry, company, team or person.

• Strategic visioning

• Creating strategic opportunities

• Summarising Data

• Team review

• Coaching

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Data Wheel

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Data Wheel

What is it? The Data Wheel is a tool that helps us to plan where we could look and how we can approach people. By collecting a breadth and depth of clues, go where your competitors cannot or will not go!

How do I use it? Outside of circle –relationship with consumer

Be them–get into their world. Find out what they say and do in their real life.

Go where they go, do the things they do, read what they read, watch what

they watch

With them–talk directly with the target market. Focus groups, face-to-face.

What do they do/believe? Do things with them -what they say they do can

be very different from what they actually do

About them–talk to people who know or have a relationship with the

consumer group. This gives you a different perspective or an expert opinion.

Inside circle –consumers’ relationship with the issue/product

Normal –average/typical target audience for your project

Deeper–stronger than normal relationship, heightened connection with the

issue. Deeper emotional connection, bigger part of their lives

Weird–Completely different angle or view on the issue. Strange/unusual relationship. Not representative of typical consumer group.

Where can I use it?

• Gaining Insights

• Observing

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Creative Mindset

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Creative Mindset Greenhousing is all about nurturing ideas –building them and allowing them to grow. When ideas are first presented, they are not fully formed and need help and input from others before they can be judged and assessed. Too often in business we stamp on ideas through the language we use, or wait for an opportunity to present our ideas instead. Greenhousing is the behaviour that allows ideas to get better. Use “yes, and…” instead of “yes, but…”. Putting energy into seeing how something could work, rather than forming judgments. Signalling is about letting other people know how you want them to be. If people are in a creative session with both expansive (creative) thinking and reductionist (analytical) thinking, they won’t mix. Signalling is about communicating to people whether you want them to judge an idea or help you build one. You can signal physically (through environment or props), or verbally. Freshness is all about seeking new experiences and perspectives. New perspectives help us make new creative connections. This can be done in two ways. On going Freshness is a personal behaviour that you can model in everything you do; listening to different radio channels, reading random magazines, seeking new physical experiences, etc. In so doing you will top up your subconscious brain with lots of stimulus which one day may help you approach problems from a different perspective. Deliberate Freshness is what’s needed in ideas sessions to help you get out of your river of thinking and help to have new ideas. Realness Get ideas off the desk and bring them to life. Draw them, model them, walk through them or make a video about the process you are solving. Realness helps people to understand your idea so they „get it‟ emotionally as well as cerebrally. Realness also improves your idea. Remember: there is no such thing as failure, just prototypes. Momentum People who are passionate about an idea get it going. You can spot a team with momentum easily. If you want to kill the energy around a project, do it slowly! Too often our busy, filled, stop-start diary prevents us getting stuck into a project. To create momentum, hot-house: take people away from the office with the resources and time in order to solve the problem. They will do it! Focus on one project at one time and don ‘t allow yourself to be spread so thinly. Finally, create a sense of crisis. A deadline really focuses people's energy around the problem… but beware – don’t use it too often! Bravery Innovation by its very definition is risky. It’s a courageous thing to put your idea out there and risk it being judged and laughed at. Often we feel that it’s not just our idea that is being judged, but our personality too, and everything we stand for! Divorce yourself from ideas that pop to your head and get them out there –they may act as stimulus for other people to build on. You could also inspire others to be more brave with their ideas. People who we admire the most are often those who put their ideas out there and not worry about the response. Acting brave will really kick-start other members of your staff and get projects in motion.

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The 4 Rs


Related Words

Re- Expression

Random Links

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The 4 Rs

What is it? Our brain is hardwired to hinder creativity, yet it holds all our experiences from which we could draw creative connections. Our everyday lives and habits keep us in a river of similar thinking. We must always assume that at any given time we are stuck in these rivers of familiar territory and we need deliberate stimulus to get us out and thinking differently. The Four Rs are deliberate stimulus and they allow you to take different principles and apply them back to your problem.

How do I use it?

Revolution: Challenging the rules. This is a great technique for exploring an entire issue of process at once.

1. List the rules. These have to be absolute fact and not generalisations or assumptions. 2. Provoke these facts by asking what if? The more extreme the provocation, the more

dynamic your ideas will become. 3. Ask under what circumstances could your provocations then occur to make real new

ideas. Related Worlds: Steal solutions from other places and apply the principles back to your issue. Where else has a similar issue been solved?

1. It’s important to establish what it is you’re trying to do. 2. Then brainstorm lots of other places in the world where that issue has been solved. 3. Dive into that world and find out as much as you can about how they solved the problem. 4. Apply the principles back to your issue –use this as stimulus to have ideas.

Remember that using a Naïve Expert is a great way to get rich information about a new world. Re-expression: Use alternative words/metaphors, senses, perspectives to describe your issue.

1. Words/Metaphors: Use different language to stimulate different thinking. 2. Senses: We live in a world of words! Experience the problem using different senses smell,

taste, touch. Draw it… Act it out! 3. Perspectives: View the issue from a different perspective –an alien, a child, an inanimate

object. Random Links: Take completely random stimulus and force a connection to your issue. The two stages of this technique are:

1. Find a random piece of stimulus –a picture card, an object, a word, a piece of music –using a system to ensure that it is truly random: blindfold people and pick up the first object, turn to page 17 and choose the first word on the 4throw, 5 words in.

2. Force a connection -allow your mind licence to freely explore new possibilities. Play around, dig deeper and go beyond the obvious.

Where can I use it? • Creativity

• Generating Ideas

• Developing Solutions

• Problem Solving Workshops

• Meetings

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Disney Technique

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Disney Technique

What is it?

Where can I use it?

• Generating Ideas

• Action Planning

How do I use it? 1. Identify and invite team to workshop. Create 3 separate areas – one

dreaming, one realist and one critic ; with flip chart pens

2. Stage 1: DREAMER. A dreamer spins innumerable fantasies, wishes, outrageous hunches and bold and absurd ideas without limit or judgment. Nothing is censored. Nothing is too absurd or silly. All things are possible for the dreamer. To be the dreamer, ask: If I could wave a magic wand and do anything I want – what would I create? How would it look? What could I do with it? How would it make you feel? What is the most absurd idea I can conceive?

3. Stage 2: REALIST. The realist imagineers the dreamer’s ideas into something realistic and feasible. He would try to figure out how to make the ideas work and then sort them out in some meaningful order. To be the realist, ask: How can I make this happen? What are the features and aspects of the idea? Can I build ideas from the features or aspects? What is the essence of the idea? Can I extract the principle of the idea? Can I make analogical-metaphorical connections with the principle and something dissimilar to create something tangible? How can I use the essence of the idea to imagineer a more realistic one?

4. Stage 3 CRITIC. The critic reviews all the ideas and tries to punch holes in them by playing the devil’s advocate. To be the critic, ask: How do I really feel about it? Is this the best I can do? What can make it better? Does this make sense? How does it look to a customer? A client? An expert? A user? Is it worth my time to work on this idea? Can I improve it?

Disney’s thinking technique synthesized three different strategies: the dreamer, realist, and the critic. A dreamer without a realist is often not able to translate fantasies into tangible reality. A dreamer and critic become engaged in constant conflict. A dreamer and realist can create things but find that a critic helps to evaluate and refine the final products.

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1. “Mirror Hurdle” How does it look to me/us? - SELF DISCIPLINE

2. “Money Making Hurdle” Is it REAL innovation or just novelty? - FOCUS

3. “Glove Hurdle” Is it one for US? - STRATEGIC FIT

4. “Shoe Hurdle” How does it look from the customer’s point of view? - REALITY CHECK

5. “Beauty Parade Hurdle” How does this innovation look compared to the others we could do? - ATTRACTIVENESS ASSESSMENT

5 Hurdles

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5 Hurdles

What is it?

• The definition of innovation is a good idea that makes money/adds value to the business. This tool enables you to focus your change initiative, ensure alignment and makes sure it is right to do it. Sometimes it is easy to fall in love with your idea, this adds some objectivity!

Where can I use it?

• Change Management

• Strategy

• Decision Making

• Problem Solving

• Programme and Project Management

How do I use it? 1. Identify the key stakeholders.

2. Set up workshop and work through the 5 questions.

3. Make a decision on next steps.

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Decision Matrix

Decision Criteria


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Must Have Element Element Element

No weighting here

Y/N for each element Y/N Y/N Y/N

Should Have Element Element Element

Weighting for each element

Score X by weighting for each element

Score X by weighting Score X by weighting Score X by weighting

Could Have Element Element Element

Weighting for each element

Score X by weighting for each element

Score X by weighting Score X by weighting Score X by weighting

Total Score

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Decision Matrix

What is it?

• A tool for choosing which option is best

Where can I use it?

• Decision Making

• Problem Solving

• Purchasing

• Programme Management

How do I use it?

• Create matrix

• Insert Must, Should, Could Haves in left column . These are usually developed before any sessions or workshops to develop a solution. If you are using external support these could be part of the tendering process.

• Agree weighting figure for the Should and Could Haves. No need for Must Haves as these are either yes or no. If no you can get rid of that option straight away.

• Score Options

• Choose highest score – balanced against your intuition .

• If any intuitive doubts check and discuss more.

• Agree next steps.

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Elements What I’m going to do is….

I’m going to build Awareness for the need for change by….

I’m going to create the Desire to want to change by…

I’m going to develop the Knowledge about how to change by…

I’m going to ensure the Ability is in place to change by…

I’m going to provide Reinforcement to ensure change sticks by…


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What is it?

A tool to help ensure all elements of a change plan are thought through.

Where can I use it?

Any situation requiring you to develop a change plan

How do I use it?

Putting together a change plan

1. Make sure you understand the purpose and need for change. How will this change support the strategy?

2. Identify key stakeholders and invite to workshop.

3. Identify actions for each element of the framework.

4. Develop plan to ensure all areas are covered and in the right sequence.

5. Communicate and engage people in the plan.

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The Golden Circle

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The Golden Circle

What is it? The model that codifies the three distinct and interdependent elements (Why, How, What) that makes any person or organisation function at its highest ability. Based on the biology of human decision making, it demonstrates how the function of our limbic brain and the neocortex directly relate to the way in which people interact with each other and with organisations and brands in the formation of cultures and communities.

Where can I use it?

• Inspiring action

• Creating strategy

• Communicating to engage

• Objective setting

• To summarise a 6Ps workshop

• Planning

How do I use it? Whether you are looking to create a change strategy, influence people, inspire action or communicate to engage it is important to start with WHY. Once you have developed the WHY then communicate HOW and then the WHAT. Following this sequence will improve understanding and inspire action.

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• Description

Game Plan

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Game Plan

What is it? • A detailed visual of your plan on one page.

• A workable plan for moving ideas into action.

Where can I use it? • For projects of all types, continuous

improvement work and team activities – anything that requires a plan.

• As a method for building team alignment around a common objective.

• A fun and effective way to determine goals and objectives and agree tasks.

• As a way of strengthening group planning skills.

How do I use it?

• Allow 1 to 2 hours for this activity.

• You will need a large sheet of paper with the plan outline drawn on it – preferably A1 or larger and a quantity of marker pens.

• Start with the target area of the plan; clarify the project goal and the specific outcomes and deliverables for the project, or activity.

• Then look at the project team, or resources and assess what you have in terms of people, their skills, resources etc.

• For the tasks/project plan area of the plan you will need to identify the stages involved in your plan and the tasks that need to be included for each stage. You may have a detailed plan for stage one and a high level plan for the remaining stages when you initially complete this. (Sticky steps planning is a tool that can be used for this).

• For the success factors, think about what good will look like when you achieve the goal as well as the shared behaviours and principles that you believe will assist you in being successful.

• Finally identify the challenges and obstacles you may face along the


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