session 6 basic haart and drug interactions mary bishop rph, aahive hiv/aids clinical pharmacist...

Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

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Page 1: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11


Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVEHIV/AIDS Clinical PharmacistUofL Healthcare Pharmacy


Page 2: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

HIV life cycle


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Page 5: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

Goal of Therapy

• Maximally and durably suppress plasma HIV viral load

• Reduce HIV-associated morbidity and prolong survival

• Improve QOL• Restore and preserve immune function• Prevent HIV transmission

Page 6: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11


Starting Therapy

Recommendation StrengthAIDS-Defining Illness AI

CD4 < 350 AI

Pregnancy AI

HIV-Associated Nephropathy (HIVAN)


Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) co-infection [when HBV treatment is indicated]


CD4 350-500 A/BII†

CD4 > 500 B/CIII‡† Panel divided , 55% voted for strong recommendation (A) and 45% voted for moderate recommendation (B) (A/B-II). ‡ Panel divided, 50% favor starting antiretroviral therapy at this stage of HIV disease (B); 50% view initiating therapy at this stage as optional (C) (B/C-III). 6

Page 7: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11


15 YEARS OF “HAART”24 years since first drug

We now have :7 Nucleoside/tide analogs

(4 combos)5 Non-nucleoside analogs

(2 combos)9 Protease Inhibitors1 Fusion Inhibitor1 CCR5 antagonist1 Integrase Inhibitor

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What drug to use when?

• Guidelines–– IAS-USA– WHO

• Patient assessment and education• Genotype

Page 9: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11


Recommended HAART* in Treatment Naïve Patients

*highly active ant-retroviral therapy

• 1 NNRTI + 2 NRTI’sEFV + TDF + FTC (Atripla®)

• 1 PI (preferable PI/r) + 2NRTI’sATV/r + TVDDRV/r + TVD


Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents Page 37

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Panel also recommends that medication selection…

• Individualized based on viral efficacy, toxicity, pill burden, dosing frequency, drug-drug interaction potential, resistance testing results, and co-morbid conditions.

• Based on individual patient characteristics and needs, in some instances, an alternative regimen may actually be a preferred regimen for a patient.

Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents Page 37

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Didanosine (ddI)

Tenofovir (TDF)


Zalcitabine (ddC)

Lamivudine (3TC)

Emtricitabine (FTC)


Abacavir (ABV)

Amdoxovir (DAPD)


Zidovudine (ZDV)

Stavudine (d4T)

Clin Ther 2000; 22: 685-708

NRTI Structures

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• Considered the backbone of HAART therapy• All but Abacavir need dosing adjustments for

renal insufficiency• All have black box warnings• Short term side effects mostly GI related

Page 13: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11


Zidovudine AZT (Retrovir®) Marrow suppressionDidanosine ddI (Videx EC®) Peripheral neuropathy Stavudine d4T (Zerit®) Peripheral neuropathyLamivudine 3TC (Epivir®) Headache, NauseaEmtricitabine FTC (Emtriva®) Headache, NauseaAbacavir ABC (Ziagen®) Hypersensitivity

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NRTI Combinations

• Truvada (FTC/TNF) or TDV• Epzicom (ABC/3TC) or EPZ• Combivir (AZT/3TC) or CBV• Trizivir (ABC/3TC/AZT) or TZV

(No combination products should be used in renally impaired patients CrCl <50ml/min)

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TDF (Tenofovir) Viread®

• Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase• 300mg Daily +/- food• ADE

• Asthenia, HA, NVD, flatulence• Renal insufficiency, Fanconi syndrome• Osteomalacia, decrease in bone mineral density

• Activity against Hepatitis B• Part of Truvada®, Atripla®, and Complera®

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FTC (Emtricitabine) Emtriva®

• 200mg daily +/- food• Dizziness, HA, Rash, insomnia• Hyper-pigmentation/skin discoloration• Also has activity against Hepatitis B• 184V mutation• In Truvada®, Atripla®, and Complera®

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ABC (Abacavir) Ziagen®

• 300mg BID or 600mg Q Day +/- foodsome cohort studies suggest increase risk of MI with recent

or current use of ABC but not substantiated with further studies

• HLA-B*5701• Risk of “hypersensitivity reaction” combination of

symptoms» Group 1 Fever» Group 2 Rash» Group 3 GI symptoms» Group 4 Malaise, fatigue» Group 5 SOB, cough, or sore throat

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3TC (Lamivudine) Epivir®

• 150mg BID or 300mg daily +/- food• Minimal toxicity• Approved at 100mg to treat Hepatitis B• In Combivir®, Trizivir®, Epzicom®• 184V mutation

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AZT (Zidovudine) Retrovir®

• Dosed 300mg BID +/- food• Recommended in pregnancy (as Combivir®)• ADE

– Bone marrow suppression, macrocytic anemia, neutropenia

– GI intolerance, HA, insomnia, asthenia– Nail pigmentation, palate discoloration– Lactic acidosis and hepatic steatosis

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Zidovudine Pigmentation

Dark discoloration of the upper palate and nails

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• Class ADR’s– Rash (Can treat through depending on severity)– ^LFT’s, Hepatotoxicity

• Individual drugs– EFV (efavirenz) SUSTIVA®– NVP (nevirapine) VIRAMUNE®– ETV (etravirine) INTELENCE®– RPV (rilpivirine) EDURANT®

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EFV (Efavirenz) Sustiva®

• Dosed 600mg Q Day• preferable bedtime• Empty stomach to reduce side effects

• CNS side effects• False + cannabinoid, benzodiazepine screening assay• Pregnancy Category D

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NVP (Nevirapine) Viramune®

• 200mg daily x 14 day lead in period then BID +/- food or

• Daily as XR formulation • Rash SJD• Symptomatic hepatitis including

necrosis has been reported*• Monitor LFT’s at 2,4,6 weeks then q 3


* ^risk in treatment naive women with CD4> 250mg/dl or treatment naïve men with CD4>400mg/dl

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Atripla®Efavirenz 600mg+Emtricitibine 200mg+Tenofovir DF 300mg

• 1st time two companies worked together

• 1 po Q HS on empty stomach

• Not for patients with CrCL<50ml/min

• Single co-pay?

Page 25: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

Second generation NNRTI’s(effective in presence of K103N mutation)

• ETR (Etravirine)• INTELENCE®• 200mg po BID• Rash, hepatotoxicity• Salvage therapy• CYP3A4 interactions


• RPV (Rilpivirine)• EDURANT®• 25mg daily w > 500kcal• Rash, depression• Don’t use if VL >100,000• D/I: PPI’s• Pregnancy Cat. B

Page 26: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

Battle of monotherapy?

Atripla®Empty stomachPregnancy Cat. DAny viral loadCYP metabolismCNS disengagement, D/I with PIDHHS stamp of approval

Complera®With foodPregnancy Cat BVL <100,000CYP metabolismDepressionD/I with PPIDHHS approval???

Page 27: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

Protease Inhibitors

• Preferred in 2009

• Atazanavir (Reyataz®)• Darunavir (Prezista®)

• Preferred in Pregnancy• Lopinavir/r (Kaletra®)

• Alternates…• Saquinavir (Invirase®)• Ritonavir (Norvir®)• Indinavir (Crixivan®)• Nelfinavir (Viracept®)• Fosamprenavir (Lexiva®)• Tipranavir (Aptivus®)

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Protease Inhibitors

• Changed HIV from fatal to chronic illness• Class toxicities

– Short term- N/V/D– Long term- insulin resistance, lipodystrophy,– lipid abnormalities– LFT elevations– ^risk of bleeding with hemophilia

• Most have drug interactions due to CYP metabolism in the liver requiring dosage adjustments of PI’s or other agent

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Elevated Lipids (Cholesterol and Triglycerides)

• Occurs with EFV and PI’s• May increase risk for coronary heart disease• Treat through or stop medication

– “statins” (e.g. atorvastatin)– Fibrate (e.g. fenofibrate or gemfibrozil)

• Prevention– Stop Smoking– Diet and exercise– Fish Oil

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ATV (Atazanavir) Reyataz®

• Dose is 300mg/100mg ATV/r + food.• Lipid sparing if un-boosted• Do not use with PPI’s• Side effects (well tolerated)

• Indirect hyperbilirubinemia• Nephrolithiasis• PR prolongation

• Mutations at I50V, 84, and 88

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RTV (Ritonavir) Norvir®

• Potent CYP3A4 Inhibitor• When used as lone PI, dose is 600mg BID (rare)• Has 2 formulations

– Capsules require refrigeration +/- food– Tablets must be taken with food, no refrigeration

• Side effects– NVD– Taste perversion– Parasthesias-circumoral and extremities

• Mutations at 82 and 84

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DRV (Darunavir) Prezista®

• ARV Naïve dose– 800mg/100mg po daily + food

• ARV experienced– 600mg/100mg po BID + food

• Side effects– Rash (sulfonamide moiety)– Diarrhea, Nausea– Headache– Fever

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MVC (Maraviroc) Selzentry®

• Only indicated for CCR5 tropic HIV-1 infection • Dose is dependent on other drugs in the regimen

– 150mg BID +/- food– 300mg BID +/- food– 600mg BID +/- food

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MVC continued…

• Side effects– Abdominal pain– Fever– Dizziness– Musculoskeletal symptoms– Cough, URI– Orthostatic Hypotension

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Fusion Inhibitors

• Enfurvitide (Fuzeon ®) T-20

• 90mg SQ q 12 h• $$• Injection site reactions• Salvage therapy• $$

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Integrase Inhibitor

• RAL (Raltegravir) Isentress®• 400mg po BID +/- food• Approved as 1st line therapy• Metabolism is glucaronidation NOT CYP450• SE

– Nausea, Diarrhea– HA– Fever– CPK elevation

Page 37: Session 6 BASIC HAART AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Mary Bishop RPH, AAHIVE HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist UofL Healthcare Pharmacy 11/05/11

Which Therapy is Best?

The regimen that the patient can take every dose every day

At the same time.

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The Realities of Adherence:

• Get it right the first time: Establish readiness before initiating ART• Anticipate common causes of poor adherence not related to the

medication: Mental illness, drug use, homelessness, life instability, poor clinic attendance

• Pill Fatigue: Even excellent adherence may wane over time; consider pill burden and dosing frequency

• Tolerability: Side effects, drug interactions• Wanted: Simple, tolerable, potent, effective, and forgiving ART


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HIV Management“Co-Medicators”

• Opportunistic infections• Malignancies• Drug dependence• Psychiatric disorders• Neurologic manifestations• Metabolic disorders

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Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis and Treatment

• Pneumocystic jiroveci formerly Pneumocystic carinii (PCP)Prophylaxis (CD4+ cell count <200): Bactrim DS 1 PO QD

Treatment: Bactrim IV 15 mg/kg/d x 21 d

• Toxoplasmosis gondiiProphylaxis (CD4+ cell count <100): Bactrim DS 1 PO QD

Treatment: Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine + folinic acid

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Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis and Treatment

• Mycobacterium avium ComplexProphylaxis (CD4+ cell count <50): Azithromycin 1200 mg PO Q weekTreatment: Clarithromycin and Ethambutol

• Candida albicansTreatment: Fluconazole 100mg po x 7-14 days.Maintenance: Optimum prevention is immune reconstitution, but oral fluconazole is recommended for severe or frequent recurrence. Continuous use is not associated with more resistance than episodic treatment. (ACTG 323)

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• Avoid: triazolam and midazolam • Consider: short-acting agents

-Lorazepam (Ativan®) -Oxazepam (Serax®)

• Consider: Buspirone (Buspar®)• Alprazolam (Xanax®) should be used cautiously

with ritonavir

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• Rifampin (RIF) potent inducer of CYP• Avoid RIF and PIs• Rifabutin should be DOC • Adjust rifabutin dose with EFV, ATV, NFV, fPV,


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• Generally safe• Some ARVs may potentiate TCAs, manifesting

in pronounced anticholinergic effects• Desipramine (Norpramin®) should be avoided• SSRIs most common agent of choice, safer in

overdose-start low and build as tolerated

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• Generally safe with few exceptions• Area of drug development – best to consult

references with regards to new agents• Concerns regarding metabolic disturbances• Avoid pimozide (Orap®) with PIs

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• Phenobarbital: potent CYP inducer• Phenytoin: highly protein bound (AVOID)• CBZ: increased toxicity when combined with

PIs and/or CYP induction (AVOID)• VPA: some studies have associated use with

increases in viral load?• Consider: gabapentin, pregabalin, lamotrigine,

tiagabine, levotiracetam

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• No significant interactions with typical anti-HTN agents

• ACE-I, ARBs, diuretics, beta-blockers, • calcium channel blockers with PIs-√, • Avoid bepridil (Vascor®) with PI’s

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• Use very cautiously in combination with PI’s • Amiodarone, encainide, flecainide,

propafenone, quinidine

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• Preferred agents for increased LDL:Pravastatin (Pravacol®) Atorvastatin (Lipitor®)

• Preferred agent for HyperTG:Gemfibrozil (Lopid®)Fenofibrate (Tricor®)

• Niacin appears safe – sustained release product (Niaspan®) may be preferred agent due to reduced incidence of hepatic dysfunction, increased serum glucose

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Erectile Dysfunction

• Sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil• Cautions: reduced metabolism when

combined with PIs• S: 25 mg q48h• V: 2.5 mg q72h• T: 10 mg q 72h• Nitrates, nitrites, “Poppers”

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Herbal Therapies

• St. John’s Wort-IDV AUC <50%(CYP3A4 and pGP induction)

• Garlic-Inhibition of CYP3A4; severe GI A/E with RTV

• Others: milk thistle, grapefruit juice, ginseng, skullcap

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