seriously-issue 2

Seriously? Seriously? Volume I, Issue 2 In this issue... Lest we forget Weird Christmas Traditions Prom Dresses Movemeber at HHS Ugly Sweaters + more

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We are taking a look at everyday life and letting you know what we think.






Volume I, Issue 2

In this issue...

Lest we forget

Weird Christmas Traditions

Prom Dresses

Movemeber at HHS

Ugly Sweaters

+ more

Opened in 1992 to alleviate the overwhelming crowd at Kennebecasis Valley High School, HHS is located in the heart of Hampton, New Brunswick. It now houses over 700 students, grades 9 through 12, and is the home of the Hampton Huskies sports teams. “Our vision is to develop students’ character and integrity by providing encouragement and opportunities for student success.”

1992Hampton High School




Dear readers, Its hard to believe that our second publication is finally ready! The journalism 120 class of Hampton High School is proud to present to you our readers our newest edition of "Seriously?". We hope that our readers find this addition extremely fun to read and love our special holiday themed articles. Be sure to take a look at all of the articles and the new editions to this publication. Our class has worked extremely hard on this publication and hopefully you appreciate all of the

time and effort spent on these articles. Be sure to share "Seriously?" with all your friends and help us to achieve recognition in our school. If you have any comments or suggestions be sure to talk to Mr. Stackhouse as we are always happy to here feedback. Enjoy this holiday edition of "Seriously?"

‐Laura Harding and Stephanie Wong

in this issue:Lest We Forget

Christmas Quiz

December Prom Dress Shopping

A 24 Hour Christmas Story

Weird Christmas Traditions



Gingerbread-man recipe

PHOTO: Laura Harding

Remembrance DayLest We Forget

By: Emily MacRae

Every year on the 11th day, of the 11th month, at 11 o’clock, we bow our heads in honour of those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. We do this in respect of our troops. They risked their lives for our freedom, and that is the bravest thing that anyone could ever do.

There were wars lost and wars won, but we as students never reallythink about why it is important to know about these soldiers, men and women who risked their lives for us. These men and women are heroes. They have seen things that many of us could never imagine. These people have so many things in their minds, and that makes it hard for us to understand what they go through. Many lead to drinking problems, social issues, depression, and anger management, but it is our responsibility to try to understand what these people have dealt with.

By explaining and teaching children about these heroes they gain more respect for remembrance day. We can teach them by holding assemblies in schools. Many schools do this, which is a very good way to help the students get together and try to understand more of the importance of remembering. You can also do some history within your class about the war, get students to do projects, and write an essay about their thoughts on the war.

We should honour the people that have lost their lives and show our respect by thanking those have done so, as we do every single year, November 11th at 11 O’clock.

Lest We Forget


MOVEMBER It’s November everywhere, but here at Hampton High School, along with many other schools, Movember is in full force. Male teachers and students are embracing the month as a fun way to raise money and show off their mustache growing abilities. At the beginning of the month all participants of Movember had to start with a clean-shaven face. Now that we are veering near the end of the month the contesters are sporting their grown out mustaches and beards. Every male teacher who is participating in the event has a bucket in their classroom where students and other teachers can donate money to support prostate cancer. The Movember idea has many students and teachers bonding and competing to help a great cause. Be sure to log on the Hampton high school website and donate for your favorite male teacher’s mustache and to see the final results. Good luck to all the teachers who are participating and showing their support.

By: Stephanie Wong

Yet another CODvemeber……Great

Think back to 2007, what was the highlight of your year? For many a first person shooter (FPS) fan it was the release of Call of Duty 4. Arguably one of the best games of all time and probably the best shooter of all time, But in just four short years oh how the giant has fallen……well kind of? It seems that every year the games get worse and worse yet still break sales records but why? MW2 was a train wreck and Black Ops was a snooze-fest so what have they done this year to bring the game back to its once proud spot among gaming perfection? The answer is well nothing. Nothing but a lack lustre stale and frankly frustrating rehash of the same game we’ve been playing for four years. Now before we get into the bulk of this review I would like to point out that this is purely the personal opinion of a long time fan of the franchise. Now what qualifies me to write a review for the game? Well at one point I was a “pro” player meaning I played for money ill spare you the details but I’m $4000 richer from playing video games. So now where was I? Oh yeah! The game feels like a mix between call of duty 4 and MW2 the weapon balance is good but aside from that there is not much to like. As usual with the new release comes a whole new array of features to explore but all of these new things seems to add nothing and take away from the game play. The worst of these has to be the theatre mode which when done correctly is a nice way to save cool things that happen and show friends but sadly in this case it feels like an after thought that was tacked on just to say it was there. It feels like this feature lags the entire game and makes extended playing frustrating and potentially controller damaging (trust me). Add this to the rage inducing “revenge spawn system” that seems to spawn players that you’ve just killed right behind you fifty percent of the time, this becomes a perfect reason to hit the eject button on your X-box and put in one of the other games that came out recently. So here’s the bottom line. If your thinking about buying the game ask your self this. “Have I hit puberty yet?” If the answer is yes then leave that crap where it is, you’ll be happy you did. Have to say the series is dying so just let it, I give it a 3 out of 10.

By: Logan Bishop

Cliques by: Michelle Raynes

Cliques in schools, what can I say from a high school teenage girls point of view. Well I can say a lot!!! High school teenagers are like a bunch of monkeys really. I'm not saying it in a bad way but in an understanding way; this is what I think of high school teenagers today. In high school there are so many ways to describe or label people. High school labeling is wrong but we all do it nowadays such as jocks, geeks, preps, punks, and drug heads. In all walks of life, you will have people that judge you and put harsh labels on you. I think "jocks" are really nice people who have just been drawn into a vicious circle of impressing their friends. I think the same about the "preps" that have been put up on a pedestal by the ones who say they love them and are being told what they should look like their whole life. They are people just like everybody else. The same goes for the geeks, punks and the drug

heads, as we label one another. We are all people. Some of us may have it harder than others but who's to say that what you are going through isn't more than you can handle. Some people are just more resilient. For example I will tell you about someone I know. I won't use their name but I will give you an idea about what this individual has been through. I will call her Max. Max has gone through a lot she has fought with her friends and recently lost her grandmother over the summer and she regrets not going to see her grandmother more before she passed away, seeing as she only lived down the road. Max has told me she will never forgive herself and will always feel that regret. Max's mom has a great dislike for her brother’s girl friend and in reality; Max's brother and his girl friend should not have three kids. Her mom is always complaining to her about her brother because Max's mom really doesn’t have friends, so she just thinks it's okay to tell her daughter how she doesn’t like her brothers girl friend and how her

sisters boy friend is a mooch, and how her dad makes her mom look like a bad guy. Then her dad does the same thing but neither of them knows that the other does it so Max has a lot of pressure on her. On top of all that, she has her friends who can only help a little. They have their own problems, and then there is school that she is currently failing. Max has a boyfriend and he is a sweetheart, but he has his own problems such as his parents are unemployed. His mom was fired and his dad blew the motor in their only car, so now he can't go to work. So if you look at Max's life, is yours really that bad? Do you think labeling her and judging her is going to help those deep down in side thoughts of I don't want to live. I personally don't think so, so why do you label? Is your life worse? If so, you should agree with me that labeling people in high school adds to all the hardships that kids have to go through each and every day. Every one has their ups and downs, so we should start being more thoughtful about others and stop caring only about ourselves.

High school. The word itself sends chills down the spines of teenagers, whether it be in fear or anticipation. High school often appears to be sort of a "brand new world" and is said to be the best years of your life. I'm sure that there are people who feel that way, but from my four years of experience, I haven't felt like this could possibly be the best years of my life, and if they are, I'm scared for what they future holds. Transitioning from middle school to high school tends to give kids a sense of power because of how "high and mighty" high schoolers are made out to be. This false sense of power can get to your head. It's for this reason why I think teens believe they know more than they actually do.

Although I realize this fact, it doesn't save me from thinking the same way. It's this ignorance of most students that has made my high school experience anything but my best years. Obviously not everyone is like this, but the majority of people that I've interacted within this school have the high school mentality. They look down on those who aren't well liked, and who don't share common interests. Just because someone isn't like you doesn't mean they're unpopular, it just means they're different. Being different is supposed to be something you're proud of, but instead people get ridiculed for it. There's something wrong here. Now after picking on everyone else for acting like this, I

admit that I'm just as victim to this as anyone else. I say things I shouldn't, and I've done somethings I'm not proud of, but I think I'm mature enough to know and admit when I'm wrong and not treat people with disrespect because they're not like me. I know I'm not completely mature, but I'm not supposed to be! Teenage years are supposed to be for making mistakes and taking risks, but also learning and maturing from them. Instead, a lot of teens are forced to be reminded of all their insecurities by their fellow peers. This mentality won't get you anywhere when you get into the real world. If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one.

By: Cassie Warden

1. What is your favourite colour?

a. Redb. Whitec. Greend. Brown

2. What is your favourite Winter activity?

a. Eating cookiesb. Playing in the

snowc. Decorating the

Christmas treed. Making

Gingerbread men

Christmas Quiz

3. What is your favourite Christmas snack?

a. Cookies and Milk

b. Gummy Bearsc. Candy Canesd. Carrots

4. What is your favourite Christmas movie?

a.Santa Clausb.Frosty the

snowmanc. Elfd.Rudolf the red-

nosed reindeer

5. What is your favourite Christmas song?

a. Santa Claus is coming to town

b. 5 little snowmenc. We are Santa’s

elvesd. Grandma got run

over by a reindeer

6. What is your favourite Christmas costume?

a. Santab. Snowmanc. Elf

Most A’sYou’re Santa!You love staying inside and eating cookies.You’re a little plump, but you are very jolly!You love spreading Christmas joy!

Mostly B’sYou’re a Snowman!Winter is your favourite season because of the snow!

7. What is your favourite Christmas smell?

a. Bakingb. Carrotsc. Pine-treesd. Barn

8. What cosmetic enhancement would you want?

a. Liposuctionb. Tanningc. Growth surgery d. Nose job

Mostly C’sYou’re an Elf!You love giving, and you love the scents of Christmas!It’s not Christmas until the tree decorations are up!

Mostly D’sYou’re a Reindeer!You love playing games!You do love vegetables, but you enjoy baked goods.You are a very energetic creature!

Ugly Sweaters The holiday season is coming and you know what that means, time to bust out your ugly sweaters!

Maybe you’re thinking ugly sweaters are super un-cool, when in reality they are one of the most popular articles of clothing for the cold weather. Stores start selling oversized, itchy sweaters in the fall to get a head start on the Christmas season. If you go into a store now, they are guaranteed to have some kind of “ugly” sweater.

You may be wondering why ugly is put in quotations, well let me tell you why. People like ugly Christmas sweaters because they are fun, baggy and comfortable. Recently, popular stores that teenagers shop at have started selling” ugly sweater” lookalikes.

The best place to buy ugly sweaters is at second hand stores; such as Value Village and Frenchies. If you go to the mall to purchase one, you will not find a real ugly sweater. Not only will you get a better variety of ugly sweaters at a second hand store but you will spend less and save more.

Although ugly sweaters are great, they should only be worn in the winter. In some extreme cases people wear ugly sweaters all year round. Believe me it looks silly when you’re wearing knit sweaters in the middle of July. So wear them while you can and if you don’t own one go out and buy one, it will be one of the best investments you’ll ever make.

Left to right front row: Kenneth Stackhouse (Movember Participant), Laura Harding, Sarah Martin, Logan Bishop, Joshua King,

Kaitelynn Torrey.

back row: Frosty T. Snowman, Morgin Howlett.



By: Charlotte Gardner

December is an important month for many reasons, especially because of the Christmas holidays. Lots of shopping is done for others, but if you are graduating this year take some time to browse for yourself. Most prom dress designer’s new 2012 collections are now available. Such designers as Mori Lee, Night Moves, Tony Bowls, and Jovani dresses are now available in stores and online. All have released their new collections. Each designer has their own original style and colors, there is something for everyone. Even if December feels too early to be shopping for a prom dress it is a good idea to at least go try on some dresses to insure you have a variety of choices. After a dress is sold to someone from a school that dress will not be sold to someone else from the same school, this is important to keep in mind.

On Facebook there is a Hampton High Prom Dress page where you can post pictures of your prom dress for other to see to insure that no one ends up with the same

dress. This page also allows you to comment and like other peoples dresses. Prom may be months away but it is still a good idea to start looking. Happy Dress shopping and be sure to post pictures of your dress on Facebook.

By: Stephanie Wong




December Prom Dress Shopping

Photo taken by: Stephanie Wong

24 Hours of A Christmas Story

The holiday season is near, and how could on forget the famous 24 hour airing of the popular all time classic movie: A Christmas Story. The film first released on November 18, 1983, receiving negative reviews from film critics stating that it was a “sleeper movie.” In the years since, due to television airings and home video release, A Christmas Story has become widely popular and is now a perennial Christmas special. The film first aired on television on HBO during the mid-eighties and quickly attracted a larger audience. According to TNT Television Shows, A Christmas Story stars Peter Billingsley as Ralphie Parker, a typical youngster of the '40s who as the yuletide season approaches, finds himself longing for one elusive gift: a Red Ryder BB gun. Only problem is his mom (Melinda Dillon) won't even consider getting him the junior firearm for fear that Ralphie will "shoot his eye out." Meanwhile, The Old Man (Ralphie’s father) (Darrin McGavin) is busy admiring his sexy new leg lamp or haggling with a Christmas tree lot attendant for the best price on a six-foot tree. Gifted with acerbic first-person narration performed by Sheperd himself, A Christmas Story became a career high for everyone involved.

Since this Christmas classic was released in 1983, each year on TBS, A Christmas Story has aired for a full 24 hours. Many people cannot wait to see the 1983 film year after year, under the christmas light that shine on the tree. A Christmas Story will never grow old, and continue to entertain generation after generation.

By: Josh King

5. The Night Before Christmas

When it comes to Christmas stories, perhaps the most classic of them all is The Night Before Christmas, which is why it comes in at number 5. A simple rhyme about Santa Claus and his reindeer, and a curious dreamer awoken by their arrival, this story captures every child’s feelings on Christmas Eve. In many families, The Night Before Christmas is part of the Christmas tradition, passed on for generations, usually read by a grandparent to young children. Kathleen Hallett, a participant in an online survey, says that this story is her favourite “because my grandfather used to read it to us every Christmas when I was younger.” Anthony Duchesne simply remarked, “it’s a classic!” For most of us, The Night Before Christmas worked its way into our holiday tradition at a young age, and now we happily recite the poem along with the narrator whenever we hear it read. Old or young, everyone enjoys this good old Christmas rhyme, because inside all of us there’s a little child eagerly awaiting Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

Top 5 Best Christmas Stories of All Time

4. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Remember all of those classic, old, animated Christmas specials that come on TV every year, that you can’t help but watching? As a kid, it’s just about the most exciting thing you can stumble upon while flipping through channels and counting down the days until December 25th. Who could forget the theme songs that get stuck in your head year after year, and that kids tirelessly sing at the top of their lungs at every Santa Claus Parade? You know the ones I’m talking about. And which children’s Christmas carol can anyone possibly love more than “Rudolph”? After all, in the end, “all the reindeer loved him, and they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, you’ll go down in history!” When surveyed on her favourite Christmas story, Sydney Hallett excitedly explained that Rudolph is the best “because we used to watch it at my baby-sitter's and Rudolph is AWESOME!!!” Somehow the iconic bullied little reindeer who saves Christmas manages to work his way into the hearts of just about everyone, big and small, which is why on this list, he sits proudly at number four.

3. A Christmas Carol

When it comes to holiday reading, any of you literary nuts out there must certainly appreciate Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. This “amazing piece of literature”, so-called by Anthony Duchesne, wins it’s spot at number 3 for playing the sympathy card. I mean, come on, it does tug at the heart-strings of even the biggest “Scrooges” just a little bit, doesn’t it? The story of a mean old holiday grump finally understanding the meaning of Christmas and then buying a turkey and presents for a poor family is a timeless, heart-warming tale. (...And who doesn’t love cute little Tiny Tim?) A classic and certainly an all-time holiday favourite, A Christmas Carol could possibly be the ultimate feel-good Christmas story.

2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

In an online survey, one Christmas tale got an overwhelming number of votes for the number 2 spot on Seriously’s list of the Top 5 Best Christmas Stories of All Time, and that story is The Grinch. Hannah Cummings says “I like How the Grinch Stole Christmas because it shows the TRUE meaning of Christmas: it doesn't come from a store. And I like how he turns all nice and happy in the end and his heart grows 3 sizes.” A popular holiday tale among teens and kids today, The Grinch adequately reflects modern day’s flashy, pricey, superficial society. Also, it teaches kids, as Hannah says, “The true meaning of Christmas”—which Gillian Cormier says “isn't just about getting gifts, it's about the people you love and care for”. Whether you prefer the classic Dr. Seuss version or the Jim Carrey version of 2000, How the Grinch Stole Christmas certainly wins the award for imagination, which makes it so endlessly entertaining. No other Christmas characters quite compare to the Grinch and the citizens of Whoville. This beloved holiday story packs wacky, revolting, silly, goofy, amusing and heart-warming all into one, which makes it the well-deserving runner-up on the list of Best Christmas Stories.

1. Frosty the Snowman

...And the number one voted Best Christmas Story of All Time is...Frosty the Snowman! Yet another classic Christmas icon, Frosty the Snowman, for most of us, brings back fond memories of hours spent out in the snow making snowmen. Watching the cartoon special on TV every year, and singing the theme song over and over again (and typically forgetting most of the words). The reason we all love this old man-made-of-snow with a “jolly, happy soul” is simple: he reminds us of the good days of childhood. Three things every kid loves are imaginary friends, magic, and Christmas, and this story has them all. Frosty the Snowman is a kid himself, which is why children can relate to him so well. He dances, laughs and plays, “running here and there, all around the square, saying ‘Catch me if you can!’”. Frosty has the smiling, laughing, happy, carefree energy of a 5 year old; he brings out the kid in all of us. This Christmas tale wins the number 1 spot for the pure and simple reason that he just makes you smile.

By: Kailey Hallett

Have a Greener Christmas!

An inexpensive Christmas decoration is the traditional Christmas wreath. It’s an easy way of decorating the outside of your house and can be a fun activity to do with your family to get you in the Christmas spirit. If you’re interested in making a Christmas wreath click on the link at the bottom or helpful tips. (http://


The festive season is fast approaching and Christmas lights are being put up. Why not opt for the environmentally friendly choice LED lights they may be a little bit pricier but they save you power in the long run, saving you up to $10 dollars every 300 hours. LEDs won the durability test, failing to burn out over 4,000 hours, with regular lights burning one or two bulbs per strand before half that time.

By: Morgin Howlett

By: Laura Harding

Tis the Season for Giving Back

Christmas is the favourite time of year for many people; spending time with family the Christmas dinners and gifts. But for the less fortunate it’s the most trying of times. When providing the essentials for your family is a struggle day to day, finding extra money to buy extras such as gifts is nearly impossible. There are things that we can to make their festive season better.

Several ideas are donating to programs such as coats for kids or toys for tots. As well as money or food to your local food bank. Everyone bringing in a couple non-perishable food items or a small money donation would make an immense difference for those in need. The Hampton food bank not only provides families in need with monthly food supplies but also around Christmas time supply a turkey and they need your help to make this possible.

As hard as this season is for parents that can’t provide their family with the gifts, it’s also hard on children from these families. After Christmas break is over and they go back to school they have to hear about all the cool new toys and gadgets their friends got. So don’t forget to donate toys or even used toys that you have no use for any more as long as there in good condition. A fun way of giving back with your classmates or even a group of friends is a Secret Santa, instead of giving each other, each individual brings a children’s gift and donated it to the local food bank.

•Sending red Christmas cards to anyone in Japan is bad etiquette, since funeral notices are usually printed in red.  Christmas cards tend to be white, a colour that represents snow and clarity.

•On Christmas Eve in Norway all the brooms in the house are hidden because Norwegians have an ancient belief that witches and spirits came out on Christmas Eve and would steal their brooms and fly around on them.

•In Ukraine Christmas trees are decorated not only with ornaments but also an artificial spider and webs are hidden in the tree and good luck is given to the one who finds it.

Weird Christmas Traditions


• Adimehas118ridgesarounditsedge.

• Allnew‐bornsarecolour‐blind.

• Inthehumanbody,twomillionredblood


• Everydaythesunevaporatesapproximately


• Leatherbackturtleshavebeenaroundfor


• Bambooistheworld’slongestgrass.

• In10minutes,ahurricanereleasesmore


• Asnailcansleepforthreeyears.

• "Go."istheshortestcompletesentencein


• The"dot"overtheleLer"i"iscalledaMLle.

• Hummingbirdsaretheonlyanimalsthatcan


• Thestrongestmuscleinthebodyisthe


• Elephantsaretheonlyanimalthatcannotjump.

• Rubberbandslastlongerwhenrefrigerated.

• Peanutsareoneoftheingredientsof


• Thereare293waystomakechangeforadollar.

• Tigershavestripedskin,notjuststripedfur.

• BatsalwaysturnleVwhenexiMngacave.

• CharlieChaplinoncewonthirdprizeina


• Donkeyskillmorepeopleannuallythanplane


•The original purpose of candy canes were to calm children down during the Christmas service.

•Pudding is very important in the Christmas traditions of Great Britain. In process of making the pudding, the British have a tradition of making a wish while mixing the ingredients in a clockwise direction. Only this way will your wishes come true.

•The best known Latvian Christmas tradition is a strange custom called mumming. "Mummers" wear an assortment of masks; the most traditional masks include bears, horses, goats, gypsies, and living corpses.


• If you thought being on Santa’s naughty list was scary, you’ve never heard of Krampus Night. Krampus is Santa’s evil twin whose job is to beat and punish all the children who have misbehaved. On December 6th men dress up in scary devil like costumes and drunkenly run around town beating people with sticks. Krampus Night is widespread throughout Hungary, Bavaria, Slovenia and very popular in Austria.

By: Laura Harding

It’s that time of year again when malls start prematurely pumping Christmas music through the speakers! There’s something to be said for the artists that try to inject credibility into the Christmas season. It’s understood why bands try it: landing a number 1 Christmas single and guaranteeing an annual income is about as close to perpetuity as most musicians can get. But if you’re like me, and find any song commemorating the end-of-the-year commercialism completely soul-sucking, here are a few of the absolute worst Christmas tunes.

“8 Days Of Christmas” - Destiny’s Child“On the 7th day of Christmas, my baby gave to me a nice back rub, and he massaged my feet.” Kudos to whoever convinced Beyonce that a ghetto R&B Christmas song would be a good idea.

“Funky Funky Christmas” - New Kids On The Block I want NKOTB to personally apologize for this disaster, and disband immediately. Again.

“There’s No One Quite Like Grandma” - St. Winifred’s School Choir

No. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to say here.

“Have A Cheeky Christmas” - The Cheeky GirlsAh, Christmas. The spirit of goodwill to all men. The innocent joy in the children’s eyes. The scantily clad, semiskilled foreigners. Wait, what?

“Mistletoe” - Justin BieberNo, that’s fine, Justin. Start the video by standing in the middle of a street on a dark, snowy night. It’s perfectly safe. You’ll be fine.

There you have it, the top five cringe-worthy carols. There are, however, a few honourable mentions. N*Sync, Brittany Spears, and Jessica Simpson have all done their part in butchering the season, and bagged their well-earned lumps of coal. This year, do yourself a favour: stray from the agonizing pop covers and indulge in the classics.



‘Tis The Season:For Cringe-worthy Carols.

By: Sarah Martin



Midnight in Paris:Releasing on December 20, 2011, Midnight in Paris is a movie about a couple traveling to Paris on business and realizing that there life isn’t as perfect as they thought. Rated PG-13 this romantic comedy is recommended for all.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.Releases on December 16, 2011 Sherlock Holmes not yet rated, is an action packed mystery that gets the audience to form their own theories on how the movie will end.

The Adventures of Tin Tin: Secrets of the Unicorn.Releasing on December 21st. Rated PG, this animated film is great for the whole family its comical scenes will keep the audience happily entertained.

Coming Soon To Theatres

The Darkest Hour:Releasing on December 23, 2011, rated PG-13, this sci-fi action movie has a great twist on the generic alien invasion theories. This movie is about aliens invading the earth and consuming all sources of energy. The movie follows the story of a group trying to survive and fight off the worldwide invasion.

Nutcracker Ballet:Released on December 18, 2011, this classic tale about a young girl loving an ugly nutcracker who is under a spell, is a must see for all.

Warrior:Releasing on December 20, 2011, Warrior is the story of two brothers training for the same fight and facing each other in the ring. Their moving life stories will keep the audience captivated. Rated PG-13 this movie is a must see.

Dolphin Tale: Releasing December 20, 2011, Dolphin Tale is the story of a boy trying to help a dolphin who lost his tail in a crab trap. Rated PG, this film is sure to leave everyone in the family smiling.

DVD Releases

By: Kaitelynn Torrey















as Recipe