september 15, 1999 howard rosenbaum [email protected] internet access: regular, filtered, or...

September 15, 1999 Howard Rosenbaum [email protected] Internet Access: Internet Access: Regular, Filtered, or Regular, Filtered, or Menthol? Menthol? ttp://

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Page 1: September 15, 1999 Howard Rosenbaum Internet Access: Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?

September 15, 1999Howard Rosenbaum

[email protected]

Internet Access: Internet Access: Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?Internet Access: Internet Access:

Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?

Page 2: September 15, 1999 Howard Rosenbaum Internet Access: Regular, Filtered, or Menthol?

Filtering the net


I. Introduction

• The problem: access to networked information

II. Possible solutions

• Legislative

• Social

III. Technical: filters

• What are they?

• How do they work?

• How well do they work?

IV. Conclusions

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Filtering the net


I. The problem

Controlling access to networked information

Schools and libraries are in the business of providing access to information

Internet access raises difficult issues

Should there be any restrictions on user access?

Does the teacher or librarian have any responsibility to monitor children’s use of this resource?

Is net access be treated as a collection development task?

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Can and should the Internet be censored by filtering is a question bedeviling thousands of public librarians who have rushed to embrace this seemingly limitless and economical information source only to find that it includes a distinctly dark and dirty side.

Bastian, J.B. (1998). Filtering the Internet in American Public Libraries: Sliding Down the Slippery Slope. First Monday 2(10)

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How bad can it be?

11/98: ~60,000 “adult” sites in the US

The most frequently used keywords in web searches were sex-related

A Family PC Magazine survey (n=750, 1/98) found that 68% of parents are concerned about children's access to pornography

This does not take intoaccount all of the othertypes of sites from which kids should be protected cs201/projects/online-pornography/index.html#graph

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A scenario

At a library or school Board meeting, a coalition of parents makes a strong case that the library or school should not be in the pornography business

Free and open access to the net with children allowed to use the computers means that librarians and teachers are no better than the smut dealers

They demand that filtering software be installed on all net-accessible computers that can be used by children

The Board asks you to respond - what do you say?

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A parent asks to see your collection development policy

They notice what the library or school will and will not buy

They sit at the nearest computer terminal and access versions of the unacceptable material on the net

They call you over and ask you to explain why it is that they (or their child) are can access this information with the library or school’s computer, but can’t find it on the shelves

How do you respond?

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Filtering the net



WHEREAS,On June 26, 1997, the US Supreme Court issued a sweeping re-affirmation of core First Amendment principles and held that communications over the Internet deserve the highest level of Constitutional protection...


RESOLVED, That the American Library Association affirms that the use of filtering software by libraries to block access to constitutionally protected speech violates the Library Bill of Rights

ALA's Resolution on the Use of Filtering Software in Libraries [Adopted July, 2, 1997]

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Filtering Facts promotes the use of filtering in libraries to protect children from the harms of pornography.

All public libraries should filter the access of children. Filtering for adults should be decided on a community-by-community basis

Goals of Filtering Facts:

Educate the public and media about Internet software filters

Encourage libraries to adopt filters

Persuade the ALA to rescind its “Resolution on the use of filtering software in libraries,” and adopt a more tolerant view of filtering

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Filtering the net


I. Introduction

• The problem: access to networked information

II. Possible solutions

• Legislative

• Social

III. Technical: filters

• What are they?

• How do they work?

• How well do they work?

IV. Conclusions

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II. Possible solutions


Indiana House Bill #2069

Current Status: first reading; referred to Committee on Education

If you (the school or public library) want your share of the money and provide a “public access computer” that minors can use, you must:

Use software that limits the ability minors to access materials determined to be inappropriate for them

Purchase net connectivity from an ISP that uses filtering to limit access to materials determined to be inappropriate for minors

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At least once a year, the governing body of the school corporation or library shall hold a public meeting during which

They will determine the range of materials considered inappropriate for minors

This will allow the filters used by the school to be set to prevent a minors from gaining access to the materials

This determination should reflect community standards regarding materials that are inappropriate for minors as evidenced during the meeting

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A “public access computer” is defined as a computer that is

Located in a public school or public library

Frequently or regularly used directly by a minor; and

Connected to any computer communication system

Is this a reasonable definition?

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S. 97: Childrens’ Internet Protection Act

Requirement for schools and libraries to implement filtering or blocking technology for computers with internet access as condition of universal service discounts

The school, school board, or other authority must certify that it

Has selected a technology for its computers with net access to filter or block access to:

Material that is obscene; and

Child pornography; and

Is enforcing a policy to ensure the operation of the technology during any use of such computers by minors

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H.R. 543, 896: Children’s Internet Protection Act

To be eligible for universal service assistance schools and and libraries must certify that they have

Selected technology for computers with net access to filter or block material deemed to be harmful to minors; and

Installed, or will install, and uses or will use, as soon as it obtains computers with Internet access, a technology to filter or block such material

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3) Certification for libraries-

A library with more than 1 computer with net access used by the public (including minors) shall certify that it has installed and uses filtering or blocking to restrict material deemed to be harmful to minors on one or more of its computers with Internet access

A library with 1 computer with net access used by the public (including minors) can receive universal service assistance even if it does not use a filtering or blocking software

It must certify to that it employs a reasonably effective alternative to keep minors from accessing material on the net that is deemed to be harmful

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S. 1545: Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act

No universal service for schools or libraries that fail to filtering or adopt internet use policies

The internet use policy must address minors’

Access to inappropriate matter on the net/web;

Safety and security when using email, chat rooms, and other direct electronic communications;

Unauthorized access, (hacking) and other unlawful activities;

Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of their personal identification information; and

It also must the use of technological means to limit, monitor, or otherwise control or guide minors’ net access

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H.R. 543, 896

A bill to require the installation and use by schools and libraries of a technology for filtering or blocking material on the Internet on computers with Internet access to be eligible to receive or retain universal service assistance; to the Committee on Commerce

H.R. 368

A bill to require the installation of a system for filtering or blocking matter on the Internet on computers in schools and libraries with Internet access, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Commerce

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Do nothing

Wait and:

Get sued to install filters

Get sued to prevent filters from being installed

Develop a strong internet AUP

Require parental consent

Ask patrons to regulate their own activities

Install filtering on all net computers

Install limited filtering

Move computers and/or use privacy screens

Refuse to install filtering

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What librarians want:

Freedom of choice

Web management software should allow people to choose for themselves and with their children what they wish to view

Guided search

It should guide users to quality sites

Librarians should know the criteria used for site selection and who is doing the selection

Data quality

If a library uses filters, the software should allow librarians to review blocked sites

It should provide a mechanism to notify the company when sites are blocked inappropriately

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The software should clear the screen after each use

Users should not be able to not know what previous users have viewed (health information is a particular concern)

Ease of use

The software should be multi-functional, easy to administer and integrate well with existing products

March 12, 1999 meeting of librarians and filtering companies at ALA in Chicago

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Another social solution comes from industry

There are several self-regulation initiatives

Web site owners will require verification or will label their own sites

Internet Content Summit


These solutions are largely voluntary and involve a considerable degree of sophistication on the part of the user to work

PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection)

P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences)

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The Internet Content Rating Association was formed in April 1999 as an independent, non-profit organization

Its mission is to develop, implement and manage an internationally acceptable voluntary self-rating system which provides net users world wide with the choice to limit access to content they consider harmful, especially to children

The Recreational Software Advisory Council has formally folded into ICRA which now manages and operates the RSACi rating system

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The Recreational Software Advisory Council is a non-profit based in Washington, D.C

It empowers the public (parents) to make informed decisions about electronic media using an open, objective, content advisory system

The RSACi system provides consumers with information about the level of sex, nudity, violence, offensive language (vulgar or hate-motivated) in software games and Web sites

RSACi has been integrated into browsers and Cyber Patrol

CompuServe (US and Europe) has also committed to rate all its content with the RSACi system

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Parent selects rating method

Child using the net

Label reading software

Service A label

Service B label

Publisher’s label

How PICS works

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P3P: web sites express their privacy practices and users exercise preferences based on those practices

Users to be informed of site practices when they access the site

They can delegate decisions to their computer when possible

They can tailor their relationship to specific sites

Sites with practices that fall within the range of a user's preference can be accessed seamlessly

If the site is outside the range, users are notified of a site’s practices

They can agree to those terms or other terms and continue browsing or leave

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Click on a link

Site sends P3P dataCheck them against your P3P data

If OK, accept page

If not OK, negotiate

If OK, accept page, if not, leave

How P3P works

You set P3P preferences

The site sets its P3P preferences

Request a page

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Filtering the net


I. Introduction

• The problem: access to networked information

II. Possible solutions

• Legislative

• Social

III. Technical: filters

• What are they?

• How do they work?

• How well do they work?

IV. Conclusions

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“are mechanical tools wrapped around subjective judgment.”

Schneider, K. (1998). Internet Filter Assessment Project

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These solutions are built into the machine and are designed to work without user intervention

Clipper chip


Machine ID#


Filtering and blocking

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Why are you filtering?

What types of materials will be blocked?

Where will the software be located?

Who will make the decisions and control the software?

When will the filters be turned on?

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Filtering software works by controls access to the net

It allows access to a restricted subset of the net

They can be placed on clients, on the LAN, or on a proxy server

The net


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Simple filters block URLs

Complex filters check all on-line activities

Advanced filters can block access to web sites, chat rooms, e-mail, file downloading, general browsing, newsgroups

This can be based on addresses, protocols, file types, and text

They can log time spent browsing and keep records of online activity and some offline computing

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Submit URL

Filter reviews request

Is this site allowed?

Yes No

See page See denial page

For this user? At this time? This type of site? This type of file?

The filtering process

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Companies compete on the size and quality of their databases which are compiled in a variety of ways

Inhouse, outsourced, or solicitation from clients

They compete on the ability of their products to withstand assault and hacking

Most contain an encrypted database of “objectionable” locations

Only company producing the software knows exactly what is blocked and what isn’t

They decide what content is “bad” and what is “acceptable”

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Types of databases

Blacklists: these files list all sites that are blocked

A site is brought to the attention of the company, examined and compared to a list of criteria

Offending sites are placed into one or more categories, (profanity, full nudity, drug use, violence…)

These categories differ among filtering products

Most commercial filter vendors do not publish their blacklists

Most users never see the full list of pages that are blocked

Some products now allow limited editing of the list

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Keyword blocking: software developers (or others) come up with a list of objectionable terms

A page can’t load if it contains any word in the stop list (or it will load with the ________ blocked)

Current commercial products do not handle exceptions where otherwise acceptable pages are blocked because of a word that appears on the stop list

Breast cancer, sexually transmitted diseases

The problem is that keywords have no context

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Whitelists: these are similar to blacklists except they comprise a list of pages that can be seen

The developers gather a list of “appropriate” sites

All others are blocked

A whitelist provides a very limited view of the net

However, it is almost 100% effective in blocking all pornography and other offensive material

Whitelists are typically not published

Some products allow the customer to add or delete certain sites

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Cyberpatrol ($30.00 + $30.00/yr for updates)

It provides parents, teachers, day care professionals - anyone who is responsible for children's access to the net - with the tools they will need to get a handle on an area which can be very dangerous for kids.

CyberNOT block list - researched sites containing material parents may find questionable

This list is twice as comprehensive as competitive lists, blocking OVER 15,000 Internet resources!

CyberYES allowed sites list - 40,000+ researched sites containing only appropriate material for children

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Net Nanny ($26-200.00 - 20 users)

Does Net Nanny allow parents full discretion over what is blocked?

Net Nanny's screening lists are completely user-defined and allow parents to screen and block any words, phrases, sites and content according to their particular values - not a developer's arbitrary selection or the Government's!

Does Net Nanny provide any site lists?

We provide Net Nanny users with site lists, researched by our staff and other 3rd party children’s advocacy groups but they are fully editable

They are always free and downloadable from our web site

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Surfwatch claims to be the leading brand of client and server content filtering products ($40-50.00)

It provides your institution with a powerful and easy to implement solution to protect students from exposure to objectionable or harmful content on the net

Using powerful filtering technology, it blocks access to more than 100,000 explicit sex, violence, drug, and gambling sites, including chat and FTP sites

SurfWatch's NEW Educational Edition features “Secure Learning categories”, starting students off with access to only respected educational sites such asYahooligans!, Children's Television Workshop, and others

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Library Safe Internet System

It is built for the library and the classroom environment

LibrarySafe allows the librarian and teacher “Total Empowerment” in deciding which web sites should be blocked on which computer terminals, and at what time

Is LibrarySafe 100% tamper-proof?

Yes. Since the software is located at the network-level, only authorized personal have access to the filter

Patrons cannot tamper with it

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How can a library system implement its unique filtering policy using LibrarySafe?

LibrarySafe allows the library its own "Private Internet Filter" to give you the EMPOWERMENT to decide what sites will be filtered, where they will be filtered, and when they will be filtered.

Your staff can design their own list of sites to be blocked or allowed

LibrarySafe has a special web page (which only an authorized person has access) where you are able to add and delete those URLs you have decided are appropriate or inappropriate

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Cyber Sitter

Cyber Patrol

Cyber Snoop




The Library Channel

Net Nanny

Net Shepherd

Smart Filter




Filtering and blocking software

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How well do they work?

Smartfilter was used in Utah public libraries and schools by the state educational network (UEN)

It uses 27 categories, any or all of which can be activated

UEN uses five: sex, gambling, criminal skills, hate speech, drugs

It has no access to Smartfilter's blacklist, does not make additions to it and makes very few removals

The Secure Computing Corp, San Jose makes the decisions as to what Utah students, adults and library patrons can view over the net

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Time Period Total Accesses Total Banned

20 days 53,103,387 205,737

20 days (no banners 15,434,442 (.62%) 95,059 (.56%) or images)

Sex Drugs Hate Criminal skills Gambling

193,272 1,588 791 4,934 5,772

86,957 1,298 526 3,753 3,649

A small percentage of sites are blocked:

But some interesting sites were among those banned!

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All about oil exploration

Computer game reviews

Shakespeare’s Tragedies

Mr. Science (things that go “boom”)

HateWatch (anti-hate speech site)

Bloomington Brewing Company

The Starr report

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Some resources used in this talk:

The Internet Filter Assessment Project

IFAP: Internet Access Management Options

Filtering Facts


FCC: Parents, Kids & Communications

This presentation will be on the web at: