seo & social media explained


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General presentation on SEO - search engine optimization, social media and how to incorporate those into your business model.


Page 1: SEO & Social Media Explained
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Who is TM?

Trademark Productions, Inc. is a full service website and software development company.

SEOMG, the Search Engine Marketing Group within TM specializes in Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Online Advertising.

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Who have we worked with?

Website Development E-Commerce Online Marketing Business Plans

Consulting Copywriting Database Driven Software

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Search Engine Marketing Benefits

1. Search engines represent a very unique medium, which allows you to precisely target an interested audience.

2. In other media, the audience is looking at something, and your advertisement is a distraction.

3. Searchers are looking for something, and are far more likely to respond to an appropriately targeted offer.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Search Engine Marketing Options

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing the content of your website to appear on the free side of search engine results.

2. Pay Per Click (PPC): Cost-Per-Action advertising targeting the “sponsored listings” on search engine results.

3. Blended Strategy / Search Engine Marketing: Utilizing both SEO and PPC to maximize your exposure to search engine users.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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What is Pay-Per-Click?

Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising technique used on websites, advertising networks, and search engines.

Advertisers bid on "keywords" that they believe their target market (people they think would be interested in their offer) would type in the search bar when they are looking for their type of product or service.

For example, if an advertiser sells red widgets, he/she would bid on the keyword "red widgets", hoping a user would type those words in the search bar, see their ad, click on it and buy. These ads are called "sponsored links" or "sponsored ads" and appear next to and sometimes above the natural or organic results on the page. The advertiser pays only when the user clicks on the ad.

While many companies exist in this space, Google Ad Words and Yahoo! Search Marketing, which was formerly Overture, are the largest network operators as of 2006. In the spring of 2006, MSN started beta testing their own PPC service, MSN adCenter.

Depending on the search engine, minimum prices per click start at US$0.01 (up to US$0.50). Very popular search terms can cost much more on popular engines.

Abuse of the pay per click model can result in click fraud.

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What is Pay-Per-Click?

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Banner / Interactive Advertising

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What is Pay-Per-Click?

Campaigns can be placed in a number of online sites and broken down to be extremely targeted:

- Keyword Targeted- Site Targeted- Demographic Targeted

- Gender, Age, Income, etc.- Traffic Targeted- Geographic Targeted

- Countries & Territories- Regions & Cities

- Language Targeted- Topic Targeted

- Tennis, Formula One Auto Racing, etc.- Category Targeted

- Animals, Auto, Entertainment, Food & Drink, etc.

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Pay Per Click Advertising - Pros1. Predictability - maintain control of costs, operate under a fixed or variable budget,

adjust investment seasonally.

2. Immediate and predictable results - start advertising today, get traffic today. For the most part, the PPC advertiser can control where their site appears in search results.

3. Geo-targeting: the ability to restrict advertising to local markets, or deliver different ads to different geographic regions.

4. Tracking ROI is relatively easy. Feedback from PPC campaign results drives ROI higher over time, and can even help with SEO strategy.

5. With a well designed site already in place, minimal “on site” changes are required - just add landing pages.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Pay Per Click Advertising - Cons1. ROI is heavily dependent on the Website’s ability to convert traffic into sales.

2. Requires an ongoing commitment to measuring, managing, and refining the campaign.

3. Traffic can be brought in immediately, but optimizing and refining a campaign can take months.

4. Depending on the scope of the campaign, developing creatives (ad copy and headlines) can be expensive.

5. PPC may be far more expensive than SEO, although effective PPC campaigns can actually cost less.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 12: SEO & Social Media Explained

SEO / Natural Listings

Search engine optimization (SEO) as a subset of search engine marketing seeks to improve the number and quality of visitors to a web site from "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. The quality of visitor traffic can be measured by how often a visitor using a specific keyword leads to a desired conversion action, such as making a purchase or requesting further information. In effect, SEO is marketing by appealing first to machine algorithms to increase search engine relevance and secondly to human visitors. The term SEO can also refer to "search engine optimizers", an industry

of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients.

A range of strategies and techniques are employed in SEO, including changes to a site's code (referred to as "on page factors") and getting links from other sites (referred to as "off page factors").

These techniques include two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design, and those techniques that search engines do not approve of and attempt to minimize the effect of, referred to as spamdexing. Some industry commentators classify these methods, and the practitioners who utilize them, as either "white hat SEO", or "black hat SEO".

In all, the success of SEO is dependant on how the large search engines see your site useful to their end users who search on specific keywords to find what they are looking for.

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SEO / Natural Listings

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SEO / Natural Listings

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Search Engine Optimization - Pros

1. Leverage your site’s natural advantages – content, popularity, linking relationships

2. Can deliver substantial benefits at a very low cost, especially for a “content rich” site

3. Requires minimal ongoing activity for most sites

4. Initial investment in SEO can pay off for years to come

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Search Engine Optimization - Cons1. SEO influences, but does not control, the search engine results - there are no


2. Delayed results - after the initial SEO effort, expect to wait at least 2-3 months for significant traffic.

3. Risk of becoming overly dependent on “free” traffic, because results are variable over time.

4. Some modifications to site are required; extent of changes dependent on many factors. A professional SEO consultant can help find the best path to results and ROI.

5. Poorly executed SEO campaigns can lead to search engine penalties and long term harm to the organization’s online presence.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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What Users See

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What Search Engines See

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Business Assessment

Develop & StartKeyword Strategy

Determine TacticsSEO, PPC, Links

Search Engine Optimizaion Pay-Per-Click / Link Building

Map ContentTo Keywords

Optimize IndividualWeb Pages

Optimize Site Structure& Internal Link Structure

Build ExternalLinking Profile

Measure Results

Map KeywordsTo Landing Pages

Create Content SpecificLanding Pages

Develop Ad Copy& Headline Titles

Establish Keyword Bids& Launch Campaign


Set specific goals – “What are your goals?”

Research – Where is / What is the Competition doing?

Current Conditions – Is your site SEO friendly?

Strategy & Tactics – Create a Game Plan, Implement it

Analytics – Track Results, Modify Campaign

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• Set Goals – “What are they?”

• Research – Where is / What is the Competition doing?

• Current Conditions – Is your site SEO friendly?

• Strategy & Tactics – Create a Game Plan, Implement it

• Analytics – Track Results, Modify Campaign

It’s not Black Magic

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Where do I start?

1. Determine if you have the time, patience and can afford doing SEO to your site.

2. Understand your value of time. Sometimes people leave out their actual cost of their time!

3. Be prepared to crawl before you can run. SEO takes time to learn and implement. Results are not overnight!

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 22: SEO & Social Media Explained

Quick SEO Overview for Your Website

1. Use Firefox. It is a clean browser and displays websites the way they are meant to be seen. There are versions for Windows and Mac.

2. Once installed go to http:// and download the Firefox plugin. Install and restart Firefox.

3. If you are a web developer or do play with Dreamweaver at times it would be helpful to install the Web Developer Toolbar.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Let’s get you set-up to review your website. The key is having the best tools at your fingertips!

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Step 1: Where do I rank?

1. Analytics. If you have them great! If not sign-up for Google Analytics – it’s free and powerful.

2. Keywords – list 5 keyword phrases that you feel you should be ranked for. They can be a product or a term. (I like to rank for “Web Design”)

3. Do a search for each keyword in Google. Note the amount of competition for each.

4. List where you are, and where your competitors are.


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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Step 2: My results

1. How did things pan out?

2. Are listed where you need to be? Why do you think?

3. What is the title and description say for your listing? What about your competitors? Any bolded words?

4. Is the competition ahead of you? Why do you think?

5. What does you site look like? Does it compare with the competition?

6. Are these even the right keywords?

*if you have analytics you can see how your being found already!

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Step 3: Shock and Awe

1. Confused yet?

2. Go to Google and type in the search bar

3. How do those results look? How many? Are they similar or different?

4. Now try a competitors domain name. How do you two match up?

5. Go to Yahoo! search bar and type

6. How do those results look? How many? Are they similar or different?

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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Step 4: Understand the Data

1. What the search results say, Site: and LinkDomain:

2. Title Tags & the importance of keyword selection

3. Specific for each page; don’t exceed 60 characters including spaces; readable for humans

4. Meta Description Tags – are they unique, keywords present and written for humans? 150 characters max including spaces!

5. Where are your links coming from?

6. Are they relevant external sites? Are they interior?

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Step 5: What to do?

1. Come up with keywords that best suit your needs; Google Keyword Tool

2. Pick your battles – how much competition?

3. Plural vs. Singular; Synonyms; alternative wording, lingo and geo-specific terms (pop vs. soda)

4. Make your list; Broad terms, Tough and easily achievable

Broad: Car

Tough: Chevy Volt

Easy: Warren Michigan Chevy Volt Dealer

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Step 6: Title Tags

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1. Make sure that your title tag includes your keyword (a greater weighting is given to key phrases at the left of the title tag)

2. A compelling call-to-action might help you get a better click-through rate in Google search engine results pages.

3. Make title tag unique on each page (Google Webmaster Tools can help you detect problems with the title tags)

4. Avoid keyword stuffing in your page title.

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Step 7: Headings (H1, H2, H3)

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1. Using your keyword in H1 or H2 has some positive effects on SEO

2. <h1> is the most important heading - use it only once or twice per document and include your keyword there

3. Include different keywords in subheadings within the document

4. Avoid keyword stuffing in any of heading tags

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Step 8: Body Text

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1. Make sure that the keyword you are targeting really is in your body text

2. Put main keywords closer to the top of the document

3. Avoid keyword stuffing in body text and don't hide text through colour by blending text color with background color

4. Avoid too high keyword density (>10%) as it may lead to penalty (use synonyms, related words and LSI ( ) words - will help you find them)

5. Pay attention to keyword density

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Step 9: URL / Domain

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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Domain name: If possible, put your main keyword in the domain nameFor SEO it seems that there is no difference between delimiting words in domain name or writing them together. From marketing standpoint it's better not to delimit words in domain name with dashes because of word of mouth marketing.

URL: Make "user-friendly" urls; put your keywords there and leave out stop words ( like "I", "a", "an" etc. Also try to avoid special characters like "&", "?", "=", "$", "%", "^" in the URL.Avoid keyword stuffing in URLs and try to keep them within a reasonable length.

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Step 10: SiteMap / Robots.txt

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Sitemap is a file or multiple files that list URLs for a website.

It is important to submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster ToolsIt is important to include a link to sitemap file in your robots.txt file. If you want to put sitemap on different domain you must put a link to it in your robots.txt file. All information about sitemaps - You can also submit your sitemap to Yahoo! Site Explorer and MSN Live Webmaster Center. If you don't have a sitemap, try sitemap generators

Robots.txt is a file on your site that tells web spiders (like Googlebot) how to behave on your site.

Robots.txt should contain a link to your sitemap (for example: Sitemap: . All information about robots.txt -

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Step 11: Meta Description

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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Make sure that the keyword you are targeting really is in your meta description

1. Create unique meta description for every pagePut your keyword closer to the start of the meta description

2. A compelling call-to-action in meta description might help you get a better click-through rate in Google search engine results pages.

3. Avoid keyword stuffing in meta description

4. Keep the lenght of meta description under 160 characters (15 - 20 words) to make sure that your message isn't truncated in Google SERPs.

5. Make meta description different from page title (<title>).

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Step 12: Links

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1. For internal linking - put nofollow attribute on links to unimportant pages (from SEO standpoint - like "Privacy Policy", "Contact us" and other pages)

2. Put keywords in anchor texts

3. If link anchor is an image then put anchor text in image's "alt" attribute

4. Avoid keyword stuffing in anchor texts

5. Avoid using un-related phrases like "click here" or "more..." in anchor texts

6. Linking to similar external sites will help search engines to determine your site's theme

7. Check your anchor texts and nofollow attributes

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Step 13: Load Time

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1. 100% Valid code is great but most of the time search engine spiders can process invalid code as well.

2. Using less <table> tags may result in faster page load

3. Having smaller HTML will result in faster page load

4. Avoid broken images on your site as it slows down page load (click on the "Load time" link to get list of broken images on site)

5. Put CSS in external files. If you can combine all CSS information into one file it will make your page load faster

6. Put JavaScript code in external files. If you can combine all JavaScript code information into one file it will make your page load faster

7. If you are using common JS libraries (like jquery, prototype, moo tools and others) use Google Ajax Libraries API

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Step 14: Images

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1. Use "alt" texts to describe the image - for accessibility and SEO reasons

2. Don't overuse "alt" texts, for example, don't add them to spacer images or layout of images

3. Put keywords in "alt" texts if they make sense in the context

4. You can also use keywords in filenames (write keywords together or seperate them with dashes)

5. Avoid keyword stuffing in "alt" texts or filenames

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Step 15: Other things to consider

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First Impression – make it SEO friendly but don’t forget the customer!a. Accessibility / Spider ability (no CSS, JavaScript, Cookies)b. Robots.txtc. Crawl Test – Is your site accessible?d. Browse as GoogleBot – (cloaking, can you see the same as a user, Google healthcheck)e. Sitesearch / Brandsearchf. Google cache (is content there, content the same)g. Duplicate content (are you providing confusing info to search engines)h. No www vs. wwwi. Check all domains (sitedomain ip check, multiple sites have the same content on ip) j. URL’s – (structure, length, keyword rich)k. Title Tags (unique ea page, descriptive)l. Content Review (enough content, header tags with key phrasesm. Meta tags (stuffing, proper length)n. Redirects (http headers {}, non www vs. www)o. Internal Linking – (# of links, anchortext, no vs. do follow, TOS, Privacy)p. Geolocation – (Where is IP, domain, local address, Google Local)q. External Linking – (what looks bad, anchor text, deep linking, look natural, paid links)r. Symantec HTML – (bulky size, crawl rate, alt tags, images, poorly formatted code)

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Why Hire A Professional?1. Thorough assessment of business needs and current state.

2. SEO professionals can help determine the most cost-effective methods of making needed site modifications.

3. Professional PPC campaign management can greatly increase ROI, and reduce startup costs.

4. Focus: Is search engine marketing really your core business?

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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 43: SEO & Social Media Explained

Search Engine Marketing Process

• Stage 1: Business Assessment

• Stage 2: Keyword Strategy

• Stage 3: Pay-Per-Click

• Stage 4: Website Optimization

• Stage 5: Link Building

• Stage 6: Tracking and Refinement

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Business Assessment

1. Key Business Issues

2. Establish Business Goals

3. Identify Key Players

4. Examine Current Metrics

5. Conduct Site Review

6. Keyword Brainstorming

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Keyword Strategy

1. Search Term Discovery

2. Keyword Metrics

3. Assess Relevance

4. Search Term Selection

5. Establish Priorities

6. Determine Methods

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Pay Per Click

1. Initial Keyword Strategy

2. Develop Ad Copy and Headlines

3. Testing Phase

4. Add Negative Matching

5. Add Exact Matching

6. Track and Refine

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Website Optimization

1. Map Keywords to Content

2. Site Structure and Organization

3. Modify Page Templates

4. SEO Copywriting and Rewrites

5. Optimize Internal Links

6. Set Up Tracking System

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Link Building

1. Keyword Strategy Review

2. Directory Submissions

3. Press Releases

4. Link Partnerships

5. Link-Based Advertising

6. Affiliate Program

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Tracking & Refinement

1. For SEO, Begin at 2 months

2. For PPC, From Day 1

3. Identify Key Search Terms

4. Identify Performance Gaps

5. Cost-Benefit Analysis

6. Refine Strategy

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Social Media

1. What are best practices?

2. Which sites to use?

3. Get a game plan! Goals!

4. Set a budget & include time!

5. Track and refine!

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The Gold Rush of the 21st Century

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What I am not going to talk about in detail:

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Quick Survey• Facebook?

• Flickr?

• Linked In?

• StumbleUpon?

• Digg?

• Reddit?

• Have you ever searched for something on Wikipedia?

• Yahoo?

• Google?

• Do you read blogs?

• Do you use a RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?

• Have you submitted content to a social network?

• Do you or a client of yours do social media marketing?

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Page 54: SEO & Social Media Explained

What is Social Media?“Social media describes the online technologies and practices that people

use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives,

and media themselves.”

Social media is…Editable





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Why should you care?With the proliferation of niche sites and communities on

the Internet, it’s becoming increasingly important to target long-tail search terms and cast

a wide net.

…and guess what?

Google Cares too!

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How are Search Engines Changing?

• Social Network Endorsements

Methods and systems for endorsing search results

• Use of Trends and Bursty Topics System and method for monitoring evolution over time of temporal content

• User Distributed Search Results User Distributed Search Results

• Dual Trustrank Yahoo’s augmented relevance ranking by community participation

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How? Search Google for Obama!

Results return:• 1. Books• 2. Official website with “site links”• 3. Wikipedia• 4.• 5. News results• 6. Senate podcasts• 7. MySpace• 8. Snopes (urban legend site with huge community following)• 9. YouTube videos

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Search Google for “Dramatic Chipmunk”

Results return…..

1. Embedded You Tube video

2. Wikipedia article

3-10. More video and social network results

From that came….

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Social Media Big Players

• 14,000,000+ Professionals

• 500,000+ Senior Executives

• Executives from 498 Fortune 500 companies

• 65,000 new Professionals every week

• Average Household Income: $130,000+

• Average experience level: 15 yrs

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Social Media Big Players

Guy Kawasaki’s 11 Ways to Use LinkedIn:

1. Increase your visibility.

2. Improve your connectability.

3. Improve your Google PageRank.

4. Enhance your search engine results.

5. Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference checks.

6. Increase the relevancy of your job search.

7. Make your interview go smoother.

8. Gauge the health of a company.

9. Gauge the health of an industry.

10. Track startups.

11. Ask for advice. (LinkedIn Answers)

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More than a third of American adult internet

users (36%) consult the citizen-generated

online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

• Credibility has been called into question.

• Regardless, Wikipedia receives top placement on Google and almost 10% of daily Internet users visit the site.

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How you can use Wikipedia

Create unbiased articles about your company,

executives and important news stories

> Web site traffic increase

• Cross-reference your articles with related articles

> New user discovery

• Reputation management

> Subscribe to updates to monitor changes

> Manage photos, links, content, etc.

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PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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More than 8.4 million users

FireFox Browser Plug-in

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Page 68: SEO & Social Media Explained

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Page 69: SEO & Social Media Explained

How you can use StumbleUpon

• Submit articles, photos and videos• Get the Firefox Plug-in• Force friends to stumble your articles• Join groups• Add friends• Review friends• Grab successful stories and add to digg, reddit and other social


Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Marketing Opportunities

• Build a company profile

• Network with users

• Post links to articles (on the social network you want them to action with)

• Become an authority in your space / industry

• Can be branded – carry a message

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

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Rule #1 – Ready, Aim, Fire!

Social networks reward early adopters. The rabbit wins every time.

The first to the top of the mountain wins. This is why our agency focused on the internet, building web sites and executing online marketing programs back in the late 90’s. We realized back then

that the “new media” (totally played-out phrase) is online marketing and SEO would always be a service that has a long term shelf life.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #2 – Join in all, participate in a few

Get your name before someone else does.

While it may be good to have an account in all the networks, it sometimes can sometimes have adverse effects. If prospective

customers are searching for you, your company or for your services and one of the network profiles happen to appear in a

search result what are the chances that the profile is stagnant or shows that you have not updated for months? Would that be the type of person that I would want to work on my business with?

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #3 – Personal Brand Optimization

Optimize your personal brand, but focus!

Continuity is good and a lot of social network profiles are crawled and indexed by Google. PBO everywhere is good but do you have the

time? Will every network be beneficial? Attach metrics and see what you are actually getting from each source.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #4 – Don’t pitch! Have a conversation

I once heard that for every 10 tweets only 1-2 should be about you, your company or sales. I believe that this is a good rule to follow.

Have a conversation. Have a goal going in. Modify and sway your conversation to be helpful and rewarding to the reader / friend.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #5 – Feed the Animals

You have no interest in last Tuesdays’ USA Today.

Your networks need content to survive. This needs to be updated regularly and relevant to what is going on. Google loves fresh

content and so do your readers!

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #6 – ROI or Die

Share the megaphone and learn when to increase ordecrease your own amplification.

Know how much participation you need to make in a social network in order for you to justify adding in in some self promotion. Find relevance in the conversations for your services, products or

business ideas. Don’t just blurt it out. Also consider the keywords that you want to be relevant for in search back to you, your

company and your website.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #7 – Know your ratio

You stop playing the slots when the credits are gone.

Plan, execute, analyze and repeat. If it is not working you need to change something or it is not going to benefit you.

Measure twice – cut once.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #8 – Build before you need

Plant, nurture and grow your networks before you expect to harvest.

Determine if becoming a part of 15 Social Media networks is going to contribute to the overall goal (because you sat and defined all your

goals, budget and a time line before you ever  started- right?).

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Rule #9 – Tools are not tactics

Owning a treadmill does not make you thinner.

Using the treadmill will.

Plan, budget, execute, analyze and repeat.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Twitter Advanced Search

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 83: SEO & Social Media Explained

Twitter Advanced SearchChoose a word(s) and select a geo-range from your location – follow

conversations or chime in with your expertise and help!

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 84: SEO & Social Media Explained

Twitter Tips

• Build out your profile – add a picture, custom background and clear contact information

• Listen for your name, company name, services.• Talk to people about their interests• Point out interesting in your space – not just about you• Share links to neat things in your community• Promote employees outside of work stories (Home Depot does this great)• Talk about non-business• Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?”, answer the

question, “What has your attention?• Have more than one twitterer at the company. People can quit. People

take vacations. It’s nice to have a variety.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 85: SEO & Social Media Explained

More…Twitter Tips• Ask questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions. • When you DO talk about your stuff, make it useful. Give advice, blog

posts, pictures, etc. • Share the human side of your company. If you’re bothering to tweet, it

means you believe social media has value for human connections. Point us to pictures and other human things.

• You don’t have to read every tweet. • 3rd party clients like Tweetdeck and Twhirl make it a lot easier to manage

Twitter. • Learn quickly to use the URL shortening tools like TinyURL and all the

variants. It helps tidy up your tweets. • Commenting on others’ tweets, and retweeting what others have posted is

a great way to build community.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 86: SEO & Social Media Explained

Twitter Negatives• Twitter takes up valuable time.• Twitter takes you away from other productive work. • Without a strategy, it’s just typing. • Twitter is just for technonerds. • Twitter doesn’t replace direct email marketing. • Twitter opens the company up to more criticism and griping. • There are other ways to do this.

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 87: SEO & Social Media Explained

Twitter Positives• Twitter helps one organize great, instant meetups (tweetups).• Twitter works swell as an opinion poll. Twitter can help direct people’s

attention to good things. • Twitter at events helps people build an instant “backchannel.” • Twitter breaks news faster than other sources, often (especially if the news

impacts online denizens). • Twitter gives businesses a glimpse at what status messaging can do for an

organization. Remember presence in the 1990s? • Twitter brings great minds together, and gives you daily opportunities to

learn (if you look for it, and/or if you follow the right folks). • Twitter gives your critics a forum, but that means you can study them.

Twitter helps with business development, if your prospects are online (mine are).

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 88: SEO & Social Media Explained


Marketing Opportunities

• Write “linkbait”• Have a popular or top user submit your story (or become one!)• Network with other Digg users by soliciting diggs from IM,• StumbleUpon, Facebook, etc.• Watch as subscriptions and traffic increase• Track blog posts that mention your article and link to you

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 89: SEO & Social Media Explained


Marketing Opportunities

• Write “linkbait”• Have a popular or top user submit your story (or become one!)• Network with other Digg users by soliciting diggs from IM,• StumbleUpon, Facebook, etc.• Watch as subscriptions and traffic increase• Track blog posts that mention your article and link to you

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Digg Alerter


Digg Entourage -


Duggback -


Wheel of Upcoming -

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 92: SEO & Social Media Explained

Other SEM Opportunities

• Yahoo! Answers -• Facebook -• Custom applications• Groups• Questions• Blog Friends• Network with similar interests and employees• MySpace• Reddit• Delicious

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 93: SEO & Social Media Explained

Other SEM Opportunities

• Yahoo! Answers -• Facebook -• Custom applications• Groups• Questions• Blog Friends• Network with similar interests and employees• MySpace• Reddit• Delicious

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 94: SEO & Social Media Explained

More SEM Opportunities

• Listings for your company OR as an individual– Google Local Business Center / Maps / Public Profile Page / Knowl– Yahoo! business listing ($299/yr organic listing), Maps– Bing Business listing– Wikipedia business profile– profile page– Local Chamber of Commerce– Local municipality sites– Local organizations and online directories

• Some require a site badge or backlink

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

Page 95: SEO & Social Media Explained

More SEM Opportunities

• Listings for your company OR as an individual– Google Local Business Center / Maps / Public Profile Page / Knowl– Yahoo! business listing ($299/yr organic listing), Maps– Bing Business listing– Wikipedia business profile– profile page– Local Chamber of Commerce– Local municipality sites– Local organizations and online directories

• Some require a site badge or backlink

Online Business Development & Marketing316 1/2 South Main St. Suite 204 . Royal Oak, MI 48307

PH 248.586.9210 | FX 248.582.9212 |

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Success Pyramid