senior information handbook 2014


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Page 1: Senior Information Handbook 2014


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This handbook will be revised from time to time; you are welcome to ask the School office for the latest version.


Head’s Letter of Welcome 4

This is my Team 5

Looking After Your daughter 6

Keeping In Touch 8

Attendance 11

Health and Well-Being 13

Catering 16

Uniform 18

Travel To and From School 22

Term Dates 25

Policies 26

School Fees 2017 - 2018 26

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Dear Parents Welcome to Nottingham Girls’ High School - I’m delighted that your daughter will be joining us and I am confident that you have made the best decision in choosing us to shape her future; our provision is second to none. Everything you would want for your daughter to flourish, succeed and be happy, we want for her too, and I feel that the school’s excellent teaching and learning provision and outstanding pastoral support will ensure that she achieves her goals, and yours. From her first day of Senior School right through to the Sixth Form and beyond, your daughter will receive outstanding support - from her teachers; from all of our superb support staff; from current AND former pupils, and of course from the GDST itself. There will always be advice on hand and a friendly face to turn to - we recognise the importance of this. Your own involvement too, will make a huge difference in encouraging her to play a full part in school life, and I hope to include parents in as many and varied ways as possible. Together, we can make your daughter’s journey through school the very best that it can be - confident, successful, healthy and happy.

Yours sincerely

Miss Julie KellerHead

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THIS IS MY TEAM Miss Julie Keller, Head [email protected]

Mrs Katrina Handford-Smith, Deputy [email protected]

Mrs Rebecca Halse, Assistant Head (Curriculum and Assessment)[email protected]

Mrs Lindsay Wharton-Howett, Assistant Head (Co-curricular)[email protected]

Mr Jeremy Dunn, Director of Finance and [email protected]

Mrs Laura Fowler, Head of the Junior [email protected]

Mrs Erin Skelton, Head of Sixth [email protected]

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LOOKING AFTER YOUR DAUGHTERYour daughter’s well-being is extremely important to us and we place great emphasis on making sure that she settles in quickly and feels secure within our school community. Every member of staff is responsible for helping to develop not only the highest academic standards, but also the confidence and self-esteem which comes from feeling valued as an individual and as a member of a larger community.

If you have any queries or concerns your first point of contact should be a member of the Pastoral Team, who work closely together.


Miss Julie Keller, HeadAs Head of the School Miss Keller has responsibility for the care of all girls, placing particular importance on the well-being of every individual. With the support of her experienced pastoral team she ensures that each girl is happy and valued during her time at NGHS. [email protected]

Mrs Katrina Handford-Smith, Deputy HeadAs Deputy Head, Mrs Handford-Smith is responsible for:• ensuring all girls are happy and supported• managing the pastoral system and ensuring excellent communication between

school and home• intervention and support programmes to ensure all girls reach their full potential• delivering an excellent PSHE programme• the educational visits [email protected]

Mrs Brenda Williams, School NurseBrenda Williams, RGN/RSCN MSc Child Health, is a highly qualified paediatric nurse with over 25 years’ experience of working with children with complex medical needs. She spent 16 years working at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital at a senior managerial level, four years at Nottingham University Hospitals QMC where she was the manager of Children’s Outpatients, and has been the school nurse at NGHS since September 2009. Brenda can be contacted Monday to Friday during school hours on 0115 941 [email protected]

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Ms Cate Harvey, Head of Educational SupportMs Harvey is a specialist teacher and qualified assessor with expertise in supporting young people with Dyslexia, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Her role is to provide assistance to pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and offer guidance to all pupils with learning and organisational skills, revision and exam techniques. Our school welcomes children at all stages of their education with mild learning difficulties and disabilities. We actively encourage pupils and their parents to be a part of this process through drop-in sessions, mentoring and more formal meetings. We understand that pupils’ needs vary enormously, sometimes requiring intense 1:1 sessions or more generally needing a bit of moral support. Our aim is to be flexible and approachable enough to ensure, whatever pathway pupils take, they achieve their potential and enjoy every success in the future. [email protected]

Pastoral HeadsThe School is divided into Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9), Upper School (Years 10 and 11) and the Sixth Form. The Pastoral Heads of each section liaise closely with Form Tutors and are responsible for the smooth transition from your daughter’s present school and the pastoral welfare of all the pupils in the year group. They also oversee progress and achievement across the curriculum.

Mrs Anna Shipman, Head of Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9)Mrs Shipman has been a valued member of staff since 2006 and brings a wealth of support and understanding to the girls at a time when emotional and friendship issues can [email protected]

Form TutorYour daughter will be allocated to a tutor group. She will remain in this group of girls until the end of Year 11. She will have a specialist Year 7 Form Tutor for her first year in the Senior School. Her Form Tutor will change in Year 8 and, in so far as it is possible, she will retain this Form Tutor for Years 8-11. The role of the Form Tutor is crucial to a pupil’s experience of school life and he or she is responsible for ensuring that your daughter gets the support, help and advice she needs and for monitoring her progress throughout the year.

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CONTACTING THE SCHOOL The school reception is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am - 5.00pm during term time and from 9.00am - 4.00pm during school holidays.

By telephone: Telephone calls should be directed through reception on 0115 941 7663. Outside office hours, messages can be left on the answering service.

By email: General enquiries should be addressed to [email protected].

We have an ‘open door’ policy and always encourage parents to get in touch if they have any concerns. Your daughter’s form tutor or pastoral head should be the first point of contact. The Head and Deputy Head are also happy to see parents. Please telephone Mrs Webb-Bowen, PA to the Head on 0115 941 7663.

Please note that for security purposes, all parents visiting any part of the school must sign in at reception.

SCHOOLCOMMSWe use an ICT package called Schoolcomms to communicate with you quickly and securely by email, and to send short text messages to your mobile phone. This efficient communication method helps us reduce our environmental impact and enables you to receive information more reliably and promptly. Your contact details are not shared with anyone. We will use the email address and mobile numbers held in our database. *Please remember to notify us (0115 941 7663 or [email protected]) of any changes.

It is essential that we hold the most up to date information, especially when your daughter is out of school on trips and residential visits or is taken ill in school.

FIREFLYFirefly is a communications system which will give you access to a wide range of information about your daughter’s school life through a secure individual login which you will receive from the school. You will be able to view her attendance record, homework and awards, as well as the latest school news, the school calendar and much more - all in one place. School reports and letters will also be communicated via Firefly.

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MOBILE PHONESWe appreciate that many girls, particularly those who travel on school buses or public transport, will have mobile phones in school. These should be switched off and kept securely in your daughter’s locker during the school day.

PARENTS’ EVENINGSParents’ evenings offer you the opportunity to discuss your daughter’s progress with her Form Tutor and subject teachers. They take place in the sports hall between 4.30pm and 7.00pm. Your daughter will be encouraged to make 5 minute appointments with all her teachers and is expected to attend with you.

NEW PARENTS’ TUTOR EVENINGWe add an extra Tutor evening early in the year for Years 7 and 10 to enable you to meet your daughter’s Form Tutor and discuss how she is settling in.

Our ‘New Parents’ Tutor Evening’ will be held on Thursday 12 October 2017. Further details will be sent nearer the time.

REPORTS You will receive one full report each year. In addition, Attitude to Learning Grades (ALG) (Years 7 to 13) and Attainment Grades (AG) (Years 7 to 9) or Progress Grades (PG) (Years 10 to 13) are issued during the course of the year as follows:Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 - Progress sheets will be issued at the end of every term. Years 11 and 13 - Progress sheets will be issued at the end of every half term.

HOMEWORKWe have very clear guidelines and beliefs about the value of homework. We believe very strongly that a balance needs to be struck between each girl’s school life and home life. The girls should be able to continue their extra-curricular activities and have time for family life rather than spending huge amounts of time on homework.

Further guidelines on homework are issued at the beginning of the year when timetables are provided. See the homework policy on the website.

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PARENTPAYTuition fees are paid to the Girls’ Day School Trust by direct debit. However, any additional charges not included in the fees, such as school meals and optional trips, are collected by the School via an online payment system called ParentPay.

ParentPay is a way of making secure payments online using your credit or debit card. A market leader for cashless payments, ParentPay operates in over 2,000 schools. It offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest security available.

You have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password. No card details are stored in any part of the system. Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date. All new parents are issued with an activation letter with all the details required to set up an account.

SCHOOL CALENDARThe school calendar is published on Firefly and updated on a regular basis. This lists all events taking place, including parents’ evenings.

BAD WEATHERSchool will always remain open. In the event of severe weather information will be sent out via Schoolcomms or posted on the school website:

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TIMES OF THE SCHOOL DAYTutor time 8.35amPeriod 1 9.00am - 10.00amPeriod 2 10.05am - 11.05amMorning Break 11.05am - 11.25amPeriod 3 11.25am - 12.25pmPeriod 4 12.30pm - 1.30pmLunch Period 1.30pm - 2.45pmPeriod 5 2.45pm - 3.45pmWe use a two week timetable and lessons are planned over a ten-day cycle.

PUNCTUALITY The school day starts promptly with registration at 8.35am. All girls are expected to be in their tutor rooms by this time. We will contact the parents of any girl who consistently arrives late for school in order to investigate the reasons. Girls are also expected to arrive promptly for lessons.

LATE ARRIVALAny girl arriving after 8.40am but before 8.55am should report to her Form Tutor, either in assembly or in her tutor room. Girls arriving after 8.55am must report to the school office, where they will be asked to sign in and give a reason for their lateness.

ABSENCE FROM SCHOOLYou are probably aware that the School is legally required to maintain accurate records of pupil attendance on a day to day basis. Good attendance is crucial to success at school as the following statistics show: 90% attendance = 1/2 day missed a week 90% all year = 4 weeks missed 90% over 5 years = 1/2 school year missed

If your daughter’s attendance drops below 95% we will contact you. See official government link:

If your daughter is unwell, please telephone the school office on 0115 941 7663 before 9.00am on each day of absence to let us know the cause, and the likely date of her return, or email [email protected].

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In all cases of unexplained absence, the school office will send a text to parents shortly after 9.00am and follow this up with a phone call, if necessary, to check on her safety.

If you wish to withdraw your daughter from school for reasons other than illness, please notify the Head in writing, well in advance.

FAMILY HOLIDAYSPermission will not normally be given for a family holiday during term time. Our school holidays are already longer than those of maintained schools and it is not in the girls’ best interests to be absent during term time. Even if they copy up the work covered, this is no substitute for quality teaching and learning, as they miss hearing explanations, interactions and discussions at first hand and could therefore encounter difficulties at a later stage in their understanding of topics covered during that time. Teaching staff cannot be expected to provide extra help for girls who miss lessons under these circumstances, and girls will be expected to make up the work themselves.

ELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONWe use SIMS, our School Information Management System, to register the girls for every lesson.

COLLECTION FROM SCHOOLThe school day ends at 3.45pm. Girls do not have continuing free access to the school buildings after 4.00pm. Unless they are involved in a supervised activity they should collect their belongings and leave the premises as quickly as is practicable, or go to the library, which is supervised free of charge by a member of staff until 5.00pm.

All girls are expected to leave the premises by 5.00pm unless they are taking part in an activity supervised by a member of staff, such as a rehearsal or a Duke of Edinburgh training session.

If you are unavoidably delayed, your daughter must report to the main school reception to await collection.

YEAR 7 AFTER SCHOOL CLUBAs part of our transition as an all through school, we offer Year 7 girls extended supervision in the Junior School between 5.00pm and 5.45pm after the Senior School Library has closed. Sixth Form helpers collect any After School Club girls and bring then over to the Junior School. There is no charge for this service.

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“EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING = ACHIEVEMENT”We appreciate that nothing matters more to families than the health, welfare and future success of their children.

The following objectives are very important to us, and we work hard with girls and their families to achieve and promote them:• keeping your daughter safe• being happy and successful• being healthy• making a positive contribution• preparation for the future

Pastoral care is an integral part of school life. We work in partnership with the individual pupils and their families to achieve the best emotional health and well- being for all girls, and we pride ourselves on doing it well.

THE SCHOOL NURSEThe role of the school nurse is to enable pupils to fulfil their educational potential by means of supporting their emotional and physical needs in the school environment. She works very closely with all members of the pastoral care team, ensuring the emotional and physical health of all pupils is promoted.

MEDICAL RECORDSBefore your daughter joins NGHS we will ask you to complete a pupil health assessment form. Please ensure that you provide up to date medical information and details of any ongoing medical issues or concerns you may have. If there are any other agencies involved in your daughter’s care, such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHs) or paediatricians, it is important that we are aware. All information is held confidentially by the school nurse. However, if she has any concerns regarding your child’s safeguarding she will discuss this with other agencies.

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HEALTH ASSESSMENTSThe school nurse carries out a routine health check on all new entrants to the school, based on the pupil health assessment form. If she has any medical concerns she will discuss these with you and refer you to the appropriate services. We encourage all pupils to have a routine eye check with an optician prior to starting senior school. If your daughter has any complex medical needs please ensure you discuss these with the school nurse at the earliest opportunity and before your daughter starts school. The nurse will liaise with you in order to prepare an individual medical care plan for your daughter.

ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION AT SCHOOLMedicines should only be brought to school when essential. If your daughter requires antibiotics or other long term medications you must complete an “Administration of medication while at school” form which can be obtained from the school office or nurse. All medicines must be in the original packaging stating the child’s name, date of birth and the recommended dose.

If your daughter has a complex medical condition which requires emergency medication such as an EpiPen, inhaler or insulin, she may carry this with her in school. It must be prescribed for a named individual and the school nurse will require a second emergency supply which will be kept securely in the medical centre. Again it must be in the original packaging stating the child’s name, date of birth and recommended dose.

We do not encourage pupils to bring in their own pain relief as, subject to parental consent as requested in the health assessment form, the nurse can supply over the counter medicines as required. If girls do carry pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen it should be kept in a secure place. Parents must accept responsibility for their daughter’s self-medication and must monitor how much she takes.

VACCINATIONS AT SCHOOLWe offer the HPV vaccine (human papillomavirus) to girls in Year 8. This is given in two doses over a year. Further details are circulated to parents nearer the time.In Year 9 a booster of Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (Td/IPV) and Meningitis ACWY are offered as part of the routine childhood vaccination programme.

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ILLNESSIf your daughter is unwell we ask that you keep her at home. If she is suffering with vomiting and diarrhoea she should not return to school for at least 48 hours following the last episode. Further information is available at your daughter becomes unwell during the school day and is not well enough to return to lessons, we will contact you to discuss arrangements for your daughter to be collected. Under no circumstances should a girl who feels ill telephone home asking a parent to come and collect her, as this decision rests with the school nurse.

HEAD LICEUnfortunately, head lice do visit us occasionally and infection spreads quickly within school. We therefore ask all parents to be vigilant, checking your daughter’s hair weekly. If you see lice in your daughter’s hair please notify the school nurse and do not send her to school - even for one day - until it has been treated.

FASTING We acknowledge and respect the wishes of our pupils who wish to fast for religious reasons. We would ask that you always inform the form tutor by letter if your daughter is fasting.

Our primary concern is the health, safety and well being of all our students. If a girl feels she should not eat or drink in the course of the day it is likely that it may be unsafe or unwise for her to participate in some school activities, for example off-site visits or PE lessons and matches.

We would expect that older students can judge for themselves, or in discussion with parents, from which activities, if any, they should withdraw. However, in the case of all girls, the school reserves the right to withdraw a girl from an activity if, in the judgement of staff, it is not appropriate for her to participate.

If a girl becomes in need of medical attention in school as a result of fasting, parents will be informed, and the school may insist that their daughter either remains at home for the fasting period or agrees to take enough sustenance to ensure that she is well enough to cope with the school day.

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DINING HALLThe dining hall opens at 7.50am, with a full English and continental breakfast service for all the family. Many parents find it convenient to avoid the rush hour and enjoy breakfast with their daughters at school.

At morning break, girls can choose from a variety of snacks including sandwiches, baguettes, hot filled panini, Italian style pizza, tortilla wraps and cakes. Lunchtime choices include a traditional meal, a vegetarian dish, jacket potatoes, a salad bar and pasta, with a pudding, fresh fruit and yoghurt always available for dessert. Menus are posted on our website.

The dining hall remains open in the afternoon for parents to enjoy a drink and cake whilst waiting to collect their daughter at the end of the day.

We operate a ‘no nut’ policy, avoid the use of artificial colours and preservatives wherever possible, and are happy to accommodate special diets for medical or religious reasons. Our Catering Manager, Steve Evans, is happy to discuss any special dietary requirements (gluten free, milk free etc). Please feel free to contact him on 0115 941 7663 or email: [email protected]

TUCK SHOP The tuck shop, in Phillips House, sells sandwiches, baguettes, snacks, confectionery, drinks, stationery items and toiletries. It is open at morning break and lunchtime.

PACKED LUNCHGirls are very welcome to bring their own packed lunch which should be eaten in the dining hall, the Philipps House social area or outside on picnic benches. Both the dining hall and the tuck shop provide a packed lunch facility. Girls may pre-order sandwiches, filled rolls or whole packed lunches. These may be ordered the day before or first thing in the morning and are ready for payment and collection from the preferred outlet from morning break onwards. This is ideal for school excursions.

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PAYMENT SYSTEMIf your daughter wishes to use the dining hall or tuck shop, you will need to add funds to your daughter’s ParentPay account. Once the account has been activated, your daughter can also add funds in cash via a machine in the dining hall. We are unable to accept cheques.

Both the dining hall and tuck shop operate on a cashless PIN system. Your daughter will have her photograph taken and be provided with her own unique PIN on her first day of school. At the point of sale, she will input the number and, as an added security measure, her photograph will appear on the till. The price of her purchases will then be deducted from her account. Details of all her transactions can be provided on request.

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UNIFORMAll compulsory school uniform is available and should be purchased from our online supplier, Stevensons, unless otherwise specified: ask all parents to check the uniform regulations carefully. If you are in any doubt about what to purchase, please contact us.

All items, including footwear, worn or brought to school should be clearly marked with your daughter’s name.











Any s



Plain navy or black coat(no other coat may be worn to or from school) Y7 - Y11

NGHS jacket (to be worn in school at all times) Y7 - Y11

NGHS pullover Y7 - Y11

Bedford check skirt(no shorter than just above the knee) Y7 - Y9

Upper School skirt(no shorter than just above the knee) Y10 - Y11

Cotton Oxford blouse (long or short sleeved) Y7 - Y11

Navy trousers (alternative to either skirt) Y7 - Y11

White lab coat Y7 - Y11

Opaque navy tights or long navy socks Y7 - Y11

Scarf and gloves (plain navy) Y7 - Y11

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Any s



Performance polo Y7 - Y11

Performance skort Y7 - Y11

Track bottoms Y7 - Y11

Mid layer Y7 - Y11

Performance games socks Y7 - Y11

Storm jacket Y7 - Y11

Base layer top and / or leggings Y7 - Y11

Black cycle shorts Y7 - Y9

Black round neck T shirt Y7 - Y9

White ankle socks Y7 - Y11

Swimsuit Y7 - Y8

House T shirt (in house colour*) Y7 - Y11

*House colours: Bolton: Green Hastings: Yellow Luxton: Red Skeel: Blue

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Our objective on uniform is for the girls to look smart. We want your daughter to take pride in her appearance as an NGHS girl and her uniform should reflect this.

The following guidance is to help girls to identify what is smart.

SHOESAll girls should wear black shoes and for health and safety reasons, the heel must not exceed 2cm. The following are not acceptable:• Slip-on shoes• Ballet style pumps (they do not provide the necessary support)• Shoes with open heels/toes• Canvas shoesIf you have any doubts, please contact your daughter’s Pastoral Head for advice.

A pair of white trainers (not boots) is also required.

OTHER ITEMS/INFORMATION• Hair should be neat and tidy and tied back for practical subjects (Science, PE, DT). • Jewellery should be discreet (eg one pair of plain stud earrings).• Nail varnish should be unobtrusive, natural in colour, and neat.• Make up should be natural, discreet, and for the purposes of ‘cover up’ only.• Skirts should be no shorter than just above the knee. • A gum shield is compulsory for all hockey and lacrosse lessons, practices and

matches.• School bags, which should be plain brown, black or navy, must be of strong

waterproof material (preferably a rucksack), large enough to hold A4 files, and robust enough to offer protection to text books.

ETHNIC OR RELIGIOUS DRESSGirls may wear special forms of dress or religious symbols where these are an essential part of their religious or cultural background and do not compromise health and safety. • We would ask that any items of religiously symbolic jewellery be worn discreetly

and be covered with a sweatband during PE lessons. • Girls who wish to wear trousers may do so as long as they are purchased from

Stevensons. They may also wear the trousers underneath a school skirt.• If girls wish to wear the hijab we ask that it be either plain black or navy.• If girls wish to wear additional or alternative clothing for swimming, they are free to

do so as long as it does not compromise health and safety.

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PERSONAL POSSESSIONSWe encourage girls to be well organised and to look after their possessions in order to avoid the upset and inconvenience which accompanies the loss of an item.

Books, PE kit and items of personal property should be stored in your daughter’s locker, which will require a padlock. A spare key should be named and given to her Form Tutor.

All personal possessions, including watches and purses, should be clearly named. Money should be kept securely in a locker.

PE equipment and musical instruments should be stored in the designated areas, not in the classrooms.

Valuable items of any sort, including large sums of money, should not be brought to school. If this is unavoidable, the item should be handed in at Reception, otherwise the School will not be responsible for loss or damage.

All items of lost property are displayed at the end of each term in the Atrium. Items which are clearly named are always returned to their owner.

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TRAVEL BY CARIf you choose to bring your daughter to school by car, please be aware that roads around the school are frequently congested from 8.20am until 8.50am and again at the end of the school day from 3.40pm until 4.05pm. Delaying picking up your daughter until 4.05pm can make all the difference!

TRAFFIC CONTROLS The City Council have imposed a 20mph speed limit on most roads around the school.

PARKING AROUND THE SCHOOLPlease remember to park courteously in our neighbourhood area, with due respect for local residents, and do not park across gateways, on yellow or zigzag lines, on white lines or on pavements. This can impair the vision of those entering or leaving the School and could cause a serious accident. Please also be aware that traffic wardens patrol frequently in the area.

Parking on site is very limited and members of staff have allocated spaces. Please do not use our car park area for dropping off or collecting your daughter, or for turning.

Limited visitor parking is available outside the reception entrance for parents visiting the school on official business, for example an appointment with a member of staff.

ROAD SAFETYGirls should cross Arboretum Street on the raised traffic hump areas only, paying due consideration to drivers.

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SCHOOL BUSESA network of buses transports pupils to and from Nottingham High School, Nottingham Girls’ High School and Hollygirt. All buses load and unload on Baker Street, which is part of the school grounds and not a public highway. If your daughter will be travelling on a school bus, please make it clear to her that under no circumstances should she attempt to alight from or to board a bus before it has parked on Baker Street. The buses leave at 4.10pm and any girl who misses her bus should report to the member of staff on duty on Baker Street or to reception. Girls not travelling on the school buses should not linger on the bus lane.The administration of the school bus service is undertaken by Nottingham High School. Please contact Christine Winter at Nottingham High School on 0115 845 2217.

If your daughter wishes to come to school on a bicycle, please let the Head know in writing.

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AUTUMN TERM 2017Autumn term begins: Wednesday 6 SeptemberHalf term: Monday 16 October - Friday 27 October inclusiveAutumn term ends: Wednesday 20 December

SPRING TERM 2018Spring term begins: Tuesday 9 JanuaryHalf term: Monday 19 February - Friday 23 February inclusiveSpring term ends: Thursday 29 March

SUMMER TERM 2018Summer term begins: Tuesday 17 AprilMay Day: Monday 7 MayHalf term: Monday 28 May - Friday 1 June inclusiveSummer term ends: Thursday 12 July

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POLICIESAll school policies are available on Firefly and the School website.

SCHOOL FEES 2017 - 2018Junior School: £3356 per term (including lunch)Senior School and Sixth Form: £4374 per term

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Nottingham Girls’ High School9 Arboretum Street, Nottingham NG1 4JBT: 0115 935 4444E: [email protected]

