self representation online


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Self-Representation Online

Self-Representation OnlineIdentity in communities and networks

By Sheryl Smith

The importance of having an online presence todayNearly everyone is online now so it is a way to fit in The internet brings in its own trends and lifestyles and provides platforms for people to express their personality to others.

Online existence is very important to many of us since if we are not online we feel like we are missing on something

For companies online existence is an effective way of doing business successfully

attention economy getting money through the amount of attention your content attracts.

Online Rewards plays on peoples self-esteem in terms of likes, shares and comments.

Zaddie Smiths People 2.0The internet gave rise to another type of human beings with different needsneed for constant communication New language using digital symbols, abbreviations using a new vocabulary Knowledge economy an addiction for easy access to quick informationNeed for narration the share feature is becoming a culture

Zaddie smith is an English novelist, essayist and short story writer

Identity todayThe understanding and definition of identity has changed

It is now seen as flexible instead of being prior seen as stagnant and unchangeable

peoples online representations despite being different from their personalities perceived by others in daily life form part of themselves.

Breaking down the general assumptions on online interactions

It might be behind a screen but it has proven to be real since people create real bonds with who they interact with.

There are long lasting relationships that were created online

Real friendships or even romantic relationships are built online since the internet only bridges the distance gap instead It gives people more choices about who they want in their lives.

Mobile apps and the web 2.0 acts as an extension to keep up with the people we know even if we dont meet them in person we can share moments of our lives with them on SNS.

Dangers online vs offline

Online world1.theft2.Physical harassment3.Bullying

Offline world1.cybercrime- cyber-bullying 2. spam 3.virus

People tend to believe that the online world is dangerous but both online and offline have quite similar threats

Being Yourself!

the web satisfies humans need of attention & self-expressionjudgements have less effect on us since there will always be other people like us somewhere in the world thatll be united to us by the web.Everything can become a norm [easier to be ourselves and present it to others as there will always be people that will share this with us]More open communities [democracy]

A platform for everyone!

beyond agebeyond racebeyond distancebeyond beliefs & lifestyles

Thats why people keep on using online platforms that much, it is more open and democratic.

I don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning.

lets be connectedSnapchat, facebook, twitter and WhatsApp promotes connectivity and sharing which in a way satisfies the human need for staying connected with the people we know and those we will get to know on the net. It is an interesting way of bridging the gap imposed by physical distances.

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