seizing the digital advantage with cloud a next-generation platform

Seizing the Digital Advantage with Cloud a Next-Generation Platform 21 Experts Paint a Vision of Intelligent Cloud ERP Breakthroughs

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Seizing the Digital Advantage with Cloud a Next-Generation Platform21 Experts Paint a Vision of Intelligent Cloud ERP Breakthroughs

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Cindy Jutras President • Mint Jutras, LLC

Robin H. Smith Co-Founder • VL OMNI

Jane Sarasohn-Kahn Health Economist/Advisor • THINK-Health and Health

Jon Reed Co-Founder • Diginomica

Patrick Pedreira Professor of Computer Science • Universidade do Sagrado Coração

Gabriel Gheorghiu Founder • Questions Consulting

Dion Hinchcliffe Chief Strategy Officer • 7Summits Inc.

Tim Crawford CIO Strategic Advisor • AVOA

Bill Kleyman CTO • MTM Technologies

Dez Blanchfield Resident Data Scientist • The Bloor Group

Kevin Jackson Founder • GovCloud, Cloud Musings

Ian Gertler Founder & CMO • Symplegades

Holger Mueller VP & Principal Analyst • Constellation Research

John Nosta President • Nosta Labs

Cloud-based ERP Experts


Click on the Cloud-based ERP experts to get their direct insight.

Tamara McCleary CEO •

Page 3: Seizing the Digital Advantage with Cloud a Next-Generation Platform

Dr. Craig Brown Big Data Consultant and Author

Lisa Anderson President • LMA Consulting Group, Inc.

Jim Harris Author and Speaker • Strategic Advantage

David Terrar Founder & CXO • Agile Elephant

Walt Lapinsky Vice President, Cloud Security • Purposeful Clouds

Bob Evans Founder and Principal • Evans Strategic Communications

Cloud-based ERP Experts


Click on the Cloud-based ERP experts to get their direct insight.

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Grow as Fast as You Can Think

Capitalize on Cloud ERP Today

Conquer New Markets

Disrupt Without Disruption







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In the digital economy, the winners are the companies that foster and deliver the most value for their customers. This requires continuous innovation. As a business grows and its IT infrastructure becomes more complex, innovation slows to a crawl or comes to an outright halt. To operate with agility and deliver innovations to market faster than ever, savvy enterprises are relying on a digital core. This trend moves ERP increasingly into the focus and Cloud becomes more than just a deployment option.

Today, new technologies allow for a next-generation of Cloud ERP. It’s time to change the way we think about Cloud ERP.

Think: intelligent technologies with digital assistants, machine learning and predictive analytics. Think: instant value with speed, agility and continuous innovation. Ultimately, think business impact where enterprise-scale digital transformation is a reality. To understand how businesses can take advantage of Intelligent Cloud ERP and what future technology evolution to expect, we reached out to 21 of the world’s leading ERP experts. Their insights reveal how businesses can harness Cloud ERP to accelerate growth, pursue innovation with minimal disruption, and quickly seize new market opportunities.


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Grow as Fast as You Can Think


We work in a world where business moves faster than blueprints, where opportunity doesn’t wait for process. And as an organization grows, keeping track of every tiny facet of it becomes nearly impossible.

Intelligent Cloud ERP helps you to stay nimble in times of growth.


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Cindy JutrasPresident • Mint Jutras, LLC

Agility is the key to supporting high-growth businesses, or any business operating in today’s global digital economy. For years using ‘agile’ to describe Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was indeed the conjunction of incongruous and even contradictory terms – the very definition of an oxymoron. As an integrated suite of modules that forms the transactional system of record of a business, in the past ERP was most often developed as a monolithic application, which made it strong and functional, but also rigid and hard to change.

Agility is the key to supporting high-growth businesses operating in today’s global digital economy.

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Is it possible to build flexibility and agility directly into ERP for a more durable end-to-end solution?

The answer is yes, but only if it you construct it differently than the rigid, monolithic applications of the past.

New platforms and technology contribute to making the newest generation of ERP flexible, configurable and extensible. That means being able to configure both the user experience and business processes without touching underlying source code. And it

means you can add or change pockets of functionality without going through a massive upgrade process. Putting it in the cloud makes it even better. Those running software delivered as a service (SaaS) solutions are relieved of the technical burden of upgrades and paves the way for continuous innovation.


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Robin H. SmithCo-Founder • VL OMNI

No matter the suite of cloud-based applications that comprise your business’ technology stack, if you’re not pulling in data from other cloud-based applications, you’re limiting your business intelligence to a one-dimensional view.

As a high-growth business, decisions are being made at a breakneck speed to keep pace with new technology, cutting-edge trends, ever-expanding channels, and increasingly demanding consumers. Tying together all your disparate applications (in the cloud, and on premise) used to be an early adopter advantage. Today, keeping ahead of your competition means tight, high-quality data integration, and automation that works in real-time that’s imbued with strategy.

As your business scales, growth needs to be managed through careful selection of apps and by tying the disparate data housed in

Stay ahead of competition with real-time data integration and automation that’s imbued with strategy.

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each application. Simply tying one point to the next, though, is how many multi-channel businesses suddenly find themselves in hot water — these point-to-point integrations are made for the lowest common denominator, and not for the complex business selling through multiple channels.

By tying together your applications with strategy in mind, setting all applications satellite to a central application like your ERP allows your business to visualize your business as a unified entity while remaining agile. This combination of strategy, agility, and visibility can make the difference between a blockbuster year, and a lacklustre one. It’s about being able to see the big picture, or being able to see only snippets without unification — it starts with allowing your data to flow.


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Jane Sarasohn-KahnHealth Economist/Advisor • THINK-Health and Health

Healthcare has to learn to do more with less resources. A cloud-based ERP can underpin a more productive, efficient, and interoperable health system that supports the Triple Aim to improve population health, enhance healthcare processes, and lower per capita costs. However, for the cloud-based ERP to deliver on this promise, the offering must bake in several key features. These include:

• Security, because data would be mashed up from a number of disparate information systems and sites;

• Storage for that data, which in healthcare demands super-sizing; and,

There are many external challenges to implementing ERP in healthcare, beyond the technology.

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• Human capital – the internal IT talent to manage the system during and beyond implementation.

These IT workers are in high demand in other vertical industries beyond healthcare, and many of which (such as financial services) may offer wages above healthcare providers’ financial ability and pay scales.

There are as many external challenges to implementing ERP in healthcare, beyond the technology – in particular, if planning to use the system across organizations who seek to share data.


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Jon ReedCo-founder • Diginomica

The essence of cloud ERP is making sure the solution is the right fit with your industry. Too many overlook the vertical focus in the cloud ERP market – but it matters. You need a baseline of industry functionality and confidence in how that functionality will evolve. Looking to your company’s growth, make sure a cloud ERP system matches your IT and data compliance approach. (For many, either not having an IT staff or freeing IT up to build IP, not manage software, is a growth driver).

Choose a partner that really gets you and your industry. Take a hard look at the reporting and analytics capabilities. How

The essence of cloud ERP is making sure the solution is the right fit with your industry.

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robust are they? Can you integrate with other relevant data for analytics? Are there add-on costs? Also, for growth, there are licensing considerations. Are you paying per seat? Or per total use?

I advise a license plan that makes it easy for casual users to dip into the system. That might eventually include customer portals. Finally, choose a cloud ERP solution with a platform that is easily extensible in your vertical, or where you can easily buy or build new apps with partners.

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Patrick PedreiraProfessor of Computer Science • Universidade do Sagrado Coração

Cloud computing is a modern trend that is redefining the way we do business and reveals the next-generation application architecture. A cloud-based ERP presents some advantages over “traditional” ERP, enabling innovation that helps businesses conquer new markets before their competition. A cloud approach let users focus on innovations, creating new products and expanding their customer base.

A cloud-based ERP must provide a framework for operational efficiency and support innovation. The most significant characteristics are: lower costs, scalability/elasticity, access to advanced technology (rapid updates and upgrades), improved accessibility, mobility, and usability.

Hardware/software management is highly abstracted from the user, reducing costs for all computing infrastructure such as energy; hardware and data servers; software licenses; maintenance and support. In other

A cloud-based ERP enables innovation — helping businesses conquer new markets before their competition.

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words, (companies can better utilize their human and technical capital so staff can focus on core competencies).

The resource elasticity of cloud-based ERP makes the infrastructure capacity highly flexible for computing resources or storage. This offers high levels of strategic flexibility and enables improved competitiveness.

It improves accessibility, mobility, and usability because the ERP can be accessed from anywhere, via a common browser over an Internet connection. This makes it easy for a company to expand geographically because there is no need to implement hardware and software at remote locations.

A cloud-based ERP is suitable for companies of all sizes, representing not just a technology transformation opportunity but a business transformation opportunity.


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Disrupt Without Disruption


Thanks to digital technologies, today’s business is constantly challenged by new market entrants and disruptive business models. In this environment, it’s imperative not to fall behind. Companies gain a digital edge by gaining the ability to focus on what matters most to the future of their business and their customers.

Cloud-based ERP allows businesses to do just that, innovating and seizing opportunities with minimal disruption. By quickly and easily harnessing the new wave of digital and technology in a low-disruption, high-value platform, they can move ahead in the digital race without missing a step.


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Gabriel GheorghiuFounder • Questions Consulting

ERP vendors should get rid of modules that exist as separate solutions, such as CRM and HR/payroll, and integrate more tightly with existing CRM solutions, so companies can use whatever CRM solution they want. Ideally, CRM should be embedded in ERP so users avoid switching from one solution to another and instead enjoy a consistent experience.

Most ERP workflows are rigid, leaving users no choice but to follow (almost) blindly what they’re told to do by the system. Artificial Intelligence (AI) should help users by providing guidance and educating them. AI could help users follow best practices based on sound business principles and

ERP needs to be de-cluttered, intelligent, and open.

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even simulate possible outcomes for different scenarios. Also, AI can make business processes flexible and adaptable to unexpected changes.

Two-tier is the future of ERP, in my opinion. Many vendors tried to build one big solution to cover everything but more and more companies will choose one ERP for headquarters, another solution for a manufacturing site, etc. ERP vendors will therefore need to be open to integrating with their competitors. The typical argument for one monolithic ERP was to have a single source of the truth, but that’s not a valid reason today with so many tools and options for data integration and management in the cloud.

In conclusion, ERP needs to be de-cluttered so users can focus on what matters, intelligent to help employees make the right decisions fast, and open so companies can use ERP with other solutions without dramatically increasing IT costs.

Only then companies will be able to focus on innovation, which may lead to growth.


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Dion HinchcliffeChief Strategy Officer • 7Summits Inc.

As contemporary organizations begin to move their ERP systems and data to the cloud for the strategic benefit it brings, they’ll need a big vision for the future. That’s because the increasing pace of change in the world combined with the sheer scale and pervasiveness of digital business will pose existential challenges and opportunities in how business will get done.

To grow and change as fast as needed to thrive today, the modern enterprise will need IT systems that are designed for rapid change and evolution. Yet these systems must also be highly secure and

Successful organizations operate on a fast-evolving cloud-based ERP—automating the business itself.

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able to meet complex and ever-shifting regulatory and compliance requirements.

This means building on top of mature yet easily extended cloud capabilities that incorporate a strong business foundation as well as the very latest competitive technologies. This includes everything from the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain to Artificial Intelligence and multichannel customer experience. The successful organizations of the future will operate on a strong, elastic, and fast-evolving cloud-based foundation that allows them to use ERP not just to automate the supply chain but as the very system of business itself.


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Tim CrawfordCIO Strategic Advisor • AVOA

Cloud-based ERP solutions need to include a number of characteristics to help enable innovation and business growth. Solutions need to take into account the core components that are common with classic ERP solutions…but with a twist. They need to support the growing sophistication and complexity of users without requiring heavy development for customization. Traditional ‘customization through development’ has been replaced with straightforward configuration. In addition, cloud-based ERP solutions need to support more than just internally generated and transactional data. These solutions

Cloud-based ERP solutions must support the four Vs of data: Variety, Velocity, Volume, and Veracity.

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need to support the four Vs of data (Variety, Velocity, Volume, and Veracity). In order to leverage this new world of data, customers need ready access to artificial intelligence and modern analytics in a relatively simple, easy to consume solution.

These changes allow customers to streamline the process of turning data into information for quicker decision-making. Business growth today is based on quicker, more accurate business decisions. Cloud-based ERP solutions can provide the engine for this growth.

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Bill KleymanCTO • MTM Technologies

ERP systems are growing into critical pieces of the business.

To bring more value into both the business and IT, look for systems to help automate processes and improve critical enterprise functions by leveraging the cloud and more specifically, cloud services. It’s critical to understand that ERP systems will become cloud-native and much more automated.

The vast influx of data being created, customer interaction with this data, and the digitization of the end user will force organizations to rethink important business processes. ERP becomes a platform to simplify both business as well as IT. Cloud-ready and automated ERP

A cloud-based ERP helps businesses excel with better, more competitive solutions.

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platforms create a much more intelligent architecture, allowing organizations to leverage many aspects of the digital revolution. This extends to IT and business planning, automation, app and workload delivery, service positioning, and much more.

ERP systems need to be cloud “friendly” and much more agile to make the automation experience completely transparent to the end user. Regardless of whether it’s in the cloud or on premise, the architecture will need to automate and handle almost any workload.

Furthermore, ERP systems need to integrate with a variety of cloud services, remain agile to work with multiple types of systems, and cater to the end user and the business.

This means working closely with evolving demands, changing resource requirements, and enabling users to leverage the entire digital ecosystem.

By automating processes and delivering critical resources, ERP will become an intelligent engine capable of helping organizations push forward with better, more competitive solutions.


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Dez BlanchfieldResident Data Scientist • The Bloor Group

To truly achieve the wholesale automation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), over the next decade and beyond, vendors and organizations will need to proactively leverage best-of-breed current and future technologies. These include Cognitive Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data & Analytics, and Edge Analytics.

The inevitable marriage of Cognitive Computing & RPA will deliver satisfying customer experiences.

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Government & Enterprise organizations I work with today are already anticipating the inevitable marriage of Cognitive Computing & Robotic Process Automation (RPA). In the next 12 to 18 months, they expect these technologies to fully enable them to effectively automate tasks, streamline processes, reduce time to value, increase employee productivity, and ultimately deliver satisfying customer experiences.


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Kevin JacksonFounder • GovCloud, Cloud Musings

A cloud-based ERP needs to ensure data portability to enable innovation and accelerated business growth. This is a

A cloud-based ERP needs to ensure data portability.

critical characteristic for collaboration, business agility and interoperability across any customer’s cloud ecosystem.


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Ian GertlerFounder & CMO • Symplegades

Consider this: according to Gartner, 80% of enterprises will lack the capability to successfully deliver on their postmodern ERP strategy until 2018.

The shift to a cloud-based ERP is not a silver bullet, but it can propel holistic advantages in bringing together data to deliver actionable insight across the business and beyond (from partners to customer experiences). By embracing the cloud for ERP, companies can minimize system downtime for maintenance and upgrades while also extending their systems through APIs to incorporate emerging technology such as POS based on IoT or robotic automation in supply

The shift to a cloud-based ERP is not a silver bullet, but it can propel holistic advantages.

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chain management. As a result, their ERP becomes a truly complete infrastructure and source of learning. After all, as Constellation Research’s Ray Wang notes, “60% of customer information will likely be accessed, not owned, by 2020.”

Beyond the points above, another huge benefit is mobile accessibility and management. As business leaders are continuously on the go these days, being able to manage people and platforms from anywhere from any device is increasingly crucial today. Customizable ERP dashboards also provide the real-time feeds that help decision-makers act quickly, efficiently and effectively via the shared

database of insights—with layers of security to avoid breaches or privacy and compliance concerns.

With an appropriate cloud-based ERP strategy, companies can anticipate challenges before they occur and capture unexpected possibilities by delivering positive customer experiences every time. Innovation like this allows businesses to disrupt without disruption and scale seamlessly. Interesting days, opportunities and challenges ahead!


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Holger MuellerVP & Principal Analyst • Constellation Research

Enterprises will never be 100% automated, but software will handle many of today’s tasks – and ones we can’t yet even imagine. Employees and managers will carry a small device that not only allows them to communicate, but access relevant information, and run most of their ERP processes.

Let’s start with the user interface: The days of the QWERTY interface are counted. Voice and gestures replace well known keyboard and mouse inputs. Information will not be consumed in two dimensional, but holographic representations that can be seen individually, in a group and across locations.

Going forward, enterprise tasks will be handled better by software and machines than by the average business professional. This means an end to repetitive tasks. Software will handle clerical tasks – like preparing data and creating

Software will handle many of today’s tasks – and ones we can’t yet even imagine.

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presentations and reports – needed to support decisions. Plus, software will run through more than the usual scenarios so humans can make better business. Work will change from a lot of doing to more deciding, analyzing and collaborating. As robots and exoskeletons aid workers and make most physical work obsolete, physical strength and repetitive work will go by the wayside. Instead, top skills will be data analysis, creativity and communication.

To make all of this happen, plentiful compute and massive storage must be available. Neural networks will be applied to most activities of human life, but to really succeed a lot of data (Big Data, Hadoop) is needed and cheap, elastic compute resources in the public cloud.


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John NostaPresident • Nosta Labs

The dominant feature of today’s world is change. And, perhaps even more important, this change comes at an amazing “exponential rate.” The changes we see drive excitement but also fear. A system of integrated solutions must take into account this fundamental reality. Speed is dominant. Yet the voices of innovation—arriving quickly— are varied and complicated. So, the reality is that speed isn’t a single vector to be directed or changed, but multi-varied forces that add complexity to the system.

In life sciences, it’s essential to react to speed of change with a higher level of interoperability.

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In the life sciences industry, it’s essential that we react to speed of change with a higher level of interoperability. Systems must speak the same language and provide methodologies for cross-platform engagement. Simply put, ERP vendors that offer timely solutions from an informed and integrated perspective will leapfrog the competition and emerge as essential solutions for businesses, particularly in healthcare.


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Tamara McClearyCEO •

End users have come to expect more. As part of a digital transformation initiative, a modern cloud-based ERP system can deliver the same level of mobile and social collaboration that employees are accustomed to, plus all the functionality required to address changing business models.

To potentiate innovation and drive accelerated business growth, cloud- based ERP must be:

• Provision of unification across finance, procurement and project management applications

• Global platforms

• Insight driven

• Digital (i.e., accessible via any device)

• Personalized

• Interoperable and connected with other systems

A cloud-based ERP system can deliver the functionality required to address changing business models.

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By moving ERP to the cloud, organizations can gain a unified view of operations, standardize on a single solution, and avoid time-consuming and expensive upgrades. They can even facilitate a shared services model that provides core back-office support to the entire organization.

From a technical perspective, organizations should consider these critical issues in the move to cloud-based ERP:

• File versioning

• Automatic backup

• Sharing and collaboration tools

• Automatic syncing

• File encryption

• Scalability and customizable storage capacity


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Conquer New Markets


It’s one thing to keep a finger on the pulse of market trends and another to anticipate them. Fast, decisive action is what separates industry pioneers from the me-toos. But it’s not a matter of taking a leap of faith. The companies that confidently conquer new markets do so based on access to real-time insights and the ability to quickly pivot and scale their businesses. More businesses achieve this by running their core operational processes on an intelligent cloud ERP platform. By leveraging machine learning and predictive analytics businesses can take action on insights in real-time. With such a foundation in place, they can focus on strategic growth and diversification into new markets, geographies, products, and channels to drive new revenue streams.


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Dr. Craig BrownBig Data Consultant and Author

Attention to rapid deployment of new capabilities and time to market in recent years gave cloud ERP some huge advantages over legacy solutions. However, some ERP characteristics need to improve in order to better support growth and on-demand change within high-growth businesses.

User interfaces were complex within the legacy system but cloud ERP interfaces were supposed to be drastically less complex and provide a better user experience. Although cloud ERP delivers better workflows and

Cloud ERP makes the deployment process easier, not harder.

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role-based designs for individual screens and views, some user interfaces are still not as simplified as promised. Because the technology within these areas is fairly new to some organizations, to keep pace with the deployment schedule, some customers are importing large amounts of their old code in their ERP database and file systems.

With the right commitment, ERP vendors can fine-tune their application interfaces and provide a better user experience. Cloud ERP should make the deployment process easier not harder.

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Lisa AndersonPresident • LMA Consulting Group, Inc.

Cloud-based ERP solutions must be top notch in terms of customer-related functionality to support high-growth businesses; however, this functionality alone is not enough.

The appropriate back-end functionality is also required to successfully support and execute against elevated customer expectations. For example, e-commerce and customer portal capability is a “must have” on every ERP selection project my firm has completed in the last several years – whether or not our client currently

Formulating superior customer experiences but not delivering is worse than not promising them!

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supported e-commerce or received orders via a portal.

Depending on the critical success factors we’ve identified (functionality that will drive competitive differentiation, profitability and revenue growth for the particular business), the related back-end functionality is of equal priority. Formulating superior customer experiences but not delivering on those promises is worse than not promising in the first place!


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Jim HarrisAuthor and Speaker • Strategic Advantage

Organizations have to be fast, focused, flexible, and friendly to be successful, noted Rosabeth Moss Kanter when she was editor of the Harvard Business Review.

Fast: The rate of change in the business world has never been faster and it’s accelerating. It used to be that large organizations dominated small ones. Today it’s the fast that disrupt the slow.

Focused: To thrive, organizations must be focused on the end customer, and able to coordinate to deliver value to the customer.

Organizations have to be fast, focused, flexible and friendly to be successful.

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Flexible: While 75% of the focus in organizations is on product innovation, products only deliver 10% of the value. A staggering 90% of the value of innovation is driven through business model innovation, process innovation and innovating the customer experience. So organizations need to be flexible or agile in these areas.

Friendly: Employees want to know that their contribution matters to the organization, and want to support organizations that match their values.

To be successful, cloud-based ERP systems must also integrate with the device that most employees use most often: their smartphones. In fact, mobile page views now exceed desktop views globally. And in turn, that has resulted in Android surpassing Windows as the dominant OS worldwide. Smartphones today are more powerful than the largest supercomputers of just 20 years ago – and we are all walking around with one in our pockets.


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David TerrarFounder & CXO • Agile Elephant

In today’s digital enterprise landscape every organization needs to recognize that their business model is under threat by some nimbler competitor with a new approach, or someone with a smarter deployment of technology. Of course they need actionable insights from their ERP to help increase revenue and reduce costs, but they need more than that. They need to focus on three, extra dimensions on top of the “business as usual” mentality to add real value:

1. Buying has changed;

2. Selling has to change in response;

3. The need for a better understanding of what, why and where their customers are researching their requirements.

We need a more people- and team-centric view beyond the basic ERP.

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That requires a shift beyond CRM with more data and social media intelligence to build relationships. It means organizations must adopt a mindset of continuous reinvention to compete with themselves – recognizing that change is constant, that their products and services should be in permanent beta. They must understand that their people are their most important asset for helping the organization adapt and innovate with new ideas. That means they need insights and supporting tools that foster a more engaged, competent, collaborative and creative workforce.

We need a more people- and team-centric view beyond basic ERP, with insights that shift the target from doing things right to doing the right things.


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Walt LapinskyVice President, Cloud Security • Purposeful Clouds

If you include HR, then some data will be covered by various privacy laws. The security of this data is critical. Moving to a cloud-based ERP system makes a lot of business sense, but also involves other players including your ERP partner and your cloud service provider (CSP). Your ERP

Much of the data in your ERP system is proprietary to your business.

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system must by default encrypt all of your data, and should provide the option for you to control the encryption key. This prevents the deliberate or accidental release of your information by your ERP or CSP partner.


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Bob EvansFounder and Principal • Evans Strategic Communications

Financial systems of the past were records of what had already happened. But financial systems of today and tomorrow must be part of cloud ERP systems that offer forward-looking insights into better decisions, bigger opportunities, timelier insights, and real-time analyses. As modern businesses demolish organizational silos that stifle innovation and reduce essential speed of operations, a full-featured ERP suite supports not only financials, supply chain, and procurement, it provides decision-makers with end-to-end information about their business.

Financial systems must be part of cloud ERP systems that offer forward-looking insights.

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Business innovation simply can’t happen in an environment cluttered with disparate systems, fragmented views of the customer, and disparate clumps of data. If these can’t be instantly pulled together, analyzed, and leveraged, they can’t be used to fully create business value for the enterprise, and spur greater loyalty and engagement with customers.

In today’s lightning-fast digital economy, businesses must use end-to-end, real-time insights from modern cloud ERP systems to enter and succeed in new markets ahead of competitors, and to re-invent themselves in existing markets where they’ve been successful.


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Capitalize on Cloud ERP Today


As businesses pursue the promises afforded by digital transformation, intelligent Cloud ERP opens the door to infinite possibilities. With this modern business platform, companies can break down the IT barriers that limited their growth to relentlessly innovate and expand with confidence. By harnessing the power of intelligent Cloud ERP today, they can achieve their greatest potential now and in the future.

Learn More