seed€¦ · traditionally we eat fish on good friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our...

1 ENDURING EASTER When you have an Eang Disorder or Emoonal Eang Problems by SEED Eang Disorder Support Services (01482) 718130 Marg Oaten MBE Compiled with Service User Involvement Thank you to those people involved” April 2019 Gemma Oaten’s Blog—click here RR19

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Page 1: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often



When you have an Eating Disorder or Emotional Eating Problems



Eating Disorder Support Services

(01482) 718130

Marg Oaten MBE

Compiled with Service User Involvement

“Thank you to those people involved”

April 2019

Gemma Oaten’s Blog—click here


Page 2: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often


Where to start?

Easter and Anorexia

Whether it is, family meals, celebrations, religion, of chocolate chocolate every-

where for someone suffering with an eating disorder Easter can be as difficult a

time for them as

Christmas or any other holiday celebration.

The purpose of this document is to provide a survival strategy whilst enduring the Easter Holidays and

highlight important issues around Easter.

Let’s start with Lent

Lent is the religious period of abstinence and whilst people enthuse they have given up chocolate or

their favourite foods for no religious reason other than an excuse to lose weight—this can be a danger-

ous trigger for someone with an eating disorder. The subconscious ‘anorexic’ voice nagging in the

background that you may have not upheld previous standards. Practicing abstinence for Lent is a very

dangerous trigger for a sufferer as this may inevitably lead to prolonged periods of starvation way be-

yond Lent. If someone is already on the edge of having a low BMI or indeed on the edge of becoming

medically at risk this may render them poorly and in need of hospital supervision especially if they re-

strict on the fluids too. Never restrict your fluids at any point in time. Hydration is fundamental for


Four Whole Days!

Easter is probably one of the longest festivities incorporating Good Friday, Saturday,

Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday. Let break this down!

Good Friday

Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-

rant or pub. Busy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often see the queues outside the fish shop

which were a regular sight in my childhood, but a nightmare to some with an eating disorder. Because

it is a Bank Holiday families often sit together or families gather as a tradition for fish on Good Friday. If

this is the case—it is not the end of the world to plan ahead and suggest you get some fish to grill for

yourself and have this with a salad or something you are comfortable with or within your ‘safe’ foods.

Don’t let one meal throw the spanner in the works and cause untold anxiety for the rest of the day. Is

it not possible to have your dinner for ‘tea’ in a quieter environment—family gathering is not a time to

‘test’ your resolve an eating disorder is complex and difficult to cope with—as you claw management

back over your illness, times like this will become easier in times to come.

Page 3: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often



Not too much of a traditional day so make the most of it—check out

self sooth and do something nice for you on this day click here for

inspiration on distractions and self soothe.

Would it be the end of the world to have vegetables and no meat or

gravy and for grandma and grandad who don’t quite ‘get it’ a word in

their ear might help to ward off unhelp and sometimes embarrassing

comments— same goes for other family member or friends. But we

don’t live in a perfect world and we cannot control what other peo-

ple say—all we can do is hope they ‘get it’ next time! It is a thing that

granny nurtured the family even if she hasn't slaved over the oven

for the day. So the “come on you can manage that surely” or “aren't

you having some pudding lovely” echo's across the table just tell her

“yes of course”! Someone will always discreetly help you out. If later

in the day there is a cold buffet on offer then you are in control .

Don’t forget it is quite acceptable to take yourself off for a bit of quiet time but not before you help

with the washing up!

In conclusion some people are not lucky enough to have parents who understand or indeed who are

supportive—all too often when someone returns home for holidays it ends in carnage—Mum and Dad

bury their heads in the sand. Others don’t get why you just cant eat. Or there is a war on words about

the fact mum has spent hours in the kitchen for you to refuse to eat. Communicate communicate

communicate ….plan plan plan…….. I cant stress this enough!

As you see your ‘control’ slipping the anorexia will fight back even harder—get the balance right deep

breathes and try and keep calm. Not easy I know!


Gosh chocolate is everywhere—and has been for months leading up to Easter. Whether it is the Easter

Raffle at work with the ‘humongous’ Easter Egg as the star prize we cant get away from Chocolate at

Easter—for kids it is what Easter is about! Unless times where hard and you got a hand painted boiled

egg! Television, adverts, coupons off at Aldi or half prize at Asda they are still ‘giving’ them away well

after Easter has finished and they are in the out of date dump baskets. From the moment you walk in

you are overwhelmed with the offers available. What if you succumb and this sends you the other way

into a binge the internal voice ’screaming at you’ what a failure you are and that you have let yourself

down. In truth if someone restricts the body will ’crave’ the high carb high sugar foods. One sufferer

shared she cried when faced with this and would pay for a delivery rather than have the supermarket

experience at Easter. Might be worth thinking about. It is about removing yourself from a stressful

situation, as times get better there will be plenty of time to face your fears when you are stronger in

body and in mind.

The pre-Easter build up is something that has to be accepted. How you deal with this is down to the

individual but from speaking to other—once there is an element of acceptance there is a recognition

that things do get easier. Good luck!

Seven Steps To a Solution click here If working out a way to your solution !

Page 4: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often


In conclusion to Easter and Anorexia…

“Ultimately, Easter is filled with guilt over not being "normal" and able to cope, shame from the inner voice when you try to be normal, fear over the knowledge that meals and chocolate are coming and that you'll be expected to take part - (and that if you don't you'll have to face your family and friends), and the constant in-ner struggle to not give in to the urges to binge or starve and to just stay the course”.

“I understand that part of recovery is embracing the things that you struggle with, "feel the fear and do it any-way!" but so much in such a short space of time can feel like too much”.

Easter and Bulimia or Binge Eating/Compulsive Eating

Having spoken to members in groups one of the biggest issues around Easter are the trigger foods and if a per-

son is not coping particularly well at that period of time or there are stressful situations to cope with one hot

cross bun can lead to 4 hot cross buns and so one.

Not to mention the chocolate. In a newspaper article this week it was saying that there is no such thing as the

sugar rush well sorry but scientifically for years it has been proven that the serotonin at the base of the brain is

heightened by high sugar high carb foods so my opinion stands.

When I asked a person can you tell me what happens in a binge mode and they relay that their problems disap-

pear and their worries fade into insignificance then it is hard to be believe this is not true.

Why else would people chose these type of foods to binge on if they didn't get that feeling. Sadly once the

heightened state has reduced then this is followed by the all time low—self loathe and guilt. Not to mention the

discomfort and sleepless nights. What happens to help them feel good about themselves—go back into a binge.

I was asked this week what is the difference between binge eating and bulimia. A person binge eating does not

make themselves sick. A person with bulimia will binge of huge amounts of food usually high sugar high carb

they will then rid themselves of that food through vomiting, laxative or over exercise. They will then often fast as

a way of controlling body weight and shape. It then often becomes addictive in it presentation with a very pre-

cise and ritual ways of bingeing (over indulgence) and purging (ridding themselves of the food)

Remember though a ‘binge’ is different for everyone. A binge can be a packet of biscuits for one person and a 3

hour binge cycle for another.

One of the things to reduce that binge is to surf the urge. Embrace the binge give it a number between 1 and 10

then distract returning to the binge and rescoring. The theory behind this method is that the binge will reduce

in severity.

Compulsive and Binge Eating Booklet click here Effects on the Body click here

What are you afraid of? Public speak-

ing; asserting yourself; making deci-

sions; being alone; intimacy; changing

jobs; interviews; going back to school;

ageing; ill health; driving; dating; end-

ing a relationship; losing a loved one;

becoming a parent; leaving home,

failure, believing in yourself.

Page 5: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often


If emotions are running high and you have lost control don’t view this is a

relapse it is a ‘wobble’ plain and simply. Draw the line be kind to yourself by

that I mean don’t beat yourself up—you will feel bad enough. Tomorrow is

another day and start again.

Food Diary

Often writing a food diary and recognising food and mood might just help to recognise when may

trigger a binge in the first place click here

Behavioural Thought Pattern Self Help Table might be helpful too click here

Thought Record Sheet and finally a click here

Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e) in the treatment of Binge Eating and Bulimia is a book that may be

a useful resource to have. The link is below…..



Mindfulness is excellent book also the link is below …….


SEED promise to be with you every step of the way

But the journey is YOURS at the end of the day

We can guide and support you down each path that you take

But it is you who decides every change that you make

We will stay by your side through thick and through thin

We will grab hold of your hand when you want to give in

We will hold tight at the bends and round detours

But the choice to keep going will always be YOURS!

Page 6: SEED€¦ · Traditionally we eat fish on Good Friday, fried from the fish shop, fried from our favourite fish restau-rant or pub. usy lives and a rest from the kitchen all too often


Website Links

E Mails

[email protected]

[email protected]

Telephone Numbers:-

Helpline 01482 718130

Resource Room 01482 344084

Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

Sane Line (Self Harm) 0845 767 8000

Rape Crisis 01482 329990

Hull Royal Infirmary 01482 328541

Happy Easter from SEED