section - v interpretation report writng

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  • 7/30/2019 Section - V Interpretation Report Writng


    Section - V: Interpretation and

    Report Writing

    Coverage in this section will be as under:

    Meaning of Interpretation

    Importance of Report Writing

    Lay-out of Research Report.

    Salient features of good Report Writing

    Precautions for writing Research Reports

    Limitations of Research Methods.

    Presentation of Report.

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    1. Meaning of Interpretation:

    Interpretation means explanation or findingout the meaning (Meaning of data).

    When data are analyzed, they shows someinferences or conclusions.

    Explanation on conclusions is

    interpretation of data. Thus, after analyzingthe data whatever conclusions are receivedare matter of interpretation.

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    Conclusions from the analysis of data is the result

    or outcome of Interpretation. Ultimately, the

    conclusion gives the result of the research or

    findings of the research. PRECAUTIONS IN INTERPRETATION:

    Interpretation should be done with utmost care

    and high degree of skill.

    Before interpretation, the Researcher should ensure

    the following points:

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    1. Ensure that the data collected are reliableand adequate for drawing inferences (i.e.conclusions).

    2. Ensure that sampling error is not there.Reasonable & sufficient size of sample hasbeen taken.

    3. Ensure that appropriate statisticalmethods have been used in analyzing data.(More than one method can be used)

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    4. Ensure that the Hypotheses andMethodology are correct.

    REPORT WRITING:Importance of Report Writing:

    A) Research work is incomplete till the reporthas been presented and written.

    B) The findings of research should be knownto others, and it is only possible

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    when it is written & shown to others.

    C) Writing of Report is the last step inresearch study.

    D) Writing research report requires a set ofskills. This task should be done by theresearcher himselfwith due care.

    E) Researcher, at the most may takehelp/assistance and guidance of Experts forthe purpose.

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    Introduction: The purpose of conducting a

    research is to come-out with inferences and

    suggestions i.e. result of research.

    The out-come( findings) of the research

    should be well documented in the form of

    Research Report for implementation and

    future use.

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    Types of Report:

    The research report can be research-orientedreport. The research-orient report can beSurvey-based research report.

    Survey-based Report:- The main body of thereport for survey based research contains thefollowing points:-

    (i) Problem definition (ii) Objectives of the research

    (iii) Research Methodology

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    (iv) Interpretation of results and suggestions.

    (v) Conclusions.

    Guidelines for reviewing Draft Report:- The draft of the report should be

    re-viewed( see & check again) for an

    appropriate number of times so that theerrors are completely avoided.

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    While reviewing the draft, certain guidelines are to

    be followed, as under:-

    (a) The text (write up) of the report should be free

    from ambiguity. (b) The text should convey the intended (purposeful)


    (c) The content of the report should reveal the scopeof the research in logical sequence and should be in

    short and clear.

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    (d) The report should be organized inhierarchical form with chapters, maincontents, sub-sections within main sections,

    etc. (e) There should be continuity between

    chapters and also between sub-sections.

    (f) The abstract (or overview) at thebeginning should reveal the essence oftheentire report which gives the overview.

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    (g) The chapter on conclusions andsuggestions is again enlarged version of theabstract with more detailed elaboration on

    the conclusions and suggestions. (h) A reading ofabstract and conclusions of a

    report should give the clear picture of thereport content to the readers.

    (i) Avoid using lengthy sentences.

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    (j) Each and every Table as well as figure should benumbered and it must be referred in the main text.

    (k) The presentation of the text should be clear so

    that every reader is able to understand the contentof the report without any difficulty.

    (l) The report should have appropriate length.Report should be restricted to 50 to 80 pages,

    (whereas Ph.D. research report may be between 200to 300 pages.

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    1. Cover Page

    2. Introduction pages

    - Acknowledgement

    - Executive Summary

    - Abstract & Review of Literature

    - Table of contents

    - List of Tables

    - List of figures Charts & Diagrams

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    3. Company Profile

    4. Introduction-need of study, Objectives

    and Hypotheses.

    5. Research Methodology

    -Sample design, sample size,

    -Tools of Data collection,

    -Design of Questionnaire,

    -Execution of Survey.

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    6. Data Analysis & Interpretation

    7. Findings, Recommendation/

    suggestions 8. Swot Analysis &


    9. Annexures 10. Bibliography.

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    Final Typing of Report:

    Typing Instructions:

    Paper: The quarto-size white thick

    un-ruled paper is used for the final printing of

    the report. The printing should be done onone side only.

    Margins:- The left margin and the right

    margin of the report should be 1.5 inch and 1inch, respectively. The top as well as bottommargin should be 1 inch. But

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    In the pages starting with a chapter, the top margin

    should be 3 inch.

    Indention: (margin to mark new paragraph): The

    paragraph can be classified into general and indented(Marked). The first line of general paragraph is not

    indented, whereas in indented paragraph, the first

    line of the paragraph is indented by 10 spaces from

    the left margin.

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    Spacing between lines:- The entire report should be

    typed with double spacing except indented

    paragraphs, tables and footnotes.

    Triple spacing should be given for the followingcases:-

    - Before each paragraph heading

    - Before and after each centre heading, centre sub-heading, side heading and indented paragraphs.

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    After completion of Research Report, the concept,

    techniques and results of the research report should

    be presented to the audience of interested group.

    (Corporate House & Institution) The presenter should take all necessary steps to

    make his/her presentation more effective so that the

    audience receive the essence of the report without

    any omission.

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    The presenter should consider thefollowing aspects of communication to makehis presentation more effective:

    1. Purpose of the presentation should beidentified. The purpose may be to inform theaudience i.e. Corporate House, Faculty Guideand Institution.

    2. The oral presentation should be withminimum number of slides (15 to 25).

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    3. The presenter should avoid simply reading

    the slides without explanation.

    4. The presenter should explain all important

    contents of his research.

    5. The audience should be provided with pre-

    presentation handout, if necessary.

    6. The beginning of the presentation must be


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    7. The presenter should maintain eye contactwith the audience.

    8. The presenter should take continuous

    effort to involve the audience. 9. The presenter should avoid distracting the


    10. The presenter should attend to the querysession after the completion of presentation.

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    11. The researcher or presenter should givepresentation in the Corporate house as well asin the institution to which he belong.

    12. The presenter should continuously sensethe response of the audience through theirfacial expression and symbolic actions andtune the presentation accordingly.

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    Steps in Writing a Research Report:

    (a) Logical Analysis of the subject-matter.(Supportive matter)

    (b) Preparation of the final out-line (frame-workof chapter) all points to be covered.

    (c) Preparation ofRough-Draft of report.

    - Procedure adopted for collecting material.

    (Primary & Secondary data)-Limitations faced. (Time & Budget)

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    -Techniques of Analysis adopted.

    -Broad findings & generalizations

    -Various suggestions regarding problem concerned.

    (d) Re-writing and Polishing of the rough draft.-Do careful revision of the report

    - Check the weaknesses, if any

    - Check the mechanics of writing i.e. Grammar,spelling and usage etc.

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    (e) Preparation of the final Bibliography.

    -To be appended

    -List of Books, Periodicals referred.

    -Arrange bibliography alphabetically.

    For Books:

    - Name of the Author, last name first.

    - Title, underlined to indicate italics.

    - Place, Publisher and Date (year)

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    - Number of Volumes.

    For Magazines/Journals:

    -Name of the Author, last name first.

    - Title of Article, in quotation marks ( )

    - Name of periodical/Journal, (in Italics)

    - The Volume or volume and Number.

    - The date of the issue (month and year)

    - The Pagination (Page numbers)

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    (f) Writing the Final Draft of Report.

    It should be in simple language.


    Lay-out meanswhat the research reportshould contain.

    General lay-out of a Research Report canhave three parts:

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    (A) Preliminary Pages. (Head)

    (B) The Main Text, and (Body)

    (C) The End matter. (Tail)

    (A) Preliminary Pages:

    -A Title and date (year)

    - Acknowledgements in the form of

    Preface or Forward

    - Table of Contents (Chapterization)

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    - List of Tables and illustrations. This is donefor a Reader to locate easily the requiredinformation in the report.

    (B) Main Text (Body)- (i) Objectives ofResearch: Summary of other Research,Hypotheses of Study, Definitions of majorconcepts or terms, Methodology adopted,

    Basic sample design, Questionnaire, sampleused and limitations etc.

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    (ii) Statement of findings andRecommendations:-

    in summarized form.

    (iii) Results : Findings of the study in theshape of Tables, and Charts, several chapterscan be there.

    (iv) Implications of the Results: Mention again the results of your research

    precisely and clearly.

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    What present study reveals -mention it.

    Conclusions drawn.

    Suggestions or new questions

    drawn/observed/raised in research.

    (v) Summary: Conclude the research report

    with brief summary, about Problem,

    methodology, major findings, major

    conclusions drawn from the research.

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    (C) END- MATTER:

    Appendices (enclosures) should beenlisted:

    - Questionnaires,

    - Sample information,

    - Mathematical Derivations,

    - Bibliography of Sources, and

    - Index.( words or terms & page No.)

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    A Research report communicates the

    Research findings to the readers of the report.

    Therefore, a good research report does this

    task efficiently and effectively. Thus, a

    Research Report must be prepared with some


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    Precautions are as under :-

    1. Length of Report:-

    Report should be long enough to cover the subject

    but should be short enough to maintain interest.

    2. Interesting for Readers:

    Report should not be dull, it should be interesting

    to readers.

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    3. Simple Language:-

    Report should convey the matter in asimple way. It should be in simple language.

    Avoid using expressions such as it seems,there may be and the like.

    4. Main findings:-

    Report must provide ready availability ofthe findings. For this purpose, the StatisticalTables, Charts, Graphs may be

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    Used. Findings must be available in mainreport in addition to the Summary ofimportant findings.

    5. Layout:- Layout of the report should be inaccordance with the objective of the researchproblem.

    6. Grammatically correct:- The Report shouldbe free from Grammatical mistakes. Use ofquotations, footnotes,

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    Documentation, proper punctuation and useof abbreviations should be used in correctway.

    7. Reflect original work:- Research reportshould show original work and be an attemptto solve the problem.

    8. Appendices:- All appendices should beenlisted in respect of all the Technical data.

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    9. Bibliography:

    Bibliography of sources consulted is a must

    for a good report and must be given.

    10. Index:-

    Index must be prepared and appended at the

    end of the report.

    11. Appearance: Report must be attractive in

    appearance, neat & clean typed/printed.

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    12. Introductory part:

    Objective of the study, the nature of the

    problem, the methods employed and the

    analysis techniques adopted must all be

    clearly stated in the beginning of the report in

    the form of Introduction.

    Report writing is an art which is learnt by

    practice and experience. +++++

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    After the Tabulation and Analysis work iscompleted, the next step is usually apresentation of the major findings to the

    sponsor of the study. This includes a presentation of all the major

    Tabulations (frequency tables) and Cross-Tabulations in percentage terms. It may also

    include a Summary of major findings, andsome recommendations.

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    A formal report usually follows the presentation.

    This should normally contain the following:-

    Title page

    1. Executive Summary. 2. Table of contents

    3. Introduction

    4. Research objectives

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    5. Research Methodology

    - Sample design

    -Field work plan and dates

    - Analysis/expected outcome plan

    - Questionnaire copy (as annexure)

    6. Analysis

    - Simple Tabulation

    - Cross Tabulation

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    7. Findings of the Research

    8. Limitations of the Research

    9. Recommendations for action

    10. Suggestions, if any

    11. Bibliography/List of references