writng business letters-prince dudhatra-9724949948

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  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948






    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Adapting to your Audience

    Audience attitude Whats in this for me?

    If message doesnt meet their needs, less attention

    to the message

    How to balance the conflicting needs (bad news)

    Change related news

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Being sensitive to your audiences needs

    Adopt YOUattitude ( Audience centered approach)

    you, yours instead of I, me, mine etc.

    Instead ofWe offer MP3 players with 50,75 or 100 gigabytes

    capacity , Use, Select your MP3 player from three models

    with 50,75 or 100 gigabytes capacity

    Instead ofTo help us process this order, we must ask foranother copy of the document , Use, So that the order can be

    filled promptly, please send another copy of document

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Maintaining standards of Etiquette

    React emotionally and pay less attention to

    offending messages

    By being courteous, it fosters a betterenvironment for communication

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Negative messages or bad news messages

    Equal or higher importance, Emotional content andinvolvement is generally lower, related to day-to-dayoperations

    E.g. A B-school responding to a request for a brochure

    A Top level executive sending a memo notifying

    employees of a change in policy

    A sales manager sending a weekly sales report to thehead office

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Persuasive messages or influential messages

    Motivating, influencing, inspiring messages

    E.g. A publishing company sending a brochure of theirlatest edition to all management schools

    An advertising message

    A marketing manager writing a message containing his

    recommendations for introducing some changes in the

    existing marketing strategy

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Understanding the 3-step writing process

    Step-1 : Planning business messages

    Analyze the situation (purpose, audience profile, good time tosend the message?, acceptable purpose? )

    Gather information ( Audience needs, audience size, audiencelevel of understanding, audience expectations and preferences,accurate information)

    Select the right medium (Oral, written, visual and electronicmedia)

    Organizing the information ( a proper organized format)prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Step-2 : Writing business messages

    Adapt to your audience ( You attitude)

    Compose your message

    Step-3 : Completing business messages

    Revise your message (Content, readability,editing, rewriting)

    Produce your message (design and layout,professional)

    Distribute your message ( Personal andtechnological tools)

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Optimizing your writing time ( Projects)

    As a starting point, try to use half your time for

    planning, one quarter for writing, and one

    quarter for completing your writing (revising,

    proof reading and distributing)

    Planning Effectively

    Trying to save time by skimping on planning

    usually costs you more in the long run

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Organizing the information

    Recognize the importance of good organization or

    formation of message

    Leads to inaccurate conclusion

    Tempt to stop reading or listening the message

    Ignore the message

    Effective organization saves time Advance input from your audience

    Audience understand, accept and save time if the

    message is brief, relevant and logical

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Define your main idea

    Main idea- a specific statement about the topic ofyour


    E.g. Topic: Apology letterMain idea: a letter to customer/client for an incident of

    poor customer service

    Topic: Funding for R&DMain Idea: Competitors spend more than what we do on


    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Limiting your scope

    Range of information you present, the overall length, thelevel of detail corresponding to your main idea

    E.g. a report outlining your advice to open a new

    restaurant; plan for financing source, would becompetitors, financial returns, menu selection, staffrequirements, location etc.

    Acc. to your main idea

    Get your idea across with fewer points (length limitation)

    Group the points under major headings

    Few stronger points is a better approach than manyweaker points

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Choosing between direct and indirect



    I read on your web site that you offerMusic CD copying for largequantities of CDs. I'd like to inquire about the procedures involved inthese services. Are the files transferred online, or are the titles sent

    by CD to you by standard mail? How long does it usually take toproduce approximately 500 copies? Are there any discounts on sucha large quantity?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer myquestions. I look forwardto your response.


    Jack FinleySalesManager, Young Talent Inc.(709) 567 - 3498

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948



    Hey Tom,

    Listen, we've been working on the Smith account and I waswondering if you could give me a hand? I need some inside

    information on recent developments over there. Do you thinkyou could pass on any information you might have?Catcha later than.

    Thanks man


    PeterPeter ThompsenAccount Manager, Tri-State Accounting(698) 345 - 7843

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948



    Direct approach (deductive) :

    When audience is receptive

    More of formal writing

    Start with main idea ( good news, request)

    Follow it with the supporting evidence

    Close with a cordial comment or a statement about thespecific action desired

    prince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948



    Indirect approach (Inductive) :

    When audience is skeptical, resistant to message

    More of informal writing

    Start with evidence first

    Follow it with your main idea after building your case

    Close with the request for actionprince dudhatra-9724949948

  • 8/7/2019 Writng Business Letters-prince Dudhatra-9724949948


    Outlining your content

    Figure out the most logical way and effective way topresent your major points and supporting details

    Two common outline formats:

    Alphanumeric outline: I.,A.,B.,1., 2., a.,b.,3., C, II.,A., B.

    Decimal outline: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2,1.2.1, 1.2.2,,, 1.2.3, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2

    prince dudhatra-9724949948