sea magic happen!on behalf of everglades moon local council (emlc), covenant of the goddess (cog),...

Everglades Moon Local Council WELCOMES YOU TO Sea Magic Happen! The Annual Meeting of Covenant of the Goddess

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Page 1: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


Everglades Moon Local Council WELCOMES


Sea Magic Happen!  


The Annual Meeting of Covenant of the Goddess


Page 2: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


WELCOME Welcome to Merry Meet 2018! On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and festival. Whether you have come from across the country or around the corner, we are so glad you’re here! Annually since COG was founded in 1975, the membership has gathered for Grand Council, to review bylaws and policies, elect new officers and address the impact of current events on Wicca and Witchcraft. Just as importantly, these meetings have offered an opportunity to spend time together, in laughter, in ritual, in late night conversation, learning and sharing and building and maintaining friendships. It’s in this spirit of coming together that EMLC has planned this year’s event “Sea Magic”. We hope you’ll enjoy our beautiful location and the activities we have planned for you. This year’s Leadership Institute and Grand Council Meetings promise to move our Organization forward, as we contemplate our place in the Tides of the contemporary Neo-Pagan movement. We have planned ritual to remind us where we have come from, the impact we have in the here and now, and where we are headed when we leave here. And, because in EMLC we believe that when we are working together, if we aren’t having fun, we’re not doing it right, we have planned plenty of fun. There will be opportunities for all of us to visit and revisit, learn and share, sing, dance, and be silly, shop, chat quietly or debate loudly, and most importantly, make new friends and embrace old ones. Whether you have been a CoG member for decades or months, or a non-member who is joining us for the event, this weekend is for you. We are here to help, so please seek out an attendee with a staff badge if you need assistance. Again, welcome, and have a great time! Brightest Blessings, Kathy Lezon (Kasha) First Officer Everglades Moon Local Council

Page 3: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Surviving Florida for the Uninitiated The heat and humidity in South Florida, particularly in August, can be overwhelming for those unacclimated to our climate. Here are ways to stay safe and comfortable:

1. Timing: The beach is a great place to hang out but watch your time. It is best to go earlier in the morning or late afternoon when the heat and sun are less intense. That means- unless you are used to it - avoid the beach 10:00AM to 4:00PM. If you are walking to stores or restaurants, be mindful of the time as well.

2. Sunscreen: APPLY ALL THE TIME even when just casually walking in the sun. Do not risk it. The sun’s rays are very intense here. And do not forget to REAPPLY if you spend time in the water or perspiring. Pay attention when applying sunscreen to parts of your body that are always in direct sunlight.

3. Clothing: In addition to sunscreen, consider clothes that are light and cover a good portion of your skin. Wear shoes outdoors and consider a hat that covers the top of your head and extends past your nose and the back of your neck. Golf or open crown hats can cause sunburn. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Clothing generally has an SPF of 30.- yes, you can burn through your clothes. Welcome to Florida!

4. Hydration: Make sure you drink plenty of water! ALWAYS make sure you have water with you and drink more water than you would normally. Bear in mind as well that alcoholic drinks do not count towards hydration as alcohol is a diuretic. The same is true for coffee and tea. Drink water regularly even when you are not thirsty.

5. Swimming: If you do not know how to swim, (1) go to the beach with someone who does and (2) hang out near the lifeguard tower. Ask the lifeguard about safest area to go in the water and follow her instructions.

6. Speaking of Swimming. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. DO NOT approach or enter any natural body of fresh water unless YOU UNQUESTIONABLY KNOW it is SAFE to do so.

7. And speaking of approaching things. If you are unfamiliar with the plant, animal or insect you are looking at, DO NOT TOUCH it.

8. One last thing. If you feel hot at any time, get to AC immediately. Heat exhaustion is very real and can hit fast. It can cause confusion and make you think you are ok and not thirsty. Do not risk this. Stay in AC often. Get into AC if you feel hot.   



Page 4: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

BEHAVIOR Our Festival Rede

By Participating in the festival, you agree to the following code of conduct:

1. Our event presumes and expects Consent Culture present in all activities.

2. Please get permission from everyone in any photography and/or social media post/tagging beforehand.

3. Please do not take pictures of vendor wares or post them online without their permission first.

4. All areas are smoke-free. The hotel will identify smoking locations outside.

5. Follow hotel rules. 6. Use alcohol responsibly. No Illegal activities or illicit substances. 7. Be respectful and sober during rituals.

8. Harassing or harmful behaviors that impact the safety and well-being

of other Merry Meet participants will not be tolerated.

9. Our collective work and cooperation ensures a fun, effective and meaningful event for everyone.

We must remind everyone that Lady Circe, our recent Second officer, is watching. And all we can say is that she neither suffers fools well nor is patient in judgement. Ye have been warned! What is remembered, lives!

Page 5: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


The Covenant of the Goddess, founded in 1975, is an advocacy organization that seeks to foster cooperation amongst Wiccans and Witches; to secure legal protection; to provide education through outreach and to nurture its members through dialog and community. The Covenant publishes a newsletter; issues ministerial credentials; sponsors a national festival; stands as a resource for information on Witchcraft and Wicca; engages in interfaith work, and local community outreach through its Local Councils. An Overview of the Covenant of the Goddess The Covenant of the Goddess was formed in 1975 and is one of the largest and oldest Wiccan religious organizations. The Covenant is incorporated as a non-profit religious organization in California, though it has grown to be an international organization. It is a confederation of covens and solitaires of various traditions, who share in the worship of the Goddess and the Old Gods and subscribe to a common code of ethics. Wicca, or Witchcraft, is the most popular expression of the religious movement known as Neo-Paganism and is the fastest growing religion in the United States according to the Institute for the Study of American Religion. It’s practitioners are reviving ancient Pagan practices and beliefs of pre-Christian Europe and adapting them to contemporary life. The result is a religion that is both old and new, both traditional and creative.

About Grand Council and MerryMeet

MerryMeet is the annual gathering for Covenant of the Goddess and includes workshops, rituals, vendors and entertainment. Concurrently, during MerryMeet, CoG conducts its annual business meeting known as Grand Council. Grand Council is the forum for its members (covens and solitaries) to engage in a consensus process to discuss issues relevant to the operations of CoG, review national bylaw changes necessary in a changing world, to decide matters which require deliberation by the full membership, and to elect the national board of officers. Grand Council provides a unique opportunity to observe the process of decision making utilizing the consensus process. All Grand Council activities will begin Friday morning at 9AM and continue until 5PM Saturday.

Page 6: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

 MerryMeet 2018 Workshops

Main Workshop Program

(Grand Salon B)


Time Workshop Presenter

9:30a Tarot Spreads for Groups Mama Gina

11:00a If You Can't Sing Pretty, Sing Loud! Birgit Fioravante

1:30p Love Magic Christopher Johnson

3:30p You Can Play a Native American Flute

Spider Thomas

7:00p The Golden Pentacle Amber K & Azrael K


Time Workshop Presenter

9:30a Fiber Magick Opal Luna

11:00a Magic of the Bees Witch & Famous Coven

1:30p Potions Workshop Ash the Silent

3:30p Hekate Devotional Temple at the Crossroads

Note for full Schedule details, times and updates,

Please use the EventXD App.

Page 7: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Workshop Descriptions   

Workshop  Presenter Friday, August 10, 2018   

9:30AM:  Tarot Spreads for Groups  Mama Gina 

Your Tarot cards are the perfect medium for reading for groups ‐ be they magical or mundane. We'll discuss creating group spreads on the fly, and Gina will share some of her favorite techniques.  There will be a group reading at the end of this workshop ‐ please join us and share in the fun! 

Mama Gina tours the US sharing her original music and her love for Tarot and Kaballah, and she is the author of Tarot Spreads, Threads and Mandalas.  

11:00AM:  If You Can’t Sing Pretty, Sing Loud!  The Baroness Vladka von Loudenstimme 

Feeling less than able when singing chants or songs during ritual?  Come to this fun and fabulous group voice lesson!  Don’t worry, you will not have to sing solo but you will be shown some basic singing techniques by of the BEST voice teachers in Florida.  Her students are on Broadway, at major opera companies, including the Metropolitan, and they perform all over the world.  One of her long‐time students, Joshua Henry, is a three‐time Tony nominee currently playing Billie Bigelow in Carousel on Broadway. 

(a/k/a Birgit Fioravante) “My goal is always to lay a solid foundation on which to build an individual, expressive technique that will serve the performer for many years.  I have helped many singers overcome vocal difficulties, building stamina, range, natural expression, beauty and power into the voice.  I am currently teaching in Fort 

Lauderdale and Manhattan. On a personal note –

I have been performing longer than I like to

admit. I am happy to say, my voice still serves

me well.” 1:30PM:  Love Magic  Christopher Johnson 

What could be more interesting than learning more about love and sex?  Or discussing the correspondences, as well as the ethics, of love magic?  Five basic types of love spells will be covered: bringing in a relationship, protecting a relationship, self‐love and beauty ritual, ending a relationship, and an emotional healing ritual. 

Christopher Johnson has been involved with magic and spellcrafting since training with a hereditary witch family at age 14.  He has working knowledge of various magical traditions and has studied various healing modalities. He also facilitates workshops in spellcrafting and magical techniques. He is the owner of the online business Witch Way To Heal, as well as a co‐owner of Love & Light Spiritual Emporium located in Oakland Park FL, utilizing his knowledge and training to assist the community in their spiritual practices.  Let his 20 plus years of practice help guide you on your journey. 

Page 8: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


Workshop  Presenter 3:00PM:  You Can Play a Native American Flute! 

Spider Thomas 

This flute workshop is for everyone, whether new to the art or just interested.  It will cover the basics of playing a Native American flute including scales fingering and special techniques.  You will also learn how to purchase and care for your instrument as well as a bit of history.  There will be flutes for use during the workshop.  

Spider was introduced to fluting by a good friend in the fall of 2005.  By 2007 he was making his own flutes. Today Spider tries to make a flute that is pleasing to both the ear and the eye. He works in a variety of woods, mostly reclaimed from coffee tables, dressers, dining room table legs, tree branches and pianos. He also works with bone and horns to make flutes. 

7:00PM:  The Golden Pentacle  Azrael Arynn K and Amber K 

Poverty consciousness, begone! Embrace prosperity awareness! You may have encountered the magickal techniques called the Iron Pentacle and the Pearl Pentacle, but now a new system has joined them: the Golden Pentacle.  This is a path to prosperity, change, and wellness created by Azrael Arynn K and Amber K as the fruit of a long study of magical paths to abundance and financial abundance.  It is based in part on the work of many abundance authors, as well as Amber and Azrael’s own experience in confronting and overcoming financial challenges.  

Azrael Arynn K is High Priestess of the Coven of Our Lady of the Woods, and has also held offices in the Covenant of the Goddess, the largest Wiccan/Witches network in the United States. She resides in New Mexico with her partner Amber, where she is both Facilities Director and Dean of the School of Sacred Living at Ardantane Pagan Learning Center. She has co‐authored the award‐winning RitualCraft, How to Become a Witch, Healing with the Gods and Goddesses, and other books. Amber K is a third‐degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. Her books on magick and the Craft, such as True Magick and CovenCraft, have been widely circulated in the United States and Europe, and for nearly 40 years she has traveled across the U.S. teaching the Craft. She has served as National First Officer of the Covenant of the Goddess for three terms. She is a founder of Our Lady of the Woods and the Ladywood Tradition of Wicca, and currently is Executive Director of Ardantane, a Wiccan/Pagan school in northern New Mexico (see    

Page 9: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Saturday, August 11, 2018   

Workshop  Presenter 9:30AM:  Fiber Magick  Opal Luna 

Fiber Magick is the art of imbuing handmade items with healing energies.  This workshop is an introduction to the practice using chanting, poetry, and meditations.  Participants will be creating a chakra bracelet that they can take with them.  Signed copies of my book Fiber Magick, will be available for sale.   

“The Goddess has been with me all my life 

though I have not always recognized her as such. As a child, a black cat would play with me for hours. I have always appreciated my alone time. As an adolescent, an owl was a constant. Drawn on my notebooks, embroidered on my jeans and I found comfort there. As a young adult, I grew to appreciate the spider as my spirit guide and I have crocheted webs of fantasy. Today, as a crone, I am visited by all three and I am never alone." ~ Opal Luna 

11:00AM:  Magic of the Bees  Lady Bridget & Lord Riekin 

While all creatures have magical aspects, certain members of the animal kingdom seem to be particularly magical and bees definitely fall into that category!  In this class you will learn (from real beekeepers!) how bees are kept and handled and how they make honey.  You will also learn how important bees are to all of us (particularly if you like to eat), and the many ways their very special energies and symbolism can be used in magic.   

Lady Bridget and Lord Riekin are the HPS and HP of the Witch and Famous Coven and have both been teaching Wicca, Magic, mead making, and other Crafty topics since the early 1990's.  They have both been beekeepers for the past three years, and have "hived" several other successful beekeepers in their community as well.  Lady Bridget is currently the local council membership officer for Everglades Moon, and has been active in CoG for several decades. Lord Riekin has a degree in Forestry and works in the government sector protecting trees and landscape from abuse.  Cat (Lady Arianhwen) is a member of Witch & Famous Coven who just happens to love bees, honey, magic and teaching stuff! 


Page 10: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

1:30PM:  Potions Workshop  Ash the Silent 

Find out the difference between a potion, an elixir, or a tincture as well as what kind of equipment is needed to make infusions such as fluid condensers.  Learn how to find, harvest or purchase ingredients and their correct preparation.  We will also talk about assembling the correct ingredients based on your intent.  We will be making two potions:  a group potion for banishing negative energy and one individual potion for personal intent. 

Ash has been active in the South Florida Pagan community for decades, principally as a High Priestess for the Moonpath Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. She also is a High Priestess Emeritas of the Temple of Ahel Adom, a Goddess‐centered organization for women. She currently is on the Board of the Moonpath Circle, an organization of the Elders of the Pagan community in South Florida. Her primary Craftwork follows a Druidic path – and she is known in the community as a gifted Rune Mistress and for her Potions. 

3:30PM:  Hekate Devotional Ritual  Temple at the Crossroads 

Temple at the Crossroads will be offering a devotional ritual to Hekate along with a guided meditation. 

Temple at the Crossroads is a South Florida devotional group focusing on developing a working relationship with the goddess Hekate. Members hail from various Witch, Pagan and Polytheist paths. We honor one another’s individual and personal relationship with Hekate while celebrating Her together.  


Page 11: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

RITUALS (Grand Salon C&D) Merry Meet is punctuated by ritual, as we are in the service of Coventina, and at the potential mercy of the Ocean Spirits for a wonderful weekend together. With that in mind, the following rites and rituals are being coordinated by our Ritual Committee for your enjoyment and participation through the weekend. If you have any potential accessibility issues, please let us know asap! We will do our best to ensure everyone can participate to the extent they are able. All rituals will be taking place inside the wonderful air-conditioned rooms of the hotel.

Opening Ritual (Thursday 5:30PM) Join us as we welcome the Covenant of the Goddess family to South Florida! We will invoke our matron, Coventina, to watch over Grand Council. We will also introduce the Covenant Ancestor Altar. We invite you to bring a photo to represent a member of our CoG family who has crossed the Veil. Come as you are – ritual robes are not required.

The Gathering of Waters: After Opening Ritual, a small group will participate in a brief visit to the beach to gather ocean water for Main Ritual. If you are interested in joining the visit, you must sign up beforehand on the web site. Please note that this requires movement on sand.

Main Ritual (Saturday 7:30PM) For Saturday Evening, we will call upon the powers of the Ocean Mother of us All to protect those at risk, to ensure all have shelter, and to banish hunger. One quarter of the children of Florida live in poverty. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have sought shelter in Florida over the past year due to hurricanes and political violence. As Witches, we are committed to justice and safety for all. Our Gods protect the vulnerable and hungry, and we listen to Their call. We will join our voices in a call to the Spirits, Orisha, and Gods of the Sea to protect, comfort, and feed our communities, neighbors, and families. Come in your best ritual finery, and please bring a non-perishable food donation to be donated to a local food bank (options will be available on site for our out-of-town ritual participants)

Closing Ritual (Sunday 11:00AM) With thanks to Coventina for the continued health of our Covenant, we say our farewells until our paths cross again. Come as you are – ritual robes are not required.

Page 12: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Main Ritual Information

"Mother of All, Mother of Fishes, Hear our call, our hungry wishes,

That all may be fed, that all may be well, Those who are empty may drink from your shell!"

During Main Ritual we will be calling and inviting numerous gods, goddesses, orisha, and spirits to lend their power and magic to our working. Below is a list of who, and where they come from. YEMAYA Yoruban and Lukumi (Santeria) orisha of the life giving Sea,

"Mother whose children are fish", worshiped in Nigeria, the Caribbean, Brazil, and many areas of the U.S.

MANANNAN MAC LIR Son of the Sea, Irish and Pan-Celtic god of the sea and the mists between the worlds, and lord of various isles of wonder.

QUAN YIN Chinese Mother of Mercy, often shown standing serenely on a dragon as the sea storms around her.

ATABEY One of two supreme zemi of the Arawak people of the Caribbean islands, from the Bahamas, to Cuba, to Dominican Republic and Haiti, and Jamaica. Great Mother figure.

SALACIA The Salty One, Roman goddess, mother of fish, consort of Neptune, equated with the Greek Amphitrite.

ASHERAH Hebrew mother goddess, wife of Yahweh, said to tread upon the Sea, across the Waters like the Word of God in Genesis.

COVENTINA Romano-Celtic goddess of healing springs, Matron Goddess of Covenant of the Goddess.

UKUPANIPO Hawaiian shark god who either steers fish close to land or far away

TETHYS Greek Titaness, font of all fresh water, later associated with the Sea, being equated with Thalassa.

CA ONG Vietnamese Whale God, protects sailors and fisherfolk by guiding them through storms.

NJORD Norse Vanir god of the Sea, associated with the rich bounty of fish.

POTAMOI Greek river gods, the most famous of which, Acheloios, lost one of his giant bull horns to become the Cornucopia.

NEREUS Greek Old Man of the Sea, son of Gaia, father of the fifty Nereid nymph goddesses.

"Earth and Ocean

Sand and the Rolling Sea Wind and Motion

Fire be burned in me! Sail away!

Lightly touch down to Earth and Ocean..."

Page 13: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Leadership Institute (Thursday 9AM-5PM Main Hall) (Grand Salon C&D) Morning Session (Facilitator: Aequitas Sidereus) Communication Tools for Pagan Leaders: Transmuting Disagreement into Purpose As Pagans and Witches, we are known to be fiercely independent, thoughtful, and passionate people, with deeply held points of view and keen perspectives. These qualities make us who we are, and they make us strong. With so many independent folks within our community, how can we align with others toward mutual goals, without compromising or “giving up” our views? Is it possible to move into action when matters that impact our community are at stake, even though we disagree? How can we hear and acknowledge one another when we often find ourselves in moments of divergent opinions and ideas? Participate and engage with interactive role play and demonstrations using a model of communication that puts the focus on our personal relationships with one another, and listening to one another, in authentic dialogue. Learn how to listen and connect, and then move forward into action. Afternoon Session Facilitator: (Facilitators: Canu Nodiad & Rayna Templebee)

The afternoon session of Leadership Institute is dedicated to drafting a proposed mission statement for the Covenant of the Goddess. The session will review the 2017 accomplishments of the Leadership Institute and move into the construction of a possible mission statement. Topics of discussion will include the purpose, goals, and membership of Covenant of the Goddess, and will utilize communication strategies provided in the morning session. It is recommended, but not required, that you participate in both sessions.


During Grand Council, we will have an altar within Main Meeting room for our Covenant members who have crossed the Veil to watch over our work together. We will, of course, have Lady Circe there. We invite you to bring pictures or reminders of our Otherside CogKin to set upon the altar. We also invite you to stop by the altar for a brief Ancestor Veneration Ritual on Friday afternoon at 5:30PM after Grand Council.


Page 14: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

GRAND COUNCIL (Grand Salon C&D)  

Every year, the Covenant conducts its annual business meeting known as Grand Council (GC). Each year the annual gathering is hosted by a Local Council or a group of dedicated Witches for the Covenant. Grand Council is the forum for its members (covens and solitaries) to engage in a consensus process to discuss issues relevant to the operations of the Covenant, review national bylaw changes necessary in a changing world, to decide matters which require deliberation by the full membership and elect the national board of officers. Grand Council provides a unique opportunity to observe the process of decision making utilizing the consensus process.

All Grand Council activities will take place in the Main Meeting room beside the main Atrium of the Hotel. Grand Council will begin at approximately 9AM- but quorum must be first established by our National Membership Office.

The Grand Council agenda will be provided to members.

Please take Special Note: Individuals wishing to view the Grand Council process who are not members of the Covenant must get permission from the National Membership Officer who will be available before and throughout the meeting.

Page 15: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Vendors (Grand Salon E&F) We have some AMAZING vendors joining us for MerryMeet. They will be in the vendor room open from 9:00AM – 6:00PM daily. This is an opportunity to meet some incredible craftspeople and purchase some fantastic wares.


Vendor Name Wares Ardantane Amber K and Azrael’s books, wands with

pouches, Hekate keys and earrings, patches

Broomsquire of Dewy Rose Beautiful handmade brooms and besoms

Dreamcatcher Den Dreamcatchers, soaps, jewelry, wall hangings and readings

Everglades Moon Local Council All sorts of cool witchy stuff

Fiber Magick Author of the book fibermagickcom, Opal Luna explains the spirituality of her crafting. It is a book of shadows to be used as a magical path based on Crafting. They also offer crocheted items and drums.

Góðan Daginn I make wands, knives, wands, axes, wands, boxes, wands, write books about wands, wands, fiction, wands, magical steampunk, wands; do you get the idea I sell wands?

Lourde's Alchemy Shoppe Pagan goods, gift shop type items and dance wear tribal clothing Tarot readings.

Love & Light Spiritual Emporium Crystals, Incense, Candles, Cauldrons, Athames, Tapestries, Jewelry, Altar Cloths, Dreamcatchers, Reiki

Mama Gina CDs and Pagan Music

Page 16: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

NataliaSimone Hand-poured soy candles, hand crafted wax art, homemade body butters

Rabbit Hole Shoppe Hand-blown made in the USA Witch's Balls, glass fusion tiles, and other bobbles such as, glass raindrops, glass prisms.

SpiderSong Flutes Handcrafted flutes in a variety of materials synthetic, bone, horn, woods poplar, pecan, mahogany, maple and walnut to name a few. The wood is mostly reclaimed, and all were something else coffee tables, dressers, tree branches and pianos. SpiderSong Flutes also carries a selection of white sage, tapestries, water and slide whistles, singing bowls and traveling didgeridoos.

Twisted Thistle Farm We make and sell our own cold process soaps. We also have soap accessories such as washcloths and soap dishes.

Witch Way to Heal Magical Soaps, Candles, Crystals, Aura Photos, and Reiki.

Wyllde Woman Creations Spirit Dolls, Fairy Houses and Doors, Treasure Boxes and Mosaics- all hand crafted.

Page 17: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


DARLING IT’S BETTER DOWN WHERE IT’S WETTER (9PM Thursday) (Hospitality Suite room 820) Everglades Moon Local Council invites you to a meet and greet of the members of the Local Council. We will be chatty witches.

MAMA GINA CONCERT (8:45PM Friday) (Grand Salon B) Mama Gina, along with her alter-ego Nine Toes the Bard, travels the country, strumming 12 string acoustic, tapping frame drum and djembe, singing truth with a side of blues, and sharing the mysteries that the Gods, Goddesses and other extraordinary souls whisper in her ear. Mama Gina will be sharing songs from her previous endeavors, as well as highlighting some new, zany songs from her upcoming “Nine Toes the Bard” CD – due out Spring 2017. Bring your friends and family! Bring your shakes, rattles and drums! Get ready to sing along! Come celebrate the Bard!

THE MAGICKAL MIXER COCKTAIL PARTY (Saturday 5:30PM – 7PMish) (Atrium) The Lavender Dragons Coven is hosting a cocktail party. But not much can be revealed. The Lavender Dragons have surprises.

(Saturday 9PM – 11PM) (Terra Ballroom) Groovy like join the dancing, in your favorite Beach Blanket Witchy Garb wihout the sand. DJ Michael Rapposelli will be in the House!

Page 18: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


Page 19: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and


Here is a list of restaurants and shops “Within Walking Distance” of the hotel that offer discounts. Please present your Embassy Suites Fort Lauderdale room key in order to receive the special offers listed below: Service Discount 17 Street Hair Design 10% off services Bistro Mezzaluna’s 10% discount off bill, excluding alcohol Bravo Italian Restaurant Free “Chef’s Choice” appetizer with dinner and 10% off

the bill, excluding alcohol Cold Stone Creamery 10% off or Free Mix-In with a purchase D’Lites Emporium Ice Cream

Complimentary Toppings when you purchase any size Cup or Cone Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt

Dessange Salon and Spa 10% off services, excluding products Duffy’s Sports Grill 10% off the bill E Spot Restaurant 20% off the bill Gilbert’s 17th Street Grill 10% off the bill for Food & Beverage Giuliano’s Italian Restaurant Free “Chef’s Choice” appetizer with dinner – Limit 1 per

table - and 10% discount off bill, excluding alcohol Joe’s Café 10% discount off bill for Food & Beverage JuiceBlendz 20% discount off total bill Kelly’s Landing A free order of their “famous” onion rings with the

purchase of lunch or dinner Lauderdale Grill 15% discount off bill, excluding alcohol Le Macaron French Café 15% discount off total bill Moe’s Southwest Grill 15% discount off total bill Nails in the Corner 10% off services Outback A free blooming onion with purchase of entrée Limit 1

per table Pizzeria Panaretto Complimentary dessert with entrée Prissy Hen Consignment 10% discount with minimum purchase of $25.00 Quarterdeck Cordova Free appetizer with purchase of sandwich or entrée –

Limit 1 per table South Port Raw Bar Complimentary Key Lime Pie or Clam Chowder with

$10.00 purchase Tijuana Flats 10% discount off bill Van Mark Jewelry 10% off your purchase

Page 20: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Area Restaurants and Stores Cordova Road (N of hotel)

17th St & 15th Ave (E of hotel)

Southport Raw Bar (Seafood)

954-525-2526 Einstein's 954-463-1717

Quarterdeck (American) 954-524-6163 Tokyo Sushi 954-767-9922 Starbuck's 954-767-0137

Harbor Shops (S of Hotel)

Cold Stone Creamery


Five Guys (Burgers) 954-358-5862

Giuliano's (Italian) 954-990-4757

South Harbor Plaza (E of hotel) Firehouse Subs 954-768-8990

Carlos & Pepe's Mexican Cantina


Joe's Café (American) 954-760-5637

Siam House (Thai) 954-763-1701 LaBamba (Mexican) 954-306-3746

Carrabba's 954-760-4281

COCO (Asian Bistro & Bar) 954-525-3541

Harbor Café (American)


Gilbert's (American/Burgers)


Market 17 954-835-5507

Duffy's Sports Grill 954-713-6363

Tropical Smoothie Café 954-523-2268

Quay Plaza (A few blocks East) Publix (Grocery/Beer/Wine)

Boatyard 954-525-7400

Bravo's (Italian) 954-523-9441

Southport Shopping Ctr (NE of hotel)

The Indian Harbor (Indian)


I Heart Mac n' Cheese 954-533-4195

Chipotle Mexican Grill


Gyroville 954-640-5488

Shula Burger 954-278-3347 BurgerFi 954-306-3096

Panera Bread 954-640-9265

SE 10th Avenue (W of hotel)

New Hong Kong (Chinese) 954-728-8897

Outback Steakhouse


Pizzeria Trattoria Panaretto 954-530-2784

Bistro Mezzaluna (Italian)


La Spada's Original Hoagies


Vito's Gourmet Pizza 954-463-4033

Kelly's Landing (Seafood) 954-760-7009

Marina Deli 954-524-3354

Page 21: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

Across the Street Fast Food Options Green Bar & Kitchen 954-533-7507 Waxy O'Connor's (Irish Pub) 954-525-9299

PDQ Chicken 954-644-6508

Doughboys Italian Pizzeria 954-761-7652

Dunkin' Donuts 954-817-6292

Greek Express 954-768-5901

McDonald's (Fed Hwy, N of 17th)

Burger King (Fed Hwy, N of 17th)

Taco Bell (Fed Hwy, S of 17th)

Pollo Tropical (Fed, Hwy, S of 17th)

Stores Dollar Tree (Southport Shopping Ctr)

Publix (Harbor Shops) (Grocery/wine/beer)

Office Depot (Southport Shopping Ctr)

Total Wine & Spirits (Harbor Shops)

Ace Hardware (Harbor Shops)

UPS (Causeway Shoppes)

Page 22: Sea Magic Happen!On behalf of Everglades Moon Local Council (EMLC), Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), I’d like to welcome you to Ft. Lauderdale for CoG’s annual business meeting and

General Schedule Below is a general schedule of events. Please use the Events XP app or visit the Registration area for specifics and any changes. Note: Main Hall is in Grand Salon C&D; Vendor Room is Grand Salon C&D; Workshops in Grand Salon B