script - tai chi - tai chi.pdf · tai chi for busy people - script two stages of learning stage 1....

Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there are four movement Modules that consist of the basic “repeatable” postures. Learn the Modules first, before tacking the full script. Begin learning the Modules after you have grasped the basics from the DVD. Use the Module in conjunction with the “Be the Best You Can Be” manual. Practice and repeat these Modules daily, as many times as possible. Over time, you will do and say the Modules hundreds of times. They will become a permanent part of your brain. Some students learning a script like this purchase a voice recorder (i.e. the MicroMemo (Xtrememac) that can record directly into your iPod or any other recorder) and then record the script. They can then listen and practice. This is a terrific step in enhancing your skills and confidence. As a result of your practice and deeper understanding of the Modules, you will be very good at teaching the moves. Stage 2. Learn the Complete Script Once you learn the modules, move onto the Script. The Script contains the Beginning , the Modules (repeated as needed) and the Connecting or non repeated moves and the ending. Simply start at the Beginning, and work on the first moves until they feel comfortable. Then move on as you are ready. One step at a time makes it easy manageable. LINE ON THE FLOOR One of the best teaching tools is the “line on the floor”. It may be a real line (in a school gym or drawn in the sand on the beach), or an imaginary line. Treat the line as if it was about 6 inches wide. This line will help you and your students understand the angles, and will keep your stance strong and at least 6 inches wide. It will also keep everyone going in the same direction. Please refer to the line when you are recording your Certification tape or DVD, and when you teach. Always begin with your heels on the line. As you move into the postures, your right foot stays on the right side of the line, the left foot moves to the left and stays there until Wave Hands. Easy.

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Post on 29-Sep-2018




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Page 1: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT


Stage 1. Learn the Modules

The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there are four movement Modules that

consist of the basic “repeatable” postures. Learn the Modules first, before tacking the full script.

Begin learning the Modules after you have grasped the basics from the DVD. Use the Module in

conjunction with the “Be the Best You Can Be” manual.

Practice and repeat these Modules daily, as many times as possible. Over time, you will do and say

the Modules hundreds of times. They will become a permanent part of your brain.

Some students learning a script like this purchase a voice recorder (i.e. the MicroMemo

(Xtrememac) that can record directly into your iPod or any other recorder) and then record the

script. They can then listen and practice. This is a terrific step in enhancing your skills and


As a result of your practice and deeper understanding of the Modules, you will be very good at

teaching the moves.

Stage 2. Learn the Complete Script

Once you learn the modules, move onto the Script. The Script contains the Beginning, the Modules

(repeated as needed) and the Connecting or non repeated moves and the ending.

Simply start at the Beginning, and work on the first moves until they feel comfortable. Then move

on as you are ready.

One step at a time makes it easy manageable.


One of the best teaching tools is the “line on the floor”. It may be a real line (in a school gym or

drawn in the sand on the beach), or an imaginary line. Treat the line as if it was about 6 inches wide.

This line will help you and your students understand the angles, and will keep your stance strong

and at least 6 inches wide. It will also keep everyone going in the same direction.

Please refer to the line when you are recording your Certification tape or DVD, and when you teach.

Always begin with your heels on the line. As you move into the postures, your right foot stays on

the right side of the line, the left foot moves to the left and stays there until Wave Hands. Easy.

Page 2: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Black – basic structure

Blue – breathing

Red – waist - core and spine

(Anything in parenthesis) – an optional teaching point or metaphor

The Modules and Script offer full instructions for each move. Please notice the color coding. My

suggestion is to teach the black script initially (with no breathing or waist instruction).

Once the student is somewhat comfortable with the basic structure of the move, then as soon as

possible add the breathing instructions (proper tai chi breathing will help students connect with

benefits immediately- like increasing relaxation and energy - increasing enthusiasm and


Then add the waist instructions, to help them increase core flexibility.

You will use the complete instructions later as your students advance. As you become more skilled,

you will be able to speak these instructions in their entirety from move to move.


For your Certification tape or DVD, please feel free to teach one move at a time, slowly and

accurately – in the same way you might teach just one move in depth with your students. I don’t

mind of you turn the camera off and on between moves as you prepare.

Remember (and this is so important) – when you begin teaching, you will only teach one move

every week or two or three, so you can always stay ahead of your students, allowing you to become

more confident and proficient (worked for me…☺)

At the end of the tape, please do the moves from beginning to end, flowing without breaks (you can

talk through them or do them in silence). Camera from the front is fine.


My approach to evaluating your tape will change as a result of this new script. I will rely less on

photos and more on commenting on your teaching (understanding and implementation of the Script

and the accuracy of the moves relative to the teaching of the Script).

Page 3: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Please review this script and practice with it. It is easier than it looks.

That said – I am happy to take suggestions (or corrections, if I have swapped a left and right, or

similar), or any idea to make it even easier and more effective. So please remember that the Script

may change slightly over time.

Page 4: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Tai Chi for Busy People MODULES to Memorize


1. Safety (same script as taught in 4 Minute Fitness)

Every person in this room has a different body, with different strengths, weakness and injuries.

Do not do anything that your doctor, physiotherapist, OT, chiropractor or health care professional

has told you not to do.

Do not do anything you know you shouldn’t do.

Do not do anything if you think it will hurt, or if it hurts.

If you have a history of back pain, be very gentle. Be patient.

If you are pregnant, do any core turning very gently and incorporate any cautions or restrictions

you may have been given by your doctor.

If you have had a hip replacement, incorporate any cautions or restrictions you may have been

given by your surgeon.

(Some of you haven’t taken a deep breath since the late 60’s.) We will be taking deep breaths

during the movements. If you feel dizzy at any point, slow the breathing down to normal and sit

immediately if the dizziness persists or worsens.

If you have arthritis in your knees, you may have to alter moves to avoid any twisting or torque.

Always keep your knee pointing over your toe in any posture.

This class is non competitive. Do not compare yourself to any other student. Trust that your

progress is as it should be for you.

Page 5: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

2. Waist (similar to the 4 Minute Fitness script)

One of the great tai chi benefits comes from learning this key secret of tai chi practice. By

understanding some basic principles, you can increase your back and core flexibility and strength.

Sadly, the majority of tai chi students do not incorporate these principles and hence do not receive

important benefits. We feel this is vitally important and will teach it in most of the moves.

Most people exercise their backs by bending forward and backwards. We will add a third dimension

by teaching you how to twist your back. YOU MUST DO THIS GENTLY AND PATIENTLY,

This twist can be effective in strengthening backs, reducing back pain and moving lymph in your

torso – stimulating the immune system.

By holding your hips still and hold your head still (looking to the front), and rotating your

shoulders, you gently rotate every vertebrae in your spine.

In essence, by holding the top and bottom still and CAREFULLY turning a shoulder under your

chin – you create a powerful torso and back stretch that can dramatically improve your health and


3. Breathing (same script as taught in 4 Minute Fitness)

99% of us breathe poorly. We take shallow, panting breaths that keep us alive, but do not allow us

to thrive. The style of tai chi breathing we will teach you and incorporate into the movements will

help you become better breathers.

We will breathe in through the nose to warm and clean the air. And breathe out through the mouth

(although some prefer to breathe out through their nose, and that is OK). Please do not “close your

throat” to control the air going out. Use the belly to control air speed, leaving the throat wide open.

As we breathe in, the belly expands (gets big). As we breathe out, the belly contracts (gets smaller),

forcing the air out. This is opposite to the way most people breathe. The only way to improve

breathing is to practice daily, so here we go.

Place your hands on your belly. Begin drawing a huge breath in through your nose and feel as if it is

going right down to the bottom of the belly, filling the belly as it expands into your hands. Then let

the air fill the chest as it expands.

When the lungs feel completely full, begin exhaling as the belly begins to contract (forcing the air

out). Feel the hands go in. The chest also relaxes, completing the emptying process.

If you feel dizzy, be cautious. With some practice, you will feel less and less dizzy.

Page 6: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

4. Benefits of this style of deep tai chi breathing (same script as taught in 4 Minute Fitness)

- Increases relaxation. Deep breathing produces a reflex called a “Relaxation Response”.

There are receptors (like buttons) deep in the chest. Taking a deep breath presses these

receptors and produces an almost instant state of relaxation.

- Feeds our cells. Each of our cells does something like 2000 – 5000 major functions per

second. They need oxygen to function well. Most of us breathe so poorly that they just

barely get enough. Deep breathing provides the fuel they need to thrive, and increases our

energy and sense of vibrancy.

- Improves immune function. Our torso is filled with a fluid called lymph. Lymph is a vital

part of our immure system and it must move to be effective. It only moves if we move.

Taking a deep breath, especially in conjunction with torso twisting, moves the lymph and

increases its effectiveness in protecting our bodies.

Page 7: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Beginning posture - Partition of Wild Horses Mane Left

(left leg forward, left hand extended)

(From this posture), Turn your hands so the palms face each other (effectively holding a beach ball)

Sink back , left foot turns 22 – 45 degrees as you begin to inhale

Start turning your shoulder, taking the ball to the left.

Continue this rotation, holding the hips still while further turning the shoulders. At this point,

you will feel a twist in the torso. The hand stay directly in front of the chest – the twist is

created by turning the shoulders. (Do not allow the hands to continue without the shoulder turn –

all the turn comes from the shoulders turning, so the hands stay in front of the chest).

When the turn and the inhale is complete, lift the right (rear) foot and SLOWLY bring the right

foot forward as you begin to slowly exhale.

Don’t step – rather, relax on the left leg and PLACE the right foot into a balanced stance, keeping it

on the right side of the line (about 6 inches width between feet).

Use your back leg to drive the left hip closed (parallel to the side wall), weight 70% on the front


In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your right toes when you

look down past your right knee.

Totally relax into the posture as you complete the exhale.

Page 8: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Beginning posture for this Module – Repulse Monkey Left

(begin with your right arm/right leg forward, weight on your left leg, left hand in groin)

As you inhale, left hip opens slightly – feeling as if it is pouring the left hand to the side. (This hip

opening allows the hand to escape, and then move back).

Left arm swings down and back, in ¾ of a circle. Right arm lifts up, going only goes ¼ of a circle

(holding the tiger’s nose) (Left arm moves farther than right, so it moves FASTER than right)

Right foot SLOWLY steps back, staying on the right side of the line.

Do not move your arms as you as you step back (by holding the arms in the extended position for

longer, you will feel a twist in the torso when you step back. Hold the Tiger for as long as possible

before changing hands.)

As you exhale, left arm then comes forward past the left ear, and settles into a palm forward

position (once again holding the tiger’s nose), chest height. Front foot straightens.

Right arm drops into the groin, palm up as you relax into the posture – left hip squares to front wall.

Spine remains upright, all the weight on the back foot as you complete your exhale.

Page 9: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Beginning posture for this module - Single Whip

As you inhale, use your back leg to push (transfer) all your weight to the front, un-weighting the

back leg. Sink onto the front foot, and SLOWLY place the back foot into a longer stance – keeping

it on the right side of the line.

As you exhale, open your hips as the back foot opens past 90 degrees – opening to the back corner.

As the torso turns, the right arm stays in the “single whip” position, left hand coming to inside of

the right elbow.

As you inhale, sink onto the right leg PUSHING THE KNEE DIRECTLY OVER THE RIGHT

FOOT. (This will create a lot of distance between the knees, and a good hip stretch). Sink as low as

is comfortable, keeping torso upright (NO LEAN. People will want to bend at the waist rather than

sink onto the back leg).

Left had sweeps forward as if showing off the left foot.

As you exhale, begin to transfer the weight to your front foot as it turns 22 – 45 degrees. Feel as if

the right arm is pulling the right leg forward and up. Bring all your weight onto the left leg, as the

right leg comes up parallel to floor, into Golden Cock Stands on One Leg.

Golden Cock stands on Left Leg. If your balance is good, bring the thigh parallel to the ground. If

balance is poor – carefully lift the leg just off the ground, going higher as your balance improves.

Kick - right

As you inhale, slowly kick right leg forward (as high as is comfortable), toe pointed. Right arm

extends forward, left arm pulls back as you kick.

As you exhale, leg and arms come back to position, all weight on back leg.

Page 10: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there


Beginning posture – moving from one wave hands to next

Standing feet 6 inches apart, facing front wall, left hand on center, fingers facing up (just

under chin) and right arm directly below – fingers.

(Note on breathing – you always exhale when the hands are sweeping across the body, and inhale

when the shoulders are turned and the hands are in the corners.)

As you inhale, begin turning your shoulders and hips to the left (arms will also passively follow the

movement), transferring your weight to the left leg, beginning to un-weight the right leg.

Hips stop at about a 20 degree turn as shoulders continue the turn closer to 90 degrees.

To assist this turn, the bottom hand will continue moving (reaching along your line), staying

under the right.

With all the weight on the left leg, SLOWLY place the right leg about shoulder width apart.

Right hand comes up, left hand goes down (they change places) as you continue the inhale

(Now you begin moving to the right.)

As you exhale, the shoulders turn back to the right, with the arms following, hands still over and

under, always in front of the chest.

As your weight shifts to the right, the bottom hand stays under the top and reaches to the right


Hips stop at about 20 degrees, but shoulder keep turning as the hands move to the right.

As your move to the right side is almost complete, begin to inhale.

With all your weight now on your right foot, bring the left foot up to about 6 inches from the right.

Your bottom hand comes to the top and the top hand comes to the bottom (they change places).

As you exhale, begin turning the shoulders and hips to the center (ending up in the position that you

began, one hand over the other).

Page 11: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

COMPLETE SCRIPT – to memorize

BEGINNING – Bow and Arms Raised and Lowered

Standing tall, feet together, with heels on line. Feel as if your spine is hanging (like a string of

pearls blowing in the wind)

Take a deep breath, deep into the abdomen and filling the chest, then exhale.

Breathing in, peel off you left foot, place it at least shoulder width apart. Exhale.

Arms raise to shoulder height as you inhale

Right hand grasps left thumb and fold into the bow as you exhale

Let your body relax and hang down

Start to stack the vertebrae and come back up as you inhale

Hands separate and the arms float down as you exhale

Arms raising again from the centre coming up to shoulder height as you inhale and then floating

down as you sink onto your feet, exhaling

Page 12: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Moving into Partition of Wild Horses Mane Left

Shift weight to left, right hand over the ball, right foot turns 45 degrees as you slowly inhale,

shift back to the right foot, placing left hand under ball

SLOWLY place the left foot on the left side of the line (about 6 inches between your feet) into

balanced stance as you begin to exhale, using your back leg to drive the right hip closed (parallel to

the side wall), weight 70% on the front foot.

Totally relax into the posture as you complete the exhale.

In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your left toe when you look

down past your left knee.

Partition of Wild Horses Mane Right

The hands simply turn so the palms face each other (effectively holding another beach ball)

Sink back , left foot turns 22 – 45 degrees as you begin to inhale

Start turning your shoulder, taking the ball to the left.

Continue this rotation, holding the hips still while further turning the shoulders. At this point,

you will feel a twist in the torso. The hand stay directly in front of the chest – the twist is

created by turning the shoulders.

When the turn and inhale is complete, lift the right (rear) foot and SLOWLY bring the right foot

forward as you slowly exhale.

Don’t step – rather – relax on the left leg and place the right foot into a balanced stance, keeping it

on the right side of the line (about 6 inches between your feet).

Use your back leg to drive the left hip closed (parallel to the front wall), weight 70% on the front


Totally relax into the posture as you complete the exhale.

In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your right toes when you

look down past your right knee.

Page 13: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Partition of Wild Horses Mane Left

The hands simply turn so the palms face each other (effectively holding another ball)

Sink back, right foot turns 22 – 45 degrees as you begin to inhale

Start turning your shoulder, taking the ball to the left.

Continue this rotation, holding the hips still while further turning the shoulders. At this point,

you will feel a twist in the torso. The hand stay directly in front of the chest – the twist is

created by turning the shoulders.

When the turn and inhale is complete, lift the left (rear) foot and SLOWLY bring the left foot

forward as you slowly exhale.

Don’t step – rather – relax on the left leg and place the left foot into a balanced stance, keeping it on

the right side of the line (about 6 inches between feet).

Use your back leg to drive the right hip closed (parallel to the front wall), weight 70% on the front


Totally relax into the posture as you complete the exhale

In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your left toes when you look

down past your left knee.

Stork Cools Wings

As you inhale, right foot takes half a step (sneaks up). Then sink back on the right foot, leaving the

left foot empty, toe just touching the ground.

As you exhale, right arm drives up your center line and then rotates into Stork, palm up. The hand

is just above the eyes (any higher and the shoulder raises).

Left hand sweeps down protecting the groin, palm down.

(The hands and arms form an “S” shape when seen from the front.)

Page 14: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Repulse Monkey Left

(Now we reverse direction, going back the way we came)

As you inhale, right arm swings down and back, in ¾ of a circle. Left arm lifts up, going only goes

¼ of a circle (holding the tiger’s nose)

,Left foot SLOWLY steps back, staying on the left side of the line.

Do not move your arms as you as you step back (by holding the arms in the extended position for

longer, you will feel a twist in the torso when you step back. Hold the Tiger for as long as possible

before changing hands.)

As you exhale, right arm then comes forward past the right ear, and settles into a palm forward

position (once again holding the tiger’s nose), chest height. Front foot straightens.

Left arm drops into the groin, palm up as you relax into the posture – right hip squares to front wall.

Spine remains upright, all the weight on the back foot.

Repulse Monkey Right

As you inhale, left hip opens slightly – feeling as if it is pouring the left hand to the side. (This hip

opening allows the hand to escape, and move back).

Left arm swings down and back, arm parallel to the ground. Right arm reaches forward (holding the

tiger’s nose)

Right foot SLOWLY steps back, staying on the right side of the line.

Do not move your arms as you as you step back (by holding the arms in the extended position for

longer, you will feel a twist in the torso when you step back. Hold the Tiger for as long as possible

before changing hands)

As you exhale, left arm then comes forward past the left ear, and settles into a palm forward

position (once again holding the tiger’s nose), chest height. Front foot straightens.

Right arm drops into the groin, palm up as you relax into the posture – left hip squares to front wall.

Spine remains upright, all the weight on the back foot as you complete your exhale.

Page 15: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Repulse Monkey Left

As you inhale, right hip opens slightly – feeling as if it is pouring the right hand to the side. (This

hip opening allows the hand to escape, and move back).

Right arm swings down and back, arm parallel to the ground. Left arm reaches forward (holding the

tiger’s nose)

, left foot SLOWLY steps back, staying on the left side of the line.

Do not move your arms as you as you step back (by holding the arms in the extended position for

longer, you will feel a twist in the torso when you step back. Hold the Tiger for as long as possible

before changing hands)

As you exhale, right arm then comes forward past the right ear, and settles into a palm forward

position (once again holding the tiger’s nose), chest height. Front foot straightens.

Left arm drops into the groin, palm up as you relax into the posture – right hip squares to front wall.

Spine remains upright, all the weight on the back foot as you complete your exhale.

Repulse Monkey Right

As you inhale, left hip opens slightly – feeling as if it is pouring the left hand to the side. (This hip

opening allows the hand to escape, and move back).

Left arm swings down and back, arm parallel to the ground. Right arm reaches forward (holding the

tiger’s nose)

Hold the arms in that position (when you then step back, you will feel a twist in the torso.)

,Right foot SLOWLY steps back, staying on the right side of the line.

As you exhale, left arm then comes forward past the left ear, and settles into a palm forward

position (holding the tiger’s nose), chest height. Front foot straightens.

Right arm drops into the groin, palm up as you relax into the posture – left hip squares to front wall.

Spine remains upright, all the weight on the back foot as you complete your exhale.

Page 16: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Single Whip

Relax (sink) onto the supporting leg. As you inhale, right hand swings out to the right side

(pointing to front wall), up to shoulder height, arm with just a slight bend at the elbow, the hand

forms a crane hand.

SLOWLY place the left leg forward on the left side of the line (remember to place, not step) about 6


As you exhale, use you back leg to drive the right hip closed (parallel to the side wall), weight 70%

on the front foot.

In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your left toes when you look

down past your left knee.

Totally relax into the posture as you complete your exhale.

Page 17: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Snake Creeps Down – right

As you inhale, use your back leg to push (transfer) all your weight to the front. Sink onto the front

foot, and SLOWLY place the back foot into a longer stance – keeping it on the right side of the line.

As you exhale, open your hips as the back foot opens past 90 degrees – opening to the back corner.

As the torso turns, the right arm stays in the “single whip” position, left hand coming to inside of

the right elbow.

As you inhale, sink onto the right leg PUSHING THE KNEE DIRECTLY OVER THE RIGHT

FOOT. (This will create a lot of distance between the knees, and a good hip stretch). Sink as low as

is comfortable, keeping torso upright (NO LEAN. People will want to bend at the waist rather than

sink onto the back leg).

Left had sweeps forward as if showing off the left foot.

As you exhale, begin to transfer the weight to your front foot as it turns 22 – 45 degrees. Feel as if

the right arm is pulling the right leg forward and up. Bring all your weight onto the left leg, as the

right leg comes up parallel to floor, into Golden Cock Stands on One Leg.

Golden Cock stands on Left Leg. If your balance is good, bring the thigh parallel to the ground. If

balance is poor – carefully lift the leg just off the ground, going higher as your balance improves.

Kick - right

As you inhale, slowly kick right leg forward (as high as is comfortable), toe pointed. Right arm

extends forward, left arm pulls back as you kick.

As you exhale, leg and arms come back to position, all weight on back leg.

Page 18: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Snake Creeps Down – left

As you inhale, sink touch your right foot to the ground and push (transfer) all your weight to the

front. Sink onto the front foot, and SLOWLY place the back foot into a longer stance – keeping it

on the left side of the line.

As you exhale, open your hips as the back foot opens past 90 degrees – opening to the back corner.

As the torso turns, the left arm sweeps in the “single whip” position, right hand coming to inside of

the left elbow.

As you inhale, sink onto the left leg PUSHING THE KNEE DIRECTLY OVER THE LEFT

FOOT. (This will create a lot of distance between the knees, and a good hip stretch). Sink as low as

is comfortable, keeping torso upright (NO LEAN. People will want to bend at the waist rather than

sink onto the back leg).

Right had sweeps forward as if showing off the right foot.

As you exhale, begin to transfer the weight to your front foot as it turns 22 – 45 degrees. Feel as if

the left arm is pulling the right leg forward and up. Bring all your weight onto the left leg, as the

right leg comes up parallel to floor, into Golden Cock Stands on One Leg.

Golden Cock stands on Left Leg. If your balance is good, bring the thigh parallel to the ground. If

balance is poor – carefully lift the leg just off the ground, going higher as your balance improves.

Kick - left

As you inhale, slowly kick left leg forward (as high as is comfortable), toe pointed. Left arm

extends forward, right arm pulls back as you kick.

As you exhale, leg and arms come back to position, all weight on back leg.

Page 19: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Strike Tiger in Both Ears

As you inhale, sink onto the supporting leg and SLOWLY place your left foot forward on the left

side of the line, into a strong balanced stance.

As you exhale, drive your right hip forward into balances stance (70% of the weight on the front

foot). At the same time, draw your hands to your back to your hips, then circle your soft fists

forward as if you were striking both ears of an opponent (as if you are drawing circles on a

chalkboard with a piece of chalk in each hand). Hands will be at your ear height.

Sink into posture, shoulders relaxed as you complete the exhale.

Page 20: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Wave Hands as Clouds – moving to right (you will face front of room)

As you inhale, use your front leg to push your right hip open as you begin to turn 90 degrees to the

right. Left foot turns 90 degrees (caution with arthritis – foot stepping and compensation may be

needed to avoid any painful twists).

Now both heels are on the right side of the line.

Arms follow the shoulder turn. Right arm stays up, left arm sweeps down and to the right, under the

right arm. (From here on, the hands stay over and under each other.)

Notice here that the hips are turned 20 – 45 degrees, but the shoulder can turn as far as 90

degrees (producing a powerful core turn)

Left hand comes up, right had sweeps down. Left foot steps up beside right foot.

As you exhale, shoulder turn back to the left, with the arms following, hands still over and under,

always in front of the chest.

Page 21: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Wave Hands – One

As you inhale, begin turning your shoulders and hips to the left (arms will also passively follow the

movement), transferring your weight to the left leg, beginning to un-weight the right leg.

Hips stop at about a 20 degree turn as shoulders continue the turn closer to 90 degrees.

To assist this turn, the bottom hand will continue moving (reaching along your line), staying

under the right.

With all the weight on the left leg, SLOWLY place the right leg about shoulder width apart.

Right hand comes up, left hand goes down (they change places) as you continue the inhale

(Now you begin moving to the right.)

As you exhale, the shoulders turn back to the right, with the arms following, hands still over and

under, always in front of the chest.

As your weight shifts to the right, the bottom hand stays under the top and reaches to the right


Hips stop at about 20 degrees, but shoulder keep turning as the hands move to the right.

As your move to the right side is almost complete, begin to inhale.

With all your weight now on your right foot, bring the left foot up to about 6 inches from the right.

Your bottom hand comes to the top and the top hand comes to the bottom (they change places).

As you exhale, begin turning the shoulders and hips to the center (ending up in the position that you

began, one hand over the other).

Page 22: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Wave Hands – Two

As you inhale, begin turning your shoulders and hips to the left (arms will also passively follow the

movement), transferring your weight to the left leg, beginning to un-weight the right leg.

Hips stop at about a 20 degree turn as shoulders continue the turn closer to 90 degrees.

To assist this turn, the bottom hand will continue moving (reaching along your line), staying

under the right.

With all the weight on the left leg, SLOWLY place the right leg about shoulder width apart.

Right hand comes up, left hand goes down (they change places) as you continue the inhale

(Now you begin moving to the right.)

As you exhale, the shoulders turn back to the right, with the arms following, hands still over and

under, always in front of the chest.

As your weight shifts to the right, the bottom hand stays under the top and reaches to the right


Hips stop at about 20 degrees, but shoulder keep turning as the hands move to the right.

As your move to the right side is almost complete, begin to inhale.

With all your weight now on your right foot, bring the left foot up to about 6 inches from the right.

Your bottom hand comes to the top and the top hand comes to the bottom (they change places).

As you exhale, begin turning the shoulders and hips to the center (ending up in the position that you

began, one hand over the other).

Page 23: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Wave Hands – Final

As you inhale, begin turning your shoulders and hips to the left (arms will also passively follow the

movement), transferring your weight to the left leg, beginning to un-weight the right leg.

Hips stop at about a 20 degree turn as shoulders continue the turn closer to 90 degrees.

To assist this turn, the bottom hand will continue moving (reaching along your line), staying

under the right.

With all the weight on the left leg, SLOWLY place the right leg about shoulder width apart.

Right hand comes up, left hand goes down (they change places) as you continue the inhale

(Now you begin moving to the right.)

As you exhale, the shoulders turn back to the right, with the arms following, hands still over and

under, always in front of the chest.

As your weight shifts to the right, the bottom hand stays under the top and reaches to the right


Hips stop at about 20 degrees, but shoulder keep turning as the hands move to the right.

With all your weight now on your right foot, TURN THE LEFT FOOT AT LEAST 45 DEGREES.

Page 24: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

Single Whip

As you begin to inhale, left had sweeps up and to the front wall, hand forming a crane hand and

your weight shifts to the left foot, freeing the right leg.

The right hand rotates into the crook of the left elbow.

Sink onto the left leg and place the right leg on the right side of the line (so there is at least 6 inches

between the feet. Most students instep here, so be sure you adopt a wide stance and fully afce the

side wall).

As you exhale, use you back leg to drive the right hip closed (parallel to the side wall), weight 70%

on the front foot.

Totally relax into the posture as you complete your exhale

In this posture, your torso is upright and you should just be able to see your left toes when you look

down past your left knee.

Page 25: SCRIPT - Tai Chi - Tai Chi.pdf · Tai Chi for Busy People - SCRIPT TWO STAGES OF LEARNING Stage 1. Learn the Modules The first Module is for important lessons/explanations. Then there

High Pat on Horse

As you inhale, use your front foot to push open your left hip. This un-weights your front foot which

then turns 45 degrees.

Shift your weight to the right foot, freeing up the left foot which is placed to down as you now face

the front wall.

Right hand pushes to the front wall, palm out while at the same time the left hand falls into the groin

palm up.

Exhale as you sink into this posture, all your weight on your back leg.


As you inhale, place your left foot down and transfer weight to it so both legs are bearing equal


Draw a big circle with both arms as you begin to squat down, keeping the spine upright.

Then exhale as you come up. The hands cross and then open shoulder height, then the arms simply

float down.

Final Bow

Arms raised to shoulder height as you inhale

Right hand grasps left thumb and fold into the bow as you exhale

Let your body relax and hang down

Start to stack the vertebrae and come back up as you inhale

Hands separate and the arms float down as you exhale

As you inhale, shift your weight to the right foot, peeling the left foot off the ground..

Bring the left foot to 6 inches and exhale.

Breathe in and out several times before completion.

Congratulations - you are done.