scream opening analysis

Scream opening analysis The first thing you see in the opening of Scream (1996) is the title transition from white to red. Red is a common theme in horror films it is used to emphasise danger, Fear and also the colour of blood. This shows the audience that it is going to be a horror film and most likely have slasher elements with high use blood.

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Scream opening analysis.


Scream opening analysis

Scream opening analysis

The first thing you see in the opening of Scream (1996) is the title transition from white to red. Red is a common theme in horror films it is used to emphasise danger, Fear and also the colour of blood. This shows the audience that it is going to be a horror film and most likely have slasher elements with high use blood.

Scream opening analysis

This still taken from the opening sequence of Scream (1996) displays the technique of a film cutting straight to a action sequence. The use of a medium close up shots allows the audience to see the emotion in the characters face and transfer the fear onto the audience, this paralleled with intense non diegetic music makes the audience feel uneasy and establishes the tone of the film that will be present throughout.

Scream opening analysis

An establishing shot of a house at night used in the opening sequence of scream. The use of the establishing shot is to show where the action is going to take place, Inside of the house. It also helps set the scene for the action to take place. Only the house is illuminated with a dark background to show it is at night and to build suspense and mystery.

Scream opening analysis

The use of the crackling popcorn is pivotal in the opening sequence of scream. The loud unsettling diegetic sound emitting from the popcorn creates tension in the scene, it keeps the audience on edge. The loud pop noises from the popcorn almost overwhelm the sound of the scene and bring it to a climatic end.

Scream opening analysis

The use of tracking shots in the opening sequence of scream place the audience in the scene, you feel that you are standing behind the character, this creates tension. Placing the audience within in the scene gives the audience a sense of perspective and builds atmosphere of tension.