scotts task1

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  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    A factory near your home has recently started using loud machinery at night. You are not happy about


    Write a letter to the local council. In your letter:

    describe the situation

    explain why you are not happy say what you want the local council to do about the situation

    Writing Lab 1, Task 1:

    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing in relation to an issue that is causing problems for me in my local area. There is a bicycle factory thatis making a lot of noise late at night and I am unable to sleep.

    I am currently working as a chef and when I arrive home, I am completely exhausted. After spending a little timerelaxing, my need for sleep is vitally important. I usually go to bed around 11:00pm but even at that late hour, thenoise from the factory does not stop! I am sure you can understand my great frustration with this situation.

    I would like to strongly urge a member of the council to visit the bicycle factory and remind them that 11pm issimply too late to be creating such loud noises. I would also appreciate a formal, written notice be sent to thebicycle factory reminding them that it is illegal to be working so late near a residential area.

    I look forward to a positive outcome regarding this matter.

    Yours faithfully,

    Marcello Davis

    (171 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bulletpoints)

    Was it easy tounderstand and were

    the ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (ie. describe the situation; explain why you are not happy and; say what youwant the local council to do about the situation)

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am writing I am currently I would strongly urge you to I look forward to a positive outcome

    Was the vocabulary

    appropriate? the tone is formal to a council member you do not know

    the closing salutation is correct and formal when the letter begins

    with Dear Sir/Madam - Yours faithfully

    spelling and punctuation are good

    approximately 180 words

    Was the grammar

    accurate? the grammar is correct

    You are living in an English-speaking country and want to arrange some English lessons to help with

    your job. You notice an advertisement for an English teacher who lives nearby.

    Write a letter to the local teacher. In your letter:

    explain where you saw the advertisement

    say what and why you want to study

    suggest where and when you would like to study

    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Mr. Jennings,

    I was recently browsing the advertising section of the local newspaper when I came across your advertisement forEnglish lessons. I would like to receive some English instruction from you.

    I am currently working as a salesman in a local telephone shop and I find that I am not able to communicate aseffectively as I would like to. I think that my lack of English ability is causing me to lose out on some sales. Iwould therefore appreciate your help in developing my fluency in customer sales. I would like you to teach me how

    to generally communicate better with customers.

    I would like to begin the lessons early next week. Do you have a designated classroom or are we able to study atmy home? If it is possible, I would prefer to study at my home. Please contact me any time on 98 473 232 todiscuss a suitable time.

    I really hope that you will be able to help me to become a better salesman!

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Yours sincerely,

    James Li

    (170 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy to

    understand and were

    the ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    The letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. explains where you saw the ad; states what and why you want to studyand; where and when to study).

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I was recently I am currently I would (therefore) appreciate I really hope that you will be able to

    Was the vocabularyappropriate? the tone is formal to a teacher you havent met before

    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses an actual name (because you saw his ad

    in the newspaper) so the appropriate closing is Yours sincerely.

    170 words

    Was the grammaraccurate? the grammar is correct

    A friend from overseas has contacted you about an idea for a new business he/she is planning to start in

    your country.

    Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

    explain about the business environment in your country

    describe the most popular products in your country

    say what you think about the business idea

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Dimitri,

    What a surprise to receive your letter yesterday! I am thrilled to read that youre planning to start an English schoolhere in Korea!

    It seems as though you have a well thought out business plan so this will greatly help your future success.However, Id like to offer some caution: dont think that its going to be easy to be successful over here. There aremany Westerners who come to Korea and open businesses and end up losing all their money. I hate to benegative, but I dont want this to happen to you! I have to say however, that along with computers, mobile phonesand iPods, English is a very popular product here in Korea.

    I think that your idea of establishing an English school in Korea has a good chance of being successful. I think youshould come over for a visit soon to determine the best location and interview some local people for staff positionsin the school.

    Ill do all I can to help you to be successful!

    See you soon!


    (174 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bulletpoints)

    Was it easy to

    understand and werethe ideas well


    good logical flow of ideas

    The letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. about the business environment (in Korea); the most popular productsand; the writers opinion of the business idea).

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am thrilled It seems as though However, Id like to I have to say I think that/you... Ill do all I can...

    Was the vocabulary the tone is informal to a friend

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1



    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses the actual name of your friend

    (because you saw his ad in the newspaper) and the closing is appropriately

    informal See you soon!

    174 words

    Was the grammaraccurate? the grammar is correct

    A carpenter recently did some work in your home, but there are some things that have not turned out as

    you wanted.

    Write a letter to the carpenter. In your letter:

    describe the work that has been done

    say what you are unhappy about

    describe what you would like the

    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Mr. Timmons,

    I am writing about the recent work you did on my kitchen cupboards. While most of the work you completed was

    acceptable, unfortunately there is one major thing that will require additional attention from you.

    As you are well aware, the job you were paid to perform was to make and install new kitchen cupboards. I amhappy that most of them have been well installed however, there is a problem with some of the doors.Unfortunately several of them are not closing properly. Last night my wife hit her head on the corner of one of thedoors and this caused some bleeding.

    What I require is that you return to properly finish the job you were paid to do. I am expecting visitors fromoverseas next week and I do not want work being done while they are here. I therefore request that you fix thisproblem on either Thursday or Friday of this week. Please contact me to confirm the day.

    I look forward to your prompt attention.

    Yours sincerely,

    Igor Jarbatnick

    (171 words)

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy tounderstand and werethe ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. the work that has been done; what the writer is unhappy about and;

    what the writers wants the carpenter to do)

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am writing about Whileunfortunately... As you are well aware I am happy to sayhowever... What I require... I therefore request... I look forward to...

    Was the vocabularyappropriate? the tone is formal this is a letter of complaint

    spelling and punctuation are good

    the opening salutation uses the name of the carpenter (the writer

    must have met him if he had done work at his home)

    The closing is appropriately formal when the receivers name is used

    Yours sincerely.

    171 words

    Was the grammaraccurate? the grammar is correct

    carpenter to do

    You took your family to a near-by restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to

    complain to the manager.

    Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter

    explain why you were at the restaurant

    describe the problems

    write about the action you want the manager to

    Sample Answer

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    (Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    On December 16th a group of six of my family members went to your restaurant to celebrate my mothersbirthday. We attended at your restaurant because it is close to our home and we had heard some good comments

    about your food from some of your past patrons.

    Unfortunately, when we ordered the family sized pizza, we found that there was barely enough to feed three ofour party of six! Your servings were simply too small for the price that you charged. I think that it would be a goodidea to either change the amount of food you serve to your customers, or reduce the cost of the meals because atthe moment I think your prices are too high for the amount of food you serve.

    I think the quality of the food itself was fine, only the amount of food served and cost were disappointing. I hopeyou will be able to implement these suggestions because we would like to eat at your restaurant again in thefuture.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mattias Staganalli

    (172 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy tounderstand and werethe ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. why the writer was at the restaurant, a description of the problem and;the action the writer wants the manager to take)

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    On December 16th Unfortunately...we found I that it would be a good idea to... I think the qualitywas fine...only the amount I hope that you will...because

    Was the vocabulary

    appropriate? the tone is formal this is a letter of complaint

    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses Dear Sir or Madam so when we do not

    know the name of the recipient, the correct formal closing is Yours faithfully.

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    172 words

    Was the grammar

    accurate? the grammar is correct

    You are employed full-time and also doing a part-time evening course. You are not able to continue the


    Write a letter to the course lecturer. In the letter

    explain why you cannot continue the course

    describe the situation

    say what you will be doing

    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Mr. Brown,

    I am writing to you regarding the course I am currently studying at your institution. Unfortunately, I am notgoing to be able to continue my studies with you because I have had to take on additional work responsibilities.

    Despite the long hours I am currently working as a day cleaner, the money I have been earning is not sufficientto support my family. As a result, I am forced to take on some additional night cleaning work with anothercompany.

    This new cleaning position has created an obvious conflict with my current part-time studies at the college. Iam reluctant to cease my studies and hope to continue with them once my financial situation becomes a littlemore manageable. I have been enjoying my studies and hope to continue them next year - can my fees betransferred to next year?

    I am hoping that next year this new night-time cleaning position will not be necessary but at the moment, I amforced to pursue this course of action.

    I look forward to your response and thank you for your time.

    Yours sincerely,

    Leo Chen

    (182 words)

    Why this answer would score well

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Was the questionanswered?

    all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE

    bullet points)

    Was it easy to understand

    and were the ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    The letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the

    question (i.e. why the writer cannot continue the course, a description ofthe situation and; the action the writer will take).

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am writing to you

    Unfortunately I am not

    As a result...

    I been enjoying

    I am hoping

    I look forward

    Was the vocabularyappropriate?

    the tone is formal this is a letter to an academic institution

    spelling and punctuation are good

    the opening salutation uses Dear Mr. Brown (the writer obviously

    would know the name of his/her instructor)

    The closing is appropriately formal when a real name (Mr. Brown)

    is used - Yours sincerely.

    171 words

    Was the grammaraccurate?

    The grammar is correct.

    You recently had your computer fixed at the local computer store however you are not pleased with the

    service you received.

    Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter

    describe the situation

    explain why you are dissatisfied say what action you want the manager to take

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the level of service I recently received while at your computer store.

    I have been having problems with my computer hard drive lately so on Tuesday last week (April 11) I decided to go

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    to your store to get it repaired. I was forced to stand in a long line, waiting to be served, carrying a heavy harddrive while several of your staff laughed, drank coffee, and generally did a very poor job of serving yourcustomers. In my opinion, their behaviour was completely disrespectful and made a very bad impression upon allthose waiting to be served. To make matters worse, as the line progressed, several of your staff simply looked atme as I struggled to pick up and then carry the hard drive!

    I was so disappointed with the service that I returned to my car. I expect some compensation for theinconvenience your rude staff caused me. I would like my computer fixed for free.

    I await your response.

    Yours faithfully,

    Zbigniew Wrobel

    (172 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy to

    understand and werethe ideas well


    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. it described the situation, explained why the writer was dissatisfied and;

    the action the writer wants the manager to take)

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am writing to express ...on Tuesday last week In my opinion... To make matters worse I expect I await

    Was the vocabulary

    appropriate? the tone is formal this is a letter of complaint

    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses Dear Sir or Madam so when we do not

    know the name of the recipient, the correct formal closing is Yours faithfully.

    172 words

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Was the grammar

    accurate? the grammar is correct

    Last week you met a director of a large company that operates in your city. Yesterday, you received an

    email from him asking if you would like to work in his company. You are not interested in the job.

    Write a letter to the director. In your letter:

    thank him/her for the job offer

    explain that you are happy in your current job

    suggest someone who may be suitable for the position

    Dear Mr. Sargent,

    It was a real pleasure to meet you last week and a great surprise to receive your email as well.

    I was truly surprised by your very kind offer to join your company as a sales consultant. I feel very humbled byyour offer and pleased that you have considered me suitable for such an important position within your company.

    Unfortunately, in this instance I must reluctantly decline your kind offer. As I mentioned in our discussions lastweek, I am currently working for Microsoft and enjoying immensely my sales position there. The work isdemanding, but as part of a sales team I am learning a great deal and see myself working towards an executiveposition in the near future.

    In the meantime, may I recommend my friend Adam onowski as a strong potential candidate? He has a strongbackground in sales and is currently looking to improve his experience and professionalism. He can be reachedon mobile 042 658 934,

    Once again, many thanks for your kind consideration and offer.

    Yours sincerely,

    Zbigniew Wrobel

    (179 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the question


    all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy tounderstand and werethe ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of thequestion (i.e. the director is thanked for the job offer, an explanation aboutthe current job is given and; a suitable person is suggested for the position)

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I was truly surprised I feel very humbled... Unfortunately... In the meantime Once again

    Was the vocabularyappropriate? the tone is formal this is a business letter to a director of a large


    spelling and punctuation are good

    the opening salutation uses Dear Mr. Sargent - the writer met the

    manager (last week) so it is obvious that the name of the director is known

    the closing is appropriately formal when a real name (Mr. Sargent) is

    stated - Yours sincerely

    179 words

    Was the grammar

    accurate? the grammar is correct

    You have recently noticed that a popular childrens playground in your local area is in bad condition.

    Write a letter to the local council. In the letter

    say why you feel the playground is important

    describe its current condition

    say what you want the council to do

    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing about an important issue that relates to the children living in our local area the local playground. Theplayground located in Robson Park is used by many children over the course of a week. It is the source of muchfun and laughter, a safe meeting place for many children.

    Unfortunately, I have recently noted a problem with the playground it is looking very run-down and generally inbad condition. The seats on the swings are broken and the slide appears to have some rusty screws whichchildren could easily tear their clothes on. I also am worried about there being no shade for the children in timethere could be a legal problem related to skin cancer!

    I strongly suggest that immediate repairs be made to the seats and slide. The issue with the shade is something Ifeel the council should seriously consider. Childrens young, fair skin is highly susceptible to sunburn and a largeshade roof would help to solve the problem.

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Our local children will surely appreciate the improvements!

    Yours faithfully,

    Oscar Robles

    (184 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the questionanswered? all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy tounderstand and were

    the ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. why the playground is important, the current condition of the playgroundand; what the writer wants the council to do)

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    I am writing about Unfortunately... I am also worried... I strongly suggest

    Was the vocabularyappropriate? the tone is formal a letter of complaint

    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses Dear Sir or Madam so when we do not

    know the name of the recipient, the correct formal closing is Yours faithfully.

    184 words

    Was the grammaraccurate? the grammar is correct

    Your friend visited you and stayed at your house for a week. He/she left this morning and left his/hermobile phone at your house.

    Write a letter to your friend. In the letter

    say how you felt about the visit

    explain that the phone was left at your house

    recommend a way to return the phone

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Sample Answer(Time taken: approx. 18-20 minutes)

    Dear Tina,

    Hello my friend! I guess you are surprised to hear from me so soon? I must say that I totally enjoyed your visit thispast week!

    A few hours after you left, I began doing some cleaning up in your guest room and guess what I foundyourmobile phone! Actually, Im surprised that I was able to find your phone because it was lying under the bed. Itmustve fallen between the bed and the wall. Anyway, its now sitting on my kitchen bench and ready to bereturned to its owner.

    Im wondering, how you would like me to get the phone back to you? There are a few options but probably thebest would be via overnight mail. The problem is I dont know your new physical address could you send it to mevia email ([email protected]) that way I can return the phone to you faster.

    Anyway, it was great spending some time with you and I look forward to spending some more time together soon!

    Your friend,


    (174 words)

    Why this answer would score well

    Was the question


    all aspects of the question have been covered (i.e. all THREE bullet


    Was it easy tounderstand and were

    the ideas wellorganised?

    good logical flow of ideas

    the letter is well-organised, it covers all the aspects of the question

    (i.e. how you felt about the visit, the phone was left and; a recommendedway to return it)

    there are good linking words/ideas throughout the answer:

    A few hours ago Actually, Im surprised... Anyway, its now... Im wondering how

    Was the vocabularyappropriate? the tone is informal a letter to a friend

    spelling and punctuation are good

    The opening salutation uses Dear Tina the name of the friend and

  • 8/3/2019 scotts task1


    Your friendis an appropriate closing

    174 words

    Was the grammar

    accurate? the grammar is correct