science year 5 final exam

Nama : _________________________________ Tahun : 5 _____________ SULIT 018 SAINS OKTOBER 2010 1 JAM 15 MINIT SRAI MUHAMMADIAH PEKAN SABAK, 45200 SABAK BERNAM SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN-2010 TAHUN 5 SAINS 1 JAM 15 MINIT JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas ini mengandungi 2 bahagian. 2. Jawab semua soalan 3. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis pada ruangan jawapan yang disediakan pada kertas soalan. 4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat sehingga bersih. Kemudian tuliskan jawapan yang baru.

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Page 1: science year 5 final exam

Nama : _________________________________ Tahun : 5 _____________








1. Kertas ini mengandungi 2 bahagian. 2. Jawab semua soalan3. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis pada ruangan jawapan yang

disediakan pada kertas soalan.4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda

yang telah dibuat sehingga bersih. Kemudian tuliskan jawapan yang baru.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 17 halaman bercetak termasuk muka hadapan

018@2010 [Lihat sebelah


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SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutesAnswers all the questions.

Instruction: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer.

1 Which of the following are the ways to prevent the spread of diseases caused by microorganisms?Antara yang berikut, manakah yang merupakan cara untuk menghalang penyebaran penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma?I By washing hands before handling food

Dengan membasuh tangan sebelum mengendalikan makananII By covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

Dengan menutup mulut dan hidung semasa batuk dan bersinIII By covering up wounds

Dengan membalut lukaA I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III

2 Which of the following show the ways animals ensure the survival of their species?Antara yang berikut, manakah menunjukkan cara haiwan-haiwan memastikan kemandirian spesies mereka?

I A frog lays many eggs.Seekor katak bertelur banyak.

II A kangaroo carries its young in its pouch.Seekor kanggaru membawa anaknya di dalam kantungnnya.

III A tiger catches a deer.Seekor harimau menangkap rusa.

A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III

3 The information below is related to the survival of animal species.Maklumat di bawah berkaitan dengan kemandirian spesies haiwan.

Which of the following animals is animal X? Antara yang berikut, manakah haiwan X?A Chicken B Snake

Ayam UlarC Lizard D Crocodile

Cicak Buaya

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Animal X does not take care of its eggs. To ensure the survival of its species, animal X lays eggs in a hidden place.Haiwan X tidak menjaga telurnya. Untuk memastikan kemandirian spesiesnya, haiwan X bertelur di tempat yang tersembunyi.

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4 Which of the following characteristics are important to plant seeds that are dispersed by wind?Antara ciri-ciri berikut, manakah yang penting bagi biji benih pokok yang disebarkan oleh angin?I Light

RinganII Sweet taste

Berasa manisIII Have wings

Mempunyai sayapA I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III

5 The diagram below shows a food chain in a vegetable garden area.Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu rantai makanan di kebun sayur.

vegetables caterpillar bird sayur-sayuran ulat beluncas burung

What will happen if pesticide is sprayed on the garden?Apakah yang akan berlaku jika racun serangga perosak disemburkan pada sayur-sayuran?I The yield of the vegetables increases.

Hasil sayur-sayuran meningkat.II The bird will eat the vegetables.

Burung akan makan sayur-sayuran.III The number of birds will decrease.

Bilangan burung akan berkurang. A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III

6 The diagram below shows a symbol of a component in an electric circuit.Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu simbol komponen di dalam litar elektrik.

What is represented by this symbol?Apakah yang diwakili oleh simbol ini?A Switch B Wire

Suis WayarC Bulb D Dry cell

Mentol Sel kering

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7 The diagram below shows a food web.Rajah menunjukkan satu siratan makanan.

Paddy Padi

Rat CaterpillarTikus Ulat beluncas

Snake P Ular

What is the animal represented by P?Apakah yang diwakili oleh P?A Grasshopper B Rabbit

Belalang ArnabC Frog D Fox

Katak Musang

8 What is the change of energy involved in a radio?Apakah perubahan tenaga yang berlaku di dalam radio?A Electrical energy → heat energy

Tenaga elektrik → tenaga habaB Electrical energy → sound energy

Tenaga elektrik → tenaga bunyiC Electrical energy → light energy

Tenaga elektrik → tenaga cahayaD Electrical energy → kinetic energy

Tenaga elektrik → tenaga kinetik

9 Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?Antara berikut, manakah yang merupakan sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui?A Natural gas B Solar

Gas asli SolarC Petroleum D Coal

Petroleum Arang batu

10 Which of the following possesses kinetic energy?Antara yang berikut, manakah yang mempunyai tenaga kinetik? I Water flowing in a river

Air yang mengalir di dalam sungaiII A moving fan

Kipas yang berpusingIII Blowing of the wind

Tiupan anginA I and II only C II and III onlyB I and III only D I, II and III

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11 We need to use energy wisely to…Kita perlu gunakan tenaga dengan bijak untuk....I save cost.

menjimatkan kosII avoid wastage.

mencegah pembaziranIII reduce pollution.

mengurangkan pencemaranA I and II only B I and III onlyC II and III only D I, II and III

12 Which of the following can convert kinetic energy to electrical energy?Antara yang berikut, manakah yang menukar tenaga kinetik kepada tenaga elektrik?A Dynamo B Solar cell

Dinamo Sel solarC Dry cell D Accumulator

Sel kering Akumulator

13 The diagram below shows a bulb. Which is the part labelled as A, B, C or D that converts electrical energy to light and heat energies when electric current flows through the bulb? Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu mentol. Antara bahagian A, B, C atau D, manakah yang menukar tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga cahaya dan haba apabila arus mengalir melalui mentol?

14 The picture below shows a few types of electrical appliances.Gambar di bawah menunjukkan beberapa jenis peralatan elektrik.

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What is the similarity between the electrical appliances shown above?Apakah persamaan di antara peralatan elektrik yang ditunjukkan di atas?A They convert electrical energy to light energy.

Kesemuanya menukar tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga cahaya.B They convert electrical energy to heat energy.

Kesemuanya menukar tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga haba.C They convert electrical energy to kinetic energy.

Kesemuanya menukar tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga kinetik.D They convert electrical energy to light and heat energies.

Kesemuanya menukar tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga cahaya dan haba.

15 Which of following devices does not use the reflection of light?Antara peralatan yang berikut, yang manakah tidak menggunakan pantulan cahaya?A the side mirror of a car.

cermin sisi kereta.B the mirror at the sharp bend of a road.

cermin di selekoh tajam jalan raya.C the periscope.

periskop.D the telescope.


16 Which of the following shows the similarity between evaporation and boiling?Antara yang berikut, manakah yang menunjukkan persamaan antara penyejatan dan pendidihan?A A change of gas to liquid

Perubahan gas kepada cecairB A change of solid to liquid

Perubahan pepejal kepada cecairC A change of liquid to gas

Perubahan cecair kepada gasD A change of liquid to solid

Perubahan cecair kepada pepejal

17 Azie holds a balloon as shown in the diagram below.Azie memegang sebiji belon seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam rajah di bawah.

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The shape of the balloon can be changed easily because the air…Bentuk belon itu boleh berubah dengan mudah kerana udara......A occupies space. B has mass.

memenuhi ruang mempunyai jisimC has no fixed shape. D cannot be seen.

tidak mempunyai bentuk tetap tidak boleh dilihat

18 A few cubes of ice added to a glass of orange juice. Drops of water are formed on the outside wall of the glass as shown in the picture below.Beberapa ketul ais ditambahkan ke dalam gelas berisi jus oren. Titisan air terbentuk pada dinding luar gelas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di bawah.

What is the taste of the drop of water formed?Apakah rasa titisan air itu?A Sweet B Sour

Manis MasamB Salty C Tasteless

Masin Tawar

19 What happens when water is heated until it boiled?Apakah yang berlaku apabila air dipanaskan sehingga mendidih?A The water becomes water vapour.

Air menjadi wap air.B The water vapour becomes gas.

Wap air menjadi gas.C The water becomes lighter.

Air menjadi lebih ringan.D The volume of the water becomes increases.

Isipadu air semakin meningkat.

20 Which of the following processes are involved in the formation of clouds and rain?Antara proses berikut, manakah yang terlibat dalam pembentukan awan dan hujan?I Freezing III Condensation

Pembekuan KondensasiII Evaporation

PenyejatanA I and II only B I and III onlyC II and III only D I, II and III

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orange juicejus oren

drop of watertitis air

ice cubeskiub ais

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21 The table below shows the observations to indicate the properties of liquids X, Y and Z with the use of litmus paper.Jadual di bawah menunjukkan pemerhatian apabila tiga cecair X,Ydan Y diuji dengan menggunakan kertas litmus.



X Changes the colour of red litmus paper into blueMengubah kertas litmus merah menjadi biru

Y No change on the blue and red litmus paperTidak mengubah warna kertas litmus biru atau merah

Z Changes the colour of blue litmus paper into redMengubah kertas litmus biru menjadi merah.

What is the conclusion can be drawn from this test?Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada ujian ini?

X Y ZA Neutral



BerasidB Acid



C AlkaliBeralkali



D NeutralNeutral

Acid Berasid

Alkali Beralkali

22 The pupils below take different types of drinks. Murid-murid di bawah meminum minuman yang berbeza.

Who is having an acidic drink?Siapakah yang minum minuman berasid?A Raju B SobriC Ali D Ashraf

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• Raju drinks coffee. Raju minum kopi.• Sobri drinks syrup. Sobri minum sirap. • Ali drinks pineapple juice. Ali minum jus nanas.• Ashraf drinks chocolate. Ashraf minum coklat..

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23 What is the use of constellations?Apakah kegunaan buruj?A To indicate time

Untuk menentukan masaB To indicate direction

Untuk menentukan arahC To study orbits of planets

Untuk mengkaji orbit planet-planetD To form patterns

Untuk membentuk corak

24 Which of the following constellations points to the south?Antara buruj yang berikut, manakah yang menunjuk ke arah selatan?A Southern Cross B Big Dipper

Pari BidukC Orion D Scorpion

Belantik Skorpio

25 The following information is related to the rotation of the Earth.Maklumat berikut adalah berkaitan dengan putaran bumi.

Which of the following are the effects due to the movement of the Earth?Antara berikut, manakah yang merupakan kesan daripada pergerakan bumi?I Day and night.

Siang dan malam.II The length of the shadow on the Earth changes bayang-bayang di bumi berubah.

Panjang bayang-bayang di bumi berubah.III The position of the shadow on the Earth changes.

Kedudukan bayang-bayang di bumi berubah.A I and II only B I and III onlyC II and III only D I, II and III

26 The diagram below shows a phase of the Moon.Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu fasa bulan.

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The Earth completes one rotation every 24 hours. Bumi melengkapkan satu putaran setiap 24 jam. The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east. Bumi berputar pada paksinya dari barat ke timur.

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What is the phase of the Moon at this time?Apakah fasa bulan ketika ini?A New moon B Crescent

Anak bulan Bulan sabitC Full moon D Half moon

Bulan penuh Bulan separa

27 The table below shows the results of an investigation on the formation of shadows.Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan suatu penyiasatan terhadap pembentukan bayang-bayang.


Length (cm)Panjang (cm)


8.00 a.m./ 8.00 pagi 30 West/Barat11.00 a.m./11.00 pagi 10 West/Barat2.00 p.m./ 2.00 petang 10 East/Timur6.00 p.m./6.00 petang 30 East/Timur

How does the length of shadow change from morning to the evening?Bagaimanakah panjang bayang-bayang berubah dari pagi ke petang?A Becomes longer

Semakin panjangB Becomes shorter

Semakin pendekC Becomes shorter and then becomes longer

Semakin pendek dan kemudian semakin panjangD Becomes longer and then becomes shorter

Semakin panjang dan kemudian semakin pendek

28 What is the lunar phase that can be seen on 14th and 15th according to lunar calendar?Apakah fasa bulan yang boleh dilihat pada hari ke-14 dan ke-15 berdasarkan takwim qamari?A New moon B Crescent

Anak bulan Bulan sabitC Full moon D Half moon

Bulan penuh Bulan separa

29 The picture below shows a structure.Gambar di bawah menunjukkan satu struktur.

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Which of the following buildings has the same shape as the structure shown above?Antara bangunan berikut, yang manakah mempunyai bentuk yang sama seperti struktur di atas?



30 Which of the following is most stable?Antara berikut, yang manakah paling stabil?A




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SECTION B [20 marks] Time: 30 minutesAnswers all the questions.Instruction: Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 The table below shows the changes of the water level in a cylinder that is placed exposed to sunlight.Jadual di bawah menunjukkan perubahan aras air di dalam silinder yang diletakkan terdedah kepada cahaya matahari.


Water level (ml)Aras air (ml)

7.00 a.m./pagi 2008.00 a.m./pagi 2009.00 a.m./pagi 19910.00 a.m./pagi 19611.00 a.m./pagi 191

12.00 noon/tengah hari 1831.00 noon/tengah hari 173

2.00 p.m./petang 1663.00 p.m./petang 162

(a) What is the aim of this experiment?Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?


____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) What happens to the rate of change of water level from 9 a.m. to 12 noon?Apakah yang berlaku pada kadar perubahan aras air dari 9 pagi hingga ke 12 tengah hari?

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(c) Give a reason for your answer in (b).Berikan sebab bagi jawapan kamu di (b).

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(d) Write a hypothesis on this experiment.Tulis satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.


[1 mark]

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2 The table below shows the changes in temperature readings of water in a glass beaker for 10 minutes.Jadual di bawah menunjukkan perubahan bacaan suhu air di dalam satu bikar kaca bagi tempoh 10 minit.Time (minutes)Masa (minit) 0 2 4 6 8 10The temperature of water (C)Suhu air (C)

24 29 34 39 36 33

(a) State the changes of the temperature of the water shown in the table above.Nyatakan perubahan suhu air yang ditunjukkan dalam jadual di atas.

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) Why does the temperature of the water increase from 0 minute to the 6th minute?Mengapakah suhu air meningkat dari 0 minit ke minit yang ke-6?

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(c) What can you say about the decrease of the temperature of the water after the 6 th

minute?Apakah yang boleh kamu katakan mengenai penurunan suhu air selepas minit ke-6?

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(d) State the conclusion that can you make from the results of the experiment.Nyatakan kesimpulan yang dapat kamu buat daripada keputusan eksperimen.


____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

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3 The diagram below shows two types of constellations, X and Y.Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua jenis buruj, X danY.

(a) Name the constellations.Namakan buruj yang berikut.

X: ______________________________

Y: ______________________________[1 mark]

(b) State the patterns that are represented by these constellations.Nyatakan corak yang diwakili oleh buruj-buru ini.

X: ______________________________

Y: ______________________________[1 mark]

(c) State the directions that are shown by the constellations.Nyatakan arah yang ditunjukkan oleh buruj-buruj ini.

X: _______________________________

Y: _______________________________[2 marks]

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4 The diagram below shows an investigation to study the formation of shadows Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu penyiasatan untuk mengkaji pembentukan baying-bayang.

(a) What is the aim for this investigation?Apakah tujuan bagi penyiasatan ini?


[1 mark](b) What must be kept the same throughout the investigation?

Apakah yang mesti dimalarkan sepanjang penyiasatan ini?

____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Write two observations based on the investigation.

Tuliskan dua pemerhatian berdasarkan penyiasatan ini.

1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________ [2 marks]

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2.00 p.m. 2.00 petang

4.00 p.m. 4.00 petang

6.00 p.m. 6.00 petang

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5 A group of pupils built three models of structure as shown in the diagram below.Sekumpulan murid membina tiga model struktur seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di bawah.


The number of books that can be supportedBilangan buku yang boleh disokong

J 3K 8L 6

(a) What is the aim of this investigation?Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?


___________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) State the following.. Nyatakan yang berikuti. Things to change:

Perkara yang diubah:

__________________________________________ii. Things to observe:

Perkara yang diperhatikan:

___________________________________________[2 marks]

(c) What is the relationship between the thing to change and the things to be observed?Apakah hubungan antara perkara yang diubah dengan perkara yang diperhatikan?

____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

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Disediakan oleh: Disemak oleh: Disahkan oleh:

____________________ _______________________ _______________________ Pn. Roslini bt Che Ismail Pn. Norazizi bt Mohd IshakGuru Sains Tahun 5 Ketua Panitia Sains GPK KurikulumSRAI Muhammadiah SRAI Muhammadiah SRAI Muhammadiah

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Answer Scheme Science Year 5 End Year Examination


1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 D

11 D 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 D 16 C 17 C 18 D 19 A 20 C

21 C 22 C 23 B 24 A 25 A 26 D 27 C 28 C 29 C 30 D


1 (a) To study the rate of evaporation at the different times of the day (b) Decrease at a faster rate

(c) The rate of evaporation becomes faster. (d) The rate of evaporation depends on the temperature of the time of the day.

2 (a) Increases and then decreases(b) The water in the beaker is being heated.(c) The heating has stopped.(d) The gain of heat causes the temperature to increase, while the loss of heat causes the temperature to decrease

3. (a) X: Southern Cross Y: Big Dipper(b) X: A kite Y: A ladle(c) X: South Y: North

4 (a) To investigate a shadow formed on the Earth(b) The object that is used(c) 1. The shadow faces east. 2. The shadow becomes longer

5. (a) To show the relationship between the height and the strength of a structure(b) i. The height of the model ii. The number of books that can be support(c) When the height of the model of the structure increases, the load that can be held decreases

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